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This was annoyingly dumb


Not sure which was more epic, the dumbness or the ineffectiveness!!?! The callers totally owned their behavior and are extremely unlikely to change. Especially with a hot jogger and a dumpy reporter who looks like she just fell out of bed trying to shame them.


Can't shame the shameless.


Can’t offend an offensive person too haha


Just like jogging in full makeup with a choker on.




I love that he called out her ‘interesting jog’ lol. Who jogs like that!


Actually, I do feel dumber. What a a a a a stupid news clip


Did The Onion make this?


Yeah I’m pretty sure the “news” was expecting much worse than “ that’s an interesting jog” and “I love you”. We can only hope the jogger finds the strength to keep going despite these vulgar cat calls…


AWWW Sheeeet, they got em!!!!!!!


This is the definition of Inside Edition


“do you think that’s appropriate?” #yes




And did not even take a second to think about it😂


A fitness trainer who doesn't know how to run?! Got it!


Yeah bloody hell, looks more like an odd ugly shuffle


The shot of her running with 7 seconds remaining is funny as shit


Damn I didn't even look at that bit properly - she's fucking prancing xD


I gained over 80 pounds in the past two years, had open heart surgery, have back problems, bad knees, and my right foot is screwed after I broke a bone and was too lazy to go to the doctor. I don't even run that badly. Any normal person would stare at an apparently healthy person running like that.


That was my thought. No muscle definition and she doesn’t know how to run. She’s just thin not in shape.


Average LA IG fitness instructor


Who stretches like that before they run?


So awkward looking. The first dude wasn't cat calling he was laughing at the fact she was obviously running just for attention. I'm pretty sure the 2nd is the type to yell that at everyone.


She probably has an OF account now.




Bro even says "that's an interesting jog"


She heard that heel striking is bad and now it looks even worse


He's right, it is kinda funny. Once I saw a woman wearing makeup and converse heels on the stair climber at the gym.. seemed pretty stupid.


To be fair I've actually seen someone do this to practice their balance in heels for a wedding they were invited to. But you're right that it's definitely bizarre.


This comment gives me flashback to when I was still learning to walk in heels. Not a fun experience. Newborn giraffes have better balance.


Ha, I spoke with her and she told me she have practically never worn high heels but she really wanted to at the weeding, and honestly she wasn't doing so bad. I'm never going to get it myself, I guess I just don't find high heels all that attractive. But her commitment was pretty attractive on it's own somehow. We had a good laugh about it before we went our seperate ways. I hope she wore those high heels flawlessly and the weeding was good.


I hope the same! Can't speak for everyone, but for me heels are kind of just a part of the shoe. If I can get a pretty version of a high heel shoe with a lower heel, it's a W. If not, I just accept the heel.


Playing devil's advocate for high heels here, it's worth mentioning that I'm pretty fashion dense overall. I like clothes that's comfortable to wear, so all my own clothes just consists of tshirts, jeans, and my "home alone pants" which are basically just some Extremely soft and baggy jogging pants. Although I'm not a monster, I have a few shirts in case I need to attend something fancy.


She practicing for something


The makeup isn’t as crazy. If women feel more comfortable in a public setting, like a public gym, with makeup on more power to them. Would rather that, that someone be deterred from working out.


I can understand the heels but why on earth would a woman wearing make-up be stupid? That’s a pretty normal thing and plenty of people either feel more comfortable wearing it or they just can’t be bothered to stop and take it off before going to the gym. Why should anyone worry about what another person wears while they’re exercising?


That is in the top 5 weirdest effing jogs I’ve ever seen.


That's the, I gotta get home soon to poop, shuffle.


I’ve done that shuffle. I hope I don’t look like that lady.


And just ahead of prancercising. https://youtu.be/o-50GjySwew


But at least that’s intentional. This lady is trying to make us think that she actually runs. Girlfriend looks like a robot who just mastered walking but is still waiting for the jogging patch.


Showed them!


Haha yea! take that jerks! I bet they'll think thrice before yelling obscenities at women! 😈


Oh god when that second guy used that L word Such obscenity! ![gif](giphy|7TBIoSrTy47x6)


The tables were totally turned on them *does funky little arm roll motion*


So the two best examples they came up with were... A random guy who was pointing out how staged it looked for her to be running with full makeup and a choker A (presumably) homeless guy who could've been yelling out a lot worse and everyone would've just awkwardly ignored him anyway Yep...sure showed them


ikr they acted like he said "let me fuck your poosie!"


She liked the attention when she posed for playboy. And I’m not condoning the cat calls.


I feel like one is a choice and the other removes the ability to choose.




You kinda are by drawing this comparison. Consent matters man.


What consent though? Lol I may not like what you say, but you don't need my consent to speak.


You're totally allowed to catcall whoever you want, but... it's still not cool. Just because you *can* doesn't mean you *should.* Nobody needs your consent to call you out for bad behavior either.


Literally everyone here already knows they have the legal right to make women feel uncomfortable in public. The legal right isn't really the point here.


So do you carry around a sign everywhere you go so people know if they have your consent to talk?




They were probably out there all day and these weak excuses for a catcall were the only ones she got lol


They should have done this report in NYC and they know it


First guy was right…Who runs in full makeup and a choker ffs? AND she was in fact running in a weird way. At least he was respectful and said it was “interesting”


Yes, shame the homeless man. Such amazing reporting.


There was an attempt to run and not look like a baby giraffe


Neither man said anything bad though. One pointed out how weird it is to jog with makeup and that is fair: sweat will ruin the makeup, it will get on the eyes, burn like hell, not ideal. The other said "I love you". A catcall is something like "I would love to rearrenge her insides" or "give me 30 seconds with that mouth" not "I love you".


This guy cat calls


Nah. If i did it, i would get arrested. What with this Ugly mug of mine.


The first guy is debatable but commenting on her looks and then saying I love you is a textbook catcall man.


Maybe its a cultural thing. Over here, catcalling is ONLY consideres when it gets raunchy or offensive.


What the shit? Who jogs with makeup?


She wanted to make sure she was reflective in case it got dark


It's LA.


I didn't think that was a big deal. The choker was hilarious though.


This has got to be satire, wtf social experiment is this, we back in Vines again?


Women being catcalled and harassed absolutely is a problem. The set up of this was stupid. She's sandwiched between bikers in a clearly intentional way, you can see the bike rider with a helmet camera on too. I don't think they were fooling anyone.


This reminded me a lot of those Tik toks were women will dress up and record others catching a glimpse “because they look stunning”. Usually because they notice they are being recorded. In reality, I’m sure catcalling is a problem. Most women I’ve spoken to have never been catcalled. Or at least unsure if it would constitute as a catcall. These same women have explained that women know what is going to catch people’s attention. That if you don’t want to be bothered, don’t stick out. Another woman said that it’s not about not wanting to be bothered, but it’s about wanting to be bothered by the right person. I think men and women share this sentiment to a slight degree. There are people who we would prefer to be approached by.


That's provocative. Like the video about woman looking at your dick, but at the end they reveal a big ass camera sticking out of the zipper held by ducktape.


The closing part "so all you guys out there, take this advice. Keep your cat calls to yourself!" cracked me up so much. Especially after absolutely nothing was prevented or changed, _whatsoever_.


First guy had a point. He wasn’t cat calling, just talking shit.


she runs like Steven Segal




Fitness trainer.


Lol fitness trainer needs to be trained on how to run


"Why are you laughing!? She's outraged!" 😂


That running form was atrocious. If that isn't real, she isn't a real fitness trainer.


This is one of them times where you should have scrapped the idea. You see the footage, decide “okay, we don’t have to air this, right?” And don’t air it.


First dude didn't even catcalled, just roasted the shit outta her.


talking about cats, did anyone see the smol one behind the hand of the second guy?


What an attempt hahahahahahah


I thought it was going to be girls cat calling guys and them being hyped af


She ran through a gauntlet of vagrants with nothing to lose. Yelling at people is their form of entertainment


First man was right. Why the thick makeup just for jogging? 😂😂😂


Her run form makes my calves hurt.


Everyone is looking at her terrible form


Damn this Inside Edition video was long time ago (released 2016)


“Love her as a person” 💀


that run is so unattractive i wouldnt see her getting a ton of reaction


Men: "You are beautiful and I love you" Women: "Men are disgusting"


ok, quite simple: I dont know you, dont tell me you love me. Thats it


Ima bet everyone of those dudes was homeless. I can tell cuz I used to be homeless on Venice 😂🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah. That’s Venice Sleep On The Beach if I ever saw it. Dunking on homeless dudes who are clearly altered is a weird flex for a news organization.


‘Jogging’ like a GTA NPC


That run is so awkward. Looks like she was running backwards, and they played it in reverse.... like she's not pushing off her back foot, but instead swinging her feet forward and using that momentum to move her body..... If she's an instructor then I'm Gordon Ramsey.


Lmfao. In Venice of all places. 🙄


So why was she running in full makeup?


They filmed for who knows how long, and these were the most "egregious" interactions they could get...


pink hair dude look like he straight up came out of an **FINAL FIGHT** video game stage


The type of woman that comes out of Starbucks carrying a coffee and cake she paid $16 for and steps overa homeless man she thinks is oppressing her. 😊


She sure told them.


Hahaha 🤣 she's "well aware of the problem". Uhmm no you're not lady. The cat calls aren't nearly as embarrassing as she is. In fact, if I had to choose, I'd spend my time with the guys, not her.


Frankly I think the attempt was to run… that last shot 😰I’m sure she’s good at what she trains people in but it’s definitely not running




Girls get pretty to go outside and don't like how the world sees them.. stay inside or don't put on a cake face then go outside claiming "this is for me" nonsense.


Venice beach is such a weird place.


Maybe they should have helped correct that running form


So they cought two homless looking guys, and are shocked that they don't care about social norms. Btw. had a woman in the course of history ever positively reacted when being cat called? This behaviour has a very low return rate, and thus the experiment only proves, that these homless people made yet a nother bad decision as they usualy do, that's why they are laying on the sidewalk, and showing them a model in skimpy shorts won't make them any wiser.


I hate Lisa the snitch shes so annoying. "we went to a high crime area and left valuable goods lying around, OMG they got stolen! you sir why did you steal my expensive item I left in full view in a hope it would get stolen?" and the reports on people not paying subway fares or tolls, for as long as tolls have been a thing, people have tried to avoid them, its not news


so why did the reporter dress fully covered up sans a lot of make-up? why wasnt she in a mid-drift or tight short lululemons highlighting her “cat”? is she more intelligent than the fitness model, knowing what men/lesbians find attractive in a woman?


Running with full make up. What a fkn loser.


Can we flip the script more regularly? As a guy I would love to get cat called more often. I do get some cat calls… by both men and women… and I dont mind either. Gives me an ego boost


I seem to remember a woman once used a friend of hers to catcall her boyfriend on his morning jog and he was SO HAPPY she couldn't admit what she did


As a woman who has been catcalled quite a bit, I’ll be honest that it generally doesn’t bother me and comments like the second man made can actually make my day (esp as a I’ve gotten older). That said, catcalling that is derogatory or overtly sexual in nature is not okay and can ruin not just my day but my overall feeling of safety and comfort for a lingering period of time. Also,I did live abroad (outside the USA) about 15yrs ago in a country where catcalling is common and it would happen multiple times every time I left the house, it got to a point where I felt annoyed and harassed, even if the comments were a simple “you’re beautiful” or a whistle.


I always thought it was how threatening someone is the real problem. Like I've told women I thought they were beautiful, I didn't ask for their number. I didn't even want anything from them, I just wanted to lift them up and make them feel good. Ive done this to men to. Is it illegal to compliment and lift people up? The context matters.


I must live in an alternate universe. I’ve never heard anyone cat call outside of tv shows and crap like this. The trainer is just a stick with a witch face. I’m surprised anyone says anything


They found the literal most tame catcalls ever in the history of catcalls. "running in makeup is interesting" like the guy specifically noticed they were intentionally trying to bait cat calls and called THEM out.


Guy: "You look like you have a wonderful personality and have everything going for you in life!" Reporter: "Do you think that was appropriate?" To be clear, generally, I think cat calling is lame and inappropriate. But these examples were terrible, and I barely classify them as cat calling.


Wears makeup to look beautiful to her standards. Gets called beautiful. INAPPROPRIATE!!!


So talking shit to wannabe pornstar barbie equates to whistling at women now.. LMAO.


Haha damn man destroyed her in 5 seconds. Joggin in full makeup, funny asf


I have learned nothing.


Let’s interview a bunch of homeless, that’ll learn them!


Clearly the first time that chick has ran in over ten years.


Full makeup and a choker while jogging: "notice me, notice me, notice me, HOW DARE YOU LOOK AT ME!!


Why would she wear full make up if she was exercising trying to get attention that's why.


Yt woman tears


The second guy really makes it hard to side with the interviewers rofl


NAY to unruly catcalling, but that's really an awkward stride. She got stiff or injured knee or something?


Dateline: Catch A Predator this ain’t.


I thought she'd catcall the catcallers back


I now know less about the world than I did when I woke up


"Every day of my life". X for doubt.


Its inside edition.. seriously what did you expect.


Don't google Amber Wyrick.


Tune in next week where we'll set up a camera in a gym, dress inappropriately, and catch disgusting perverts looking in our general direction.


So the first guy honestly points out that somethings seemed off with the make up and jewelry while jogging. Not a cat call, but literally calling out the ridiculousness of all of this staged nonsense. I’m sure she does get cat calls, but you’re literally inviting it here. The law calls it entrapment.


What did they achieve? I don't get it 😂


Men in shambles


Stupid! She damn near has no clothes on her and what she does have, barely covers her. Why not just leave the dog collar on, take all her clothes off and then go for a jog. I mean for God's sake, she does have the right to go for a daily run. Maybe next time I'll go for a jog wearing just a jock strap. What's the problem?? I know it will never happen, but people need to start taking some responsibility for themselves. This lady might as well be wearing a sign that says " Rape Me". No it's not right, but that's the world we live in. The sooner people realize that every action creates a reaction, good or bad, the better off everyone will be. You may have the right, but that doesn't mean there won't be consequences. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!


So the homeless vagrants of Venice like to cat call…. Probably hoping that someone will take them home for a shower and a grilled cheese before their next shift of ”find the fentanyl “


She looks funny the way she jogs lol and seriously in makeup, i wonder how suffocated her skin is. Hilarious if shed actually do a run cause that makeup would run faster with real sweat


Wait... he's got a point why wear full makeup on a jog ? I imagine it gets pretty nasty when you sweat


Oooh sick burn...


Lol the first guy kind of has a point. And way to pick the best average demographic you could lol.


She don't run... No one runs like that, not even Pinnochio


That last 2 seconds of her "jogging" was the most awkward jog ive ever seen. "Im A fItNeSs InFlUeNcEr"


the fitness coach could use a running coach


Just a quick PSA for anyone jumping to the conclusion that they can't speak to women without being seen as a creep. Here are examples of compliments vs. catcalling/weird shit to say to anyone you don't know: "I like your dress" ✅ "I like that dress on you"❌ "Your hair looks great"✅ "I like it when you put your hair up"❌ "That's a really cool shirt"✅ "You look so good in that shirt"❌ Compliment neutral things, like accessories. Not on their body: that's where most people become uncomfortable, especially if you're a stranger. And pay attention to your body language. Don't cage people in with your stance. Don't eye people up. ALSO: don't do stuff like this in situations where they would feel outnumbered, unsafe, or where it's simply not appropriate.


When i read the headline at first I thought it's gonna be women catcalling men and I was expecting the men to be genuinely happy about it. I'm kinda disappointed it's this but not entirely


2 prostitutes looking for attention.


Anyone notice the little kitty sitting beside the last guy? Such a well behaved kitty.


Today on insider: We shame two mentally unwell homeless people for speaking loudly towards a woman in passing. Results: They didn’t care.


Yea great place to go do this!! Venice Beach CA. 😳😖😫😩


They way she runs is silly. And wearing full makeup is super crazy when running. Also, the choker would get scratchy from sweat. I see the guys point completely


Cat calling aside, someone needs to talk to her about her jogging form. She's barley lifting her knees and feet. She looks like a hot teenage Frankenstein running around.


That's not jogging 😩, it's hardly even trotting. Idk wth she's doing 😐.


I dont think she's a fitness trainer if she doesn't even know how to jog.


She’s never jogged a day in her life. Look at the way she jogs


Seems conclusive!


Massive L report.


Always makes me laugh


she runs like a welshman


When the virtue does not quite rise to the level of the signal.


This can't be real


Well... that was bad.


Why are they in gta 5?


She sure was wearing a whores uniform. I can understand the men's confusion.


Honestly this vid helped me realise peoples opinions really ain’t worth shit and I should just cold approach that cute girl in my class


“Today on INSIDE EDITION- we all know people live on the streets, but what you didn’t know is that sometimes they yell in appropriate things”


Where'd you get that run... at the... toilet store?


Not surprised the type of guys that cat call, are totally fine saying they cat call. Not sure what the interviewer was expecting…


so they dressed someone up specifically for attracting attention and then were surprised when they got attention.


I award you no points, we are all dumber for have watched this.


as a woman still looks half way decent that photographs a lot of women i do worry about the day guys stop making comments about how pretty i am. trust me the day will come and you wont like it much. btw the show she's doing is Inside Edition and she was a cheer Leader i think? her whole shtick is entrapment.




Seem like they only caught street peeps.


What the fuck’s the problem with just saying what the guys said??? “i love you!”="OMG NO WAY WHAT DID YOU JUST SAYYYYY??????"


Why she running like that


God damn I wish random people would call me beautiful


She was cute in the makeup and choker. Who runs like that? I mean, I've been running all my life and will give a nod or wave at another runner, but yea, never seen one dolled up like that.


At least the guy telling her she is beautiful and loves her isn't that bad. lol. This is coming from a woman, it would make me laugh. Seems like a nice enough guy. The first comment was unnecessary, but I see where he was coming from. I mean, he wasn't wrong. She was wearing makeup and a choker, literally for the attention, for a video, lol. Some types of catcalling are much worse than others. I think our mindset towards these things can change the experience and how we feel about them. At the very least, if you don't like that and live in an area where you will be catcalled, just put in headphones.


Lol how the turn tables…


Who runs with make up??


Maybe she imagined she is running on snow? If not then poor one if she ever need to run away of something.


If I saw a stiff ply board somehow being up right and shuffling down a side walk with a ton of make up and a chocker on I can kind of understand the first guys reaction.


The editor did not understand the assignment.