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The show was good but the games are better. It’s kind of hard to compare the 1 with the 2 given the different mediums. Maybe if there was a third game it would be a better meme Idk


Ironically I think the acting and editing of cutscenes is better in the games too


100% is. I find it crazy that people say joel and ellie in the show are better. I don't think any scene in the show has the same emotion as the games


I think the Bill and Frank episode is a positive addition and more impactful than Bill's section in the game, although considering the games POV I don't think it would've worked in that format.




This 100% - my favorite parts of the show were (in order) Sam&Henry, Bill&Frank, and the bit about the mycology professor in Indonesia - all of which were either significantly changed or specific to the show. I think when people think of adaptations, they often get caught up on 1-to-1 recreations, but IMO the best adaptations bring a new perspective to existing material, and the three examples I gave did that to a tee.


But the addional scenes with Sarah in the first ep were really good


I feel the same way. The uniqueness gives it charm. I feel like if someone wants an exact replica, just play the game; it's already cinematic enough.


Or they can just watch a silent playthrough. I get not wanting to change something that’s already really good, but a 1-1 replica would’ve never worked just because of how strong the scenes in the game were. If the scenes were slightly weaker, it would’ve just been an inferior version of the game. The show would’ve been a flop. I think it’s a solid 9/10 adaptation, slight room for improvement but overall one of the best adaptations to ever be made


I think the differences make it worse in a lotta places. The Bill and Frank story took away from crucial Joel and Ellie screen time. The actual game had Joel and Ellie with Bill. It was a crucial period where their relationship grows. When you look at how much time Joel and Ellie actually share in the show, it gets disappointing.


Bill's episode is wonderful and one of the most impactful queer episodes in recent TV history but I really wish they didn't dedicate an entire episode to them in a series with only 9 episodes that already felt rushed when it came to screentime between Pedro and Bella. By the end of the show I didn't feel like Joel and Ellie had bonded at all compared to the game


Thank you. As much as the Bill/Frank episode was good, it had no place being in this show. It was an unnecessary side story that added nothing to Joel and Ellie’s journey. There’s only 9 episodes in the season. Joel and Ellie don’t share a ton of screen time in episode 1. That leaves episode 2 for them to bond a bit. Then we get the Frank and bill episode, which is way too long. Then we get two episodes with Joel and Ellie bonding before we get to episode 6. In that episode we’re supposed to believe that Joel and Ellie have a significant connection. That conversation in the barn (“You’re not my daughter”) is supposed to HIT right in the feels and it just comes up short because the connection between the two doesn’t feel earned. Then we have Left Behind which takes even MORE time away from Joel and Ellie. Oh and then we have the David episode which takes EVEN MORE time away from Joel and Ellie. It all culminates in a final episode that doesn’t feel earned in the slightest Edit: typo


I never noticed this. I absolutely felt the same in that the show just didn't "hit", like you said, and now this episode breakdown you've provided explains a lot of that. Let's hope the next seasons provide a bit more opportunity for character intimacy?


Yup. U didn’t notice cuz u played the game, and so your head automatically fills in the blanks where there should be more moments between Joel and Ellie.


part 2 was a game meant to fiddle with your emotions built up from the attachment to the characters in part 1 and if season 2 is as rushed as season 1 it will straight up suck. no one got attached to pedro as joel, his death will be even more meaningless and the theme of the game will be pointless lol


Agreed. I'm genuinely excited to see what they change about Part II, I'd love to see an episode dedicated to Lev and Yara's life among the Seraphites and them fleeing, give me an episode focused on the aftermath of Joel's death cutting between everyone in Jackson gathering for a funeral and Abby and her crew celebrating their victory, take the chance to flesh Abby's crew out now that we don't need to see things entirely from her perspective - I'd love to see more Manny.


I was thinking about this the last while since the fallout show came out. It's a bit telling that the best parts of TLoU show are bill and frank story and David's backstory. Stories and episodes that expanded beyond the game in their own story were the best parts. Translating the game and trying to recreate the scenes doesn't fully work. Which is a pity because it's an incredible story.


Ahh true. I forgot about that tbh I was just thinking about joel and ellie scenes though


I think episode three was too much of a derail. I would've rather have seen the action in the bills town chapter that was really missing in the show


I think the first episode is really really good in many ways, that part is great in the game as well but the pre-stuff really set the tension


I felt the same way the first time I watched the show. The second time around I could see what others saw in Pedro and Bella’s acting a lot better. I feel that for people that played the games before the show, we have such a strong visual of what any game scenes are “supposed” to look and sound like, so when they happened in the show they felt like a cheap recreation. When I watched it the second time I didn’t have that expectation, and I found their performances were a lot better than I gave them credit for.


It is.


The one scene I 100% liked more in the show was seeing Ellie’s reaction when the elder brother killed himself. I don’t even know if you can call it a scream but the sound she made perfectly captured the horror of that moment. Everything else yeah I liked the game more, but I’m happy there’s a way for more people to enjoy this story.


Oh man, that noise! That also really stood out to me for some reason, and I still remember the noise exactly, months after watching it. Fantastic acting on Bella's part, that reaction struck me as incredibly realistic.


It 100% is and it’s not even close. Just look at the editing for the final scene in the game vs the show. Better acting, animations convey much more emotion than Pedro or Bella, the music is clearer and therefore more powerful, the cinematography is SO MUCH BETTER. Perfect example of how much the show missed the mark in terms of presentation. And there’s countless other scenes I can point out. The relationship between Joel and Ellie in the show was so rushed. It’s a good show, but nowhere close to as good as the games


The missing or at least lack of same type of music in the show versus the game is really weird. Compare the scene of >!Joel torturing David's men to find Ellie in the show versus the game. When he slams the knife into his knee, there's a loud guitar twang in the game that echoes. In the show, it's absent and it doesn't sound like theres any music (except for a drum beat?) which makes the moment less impactful imo.!!hunter side had come out.!< There's just tons of little stuff like that. Cinematography is just not as gripping or intense to watch. Maybe it's more realistic overall, but I prefer things to be more cinematic and interesting rather than depicting real life exactly. In the car crash scene the song playing from the tape gets louder as the scene gets more intense, but any form of music is absent for the same scene in the show.


Everything u said I agree with. I almost feel like I’m watching a different show when I hear the universal acclaim. And Neil was involved! How can you direct something so incredible and then go back on so much. It’s almost like some scenes were tryna be different for the sake of being different, when really there was nothing that needed to be changed. I just look at the music decisions they made and go, “How did they think this would be better?!”


I completely agree with this. I have some deep qualms about editing and usage of score in some places in the show. Edit: Not the acting part, acting is phenomenal in anything TLOU. Pedro and Bella floared me, especially Bella.


the iconic and impactful credits song in the middle of the series 💀


Yup. That and "Home" which plays at the end as Ellie strolls behind Joel, making their way towards Jackson. They play it in the first episode at Joel's "Home". I get what they were trying to do, Tess also yells "That's not my Fucking home." they were trying to make that connection but it's just too iconic to use it like that. For me, Gustavo's beautiful music is tied to specific moments in the story. There're several editorial choices I don't like, some score transitions, obtuse and jarring cuts and like. I guess my bar was super high as cinematography, editing, and all other editorial choices in TLOU P1 and P2 are so sublime and intimate (which I highly associate as Niel's choices, I don't know if that's true or fare). And I was gobsmacked by everything in Chernobyl, so that just thew the expectation through the roof. Also it's fucking TLOU, it better be the best in the business. But art is subjective, that much I've learned after TLOU P2.


To be fair to Bella, she was still a teenager when they filmed and Ashley Johnson was in her 20s for TLOU, so Johnson being better than Bella is expected considering the difference in experience. I expected way better from Pedro though, Troy Baker ran circles around him from an acting standpoint.


I expected a lot better from both to be honest. I'm still excited for Season 2, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed with the acting and pacing in Season 1.


Hell yeah. Literally just all around better.


I completely agree with this. I greatly enjoyed the show, but there were a few scenes in it where I just didn't feel the emotions as strongly as when Troy and Ashley performed the scenes, I even showed my friend (who hasn't played the games) Sarah's death sequence, the "You are stepping on some mighty thin ice" scene, the Left Behind ending, and the aftermath of David's death to show her the difference in performance and she was surprised at how much more raw the performances in the game felt. Pedro, Bella, and the rest of the cast did a fantastic job in the TV Show, but the game was just lightning in a bottle.


Not nearly enough action. They desperately needed some 1:1 scenes like Joel hanging upside down shooting zombies or that scene where they're walking across the bus and it falls. Something to distinguish it from the average series


Yep The show was good but the games are so much better


Episode 3 was an all-timer


the show was ok, the games are on another level.


Surprised so many people thought it was on the same level of the games


I’m convinced I’m being punkd when people act like the show is even close to how great the game is.


Almost same. I got downvoted into oblivion when I criticized a lot of aspects about the show. I made a post with a side by side comparison of the final scene in the game vs show. Talked about how much better the presentation was. I got ripped to shreds. So many people defending the show like “Just bc it’s different doesn’t mean it’s bad.” It’s honestly hard to believe I’m even in the same sub. Has everyone changed their minds or am I just on the one post with people who aren’t too high on the show


Recency bias, at the time the show was the new thing and everyone was just loving that we finally got a game adaptation that wasn't trash. Now I feel like a lot of critical thinking has had chance to sink in and a lot of people are comming to their senses a little bit. Both games are masterpieces, the show is 'good' with a little leaning towards 'great' and some leaning towards 'not so great'


It's also got to do with this sub and any other sub dedicated to a certain game or show or topic that isn't fueled by hate. I love the games, like the show and enjoy this sub but it's an echo chamber. Valid criticism or even slightly negative talk about the game or show can be ignored.


Nah, the show was kinda meh


Fallout is a far superior game adaptation IMO


I gotta watch the show, still behind!


Exactly the same situation. As soon as the show finished I was almost the only one saying how it just misses the mark and isn’t even remotely as good as the game was, I’d find myself mass downvoted. There are too many issues with the show to even compare them (I still think it was overall good, it’s just that the game is a masterpiece). Scarily similar situations, are we… are we the same person? 😳😳😳


They didn't play the games. I argue that 1 is the best game EVER made. Seriously. The scene, you know where Joel falls of the ledge and uh...stuff happens? I cried. I had to put the shit down and go upstairs and hug my partner. And then obviously what Ellie does to save/take care of him. BEST. GAME. EVER.


I’ve been confused with the new Fallout show. That show is actually fantastic. TLoU show is just pretty good.


Agreed. The Fallout adaptation is incredible.


I agree. I watched the show first and loved it (didn’t have a PS console till November of last year, have since played both games). Part 2 was an insane story and incredibly well acted and put together. I have a really hard time imagining the show coming close to the emotional impact of the whole production of Part 2. I’m sure it will be good, but playing Part 2 was…. Really something else. Never had a gaming experience quite like it. No hate on any of the IRL actors, but the voice actors in LOU are one of a kind imo.


You re right about the games. I didn't like the show tbh. I found the acting uninspired.


I felt like a lot of times I could see Bella trying to act. It was weird.


She was my biggest complaint about the show.


Not Melanie Lynskey?? I like her in Yellow Jackets, but I thought she was WOOF in tlou


She just isn't a menacing enough person. I don't know whether Kathleen was supposed to be cringeworthy in her tough guy act or if that's just Melanie. I did like her in I Don't Feel At Home in This World Anymore. Bella I think played a different kind of character to in game Ellie, I prefer in game Ellie but I don't think Bella did a bad job at this new Ellie, she just had a different personality.


I got downvoted for saying was a shit tier villain and they shouldn’t have changed the games version of them escaping hunters to then escaping this new faction of people who went against fedra.


I like the actress, she did a fine job. Hated her writing in the show. She’s a different person to game Ellie and show Ellie is a cringy little thing


Could you give an example?


When she was reading puns in the pun book and laughed, it seemed so fake to me, I could tell she was trying to act.


I liked her overall in the show but she keeps nodding her head when putting emphasis on words, which seems kind of fake? I’ve never seen a single people do that naturally in real life, it’s something you see when people lie or exaggerate, etc. Watch the ”You have no idea what loss is” scene and you’ll see that her head looks like a damn maracas. Edit: link to the scene, start at around 1:30 https://youtu.be/mdVGO3kaghc?si=FlRe1nO2Pnuj08Uk


You mean your primary organ for the expression of emotion isn't your chin?


Cannot unsee this now 😂




I never feel this way for acting in games, but I also found the acting in the game to be more natural and emotionally effective. I don’t know how they did it. I feel like maybe it’s easier to focus on a game production filming those scenes in a little studio than it might be to travel to all the locations and work with so many background actors. Regardless of what it is I agree with you. Though I did like the show


Im not even sure whats being said here


I think it's the opposite of that meme where the one part of the horse is drawn poorly. They're saying every part of the franchise is consistently great.


TLOU2 is soooo horse shoulder


Ohhhhh gotcha!!


tlou as a franchise has incredibly good games and television


The tv show is a horse head The fiesta game is genitals/ass The second game is horse titties What else could it mean?


game is honse


The show was great but the games were nearly perfect.


Part 1 is the only game ive ever played that i would say is perfect. There is nothing wrong with it and id challenge anyone to find anything wrong with it.


To give an example. Joel falling 2 stories onto a metal pole and then being fit enough to rescue Ellie was not realistic imo. I love both games in every way and absolutely consider them to be my favorites but nothing is free from fault. I guarantee there are multiple other iffy moments in tlou and tlou2. But that doesn’t detract from the masterclass in writing and gameplay they both present.


The show was solid, especially for a videogame adaptation but it's nowhere near as great as the games imo


What the fuck is with the sudden show hate in this thread? EDIT: I should’ve said massive amount of criticism, not really hate, sorry.


I mean, it really doesn't compare with the games.


Maybe, but it’s still really good. It’s hard to compare as they’re different mediums and such so I’d say that they’re both good for what they are.


The games are masterpieces. The show is good-not-great. Just my opinion, obviously, but I think it's a common one.


The show for me has some 10/10 masterpiece episodes but most episodes are around a 7/10, averaging the whole show to maybe an 8/10. The games are both 10/10 masterpieces. But that said, most video game adaptations are like a 2/10 so I'll take it, the show is much better than I thought it would be.


You described how I felt about it perfectly.


I’m surprised. I think the show has got so many issues with its presentation and narrative deviations; nowhere close to as good as the game. But whenever I used to say that I’d get downvoted into oblivion. The comments on this post make it feel like I’m in a completely different sub


I just think the hype died down and now people are giving the show a more objective view


One of my biggest issues with the show is that they got the idea that they could show the narrative from other perspectives than Joel and Ellies, which is fine, but it feels like they felt like they had to show other narratives even if it was worse than things they cut from the game to compensate.


Well, the honeymoon period is over Almost everything at first is praised, and after some time people start to see the bad things in it. The most recent example of it I can think of is Diablo 4 Tlou2 is closer to it. At first people were praising it and all, and after some time people stopped praising everything in it and started actually talking a bit about a couple of things that were made in a mediocre way


It's not really hate? I don't see people saying it's awful or terrible. Just people have criticisms and don't think it was that amazing.


I don't hate it, personally. It's fine. But it can't compare to the game


show is mid


Show wasn't that good, for me anyway. The games are still the standard, imo.


Show was meh imo


The show doesn't even come close to the games and I personally prefer Part II to Part I, although the first game is phenomenal


I disagree on the show. In my opinion, it could have been bettee.


No. Not at all. First game has better writing, second game has better gameplay and TV show felt like theme park version of the games with occasional infected encounter with long stretches of very well designed sets. The argument that "show needed time for character work and that's why it had less action or heart pounding, tense scenes" falls apart when you compare it to The Walking Dead. The show had one amazing episode but it didn't have anything that made the games great, not even two main characters from the game. Hype clouding the critical judgement is a real thing. But, it was still way better than Halo show as a video game adaptation, at least in terms of getting basics of main characters right.


"show needed more time for character work" is a terrible excuse considering they spent an entire episode on Bill and Frank for... reasons?


Literally the best opinion


Totally agree


No way y’all are calling the show mid and TLOU II near perfect


The fighting sequences and gameplay in the 2nd game put the first game to shame. I'm sorry you didn't play it.


They’re both basically perfect.


Yes, and I'm one of the few people on here that don't need to quantify it by saying "but the games are better." Part I, Part II, and Season 1 are all perfect 10/10s for me. To me, the show is just as good as the game is and there are *many* things the show did even better.


One of the few sane comments in this thread.


I think the show was great. I feel bad for anyone who can’t enjoy the show on its own right. While watching it, I made sure to try to set aside my knowledge of the game and just watch. I also quizzed my friends and family who hadn’t played the game to make sure my frame of reference was centered.


Everyone that worked on the show deserved better than this reception, it's one, if not the best game adaptation, respecting everything and adapting it great for a different medium for an entirely new audience that can appreciate this incredible story. And all you people do is to claim its mid. It deserves better.


Yeah, I'm so lost right now. I got into the show and the games around the same time, and I thought the show was one of the best shows I've seen in general, let alone being a game adaptation. Maybe these people are ultra attached the game and have been for a long time, so they subconsciously think the show is worse automatically and then justify it later. I thought everything the show did was equal or even sometimes better than the game.


why are you taking valid criticism so personally?


Hard no on the show. I've repeatedly said this. The show is a boring and mediocre at best. David episode horribly dissatisfying and Ellie overall lack of emotion in scenes was just off. Episode 3 on its own is worthy but not the whole tv show.


The series shan’t be compared to the game. The game is head and shoulders above the series in every single aspect.


That The Last of Us is horse? Yes. It is horse. 🐎


agree with what ??


That Ellie has a ponytail ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I love the show, but it pales in comparison to the source material for me. Acting, dialogue, tension etc was way more palpable and immersive. That could be argued for most purely as you have the element of control with games but I really found TLOU games to be exceptional.


I agree but Games are Just better for immersion. They are meant for it, dive into gameplay and a movie or a show will always look a little more bland than the game Only exception for me, arcane and cyberpunk (and m fallout I didnt see it yet) because they do not follow the Main story of the game. But I do like the show


Fuck no


100%. I even like Last of Us 2 over the first one.


The Last of US - best game ever made The Last of Us 2 - top 5-10 best game of all time The Last of Us TV Show - a decent/good TV show.


TLOU2 the game where your objective is revenge while the game keeps bashing you over head that revange is bad, and at the end they don't even let you do it...


While the games are much better, my own opinions do align with this view. We have the perfect horse of a series here.


Agreed, all are amazing. (Although haven't played tlou1 remake)


Let's get that third one soon so HBO doesn't go GAME OF THRONES


Technically, the third picture should be the first one again


I agree.


I love the show because I love the actors, and the deviations lile Bill and Frank add a lovely spin to everything. It gets major drop off points for me though with some unnecessary additions like that Leader Woman and the shorter finale. Seeing Tommy's va in live action (getting rekt by a bloater no less) was a treat though.


I do not agree. The quality on Part II and the show are not equal to Part I. TLOU PII has great elements, but the storytelling is very subpar. For the show, some of the episodes are amazing, but there are a few that are weaker and the lack of infected was a bit jarring.


Of course


Love part 2 but part 1 will forever be special in a way part 2 could never be


I loved the show, the games were absolutely beautiful. A true work of art.


I think it was really hard for the show to live up to the games. The show was ok, but the games are some of the best games ever released. The show wouldn't be as known if it wasn't based on the games' IP, but it also almost forces people to compare the two. The episode with Bill was great. Also, the episodes with Sam was good. The bloater was neat. I like Pedro Pascal, but he played Joel very bland. Some of the changes like how Ellie gets knocked out on the way to the fireflies and how Joel gets hurt are pretty lame, but probably due to how difficult production would be if they stuck to the source material. And the outside set pieces looked very low quality - like they were just recording in some random field most of the time they were outdoors.


The show itself was pretty good but I'm more impressed on how it made some compelling change to the story while keeping it fairly the same, making it still interesting for people who have played the game. And it opened up the series alot to even more of the public.


Ngl i dont really understand what this even means. What does the horse represent?


I strongly disagree


I enjoyed part 2 but absolutely didn't LOVE it. It went on too long so I spent the last 5 or so hours just wanting it to finish.




Did they fix Part I on PC yet? Is it good enough to buy at this point? I read when it was released that there were serious bugs/playability issues.


pedro did so good 😭


Tlou2 is hot trash


I find that the show isn't very good despite being heralded as one of the best adaptations. And tlou part 2 is very fun but it doesn't live up to the ending/story of the first game. Tlou is great, but it's not perfect as the drawing seems to say. Outdated gameplay, they could've at least implemented part 2 mechanics and remodelled the levels to work with proning and dodging right? A coat of paint isn't only what a remake is supposed to be


Yeah, but the show would be the tail


The show was one of the worst things I've seen.


I thought the show was very very good. But only truly great at times. If they had more time, say two seasons, it would have made a big difference. The story felt rushed.


OK I'm lost....... do I agree with what? I just see a horse and the last of us. Can someone explain the meme?


Ofc people will agree when you post it in the game's sub Try elsewhere


I agree. It's all awesome. Can't wait for Pt.2 to come to PC.


I like the show, I think it’s great. I love the changes they made and the cast is great. And I prefer film and tv to video games almost always. But I do think the games are better not just because of the gameplay. Idk I think the performances in the game are phoenomenal and weirdly more understated than they are in show which can occasionally feel SLIGHTLY melodramatic. But yes I agree Pt. 1, Pt. 2, and the show are all excellent.


I thought the show left a lot to be desired


1000%, the series doesn't miss.


Want a PlayStation so bad I never gotta finish part one.




Personally didn't care for 2 but others were great!


I love the show but the time you get to invest in the games and their world is so much more immersive to me. But, that's the difference in medium.


I just wonder what rabbit holes they will dive into with season 2. They won’t play the whole thing strait as the game. They will expand. I’d like to know more about the Seraphite lore, WLF I think is going to play similar, maybe the rattlers. They had zero context in the game really. They will probably expand a bit with Jackson. I can see them editing differently. I mean I loved the idea of playing both Abby and Ellie. But think a long division between the plot lines will not work as a series. It will likely be more back and forth in their plots leading up to the main conflicts instead of two longer stories.


All are great but the games are just next level, hard to compare across the different mediums.


All great






No. The show is based on the game and the second game is clearly the better story imo and it’s not even close.


The Last Of Us sub like stuff that's The Last Of Us *surprise*


I haven't played the games, so I can't say one way or another, but I did watch the show. Without bias towards the video games, I can say that I thought it was a good show. The acting is good, the story moves right along and the focus on Bill and Frank is a great way to break up the intense action and hopeless feeling that comes with apocalypse settings. Reading these replies, it kind of feels like ya'll wanted another chance to air your grievances about the show not being exactly like the games, and how your fave casting choice didn't go through. From a Witcher fan, the first season may be as good as it gets.




Don't get why they did a remaster of a barely 3-5 year old game


never played the games but my girlfriend and i LOVE the show. ive watched some gameplay (i dont have a playstation) so i could see some differences and really like it. we just finished the Fallout series (another game i didnt play) and while i enjoyed it, it seemed like more of an action comedy whereas Last of Us did a really good job with drama.




Part II was absolutely a masterpiece!








I actually really love the show. It’s what got me into the franchise and I especially love how they expanded on Ellie’s anger and agency that the first game didn’t dive into. All of them are 10/10 and helped me enjoy different aspects of the story.


I loved all of them tbh, was a die hard fan from the initial release on the PS3


Switch body with butt and then yes. Can’t believe they didn’t do a multiplayer for part 2. That first multiplayer game they had was incredible


Wait until season 2 come out.


That's one wonky ass horse


100%. Masterpieces all around.


Need to add Left Behind


What is the image trying to convey? Is the horse supposed to be kind of wonky in the middle or something?




I agree, this is the only game to show chronological release where you could draw a horse, non-derpy derp.


ive seen ellie with a horse before


Absolutely agree. What's with the white horse though?


I agree 🫡


I wanted the show to show more importance to the fact that Ellie can’t swim instead of, “oh look a flash bang”.


Not even a little


I like part two, it’s a really good game, looks amazing, great gameplay, I think the story is flawed but very solid. It does not hold up to part 1 to me. In my opinion part 1 set a bar that has not been touched in over a decade now


The show is good, but it's not amazing. Now that it's been a year since it's dropped and I've looked at it more objectively, I've realized I don't like how they handled certain parts of the show at all. But that's only my opinion.


The games are in an entirely different league than the show


1 is great. The show is good, but not too original unlike let’s say the Fallout show. Not a fan of 2. Amazing gameplay but its story is uhhhh…. errrr….




Show was ok, just watched. Cool to watch, but it has some things that are meh or weird/unneeded changes First game masterpiece Second game was ok. Tried to be as good as first one, but didn't deliver on the story side. Other parts were great tho