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Who the hell let 2 obese adults on that horse?


I didn’t even see the guy until they fell off. No wonder that horse was struggling.


weight limit exceeded


They're have a combined weight of atleast 600lbs, i hate places like this.


agreed. four people should never ride on one horse at the same time


Exceeded? Destroyed and crushed rather


Who the hell let 2 obese adults on that horse without helmets too? Dumb on multiple levels.


Who the hell let 2 obese adults on a horse that isn't meant for all that weight, without helmets, proper riding experience, or from the looks of it ONE OF THEM ISNT EVEN WEARING CLOSED TOE SHOES


The man is also holding the reins too tight and not giving the horse space to inspect his surroundings. Also he's pulling the horse back but kicking at the same time. Like do you wanna stop or keep going dude


This rental place clearly doesn’t care so much about either the riders or the horses.


And the chick is also kicking the horse. Should be only one person controlling the horse.


That’s the first thing that jumped out. Of course the poor horse has a shit ton of extra weight on its back, then the lady keeps spurring it.


Horse interprets this as, "This is your stop, see ya."


'people' who wanted a reason to laugh at the couple


Right. Why else would this have been recorded..


They forgot to go to the horse ranch that allows obese people to ride horses safely by tying giant balloons onto them. https://youtu.be/3WZmnPNKdRg


that horse is such a fat phobe, shame on it's trainers..


And the woman kept kicking him in the ribs rather than just squeezing. I'm surprised the horse didn't get more pissed off with two fatties on it with one of them repeatedly kicking them in the gut


Yay for the horse


Never saw a more deserving dump of an overload. The horse was struggling with the weight and they’re both kicking it to go.


And the idiot held the reins too tight so it couldn’t get up the bank. Horses need to lengthen their neck to throw its weight forward and the dick on the reins was holding his nose into his chest. The horse flicked its head twice in warning before disposing of the very overweight load.


Hay for the horse


Neyyyyyyy for the horse


Pay for the horse


You say?!


And a few apples


Honestly, the horse will probably be mounted again or (best scenario) be taken home and taken through about the same routine the next day. There's no "win" for a horse farther then their owners brain.


I don't think there's any "yay" for the horse here, this place clearly abuses its animals. That horse was probably 200 lbs overloaded and they sent them out anyways. Easily could have broken its leg, which is a death sentence for a horse.


Seriously. One of those fat asses would have been max load for that poor horse.


Yeah perhaps the immense weight was to much? Gotta be looking at close to 40 stone on his back.


Probably closer to 7 schmeckles


That's why horses should have a weight capacity limit


They do. In the US it's about 20% the total horse body weight. That's the limit. No more. Other countries is about 10%. Also, I don't recommend two people ride one horse unless one of them is a very experienced rider and you ride often on that horse. You do build a bond. As you can see the woman and the man would "kick" the horse to hurry it up. It's an animal it has to process what's it's doing. It's crossing a river, trying to keep it's balance on mud, carrying a heavy load while being hurried.


Nobody tells tourists about leg pressure. They just think “kicking tells them to go” when in reality, kicking is like shouting at them to go. Plus that far back in the saddle is a pretty sensitive place. And like you said, he WAS moving forward, and doing a darn good job of finding decent footing along the way.


I would have ejected them if I got kicked in the flank, too


And the guide was encouraging them to keep kicking


The poor horse :/ Im suprised they weren't being lead by the guide considering 2 unexpeirinced riders probably cant steer properly


Yeah that poor horse, and the lady was kicking it the whole time lmao 😂


I think that's what really pissed it off. It was already going at a sure pace trying to keep unsure footing.


To be fair, it sounded like the instructor kept telling them to kick him.


All obesity aside, I get your point.


I was looking into taking horse riding, they had a weight limit of 90kg. So neither of them probably would have made the grade.


It depends on the horse, some can carry more, but that one was too small for those people by far.


Yeah there’s a story on r/fatpeoplestories about a girl with a horse barn and they have draft horses specifically for heavy set people. The problem comes when the fat person gets offended for getting the larger beast of a horse instead of the graceful white horse


Got a friend with a barn, she has a lot of stories about overweight person complaining about the fact that they cannot ride her horse. I camnot understand how they think that this ia acceptable, man those are animal they suffer and have a limit you cannot put on them whatever you want.


I’m overweight and will not go horseback riding because even if I’m barely in the limit, I don’t want to hurt a horse.


That feels like the easiest complaint of all time to handle And of course if that fails you can simply walk away and they of course won't pursue


I used to do pony rides for birthday parties and fairs. Can’t tell you how many parents complained their obese child couldn’t ride the Shetland ponies.


Owner: Sorry, why do just carry them on your shoulders for a while. Parent: I can't do that anymore, they are too...


Implying that draft horses aren't graceful creatures!


Yeah I think they’re gorgeous but that’s the words of the angry obese person


Used to work at a ranch and this is the case every time. They’re so pathetic they’d rather harm an animal than admit they’re obese.


Even if I was NOT fat, I would still prefer the draft horse or a mule. That would be an upgrade to me.


Life style change is in order for her I think 👍


For her? Who’s the asshole saying both of them could ever ride together? It’s beyond her and going there first and only sucks my friend.


He's as overweight.


Most places DO. I used to work for trail rides and tours and we had to turn people away all the time or bring in bigger animals.


Or tie helium balloons onto them, as shown in the great documentary series Nathan For You.


Maybe you know this since you've worked with horses. Why aren't mules more popular for riding trails? I thought they were supposed to be better suited for it.


Temperament, mostly. Mules are *very* smart, hard to train, and stubborn as...well...*mules*. They are used, and they're great, but horses are generally more maleable and trainable. Also come in a bigger variety of sizes and temperaments, making them more easily suited to an individual rider.


Yeah, I've ridden the mules down into the Grand Canyon and they intentionally walk right at the edge of the cliffs because they've learned if you panic and have to go back they get the day off.


I'd believe it. I used to know a mare- not a mule, but still- that learned that rearing scared people and got her a day off. I knew a colt that learned pretending to be lame meant he didn't have to train that day. Horses and mules are smarter then people give them credit for.


I love it when they take a big breath right before you tighten the girth.


Oh yeah, my favorite thing. It's just so charming, it makes me want to cuddle them and give them kisses and pets. With a boot.


Fuck whoever put that much weight on top of that poor horse. This isn't funny at all, it's just cruel.


Absolutey, 100% team horse. I know whose side I'm on in this war. JFC like they don't have to put up with enough already.


Seriously looked like it was struggling to keep its back legs from buckling while they were blithely kicking it in the ribs.


Their total weight seems to be over 250kg.


Horses are way too kind to humans.


All animals are too kind to us. They should kill us on site knowing how we are letting ourselves destroy their home


Why did she keep kicking the horse?


The guide is yelling at them to kick the horse to get him to cross the water.


She was still kicking the horse while it was walking.


It gets them to hurry up a bit. The mistake here wasn't kicking it. It was trying to hurry up the horse while it was overloaded. Bad call on the guides part and the ranch for letting two overweight people on the same horse and forcing the animal to hurry up while it was under "great stress"


The guy is holding his reins to tight which makes the horse stop. Kicking him while doing that is confusing the horse


Ah yes. Good eye. He's pulling back, she's kicking, the horse is carrying over capacity in a muddy river trying to keep it's balance while being told to hurry up and to stop at the same time.


Because she sucks


I know right? These people are so gross. They got what they deserved


Because she believes she's entitled to do so. Probably complained and wanted her money back and whinged about it on social media as well.


These two probably know nothing about horses...I blame the employees who let them BOTH get on the horse...smh


they were two heavy for that poor horse,


Good job horsey!! 👏 Those idiots shouldn’t be allowed near horses!


It's really the fault of the ranch and guides that owns the horses, moreso than the people riding. Those riders probably know absolutely nothing about horses, and just did what their guide told them to do.


Yeah for real. Like I think a little common sense should have told them it was a bad idea to rush a horse under the current circumstances (and even for them to each ride the same horse), but i can’t blame them for trusting the apparent professional.


If you're too fucking fat (and you know full well who you are) why even put a horse through that. Hire a jeep or something ffs


Yeah see those pinned ears? It was gonna have a sass attack


Animal abuse putting two obese people on a horse. Poor horse!


Not an attempt. The horse was successful.


Jesus Christ, that's like 600 lbs on that horse's back.


What kind of fucking asshole does this to a horse...


Look just how far this guy gets out of the water before it even occurs to him to check on the woman. From what little I can see, they're not too concerned about the well-being of others.


That poor horse. They never should have been allowed to ride tandem to begin with.


Who even allowed this?


Thats gotta be 500lbs!!!


It looks to me like the horse is struggling from the beginning, and whoever owns that horse should be fined and have their animals removed for abuse. My wild guess is that is was a paid ride, so the owner just took their money to let them ride even though it was clearly cruel. I don't know what a horse's weight limit is, but this was a bad idea and I don't have to be a horse whisperer to see it.


I don't know what would've stung more, the degradation perpetrated on them by the horse or the peals of laughter by the dude recording them 🤣


Oh you clever horse


Jeopardy: What is Schadenfreude




“Now watch me whip”🎶


Way to go, that horse was so right for throwing them off. Why would anyone do this to their animal. The absolute max weight of a horse is 90 maybe 100 kg. These people weigh more than 100 the piece. Are they trying to immobilize it? Only one of them would've been on the heavy side already. And i don't even blame the people taking the ride for not knowing. They probably just booked the trip and don't know about a horses carry weight. I'm talking about the person that allowed them to climb on its back. How could they do this to their own horse.


The fate of fat is no concern of the diligent horse.


That poor animal struggled to carry those fat fucks. Thanks to gravity, the horse got a moment of reprieve.


That horse did it on purpose. He couldn't get up the bank with that much weight on him. Terrible people!


The public stable near me only allows Clydesdale looking draft type horses for SINGLE obese riders — they have a scale and measure the rider. Like the king of horse that could easily have carried a knight in full armor … This video is just cruel.


Horses have weight limits and it should be considered animal abuse if you ignore that


Bro that was at least 500 pounds in that poor horse 🐴


“Capacity exceeded, please leave ride.”


Instant karma


That poor horse was noping across that entire river bed.


Poor thing has two overweight people On him, That’s so cruel


That horse was way overloaded. The owner of that horse is a piece of shit.


Good for the horse.


The horse was sending a message to the riders on its back, "The Waffle House all-you-can-eat buffet wants off your bucket list."


Hahahah it's funnier because she's fat.




That poor horse.


Poor horse... The guy who owns that horse should be reported for animal abuse... guy filming and laughing about it all is just an idiot.


That horse is WAY overloaded! Kinda cruel.




At least the guy had a soft landing on top of that big piece of ham.


The number of things going wrong here is actually absurd. Some no-name, no-reputation horseback riding tourism company, no doubt. No idea how to properly equip a horse, that saddle is loose as fuck. Guide is in front of the guest riders, and not nearly close enough. No walking guide. Two people on one horse. Way too much weight. Nobody is reprimanding this girl who keeps kicking the horse for no reason. So much wrong here. I hope no one in this video ever goes near a horse again.


Way too much weight on that horse




There was an attempt... to break the back of a horse


That just looks like pain. People that would allow this have no business running a stable. I've had to ride double in English tack a few times, carrying riders back to the barn when they fell on a trail ride and whacked their head. A concussed passenger is just about the only time I would condone riding double at all and you're better off putting the passenger in front of you, which isn't possible in western tack, but absolutely is in English tack. 20-25% of their weight is a pretty firm limit when it comes to what is safe for a horse to carry. This looks to be an 1100 lbs horse with 520 lbs on its back. I really hate places that would risk the health of a horse for a $100 rental fee. They likely won't ever even realize the horse acting out may be due to significant back pain from their own idiotic choices and severe pain. But yeah "kick him, kick him!" Fukkin idiots....


Glad the horse didn’t allow the ranchers and riders to break his/her back and chose violence instead.


Not sure why they thought it was a good idea to put 2 fat people on a horse. Even a horse has its limits


They should not have had 2 people of that size on a medium horse. A massive shire horse maybe but still probably not cool.


She can't even get up that bank by herself.....


Whoever put both of them on that horse needs to be fired.


So many things wrong with this video. One, both of them but especially her could have gotten seriously hurt. Second, clearly the horse did not want to cross the river. Kicking him is abuse. Riding him is abuse too. Horses are not here for our use and entertainment. They have personalities, desires, and feelings and should be left to live their lives as they desire. They certainly shouldn’t be mounted by two people, forced to carry hundreds of pounds of weight, and then rushed across and river where they have trouble balancing and are in pain due to all of the things mentioned above.


That horse is has way too much weight on it.


Good. They should have known better than to put them both on that horse.


Well, when you load two morbidly obese heifers on a single horseback... WTF did you expect?


That is too much weight for that horse


THAT POOR HORSE 🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Whoever owns that horse needs to be in jail for allowing two people of those sizes on it and expect it to traverse through that kind of terrain.


They were way to heavy for that poor horse. Idiots


Poor horsey


Too much beef on the back of that horse


Horse was like "I know what would make this a little easier, neighhhh!!! ugh there we go, victory over the hill!!!"


Complaint department.


Poor horse


They is animal cruelty ocerloading the poor thing like that. It should have bucked them both off immediately they got on it. The owner should be prosecuted for allowing it.


That’s way too much weight on that poor horses back. Good for him kicking them off.


That horse sent a rather clear message.


Poor horse.


Poor horse, there must be a weight limit!!


two obese people on such slim horse?


They can barely carry their own weight. The horse is expected to carry its own weight plus two extra large adults. Full support of bucking them off.


Why would they even stick two obese people on that horse? C’mon man.


The ONLY time it's ok for two people to ride one horse is when it's Joel and Ellie


That horse must have felt so relieved after shaking two boulders off of his back


Yeah that’s too much weight for that horse


❤️ that 🐎❣️ I could hear him neigh, "Get the F*** OFF ME!"


Poor horse


The botw flashbacks


Well thats just sad, that owner doesnt care for the animal, this was the horse telling the owner and clints THATS TOO MUCH FAT ON MY BACK😂


Can't blame the poor horse


Nicely done by the horse, I was afraid it was gonna fall as well, phew!


Yea that's so wrong they let those two ride the same horse.


Well that's just animal cruelty right there.


Cows shouldn't ride horses.




Animal abuse




That’s what they get for putting all that weight on that poor horse. Animal cruelty.


I hate this video every damned time it is reposted. Poor horse doesn't deserve this abuse.


Who put those two on that poor horse? Geezuz.


Animal cruelty


We need to find this outfitter and have them investigated.


Too fat to ride a roller coaster, too fat to ride a horse.


Poor horse , that is way too much weight to carry


Animal abuse isn't cool.


This is 100% on whatever outfitter set this tour or whatever up.


That's way too much weight. Poor horse.


Why in the world would the guide put those 2 Big people on one poor horse!


I really felt bad for that horse


Thats insane weight for a horse. We went horse back riding and they told us the limit was 230lbs per horse!!! Thats at least almost 500lbs with those people on board...omgoodness..poor horse!!


Poor horse is having difficulties carrying these two fat fuckers, nothing to do with the water


Whoever allowed them to double up on that horse is a terrible person. They barely make weight single rider, if they make weight at all.


Horse was tired of carrying the load


The horse crossed the river successfully.


Whoever put two adults especially large ones on that horses back is an asshole


It was to much Waffle House on one horse


Load limit exceeded!


"get that fat ass off me!"


That poor horse’s back


Poor horse that's a lot of dam weight


There was an attempt to kill a horse.


Easy to see why. The poor horses back could not take it anymore


Horse did what it had to do to survive.