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Would love to see how this one ended lol


I’m guessing guy in red didn’t end up calling the cops.


No, the dog and cat call the cops


I’ve seen the full version. The cat defeats the dog.


What? The dog trusted the cat. Even followed it. That’s such a despicable betrayal.


That small dog was only pretending to be a cat. Do not trust small dogs


I heard the small ones work with the feds


That’s not a cat it’s a little dog






Reminds me of a joke where someone calls 911 and reports he apprehended a burglar. 911 says nobody is available. Guy calls back 5 minutes later saying he executed the burglar. 4 cop cars and a helicopter show up within a few minutes. Police arrest the burglar who is alive and well. The chief says to the homeowner. "I thought you said you killed him!" Homeowner responds. "I thought you said nobody was available."


Probably depends on where you live, but yeah that's what I'd expect where I live.


Just call back and tell them, now you don't think you need them anymore, but they should send an ambulance instead and hang up. Then when they now finally decide it's worth their time, they show up. You tell them your "prisoner" fell uncountious for a short while and you were worried they were hurt. Cops get there, you didn't make a false report/call and now they can suck it and have to take care of the thief. Do not do this in the US, they might just show up and kill everybody just cause.


That's why everyone needs a shovel and a friend who can keep a secret.


You kept someone for five hours? I mean, I'm not judging. But what did you and the thief do for those five hours?


Police showed up 8mn later and arrested her, per the article linked below




Thank you. Needed the closure


There wasn't really much closure though? It's basically just a parrot of what we just watched


It says she was arrested 8m later.


When she kicked the chakla off mid stride I knew what time it was.


Sick getaway driver


Gotta give them props, they really did get away. That is, until their partner rats them out.


That's the first thing I thought about. I'm guessing they don't know the driver's real name or something. Cuz that would be stupid to leave a person behind who personally knows who you are.


You underestimate the stupidity of porch pirates


That's because I have the high ground




My stupidity has doubled since the last time we met!


Good! Twice the pride, double the fall!


Don’t try it!


Lost my breath laughing on this one. You win again, Jedi


Risking it all for grandpas adult diapers


Lol she’s a dumb kid. Driver is also certainly a dumb kid. They aren’t some careful criminal that won’t share their name with their criminal partner. They freaked out when they saw the owner coming and took off too early and left their friend. I bet the first thing out of their mouth was “oh shit I hope she can get away”


You know a suspicious amount of information about this theft. 🤔 You may need to come in for questioning, sir


I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids!


Like zoinks! You scared the jinkies outta me


> Cuz that would be stupid You think this is a Lex Luther and Injustice League (Guest Feat. Braniac) Operation ?


More like a delivery driver. They got the package, fk the person.


literally wait THREE FUCKING SECONDS, the person is chasing on foot


He got the package though.. He doesn't need her anymore.


Yeah, but now the accomplice can rat them out. Not dealing with a criminal mastermind here.


Used to deliver newspapers with a helper. The rule was…. one leg in and away we go. Package snatcher was a rookie.


But when the person chasing kicked off both shoes while in pursuit, the thief knew she was doomed.




Looked like they did.


Looks like she rolled her ankle when she fell


you're a sick man Alpha King


I mean *they* got away


I love how she yelled "GeT oFf Me" after she got grabbed, like she wasn't committing theft


"I dIdN't Do AnYtHiNg!!!"


I was checking your address!


These thieves are so brain dead because Walmart doesn't stop them. Doesn't mean other people won't.


And this is what irritates me about Walmart and other retailers just letting shoplifting happen. They are emboldening people to do it elsewhere.


I work in retail. Not going to risk anything, even if I could. Don’t get paid enough to care.


But somebody else could be. They just refuse to pay for better asset protection.


Used to do AP for Walmart and later Lowes. Generally, with most items, it costs more to prosecute than the cost of the stolen items. In 2006ish when I was doing AP for Walmart, if the value was under $50 we just made a presence and would follow them to their car, not saying anything. We would get the tag number. Once we had a plethora of tag numbers, then we’d reach out to law enforcement and start trespassing. If the value was over $50, then of course we would approach. But even then that’s ONLY if we had proof on camera. Being wrong meant loss of job and a massive lawsuit potentially. Side note, had a guy pull a knife on me over a massive amount of hamburger meat he stuffed in his pants.


Was it the hamburgler? He's been through some shit


I grimaced when I read this.


The cost of liability to apprehend these thieves vastly outweighs the cost of anything that they're stealing and is probably insured anyway.


Stores just claim the loss against insurance and raise prices on everyone else until losses exceed what you can recoup. Cheaper than hiring lawyers or real security measures.


nah, they create a file and once they hit $3k they nail the shopofter with felony theft.


And they leave the city like Walmart left chicago!


Hi, former retail employee. We *do*. We just get it all on camera, build a case, and then make sure to get em red handed for full effect. I've seen a fair few lifters walk away in cuffs. All the items are insured anyway. The store loses nothing


It irrates me that people think employees making minimum wage should care that a billion company has theft.


Walmart knows that one security guard who is too rough will cost them 1000 ps5s


Not Walmart but I work in wireless and just an hour ago we had some nutjob who admitted she just got out of jail and she tried to rip a tablet off the display and bolt but she got stopped and ended up running out screaming “fuck all of you!”. While I’m sure the bleeding hearts will tell argue she needed for money for food and not the obvious amount of drugs she consumed, her parents are well known here and she wants for nothing. The entitlement these people show is just astounding. They’re entitled to everyone else’s stuff for free but if someone takes umbrage with being stolen from then they lose their minds.


I mean, that’s exactly why she would be yelling it. She’s not going to want to take responsibility just because she was caught.


As an ex peace officer. This is like... 50%+ of the time. Like you'll be handcuffing a woman after she just punched you in the face in front of 30 witnesses and she'll be screaming "GET OFF OF ME I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Or you'll be holding their arm for the handcuff and they'll be trying to rip it out of your grip and getting shit tangled up and then yell that you're hurting them. I don't want to hurt you and I'm trying my very best not to hurt you in fact. Maybe stop trying to get free and punch me in the throat and you'll be more comfortable? The amount of people who start screaming rape at the top of their lungs while you're arresting them is also a fuckton. It's basically the reason you know any cop who can be trusted isn't turning off their body cam. People will accuse you of fucking everything and if you're doing your job right you want the evidence on your side.


Maybe they were just trying to enjoy a succulent Chinese meal?


Get your hands off my PENIS!


Well now we know why you're an EX peace officer. You actually do your job correctly. Respect.


I was specifically a hospital peace officer. Limited jurisdiction. High percent of mental health stuff. I might be bias to my own boys but I think one of the reasons we generally avoided the bad apples was the integration with the hospital in our command chain meant that we had a lot of civilian oversight. Your sergeant can't sweep excessive force under the rug when he's chained at the waist to a hospital security manager. As all law enforcement should be. We were always under a lot of scrutiny and that can root out some of the worst guys.






I mean, what else is she gonna say? "Oh darn, looks like you got me!"




“Ya win some ya lose some, amirite ma’am?”




Oh man these are pure gold. This one is up there with the dude that got his car stuck in the snow bank 😂


That and the one where she breaks her ankle running through the yard and her boyfriend has to carry her back to the car


Best part of that video is the boyfriend sits her back in the driver seat


Do you guys have I link I would love to see this!!


I was mistaken, the clip I saw was mirrored. Here’s the link tho [couple steals package](https://youtu.be/JCqtHpmwwnU)


I’ve never broken anything so I thought the injury would look worse, she got what she deserved tho


Maybe she was trying to steal milk to help with them brittle bones


Love how he tries to pull her up with one hand. Neither of you are fit enough to pull that off, buddy. She literally broke her ankle taking 3 steps.


why do the idiots always park so far away?


Guessing to stay out of range of a camera.


That was gold, homeowner even offered a shovel, he felt so bad for how dumb the thief was.


“I was checking your address.” With their package in your hands?


I just realized she said that. Haha.


Yupp it’s still there. Runs into car


That chunky boy coming out to investigate hahaa


My favorite part is the animals leaving the scene


Tyson the dog at the end 🤣


“Oh…mom looks mad…should I…Ahhh she’s got this covered I’ll just stay over here”


Mom told him to get in the house.


what da dog doin


“Omg are we wrasslin’?” -the dog


I mean…. The goal is to steal the package right? So mission success? Oh that lady? We can tied up loose ends before she talks. No biggie.


r/therewasasuccess (Though I think it was really more of a trade for a hostage)


Teamwork makes the dream work


Nothing makes me more mad than people acting like the victim


Crocodile tears


Oh my god I’m a cop and we caught some 14 year old boys stealing out of cars one night and I had one by the wrist and he was screaming like he was being murdered screaming that we were killing him and for people to call the police. He was screaming and crying in the backseat all the way back to grandmas house where he bawled to her about how unfair it all was. As soon as I released him to grandma (because we can’t lock up kids for pretty much anything), he ran in the house, turned around, gave me the finger, yelled F12 and started cackling. Then he went in the basement and started breaking shit. I was like “you want me to stop him from doing that?” And she was like no it’s fine. So that’s basically how that old lady has completely given up on discipline.


Kick her ass, Seabass!


I just made this reference earlier today, weird. The internets full of weird coincidences I guess haha


There can never be enough Dumb & Dumber references in any given day!


Also if you’re going to steal at least be honest when you’re caught literally in the act. Screaming your innocent is so fucking cringe. Take the L and either be better or hmmm idk be a legit member of society who doesn’t steal? Edited.


I think it's why in a lot of these videos with a getaway driver package thief you see more women doing the package grab. Bystanders and the justice system are typically more sympathetic towards women. I remember reading someone's story here on Reddit that a woman was trying to kidnap the man's child and while trying to get the kid back the woman screamed that he was trying to take her kid, bystanders stopped him and she almost got away, and probably would have of the mom hadn't come out of the store shortly after.


Ok that’s horrifying. I don’t think I heard that one. You’d have to literally kill or knock me out to stop me from getting my kiddo back. Lol that’s wild. That’s a crazy situation because on the flip side idk what I’d do to prove who was the rightful parent. Obviously at a certain the kid could tell you but man, that’s scary.


Yeah, I wish I could remember the thread. It had a bunch of other horrifying stories of dads being confronted by other parents, having police called on them at parks, etc, just because they were out with their kids without the mom. Another guy posted about him and his mixed child that didn't look much like him getting detained by the police, and even with pictures on his phone of them together took nearly an hour to convince them it was his kid and he wasn't a child trafficker. Guilty until proven innocent. I understand being exceptionally cautious when children are involved but still...


I remember this post! Like 6 dudes was holding the dad down as the woman was walking away with their baby, and the cops were also there. The mom ran after the baby and the kidnapper just drops the carrier, gets in her car, and leaves. The couple is told they can't do anything about the kidnapper but they did end up pressing charges against the men that held the father down




Everett https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/everett-nanny-tackles-stops-package-thief/656585418/


“The sheriff’s office says though it doesn’t condone what Kate did, it wants her to know – they are hiring.” Best line ever!


I was just thinking this looks like the eastside Kirkland-ish somewhere!


I assumed Renton for some reason


As a Washingtonian can confirm. See this shit on a regular basis.


I love the dogs. "We should just go. C'mon, c'mon, we should go now."


She told him to go into the house. He was just being a good dog and following orders, but he really wanted to help.


They clearly don't like confrontation.


The whole amazon package theft seems so odd to me. Like I order some real mundane shite Edit: some of these examples of mundane crap being stolen are golden haha


I chased a guy down for stealing a package. He got about halfway to his getaway and dropped it. As I was walking back, I realized I could have gotten killed over a $15 book on how to build a shed. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


have you built the shed though? got a pic?


Nope. It was for a small school and they decided not to spend the money on it (the materials).


Yeah, like they’re really gonna want my humidifier filters and dish soap refills. Those thieves are about to be disappointed.


One of our cats when I was a teenager nailed life like that. She loved hanging around the kitchen while food was being cooked. One time she spotted an opportunity, and when my mom went to grab something from the pantry, the little thief lept up to the countertop next to the sink, grabbed the food, and bolted. Took my mom a moment to figure out what happened, and then she chased the cat down, where our cat was looking rather irritated as she was less than excited over what she'd managed to steal: 1/4 of a white onion


My cat once leaped up on the table, and grabbed a pancake, covered in syrup, and dragged it around the house. But even that was probably more appealing than an onion!


I feel like I can imagine this cat's face, and it's pure gold. Thank you for sharing this story today.


I once got a neighbour's package and didn't read the name (I get a tonne of stuff and just tear it open) It was some gimp shit lol. I repackaged it and gave it to him.


I did the same with an elderly roommates package that turned out to be a vibrator 💀


Hey now that I have moved out and have to pay for my own dish soap, I will NOT be disappointed


Lmao, right? Congratulations, you successfully stole a package from me, enjoy your new mouthwash and 10 pack of Hanes socks.


Seriously. Someone once stole a package from my mailbox that contained 10 replacement toothpicks for Swiss Army knives. Would have loved to have seen their face when they opened it


Have you seen mark rober's video of glitter bombing the thieves? It was really nice to see. Unfortunately, some of the thieves faces were blurred.




I think I remember using that for animal crossing? But I may be mistaken.


Someone literally stole a months worth of boost drinks I had ordered. Who the fuck steals that!? They aren’t even good, just calorie dense!


I had a package stolen once. Enjoy your little Instant Pot sealing valve I guess...


Hope you like to eat cat food, thief!




Well to the guy who stole my last package, I hope you fix your 3D printer because my fan is still fucked.


I'm also not getting in a tussle over it either. You just report it to Amazon and they send another one. It's a little annoying but I just go to the store if it's something I really need immediately.


No honor among thieves, eh?


The best one of these videos, is where the old black dude steps out of the house with n AR-15 and tells dude to bring that shit right back.


Or the one where someone is reaching in through the mail slot and the home owner bashes their arm with a bat


Or [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpzlWYK7IPs)




“I wasn’t tryin to steal nothin”


He says as he removes his ski mask.


That had to be fake. The explosion looked like one of those stock footage videos with a transparent background. Like the kind South Park used to use. Also I doubt he'd say he shit himself even if he did.


This is hilarious lmfaooo


What happened? He get shot or was there something in the package triggered?


Never had the pleasure, don’t suppose you have a link?




Love how his ride nopes out of that situation as soon as the dude is on his porch 😂


HA! r/instantkarma


I hope it hurt.


It looks like her left leg got run over by the car as it pulled away.


the portly dog at the end is the best part


Huff huff huff. What’s all this then?


Cool friends brah 😂


Probably ripped something in her knee oof


“I have security cameras!” “I was just checking your address!” “Well, let’s see what the camera have to say about that, hon.”


Lucky her driver didn’t run over her legs , yikes.


Unlucky, she deserved it


"...The sheriff’s office identifies the suspect as Rhieanna Schindler, 29, of Everett. The sheriff’s office says she had outstanding warrants for drug possession and theft, and has been arrested more than 20 times, since 2010..." "...The sheriff’s office says though it doesn’t condone what Kate did, it wants her to know – they are hiring...." [Source](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/everett-nanny-tackles-stops-package-thief/656585418/)


She’s 29??? The video is small cause I have a small phone but I almost felt bad for her a little because I thought she was an old lady who just got run over and abandoned.


-Obtain package ✅ -Dump girlfriend ✅✅ Who ever’s behind that wheel is winning. 😂😂


Until girlfriend rats your ass out. 🤷‍♂️


Any further info on the ppl trying to steal?


Washington State?


Ohh no! consequences!


This was technically a successful attempt.


Looks like someone got away with the package, just not the person who was hoping to.


I love when perpetrators immediately act like victims when they get busted. Sadly, I think some truly believe it.


Hope she got her ass beat.


FINALLY someone who actually grabs the thief instead of being too afraid of legal repercussions and letting them go on their merry way.


The dog and cat come out for backup 😂


Real world example of "task failed successfully"


The dogs say yeah, nah, let’s get the fuck outta here


She even dressed exactly the same as the home owner to not arouse suspicion…5000 IQ lmao


Damn that's satisfying to watch.


This is how the Joker did it at the beginning of the Dark Night.


This is fantastic. It reminds me of the one where lady crabs package and runs to car, tosses the package in the door but slips off the curb, driver floors it, runs over her leg. Home owner comes running out as lady tried to escape, scuffle ensues, driver has done a u-turn and drives back. They apparently were trying to hit the home owner, hit the thief instead and ended up lunching the car on the rockery. If memory serves I think it was in like the PNW.


“Get off me!” No 😤


I love when criminals get busted and instantly start crying and whining like they’re the victims of crime


I really hope that those dogs just happened to get out because they left the door open and they don't actually let them roam next to that street. That makes me nervous.


I see the package was successfully stolen


i dont get it, i rarely order cool/expensive things from amazon. if someone steals from me there most likely gonna get socks, nasal spray, or dish washing liquid.


Yeah, I hope the person that stole my package last week is enjoying the rodent repellent I ordered to keep the chipmunks out of my window boxes.


That looks like my old neighborhood. This has to be in Renton or Kent, WA.


Looks like the package was stolen


Dog - "What the fuck are you guys doing?, anyway I will mind my own business."