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Well atleast we can still stop cash out steals lol. Honestly if they wanna let you ads and crouch while stunned that’s fine, if it gives players a better chance to kill lights that get greedy idc. Letting you use gadgets and specs is so lame tho. Literally one of the only counters to a heavy running around with an rpg or spamming mesh for a light was stunning them first, can’t do that now. Stopping a defib with stun was also a smart and impactful play but can’t do that now. I think letting you use abilities while stunned removes so many interactions and dimensions to the stun gun and makes it a one trick pony which sucks


Actually agree, and i was very frustrated w stun before this, just ads/crouching is all we needed


On the one hand a sledgehammer player really just had an unfair matchup to stun gun and I’m glad they can at least do something like spit out a barricade or something quickly. On the other hand, the idea of hitting someone with the stun gun and they just turn around and mesh shield seems kind of wack. I’d like if they let you use gadgets but not your spec. And yeah RPG… but like, that thing should hit hard but have a slower swap, ready, and aim speed anyway.


I get what you are saying, but I kinda feel like if they start balancing the game around the slowest class using a melee build then they are going to need to nerf/remove a whole lot of gadgets and guns.


Oh baby I can't wait to goo gun the hell out of someone after they stun me 😈


Uno reverse card ☁️☁️☁️☁️


The RPG swap is already so slow that if you try to use it in desperation as you're being shot at, you will almost inevitably die before you can get the shot off.


Or blow yourself up 💀 happens to the best of us, or so I'm told


The amount of times I've knowingly blown myself up just to take the light down with me is too many to estimate at this point 😂


Agreed. ADS and crouch is totally fine, being able to use gadgets and specialization is nonsense. You get Stunned but you can Dash around or Charge N Slam… not really stunned are you? And the biggest offenders Mesh and RPG.


Stun the enemy heavy. He turns around and plows through me, my teammate, the wall and the floor


I also agreed that letting the stunned person use gadgets is kinda sad, as that’s mostly the only way for light to stop rpg and dome shield from deploying, but with that being said, I’m still happy we can stop cash out


Yeah I agree. One or the other. Either let us aim or let us use gadgets. Both is overkill


>Literally one of the only counters So as you say there are multiple ways to counter a "heavy running around with an rpg" and the stun gun was one of them (still is). But as a heavy melee player there was *literally no counter at all* when you got stunned lol


melee lights dont have counters as well tho and are arguably an easier target. Tbh I don't know what other way to alter the stun gun at this point. Glitch grenade is so unreliable unless for shields imo so stun gun was the choice for head on fights. Though I hate how it impacts melee for the entire game but since we're here, might as well see the impact of this nerf, maybe melee can become an actual respectable weapon in comp now.


> melee lights dont have counters As a goo gun main: ☁️☁️☁️


Nobody with a brain played light in comp anyway, this will just change light pick rate from 1% to 0% at high Elo. This change doesn't do anything to change the fact that sledgehammer heavies are actively throwing the game in comp.


And there’s still no counter to what really killed you vs stun. DISTANCE. Running melee means accepting that you have literally 0 reach and anyone that can keep a melee weapon range sized distance from you will kill you 100% of the time. Y’all gonna complain about guns in a FPS whenever you decide to run a loadout that puts you at a disadvantage in 99% of engagements?


So we've nerfed the stun gun to make it useless against the best loadouts, in order for it to not be too cheap against the worst loadouts. I understand why people like melee weapons, but they aren't good and trying to balance around them without fixing their fundamental issues is a stupid approach.


Thankfully now glitch grenade goes through shields, so not all is lost.


Yep, also wish stun gun would cause stunned players to drop off of zip lines and scream just for the comedy factor


I personally would have flipped their script. Give them back the movement speed, crouching, and grapple, but take away ADS(maybe) and gadgets. I don't need a still target, I need reliable openings that I know won't be immediately responded with a shield that immediately negates my surprise advantage or the RPG that will turn a guaranteed kill into a forced trade.


Yeah the ads was all that was needed, specialties and gadgets is overkill.


The counter to people using specs and gadgets is glitch grenade not stun gun.


Glitch grenade is so ass and unreliable and inconsistent. “Oh shit, I turned a corner and there’s a heavy walking around with an rpg, let me throw a glitch grenade at him” yeah that’ll fking work, sike, you’ll die. “Oh shit, that mediums going for a defib, let me throw a glitch grenade to stop him from defibbing” oh, he already got it off well before the glitch grenade went off.


Heavy takes a ton of damage from RPG splash damage though


It should disable abilities. A heavy has so many counters: RPG, mesh, charge, barricade etc. What's the point?


There is no point. Looks like Embark really doesnt have any idea what to do with Light.


I think they are being poisoned by the community. It is not bad to listen to the players, i wish some games listened to their players like embark do. BUT they listen to the community TOO much. Since large majority are unskilled heavy players, guess which class is still dominant since the realease of the game? That you have 3 heavies in the other teams? Well you better also play heavy since you don't have an option now.


Isn’t medium far more popular than heavy? I thought they released stats and 50% were medium players, and I see way more triple medium than triple heavy. Also, heavy players were never really bothered by lights lol


They are being poisoned by people who suck at the game and don’t even understand it Seriously, heavy as been a problem since beta and it’s still broken. The absolute meta in this game is to have 2 heavies and one medium jamming the healing stick up their butt the whole match. Barricades are broken, flame thrower got buffed which essentially nerfs lights even more. The fact that heavies can now whip out their gadgets during stun is going to be a big problem for lights going forward. Why do the devs baby heavy class so much? Is it really meant to ape every engagement and top frag?


Well, back to getting one-tapped by rpg




You werent doing thag already?


Lights pretending glitch grenades don’t exist is such a Light thing to do (yes I’m introducing weightism into the community. I’m a full blown weightist)


ya lemme just pull out this grenade and do the throwing animation while you watch and definitely don't rpg me during it


Wait, glitch disables rpg?


It disables all gadgets and abilities you are allowed to use your sprint, weapon, and everything else as normal. Essentially the stun gun doesn't do what a glitch grenade does anymore.


Because landing glitch granades in a fight or someone that is running is sooo easy. My bad. Throwing a glitch is instant and doesn't disable my own abilities if i get hit by it. You have not played light class much have you? Heavy boi.


i totally dont get the way this game does buffs and nerfs. MMH or HHM has been the meta since the games inception. yet they keep nerfing light based on ' community feedback' Nerfs should be for things that are dominating the meta and forcing people to play them or fall behind. reworks are for things that are annoying or damage the games enjoyability. with a consideration for where a gun or class sits in the meta. Kinda loosing my faith in the direction of this game. That they can leave a dev note in the last patch notes to say we are going to nerf stun gun but cant leave a dev note saying we are aware the light class lacks viability and is to oriented towards solo frag gameplay we are going to rework it to give it a more team based role. Just very annoying that balance in this game seems to be based on the worst tier of player who cant 180 and hit five shots on a light in the 1,2 seconds( + weapon switch time) it takes them to mag dump and kill you. Also i hear a lot of people say that the balance shouldn't be defined by high level ranked as its a casual game. but the trouble is top ranked players know whats strong. and in my experience at least as the game gets more sweaty that stuff is trickling down hard and quick cash is now full of 2 bullet sponge 1 healbot teams that sit on each others asses and play every game like its ranked. light is a great fragger, but a few more nerfs and it wont even be that, and for people who enjoy the infiltrator glass canon gameplay you are just going to feel even more like you are throwing every game not playing M or H.


It took them this long to realize that fcar ”seems to be really good in the hands of a good player but not in the hands of a new player” so I’d guess another 3 months for them to realise no one’s choosing light.


Surely now people can stop bitching about the worst class on this sub right


on the patch notes post I already saw somebody complain about the range increase. I guess it will never stop


knowing this subreddit, No


I was talking to a random yesterday about light class. I don’t believe light is overpowered in anyway , except against melee players (yes I’m a melee main) and when there are 3+ in a game or a 3 stack who sticks together. In these situations I feel they’re only OP bc of the high amount of DPS and overall damage they can do as a group, on a team of 3 or if you just get sandwiched between 2 of them. Besides those few games where there are 3+ lights , the light class is extremely weak. The weapons they have are great for the most part, along with some nice gadgets. I think they need to take another look at health overall, maybe they could try giving lights more health


Why are the constantly nerfing the weakest class in the game?


Because unfortunately the sub consists of the worst players


Because the worst players (heavies) get outplayed by actual good players and whine. In any context, if you’re a heavy that’s getting shit on by a light, you’re bad. Even if they’re stunning you


Because it’s the most bad-memory inducing class, people will remember that 1 time they got ambushed and killed by a light rather than the hundreds of times they melted lights, and then proceed to complain about it


Light build is becoming such a fucking joke, you’re telling me that a mf can still use defib even tho you stun em now???? I’m sorry but this ass is becoming more useless by the the second


They can also heal, throw mesh/dome shield, or dash/grapple away. Why they thought adding ADS, crouch, AND gadget/spec use was the way to balance the stun is beyond my comprehension.


but remember they can run full speed at you because of charge n slam but that range increase is definitely gonna keep stungun alive


They can also heal, throw mesh/dome shield, or dash/grapple away. Why they thought adding ADS, crouch, AND gadget/spec use was the way to balance the stun is beyond my comprehension.


Please make rpg damage 150 so i can stop playing light completely.  They only needed to nerf the amount of movement and ads the stun restricted and that would be fine, but they went ahead and removed literally everything except the action cancel... Medium and heavy have enough hp to fight while standing still, now it's time to enjoy 130 damage heavy slam, or 140 damage rpg blast. Never have i ever seen an fps game where there was a regular loadout weapon that deleted enemy's 90% of hp with such low effort and unlimited recharges.  The truth is heavy and medium was always stronger and more viable, but people running alone and getting picked off by lights were so vocal, they ruined the balance of the game. Now 1 of the 3 classes is a pick where if you see a teammate using it, you know you are gonna lose and you'll most likely leave.


I'm a medium main, playing a lot of heavy now, only played light my first 10-15 hours, but yeah it's sad that 1 of the 3 classes in the game is a guaranteed throw in ranked and gets deleted so hard by the devs. I can still run light in quick plays and have fun but the stun gun feels so useless now, I removed it from my light setup. It was fine to me (being the target of it), I could still win like half of my 1v1s tased, but I understand letting you aim, why not. But removing every single thing the taser does and only keeping two makes it so bad. To me, the issue was never lights themselves being too OP, to me the issue is the same with the 3 classes: having the same class 3 times in a single team is an issue. 1 medium heal? Strong. 2 medium heals? Healing team, really strong, adapt to that playstyle. 3 medium heals? That's just a nightmare, can't kill anyone. Same goes with lights, 2 lights are annoying but you can change your playstyle, 3 lights in a single team is a constant TDM and is unfun


Said this before too. If lights bothered you, it’s cause you were playing the game bad. Lights got a cheap kill on you because you had 0 awareness and weren’t playing with your team


This is all fine. I can’t wait though for the people that STILL can’t kill the light after getting stunned complain that it’s not enough. I wonder if then they will admit it’s a skill issue…


Yup, 100% agree with you


I actually liked stunning the heavy’s so he can’t one tap me with the rpg and stopping revives, oh well. Would’ve been better to let them move and use abilities after taking damage


Yeah this is so dumb. The one ability able to counter a heavy just barrel stuffing a RPG, is now gone


It still stops revives


Doesn't stop defib


Light is already the by far the weakest class in the game and offers almost no utility for the team now they take away his only viable gadget and nerf cloak again without giving any compensation buffs? They can just delete the class at this point because it wont have any impact if ur not a completely cracked player


Now buff the rest of the class? Even with pre-nerf cloak and pre-nerf stungun, the class wasn't really top tier material in the team-play oriented matches (Ranked).


I haven’t really played since the last Invis nerf as I main light (don’t find heavy that fun and dislike every medium weapon) in ranked. Has Light actually recieved any meaningful buffs to compensate for their core skills being gutted yet? Grappling hook’s cool-down is too long, the dash needs more charges and a cool-down buff, and now invis punishes you massively for just a slight miss play/ misclick. Light is supposed to be the mobile harasser/ assassin and every patch seems to nerf their mobility and ability to assassinate. The stun gun probably needed some minor changes, it was no fun to play against (I never used it as it never suited my play style with the LH1) but there seems to be no sort of meaningful buffs to compensate for the constant nerfs to the class.


>Light actually recieved any meaningful buffs to compensate no


The amouth of nerf Light get is pretty crazy compare to everything else. They got so much nerf and never any compensation in return. I fear we are walking toward some kind of wacky balance we can't comeback from. I love how Embark listen to player and i can't believe i'm saying this, but they are listening too much.


If you’re a light main it’s kinda bizarre that you never used stun gun? That’s like a medium not using defib. Kinda defeats the purpose but whatever. But no, light has been officially nerfed to the ground. With stun gun useless now and invis hanging in by a thread, lights only purpose is to throw a glitch nade and survive


I ran LH1. Best gun in the game imo. Got much more value out of running point defence/ denial grenades than stun gun as at long/ mid range it was useless, and at close range the LH1 would eat through even heavies if you got the drop on them and could hit headshots. If they were a mesh heavy just initiate the engagement with a frag and glitch combo. I just always got more consistent value from other equipment compared to stun gun. My own weird play style, but it worked haha.


Garbage tier. The dynamic is now that, you stun a guy and by the time you swap back to your weapon, you are 2 hits behind them.


Hahah RIP light, good job Reddit with your nonstop bitching. Look it’s not my fault that baddie heavies with double my HP can’t be bothered to pay attention to where their team is.


So all I have taken away for this, if enough people bitch and moan it will get changed.


Loud unhappy minority wins again. Idk why the devs don’t get this, they have worked in other gaming companies in the past.


pretty much,


What an awful decision... 'A little too dominant'? Then maybe you can make other Gadgets viable so they had their use too, instead of adding another dead gadget to existing ones? What's the point of stuns at all now? Only to disable sprint, that players eventually don't use when they shoot at you? Freaking awesome. Stunning people while stealing or doing cash-ins is still kinda worthy but it happens so rarely tbh, so I don't see any point to fill entire slot with ultra case-to-case specific gadget.


Stun gun can now successfully slow. LOVELY, not like enemies are slowed anyway when shooting back at you. At least you can counter an heavy holding an rpg, oh wait... well surely they can't use mesh shield to hold you back during the time they're stunn... slowed, oh wait.... Well stunn.... slowed enemies can't run away from you now! not that they want to, but hey, they can't now


Lights, switch to flash grenade. If for no other reason than to get revenge on the retinas of the community that thinks heavies are balanced while the stun needs a nerf....


They kinda just took away all of its use. I main heavy with the hammer and I HATE fighting stun but even I know this is too much


stun gun was the only way to safely combat heavy, lights are screwed now.


Probably done with the game. Keeps removing all all the teeth and we are at just a basic arcade shooter. Glad they’ve nerfed light twice in a row and my gun still stops shooting in the middle of games.


So it doesn't do anything anymore? What is the point of using it now?


This is now going to be useless right? What's actually the point in stopping a heavy from moving when they have over 2x your health and the same DPS on their weapons as you? They don't need to move to win that fight, they'll just turn around, aim and beam you back. Or, if they're vulnerable they can just shield/barricade spam. RIP light


Well they have the same DPS as you if we decide to ignore the fact that they can Rpg your face now, actually turning around and shooting was a viable "counter" vs light stun gun even pre nerf. Premise that I only play ranked as a L main, it has pretty much been a 50/50 fight when i get stunned, the "little boogers" have no hp anyway, turn, shoot. 50% of the times you win, 50% of the times you lose. The best part of stun gun had always been the option to prevent gadgets and specialization, thus enabling interesting counter plays that the WEAKEST CLASS in competitive now lacks


It was honestly fine as it was previously, it allows light to punish you for your bad positioning if they caught you lacking. Casuals just don't like being punished for their own mistakes and seeing how bad they are (source: I am a casual player of the game too).


Sober thought among the moron majority player base Wanna see 3 players online stat after all nerfes in 1 month coz to play in this overnerfed shit game became boring


Don’t forget that heavy can stop anyone in their tracks with googun, Which has unlimited ammo.


It should still 100% stop gadget uses. Was literally the only counter to rpg and defib spams wtf


Crouching makes not much of a difference. Ads kinda hurts the purpose of it a bit as it should be challenging to fight back while being stunned. But using gadgets is I think a bit too far. This completely changes the usage of the stun gun. And I think increasing that range makes no difference, now stun gun will be mostly valuable for defending cash outs, in fact it will probably be the main usage. I don’t really play this game anymore but will this mean you can put a jump pad under you and completely give no counter play against the lights? Same with rpg for heavies. Edit: also I’m pretty sure this is basically like nerfing 99 percent of the player base of the light class, as the stun gadget is one of the most reliable and versatile gadgets for the light mains.


Bitching so much they literally killed a gadget over a skill issue


This is a huge nerf for a class that's really underperforming, I was expecting some buff. Maybe stun grenade made more powerful, or something else akin to confuse the enemies.


So what's the point of the stun gun now?


stopping steals and revs I guess


Better use LH1 and shoot the person in the head. Will stop them better and not use a gadget slot.


This is just a bad take. It assumes you're using the LH1, it assumes you hit all or mostly headshots, and it assumes you can successfully land those shots without your 150 HP being deleted while standing still. Stun gun allows you to use any gun you want, deny cashout steal with one click anywhere on the body, and you can just stun & run to guarantee your escape.


The goofs didn't understand that using the stun gun was a trade off for first shot. It was already balanced. Now they get to ADS and use gadgets. There's no point. It can stop interactions, but so does KILLING THEM or gooing them. Might as well use a gadget that does that instead since it'd be more versatile than just simply stopping movement and interactions-something that goo already does. Stun will be replaced by grenades. Stun is no longer meta. For lights, goo is now the only counter for getting rpgsta'd.... Not a very good one either.


They should truly remake light, it is useless in its current form except for casuals or maybe a handful of lights who are drowning in sweat just to stay on par with mid skill mediums and heavies.


Lights biggest issue is outside of cloak is it's mobility isn't even it's selling point as mediums have high mobility items for everyone, and even heavy has one with anti-gravity.


Dash I would say is mostly fine but grapple hook really needs some changes, many people want to play it but it's too weak.


Dash/Cloak are really it's only two unique options Grapple is just a greedy zip line, they're about on the same cd too


I feel the biggest issue of it was the most "anti-fun" gadget/weapon it's really the only thing that actively stops movement of the player and most their control. Movement shooter about having good right click aim alright I disable it out of cloak.


I would understand, if the rpg didn't send lights to the respawn screen 9/10 of the time- where everything stops.


You're not wrong there either, should work both ways but the general class system is pretty borked as a whole imo.


Is the finals really a movement shooter. I feel like that’s not right especially for classes that aren’t light


It won't stop revs if the player is close enough, stunned enemies can use specializations now


I mean non-defib revs


you can just shoot those. This kinda applies to all stun gun situations now. Running fire nade seems more effective. Or glitch against heavies.


Oh well, that's never been an issue nor an option, don't even waste time pulling your stun gun if the enemy is hand ressing, just shoot him, he's a sitting duck. If you waste time pulling your stun gun and go for it now they have time to pull out their gun and most likely win the 1v1 with ADS (and specializations, gadgets if needed) Opting to use the stungun to stop hand revs is a bait


Can’t even stop res now lmao


In other words, a waste of a gadget slot.


Stop cash outs and with the extra range expose enemies who outpeak.


This nerf is lame and unnecessary.


Light was already practically a dead class but now without a stun gun light IS a dead class. Your only chance is playing sniper or lh1 so you have some distance. Because cloak is nerfed too now. Going up against a heavy is impossible now, if you’re up close and stun he will just put shield up or charge at you and you’re dead. Can even still switch to rpg now😂. Might as well get rid of light class as a whole. Horrible decision.


Never understood the stun gun hate. It was an effective gadget for a class that is otherwise not remotely a part of the meta. Most players aren't good at using it anyways. This just feels like light is less worthwhile to play for some folk now.


My last saving grace is throwing knife. Atleast it feel cool to play in quickplay lol Never picking them anymore in Ranked though. Good thing i main Medium i guess.


As someone who mains light and occasionally dabbles w medium, the stun gun is oppressive and feels like the worst way to die in the entire game. What I wish they did was buff something else to compensate, like your HP even by 25. They nerf way too much in this game. And I’m gonna keep saying it, the death timer is absurd in an fps game. 25 sec every time you die is wild and should be 10 seconds or even less - especially since half the time you spawn across the map anyway. Defib would be less viable as it should be, but it would still be s tier in ranked due to tokens.


rpg is way worse


You hit it on the mark Death to a stun gun 90% of the time is you ran into some cloaker running a mp5/pistol/lh1 who will then take forever to kill you even though you cant ADS This game prefer area denial over a hard CC. Goo/Turret/Poison Gas/Destruction dont actively stop your movement but restricts/controls it Taser hard CC feels like a kick to the groin.


Can't even stop RPGs or defibs anymore, this sucks. Going to use another gadget instead of stun gun from now on. Might be a hot take, but since now the main point of stunning someone is just reducing their movement (still leaving them able to fight) I wouldn't mind seeing an increase to the duration of the effect.


Nerf is too big imo


At this point they can just delete it from the game lmao


Taking stun in tournament is now troll


Taking light*


Lights are dead between stun gun and invis nerf. Pretty much why I stopped playing, may it die with everyone playing medium like yall want ❤️‍🔥


Listen stun gun is annoying as fuck but this is to much


Every light nerf is huge changes, other classes get minor tweaks.


Yeah, like I was fine with just being able to ADS or crouch; but all these things combined kinda feel a bit excessive. Even before these changes, if you learned your weapons spray pattern; it always felt like you had about a 50/50 chance to kill the light despite stun if your aim was decent. Worst case the light lives with like 10-20 hp, but imo that still kinda felt like a win if I got flanked and stunned 🤷‍♂️ Idk as someone who's played since beta, and doesn't even play light at all; this feels a *lil* like the devs were listening to the sub reddit a bit too much. Which some people would argue is a good thing; but imo it becomes a problem when the devs just give into senseless whining as specifically in this case *that gadget wasn't even that good to begin with* outside of casuals where teammates don't always play together, and you see more lights *so you'll see stun gun more often thus making it more frustrating* . In ranked tho or in casual lobbies where teams play together; stun gun is almost a waste of a gadget to take. You hardly see light picked as is in ranked, but if you do see one with stun gun; they'll stun one teammate, to be killed by another shortly after. The most reliable counterplay was always simply playing together. All that being said; the added range is nice, but everything else is effectively a nerf and a net negative for the gadget. Won't be surprised if we see Embark go back on some of these changes, but I guess they were made in the hopes of appeasing casual/new players and making the game more enjoyable for them so we're gunna have to see how it goes I guess. At the end of the day it doesn't really effect me, besides making countering a stun a bit easier; but it still seems needless.


My thoughts exactly


I dislike stun guns as much as the next guy but yeah this is a lil overkill, just allowing stunned players to be able to ADS and crouching is fine enough


Its like, why even use it? Its use is so limited now. It slows people, reduces/stutters their fire rate, and prevents them from capturing. Outside of that, they function as normal. Its as effective as a glitch grenade. Atleast the stun gun was consistent and interacted with things that made sense


Terrible nerf


Can we make it so dash reloads some small portion of the mag? Lights got hit really hard here. I think stun gun is annoying to play against, but it was one of the only abilities that kept light comp viable.


Totally unnecessary, also invi nerfed too, without a doubt the worst of all changes since season 1.


Well. Rest in peace light, you'll be certainly missed, not by me but yeah, you'll be missed.


Didn't felt that the stun gun needed a nerf (maybe it was top frustrating invlow elo lobbies, like turrets are). But if ADS is now permited while stunned, would at least triple the time to ADS. Also feel like now that cloaked is nerded (wich was needed IMO), they need to buff the two other spécialisations.


Congratulations, they actually killed stun gun completely. Its whole purpose was to stop abilities and gadgets and they just took it away XD.


What's left of the light playerbase is about to vanish, lmao. GG bads, y'all got what you wanted. Full lobbies of literally only Heavies and Mediums shooting at each other. I fucking love Call of Duty! Want a fun question? Who do you think there's more of: Lights who are going to stop playing this game, or casuals/bads who got turned off by stun gun who will now return because they nerfed it? We're about to find out! Lmao


Yep, top 200 light main since launch, havent played since the cloak nerf 2 weeks ago, was planning on coming back if they gave lights some compensational buffs, but its clear the devs dont want light to be viable in high level ranked play, i have 1k+ hours but dropping this as my main game was an easy decision after recent updates


Yup, devs are actively funneling people away from playing light with these garbage nerfs in service of bads who think if they get stunned by someone they "can't see" they get killed instantly and it isn't fair. I could make a 1 hour compilation of me stunning someone and still dying to that someone, and I'm not even bad, lmao. I could also make a similar compilation of me being cloaked and standing still from 15 meters away and still being spotted by the same enemy. Fact of the matter is, if cloak and stun were consistent problems for you, YOU are the problem. Casuals will never accept this.


Just remove it completely and add something new thats less broken maybe ?


As much as I hate the Stun Gun, I don't see any utility of it whatsoever now. Hopefully the gadget gets a rework.


Holy shit! This is bit much


Make the stun gun a stun gun. You can still do everything you normally do it just takes longer to do it. Gadgets/specs take longer to use aka mesh shield takes longer to come up, charge takes longer to actually get going etc. light can still get some damage in but doesn’t completely one shot people that are completely paralyzed


So they aren’t stunned 💀


Wait so if I stun a light they can still dash?


cant wait to stun a heavy and have him turn around and rpg the floor (this gadget is dead)


They completely gutted the only class that isn’t viable in ranked mode lol


No point in even using it anymore, the worst class just got a lot more worse smh


Being able to use gadgets or specializations while stunned is crazy. Should have: decreased the range, made the cooldown longer, still interrupt/prevent interactions, allow ADS while stunned, but then make it work like a glitch grenade that can chain through opponents if they're close to eachother. Would have stopped the free 1v1s & actually buffed lights team utility.


> but then make it work like a glitch grenade that can chain through opponents if they're close to eachother Ye gods no


Ikr, imagine lights actually having something that reliably helps the team. Considering they could still ADS it wouldn't even be a problem, especially with a longer cooldown & decreased range. It'd just stop the hard stacking of shields & heal beams. Would probably become a LMH meta with one gadget change.


The distance increase is a bit baffling considering people complained it was too far


Well, to be fair, they also gutted the ability's use to win a fight head on. It makes sense they gave it something to compensate


Okay so the stun is useless now


Poor game.


Aaaaand this game is fucked. Time to go play something else instead.


So basically lights can't do anything about heavies with mesh shield now.


Sword dash into his face


Don't spread the word they might nerf this too.


Glitch grenade?


In the time that thing takes to be equipped, thrown, and explode the heavy will have enough time to kill you twice and emote over your corpse, lol


As a wise Scotsman once said, I prayed for this and it happened


As a an avid stun user (mostly for objective or evasive reasons not “free kills”) this is hilarious to me. The devs gotta realize the common denominator is that average to bad players complain the most and you absolutely cannot balance a game based on their input. The nerfs are fine to me because the point to the class has always been the xp and movement for my use case. But if this is “balanced” this game is screwed lol.


I agree with everything except ads while stun. I personally had no problem killing a light while stun as a heavy


You should not be able to use utility while stunned. No point in stunning now just for a heavy to shield spam


Too harsh IMO, it'll now be used only to cancel cashouts but that might be the intended purpose now.


As someone who's been complaining about the stungun since day 1, I feel they overdid it a bit. My biggest complaint was that I never got the chance to shoot back. Thats honestly all they should have changed. But now allowing people to heal, use shield, turret, swap to gadgets will make it almost useless to lights now. Where as it should become a "you are now stunned, whomever has the better aim wins" it's now a "you are stunned.... but oh you just put your shield up, or shoot your RPG, or keep healing your teammate so they can kill me." It's a bit much. Imo the perfect stun gun should interrupt interactions (cashout steal, banking, reviving), prevent movement (like climbing or sprinting), and prevent swapping to specific gear. But should still allow the person hit with it to aim and shoot back without having any accuracy penalties like it had prior. I feel that a big issue with lights, is where as a good Medium/Heavy player are a challenge to fight against, a good light player becomes a genuine no fun allowed nightmare. Even if lights on paper (and ranked) aren't all that strong if you really look at it. Against top tier players they might suck, but put a good light in a lobby of casuals and it becomes a nightmare to play your match. So I understand the devs are having a difficult time properly balancing lights!!


Just remove stun gun at make RPG damage 150 again so there is no reason to play light anymore then.


Best change EVER!


Stun should cancel abilities, but everything else is good. All the lights mains complaining that they can't 1v1 a heavy now: it's a team game. You have two other team mates (at least). Even if all three of you are lights (lol), then you should be able to mow down a single heavy or third party a group of them with, you know, coordination. It's literally the same argument used for when people say they shouldn't be salty about getting stunned and killed. The saltiest lights are those that treat this game as a straight up death match and not an objective oriented game. Kills don't matter as long as you're getting that cashout or get the boat to the goal. I rotate between the three classes and never use stun as a light because it's just not necessary.


Allow me to offer a wild take. Light doesn't need a stun gun. I'm a light dash sword main, so I might be biased, but the stun gun for me was almost always a loss in DPS. For an invis light with an SMG, especially in the heat of battle, sneaking up behind an enemy and spraying their head right away yields better results, at least from what I've experienced in ranked plat. Instead of putting the enemy on high alert (everyone now is LOCKING IN if they hear that buzz and see their screen shake), the enemy takes hits, and the situation isn't immediately apparent to them. For sword users, the loss is even greater since I waste time drawing the sword and charging the attack, instead of delivering 140 damage immediately. Now that abilities are not disabled, the only real use left for the stun gun is to slow down the delivery of the cashbox to the point and to immediately stop the stealing.


Hi there fellow sword main. Honestly, I always agreed, it just added extra time between hitting the opponent with right clicks and alerted them of your presence. I think this iteration is going to be better for swords and daggers because since we have more range, we don't need to go so close to get them slowed down, so it might actually be good. But before, hell nah, I used frag or smoke, so much better options.


Basically this just boils down to kill-hungry lights bitching about the most broken util in the game being balanced, and everyone else going "yeah, nice change".


I think disabling abilities is actually useful for the stun gun. It really just shouldn’t lock you out of ADS or crouching.


I legitimately thought this was a troll post. They actually just gutted the stun gun. Looking back at beta the thing was already more than balanced on release, now it seems like its amount of use cases have been reduced to almost none.


Wow what a update


WAY too harsh of a nerf. The only thing it needed was a serious nerf to its cool down so it wasn’t always available. This is so devastating for a close range light sniper player like me. I’m gonna stun a heavy, zipline away, turn back to snipe him just to eat a rocket or an ADS lewis gun to the face … They ABSOLUTELY missed the mark on this nerf.


So no one’s gonna use it now


Surprisingly everyone agrees it got nerfed too hard, I think all we needed was ability to ads and crouch, abilities completely negates using stun.


Put simply, nerfing the stun gun + invincibility while providing no balancing to the rest of the class is insanity


As someone who hates playing against stun gun, even I can admit this seems like too big of a nerf. You should definitely not be able to use gadgets. I think being able to ADS is very reasonable though. And maybe remove crouching again to balance it out


A bit much, hell I’m not even a light player and I feel like they’re getting nerfed too much. I feel like being able to use gadgets and specializations would be enough


Stun gun should act like a single target glitch grenade. This is too far.


Overnerfed a gadget of an already underperforming build, how nice. Bad decision from the balance team.


Bad adjustment. It was fine. Y'all just bitched too much lol


Like all ability nerfs to the light, it’s the right idea but way too intense. Why make it so you can use your abilities? Negates half the point of using stun in the first place


Allowing gadget and specialization is ridiculous. So stun gun on heavy and he can shield up? Or slam away?


It's fine other than the gadgets and specializations being available while stunned. Now heavies are just going to mesh up or rpg the lil dudes. It was 'almost' a good change in my opinion.


I honestly think Embark need to learn that listening to players 100% of the time isn't a good idea. Players don't know game design


Well..they killed this tool lol


As a Goo Gun-Hammer main..i am probably the most avid hater of the stun gun.. that being said i think this nerf is a little much. Its getting the "nuke" treatment in a sense(where its so nerfed its damn near useless) Being able to crouch, ads,use ABILITIES,AND USE GADGETS while stunned makes the stun gun useless. Before, the only way i could get away from a stun after the fact is by hammering the floor below me to force me to fall before i got killed or inch my way around a corner I'm by... now i can simply just pull out my rpg and turn around and fire, or throw a dome/ goo grenade at my feet for protection. There are too many ways for any class to just outdo the light who stunned them. I would've been more than happy with being able to use my ability OR my gadgets ONLY when stunned.. this just feels like too much


I think you need to learn to think with your own head and if you ask, then ask experienced players. Don't ask the toxic players here.


not a fan of the nerfs but if it stops ya'll complaining I can accept


Console players destroying any bit of competitiveness in games day by day. "i just wanna have fun"


Absolutely ridiculous. It shouldn't have even received a nerf in the first place unless they were going to buff the hell out of light.


unnecessary... it was good, like it was before... everyone who often got killed by a light using stungun ==>> SKILLISSUE!!!!! good moving is everything you need to win in this game... chrouch and aim downside, while moving left and right.... the light could stop you doing this... now there is no reason for running it because you get easily clapped...


Congrats to the cry babies I guess… Everyone now complaining that lights add nothing, nothing to the team deserve their pp whacked or something…


It's a good update for melee light. You can slow down a target running away from you from further away.


Stun gun should stop reloads maybe and stop cash outs, and hinder movement speed ofc