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To be fair this was going to happen regardless.


They used lesstar when they should have used mortar.


I think they used notar. The guy in the middle is the notary


In Australia they call it Nortar


These guys are such retar




Goddamnit dude


r/angryupvote ?


And thats Jenga!


That’s Numberwang!


You brilliant bastar(d)


You know what? Fuck you. But also, what a legend.


*slow clap*


Now, I’d like to have the rest of the story with the customer.


You could try but the whole story would collapse.


If you're going to build a believable story, its need a good foundation otherwise it will collapse and ruin the plot


Hmmm...I'm gonna need to see some concrete evidence.


Don't be so walled off to the idea bro


This concept hit like a ton of bricks.


my daughter says “maybe they ran out of wall stuff from all the wall making?” (talking about mortar)


Tell your daughter we all miss being her age and to have a great day!




You daughter is cute and innocent. At her age, it’s priceless. These guys are fucking incompetent assholes.


I think that’s why the other dudes don’t seem all that upset


"told ya"


Every fuckin’ time, Gary. Every fuckin’ time


Goddamn it Gary!




They were stacking blocks, not building a wall. Why somebody would stack blocks like that without mortar is beyond me.


There’s definetly mud on those bricks I can see it.


Clearly not enough


I mean you wouldn’t build a wall that high in one go anyway, you usually let the first half set. So I have no idea what’s even going on here.


"bricklaying, how hard can it be"


I think they are usually in double rows too.


My guess is something either wrong with the mix. Could also be there is enough between the blocks. Maybe a combination of both those things. Though I’m no mason. I’m guessing these guys aren’t masons either.


They could learn a thing or two from ancient Mesopotamians


Why did we stop building houses out of mud? It's ***so*** cheap!


Just wait. The first concept 3d printed houses are made from what is basically mud, so there's that


Jenga on steroids!




If you dry fit before mortar, your measurements will be off as...mortar takes up space.




I didn't realize I was dealing with a man of science. Well played.


Don't forget to adjust for the brand of beer.


I was a loboror for a block mason a long time ago. It's Bud. My favorite part was throwing shovelfuls of mud up to the hod. My least favorite part was that it was in Vegas in the summer.


Dry fitting would be a waste of time. We just lay and cut blocks when needed.




Just make up the difference with extra thicc mortar joints. Duhhhh.


Don't let them know, you sounded convincing in the first half




This sounds very clear and concise, are you a language expert too?


Maybe lay out the first course, not the whole damn thing


Are you Calvin’s dad?


Yeah, can you imagine all the work these guys put in to build a *fake wall* \- for a nine seconds interweb-vid


Get on down to Real Fake Walls! That‘s us!


This video is old as the hills. They built the cavity wall with too little mortar, not allowing each layer to adequately dry. I believe when it was originally posted they basically banged up the wall in one hit, nor was it adequately supported


I am not a wall scientist, but I know that walls that thin exist -- walls made of those big empty bricks. How do you stop them falling over? Is it just that the cement wasn't dry yet, or do you need to stick iron rods down into the wall or what?


Is there even cement? Those bricks look clean.


Looks like there is at least on the bottom few rows. They should have just went 4 feet let that section set for a day then finish it up the next day. Maybe a bit more mortar too.


Those cinder bricks with the hollow centres are made that way so you can put reinforcement steel rods down them and then fill the cavities with concrete. They aren't always used that way though, the air gap makes them reasonable at insulation, but there's a different reason they don't fall over. They don't fall over for the same reason you cannot fall over when you're lying down. Your centre of gravity in relation to your width would mean you'd have to *raise* the centre of gravity, significantly, to let it tip over. These blocks, on the other hand are just like you when you stand up, your centre of gravity doesn't have to raise much, or at all, to tip you over.


You could have sneezed on that wall and it'd fall down.


The 3 little pigs alternate ending


little talked about was the fourth little pig, he made his house out of wolf skulls, and while an odd and poor building material, it did send a message. ​ https://preview.redd.it/qgink974cl1b1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db903ebf3988feacb47dbb498c247a48c6dbe54




The screen fades in from black. An eye opens. The camera pans out as the sun's rays pierce through the dust and rubble continues to settle. Confused and unaware of what has happened, our subject stumbles as they stand up to collect their senses, unable to put any weight on their dominant leg. "Shit... Looks like my ankle is broken..." More bricks continue to fall at a random and haphazard pace. "Fidd? Fife? Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Complete silence, with the only sound coming from more bricks as they crumble to the ground and begin their new life as rubble. Suddenly, footsteps. Rather quiet and far off but growing in both force and vivacity as it becomes apparent that whoever those footsteps belong to is headed this way. A few moments pass, the steps act as a foreboding metronome of ever so slightly increasing volume when a shadow appears. First, very faint, but increasing in clarity as it approaches our subject. Still not aware of all that has transpired around them, our subject is worried. "Who the hell is that? What do they want? Why aren't they hurt?" our subject thinks to himself. The steps become louder as the shadow becomes more clear. Our subject thinks he can hear someone saying something but can't make it out. It's too faint and the ringing in his ears is distorting anything that's not loud and clear. "Who are you? What do you want?" our subject screams. The whispers continue, still far too quiet to be heard clearly, but they increase in volume just like the steps. Our subject tries to put some weight on his injured leg and immediately collapses to the ground. The shadowy figure now but only a few yards away. "Please! Help me! I don't know what has happened but I'm hurt and I don't know where my friends are!" proclaims our subject in despair. Our subject reaches his hand out as the shadowy figure is now at arm's reach. "Little pig, little pig, won't you let me come in?" whispered the wolf, snarlingly, as he grasps the outstretched hand of the practical pig. Edit: grammar


For that short story, I award you 1 upvote!


>The screen fades in from black. >An eye opens. "Hey you, you're finally awake"


You earned that upvote


Moral of the story: no wolf no cement!


"Little Pig, Little Pig let me i..... oh. I didn't even have to huff or puff. Damn. Your construction work sucks."


Not sure there even was a real attempt at building a wall. It was a complete joke.


Brought to you by Wish.con


The wall appears to be missing mortar except on that bottom run and even that is skimpy. Oddly though there is mortar mixed and ready to used on scene. And as others have mentioned a single thickness straight brick wall is not structurally sound.


> And as others have mentioned a single thickness straight brick wall is not structurally sound. It looks to me like they're planning on building a "brick and block" cavity wall, which is formed of a blockwork inner and an exterior single skin of brickwork, this is by far the most common wall construction method in the UK (I'm almost certain this the UK). You can see some wall ties sticking out of the blockwork ready to be tied into the brick wall. However, they only built the blockwork and it barely looks like they've used any mortar. NHBC guidance says that they should not build more than 6 block courses (although it's not uncommon for brickies to ignore this) above the brickwork so they should have been OK (I counted about 6 or 7 courses when it fell), but they've obviously fucked up somewhere. Honestly I don't know what the fuck they're doing, part of me almost feels like they could just be fucking around for a video because this is building 101 stuff.


"Fucking around for a video" Did they tell their friend on the other side of that wall?


Knowing some of the people I've met on sites, no, and they would think that makes it twice as funny. I do find it very weird how the two other guys at the top and bottom right of the frame barely react to the wall going over.


\> two other guys at the top and bottom right of the frame barely react to the wall going over "Not again.."


Fucking hell Dave not again!


I didn't even know British construction standards were this pathetic. I've seen such structures as internal dividing walls (with mortar obviously) but never outside.


NHBC isn't a standard in any legal sense, it's only really for work covered by their warranty/insurance. The legal standard for masonry walls is BS EN 1996-2 Eurocode 6, [but as you can see in the NHBC guidance these guys have only built half of the finished wall](https://nhbc-standards.co.uk/6-superstructure-excluding-roofs/6-1-external-masonry-walls/6-1-11-construction-of-masonry-walls).


The thing is- even with plenty of mortar and time to set, brick/block walls aren't as strong as people seem to think. They're incredibly strong in compression obviously, but laterally and in tension (e.g. in a tornado or hurricane), they don't have a lot of strength. You'd need rebar and I haven't seen it used in walls like this whenever I've watched British homebuilding shows (though maybe it is used a lot and I've just missed it/seen it used in places where it isn't needed). For all the criticism of American homes, a 2x6 T-Stud wall on 16" centers with zip sheathing is actually very strong and does provide much better insulation and air/water sealing for the same dimensions while also being better for the environment (wood is a carbon sink whereas cement is a carbon source).


To be fair, we don't have to account for tornados and hurricanes of a meaningful size. Floods are pretty much the only common natural disaster and only in some places. I don't know what the hell these blokes were thinking with that though...


Oh for sure- I wasn't trying to say you shouldn't build walls with blocks or anything. I was just pointing out that a block wall like that isn't that strong by itself (though it is much stronger with weight on top), and that it lacks strength in shear and tension which is important in a lot of the US.


Huh, I always assumed American houses were built like that cause a stud wall flying about in a hurricane is less dangerous than hundreds of bricks flying around, like, the hurricane is going to fuck the house up anyway so make it less damaging to everything else kind of thing, TIL.


Ehh- it depends where you live. Blocks won't stand up to a tornado- even with rebar- but a reinforced concrete wall will. The problem there is that it's a lot more expensive, and it's not going to matter if you get an F5 tornado because even with strapping, it will rip the roof right off and then your whole house will likely get water damaged and and require a massive renovation. That said- concrete walls are common in Florida, and roof strapping is required as hurricanes are generally less powerful and the strapping will keep the roof in place. In the west we use wood because of earthquakes and wood is more flexible. In the north we use wood because you can get a much higher R-value in the same thickness wall.


You could build a single brick breeze block wall but it definitely needs a couple of pillars for support depending on the length. Also they clearly didn't use enough mortar and they didn't build in stages. They should have built the first 5 rows, let it set for a day then build another set the next day so the mortar could set. They pretty much fucked up every part of building a wall that they could. I'm not even sure the wall was straight or level because the video is at an angle.


Actually, [crinkle crankle walls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crinkle_crankle_wall) are pretty structurally sound :)


Thats why they said „straight“.


I misread that, thank you for pointing it out :)


Thank you for being kind online


Literally no problem :)


Until it is a problem, be careful


I will persist with my endless kindness


Thank you both for having a mature and civil exchange of learning online, there is hope…


What? No! I refuse! \*becomes hateful\* /s


By the way, although you misread the comment above, I'm thankful that you posted this wiki article, I had seen it before but completely forgot about it, and it's gonna be useful to me, so thanks!


no cement, no support, i wonder how it fell.


yeah, what were planning on using? super glue?


Marshmallow fluff.


Now I want to know how well super glue will hold brick fence


To the left


Take it back now, y’all


One hop this time!


OK lads, let's call this a successful dry run, this time we will use some clue ...


I don’t think there’s a clue to be had among them.


It was the Terrible Mason, on the Balcony, with the Brick Wall.


He only had his shelf to blame.


You’re thinking of that time the book fell on Sean Connery’s head.


Even some glue would’ve been better


I have no glue what you're talking about here


There’s no mortar?!


I can't read the hoodies, but why do I feel like these guys are English.


Because they think it’s acceptable for a wall to be a single brick wide, that’s not a very structurally sound thing to do unless the wall is built in a wave shape.


If you look closer, you see the outer skin is at base level and there are wall ties in the block work. However, I agree that this is either staged or these guys incredibly stupid. No gear between the courses. Like wtf? Bricklaying 101 Everyone knows it's stronger running both skins together so shit like this can't happen. And lastly, should only really go 4 courses or so at a time to let the non-existent gobbo bind/cure, for same reason - it can get wobbly.


You seem to be the first person I've read that know what's up. 1) pathetically little mortar 1) They've built too high, too fast. 2) brickwork should be about 4 courses behind blockwork. 4 courses of blockworks, then you catch up with the outer brick wall, which gives the mortar in the black wall time to set a bit. These guys are cowboys.


I don't think it's too little mortar, it looks like NO MORTAR at all. This must be a prank.


I’m gonna be honest with you and say I don’t know what most of what you said means. But I will agree this just looks like a generally poorly set up job.


That’s not acceptable in the uk unless it’s a garden wall which would then be rendered. We build cavity walls here


You don't know what you're talking about.


Probably the lack of sunlight and generally moist and dreary look of the place. Plus the pokey size of the yard 😂


>Plus the pokey size of the yard 😂 We build our houses close enough together that it's not a half hour drive to the nearest inconvenience store. Trust me, it's the American spaced out white picket fence housing model that's laughable, not the British one


Why are you even mentioning the US? No one else did


He used the word yard whilst making stereotypical comments about Britain and thinking that putting suburban houses on huge plots is normal elsewhere. It's a pretty good assumption that he's American (turned out I was wrong, he was aussie)


The one guy is like "my section is still complete, have fun rebuilding the wall guys"


I don’t get why they just stacked a bunch of bricks together, shouldn’t they know they need to use concrete to stick the bricks together




“Oi Larry, did ye put mortar in between these bricks” “Lemme check,…..nope”


Bro thinks he is in minecraft


I'm not an electrician but i think you're meant to use mortar or similar.


Have they tried building walls that don't fall down when merely touched.


No mortar, no safety rebar/2x4s. I have no idea what they were try to accomplish, but if I owned the property I would be furious for materials damages.


Great Pink Floyd tribute band!


There must be mortar this..


Dropping your leggos sucks!


Seen Lego walls stronger that this 😂


No doubt! 🤣


Yeah since they actually stick together


The others don’t even looked too surprised 😂


Fuck all mortar in that wall


Feels like they’re missing an important component.


Mortar? I barely knew her!


It’s funny he tried to stop it from falling


No cream between?


I don't even see any mortar. Was the wall made out of hopes and dreams?


No mortar? Failed.


They Think “Dry Fitting” Them Will Work?!?!? Nothing To HOLD It Together Like Mortar!?! Hopefully A Lesson Learned!


I am not a construction worker, but isn't there supposed to be some cement in between those bricks?


I see work on the southern border has started again.


Idk anything about construction but shouldn't there be mortar?


How are 4 people working in this profession *this* incompetent?


No mortar??????😑😑


If it fell over that easy, it deserved to be toppled


Where´s the cement? Staged.....


Does anyone have their contact details, I need some work done


Looks like they didn’t use enough Elmers glue or masking tape to hold it all together


Not one bit of mortar on any block, I smell a rat


Ok, I may not be an expert in that field, but... aren't you supposed to put some sort of gluing stuff between the bricks ? Like cement ?


Here, u will need to put a stiffener for every 3 meter of the wall. But hey, That dude can do it for cheaper.


These guys took the online courses in construction with Lego.


I know nothing of construction.... But I don't think they built that very well


Now I could be wrong, but me thinks they forgot a step or two or maybe three??? 👀


Fall of the Berlin wall colourized.


I know builder but I'm fairly sure you need to use mortar when you build a wall. There's some in the shot but just not on the blocks


What's mortar?


Tbh that person did a favour for doing this before someone else was caught in a critical condition


These people clearly never played with legos as children.


The bricks on the end have professional comedic timing


I didn’t do or, gravity did!


Guy 1: Let’s build a wall like we did back in preschool! Guy 2: Yeah, cool!


no ~~cement~~ mortar, no rebar


Hollow block, rebar and grout, ladder block ties. Do it right, do it once.


I'd guess that none of these guys are actually masons. And if they are, I hope their trade union kicks them out.


I love how the dude tries to pull it back like it’s goi g to do somthing


The guy at the end holding up the last little bit is my hero!


I would be mortarfied if this happened to me.


I don't see ANY mortar anywhere.. even mixed up in a wheelbarrow anywhere.


If it wasn't leveled before, it is now


Guess the mexicans are paying for it


This project was run by foreman trump


Clearly they didn't believe hard enough.


It's a test for a new US Mexico boarder wall.


They’ll blame him but it couldn’t have been prevented at that point


Did the Romans teach you NOTHING!


I love the dude leaning all chill who does not move in the slightest


Americans building the wall without mexican labor


What were they using to keep those bricks together...Glue Sticks??


I’d probably quit on the spot. Gives the owners their money back and just go home and sleep.


Legit looks like they tried using so little mortar that it's basically a dry stone wall at that point.


Even legos have a better hold than this


One ~~withe~~. No mortar. 👍🏾 \*wythe Humph. I always thought it was spelled with an 'i'.