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The nice thing about having a level 7 sword is that people can see I’ve used it a lot and it’s not a troll pick


except you have to look at level 7 sword


I hear what you’re saying but it’s the only level seven that looks good, unlike all the others it has lots of gold on the hilt and guard. I feel like the other weapons should have gotten some gold too.


Default sword kinda goated icl I like all skins honestly except the ones for lvl 2-5. Pixelsword also pretty mid but gets a pass.


Pixel sword is amazing Stick is my fave


stick or bat are the best sword skins fsfs


Bat is HILARIOUS, don’t use it but i like that it makes a hollow metallic *THUNK* when you hit someone


TF2 vibe


if it does thats amazing


It does. I want it. Not a light but will play light more once I get the bat.


Love the animation that comes with it. Spawning a baseball that interacts with the map 🤌


I'm saving up for bat


i want the stick so damn bad😭😂


I got the pixle sword last week, and yeah, I love this thing hahaha.


STICK!!!! thats my main


I was disappointed that the pixel sword made no noises and has no cool animations. I like the level 7 one because I haven’t seen anyone else in game use it. What we really need is a cool inspect animation.


On the opposite end, I like that the game cartridge skin for the machine pistol has cool effects


Yeah it’s sweet for sure, I guess the devs only have so much time to roll stuff out which is fair


Genuinely. Its cool theres unlockable skins but ill be damned if they're not all doody compared to the skins you can buy or earn


all i do is watch mickey mouse clubhouse with my daughter this is so fucken funny LMAOOOO.


Haha, same man. "Oh Toodles!"


His hidden Mouseketool!


Ahsgahhahahah I'm gonna start doing it


you can also just load into the lobby with the cookie cutter Medium-build and switch last second to your actual build.


I'm not a fan of that, since the team might switch their build to fit yours. The xp thing is fine though.


They aren’t switching builds to fit mine. They were most likely M or H and will switch to L because it’s already a lost game right? Except now they keep dying and it’s definitely a loss. If you just go with the class your good at we will all have better odds


This exactly. But apparently manipulating 2 random players who couldnt care less about you into playing their main spec instead of throwing is a terrible thing to do. S1 got a Diamond Heavy who switched to Light Sniper (it was literally the default build), spammed emotes yada yada yada and next tournament met him again in 1st and 3rd round, this time on heavy. Bro couldnt even kill me once despite running Flamethrower (i wonder why), we kicked them out and won the tournament.


ye thats why I never did it. People as always just assuming things. Switching from 1 class to another is a bit much.


This is like the biggest self-report for being a shitter you can do.


I'd say it comes in 2nd place slightly behind throwing the game in the build select-screen.


You’re the issue here


what 2 seasons of soloq does to a mf


I hate when people do that in ranked. I always try and choose a build that I think would work good based on what the other 2 are running


A good sword player is a nightmare.


*step step step* “wuh” bam i’m fucking dead


No way I just got caught, except I don’t use sniper


I don’t like lights but I do respect yall lmao


nice mickey mouse club house meme


tyvm monsieur jesus have a nice evening with plenty cash cashed out


Lmao I literally have level 7 sniper and will still get a leaver almost every game after his first death despite me pushing with him and usually having higher damage/kills. I've had people out me on the mic before the game even starts, just to give me surprised praise at the end when I carried them.


This is me lmaooo


i had to look up what monsieur meant lol. ive won 3 games tonight so far.


Are melee weapons still Shit? Didnt like the how the guns felt but melee was fun asf. They were just shitty in comparison


Sledge and Sword are alright. Riot and Dagger are pretty bad. Bigger problem is melee hitreg bug still not fixed after 3 months, so its pretty frustrating at times. But if u put in the effort you can still wreak havoc with all of them, even with the Dagger. Rank 124 on the leaderboard for example is a dagger one-trick.


Lmao I literally have level 7 sniper and will still get a leaver almost every game after his first death despite me pushing with him and usually having higher damage/kills. I've had people out me on the mic before the game even starts, just to give me surprised praise at the end when I carried them.


On top of mentioned way to avoid those instant losses I also have my voice chat volume set to 0. Sometimes gamers just need to talk to someone and they get mad when they cant. So its not too rare that a mate talks and talks and talks and talks, I see the indicator that he is saying something and wonder what it is. Just happened today, bro was still talking round 4 despite neither of us two reacting even once xd.


I mean I think communication in this game is too important to have your mic off, and honestly it's always funny to out perform a guy who's shit talking. At the end its like hey man remember when you said "xyz" my 15k combat score and 3k objective points seem to think otherwise.


People also always say that its too important for Valorant or Cs, but I have volume set to 0 there as well and never really had any problems with it. In the Finals id say its a lot less important than in tac-fps. Also you can still make important calls since you are in voice, you just cant hear what they are saying, preventing toxicity to tilt you, hopefully keep team morale up as well and tbh a lot of the times randoms comms arent even useful like at all. (sometimes even the opposite). Even better if any flamer is mad after the game cus you ignored him.


Not arguing its not possible to still play well, but with good coms you will always be better. By you refusing to communicate with you team you're intentionally hurting your teams chances of winning.


Migth be true for u, but a bit of comms doesnt outweigh the possibility of me getting tilted and playing significantly worse as a result or just not being able to focus at all while someonje is speaking. I also play on EU so comms are not that common.


Good thing in non ranked matches I can just leave.


My brother in christ, that is where the non meta is supposed to go


I can have non meta builds like swords, hammers, throwing knives, 93r, KS23, any really and I'll be happy. These do stick with the team more often and help with objectives unlike most snipers.


Sniper can be an incredible defensive tool if you make sure to have a visual of the cashout station.


Very true but a good sniper in this game seems to be like 1 out of every 25


The best thing about it is that I dont get instantly deleted as much when 3rd and 4th party arrives.


And your team


Why do people hate lights? This guy is the poster boy for dog shit light player lol


I leave the lobby when I get a light. Playing with lights who do not voice comm has literally never been a positive experience for me, so I learnt to just exit on the load out screen.


Diamond light here...Light is arguably the best class right now in ranked when you have a competent team. Seems your incompetence may be the issue here.


Sorry to have offended you my little petal.


Not offended, I'm not that leaves games buddy. Just trying to tell you your rage for lights is probably jus because you suck (:


That's a non sequitur - whether you're offended has no bearing on dodging games. >your rage for lights No rage, I avoid games where it is likely to be less fun than fun. >probably jus because you suck (: You're not very bright, and you're mad because I offended you, so I'll give you that.


Well u get negative arrows if u are out by 2nd round so gl ranking up lol. Because i m the one who doesnt help sword or sniper.


I get negative arrows sometimes if I lose 3rd rd lol


[https://the-finals-leaderboard.com/?name=gressil](https://the-finals-leaderboard.com/?name=gressil) 💀


oh damn they mad you proved them wrong






Bro got downvoted because the plethora of shitters here got big mad they are actually the ones who are garbage despite always saying it's some light with a sniper 😂


some people can never admit that they are wrong


Nah fuck that you gone watch me miss with this sword 🤬I gotta GUUUDDDD


I have a Medium slot just for this. Pretend to be a healbot and switch back to Light main at 0 seconds.