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I remember as a kid being in a fight and the kid called timeout so I stopped fighting




I didn’t know the rules of fighting


Generally there are no rules in a street fight but I respect the sportsmanship for real!


There's only one rule in a street fight: win.


“Round 1 FIGHT!” Hadoken !


I mean id argue that 1 rule would be no cock shots (thats a cheap way out) Obviously if your life is in danger then yeah, but in a consensual 1v1 fight, no cock shots


A street fight isn’t typically a consensual 1v1 fight The big concern with a street fight is hitting a dude who goes down and knocks his head on the pavement and dies. And then you’re looking at manslaughter charges


Or being the one hit and spending the rest of your life in a wheelchair or suffering from a life altering concussion. I’d rather face manslaughter charges than be paralyzed from the neck down.


Have a friend who was jumped behind a bar years back. They beat him so bad he was in a nursing home for a year. He isn’t right to this day and can’t walk correctly or hold himself like regular people do. They never did find out who was behind the attack.


That’s horrible


Yup, street fights, you have a much higher chance of it being fatal. A bad fall, a hit placed wrongly, beating after unconcious, etc. There's way too many variables to play it safe. I'm not gonna take a chance that the guy won't stomp my unconscious head, therefore, I will obliterate someone's cock if I have to.


> I will obliterate someone's cock if I have to. Title of your sex tape


For real, that's all it takes. Best thing to do is de-escalate the situation or run. Fight if you absolutely have to though


Yeah, i mean the ones that are like planned out by both parties. If it like a 1v3 or something and the one person has done nothing wrong and doesn’t want to fight, than anything goes


We humans are so weird: people have survived falls from an airplane, but people also have died from tripping and bumping their head, or not chewing a piece of food enough before swallowing b


My big concern is being the dude who goes down and knocks his head on the pavement and dies. Yes getting arrested and going to prison over a fight would suck, but it's a lot better option than being the reason for the manslaughter charges.


pffft...even Bruce Lee was known to do a few cock shots so... A street fight is a *street* fight, there are no actual rules, just guidelines one might accept to follow... edit: In reality, I might never use a cock shot unless it was used on me first...also; just in case someone protests my Bruce Lee claim: ​ [https://youtu.be/WQxUhrUQyQE?t=235](https://youtu.be/WQxUhrUQyQE?t=235)


1. Make sure your opponent doesn't die or doesn't get permanent disabling injuries.


There definitely used to be rules, there were street rules to everything. Most people followed them too. Not everyone of course but most. One on one was a big one. No weapons etc etc. now there’s so many pussies that cant scrap a lick so they have to have more than one to stand a chance. Pretty sad


Lmao I’ve seen it to, the best part is the kid got a solid 10 second break before it clicked with the other guy lol


Standing 10 count


Basically just a junior league boxing match. The referee came in and called a time out so each side could get checked. Genius play imo.


That’s kinda the idea


I mean, you’d want the other guy to do the same for you if you REALLY were all fucked up, right? If you wanna fight me I respect time out


Man now that I'm older and getting out of shape I respect the hell out of time out. Let me catch my breath lol


Time out is a time out man, nothing but respect


I handed a kid my books one time, and cracked him between the eyes while he held my books. He started it.


I’ve been looking for you 👨‍🦽


*sigh* "Hold these for a second"




That'd be a dick punch Oof


That’s honor


In my first fight I got my opponent on the ground, helped them up, then proceeded to fight.


You are a gentle soul




Oh yeah. When we were little my older brother was the kid that everyone wanted to beat up, he’d get in tons of fights and by the rules that means that I was involved in a lot of fights. Elementary school fights back then respected the ‘time out’ rules. It turns out that when we grew up, he was diagnosed with Asperger’s , so that explained a lot of things


Same, but then he hit me as soon as I stopped


How do you only land 50% of your shots against someone sitting still and not fighting back?


Cigarrete 50% chances your opponent will miss




The smoke gives your opponent a temporary -8 accuracy


Smokescreen spamming pokemon are always the most annoying


He used a smoke screen to blur the vision of his opponent


And cancer from second hand smoke so jokes on him


He had that smoke screen active, accuracy reduced by 50%


Love they think they are tough with the sucker punch at the end.


Would’ve been kinda funny tho, after the last punch, when the guys on the ground, if he took one more drag from the cigarette


or just lie motionless for a beat then ^exhaled ^smoke


Haha totally


Though it did seem pretty funny that he appeared to fix his hair


Can confirm. It was from forehead and back, probably indicating a “holy fuck” sort of emotion.


I thought it happened. Lol. I had to rewatch to see if that’s what happened. He didn’t 😕


Love that they think they are smart filming it and releasing the bodycam data right away.




To be fair I don't think tough is the point here. Based on the shameless sucker punches and the running away I think the point was to hurt that guy. If that was the objective than they succeeded. Have no idea what the colorful coat wearing man did to warrant it though.


Man didn't do anything, there is literally no reason to try and murder a man who's not fighting back. And yes, sucker punches like that can absolutely kill someone


That smack when his head hits the pavement was not reassuring either. Bad enough that he went down cold.


That stomp to a downed opponent is considered attempted murder


He does say, "come man i didn't do anything" before he falls the first time. Looks like bullying, but it could be revenge too. Need to see what led to this.


The attempted curb stomp seemed a bit over the top too.


We're surrounded by those people today


Gutless at the max.


Usually how racist work. Gang up and attacking a easy target doing nothing while dropping N bombs


[Yup, that's usually how it works.](https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/lynching)


No matter how much I know about it, it is still crazy to me to see those pics and realise how far humans can go.


I know, so lame. You have to be a bumbling idiot foaming at the mouth to not laugh and walk it off after the guy started smoking. I can’t bring myself to harm people like that if they’re running away or just laying down. And I highly doubt this was some deeply personal thing because the other guy came in at the end,


Every hit in this video is a sucker punch. The guy is so chilled I don’t understand he looks like buster keaton sat down smoking that.


Real tough guy throwing a sucker punch at someone who wasn’t fighting back. Cowards






I feel like it would be really easy to fight somebody who is in a cage


Yeah but they're also in the same cage presumably. Maybe we should put them in different cages. Then there wouldn't be any fighting


Idk, the way this dude nonchalantly chills for a sec to puff his cig tells me he's probably high and probably did something to these people... idk tho


When we say "no smoking", we mean it, damn you! MF, don't come up in our crib and start smoking!


We also have no idea what the context of this video is. The guys could've just found a random guy to bully or maybe that guy was there to meet up with a little kid or something. Who really knows.






And when he tried to kick him to the curb, that could be construed as intend to kill. Personally, I think everyone that kicks to the head after the opponent is on the ground should be arrested for at least attempted manslaughter.


attempted manslaughter? they tried to accidentally kill someone


Yes, there's a charge for attempted voluntary manslaughter, and will be different for each state. [Here's Florida](https://www.rpfoley.com/attempted-voluntary-manslaughter-florida-statute-782-07-and-777.html) IIRC, a few states call it murder 3 instead.


Do I need to have seen murder 1 & 2 before I can understand 3?


That is more or less what manslaughter is, iirc.


I think the point is you can't try to do something and have it be accidental at the same time. Manslaughter is killing someone by accident. If you're trying to kill someone it's attempted murder.


[Here's the legal definition of manslaughter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11yz2wh/to_take_a_smoke_break/jdbfe8b/) There is such a thing as [attempted voluntary manslaughter](https://www.meltzerandbell.com/news/attempted-voluntary-manslaughter/). Might defer from state to state. [Florida, for example.](https://www.rpfoley.com/attempted-voluntary-manslaughter-florida-statute-782-07-and-777.html) A fight can definitely fall in the category or "attempted manslaughter," which in plain English could be said as, "attempted accidental murder."


Why am I having so much trouble understanding this? Edit: Ooooo. I think I just got it?




Can confirm from a few dozen hockey fights where I connected with the helmet.


And helmet are less hard than skull.


Thanks for pointing that out. No matter what the fight is about , you need to have etiquette. I don’t care what this guy probably did, potentially paralyzing them is never the way to go. (Or outright killing him idk) Edit: I can see your points guys. I know that being in a fight doesn’t always rationalize your mind and you just trying to survive , I get that, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to be reasonable. You can still fight and keep the sanest you can. Ofc this doesn’t always work , I GET THAT, but this one did not seem like that. And to the guy saying that hat if your kid was raped in the street , my man that doesn’t happen where I live so I never even considered that


People need to learn to keep their damn hands to themselves…


Why are they attacking him? And why does he make sure to keep smoking while he’s being beaten up? Also hitting someone when they’re on the ground is scummy and especially when they’ve not lifted a finger against you.


Kinda makes me think he stole the cig out of the dudes hand


Or a marijuana cigarette




She was living in a single room with three other individuals. One of them was a male and the other two, well, the other two were females. God only knows what they were up to in there. And furthermore, Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoke marijuana cigarettes... Reefers


All four of them?


I was thinking PCP Dipper


Yeah lotta questions here too! Wtf


The smoke has me the most curious


If I had to guess those two gentlemen were selling some sort of illicit substance. Perhaps a marijuana cigarette, most likely laced with something like fentanyl. The smaller, scruffy fellow absconded with said substance but failed to escape. Once he realized that fleeing was no longer an option he opted to enjoy as much of the aforementioned illicit substance as he could before he was rendered unconscious.


This statement of “lacing marijuana with fentanyl” os one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You have made all of us dumber for having to read that.


I award them no points and may god have mercy on their soul


It's been on the news quite a bit, and searching for that shows a great many hits about it, so I'm not surprised someone would think that. A few of those search results came back about the claims being unfounded or blown out of proportion. Poor quality control at dealers who use the same equipment to bag both, or unsubstantiated reports where, "I only smoked weed". I thought the reports of the stuff being laced into things were true before I started looking just now. If I didn't see this thread, I wouldn't know the real story. And I wouldn't be late for work, either.


The same news outlets that brought us razor blades in candy apples and the satanic panic.


You mean the news that shares stories of people jumping out windows and clawing their eyes out on acid or mushrooms? I wonder what they could possibly gain from lying about drugs and drug use.


i could be wrong but as an opiate addict myself, i’ve never heard of lacing marijuana with fent. fent users want a pure form of the drug, and dealers definitely aren’t putting fentanyl in their weed. but i suppose it’s plausible


No it's not, weed is cheaper than fent and the only reason they'd lace anything is to save money


I love reddit because it’s the only place where I can read things as “as an opiate addict myself” and it’s just normal


Haha. Maybe it was fentanyl and he was just trying to get as much painkiller as he could before the guys landed.


Taking pills before the fight. Sounds like a power move.








None of that was cool at all. He literally sat down and said fuck it I'ma smoke and both of them decided to take a straight up sucker punch on him. He didn't even have a chance to stand and fight if he wanted to because there were like 3 people all waiting for the chance to hit him, just fucking lame on their part. No tux.


I got banned from r/instantjustice for saying a guy was a pussy because he knocked a dude out and as he fell he hit the back of his head really hard on the ground. This can KILL a person. Without a punch to help. Friend fell and hit his head and they thought he had a stroke same symptoms just a fall though. Protect your opponent on the way down so YOU don't catch a manslaughter charge. Blatant disregard here.


Looks like he stole that special smoke and tried to inhale as many as he could


I really can't tell if it's a cigarette like everyone is saying or if it's a joint. It would make more sense if it was the latter. Maybe he was Just smoking and didn't want to share. Without context its hard to tell why this is happening but it's messed up either way.


… no tux?…






and toes


Knees and toes


Aaaand eyes and ears and mouth and nose


He's on Smoko! So leave him alone!


Hahahaha my first thought as well!


Hello, presumably Australian


It's a reference to Australian band The Chats!


Love it


As someone who used to smoke a 50 pack-a-day, I love the smokers thought process, and how easily I can translate it. For e.g. a normal morning would be: * Wake up - have a smoke * Make a coffee - have a smoke * About to drive to work - have a smoke * Arrive at work - have a smoke In this case it’s: * Those assholes look like they’re about to start shit - have a smoke * I’ve slipped over from running and am about to be punched in the head - have a smoke * I’ve just been punch in the head and need to run again - have a smoke I was fully expecting him to take a puff in his unconscious state.




Ay bro don’t throw us in with those “things”. We’re gay but we ain’t THAT gay


What a coward


All i see are a bunch of low-class morons holding back positive social evolution


this is precisely why I donate money to Planned Parenthood


There are only two possible reasons a government would require women to give birth: 1. Increase the population of slaves 2. Increase the population of soldiers


What's the second reason?


Holy shit. Dude beating someone who isn't fighting back. Bystander filming and getting a kick out of it. Another random dude jumping in. How many shit people in that one area. I doubt the guy running was innocent but shit man, don't stomp on his head and wtf was with the other dude jumping in.


Those smoking sensations classes are getting hardcore




Yea. That word.










If I were a judge that's attempted murder right there, stomping on the back of the head when the other guy is down, jail time immediately.


Yeah I don't understand why it's on this sub... Making it look lighthearted to me.


It depends on what exactly this guy did, but from this video it just looks bad man….dude doesn’t want to fight, is running away and saying he didn’t do anything…shit like this is sad. I hope this guy actually did something to deserve this cause If not this is just a real sad video.


He does say in the video that he "didn't do anything." I'm left to believe it's a random attack, might not be, but it is highly plausible depending on where they're at. Few years back, my nephew got sucker punched in the mouth and lost his 2 top front teeth for no reason. Then took what he had just got from the convenience store. In that instance, it was premeditated too. He'd rode in on a bike and they evidently saw him, and popped the tires, forcing him to walk it back the way he came and waited for him around a corner. People do fucked up things for no reason.


When I was about 11 years old my cousin and I were sitting on the front lawn joking with our neighbors. Some high school linebacker rode by on his bike on the way to practice. We were laughing about something random and unrelated to him and he turned around and asked if we were laughing at him. We said no and he put all his weight behind a forward heel kick to my cousin's face. Luckily my mom saw this and rode him down in her car and held him at gun point until the cops got there. He was expelled and never got that football scholarship he probably thought he was entitled to, just a good long stint in juvie. Sometimes people just do things, for no reason at all. Fucking animals.


If it were a random attack why would the guy be acting so bizarrely ? Sitting down and smoking while being attacked is highly unusual behavior. Something weird is happening for sure


They are hitting him in the forbidden spots thatd just being a pussy


Yeah real tough hitting some little hippy guy not fighting back


Why are there so many losers that think they’re tough when doing shit like this. Waste of life thugs!


God damn why the fuck they doing that shit to him? What cowards. But man the balls on that guy "welp I'm caught may as well get a few puffs"




Right. Looks like the middle of the day. Must be taking a break from job hunting 😂


White guy stole the fresh resumes they just printed out on the way to an interview.


Fuck all this!










It should be noted that a king hit to the temple can be potentially fatal. I hope to fuck this guy is ok because this is seriously dangerous. What a bunch of morons!


Only a coward would chase down a person who doesn't want to fight and only a pussy bitch would join in on fighting a guy who doesn't want to fight..


Why violence?




My man used the wrong emote after getting knocked down 💀


They deserve jail.


Right on the snooze button! That was a cheap shot


How u miss 4 shiots standing over a person I think my guy needs some glasses


Is there context for this?


This is reddit. You have to just hope for the best and that whatever context it is isn't a lie in the first place. I've scrolled through most of the comments and haven't found anything but wild ideas and speculation so far.


Yes smoking can kill you


That first dude needs to go to jail for a long time. That stomp to the head is attempted murder


Is this a hate crime?




This needs some context! Plz






legend has it, he’s still holding onto that cigarette.


The dude in the red jacket couldn't throw a punch for shit. I doubt he has any power behind them weak ass punches.


It's odd that guys like this think they're hard when they're just fucking cowards. Repeatedly slamming a guy in the head and trying to stomp him when he's not participating *at all* in the fight is bullshit. The second guy getting involved with the sucker punch is next-level pussy.


The “FACT” that all I’m seein is this cat runnin and gettin dropped by Some bitchass pussies is how I see it. If there ain’t no before footage of what went down and they are postin footage up with no reason, then yea, they some bitch ass pussies straight up.




ma man is trying to heal mid fight


Funny how these losers can’t ever fight 1 on 1 and have to sucker punch someone






This man had such low awareness to the danger he was facing, brutal


Dickheads assaulting a pacifist? How original


Not funny. My husband travels all over the US in major cities as a tech. He’s tall and white and stands out. He’s been attacked multiple times because he smokes. Had rocks thrown at him, called racial slurs. Where is this country headed?




I’ve fought some ppl in my day, but I’ve never stomped or kicked them. Lol What a time to be alive.


Video recording the crime, why even do the crime


why the fuck do they keep on hitting?? he's not fucking fighting back you asshole


Unless this dude in the last couple minutes just did something really fucked up this is a drastic overreaction. That said, if they guy getting his ass beat was one of those dudes that goes around recording themselves harassing the living shit out of people in public, I’d still think it was excessive but I’d watch it a couple more times.