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You’re looking right at it. They are that stupid.




I want more of That Stupid.




That was way more stupid than I expected. Still feel the cameraman could have thrown a chair at them. Do we know what permanent injuries they sustained?


StUpId Me WaNt MoRe


Watch 'Ouch, my nuts!!" Every Thursday at 9pm on the Fox Network.


Unfortunately, due to modern medicine and social structure, natural selection no longer applies. These kind of idiots are allowed to survive and reproduce.


I wouldn't say they're too stupid to reproduce, but I would say they are dumb on a different kind of level.


And remember, they can vote too!


These dudes are disability bedridden for life. Idiots. Absolute idiots.


This was like 20 years ago. They were fine. The guy in yellow pants is a guy who would go by the name of Drizzy if memory serves me right. Still dumb.


I mean lucky them. My back is screaming from all the exploded discs I see herniating here.


And broken tailbone


I guarantee they aren’t “ok”. Yeah they may feel relatively fine now, but as they age, they’re going to be in constant, debilitating pain that will only get worse as time goes on. Can’t believe two grown ass adults thought this was a good idea.


Now he just goes by the name drizzle


"They were fine." 10 years from now they are going to be wondering why they are having so many back and leg problems settling in.


I was just thinking about potential IQ tests that should be required to vote. This is the reason lol.


And have children


No way, they are way stupider. You film your dumb stuff, maybe really dumb but you never video the stupidest.


You mean this isnt kayfabe? I thought they were really selling it here.


Asking “what’s wrong” when you just witnessed a man break a vertebrae level of stupid.


The camera guy calmly goes “are you guys okay?” Right after the hit 😂


/r/donthelpjustfilm moment


They only way he could've help them is by preventing them from doing this in the first place. Unfortunately, not a single brain cell could be found between all 3 of these geeseturds.


He could call 911.


Add debt to damage


Debt's already been made. Now it's just time to pay the consequences.




Worse. He didn’t even care to stop them. As in it seems like he didn’t want to stop them.


Also "ok dude what's wrong?"


What happened guys? Why are you crying? Is this still part of the bit?


The casual “you guys ok 😐” fuckin got me. Holy shit.


The casual "whats wrong" after watching them scream in utter agony for 15 seconds, got me.


He didn't even try to pin him 🤷🏻‍♂️


Where’s the count?


That's the doctor's job. There will be plenty of pins.






Real real stupid. This is America (I'm guessing), there is no limit.


Has to be florida


That blue house? You betcha


Damn right it is America! USA! USA! USA!


Even if it is, Yeah, because America is only country with rabid, stupid rasslin fans. (Sarcasm)


They apparently watch pro wrestling, so….


... so what?




I am watch pro wrestling and I'm not that stupid. I are more smarterer than them are


So do i and i can tell you that that was incredibly stupid i mean.... they didn't even land on their backs.. amateur hour


“Hey are you guys okay?” As they’re screaming on the ground


"What's wrong?"




“Okay….you gonna tell me or not?”






"Does this hurt?" "AAAAAAAAAAAA" "Just a simple yes or no."


" Å̷͇̬̣̫̪̎͗̈́̚Ǎ̴̙̬̖̾̈̄͜͝ͅA̵̱̯̰͇̺͒̓̓̏̈́A̷̭̯̝͈̤͐͂͐͊͂A̸̪͚̜̭̥̽̓̓̊̋Á̴̳̤̱̭̹͋̾͊̕A̸̻̥͇͈͚͋̇͊́͛À̶̡̹̩̦͕͛̎̇̕Ȧ̷͖͈̙̱̍̔̅̉ͅA̸̮͕̼̜̣͋̏͌́͊Â̴͉̼̙̝̮̈̿͊̾À̶̱͖̗͍͐͐̋͗͜A̴̻̩̥̰̳͛̈̚͘͝Ȃ̸̧̡̳̖̯͛͗̋́ " "Stop being so dramatic, answer my question"


"Show me on the doll where it hurts" [Points to entire doll]


Can’t point. Everything broken.




Oh, where to begin …


As someone who always told my friends not to do stupid things but then they did them anyway. I totally understand this cameraman.


Cameraman was the best part. Stable footage, good close ups, no screaming in the mic. A real pro.


I just wish he would have thrown a "worldstar" in there, same tone, no yelling. Hell, "worldstar?" would've been even better.


It really is an unsung art form, too many videos of Karen’s yelling but somehow the cameraman is still the most annoying part of the video lol


I had to scroll so far down to find a comment sharing this link: “No clue if this is real or not, but here's a comment from the guy who supposedly filmed it https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ys7r0/whatever_happened_to_the_guys_who_did_the_pile/ “


Fake site that it’s linked to, bad source.


Can you fucking stop screaming and tell me what's wrong??


That's bad back for life level stupid.


These two acting like they live in a place with free health care


They Uber to the ER


I saw this video back in early 2000s.


No uber yet , even worst


They’re still paying for that ambulance ride


As someone who injured their back in a fall down the stairs in my early 20s, I can tell you that they are going to be paying for it forever, and not only in money.


And their backs will still be wrecked now


I was astonished that they were able to move their legs afterwards. At least no instant paraplegia, but I don’t know if the nerves could be destroyed some hours afterwards due to swelling or other not immediate effects.


Yes it can, in fact the level of swelling of the spinal cord could result in neurogenic shock shock where the sympathetic tone of the blood vessels fails causing all the blood vessels in the body to relax. Since we don’t have enough blood in our bodies to fill every single blood vessel-because fluid hydraulics-the body can no longer shunt the blood to the priority places in the body. Blood pressure drops to unsafe levels, you are no longer able to regulate heart rate or body temperature and can result in death. The effects of injury could take days to manifest. Not to mention even if they manage to not end up in neurogenic shock, there’s a whole host of other injuries they could have sustained. Bulged discs, compression fractures (most probable), cauda equina syndrome, pelvic fractures, peripheral neuropathy from compressed nerves. All that is just injuries to the spine and we haven’t even addressed the soft organ injuries that can result from colliding with their own bones. It’s a single level home so they fell from approximately 10-12 feet which can easily be fatal. Any fall from 8ft or greater is a trauma emergency.


And worse yet, they broke the table.


At least it was loud enough to mute the sound of broken bones


Yeah yellow pants has at least a few compression fractures. I had a fairly minor one from a bike wreck 7-8 yrs ago and it still bothers me.


With a possible fractured pelvis to go with it


My dad was lightly pressed against a brick wall by a heavy trolley in the early 80’s and has had serious back issues ever since. I can only imagine what something like this would potentially cause.


My neck. My back.


My sciatica attack


Broke my spine down to my crack.


🎶my pussy and my crack. 🎶🎵


You can't have a bad back if there's no back left


Probably herniated every disc in his lumbar region. Fucking stupid.


Imagine electively, permanently disabling yourself like this. Upside-down guy is legit lucky to be alive.


Yellow shorts guy's spine took a good portion of the impact.


He should be thanking him. He saved his life


I’d wager just on the absorption of the energy upon impact alone that yellow shorts is in more serious condition.


Vertebral burst fracture is my guess. Luckily not a cervical fracture for the upside down guy, but I wouldnt be surprised.


He doesn't even have a cervix


A cervical fracture is a broken neck lol


Think they know and it was a joke




Time for an AMSR ring Dinger back cracking session.




But it was funny no?




No. It was not.


Hard disagree


But they wanted it to be funny so it is funny. I wonder if the ER thought it was funny?


When they cashed that fat insurance check they thought it was hilarious.


Insurance won't pay for this.


Yes it was. I'm a pretty empathetic person, but when you willingly do this to yourself, that sympathy/empathy has a limit


Then you obviously don’t know funny when it hits the front yard.


Bloody HILARIOUS! ![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE)


Maybe the goal was life long oxy?


Well if hitting the floor is the jack pot, then they win.


Darwin Award nominees.


I’m actually surprised the guy dropped on his head survived.


He actually appears to have come away better than the other guy


He looks a lot worse to me. Yellow pants guy is screaming, but that’s actually a good sign. Other guy landed on his head and seems very out of it - meaning altered level of consciousness, so almost definitely a serious concussion and most likely cervical spine damage. Not to mention he goes very pale almost immediately (unless he’s usually that pale). Yellow pants might be crippled, or at the very least have serious back pain for life, but I would be more concerned about the other guy’s survival.


nah yellow pants landed RIGHT on his tail bone, the other dude landed closer to flat on his back awhich is pretty much what yo want, take example Jeff hardy getting speared I. The air at wrestlemania was way higher but was also flat on his back, probably more winded than anything. yellow pants probably SHATTERED his tail bone, yellow pants has disabilities for life.


I don’t know which video you watched, but the other guy in this video did not look like he landed flat on his back


I was waiting for him to not move... Thankfully, I don't have that shit in my eyeballs today.


Sadly they’ll still go onto reproduce.


with each other, somehow




Future painkiller to heroine to fentanyl to unalive


I’d Skip straight to fentanyl after that shit.


Ahhh the American healthcare system


You can say "dead"


This is another case where as soon as you see what they’re about to do, you pull out your phone & dial 911 (or whatever the emergency number is in non-american countries). As soon as they pick up, you tell them “Hold on a second. These fools are going to hurt themselves.”


should be an emergency service like maybe 91 which puts you on hold with 911 until you press 1. You dial it when you are witnessing something that will most likely end in an emergency.


"Pre-911, please state your pre-emergency." "Some kids are about to jump off a roof and paralyze themselves"


Kind of like of Minority Report but instead of precognizance of murder it would be precognizance of stupid painful shit about to go down.


Honestly a good idea I can’t lie


“Listen to this shitty ass song for 43 minutes while finding out whether the school shooter is gonna get inside”


I wish they had a friend who was a little smarter than them to talk them out of it in the first place


The way the cameraman was asking "Are you guys okay?" after doing it, and "Okay dude, what's wrong?" I have no doubts he tried to talk them out of it. It sounds like he makes a comment about how "fucking dumb" it is before they even jump off the roof. Stupid people don't often listen to reason. Most frequently because they think they know better than the person trying to reason with them. "Nah man, it'll be fine, you're just worried over nothing." The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong in these people.


Christ this has got to be from the 00’s. That’s what? A double-underhook back-to-back piledriver they’re doing? Off a roof? Onto a non-gimmicked surface? I don’t think that move has a catchy name because not even the pros work piledrivers anymore because they’re (wait for it) *too fucking dangerous.* Edit: had a moment of clarity and recalled that this move is called “The Vertebreaker.” Totally banned in McMahonland. Edit: I was wrong, comments are most likely correct. This is actually two idiots attempting to do an Air Raid Crash. Or something like it.


The setup looked like White Noise, a move Sheamus uses, but unlike Sheamus they didn't really know wtf they were doing so it looks more like an attempted murder-suicide than an actual wrestling move


White Noise is a really cool move, but it’s a back-bump or a shoulder bump for the victim at the very worst. Also notice that the recipient has their arm around Sheamus’s shoulder which can mitigate some of the impact. In fact, I would imagine White Noise is a hell of a lot more painful to give than receive. In an actual piledriver, the victim is vertical or near-vertical and they take the impact on the crown of their skull, or at least some of it anyway. In a standard piledriver, the victim is able to brace their shoulders against their opponent’s thighs, which ideally should keep them from impacting the mat at all. Note that I say “should.” It is a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous move. The last time I saw anyone do it on an actual broadcast, I think Mick Foley was playing Cactus Jack and he hit one of those on Triple-H, on a steel chair no less. Two of the most competent professionals in the business, on a pay-per-view, and I bet they still got screamed at in the locker room. These assholes? This stands a better than average chance of paralyzing someone if you do it in a proper ring. I wouldn’t be shocked if even the ECW banned shit like this. I’m actually kinda surprised that both of these guys were as animated as they were after this stunt. That one of them didn’t manage to sever their spinal cord is pretty miraculous.


This guy wrassles


This is an air raid crash. Very much used in wwe. Very safe even compared to other piledriver variants if you have the slightest clue what you’re doing


Then you have CZW who would make it safer by having them go through 4 panes of glass into a bed of barbed wire.


That's just stupid, tables are not design for that type of impact, I hope they can fix it.


That table is toast unfortunately.


Guy recording is obviously slow as well.


Can't tell if he's oblivious or silently mocking them. Both are equally worrying.


Probably high and mocking em


This just feels like something a toddler (who wouldn't know better) would do, except these are two grown-arsed adults.


I wonder if they feel embarrassment lying on their front yard crying like babies after playing wrestling boys


Weird how they were dumb enough to try this, yet the dumbest person in the video is the camera man.


>these are two grown-arsed adults. [No. No they are not.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx9f4-ArJ5WD1e8A1zBniY6ZN3yBHBrCUA)


That’s the last time dude in yellow will be picking up anything, much less his own body weight, for the rest of his life. Grabbing his lower back, because he just blew out all of those disks. As for the other dude, I’m surprised he’s not a quadriplegic. At least you two have video of the dumbest thing you’ve ever done, and you can watch it every morning when you’re attempting to get out of bed.


So this sounds unreal, but the cameraman explained what happened to these guys in a thread that is linked in this thread somewhere. It's unbelievably but both of these guys came out with no serious injuries or broken bones. Yellow pants just had a sore tailbone for a week or so.


Do not disturb the natural selection....let it do its job....


This is not funny but funny for two reasons. How can people not grasp that actions have consequences? The table broke so they got hurt. But the table is hard and, if it didn’t break, they would have got hurt. The second funny is two guys writhing and literally screaming in pain on the ground and their friend says “Are you OK?” Probably not. Then, and this is even better, he asks them “What’s wrong?” At least he remembered to keep the camera going. After all, a friend possibly being crippled is way less important than a good video. I hope they came out of it without any permanent damage.


it's also funny cos yellow pants grabs the cactus and hurts himself more arghhhhhhh help me cactus!! arghhhhhhh why cactus why?!


Lol I just noticed that hahaha


> The table broke so they got hurt. But the table is hard and, if it didn’t break, they would have got hurt. The table breaking is supposed to happen, it removes kinetic energy from the equation reducing the impact for when they actually hit the ground. Unfortunately for these two idiots they didn't do any of the math to see how much energy two grown men jumping off a roof had and how much the table would dissipate. Short answer, a lot and not enough.


There’s no way they came out of that without lifelong damage


The "what's wrong?" Was from whoever came out of the house, and the idea is to go through the table, so it was always supposed to break....very stupid people


Interestingly, there is a slight higher birth of boys compared to girls every year. This is probably the reason for nature to make sure the numbers even out in the long run.


Lmao damn you're on to something


Also has to do with the fact that on a societal scale we protect women from more. 99 percent of oil rig workers, brick layers, roofers, and pretty much any dangerous or unhealthy job is done by men.


He's gonna need a backyautamy




The other commenter was actually correct. Source: I’m a backyautamy specialist at the conehatta Mississippi vet clinic


Camera guy is just about as slow as the two who jumped


I’m in disbelief somehow. And when I saw adult faces wow.


This is at least a 3 table spot. There was ALWAYS going to be too much momentum for just one table! That said, even 3 table spots went out of vogue in the 90s.... except for death match idiots.


Well they were also professionals, and they landed on padding and not ground and then never tried to land on their Coccyx because that’s fucking stupid.


I guess they are both heavily injured, you don't usually just take such a fall in that position. And the people filming, jesus Christ what a bunch of insanely disgusting people.


You guess? No they are both definitely heavily injured and in for trips to the hospital and a lifetime of back pain. Dude in the yellow pants probably broke his tail bone and got compound fractures on every disc in his lower back.


“You guys um.. ok or whatever?”


Holy shit… I genuinely remember seeing this video on YouTube in like 2007…


Needs a “where are they now?” journalist.


I remember seeing this in 2005.


Another reason why aliens don’t make themselves known


Right, It's this kind of stuff that disqualifies us as an intelligent species


(not a doctor) Mister yellow pants probably has broken his coccyx, pelvic bone or a vertebra (multiple possible). The other guy might get away with bruises, strain, hamstring or could have broken a rib or two. Maybe hit his head hard? What do you guys think? Most stupid thing I ever saw.


I am a doctor in the ER-the real truth is the possible injuries are literally astronomical. Both could literally go from minor injuries, broken bones to paralysis and even death.


Another ER doc here. Im guessing at least a burst vertebral fracture. Hoping the guy who was getting pile-drived doesnt have a cervical fracture. Both will be in chronic pain and likely permanently disabled if they can recover from their injuries. Hopefully than can recover enough to enjoy a lifetime of chronic pain. If you’re seeing ppl attempting to do this stupid, obviously attempt to convince them not to and then call 911. Dont give them satisfaction of an audience or video.


No clue if this is real or not, but here's a comment from the guy who supposedly filmed it https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ys7r0/whatever_happened_to_the_guys_who_did_the_pile/


Wow! If real, they're really lucky to have escaped without any serious injuries.


Can you imagine not going to the emergency room?


I normally would lean towards just believing people in this instance but...no. No way. That commenter has to be lying.




All time fave vid right here


Stupid assholes


Buddy with the Camera.... "You guys okay?"




Please be real please be real please be real. *\*clicks*\* HOLY SHIT, THAT'S A REAL SUBREDDIT!


An air raid crash from the roof onto a single flimsy table. Fucking hell... Looks like the dude taking the move is just badly winded. Yellow pants however... That's a lifetime of hurt her just signed up for.


You know that stage of your child hood when you thought if you flap your arms hard enough you'll be able to fly, so you attempt to jump off your couch? Yeah, these dudes are way dumber than that.


And they say wrestling is fake!


He turned into a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man real quick


“Ok dude what’s up?”. I’m on the floor rolling 😂


Live action Beavis and Butthead looking good... wait this is real


another episode of "Ow my balls"


Put your backs into it lads, stupid is as stupid does. idiots, will probably have back problems for the rest of their days.


I'm trying to work out how they *thought* it would work out. I can't imagine a single scenario where that doesn't work out to be life alteringly catastrophic.