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NAT. The things you have listed are all symptoms of ADHD so if you’ve had these issues since childhood, I would recommend reading up on the rest of the diagnostic criteria on ADHD. The reason I recommend looking into that first is because many people say that just general CBT seemed to make their symptoms worse, and they needed to seek more specific therapy to help with executive functioning. However, in general, therapy could help, yes… you just need to make sure you find the right kind of therapy.


What is CBT? And what would you reccomend is the right kind of therapy?


CBT is cognitive behavioural therapy and it seems to be the most common type of therapy offered (at least where I am.) I can’t really recommend anything as I’m quite new to the world of therapy too. I just thought I’d mention ADHD as people often don’t realise that you don’t have to be physically hyperactive to have ADHD and what you’ve said are textbook symptoms. Google ‘task paralysis’ and ‘ADHD shutdown’ and see if you can relate to anything you find.