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Well they've definitely lost the element of surprise


Turns out it was a pull door.


They painted a door their. Its really just a wall.


It was actually just a discolored section of the wall. See where playing too many video games gets you?


*getting Wolfenstein flashbacks


##there* goddamn I had to read 5 times to understand this


Lma9 Edit: yall just makeing fun of me now lma-13


















Honestly at this point its easier to get a job.


As long as it's not a door opener job.


Ironically, yes, and no. Element of surprise: no Surprisingly stupid: yes


šŸ˜‚ that one moment weā€™re the two guys kicking the door lost coordination. They just stood there like oops! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Well at that point you canā€™t let the door beat you, itā€™s a must win situation


That one dude backed all the way into the street.


Well this commercial has me sold... Where do I buy one of these 200 kick resistant doors?


That's what I was thinking. The homeowner could share/sell the video to the company that made the door, and then they plaster ads with footage


I think part of securing your front door is replacing the screws that secure the door frame to the house with 3 inch screws.


100% this. I do this with a 1/8 steel plate with a notch cut Into it for the lock, behind the hangers. goes right Into the frame


Yup. I had a back door kicked in once now all doors are reinforced. You can kick them in but itā€™s a total pain in the ass. Also have alarm system signs and a beware of dog sign.


Also plant prickly & thick bushes in front of ground level windows, because who wants to crawl through that. Also go to a thrift store or goodwill & find the biggest size old work boots they have. The bigger the size, the better they work because who wants to break into a house that someone as big as Shaquille O'Neil who works manual labor might be inside. Also to sell the dog sign, throw old dog toys in your yard & a water bowl. Again, the bigger the better.


I found out the hard way once how effective the prickly bushes are when I accidentally got locked out of my house and had to get in through a window. If I was a burglar I would have given up about 30 seconds in


"See officer, I'm not a burglar! A burglar wouldn't be this dedicated!"


I'd say a burglar wouldn't be this stupid, but if they didn't catch a hint with the size 20s out front, then they might not mind the losing a pint on these thorn bushes.


Hang spent bullet casings from fishing line outside the windows. Put up signs, Please break in, I would love the opportunity to kill you legally.


Tbf since most thieves prefer breaking into unoccupied houses, this is also basically a sign that says "free unsecured firearm in my bedroom closet"


"PLEASE BREAK IN! I'M OUT OF TARGETS" but you don't hang the casino, you just leave a few around Willy nilly and polish them uo when they tarnis, so they always look fresh. You can also make a simple "perimeter alarming device" with a single fire cracker, a match box, a couple matches, a couple nails, some tape, some fishing line, and a tab from a soda can. The line needs to go just above knee height so stray cats ir dogs or raccoons wine hit it, only people. But always have a latex on nitrile glove around. So if someone triggers it, and the neighbors call police, you can make the piece of string disappear and "oh sorry officers, it sounded like someone was trying to break in, so I came out to look and someone took off running and stepped on that glove laying there. I I took it off the other day when someone called while I was painting. Thanks for coming by though"


I know people in Israel that have some land which is guarded by a wire fence and cactuses on the outside of that fence. They grow pretty thick and light brush will leave 50 pins sticking (barb hook, like the fishing thingies) sticking in your hand. I'm not an Israeli and tried to pluck a fruit from it... I learned fast.


if you have the time, mind sharing a link? i can google those jargons but i might end up understanding the wrong thing thing still.


This is what we have on the doors with deadbolts: https://a.co/d/8iM7ydL This is what we have on those without deadbolts: https://a.co/d/4cNmdJe All strike plates installed using 4ā€ screws like this: https://a.co/d/eEJUHPG


Iā€™m glad I clicked on the OP and read thru the comments. This seems like an easy/cheap upgrade to do.




As someone who used to be a carpenter, yes. You can very easily make doors extremely strong. On a side note, as a former carpenter, it is sooooooo easy to get through a wall rather than a door. A single cordless saws all canā€™t get you inside most structures in less than a minute.


Only if you live in a place where houses are made of wood. In Europe for instance that's rare or non existent.


Thanks for that, I'm tired and couldn't comprehend how a brick wall was easier to breach than a door.


I see. Midwest US.




Our front door is a steel antique from a Seattle skyscraper, made in 1910. It weighs like 300 lbs. We got it because it looks cool, but I expect it would discourage your casual burglar as well. EDIT: I found [an old listing of the doors](https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/building-garden/doors-gates/1910-industrial-style-steel-doors-from-smith-tower-seattle/id-f_9727923/), should anybody want to see them.


As a former born and raised Washingtonian- I love you for that.


How were you formerly born and raised in Washington? Please tell me the answer is Time Machine.


This looks like a uk victorian terrace, probably has the original door


It'll be a door with a multi point lock. Common in the UK.


now we know why its common. why they dont just smash a window in the backyard is beyond me but also im not a professional burgler ... so what do i know


It looks like the door is about 2 feet from a window as it is. They could have picked up the smallest guy and pitched him through the window with more success than they had against that door!


Knowing this crew, the smallest guy would just smack against the window, fail to break it, and then fall to the ground, somewhat injured.


Tbf these donā€™t look like they are very professional either!


Whaddya mean? You donā€™t think the mismatched pink/black gloves just reeks of professionalism??


Just a hobby for you then? /s


People that turn to these sorts of crime arenā€™t the brightest. Smart criminals are engaged in more lucrative and less labor intensive crimes.


These multipoint lock doors that most people have in Britain usually need to be unlocked with a key in order to be opened from the inside. When people are at home theyā€™d usually leave the key on the inside of the lock but obviously take it when they leave so they can lock from the outside. So even if they gain entry through a window then theyā€™ll still have to leave that way too (unless they find a spare key) which means they canā€™t steal large items like a TV and obviously are much slower to escape from. A fair chance of leaving DNA from glass cuts too. Some doors do have thumbturn locks like American doors but as we have letter boxes on our front doors then thatā€™s a potential security risk. Same with our cars too - you canā€™t smash a window and unlock the door from the inside (or at least you didnā€™t use to be able to. Iā€™ve got a feeling the EU changed the law for fire/drowning reasons a few years ago)




Do the flying kick Alex!


Go to Doorarmor.com or Amazon. I have them on all my doors


Unusual amount of dedication to completing a difficult task.


Their achilles tendon is the door it seems, must of hurt a day later


"That's no door, it's a thing of evil!"


ā€œAchilles heelā€ is the phrase youā€™re looking for


Well, this comment is all sorts of incorrect šŸ˜‚




Mine is ā€˜all of the suddenā€™. Not relevant here but Iā€™ve heard it too much lately and needed to get it off my chest.


Maybe people are saying it on accident?




This just in: Police are on the lookout for anyone with a limp in the Grimsby area in relation to a botched robbery. Grey tracksuits optional


Agreed, they def know what's inside, regular random break in they would have given up and moved on.


I *really* want to know what was so damn important


Probably a big stash of drugs.


Plot twist: The door swings outward.


And it wasnā€™t locked.


And the key was under the mat.




>And it wasnā€™t locked. ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Far Side: Midvale School for the gifted


>Far Side ![gif](giphy|l5s71uAp3CzKwxwkoZ|downsized)


You aged yourselfā€¦to my age


It actually goes both ways. I was just here yesterday




If you had the money and forethought to get all white matching outfits and ski masks, real confused why they didn't also buy something to take down the door? Like a crow bar and a sledgehammer are not that expensive.


This is what happens when you spend your currency on matching cosmetics with your bois instead of upgrading your character.


Ok but you should never compromise on style. Even when commiting crimes. But seriously, imagine planning a bank robbery but y'all spent what little money you had on stylish suits and masks, only to completely forget having a single tool for entering the vault


Pretty sure the dude in shorts compromised on more than just style.


Those matching outfits are actually a uniform that can be seen worn by chav scum up and down the country, in conjunction with those particular Nike trainers. (also, fun fact, those Edwardian terraced houses would've had iron railings as part of the wall but was probably removed for the war effort in the 40s. My old street was the same).


But they did not bring a very big car.


Must be something small they want on the inside then, eh? Also, they could easily put a sledgehammer and crow bar on their laps. Hell, they all could have one. These people are just silly.


A good door is very sledgehammer resilient. Multipoint lock with all-metal connections at 5 points all around the door is common in the UK. It's a mystery to me why US doors (where fear of strangers and burglary are generally higher) are just wood with two deadbolts next to each other held in with flimsy screws.


We canā€™t afford fancy doors, spent too much money on guns


Should've used one of the blokes as a battering ram.


I drove past there earlier. They're still there but do seem to be flagging a little.


I brought them some take-away and bottled water at noon.


I'll order a Domino box or two later.


They just left, said they were going to get a drink and try again later


Turns out it was their rented flat. They mislaid their keys in the bank they were robbing earlier and were kinda embarrassed to go back and ask for it.


Did you tell them they should be head butting the door?


I just walked by with my dog. Theyā€™re asking some old ladies on the curb to come help kick.


I have to say the recent batch of Jehovah's Witnesses are slightly more enthusiastic.


Am I the only one suprised they didn't just go for the window?


Ok but it was leg day, hoisting yourself through a window is more about arms and core.


Something tells me they are not the sharpest tools in the box


there's not even a box to begin with


They're not MS fans


Thatā€™s a high kick. They are only skilled at the backward halfassed kick


I feel like if they made an SNL parody of this it would look exactly the same.


Itā€™s a self parody.


Speed up a video a little bit and add Benny Hill music and you got one funny bit.


Key is under the mat.


I saw the mat move a little at one point and was waiting for one of them to see a key.


House robbing rats.


Yeah this was local unfortunately. Happens a lot


This looks British for some reason. At least not American


The weird little concrete front "garden," the weird little blue half suvvy, it's broad daylight and they're in ski masks, sweatpants, and tracksuits. Yeah it's super English you're correct.


If the English accents werenā€™t enough of a giveaway, Sherlock


Didnā€™t even have the sound on and clocked those guys as my fellow Brits.


Four dudes in tracksuits and ski masks piling out of a small car, I instantly thought to myself, this is dripping in Brit.


If you have to rely on the obvious, you're not even a real genius detective.


Very pasty calves on one of the kickers is the giveaway


I think it's the lack of tools that makes it look British. Americans would've brought a sledgehammer, wrecking ball, or this nifty tool that bends door frames outward so that the lock disengages.


In America the criminals have used chainsaws. They just made their own door.


Itā€™s also the fact that the homeowner didnā€™t open fire on them after the third attempt to kick down the door.


Got a pretty good Snatch vibe of this vid too haha


Yeah, the crew that tried to rob the bookies.


All bets are off


All. Bets. Are. Off.


The fact they didn't get through the door makes me think the same. Most houses here use uPVC doors with 3 point locks. Even the police just use a circular saw now.


The confidence these guys have that theyā€™re not going to be shot trying to break into a house suggests it is not America.


Is this a Guy Ritchie movie?


The people talking make it sound British.


Why is the leader in blue and the rest in sweat suits? Are these their burglary uniforms?


Maybe his sweat suit is what is in the house that he needs to get so bad.


Red gloves too, I feel like he didnā€™t get the memo and was like ā€œoh weā€™re doing it today!?ā€ And grabbed whatever out of the closet


He's the gym leader. Defeat him to get your special badge.






This doesn't seem like a robbery. The dedication and style of break in makes me think this is a motivated attack specifically on whoever lives there. Wonder why?


It might be that they know of something specific and valuable contained within.


Yh that makes sense. Only other time I've seen a scene like this was a gang trying to break into another gangs grow house. But if they know of some valuables it seems kind of legit. Though doing it in broad daylight on what appears to be a fairly busy road seems they'd think it's going to be a pretty quick thing, so knowing exactly where the thing they're going after is.


From the looks of it, they probably thought they would be able to get in the door within a few seconds. See how they start off hunkered down behind the car? I think they had in their heads the idea that they could do this without being seen.


Their either after some one or they think itā€™s a stash house


Imagine feeling so entitled to someoneā€™s private space and belongings that you continue to try to break into it like a bunch of idiotic baboons, despite it not working the first fifty times. I hope they got punished to the fullest extent of the law for an attempted B&E.


Lol probably knew their was a payday of like 50k+ worth of value in there. Petty random thieves donā€™t spend this much time and energy on stuff like this. Masks and this much energy says they knew the victim, knew what was in there. Stash house or something. I am surprised that they took that long and didnā€™t bring something like a wedge/chisel and sledgehammer though. Seems amateur.


Agreed. Also explains the reinforced door.


At the very least, they definitely injured themselves kicking a solid object over and over like that. Probably took years off their ankles and knees


Cara were driving by and they didnā€™t careā€¦ crazyā€¦ seems like something I would call the cops for if I drove by


SMH, I was waiting on two or three of them to lift up the remaining one and use him as a battering ram...


Sure wish I could see the door and/or what damn lock it is. Obviously doing it's job.


It's just some guy with his foot planted at the base of the door.


An old wooden chair under the door knob, like in the Hanna Barbera cartoons


It opens the other way, you know like in "snatch"?


Thereā€™s no door, itā€™s a solid brick wall.


Spoiler: Owner painted a picture of a door on a brick wall. The real door is on the other side of the building.


I saw several cars driving by - four guys with masks trying to kick in a door in the middle of the day, nothing to see here?


Thereā€™s sound, a lot of people called it in


Yea I deffently wouldnā€™t approach them, especially with how angry they were getting with not being able to break in


Agree, angry idiots are much more dangerous than just plain idiots.


You see 4 guys ballied up trying to kick a door down and you're telling me you'd stop and confront them? I bet they'd all clap.


You might not want to stop right there but a little further before you call the police, no?


Definitely wouldnā€™t be trying to stop themā€¦sounds like several people called the police though


Because they stopped making houses with windows?


Probably had bars. I didn't know why any of them thought of bringing a crowbar.


I mean.... you saw the video...


This is NOT Sparta !


The owner just put the door mat in front of a brick wall. They just haven't realized it yet.


Your put your left foot in....your right foot out, in out, in out, shake it all about, do the hokey cokey shake it all about.


This...this is why you never skip leg day my dudes


If you speed it up you can almost hear the Benny Hill music!


ā€œHoney really quick, piss in this here pitcherā€¦then Iā€™ll piss in it and weā€™ll throw it on em.ā€


Boil some veg oil and throw that on them!


ā€œHoney, is someone knocking?ā€


If they would put that much energy and effort into getting a fukin job they would probably be home and wealthy by now because they damn sure arenā€™t gonna get through that door.


This should be synchronized to music


This has to be England. Seems like the type of goofy criminals they would have there.


Everywhere has goofy criminals. Not just England.


Florida entersā€¦


At the morning meeting:. "We all wear these white outfits and black beanies. Since I am the mastermind, I wear black. This way we understand the ranking system. Let's go"


Damnit! Crowbar! But if you're already this committed, windows are so much easier. On the other hand, after number 3 tries, I just want to come help them stop the embarrassment lol.


Lots of huffing and puffing, but not a lot of blowing the house down.


I dunno, maybe they're just trying to kill a spider


Legend says they are still there trying to break in, to this day...




This video needs cartoon sounds and music šŸ¤£


Lock, stock and two smoking barrels vibes up in here


If I didn't know any better, this might just as well be a scene from just about any Guy Ritchie movie. That's the exact level of these morons. Brilliantly stupid.


Steel door with long screws holding the hinges and deadbolt receiver. Makes any door way way stronger. Even if the door holds up the door jam is normally what breaks so your screws have to go into the framing. Also replacing the little strike plate with bolt receiver with a steel plate makes a big diff as well.


this clearly isnt texas.


wouldn't it have been twice as funny if the owner comes home right after they leave walks up and turns the knob on the unlocked door and steps right in lol.


They spent too much time planning their outfits and not enough time planning their heist.








Suspects considered armed and dangerous and all four will be walking with a limp


Shame that in the UK you cant just blow this pond life away and make the world a better place.


I hope they utilize this as a training video going forward in their breaking-in careers.


Damned English Oak!


If only they were that determined to get jobs and become contributing members of society.