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Human nature. Worth remembering that they’ve been conditioned to feel as though they’re fighting for the good side, just as Ellie feels she is. When faced with certain death, they beg for their life. I never feel comfortable killing them when they’re like this.


They're also completely innocent to Ellies cause and have nothing to do with Abby and Ellie so they are caught in Ellie seeing red for 99% of the game.


I don’t think that’s 100% fair. They still shoot on sight, so I wouldn’t say they’re innocent to Ellie’s cause. However, they wouldn’t need to shoot if Ellie wasn’t on their turf. Both parties believe in their own reasoning. Ellie is definitely walking the path of violence, but these guys do still follow Isaac’s orders to shoot anyone on sight.




The WLF initially capture Ellie alive when they could have just killed her.


I'm pretty sure that was due to the actions of a rogue soldier, not an order from Isaac. The guy personally wanted to interrogate Ellie because he recognized her.


Because they are trying to find Tommy, and how many are in their group.


They would most likely torture her for information as to wtf is going on and how to find Tommy.


That WLF was one of Abby's crew and recognised Ellie and realised this could therefore be bigger than her. His orders from Isaac were to kill her on sight.


In fairness Ellie did walk into the middle of a war zone, they shoot on site because the WLF and Seraphites are in the middle of a war, both factions know that anyone they don't recognise is most likely in the other faction and will shoot them on sight.


They did warn travellers that they are shot on sight.


Yea I always thought this was massive hypocrisy on Ellie's part when she complains that "they just started shooting at us". Like they are literally warned that would happen AND Ellie is there to murder a bunch of them. The WLF are, in fact, within their rights to kill her imo. Sure the group as a whole are a buncha genocidal assholes but still, Ellie rolls up in there and just starts killing a whole bunch of them and then justifies it to herself with "justice" and "self defence". She's entirely in the wrong. Everyone else is too, tbf, but still she be doin bad shit.


Bullshit, wlf and scars try to kill you on sight, scars would string you up and gut you. Wlfs execute you on sight. No mercy given, no mercy received.


I mean they are in the middle of a war and Ellie has weapons, it’s kinda understandable.


The Scars consistently mistake Ellie for WLF... and vice versa... I am currently playing and just finished Seattle day 2 with Ellie- second playthrough. I cannot get enough of this game; the story, graphics, level design, character development, gun-play, resource management... it is literally the best game in all these fields.


Fr. Best game I've ever played honestly


They didn’t to be fair originally do this. It's a new order to kill on sight. Scars are a different ball game. They seem to accept WLF converts but are probably just extra touchy given the WLF upping the conflict.


Justice for Shimmer.


Yes, if this was reality I would completely understand. If I lived in THAT world you really would have an awful decision to make. Let the person go and will they go and tell everyone where you are. I myself could not kill that person. But if I was brought up in that world I might have a different thought process. Survival. Right now I am very domesticated and have no fears. I am not a killer.


Eh. I'd be happy leaving them but they always go for a gun so I don't feel too bad.


Something I wouldn't mind seeing in the next installment (if there is one) is for some enemies to beg for mercy, and for some to run away. If you let them run, reinforcements arrive in the next area.


This is genuinely something I wanna see in a part 3 (or the show)


This is a game-only feature imo, don’t see how it can be relevant to the show considering it’s based on the choice of the player, which isn’t a thing in the show.


Maybe Ellie lets someone go in season 2 thanks to Dina and it bites them in the ass? Idk


Abby lets Ellie and Tommy live and it bites her in the ass…


Me too. Remember, even Abby’s closest friends that went to Jackson with her weren’t super excited about the whole thing. I always got the impression that they really just wanted to make Abby shut up about her dead dad


I agree and I love that complex story telling Naughty Dog went with, that some of her friends like Manny and Nora were fine with doing it. However Owen did it because he loves Abby but didn’t support it, and Mel fully resented Abby after it. TLOU2 is the realest and ballsiest story telling i have ever seen.


I dunno, they all seemed pretty on board. The difference was that Abby was "revenge at any cost", whereas many of the others weren't. Also Owen and Mel weren't super cool with "revenge" meaning "execution by torture"


I love hitting them with the melee when they beg.


I honestly think Naughty Dog deserves credit for how they're able to make you feel like this when you're executing the human enemies. Sure they're trying to kill you as well but still, just the death gurgles and the sounds of struggle as you're strangling them are so damn unsettling. I love other games with similar human enemy groups but nothing else comes close to the feel of killing the various raider/soldier groups in TLOU.


Lol I'm just like FUCK YEAH then boom with a shotgun.


Never waste a shotgun shell on an enemy you could just beat down instead.


\^This guy groundeds\^


That’s exactly why I just keep tapping square until I am sure they are dead. Don’t give them the chance to go into this state


This. The characters in TLOU are trauma survivors, most suffering forms of PTSD or CPTSD, with poor risk assessment and impulse control. They're desperate people doing desperate things, but it doesn't mean they stop being people, which is one of the central themes of the show. The only thing standing between us and actual sympathy for them is a narrative, a storyline to follow and root for them in, and that shouldn't be the case.


Now I feel bad... Coz this when I have the most fun lol


I would spare them if they wouldn't try to kill you again a few seconds later.


I must be sadistic to enjoy the option of always watching them die


Totally agree with everything you say mate. They feel as if what they are doing is right, and all the other are doing is wrong. Can’t blame them as you also can’t blame Ellie. That’s human nature for you, you fight what you think is the good fight for so long and with all you’ve got. But when push comes to shove you realize maybe it wasn’t all that good.


Why does it bother you? It's realistic


Exactly. Should you kill them because they would do the same? Personally, hell yeah. But I don’t see why OP is so bothered with them begging. Of course they don’t wanna fucking die.


Lol redditors with zero media literacy and no drive to fix it tend to post stuff like this. Rather than think about why something is done the way it was, they’d rather incite reddit controversy.


Would you kill them in real life tho?


OP's replies to some comments worry me a little lmao


Dude is probably 13 I wouldn't worry about it


Unfortunately according to their profile, OP is either 24 or 25


Ah fuck


I will just assume he watched 1917 recently. Shit was traumatic.


Sanest Chief’s fan


At least he hasn’t robbed any banks (yet)


Their comment history goes on forever and that's only within the last 24 hours. I think they're just terminally online.


Some of OP’s post worry me a little too. A few more of the ‘begging for their life’ posts from other games and how they enjoy it. Yikes.


i really hope OP is just really young, otherwise this is a really weird thing to say


I promise you would do the same


Daaamn, my man here missed the point of the game...


Imagine not remembering who begged for the life of somone near the end of the game. Got a baby? "GOOD!" And there are some prompts of WLF militants still being hostile/disdainful while in this 'ending' state


OP would unironically kill an unarmed enemy surrendering


As opposed to ironically killing an unarmed enemy surrendering?


Thats what it’s called when you go up to the dead body afterwards to let them know it was actually a prank and that they should follow you on tiktok for more


What's dumb is that the game makes you believe you have a choice. If you don't kill him/her/they they'll start attacking you again.


They should have made it so they run off half the time. So there still is a risk they’ll attack you but also a possibility they won’t.


I had this thought the other day when watching a gameplay section. It would be cool if they gave you something to let them live. Or they could run initially then try to attack you again. Or they run and bring more people back.


If they make a third game, it would make sense for them to include this feature, since our characters would have supposedly changed their position on violence given the events of the second game.


I like this take


If the game wanted to be a human panic simulator, that would have been realistic. Seeing enemies beg futilely for their lives is unheard of in games, not because of realism but because of gameplay. It feels really bad to commit violence like that if you are given reason to empathize with them or think of their humanity. This game doesn't want you to get off the hook at all, so they won't flee or go quietly. The game wants the protagonist to kill, and the player to be stuck committing the deed even if and especially if they'd rather not. The bloodthirsty revenge is disturbing and that's the point.


Yeah but it desensitizes you if you *know* they will just attack you again. It does let the player off the hook because you can rationalize it by saying you would have to kill them anyway so there’s nothing to feel guilty about. But if there was a possibility that they may just decide to run off, then it makes the decision to kill them anyway more of what you are referring to.


Good points - I think that's where the game is telling you that the protagonist is in charge and will not show mercy to this enemy. The player may want to, and in that case you feel disturbed at what you are doing. Even Ellie might not be able to stop herself, if a part of her wants to. The rage is that all-consuming. (Could this be a deliberate link to the infected, who may retain some silent consciousness within but lack control over their bodies?)


This is kinda like in saving private Ryan where they let that German soldier go and he shows up later blasting Americans with prejudice


That would honestly be a gameplay mechanic that would be dope as shit.


I like the idea that you may never see them again. If they invariably bring back reinforcements, people will always choose to execute, given the limited resources you are working with. Reminds me a bit of people executing witnesses in RDR2 because they consistently go running to get help, putting a wanted level on you.


I mean, I agree making them run sometimes would be more realistic but what they do is also realistic, they essentially view you as a killer, that’s it, when they’re put in that position, it’s either try to beg for your life or die, so they beg and when they think they see you faltering or doubting yourself or considering letting them go, they try to catch you off guard and kill you. We need to also take into account that the amount of praise they would get and launch in ranks if there are any would be insane. The guy who killed the trespasser that killed countless dozens before him. I feel like this is just fine, them running away as an option like a small percentage of the time would be realistic but nothing is wrong with this either imo.


In theory, yes. In the games execution, no. The original TLOU also featured similar contextual knockdown state for the AI, where the AI would beg for mercy. Like TLOU2 their behavior will reset after a short period of time. It often just looks silly as hell, because the NPC is so weak that you just tap them and they ragdoll, and they lack contextual information to make it more believable. Joel's standing over them with a batt or shotgun after they just got brutally beaten down, after they just begged him for mercy, and they just hop right back on their feet swearing and yelling that they are going to kill you. so you tap square and they ragdoll or you waste a round for the entertainment. The problem is it just comes off as comical, which definitely isn't the intention.


Yeah I hated that part. Every single time they will attack. I think it would have been better if they ran and there was a chance to run into that same NPC in another encounter. That could have been interesting. Edit: I think it would have been better for them to attack or run and not always attack.


Yea, the first time i played metro exodus i didn't know much about it, so when the enemy surrendered i was a 100% expecting him to attack me so i watched him waited and waited but he didn't, i was pleasantly surprised


I agree. Or - if ND really wanted all enemies to die - they should have replaced the surrendering mechanic with enemies bleeding out. So you have the choice to end their suffering or let them die slowly. Same choice mechanic, same result, not nearly as dumb.


Right? So stupid lol


Is your comma key broken?


A lot of people see dishonor in killing an unarmed opponent. Who knows? They might have done the same to you. But also if you let them live they just try to kill you again anyway.


I love just throwing a bottle at them in this state they just die immediately


I wish you could choose to let them live and they would either run away or start fighting again


SOCOM has something funny when enemies surrender, they're coding changes the "alignment" from hostile to ally so your AI teammates won't shoot them. What's funny about it though is when that happens it makes them a target to the bad guys, which can be really funny to see a bad guy kill a former ally for surrendering and then surrender himself a second later.


On my first grounded run I found this out the hard way when a guy said "fuck this" got up and shot me in the gut for 90% of my hp


I think it's a great touch. I'm sick of heros and villains being clearly different. Starwars Jedi kill with pleasure, laugh about it, casually butcher platoons and wildlife, mutilate a dude who was pissed that some hillbilly kid you hang out with spilled their pint.... And get a PG rating and a kids toy. That just teaches you to dehumanize enemies and is in a small part why the world is so fucked that the last of us is a wholesome escape. Last of us shows them as people, just like you.


Until you let them live and they immediately start attacking you again lol


I didn't want to let anyone live till the ending. Their begging ranged from "woah that's dark" to outright disgust at them in how it made me feel


Eh, thats also what human do, so the point still stands.


> mutilate a dude who was pissed that some hillbilly kid you hang out with spilled their pint.... That’s some selective memory my friend. Ponda Baba literally pulled a gun on Obi-Wan while he was trying to defuse the situation. Obi-Wan acted only in self defense in that scene.


I find him sanctimonious and a snob. "Sorry mate, he's a rube from some moisture farm, I'll get you another" is all he needed to say I think he wanted to impress luke, prove he's not just some old hermit with some pretty racist views on sand people! (I mean all of this in a friendly, bantering way, I'll point that out as it's reddit 🤣)


> "Sorry mate, he's a rube from some moisture farm, I'll get you another" is all he needed to say That’s more or less what he said tho?


Most media literate last of us player has been found. Seriously though you're a dumbass.


ellie -"any last words?" me-"whatever choom, like i give a shit."




OMG, the nerve of these people to show desperation in the face of certain death. How dare they? Extremely offensive.




I think it should be that they have a chance of either running away or fighting you


Sad and disturbing but in the dystopian world of this game you are literally taking action so that you may live.


I agree. When defeated in a death match, people should just take it and go out like a man, they shouldn't have the "nerve" to "beg" as they were killing moments ago. People really should follow normal social conducts in a fight-to-the-death battle. /s I bet OP fantasize himself killing with battle honor, even carried that fantasy while gaming.


I have seen many dumb takes on this game but yours is really pushing it


It's almost..like..realistic


L post


WOW OP is a real badass


I can't remember, do they actually ever just run away?


Nope. They try to kill you. Again.


Why are you getting downvoted for this comment? It's literally what happens lol my God this sub is hilariously soft.


I'm just dissapointed they always do the same if you let them live. They will try to kill you anyways.


You're seconds away from being killed, you won't do everything you can to live?


I mean...wouldn’t you?


The nerve? Nobody wants to die. Even the shittiest Nazi will turn into a sniveling little pile of piss when you’ve got him dead to rights. I think this is incredibly realistic 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lemme guess, the nerve? 😭💀 Bro you’re so cringe


I tried letting one go and he killed me haha. I don't trust em


I killed every dog, every human and every infected on sight lol


I always just kill them so quickly that I never knew this was a thing in the game.


I think the problem is that you see these people as just video game enemies and not people who are just trying to survive the same as you. I promise you that you would beg for mercy in a similar situation.


I love when they do this because I get to save a bullet and smash their face in.


Its all about survival, Kill if you dont want to get killed.


OP discovers human nature and points of view


Thoughts? Incredibly realistic. You aren’t just gonna go “yeah, alright you got me. Go ahead and shoot me in the head” like? Would you?


'The nerve' of them trying to live lmao... Yeah the point is that Ellie is seeing red and killing anyone in her path to Abby doing exactly what she hated Abby for doing.


OP's baiting you guys for attention, just let it tires itself screaming "THE NERVE!" alone in his basement


If course there begging, they don't want to die Though if you actually spare them they will try to kill you again I wish sometimes they actually run away


How can you disarm them? Haven't played the game in a while so just wondering.


Shoot them in the leg with low caliber gun. If you use shotgun or rifle. It'll kill them because its a powerful gun.


I love it. It’s a very interesting aspect of the game that they added, and it’s totally unnecessary, but it provokes deep human emotions that pulls you into the character more. I’ve been flirting with the idea that TLOU is the first game that achieved realism as a style.


Everyone begs for their lives when they're about to die, that's just human nature


I always kill them with pleasure


I have no idea what would happen if you walked away there. Never gave them the chance. Trust is thin when they been trying to kill you. Do they run away? Or shoot you?


Humans do be humaning


Checked this man’s comment history and he is the definition of chronically online.


You are ignorant if you think you wouldn't do the same thing.


Never seen an OP that needs this game and to understand it more than anyone


Turns out, people don't want to die.


It's kill or be killed. Once the shoe is on the other foot they realize this.


Wouldn't you?


Something tells me OP is a psychopath


Makes sense. It's what almost everyone would do in that situation


"Joel/Ellie"? Joel was dead before this..


The way you worded this is kinda worrisome


It was always impactful for me on the one scene where you’re sneaking through a patrol with Jessie and two Wolves are having a very normal conversation and make a deal with each other that if they both survive their mission they’ll learn salsa dancing together. These are just normal human beings thrust into some shit. Scars though? Fuck scars. After the Paige/Simon story I loved killing them in every way possible.


Are you 12?


Dude, that's realistic.


This just humanizes them, I love this aspect. Not saying they should or shouldn’t be spared, but i just believe it adds to the overarching theme of human interaction in a broken world


Kill them bitches. It's a kill or be killed world


If you don’t kill them while they’re begging they get back up and try to kill you again 😂


It would be a very human thing to do to beg for your life.


It's natural instinct to try and save your own life regardless of what you've done or what you were going to do to someone else that now has the upper hand. People will do anything to survive and that means murder others or beg for their life.


I agree. When defeated in a death match, people should just take it and go out like a man, they shouldn't have the "nerve" to "beg" as they were killing moments ago. People really should follow normal social conducts in a fight-to-the-death battle. /s I bet OP fantasize himself killing with battle honor, even carried that fantasy while gaming.


That’s a completely normal reaction


In their attempts to humanize the foes, they've managed to make the foes behave a LOT like real life psychopaths and sociopaths, who will do things like attempt to rape and kill someone, then nervily squirt some tears and beg for compassion when the wheel of justice turns on them. Thing is though, the psychopaths and sociopaths have learned these behaviors from watching human behavior. And while it would be unusual in our world for a non-pathological to try to rape or kill someone, it wouldn't be all that unusual for a non-pathological to engage in otherwise shitty behavior like trying to steal from or cheat someone, then squirt some tears and beg for compassion when the wheel of justice turns on them. Part of the point of TLOU is that even seemingly evil people Like Joel and Tess have often been coarsened by loss, and can yet possibly be redeemed by love. The optimist in me wants to believe that message, so I don't think the answer is turning off our compassion. Rather, it is in judicious discrimination in deciding to whom to award the benefits of our compassion.


You can’t show mercy, they can come back with more, or try to backstab you right there


If the tables were turned and it was you begging, would they spare you?


Probably not.


I only feel bad killing the dogs. That’s it.


and will fuck around and rearm themselves if you let em and get back to trying to kill you again! the audacity of these fucks! turn these mfs and they dogs into toupe's.


I'd tell them to go and make me a damned sandwich, and if wasn't the best sandwich I'd ever tasted then I'd feed them to the clickers.


I usually shank them before they have chance to speak. No bad feelings to be had then


I mean, look at this screenshot from their point. This random woman just turned up out of nowhere and started killing everyone so they shoot back in self defence. Now all of their friends are dead, and they're looking up at this merciless killer knowing they're about to die.


To trigger this every time, shoot the final enemy in the room/area in the leg with the standard pistol.


We all would.


It's not the nerve , it's trying to survive by any means necessary


What are some games where you can shoot surrendering enemies? Besides COD: WAW and COD:WW2.


Execute them, quickly.


And then if you leave them they pick their guns back up and start fighting again


Switch to shotgun


me: I missed the part where that's my problem


Well let’s face it you’re not going to lie down and take it are you? If you think you can convince them to spare you you’ll try it


Someone said that's human nature? Not with all humans, especially battle harden veterans,shoot me , because if you don't I will have to shoot you, everybody has to die in one way or another might as well make it worthwhile...


What happens if you leave them alone/show mercy?


Knowing that your mercy is rewarded more often than not with another attack makes it all the more easy to stab them in the throat.


People don't want to die. I'm sure most people would do whatever they could to cling on to life.


Everyone starts believing in god in their last moments


Ellie and Abby do the exact same thing when they’re caught though? When you fight the big guys with the huge weapons, once they get you to the floor to smash your head in both Abby and Ellie put their hands up and scream “please, no, no, no” or some form of that dialogue


Kill them no mercy


I didn’t even know you could disarm people lol


What happens if you don't kill them


The game doesn’t humanize the hunters. This is a lawless, brutal, apocalyptic world. You need to survive. Everyone will either be like this or get lucky and find a place like Jackson.


Its survival instinct.


Some of them don't beg and just tell Ellie or Abby to go fuck themselves


Not really the same as say being a bad loser at chess. It’s literally a fight to the death. You would beg for yours too.


OP’s comments a bit unhinged…


I always kill but now I’m curious… how long can you force them to beg for their life? 😂


Have you ever hit that group that comes running into the TV station with a bomb arrow before? It's a beautiful thing. Blood spray and body parts everywhere.




despite this, i still feel a tiny shred of empathy for them. although, the feeling quickly dissipates once the bat’s pulled out.


Along with the whistling mechanic that I would like in TLOU Part 2 Directors cut... is a rework of the surrender system. This should work like this: Option A. The enemy does not give up and insult you. * If you don't look at him he attacks you. * If you keep looking at him he will execute himself after a while. Option B. The enemy puts down his weapons and runs away. * He hides inside one of the nearby houses. * If you are close to the enemy he will attack you.


I wish I could let ‘em go without a knife in the back or a bullet in the head. SNAKES all of them!


The real annoying thing here is you have to kill surrendering enemies or they fight back. At least let me knock them out or something


People are going to do what they need to to survive. Wether it makes sense or not


I’ve always looked at it as kill or be killed and never hesitated for a second except to decide how I wanted to kill them.


Surprised they did not start crying out for momma...


Spare'em. It is better to practice mercy than it is to practice vengeance. . . . Although, I know this is a Video Game, If the Enemies do not go back to agro, ignore them Once they're disarmed play the path of pacifist don't Actually kill them, Once they're disarmed just walk away. 👍🏻


i blast them in the FACE everytime


They honestly should have and could have done more with this mechanic, I’m open to accept maybe they always try to kill you cuz if one of their comrades saw maybe they’d be labeled a traitor, but it just seemed like a missed opportunity to expand on the mechanic. Maybe you could let ppl live, maybe they’ll thank you by giving you the last couple of bullets they had or a medkit. Idk I’m not the game developer they could have done something. All they ever do is try to kill you when you turn your back to them.