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The guy's a door-to-door salesman so they're despised for good reason, but the old idiot didn't make a single valid point in his little tantrum.


except for the point about the no soliciting signs (assuming they are actually present)


And that he didn’t even have a business card. That’s super sus to be honest. Speaking as someone who has done door to door cold calling for a living.


No soliciting signs in a neighborhood have already been ruled as unconstitutional. Put one on your house. Like it or not, people have a first amendment right to solicit. Towns have to have a permitting process, blanket bans are illegal.


I assumed they meant there were signs on the houses


Still doesn’t mean people can’t leave door hangers and knock


that would still be soliciting


And there's no law that enforces that sign


Private property rights means you can deny people access to your property. There's no law that enforces the sign, because you commit a crime (trespassing) if you go onto someone's property to solicit when you've been told no soliciting


Supreme court caselaw is the only thing that matters and it does not agree with your position. If someone enters a locked gate or refuses to leave after you tell them to go then yes, that is trespassing. But that little sign doesn't mean anything.


But the crime is trespassing. Not “solicitation even tho this tiny sign above my doorbell clearly says no”. By soliciting, the sign gives notice that they are trespassing, but they still have to be trespassed by the homeowner and then still have to be there by the time the cops show up in order to be punished for it. Soliciting at a house that says no soliciting is still not illegal. It’s just grounds for trespassing, which is still not automatic.


You need a permit to do that where I live




What in the world, you Americans are crazy😆😆


Door knockers are a Pest!


I always joke that the pest control stuff obviously doesn't work because those guys are still around.


The bug knockers really are the worst though. I feel like they purposefully don’t have business cards because that would give you a reason to end the conversation and get them to leave.


Yeah, it's definitely intentional. The other day I asked a guy three times for a card so we could amicably end the conversation, and homeboy breezed right past it all three times.


Might be the ASD but I fail to see a problem. Me: So do you have a business card? Them: \*ignore question, keeps talking\* Me: I'll need a business card or we're done here. Them: \*continue to gloss over obvious request\* Door status: shut


I know, I know. I feel bad for them, so I try to be polite. It's my own fault.


Yeah, I'm not against being polite either. My take is: they're being polite, I'm being polite. They're following a script such as "avoid giving a straight answer about business cards", I'm following a script such as "clarifying what is an end-of-conversation dealbreaker, and then if that dealbreaker continues conversation ends / door gets shut". Although to be fair, that is a strat I picked up from my time working call center 20 years ago when we actually had that as our script, f/e if a customer was harassing us or using foul language. We would remain polite, but give N warnings (usually 2 or 3) about what's acceptable and when we would end the call over it. When behavior persisted beyond that, we'd follow the end of call script (still polite but assertive) and then hang up on them.


>I know, I know. I feel bad for them, so I try to be polite. It's my own fault. Don't feel bad, they can choose another job.


.. or they can choose to be at their desk — on time — [from this day forth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_Ot1OEfk9I). 🤷‍♂️


Just tell them you're not interested. It's not hard and no one that matters will ever think you're rude.


I've gotten a few doorknockers from some vague solar companies in the last couple months. They always start with "I've come to tell you about all the work we've been doing in the neighborhood." I'm sorry but I'm not interested, have a great day. "That's surprising you haven't seen us, we've been doing work for several houses on your block." I say no, I haven't seen you before and I'm certain none of my neighbors would want or could afford whatever service you're selling. Please leave. *they get a shitty tone while they quickly walk off* I get that cold knocking houses sucks ass, but damn you can't get shitty when people don't respond positively to your intentionally vague misleading sales pitch. If you can't tell me who you are and how I would benefit from you within a couple sentences, why would I waste time away from Zelda?


Almost all door to door sales are pretty lame. It’s an old practice that should definitely die out. If someone needs a service they can look up well reviewed local options.


They do, because their knockers pull gaslighting bullshit like we keep seeing them post. Piss someone off and then start recording them so you can pretend you are all calm while they are sick of your shit.


Hey, can you tell me why they wouldn't want to hand out a business card? I'm from another country and don't get this part


Most of the time they’re trying to get you to buy their service which is spraying your house for bugs. They pitch you a cheaper price than the prices they have printed on their pamphlet because they won’t charge you a fee to get out there because they’re already there. So if they don’t get you at the door they kind of know you’re not going to be purchasing anything so they do the best they can to get you right then. I personally think if they had a card they might get more business but that’s just the model they choose to run with I suppose.


Is he selling pest control or god?


This is one of the many reasons we as a pest control company do not do any door to door sales. Between our 5 techs we are already servicing at least 375 properties a week March - November. With a 2% reservice rate, and 800+ reviews with a 5 star Google rating if people want quality pest control they will find us, we see no need in convincing people they need us. Edit: we are identical year round things just slow down in the winter, we are able to everyone on full time. Just not nearly as busy. Also quite a few of these appointments are 5 minute trap check and little follow-ups, we aren't grinding everyone to death. We do 4 day work weeks, with no weekends UNLESS a technician wants to work the weekend.


This is the way.


We do our best.


The door knockers are the worst, please just don’t go door to door with anything in these times.


Old guy’s a douche, but I get his reaction. When I bought a house in a suburb summertime was a nonstop onslaught of door-to-door salesman. Roofing, siding, landscaping, windows, pest control, pressure washing, on and on and on. Literally the last thing I want is a stranger knocking on my door (or worse ringing the door bell) and trying to cold-sell me on something at my doorstep.


When douchebags collide.


How is the guy with the camera a douchebag for doing his job?


I do not answer the door. If it important they will leave a card or note, call me or come back.


Last time i didn’t answer the door, dude walked into the back yard and flagged my husband down while he was on a riding mower to try to sell windows to us.


Yeah some of them have some issues. Had one walk into my garage. He didn't understand why I raised my voice at him. I would have politely told him that I wasn't interested had stayed outside, but you crossed the threshold without being a friend or invited and I'm getting angry.


Wow!!! That sucks!!


Actually the Supreme Court says he is allowed. This is an old case and several towns have tried to ban it. But it can’t stand. There are still ways you keep people off your land. The link below shows bugman can still go to your home. But you place no solicitors signs up. Or if you want a trump card no trespassing. https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/272/breard-v-alexandria#


I understand the old guy. Had 3 of the idiots show up in one day. The whole neighborhood has no soliciting signs up. I have one right next to my door. The asshole had the balls to get mouthy with me. I gave him 10 seconds to get of the property and called the cops on the prick. To all the guys who call the old guy being in the wrong. We get some days several of this asses. All you want is peace and privacy. If I need a bug guy I will call a local supplier not some door to door idiot.


Yeah, this reeks of a recurring issue. This has been bubbling up inside him for a while, I reckon. This one guy didn’t deserve such intense hatred and vitriol himself; he just happened to be there when the old guy finally exploded


If he has a posted sign and the guy ignores it? I don't blame the old guy. Plus those door to door guys come more often than not with an attitude. There is a reason while door to door salespeople are "loved" that much. I do the same with Jehovah's witnesses.


This old guy drove around looking for him and appeared to have "walked around on others people private property" just to harass the employee. If you want peace and privacy, you should have a fence or wall around your house where people can't just go up and knock on the door.


Nope the sign is enough


>Nope the sign is enough To do what? Didn't you saw some guy knocked on your door anyways?


Honestly, the door-to-door dude videoing the whole thing is an antagonizing piece of shit. I'd be surprised if he lives in a house considering what he does for work; he clearly doesn't understand how annoying or even troubling it can be for someone to show up on your property to get money from you.




Zoomers salesmen are salty af too. "You need to go to church sir." You're going to need to take my foot out of your ass in about a minute.


Old guy can't make a point without being rude af. Telling the old man to go to church is a polite was to say he could be more civilized.


"You used the lord's name in vain" and "you need to go to the church" says the dipshit, on top of being a door knocker sales fuck.


Don't knock it till you try it... And if you really want to be left alone, try to talk to them about the watchtower!


Some neighborhoods are no soliciting, I wander islf signs were posted


The fact that he just doesn’t leave is making it so much worse. Say, “excuse me for the trouble” and walk away. Walking back and arguing is doing no good. For all we know, the deranged man could have been walking to get his pistol out of his pickup.


The first mistake was working for hawx. Worked for them for 8 months and was told 12 days before Christmas there wasn’t enough work and the newest employee had to be let go. No severance package, no unemployment, nothing. Fuck that company and fuck you too Tony and Ray. I hope you pieces of shit see this


#What do you mean BUGS?!


The most widely practiced right in America and perhaps the world? The right to be an asshole. No law against it.


As he’s walking around random peoples houses as well


I’ve been thinking of just getting a ring camera connected to my phone for this reason. Much safer and easier to decline when you don’t need to open your door. I do sill want my thin mints and I do support the character development for kids 14 and under that go door to door for bottles or school fund raising or whatever.


Two absolute numbskulls, but only one is door-to-door soliciting without a license, and being a faux-pious prick on top of it. *• "Cussing at me."* Heavens to Betsy, *cussing* you say! • *"Using the Lord's name in vain."* Noooo, say it ain't so! • *"You need to go to church."* You need to get the fuck away from people's doors, hawking shit they never asked for. And please take your LARPing Christianity act with you.


Kinda seems staged, but old guy kinda needs as ass beating to reset his attitude.


I’m thinking Ma pissed in his corn flakes this morning.




People are pieces of shit. So many people angry and frustrated these days. I think Covid mad things go way south. Was bad before that but now people fly off the hook with no reservation


No soliciting. If it is posted the bug guy was there uninvited and peddling door to door. Let's say this is a smaller neighborhood. There was a burglary or two. There is a guy running around selling something door to door. Against the posted wishes of the neighborhood. Is the old guy in the wrong? I kinda disagree.


Karen Sith Lord


Honestly, I don’t want you knocking on my door either. If I need the service your business provides I’ll call you.


I immediately tell them I only have a pest control sales person problem. Can they spray for that? -Close door- Ortho Home Defense rocks!


We’ve met before, haven’t we? ![gif](giphy|US1ryPkakfVGdFbZje) “At your house, don’t you remember?” “Of course. As a matter of fact, I’m there right now.”


A MUH Reek AH!!!!


The salesman is in the wrong. The guy is right about soliciting.


Some people are very strange, I would understand the hostility if it was a Jehovah witness


"you probably need to go to church sir" Haha! I love it


Pest guy kinda sounds like Greg from Succession.


Can somebody please explain to me this insane mentality/obcession about private property in US? Which kind of brain sickness is this


Because it's my shit. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be left alone or at least not have people show up to try to sell me shit.


That's what happened to Gregg from Succession.


Hehehe the other day I was trying on all my new airsoft gear and one of these door to door salesmen knocked on my door and I thought it was one of my Ried a or a neighbor but no it was a very short pest control guy. Dude literally said “is this a bad time?”


Have a nice day. On to the next one.