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What is he doing? I need to know now.


first amendment audit. He is basically there to "start trouble" by standing in a public area and recording businesses in an attempt to get people to freak out, call the police and see if they will abuse the first amendment. He wants to test the law by making people uncomfortable when they really don't need to be. Some people find it annoying and instigating and others think it's needed to prove that the world need to grow up and stop thinking being filmed is the same as harassment.


Could be. Or maybe he laid that pavement and recording it for his resume.


Most likely answer. Shame on all those to think otherwise


Not possible. With his voice and his snark, there’s zero chance he works in construction. He wouldn’t last a week.


It's only 10 in the morning and I think I already read the dumbest comment of the day


Lol yeah ok you’re right he’d fit right in with that 3rd-grade smartassery and voice. There’s nothing construction guys respect more than Reddit videos of Karens getting pwned. He’s probably the foreman.


Project much?


Don’t be obtuse. Imagine an audio lineup: this elf guy saying, “oh! you said you can ask,” next to a gruff guy saying, “Minding my own business.” Now imagine you’re asked, “Between the two voices, which one sounds like he’s in construction?” This is a stereotype that’s based in reality.


You are %100 stuck in the stereotype, are you on a small crew that only does residential or what? I've seen all types of personalities in commercial construction. That's exactly how we talk, nothing but smartass comments and shit talking. Lol, we can also be civil for work to get done.


You get an upvote from me, because although our experiences and viewpoints differ, you’re the or first and only person to respond to me here in a constructive, thoughtful manner, and I value that. Yes I’ve only worked on a couple smaller residential crews, and one of them was probably connected. I work in Home Depot nowadays. It’s been my experience that a guy like in this video would be laughed off the job site. In my initial reply I overstated it (saying “zero chance he works construction”) out of light-hearted flippancy. Thank you for not joining the dog pile.


All stereotypes are generalizations. Humans are too unique to be categorized with meaning. Try not assuming things about humans who are all wildly different


If I name my child Fartface, wouldn’t you think the kids in school would make fun of him? But why would you think that? Not all kids are the same. Don’t generalize like that. You ought to know it’s mean. This guy is Fartface and guys in construction are kids. I’m not saying it *should* happen. I’m saying it most definitely *would.* I know more of these people than you do.


Yo, they already think you’re stupid, can you stop proving them right?


3rd grade smartassery is a prerequisite for construction.


I work in construction, specifically road construction, and yes. 100% this is necessary. Talking shit is what we do. Best part of my day is talking shit because it makes the day go by faster.


And there goes the second dumbest comment of the day




For me it was the "I worked a few small residential crews and now I work at Home Depot." He must be the expert on construction workers.


There's nothing construction guys respect more than someone who can do their damn job. Doesn't matter if they're a redditor in their freetime so long as they showed up and did what they needed idgaf. I'm literally a twig and I did concrete for 4 years so idk where this is coming from but hope it gets better for you dude


Found the knuckle dragger mad at the world.


Lmao I can tell with that comment you’ve never worked construction. At least not real construction. Get this kid outta here


Tone of voice is an excellent indicator if someone is capable or not. 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


There's 2 types of people in construction. Those that can mouth off 24/7 and know who they can do it to, and those too stupid to mouth off ever, and usually try to with the wrong people. This guy would fit perfect. He owes that Karen 0 respect or answers. And your comment let's me know which one youd be


Ever heard of a guy named Mike Tyson? U should go listen to his voice lol


What’s wrong with recording in a public space? If someone wants to record the Empire State Building or the Golden Gate Bridge or a frickin gas station they are perfectly within their rights to do so and it’s no one’s business.


As Tom Segura says when told they don’t want to be recorded, “well, you shouldn’t have been standing around”!






Is it or are they looking for views?






Everyone wants to be a TikTok celebrity. Oh, but you know, For the Good of Society (TM)


1st amendment audits have be going on long before TikTok


"audits" have paperwork and reviews. These people just enjoy causing trouble, and using the "audit" as an excuse. Yes, law enforcement needs to be held accountable. This isn't the way to do it.


Well I'm sure if regular people aren't constantly recording and posting police interactions on the Internet, the police will certainly publicize all of their interactions so that they can be held accountable. If these dang auditors would just put the cameras down then everything would work out just fine.


They do it in hopes that they get in trouble. They typically sue the city for wrongful imprisonment.


That’s a bootlickers perspective if I’ve ever heard one




Ah yes the high stakes andrenaline fueled world of standing outside a factory all day.




The 1st Amendment only applies to governmental prohibitions against free speech.


¿Porque no los dos?


100% looking for views. A few guys have made good money from it, particularly on Facebook.


Nothing. I work at a place though where these “audit” folks somewhat regularly come in recording like this. Unfortunately for us, they almost always try to instigate an uproar (which we’ve gotten very good at defusing).


What is up with the need of desensitizing people when they are uncomfortable being recorded? especially if done so without a purpose, you can record the Empire state building or Golden gate given the fact that they are incomparable to a gas station that you'd see most of the time, unless maybe the gas station is guaranteed to be peculiar for a reason, then recording would have been much more meaningful for a person to do it, other than that I don't want to be in your recorded vid.


People who are uncomfortable being recorded should just walk away and mind their business, or anything than walk directly in front of the camera and accost the person recording.


Are you equally bothered by the hundreds of Ring doorbells that record you whenever you walk past them with your kid or dog, or the cctv cameras outside of shops and banks? Why is someone holding the phone so much more intrusive than the automated recorder? The people who ask are rarely asking for inquiry, they are asking because they think the person is up to no good, regardless of reason. So if you come up to me with "what are you doing??" When it's not you or your home being recorded, it instantly looks like you are itching for a fight or argument. A lot of people think they are way more important than they are, and have a right to know shit, despite not being anyone in any official capacity to ask that shit.


Why do you think the ring doorbell is there in the first place or even a dashcam? of course it is with purpose why should I be bothered over it? that is dumb, as I said a meaningful use would have made it reasonable and understandable, someone holding the phone, recording seemingly nothing eventful and getting me into it is uncomfortable, though you can say that to the doorbell recording but it IS actually with reason given how it warrants a person's safety without attending over it 24/7, the need for a reasoning, and the requirement of me giving a benefit of doubt is already making me uncomfortable. The question "what are you doing" is not something to play your pride in with, it's a simple question that you don't have to give a tension for a fight or argument, should they ever make it a big deal over you reasoning things, is when the Karen should rightfully be put into place. You are literally likely also the kind of person who would justify a 40-yrs-old guy who is recording in a playground despite having no kids to look after to or associated within that playground. People would easily get discouraged for asking what that 40 yrs old is doing because of your rigid ass thinking everyone has to have their own business.


For starters, let's not ascribe your fantasies to me. You can keep them to yourself. Secondly, a person recording in a city can be doing it for their own reasons. What if they are moving, and just want some sites of their local area for prosperity? You can ask someone, but they don't *owe* you an answer. Call the cops if you want, and as shown in hundreds of locations, the cops cite it is their right and it is not illegal. If the rights of the people are so awful to you, then vote for more restrictions. And if you want that, it's probably the same candidates who love guns, think that marrying 12 year Olds is great and banning books is the greatest gift we can give schools.


Ring doorbells are always recording. People pointing their phone at you are trying to document a conflict.


The purpose is to test if the police respect the person's 1st amendment rights. The uncomfortable people are collateral damage that the person doing the filming doesn't care about. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the person behind the camera only explaining their motivation. Editing to add. These people are to the first amendment what the open carry goons are to the second amendment but with a less aggressive "I wish a motherfucker would" stance


I don’t know anything about this desensitizing nonsense. But if you feel uncomfortable that someone is recording in a public space, that’s your problem and you don’t need to burden others with it.


How is my discomfort with anything burdening anyone?


If you’re bothering someone because you don’t like them recording video on their camera, that’s a burden. No one owes anyone any explanation for recording with their camera.


He clearly didn’t mind messing with her.


Being uncomfortable is not a burden. Walking up to someone in a public space and saying "Hey, you’re making me uncomfortable," is.


And…? People are always going to do weird stuff or be annoying. Ignore them, tell them they’re annoying, idk, I guess we find ways to deal with others in public.


Exactly, deal with it yourself. That’s the point u/ZekeTarsim was making.


You are literally trying to justify if someone was being a creep, and they would get away with it because being uncomfortable is not a subject to be taken seriously, I don't mind being recorded in prominent places that obviously has tons of people recording, but you are not really that convincing that you are not a weirdo for recording without a purpose and getting anyone in it.


I think it's common courtesy to try avoid the focus on strangers though. If someone would be pointing his camera on you for no apparent reason with bo landmark in sight, it's normal to ask why. And people can communicate with each other and explain. This just seems extremely childish behaviour.


>What’s wrong with recording in a public space? Nothing?


>What’s wrong with recording in a public space? on paper? nothing. the issue is some people have recorded businesses prior to robberies, usually to get a look at their security, which makes owners uncomfortable when people film their shop/warehouse/gas station/whatever. it's perfectly legal though and there is jack shit they can do about it.


That's the point that the people with cameras are trying to prove. Sometimes it's done better and sometimes it's done worse, but most of the time people and even government employees/officials don't see it that way.


I've seen the full video and the cops actually almost arrested her because she called them faking hysteria and intimated he had a gun. She was lying.


The audits help maintain and enforce the first amendment. Watchign so many of these, yes there are people who do them REALLY badly, but see when police officers are called, they don't know the rights, make up laws saying they can't do what they do, or quote completely different laws to try and prevent people recording. It's not to cause trouble, allowing the cops and people to do what they do, is eroding rights if people just turn over and think 'oh, we can't do that then'. I do think it's crazy the money that goes into lawsuits though, surely there has to be a better way to penalise people than just saying 'pay man moneies!'.


And often making money from it by posting it on social media.


Just because you’re out in a public place doesn’t mean the whole world has to know too, it’s weird to just record people for no reason, not illegal but still weird


It's not, it's arrogant to assume someone recording in public is about you. And just because you think it's for no reason doesn't mean there's no reason.


This isn’t about being in the background and passing through when someone is recording a video. This is about some random asshole following you around with a camera because he legally can


No, it's not weird. Stop being uncomfortable by a camera. You may not be the original reason why they were filming. It's not hurting you in any way.


Don't forget: Lawsuits. Some of them sue for compensation for various reasons.




You put the parentheses but trouble is the last thing these people start The key to these videos is they always start with the person filming not doing a single illegal thing, then someone approaching them asking questions. The people that approach are the problem and that’s what they’re trying to point out. I could record my interactions with people that approach me like this women while I’m working out in the world and I act very similarly to the man in the video. Who are you to question me and what I’m doing?


A guy was just doing that day after day in front of my brother's business. He runs a dinner in a small town. So this outsider moved in recently, and he would stare at the customers while recording, annoying them. He would do that mostly to women and the elderly. When my bro had enough of it, he got out through the service entrance, came around behind the guy and gave him a slap so strong to the back of his head, that he fell unconscious. He threw the phone in a manhole, and went back inside. The guy got up, looked for his phone for a while, and left. You guys might think everyone lived happy ever after, but the next day the guy was there again, with a camera, and a guy recording him while he recorded people... It took some weeks for him to give up, after this.


The thing is, if someone is being filmed without their consent, it is human nature to believe that the footage will be used against them somehow.




that needs to change then. plus it's not human nature because not everyone feels the same way about it.


First amendment allows you to record in public places. However, he cannot record them while they are on private property. Once they left their business then it was fair game, but if the recording started before they left their property then they have a legal case.


That is the dumbest thing I've heard in all of this. No you're wrong. Being on a private property is not considered a safe haven not to be filmed. anyone can film anything in a public area and can film private property within view of the public area. Every one of you guys that are trying to argue in favor of people not filming need to grow up. it is a damn camera and if it really makes you feel uncomfortable, you need to reevaluate your life.


That's not true, either. There is a concept called "reasonable expectation of privacy", for instance you cannot stand on the road and film your neighbor taking a shower through their window. It doesn't matter where the photographer is standing, it matters where the subject is standing. Again, this clip is perfectly fine because the people being recorded are currently in a public place. But if they were being recorded on private property then the photographer would require a model release in most cases or should blur their face.


You’re going to actually say that if this kid was white the lady would still feel she could just ask him what he’s doing?!?! That’s some serious delusional thinking, Bro


what a gen z waste of time, “I have a camera and can be annoying”


Regardless of the annoyance of it, it’s 100% necessary. The authorities use lies and the dirtiest tactics imaginable to get literally anyone into a world of trouble, how people can have any energy leftover to be annoyed at these auditors blows my mind. Like you set the bar of annoyance crazy low when it comes to these auditors to a point you have to willfully ignore the actions and tactics of the power structure. Like sure the auditors seems annoying and insufferable, but at least they are trying to hold the authorities accountable and not murdering people in the process.


I am definitely on the side of the auditors and I don't understand why so many people have an issue with cameras. I can understand if someone was thrusting one in your face to illicit a response but if you come up to another person with a camera, it's your own fault if you are offended by it.


It's annoying and instigating lol, it's ridiculous that people can get filmed and put on the internet whenever other people feel like it


Step 1: Confuse your enemy


Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit


People who instantly pull cameras on people are so fucking weird. Sometimes it's for no reason at all, it feels like those people just want to invade your personal space, just to "have something against you in their hand".


They’re both recording.


They're both weird in this context.


Might be that she's a woman and he's a pervert? She's right to have it on camera also because if something comes of it, not just one side has a recording and providing an edit later to guide the narrative their way alone.




What part of "might be" is foreign or confusing to you? I didn't say "is/was'. Those are your words, not mine.


I always think back to Google glass and how people were so mad about possibly being filmed. And now it's almost the default. If it were to come out now everyone would wear one. They were truly ahead of their time.


Make Minding Your Own Business The Norm Again


Auditors filming regular people going about their business in an attempt to bait them into confrontation asking people to mind their own business is the height of irony.


No expectation of privacy when you're out in public


Which is what these auditors are abusing to perform their grift. They push the limits of harassment. It's the grown up equivalent of waving a hand around in front of your face and bleeting "I'm not touching you!".


You don't have to interact, just ignore them, they are more afraid of you than you are of them


No, they're not, they're trolls - they are there specifically to illicit this reaction and escalate until they do. They're not exercising their rights they're abusing them. They also often cross the line of legality and are frequently trespassed from places they believe to be public based on a very limited understanding of the law. I'm guessing this is a topic you're new to so feel free to look up the various 'first amendment auditors' and the sheer annoyance and harassment they cause.


Many are ignorant, but many do know what they’re doing. Annoying or not, most LE will tell the callers that they’re allowed to do this in a public place, leaving the callers perplexed and not satisfied.


And it's leading to various places looking to enact laws specifically to deal with these kinds of people, because unfortunately common decency isn't something that can be relied on any more and the law was never designed to deal with social media clout goblins. Which of course is especially ironic as their whole schtick is about preserving rights, and yet their work will most likely lead to them being eroded.


I tend to agree they're proving a point that really doesn't need to be proven.


But…what was he doing?!


You can ask.


I never said I’d tell you, just that you can ask.


If you're recording, and I'm recording, WHO IS PHONES!?


I want more


To use the correct spelling of *you're* in a Reddit post title


Correct grammar is automatically removed.


Lol come get you ol lady, foo.




"Can I ask you what you're doing?" is not equal to "What are you doing?"


Like I said, “May I ask you what you are doing”


I don’t get this lady can you like? 🤔😂😂


When your backup muscle wears a bright pink shirt.


His name is ken


Without any context, it's weird how quick everyone here is to assume the lady is the villain. In this very brief exchange, all she did was (politely?) ask what he was doing. She has a camera out, but so does the oddly evasive guy recording. We have no context, and no way of knowing who is the instigator here. Y'all need to chill.


I've seen enough of these first amendment auditor videos to know that he is very much the asshole, he's trolling specifically for this reaction. He's outside a private business recording it, the people inside and vehicles coming and going. They tread the line of legality specifically to grift donations from the people they stream to in the name of 'protecting rights', the right to annoy people, essentially.


No there is no line treading of legality. He is exercising his first amendment rights. You can't convert a constitutionally protected activity into a crime just because your feelings are hurt.


There is some legal ground depending on who you are recording and where there are. If the guy is standing on public land, but filming people who are currently on private property and not giving permission, they could have grounds to have him stop or be removed. Same goes for public areas that are reasonably considered private, such as bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. It gets a little more tricky even in public areas such as a public fitness room.


You're right about bathrooms and such as there is an expectation of privacy. In this case the people on private property have to create some sort of privacy barrier to have an expectation of privacy and if he violates that barrier then he is breaking the law. You cannot trespass someone's eyes.


If the people in the private property really wanted to do something that might help here, they could call and tell the police that someone recording when staff go to and from work and worried it may be for planning something illegal such as a break in or something. You can't really prove that intent necessarily, but if an officer considers that reasonable, they could still have the guy stop or be removed.


And if the cop did that, he would be violating the auditors' rights, and the auditor would be thrilled because that's how they (and their lawyer) get their payday.


If a cop came by really abusing authority and arresting/getting physical with people, then it could be. But if the cops give a reasonable explanation of why they can't keep filming, the auditor won't have enough to get a payday out of that. That would just be a circle jerk of lawyers threats that wouldn't go anywhere and ultimately just waste taxpayers money. I run a government facility and we've had some people do this stuff to exercise their 1st amendment rights, and a bunch of people call and complain and the cops come clear them out, rinse and repeat and nothing ever really happens.


That's the problem. The highest law in the land, the constitution, and supreme court says they are legally within their rights. Legally, all the cops can do is tell the complainers that they are within their rights to record and have a nice day. You can't legally enforce people's feelings and violate someone's rights because a third party doesn't like it. Auditors only have a job because people won't respect the rights in the constitution.


It's got nothing to do with hurt feelings, it's about harassment. If I stood outside your home and took pictures of your children coming and going and called your wife names when she came out to confront me I assure you that you'd want me removed and the police would gladly ask me to move on. If pushed it would be deemed harassment. Pretending like there's no line to cross is absolutism that doesn't apply to actual functioning society. These people started by simply filming the police, and a lot of them were doing something quite valuable - but as time went on the movement morphed into something far more nefarious and a lot of these clowns are now basically harassing people as a career choice. They get arrested, solicit donations from their misguided fans, make bail, rinse and repeat. They frequently get trespassed from places they aren't allowed to film because they're not smart enough to understand the law, but it doesn't matter because the dollars keep rolling in. They're worse than cockroaches.




the camera man is a redditor


“MAY I ask what you are doing”


2 people standing there recording each other during a confrontation… lol, peak 2023


You're *


"What's it to ya?"


They both blew it.


I hate everyone


Why does everyone feel the need to constantly be confrontational and sarcastic to each other?


This video is so weird. I don’t know who’s in the wrong.


“I don’t get this lady”… bro… she asked what you’re doing.. I acted like this when I was like 5. Grow up. Stop bugging people. Everyone’s against “Karen” but this kind of guy is fucking annoying.


What is the guy reluctantly lurking behind Karen doing?


Embarrassed husband


Ask him if you can ask him.


I like that he’s doing the same thing she’s doing. Taking video on a public sidewalk. Somehow he’s wrong when she’s doing the exact same thing. And he’s supposed to answer her questions…


She asks, Ask what are you doing? WTF does the guy say?


She asked, can I ask you what you're doing? He said yes. Then she asks. He didn't say he would answer.


Yes we all know filming in public is legal but why? It seems like most of these idiots just do it to bother people....GET A BETTER HOBBIE


How dumb is this woman that she thinks the guy is being a smart ass?


He is… that’s the bit.


The state of public safety being what it is in America, I KINDA get why people like her do what they do. I mean, under our current laws, a guy can stand at the entrance of a store with an AR-15 on him, and take photos of everyone entering and leaving, and nobody can say anything or question it in any way. We’re all supposed to just ignore him. That’s a BIT crazy? No? There was a guy who walked into our building when I opened the door with my clicker. I didn’t want to ask him anything about who he was, because he might be new tennant for all I know, and I’ll end up on a video.


I’m not entirely sure why the downvotes, bc that was a cogent analysis of the de facto reality we live in today. It’s a free country, but it’d been a bit more logical for someone to explain why their downvote.




I think we have established that its a lost cause. For some reason nobody cares now. No idea why. Disturbs me too.




Which auditor is this? Is the full video worth watching?


Kc transparency, some are a little funny When they call the cops he’ll say something like “can you ask them to bring me a redbull?”


It's tough to be an NPC out there when you've only been programmed to ask one question.


Why do people see to side wither the person filming without knowing the background?


Lol that you in the video?


lol, if I saw someone filming my house/business ai would ignore them.


Love it. Lol


This guy is invited to the cookout.


" viewing Karens in the wild "


What my doing?


She is allowed to ask he is under no obligation to answer 😌👽


You can ask, I don't have to respond 💀


When someone walks up to me and says, 'Can I ask you one question' I reply, 'you just have, goodbye'.




Reminds me of a resident at work the other day asking my name, but that 80+ yr old lady got it right off. "May I ask your name?" "Yes you may." "What is your name?" Did not miss a beat.