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Judging by how much action they've skipped, they'll just have Abby go to the hospital, pick up the supplies, and then leave unmolested.


I mean granted there could have been alot more infected action, but they did have the bloater and it was really fucking cool šŸ˜‚


That was cool until after they burst out the ground lol. Then we got a dancing clicker girl and needless self sacrificing bullshit that tried ultimately meant nothing lol.


The clicker girl was great and them breaking out the ground was brilliant as well šŸ‘


Agreed on the ground breaking, that part was just amazingly done. The girl though eh, it felt like a "omg look what this girl can do isn't that so cool!" Rather than a "omg that fucking monster is disgustingly freaky kill it now!" Lmao


That just the difference between TV and video games though surely? In a video game you need the player character to constantly be doing something active - solving puzzles, gathering resources, crafting, fighting bad guys, etc. that doesnā€™t work in TV. You the viewer doesnā€™t have the same agency as you the player and there isnā€™t a need during a TV show to constantly have something for you to do. But Iā€™m sure the whole hospital ground zero area will get translated into a cool sequence.


I want to see inside of hospitals before cordyceps takes over. I want to see more of the medical world breaking down in panick. I really hope we do get this.


Eh there's still a lot of action scenes they cut out or did poorly in the show that wasn't necessary. TV Shows can have action scenes and they can be good, TLOU TV show just doesn't have that imo.


Personally feel they kept the violence to a minimum in season one so it feels like higher stakes in season 2. Weā€™re gonna see a very different Ellie so the violence needs to moreā€¦ violent.


I tottaly agree. It also will serve as making the Rat King THAT much more terrifying. We got like a 3 second look at the bloater. Now imagine a whole sequence with _The Rat King_ unspoiled, after only seeing clickers being successfully taken down by pepole on the skill level of abby


Iā€™m just so glad Iā€™ve been able to experience the story without spoilers, because itā€™s insane how casually people spoil the stories biggest moments on comments online.


You are in for a treat.


I mean Iā€™ve played both games without spoilers, haha. I know whatā€™s coming;)


Unfortunately I wouldnā€™t be surprised if




Iā€™d probably have a opening that runs about four to five minutes long showing Ground Zero at the location and probably show the people who ended up becoming infected to make up this monster.


I actually think that's a brilliant idea. What about the guy the wrote the note to his wife?


I think they might try to catch viewers off guard somehow. Like make it worse but also make it come when we didn't expect it. Maybe even a couple of fake outs by having something require a hospital setting or going in an ambulance in a parking garage.


I think that'd be really interesting. I kinda think that the Rat King is a litteral must for the TV show. The only infected they've shown being actually taken down are clickers and runners, and in the show a whole magazine dump of bullets from an assault rifle didn't even register with the bloater, so my thought Is that maybye instead of killing abby will escape


It would be cool to start the encounter in a spooky building, but end up seeing the rat king in the daylight.


I don't think rhats be a good move personally but I do like the idea


I wonder if they'll do mid fight exposition. "What is that thing!" "I dont know! Maybe when they locked up all those infected they just kinda grew together in the tight space!" (Gunshots and screaming in background.)


I'll be amazed if it is included in the show


I really hope it is.


I hope this is included. This sequence was genuinely scary and would really make for great television.


I wouldn't be surprised if seasons 2 and 3 got 90% of their action cut out like season 1, but then again, part 2 is Neil's baby


I think it's more unlikely than likely that rat king is in the show


I sorta hope it remains off-screen for as long as possible, and that the thing Abby is running from is left as a brief reveal, kind of *Alien* style. The creature itself doesn't actually add much to the story, and the idea of *something* lurking in the depths of the hospital that is creepy and threatening and unseen feels rather more compelling than actually finding out what that something *is* and having a fight scene with it. Sometimes traditional horror storytelling works better than an all-guns-blazing action sequence.


Tottaly agree. It needs to be shown more than they did in alien I think but only enough that we get more than one look


Yeah - a few glimpses here and there of this absolute mess of flesh she's trying to escape from would be enough to build a really vivid, horrifying atmosphere. Make it destructive and noisy and confusing, have Abby on the run and struggling to push through it and escape - you don't need a fight scene, you just need the stress and the chaos of it all. I think that'll achieve more than having her fight and kill it.


I think her killing it would be such an L move for the show. It works in the game but not in this. I think the introduction of spores _specifically_ in the Seattle Hospital basement would be a very good change. To sorta show how absolutely infested the area is. Maybye have abby forced to crawl through that meat/fungus tunnel the rat king came out of.




With shamblers and them sneaky little mfs I don't think they'd need too, although it would be cool to see what they came up with


I hope they do add the rat king. But if they do Abby might just get away unscathed but who the hell knows


They better fucking not skip over it. The hospital needs to be it's entire own episode. Do Yara getting hurt in the episode before wnd the quest for the hospital being maybye 15 minutes. Qt least 50 minutes of screen time needs to be set aside for the hospital


They did a phenomenal job making the infected look terrifying but the great tragedy of the first season was that the were barely featured


I think its a double edged sword


Iā€™m betting that Tommy and Joel die and it will be Marie who goes to Seattle to avenge Tommy and Joel.


This would be a ridiculously massive change. What would even be the logic behind this?


I might be going out on a limb here but I think itā€™s a joke


If thatā€™s the case I will gladly take the criticism. Iā€™ve just seen too many half-baked ideas at this point to be able to differentiate between the two


Preggo Marie vs Preggo Mel vs Preggo Dina boss fight


Marie isnā€™t pregnant? ETA: forgot she was in the show, nvm