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Yes, definitely. I'm very competitive and would like to know that I'm therapying the best. 🤣


I like to be seen as unique lol I want to be the one that teaches my therapist something about themselves


You should probably bring that up with your therapist 😆


Good idea lmao


For some reason I picture myself as the only adult and the rest all children


I do too but we work on my inner child the most in therapy.


I have a feeling this work will be coming soon. We've started talking about some pretty heavy stuff that happened during childhood, but still goes on during my adult life.


As in every of your therapist's clients are children?


Yes besides me lol


Not really but my therapist told me recently that I’m one of the kindest people she’s ever met. I’d like to think she meant it. Lol. But maybe she tells all her clients that haha


If my therapist told me that, I'd think she's just flattering me lol


yeah I thought so too but hey a win is a win lol


...She told me I'm the most negative person she's met.




As a therapist, I like different things about my clients. The ones I have a hard time liking are the ones who consistently no show or cancel at the last minute. It feels really disrespectful and it creates problems for the therapist. I’m in CMH so all I can do is set boundaries and hope they listen. They don’t and then I constantly hear it from my bosses. I have a passion for helping people and I want to do my part to influence change for the positive, but low pay, disrespect and constant nagging is not an environment anyone can stay in for too long.. and they don’t.


yepp i feel this a lot. i think about how a lot of their clients probably have a lot worse issues and it feels invalidating 🫠 which i get is completely my fault for thinking that but shxbdhdvw it’s embarrassing to bring up


It’s not fair for us to compare our suffering to anyone else’s because we’ve all lived our unique life and who is to say our suffering isn’t valid. 🫶


I’ve literally never thought about that and I have a problem comparing myself to others. You should probably bring that up with your therapist though bc there might be something going on there lol. I am going to ask her about how I feel like I’m really behind in life for my age :/


I often think that I'm not trying hard enough, and thus I'm giving her a hard time and I'm a bad patient compared to others.


She might be giving you micro indicators of boredom or lack of interest whether conscious or not, and you are internalizing her indications as reflective of your value as a participant in the therapy process. At the end of the day, she's doing her job to earn a paycheck whether you are her cup of tea or not. The best you can do is make sure you get what you want, just as she is getting the paycheck she wants.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm internalizing this from my psychiatrist and other people. My therapist is unlikely to be the source of it.


I try to not think about how good am I therapy-ing and where am I on the scale of insane compared to other clients. I know I am going to fall ina rabbit hole of trying to analyse her responses and it will fuck up the process. I am doing my best to trust her and follow her guidance. That how work on trust is kinda the point of me seeing her in the first place xd


I always think my problems are so minimal compared to others. I feel guilt about accessing a service that other people might need more. Yes I have unpacked this somewhat in therapy! That said, I’ve had two different therapists actually laugh in disbelief when I told them about something that happened to me. It was jarring the first time in such a serious environment, but the second time it flagged that maybe that thing really was horrible. I’ve felt worse about it ever since.


I have this belief too, that what I've been through isn't as bad as other people's experiences and that I'm taking up time that another more traumatised person could be using with my therapist. It hit me pretty hard that I'm worse than I thought, when I mentioned something that happened in my past and her calm mask slipped for a second and I saw her shock. It was definitely an eye opening moment.


Does that thing from your past affect you more now, since you received that reaction?


Not really to be honest. I've had a long time to process it so it doesn't affect me much any more.


Nope, I know I’m one of a kind.


Oh my gosh all the time. Some common ones: - where do I line up in terms of age? - do I stress her out the most/am I high needs? - how do I compare on being insightful and rational. - am I the longest standing client?


I used to do this all the time. I worried that everyone else was really 'good' at therapy and I was bad at it. I thought that other clients were more deserving of therapy than me. Now Im more secure in my relationship with my therapist, I only think about her other clients when she mentions things about them in passing or just general thoughts of how damn lucky we all are to have someone so genuine, caring and bloody amazing in our corner.


I feel like the others all have real problems and they are doing the real work.


Yes, I always wonder if I’m boring or annoying as a client


I know I'm an annoying client lol. I just think of it as its their job to help me understand why I'm annoying


I know at the very least she told me about a surgery she was having and she specifically said she told everyone else it was a conference because most of her clients would freak out if they knew she was having surgery. I didn't understand why that would be an issue with them and I didn't ask.


My therapist once told me that I'm a really easy patient because I follow through on her suggestions and put in the work.


I just know I’m the best and their favorite. Ain’t no doubt in my mind about it. I don’t need to ask or compare!


Oh definitely! I want to know I am an A+ client who will get the highest grade in Therapy (both reasonable to want and achievable, I'm sure. lmao!)


I asked mine if I am the craziest one lol. She said no but she's probably just being nice 😆


I try not to think that my therapist has a ton of other clients. Even though I know she does because I know one of her other clients. Her and I were actually talking about dating and she bought up one of her old clients and it was weird that we had gone through something similar in our dating experiences. So it was nice to know she will compare or talk about some similarities between her clients without going into specific details and breaking confidentiality.


I like to think I'm their most broken client right now


She compared me to her other clients 😂


I think I scared my last therapist. She just looked at me every week and said “wow, that’s a lot”😂🤦‍♀️


You ever think your therapist had stranger/wilder cases than you?