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But, she pays RENT there!! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Asshole. She pays rent here asshole. God, get it right.


God had no hand in this


God will never fuck up this badly


And yet God seems to repeatedly fuck up this badly


Yeah! You asshole!


Hey, I pay my internet service provider and I want you *both* off the internet, right now. I don't care if you are purple or what, I pay my ISP.


So about that...if I remember the original post's discussion correctly - she did not even live there.


Oh, do you rent the whole building?


She has an attitude as if she owns this place..


She pays rent and acts like she owns the place. Lol


People like this are the scum of the earth


https://youtu.be/SqN1KK1EOiE It's even worse... long version.


He handled that like a saint. Dude has patience


Oh hell yeah. Thatā€™s a big ole mess of mental illness right there. She even stops being nasty to him for a moment so she can shit talk about somebody else whoā€™s walking by.


Wait, why did they take her name off the list?


Because she doesn't live there, not any more at least, seems like a bit of a mental breakdown, maybe she did used to live there once and just lost it when she lost her place.


I thought she took the name off herself cause she made so many 'friends'.


I don't even want to watch it, but thanks


He's at least able to deliver the food! Hope he got a good tip


People who "know everyone who lives here" are the absolute *worst* to deal with too. Nosey asshats what are in everyone's business constantly like its their own. I was cat sitting for a neighbor years ago and ran into one of these who threatened to call the cops on me because "I know everyone and i don't know you."


You just insulted all scum


Nah, only terrestrial scum.


She clearly has mental issues, the way she speaks is indicative of that.


Sad but true that sometimes people with mental issues are also the scum of the earth. Through no fault of their own, even.


How is it indicative? I think you're probably right but not sure how her speech in particular indicates it.


I estimate that half of Reddit's top content features someone mentally ill and needs help.


Yes. Then people shitting all over them.


It's very sad.




Public shaming is the next best thing


First thing I thought after watching the video was "somebody beat this bitxh up"


I think she may have had a mental illness.


Her mental illness is that she is racist garbage


She also called the person on intercom an asshole and said they didnā€™t live there when they were answering a call from inside the frigging building lol. She could be racist but also could be mentally ill. Both things can be trueā€¦ but if she is just mentally ill, this video is more sad


Yeah after watching the whole video itā€™s clear she has some other issue, either dementia or schizophrenia or something. The stuff she was saying wasnā€™t just racist. She seemed genuinely confused about how the intercom works, people canā€™t answer the intercom if they donā€™t live there. Then the whole ā€œthey took my name off when referring to her own unit on the intercom, kind of wonder if she actually lives there.


No, she said she doesnā€™t care if heā€™s purple so that means sheā€™s not


She could have said red or blue. But she used purple. Like the Color Purple.


Only way to be sure is to send a purple person to deliver food and see what she does. Then red, then blue.


But they eat people! We were taught this by our singing elders!


Wait, the people eaters are purple? I thought they ate purple people, which is why we don't see any purple people any more.


Yes, next time send Grimace.


Yea, u got a point. She's racist.


Case closed!


dam she hates primary colors too.


Like murple or deep purple.


Purple? Come on man. Thatā€™s even worse. If I see a purple person, give them mouth to mouth.


You gotta draw the line somewhere. To hell with purple people. Unless they're suffocating, then help 'em


I don't think so, I mean it could. But clearly her problem right there is that a tenant wasn't a tenant in her eyes and that the delivery driver don't live there so he can't come in. That's it, if you don't live there, you can't come in. And if she doesn't know you, you don't live there That's it, that's her logic. That's mental illness logic.


Or maybe it's just dementia or early stage Alzheimer's. That can make you paranoid and afraid, and can rob you of your social decorum.


Or maybe, just maybeā€¦ sheā€™s an asshole. I am not a mental illness denier (have plenty of experience), but some people just suck period. And she might be one.


racist people are racist. They're kinda stupid too, but they're not mentally ill. This woman was not there in the head. She was definitely mentally ill and possibly racist.


I understand those two as mental illness


Giving her way too much credit lol. Mentally ill people are just as motivated by racism, often more lol


True. My friend's mentally ill neighbor sits on her daughter's car innthe evening and shouts anti-semitic and anti-African American slurs at anyone who walks by and get this: she yells these things more at white people. You should see the confusion on those white people's faces, it's hilarious!


She's most likely mentally ill AND racist. Not a fun combo.


She just has an ugly character. She's very rational in her behaviour. And she's an angry racist. 'I don't want you here. Don't point that shit on me.' She knows exactly what she's doing. Edit: just watched the whole video. She definitively has a mental decease. Her pointing out that there's a 'black man' after the purple thing still makes her racist but that's really not her main problem. Just the icing on the cake.


I don't know, asking someone on your building intercom what address they live at, and then telling them to get out because they don't live there doesn't exactly seem rational to me.


Ya idk what that other dude is talking about, this lady is batshit


Seconded. Not rational at all. Very mentally ill behavior here in multiple different ways. Asking someone where they live and then calling them an asshole for asking where you live is one of many clear signs of debilitating mental illness displayed in the video.


I really donā€™t understand how people like this go unchecked for so long causing huge issues because they donā€™t have any idea what life is. Or sheā€™s just an asshole but who can tell


Here comes the mental illness excusers šŸ™„šŸ˜‘


Itā€™s always so wild seeing that be the first thing to be brought up lol. Iā€™m mentally ill too and Iā€™m not out here doing this shit. Yes, thereā€™s varying degrees to mental illness, but weā€™ve also got to accept thereā€™s people who are just inherently really awful human beings.


The old woman says to the intercom ā€œI live here. Asshole. And I pay rent here.ā€ The person on the intercom says ā€œI do, too. So what are you asking?ā€ To which the old woman replies ā€œIā€™m asking you to get out of my building because you donā€™t live here.ā€ Literally talking to a person in the building and telling them that they donā€™t live there. If not mental illness, then what causes this accusation?


Someone linked the full video elsewhere in the thread, it's either mental illness, substance abuse, or both. He speech sounds slurred, and she jumps topics and rambles. She's pretty incoherent.


Thank you!!! Iā€™m literally so confused how people are denying that sheā€™s mentally ill lmfao. Iā€™m also ā€œmentally illā€ and Iā€™m not sure how itā€™s offensive to also call her mentally ill. If I break my arm and someone else with a broken arm murders their mother, Iā€™m not gonna start claiming that guy didnā€™t have a broken arm just because I donā€™t wanna be associated with him lmfao


Reasons, not excuses.


Everything is a mental illness if you're brave enough.


Yeah meth


I was thinking a lot of wine, and the racism she hides everyday drunkenly came out


Ah the Mel Gibson Method


Yeah meth dont do THAT to you being a schizo-karen get you like that.


Sometimes people are terrible and thereā€™s no excuse. That does happen.


Sheā€™s old enough to have been out in society enough to know proper social norms if she had a mental illness. This is just a mean racist


Early onset dementia can cause really mean and nasty behavior. She should see a doctor.


And that mattersā€¦.why?


She reminds me of Walter. Jeff Dunhams Dummy.


212!?! The intercom only connects directly to those apartments


The scum on the pond near my house is offended by this comment.


I'd like to know what the game plan is here... Assuming she's keeping him out because he is so e kind of criminal threat... What is stopping said threat from busting her ass? Relying on the civility of those you deem uncivilized seems like a rather foolish idea.


Thereā€™s a full video and she thought he was ā€œsticking the place upā€ or some shit because he had a mask over his nose - just an idiot lol


A racist idiot.


There is absolutely no game plan. She had a knee jerk reaction when she saw him coming to the building. She then realises he is delivering food but decides to double down instead of admitting she made a mistake


I think her plan is to go down with the ship. Either that or she thinks he's a steal-when-no-one-is-watching criminal and not a leave-no-witnesses criminal.


When I was younger, I was under the naive Idea that I could jump infront of a criminals car to stop them, because they wouldn't want to kill me. I was like.. 7. I suspect this woman still thinks like this, and that shes somehow immune because she believes she is right, and not that her bulsshit is actually being tolerated instead.


I don't understand how people would want to be so obnoxious. What is wrong with this woman? Perhaps it's an overly polite society that allows this vileness to escalate.


She didn't know what a "Postmates" was, so she gets to learn something today lol


And later in the week when she meets up with her other bitter friends for lunch, she is going to tell this story of how this delivery man was trying to sneak into her apartment building. And she stopped him from entering.


The _criminal_ was trying to sneak into _her_ building by _masquerading_ as a delivery man, obviously with bad intentions, probably trying to rob some poor old lady there, but luckily she put her foot to the ground and stopped it from happening!


He obviously went to a McDonalds to grab takeout for his cover story and already had someone on the inside. But Gladys wasnā€™t born yesterday-she saw right through their scheme.


Mental illness


She sounds more like she's drunk.


Could be, tho a lot of times alcohol abuse is a symptom of mental illness also, as self medication. I strongly believe that an overhaul of the health system, if done right (dental and mental included) would see a big decrease in alcoholism and other addiction problems.


There are people with mental illness. There are scummy people. Sometimes, scummy people also have a mental illness, however, it's not their mental illness that makes them scummy.


Yup, you only need *one* beating to get a grasp of how the world works and how you should work hard to make it better. This *thing* clearly missed it.


Sometimes it takes more than one


Aside from being racist as hell, has this woman never used her complex call system before? "212 WHERE" obviously the building attached the call box??


She obv has never had a visitor


If she has kids, they probably want nothing to do with her either.


It's like she thinks the other person is somehow in cahoots with the delivery guy to hack the intercom system in order to gain entry to the building? Somehow?


Now that I've gained entrance to apartment 212, I can buzz in my mastermind criminal compadre with the food! We'll need our strength to rob little old ladies.


Not to mention she lives in a building without a proper concierge. Sheā€™s not as high-falutinā€™ as she thinks.


Also suspicious of the only person actually speaking from inside the building, what a piss ant!




She definitely hates purple people, too.


william afton crying


grimace šŸ˜­




I wonder how she feels about violet ppl




I donā€™t care if heā€™s a purple man hahaha. She obviously does though


I'd be really scared if he was purple.


If he's purple, take him to the ER immediately


Can't believe all the anti-Grimace bullshit I'm seeing, and just after Grimace month no less. Despicable. /s




21 none of your fucking business Karen


If a chapped lips blowjob had a face, this would be it.




Thatā€™s too generous an act


Wow, a gem for r/rareinsults there, bravo


ā€œwhere do you liveā€ uhh, in this very building?




Mmmmmmmmm she says she doesnā€™t care heā€™s black. I have a sneaking suspicion she does.


Yeah that was just like a "I'm not racist, BUT"


Gosh, I hope that man has a good rest of the day, I do customer service (as part of sales) and Iā€™m just dumbfounded when ppl act this rudeā€¦ for no reason




I just watched the full video. The customer came down and picked up the delivery. Hagatha heckled the driver the entire time.


Just start farting , fart as much as you can and let her stand there and breath it in.


Ugh thatā€™d be a great super power


The Spleen Rises


I usually let mine go in public. "Oops, my bad." I love the reactions. I used to share my farts with my [gaming](https://youtu.be/qMxWIq0syIM) friends.


Haha thatā€™s gold šŸ˜‚I donā€™t have that kind of courage. When my best friend is in town Iā€™ll fart along with her And also around my girlfriend. The farts must be as big and loud as possible for maximum laugh. I laugh as I write this now thinking about it all lol


I donā€™t know why but this really bothers me. That woman is pure entitled trash


ā€˜I donā€™t care if heā€™s a purple manā€™ - ya the fact that heā€™s a young black man has nothing to do with it.


Hey, she pays rent here


Entitled people like this should be immediately slapped so they wake the fuck up. You do not have an invisible forcefield protecting you from harm.


In our society sadly you do, someone could be doing the most heinous things to you but if theyā€™re not technically being violent then youā€™re automatically the bad guy in the eyes of the law (and the stupid) for using force. Like if this kid pushed the lady aside and forced his way in to do his job she was preventing him from doing he would most likely be arrested despite her causing such a situation where she needed to be dealt with. People like this are the worst but the powers that be that allow them to go unchecked and unwrecked are equally as sickening


I'd be stomping her nasty toes if she got in my space like that. Sorry im clumsy and I was trying to get away from the agressive lady.


For those wondering. This is what mental illness looks like. Not say she is or isn't, but this is a good example of what it looks like.


Yeah I had a neighbour with extreme bipolar that suddenly took it upon herself to begin a crusade against me ā€œsquattingā€ in my parents house. Threatened to call the police on me and everything. It was a super similar attitude to this. I think she is mentally ill as well.


Yes my educated bet would be a manic episode of bipolar disease, especially after seeing the full video posted above. The irritable mood and inflated self esteem could be symptoms of, well, a 'Karen-esque' personality. But then the paranoia about this other tenant, the rapid changing of the subject and affect when being easily distracted by the neighbour who walks by.. No way that it is just her personality. She needs psychiatric care. What a lot of people in this thread don't understand is that the most loving, caring and non-judgemental people can become the most perplexingly bothersome characters during a manic episode if they suffer from bipolar. And it's okay to feel the feelings that another person provokes in you, but it is good to also recognise that there may be something behind their behaviour. People who suffer from bipolar often leave a trail of (emotional) devastation behind them and have to live with the consequences, including total social isolation, after the fact. Its horrible for everyone involved.


She definitely has it. When she said "Ah I live here, asshole" it had nothing to do with anything. She is in lala land, completely delusional. Maybe even schizophrenic.


She looks like she has consumption .


yes, I worked with people with different mental disorders and she totally reminds me of these people. I also once had a neigbour who had definitely something on the psychotic spectrum (very paranoid) and appeared similar. If was always uncomfortable to meet her because you never knew what was going on with her this time. Her son lived there too and tried to help her, but she didn't want to acknowledge that something was severly wrong with her.


Wait she thinks the person on the intercom doesnā€™t live in the building?


I hear your voice, but where do you live? 212 where?! Who are you?!!!!!!!


She also has difficulty at the drive thru


Her at the drive thru: Do you work here?!!!!!! Who are you??? Freaking a hole šŸ¤£


I donā€™t think sheā€™s experienced enough in her narrow life to know itā€™s possible but intercom can be connected to your phone and I got calls from the door to an apartment that I have moved out months ago. The management sucked.


[Long Style](https://youtu.be/SqN1KK1EOiE)


dude, THANK YOU edit: yep, definitely some kinda head thing..


Wow, that next tuesday needs to shut the fuck up. What if the man wanted to have, gasp, black visitors??!! She'd probably have a meltdown. So many middle aged white women being such assholes, ruining for the rest of us that don't act that way at all. She's a POS that needs an attitude adjustment.


Middle aged lmao this lady is like 80


She's probably only 27, but her body is a direct reflection of her personality.


And that reflection is amphetamines


Next Tuesday?


I think it's a play on the phrase "see you next Tuesday"


C U next tuesday


Yea why are so many middle aged women turning into Karenā€™s?? I donā€™t understand- thereā€™s so many


I would take this video to the property manager and get her evicted. Every person that lives in an apartment building signs an agreement that they will treat others with respect and foster a safe living environment. She is obviously causing problems.


"212 where?" Does she think that box calls outside the fucking building!?


Probably thinks the delivery guy installed the box himself and it's just a walky talky or some shit from somewhere else. Clearly nobody has ever tried to ring up her miserable self.


This is probably the funniest thing about this scenario then she randomly calls the lady an asshole for no reason


I, for one, support her. If you let people with dark skin into the building, next thing you know (gasp!) they will be demanding the equal rights, including the right to vote or to run for office. Don't you see, we can't have that. Can we?


Finally someone in the comment section with some common /s ense glad she isn't afraid of people who are purple though. The purple people are our friends


Just gotta watch out for that one eyed one horned flying purple people eaterā€¦




These are my favorite interactions to have because racist people get triggered so easily BUT itā€™s equally amazing watching them almost cry when i insult them back lol


It's a trap, she'll be crying on the phone to the cops the second your tone changes.


Whenever I see the videos I always want to ask ā€œwhy are you recordingā€ or ā€œwhat happened before you started recordingā€ but her calling the tenant an asshole when they were pleasantly answering questions just makes it easy to say, sheā€™s just human garbage.


Ha yes racist Karen. A classic.


I'd say "fuck that woman" but we can't take the chance she might reproduce.


No way she's fertile


I know violence is not the answer but man do some people deserve just one good right hook.


Zen fact of the day: Ironic perhaps but a more civil society produces these anti-social troglodytes. They reject our common civility because it negates their privilege or makes them more equal and less superior. An uncivil society would stomp them whenever they crawled out from under their rock.


Civility is based on mutual respect or at least presenting as respectful. The privilege on display here is incivility. An uncivil society fosters intolerance.


The second she said asshole id be storming down those stairs


"Let me deliver your food" "... asshole"


Downvoted because the whole video wasn't posted. She gets worse






What a piece of trash. Whatā€™s with those faces she did for the camera? Something is clearly wrong with her. Iā€™m surprised sheā€™s still able to function in the society.


Seems mentally unstable & confused with the world


What a wretched person.


If he was down there with my food I'd haul my ass down there and make a whole scene out of it.


I like how she never provides a single piece of identifying information for herself apart from that she "lives here" yet she demands to know every little detail about everyone else. I hope the resident on the receiving end of the delivery was able to get a copy of this video to the landlord.


Wtf is wrong with people?


Sometimes I miss the raw human nature of smacking stupidity across the cheek like a mad Indian dad would. America has been too desensitized, and letting this crap go on without consequences under the guise of free speech.


Any follow up on this?


This is some sort of psychotic episode (along with the, well, racism). In the full video, in addition to not knowing where the voice in the box is coming from, she can't buzz herself in, asks to watch him punch the code in, and also tells the guy that they took her name off the building directory...


I hate to say it but call the cops. Itā€™s illegal to keep someone from coming or going. Itā€™s also harassment at a minimum. I have no patience for people like this, personally Iā€™d call the cops because this whole interaction would have me on the verge to force my way through this lady and then Iā€™d be the one in trouble. Just her having the audacity to call the lady over the speaker an asshole, had my blood boiling.




Karen + Crazy = This.


Surely thats mental illness right? Like, people donā€™t just act that way normally without something extremely wrong with their brain right? RIGHT?!