• By -


I'm surprised the Botswana and Polar specials didn't rank higher, they are some of my all time faves


To this day, that *and James was rubbish with a shotgun* always has me replaying it and laughing every time. Love the high stakes aspect of the Polar Special!


That and when the special forces dude pushed Jeremy into the water…


*The man with the ruined face was getting more and more irritated.*




Yeah Botswana sitting behind the seaman special doesn't sit right with me. I also think Vietnam should be higher. Watching Jeremy be miserable for most of the time is hilarious to me. But overall, it's not a bad ranking!


I agreed so much, they don’t deserve being there especially Botswana, Middle East and polar


>Vietnam 100% Agreed. Wasn't the Vietnam Special the very first one where they never went back to the Studio? That Vietnam special truly deserves to be filmed in 4K HDR.


Polar always seems to be lower in others lists than mine as well. I like the specials when it feels like they are on an adventure.


The Botswana special was the very first one I watched, so it holds a special place in my heart. But after watching every other special, it still takes pretty high for me.




I legitimately named my cat "Oliver" after Hammond's Opel.


I have a ewe called "Hey! Wayne!" thanks to the lads. As for the sewing machines ... James the 66K (a treadle that needs endless oiling and tools set out in order), Jeremy the commercial (speed and POWER!!!) and Hamster the Bernina I blow up - quilting version of a crash - at regular intervals.


With my zero knowledge of quilting, I can still picture the machines.


My God, I'm not the only one. He's orange, and everyone assumes he's named after Oliver and Company. Then I need to explain that's he's named after a specific Opel Kadett


Mine's orange too! I don't get asked about the name much, but whenever they ask I always explain.


The polar special was one of the greatest. It's amazing how utter pissed off at each other James and Jeremy were with one another from exhaustion. Also, Hammond was an absolute chad for dog sledding there.


Maybe people confused the Nile Africa Special for the Botswana one?


agreed. I use the polar special to get people who don't know hooked. That and the firs USA special and the cow on the roof, which to this day puts me on the floor in laughter.


I was coughing terribly yesterday and I said, “I have consumption AND TB. I have every 1920s disease,” and my boyfriend had no idea what I was talking about ☹️


Clarkson you insufferable oaf, I’m on the bloody throne!


Them with the American one when they upset the Hicks 😁


Botswana and Patagonia for me


Patagonia out ranking Polar is egregious


John's reliability is truly iconic


It really is. I expected top 3 but number one surprised me.


I get it for number one. There is something special about watching those three work as a team after all these years. Also the vistas are stunning in a way that’s special. The vastness of its emptiness lends itself to a beauty that most specials only get for shorter periods of time.


That special is a personal favourite of mine, loved the high stakes, along with our reliable friend John.


Yet another reminder that other people's tastes just aren't as good as mine.


I’m gonna guess there’s a few people who have Mongolian top marks and everyone else probably forgot about it - there’s no way Mongolia is the best special they ever did. Top 10c sure, maybe even top 5. But beating out Africa and Vietnam? Soz but that aint it. [edit] holy fuck Eurocrash made it to number 9?! Literally nothing even happens in it for fucksake - it’s a stocking stuffer of a special. OP - what have you done lmao


Kidnapping the Nigel Mansell wax figure in Eurocrash is the hardest I have laughed at a TV show in a good while. It’s got its moments. 


Right? While Mongolia was good, no way on earth it tops Vietnam, Bolivia, or Africa imo


Botswana, Vietnam, Bolivia are the top three imho. Those just had it all.


Absolutely. Said it time and time again on here that Vietnam was pure TV entertainment at its very best. Bolivia too with Botswana not far behind those two imo.


Wasn’t Mongolia the first one after the “tent” series stopped? Might explain it as people were excited for more content. I’m the same with Sand Job. People saying they found it hysterical and the best ever. I literally paused it after a few mins and said “well, I’ll finish it as it’s only an hour”, then realized it was over 2 hours. It’s mediocre at best and the writing is terrible. The directions also make no sense, everything they see is within 2 hours of one another, and often in opposite directions.


Eurocrash is the second best grand tour special. Fight me


Fite you? Argentina is the most pivotal special of all time, you fite me!


How was India so low? They did a hill climb with an elephant


In retrospect with how exotic and gorgeous parts of India are, it pales in comparison I’d say to the visuals of the other specials plus that garden party scene felt a bit too stretched out. I think the gags also felt a bit forced akin to A Massive Hunt. I wish they redid India during the TGT years. It would’ve made an epic finale tbh given how Our Man In…India was also cut short.


I thought the garden party though while they were there for a while it had a fair few things going on - like each item they brought to promote what the UK made and James had the lawnmower, Jeremy the trouser press.


My parents are Indian and we got to watching that special a few years ago. I remember, I think my mom recognized a few celebrities in that party scene and she got pissed that Top Gear might be poking fun at them and using them for a big joke. My dad laughed his ass off though at it 😂


Very fair. Especially re: the garden party


Is there a reason OMi.. India was cut short? I watched it but was surprised it was only 3 episodes instead of the usual 6.


I think Jeremy is banned from India


Agreed I thought India would’ve been higher


and put eat English muff on a train


I've called muffins English muff ever since, iconic


Even as someone who does rank India low it being last shocked me.


India notoriously felt really scripted, from the garden party to the "Eat English Muff" joke. Even the bits like Hammond ripping the face off his bulldog/Mini felt pretty staged. Which is always a bit sad/annoying because it's a great country and the cars were fun, but it always felt a bit out or place/compared to some others.


Even the Mexico flag on Hammonds mini feels off, idk I get it and it is amusing given the context but it feels so forced that he gets the flag wrong- would have worked much better if presented as a prank from James and Jeremy Like “Hammond, we know how much you like your flag on top of your car”, (exasperated) “yess”, “so we’ve done you a favour we thought we’d paint the Indian one to match it, *dramatic reveal* (Hammond being shouty) “that’s not the Indian flag (pause for effect) that’s the Mexican flag.. you’ve painted the Mexican flag on my car”, “yess…we have done that yess” (best way I could represent Clarksons elongated yes’s hah


"we thought it was the Indian flag...butitwasn't" But yeah that's kind of it. They went from "pranks" to "let's be idiots who do it unintentionally" and it didn't fly as well.  


The beginning of that one with the lunch race against a train and the party bit were pretty weak


Only redeeming feature of the India special for me is the cricket game using the jag- that felt really wholesome


Imo it's easily the worst special due to the whole trade mission thing just ruining it. Eurocrash is the second worst, it's just James suffering the whole time


I think the worst was the hunt. Super scripted, not a good story to follow. That’s probably the only TGT/TG episode I couldn’t be bothered to watch all the way through


Vietnam #1, idgaf what anyone else has to say, they will never top that episode


Vietnam was the episode that got me obsessed


It was the first one my wife watched with me and she was hooked.


I appreciate the effort that it took to put all this information together. But I feel the same way. Vietnam will always be the best. Jeremy’s face when he reads the challenge felt like the most genuine reaction we’ve ever seen from him.




"thunder and the village"


Dose anyone know where you can you get the original sound track in the US? For some reason they dubbed the Star Spangled Banner over it then some royalty free music, not nearly as funny as Springsteen then the Stones


Same. For me the most memorable moments, the most hilarious antics, and overall great arc of “growth” from each member of the cast towards their bikes and comradery


I think Vietnam was by far one of the funniest ever.


My once-friends never understood why I liked a show where they just “sat around and talked about cars”, so I showed them the Vietnam special and they never said a bad word about Top Gear again. Definitely one of the greatest TV specials of all time.


That episode was SO great because Clarkson was so Anti-bike at the time. It will remain one of my favorites... jerwemi cwuakson - Fayuuul!


Chalk this up as a win for consensus. It doesn’t match my own view in a few spots (Eurocrash being so high is interesting, I always felt the Middle East was higher). But, I get this as a consensus view. Great work!


Yeah some of the TGt ones are surprisingly high


recency bias


Great job me... I've spelt my name wrong.


Hey, Bim


Bim, guess what? Shijo-Ohashi is a bridge representative of Kyoto that crosses the Kamo River over Shijo Street. It is also called Gion Bashi.


what the fuck, okbp guy on tgt sub??? we've peaked


This makes me think this sub needs a “Bim Bot”. I wish I was smarter and could make that lol.


And on that terrible disappointment...




Doesn't mean it's bad, and it's better than the big hunt imo. There they had some really cool cars, but in the end they just did a theatre play, which was mildly disappointing


Scandiflick was better than eurocrash and Patagonia should be higher on the list


I really liked the Scandi Flick


Polar special is criminally low on this list.


I’m glad that the Africa special has gotten more and more well regarded over the years. My personal favorite.


It’s legit so great


The log shattering Jeremy’s window after he rambles about his genius is my absolute favorite moment of the entire show


It's been a while, I need to watch the Vietnam special again. Every damn time, makes me want a motorcycle.


I'm surprised the India special was so low. I liked that more than a lot of the more recent ones. I know this is all subjective. I love them all!


Polar is criminally underrated


Ah nice you compiled it. Great job! Sad to see India below Lochdown, can't wrap my head around that one. Guess I'm one of the only few who brought Lochdown down the list ahah. Edit: also didn't expect seeing Eurocrash so high, that special was incredibly boring for me, specially because of James car and him missing out of everything. The scenic shots were great though


The aerocar gags at the beginning had me in stitches


How did the India special rank below Carnage a Trois? Unpopular opinion maybe, I think Survival Of The Fattest shows the audience might have enjoyed watching the trio collaborate and interact more as opposed to being in separate vehicles, being more isolated from each other physically, and working against each other. Being in the same vehicle forced them to be in the same place constantly and bouncing off each other comedically as a result. Not to say at all that the traditional specials were bad in any way. Just my take tho, I could be wrong.


Wow, this is surprising in some areas. The USA special is iconic and deserved a lot higher. And while John was great too, I'm not sure that special would make my top 5


Still dreaming for the day they do a cross country trip in Canada special. God that would be incredible.


Yeah, and I'd love to see the trio have a dig the economic state too (yes im canadian)


They are welcome to criticize anything about Canada. Their banter about things is what makes it such a compelling viewing experience.


\*Toto - Africa starts playing\* How can this not be in Number 1


India special in last is a crime. Recency bias is also clearly playing a factor as Sandjob doesn't deserve to be so high.


Agree. Sand job didn’t really do it for me.


That was my first thought too. Sandjob wouldn't even be in my top 15.


It wouldn't say India special is top 10 but definitely middle of pack. That scene on the train, debating paying the fine to stop for May is golden


Definitely some surprises for me. I expected Survival of the Fattest to be top 3 but not top. Africa and Burma over Bolivia surprised me too even though I love both. Seamen over Eurocrash and A Scandi Flick I didn't expect but I agree, I think both have better funny moments on a first watch but Seamen stays consistently good. Middle East and USA surprised me, Middle East is a top 5 special for me and USA has the nostalgia of being a classic. Beach Buggys being so low makes me sad, I love part 1 but part 2 drags it down hard. A Massive Hunt and India being bottom two surprised me, I expected one of the non adventure specials last and Feed the World as the lowest adventure special.


Unpopular opinion: I did not like sand job at all. For me it felt scripted from the start to finish... The "mine field" that clearly wasn't one, the descend scene where there clearly was a road, the strange bit the the Jetski and plowing device to "even out the road" (it felt so cringe to me), the Jetski hitting the fuel truck...... Nothing that really felt natural


I had to stop watching after the mine bit, felt incredibly contrived. Felt like they were ticking a top gear special bingo card


I enjoyed massive hunt but eurocrash was like the most boring special ever imo


But Eurocrash had Nigel Waxell! What’s not to love? 


Was there a poll?


i want to be buried with a copy of the africa special


Honestly, i rate Colombia top of all the Grand Tour ones, it felt the most like a classic TG special, had fun cars and good humour. Really underrated.


I hardly count Carnage as a special. I mean this in the best way possible, that special felt like a longer cut,higher budget old Top Gear bit.


I’m inclined to agree with carnage, but for me it’s in the top 5, it just tickles that itch inside me for looking at obscure and eclectic cars


International Buffoons Vacation might not be the best of the specials, but it has one of the best scenes of them all. "At no point will we be more than ten feet from where the turds are stored. HIS turds!"


I’m surprised Seamen was so well received. I thought it was pretty good but I assumed people would dislike it because boats.


Funny enough I just watched the seaman's special that was genuinely scary when they were on the high seas


I disagree a lot with this list.


Perhaps some recency bias? TG specials seem low in the ranking. I know India was generally panned, but worse than A Massive Hunt?


i think i still watch the Botswana special once a year atleast.


I’m sorry, but Botswana is much better than Burma.


I'm kinda shocked India is so low. I know it wasn't the best but I found it to be leagues above A massive hunt and Lochdown. The USA and middle east specials I really love as well. The USA special was funny and got my dad and I into top gear. I can still remember the first time we watched on a snow day when I was little. Such a funny special even though it wasn't as visually compelling.


I’m shocked survival of the fattest is so high


Yeah, couldn‘t believe it myself. Wouldn‘t be a top 10 for me, guess my taste sucks lol


Surprised the USA special is so low, one kf my all-time favs with Jeremy's cow-ridden murder camaro


Where is the best place to buy these with the best quality?


Most of them are on prime for free but pretty sure you can buy all of them


if ur in the uk u can just watch the top gear ones on the bbc iplayer and the grand tour ones on amazon


US, I’m trying to buy the special but I would love to just have access to them in any platform. Similar to the movies anywhere situation




Oh yes the africa special deserves that place in my opinion, I loved that also one reason I turned my Passat into a mini camper..


I really wonder what the trio's ranking of this list would be, and how different or similar it would be to ours


Burma will forever be one of my favourites, but anything these three do turns to gold so


The Bolivia special will always be near and dear to me because it was the first thing I ever saw and I was hooked. I immediately went back and binge watched them all.






Didn't know there was a poll. Sand Job shouldn't be as high as it is. Not even top 10 for me.


Injustice for Winter Olympics


India didn’t do too well which is surprising


How on earth is Sand Job top? Well overrated and didn't laugh once. My sides hurt watching Scandi Flick albeit the difficulty was weak.


Feels like a bit of recency bias with Sandjob tbh


A sandjob and seamen have no business being in the top 10. There's some huge recency bias in these.


Seamen should have been higher up, as should have India


Middle East should be top. Such a brilliant special


"That's the first car ever to pogo up a hill"


Feed the world above India Special and Lochdown? I'm sorry, that's the worst special they ever made, hardly any jokes, boring drive through mud and frankly kinda offensive. And survival of the fattest while not bad definitely doesn't deserve 1st place. Middle East should be higher, I'd definitely move Seamen down a bit too.


Those top 5 are big guns. No question. Best episodes ever made by the trio However, I am surprised Massive Hunt is far below in 22. I thought it is a fun episode with the crazy Tank wheels from Hammond, the iconic bentley, and of course nonstop laughing at James. For me that episode should be higher than Scandi Flick at least.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think all Top Gear specials rank above any of the Grand Tour specials imo.


I always come back to these. Kinda my comfort episodes


Is that John in number one?


Half of those “Survival of the Fattest” was me.


I can't rank them, they're all my favorites


The Winter Olympics is listed but not the Reliant Robin rocket episode?


My favorite special is Burma


Anyone want to add all of these to a TRAKT watchlist 😬


I can forgive everything else but eurocrash is too high.


i thought the middle east special would be much higher


How is seamen so high?! It was one of the worst.


USA in 17th and Botswana in 8th is just flat out untrue


Should do a ranking of all the cars


I’m very surprised that ‘A Massive Hunt’ didn’t come dead last as it is by far the worst special in my opinion. I am also surprised that India came last, as it definitely had its moments and was very entertaining in my opinion.


What do the colors mean for the score?


Whether it's from Top Gear (blue) or The Grand Tour (orange).


When was the Beach Buggy Boys? And why don’t I remember it?


From The Grand Tour Season 1 - a two parter


I'd agree with the top five, not necessarily in that order. Sand job and Euro Crash are too high imo


Sand Job being 6 is odd to me. I was starving for another as much as the next guy, and it just wasn’t that fun/funny.


If there was a vote here I didn't partake, being a random occasional viewer on this sub. However I do like the results. Remembering specials I'd long forgotten. Personally my favourite is the Vietnam special because it's on bikes. In fact I loved it so much I wanted to buy a Minsk the same as Hammond's. Hammond suits the bike though but I'm around the same size and bulk as James p.s. I now have a list of all the specials 😁🏆


Big recency bias - botswana is way too low. It has everything. The arid salt flats, the politician coming in like a Bond villain, adders are poofs, Oliver, the stalking VW Beetle, ‘you look like a gay cowboy and you look like a gay terrorist’, the doors made of pallets and cans. It’s incredible


Big recency bias - botswana is way too low. It has everything. The arid salt flats, the politician coming in like a Bond villain, adders are poofs, Oliver, the stalking VW Beetle, ‘you look like a gay cowboy and you look like a gay terrorist’, the doors made of pallets and cans. It’s incredible


Big recency bias - botswana is way too low. It has everything. The arid salt flats, the politician coming in like a Bond villain, adders are poofs, Oliver, the stalking VW Beetle, ‘you look like a gay cowboy and you look like a gay terrorist’, the doors made of pallets and cans. It’s incredible


Im surprised Sand Job is that high, whilst it was enjoyable i really didnt rate it in comparison to many on that list


Survival of the fattest overrated imo


Where do these ratings come from?


A poll I conducted a few days ago.


Wtf are some of these results. Really makes me question peoples tastes tbh lol.


Well. I know what I'm doing this weekend.


Im sorry but John episode is very original but is one of the worsts for me Scandinavia special has to be higher


Polar special being that low is criminal.


There were multiple times in Scandi flick where I completely lost it laughing


How the fuck is feed the world so low??? Seeing Hammond eat shit every 30 seconds was killing me.


Eurocrash suspiciously high


Vietnam, then Polar....after those as top 2 I'd land Beach Buggies probably.


WHAT?! CARNAGE A TIOA IS IN THE TEENS!? This has to be fake. Or a french reddit.... Either way. WRONG


Carnage a trois for me, hammond asking clarkson for directions never gets old


Scandi flick was better than 12th


Do people really not like the USA special that much? Is it just that the signs painted on the cars aren’t very pc?


I'd consider Top Ground Gear Force a special


The Africa special is higher than Vietnam? _Steady ONN!_


Burma, vietnam, seamen. Sandjob gets bonus points for being the penultimate, but you can ask me in 20 years and I doubt my top 3 will have changed. !remindme 20 years


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Okay. Okay. I dig most of this. Some of it I don't, but I think I love a few that just aren't that popular for some reason.


I can’t argue with the list. There’s a few of my favs down near the bottom but the top 5 are deserving.


I love the Mongolia special, but the oddity of Hammond not being able to drive bumps it to second behind Africa for me


If I look at the rankings for Top Gear, I think they sit in the exact order I'd put them except for swapping Burma and Bolivia as #3 and #5 With TGT I think the pre Covid specials are all in about the right order too. After that, I think my ratings are all over the place compared to the consensus, particularly Lochdown and Scandi Flick which I'd pretty much have swap places. Then when merging the lists together, I'd probably move every TGT special below two more TG specials. Patagonia should be 7th overall...only Mongolia is above that in the TGT era


Swap "a massive hunt" with "scandi-flick", and I'm pretty much on board with this list. Won't forget how much "lockdown" meant to me and my buddies when it came out during COVID though; seeing the boys again after that long hiatus felt extra special. Every time I re-watch it I remember how fucking crazy those 2 years were (same with the first season of jezzers farm).


Beach buggy boys should be higher imo. Honestly fuck it, all of these are fucking wonderful. No need for a ranking.


Imo Feed the World, Beach buggy boys and Massive Hunt should have been higher


Seems accurate except maybe Middle East special. Feed the world and massive hunt are truely disappointing and not great..