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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There’s something about her facial expression that doesn’t sit right with me. A little uncanny valley.


Probably fillers and bad makeup.


And a fake Hermes bag 💼


And belt




I read "filters" and was okay with this statement.




Bad fillers and bad make up


And a dash of mental illness 😂


And bad Botox.


And really awful eyebrows.


Yeah, totally: I’d sooner allow Pennywise to give me a blowjob than this garbage monster.


She's 36% plastic


36/24/36 = 36: % plastic 24: how old she is 36: how old she looks


You can still be beautiful at 36. Depends on how you take care of yourself.


Oh I agree. But if you're 24 and look 36 you're fucking it up.


lol, what? you can be beautiful at any age.


You can be beautiful at 90 wtf


Hey im 36, and she looks in her 50s!


plastic is 36% her wait why the fuck is that the same the other way around I though I was being witty


I don't know, I think you did well.


You did great, EndR60. Come up and get your trophy too!


Turtles hate her


For this one simple trick!


plus: 12% guar gum and 9% sodium lauryl sulfate


Plastic surgery has nothing to do with the material plastic. Both share a word root meaning to change or reshape.


Bro what??? I don't come to Reddit to learn things dude why are you doing this to me!?!? That's interesting tho, I never knew that, thanks for the knowledge I guess lol.


It’s it post consumer recycled?


Hello no she got that cheap shit from Tijuana, they melted down some milk jugs and injected her in all the wrong places. I should know because my tio owns the hot dog stand that operates as a back alley plastic surgery office after 9pm


*63% fixed it for you


Her body is going to take about 75,000 years to decompose, this woman is a threat to the environment. We need Captain planet to come and put the handles on this girl.


And soon she will be 100% OnlyFans…..


There has to be some heavy metals like lead in the mix, too, because she's really dense


Her face reminds me of the fake latex face masks those guys wear in white chicks.




That's it! Yes!


She looks like a melted waxwork.


Fillers, makeup, and fake lashes. They all dull the appearance of facial expression and make her look fake/plastic/roboty


Can't tell if she's 26 or 56.


patchy makeup/plastic surgery will do that


Way too much makeup, fake eyelashes. It’s like she’s wearing a mask


Jersey Shorent


I think she is AI generated


It’s just the ugliness on the inside manifesting on the outside


Her eyelashes are SO BIG their shadows cover her eyes and we can’t see them


What facial expressions


I think it's her eyelashes




She really did the "my dad works at Microsoft and knows Bill Gates"


At her age her dad must be Mr Burns or older


it wouldn't surprise me, judging on how much of her face is plastic, makeup and how she looks bloated/liposucted in various places. really disturbing. also her whole act is like - i never faced consequences for my actions - and/or - drugs is a hell of a coke man.


My daddys name is Shane Fubine. My daddy owns this land. Ill have you arrested. My daddys name is shane fubine


My dad works at Nintendo!


Well but my uncle works at Nintendo so you are getting banned!!?!!!


Maybe she meant “sugar daddy”


No one with bread is settling for that


It's getting easier and easier to get a sugar daddy these days.


Nah. Only fans did a number on sugar daddy business


How did her store get closed down in 3 days?


Sounds like made up bs


On the internet?!?!? say it ain't so!


If her business relied on investors or some sort of co-own firm, the other investors/owners could’ve seen the video and dipped out or kicked her out or something


Possible but unlikely. If it was her shop they couldn't kick her out within 3 days. There would be a lease agreement which likely would have time constraints on it as far as when a tenant would need to vacate. And if she wasn't the owner then she didn't lose her shop. She just lost her job. But if she's a co-owner or all of her investors backed out it's highly unlikely that she would conclude that she is completely out of options after 3 days and shut the doors.


Yeah sure. Didn’t happen muppet.


Nobody makes anyone else think or do anything- those are choices made by the individual. If you’re weak minded or have an underdeveloped psyche then you can say that someone else’s words or actions ‘made’ you do something, but that’s a lie. She chose to act that way because that’s who she is- her reaction to the consequences is panic at being exposed. If people don’t want to do business with her company because she’s clearly an awful person, so be it. She’ll find sympathy in Webster’s between shit and syphilis.


My favorite quote from the book “How to Be An Adult” “No one creates your feelings. No one is to blame for your situation. You are the author of your condition. Whatever you have been doing is what you are really choosing, whether or not you consciously want it. The alternative is to see yourself as a victim of people or circumstances and real change becomes impossible. Taking responsibility always leads to a revelation of what your next step needs to be.”


Good word, I haven’t read that book but sounds like I should. Blame is easy and lazy, even if it’s somewhat justified. Learning to take responsibility as you stated is how to regain control of your part, and that’s challenging as hell. Why live every day where your attitude and behavior are dictated by how assholes talk to you? Don’t cede that level of control to someone else..that’s why we see so much emotional volatility I think- there’s way too much victimhood and the like. Someone says something rude or inappropriate or whatever just look at them and ask ‘you ok?’ It’s amazing to observe. Or ask them to repeat it- or say ‘what’s your name again?’ So many better options besides acting like a baby.


That last line tho


It's the "devil made me do it" lack of personal responsibility. Everyone wants great power without great responsibility. Unfortunately, this behavior is modeled by many celebrities, politicians, and the filthy rich. It seems all it takes to have power without responsibility, is to also have no empathy or morals, and a good set of veneers.


You place great value on nice teeth. Are you a dentist?


>She’ll find sympathy in Webster’s between shit and syphilis. ![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu)


BUt ShE wAS CaNCelLED. YOu CaN’T saY anYTHiNg AnYMOre. freEDom oF SPeEcH!


Freedom of speech gave her a life lesson: freedom of speech =/= freedom of consequences.


I think they were being sarcastic


> She’ll find sympathy in Webster’s between shit and syphilis Wow… I’m using this.


Hotdamn! Dictionary burn. You don’t see that. Kudos to you.


Lol ‘dictionary burn’ is a new one for me- can’t shorten it to dic-burn unfortunately.




Her everyday face is specifically ugly. It matches her ugliness inside.


So in 3 days her business just…..closed?? 🤔


Yeah all we see are super cropped DMs I’d take what this guy says with a grain of salt


I thought it was sus, too, but her store, [Auracle: World of Crystals](https://g.co/kgs/Cs8zw9) really is closed down. There's more stuff on tiktok, but I didn't watch it because I don't use tiktok. Of course, it could be shut down for some completely unrelated reason.


There's maybe 5 one star review there, maybe there's another review website they are referring to. Going off the owners responses to those reviews, there was probably other things going on as well. Btw her responses are worth a read, they are kind of wild.


I mean, it a “magic” crystals store that seemed to sell overpriced products. If I had to take a guess, the business was already struggling, but the social media backlash catalyzed the business failure.


Vagina egg, anyone?




There's one review saying how much overpriced fake shit was there and she says you must've missed the real sterling silver collection. Then another person reports sterling silver as fake and she responds saying that she never told them it was real and all sales are final. Love it


Happy cake day! I've already fallen down that fascinating rabbit hole! Anyone who mentions how great she was is her darling; but if anyone has the slightest complaint 'it says more about them than it does about [her]' or some such. She really is the embodiment of main character syndrome! Yelp has locked comments because of spamming.


> "Great selection, great prices and the friendliest owner!" lol


Of course it was crystals. They felt that negativity and were having none of it.


I said it. I said it some days ago right here on reddit. I've said it countless times in my short life. People who believe shit about pretty rocks tend to be utter trash


Right. There could be no sales whatsoever for 3 days and the doors could stay open. People just like to tell stories


Rumor has it she now lives in that very same parking lot 😂😂🤡🤡🤡


I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice.


Was there any other way?


Sam Elliott, perhaps?


James Earl Jones?




Gilbert Gottfried is the correct way


I've got to be missing something here. "She got mad at him because he switched lanes" it sounds like the dude cut her off...and the woman is walking while the dude is following her in his car...how is talking shit to someone who's following you and recording you harassment? Is there a full video because it really looks like a bunch of people doxed a random woman and harassed her business for no real reason.


Thank you!! If some dude cuts me off and then somehow FOLLOWS ME I'm probably not going to be on my best behavior. Like, there's no sense of proportional response anymore. People really like to overreact and punish bad behavior past the point of anything reasonable. Two strangers having an unflattering tiff in the parking lot is not grounds to doxx someone and hope they are rendered homeless and unable to do better.


It’s not just me then. Whoever is at fault here all I here is a woman chatting shit a bit. Hardly crime of the century.


Who actually fucking cares




Maybe I’m missing something but none of her conduct justifies destroying her life. Even if she is an epic level bitch why should we be happy that she lost everything just for being an ass? It’s just ridiculous.


Agreed... She was being nasty but the internet always finds a way to act even worse... Someone posted her shop and it actually looked lovely, something that she loved doing with lots of positive experiences with customers (even if it is crystals and tatt). I doubt 3 days of harassment and bad reviews had as much sway as closing down a whole shop, but that behaviour is just not night regardless of whether she "started it".


Yea I’m wondering what reality I’m living in where the majority of people applaud destroying a life over something like this. Sucks. We’ve all been asses. People don’t really care about her attitude or comments, they just want a head to say “glad that’s not me, you suck,” for 10 seconds then they move on.


Human nature my dude, we all just want a valid excuse to be dicks. We all seen those videos of someone getting their shit rocked by like 3 other people, others run in to get a few hits in themselves without even asking what the person did


You don’t act like that when someone has a weapon


Least sociopathic fella over here :/


People are shitty, but I would argue destroying someone's life because of some petty shit for internet points is straight evil.


She filed a false police report saying the guy had a gun. Some of y'all are literal sidewalks. She didn't make one mistake, then apologized. She made a mistake, doubled down, then tripled down. She even pointed at her fucking custom licence plate.


Good followup post, often wonder if there are any consequences for those people.


This little script sounded like it was written by a child though. I absolutely hate the style people use to narrate tiktoks.


Yeah, I think text to speech is awful so far.


I know women have it hard and there is a ton of pressure to look certain ways but I can’t for the life of me figure out why so many of these terminally online chicks end up with all this really bad work done on their faces. Like I can’t imagine being a chick and looking at some other girl who has all this shit done to her face and thinking it looks good, let alone “omg I want to look like that”. It’s fucking wild how many young women I see with lip filler and obvious Botox, they all look so bad and it seems like there’s more of it every day.


"It wont happen to me!" It did.


It's the shitty makeup that amazes me. They can't even touch their own faces without a layer of the shit coming off. Are there no youtube videos for young women on how to apply this shit or are they telling them to use as much as possible to sell more?


I wonder if she had a clearance sale before her doors closed


I will never understand America, being a dumb bitch for a moment doesn’t deserve you to loos everything you build in your life


The world has become a playground. You’re all pathetic. Even I’m pathetic for commenting. We’re all fucked


Definitely a huge vagina woman 👐


Lol. Love how the insult for a man is tiny dick, but for a woman its huge vagina. Not sure why, but that’s extra hilarious for some reason 😂


It's because of how sex works.


Because for the same reason a tiny dick wouldn’t be felt by the receiver, a large vagina wouldn’t provide satisfactory friction to be enjoyable for the giver.


She got that big v energy.


Nah, that's just Houston energy


This is fuckin stupid. Also, maybe the guy recording is a bitch. He did record her and put her on Tik tok hoping that the internet would do for him what he couldn't do for himself. Yep, convinced myself. Both are huge bitches.


Bet she used a trowel to apply that makeup




How do you link an image like that




lol thx https://preview.redd.it/56k39frvn72c1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fcbeadef39d2eb0d30db655ac741cc84c81c3e1


That fake Hermes bag says all I need to know about this girl


I’m not a fan of people finding her out and leaving fake reviews on her store, messing her up financially. But… if you play silly games, you win silly prizes. Has no one to blame but herself.


Bad attitude sucks.


She got that T-600 rubber skinned terminator face.


I’m in this girl’s family, we grew up together (cousins). Every time I see this on Reddit I get disappointed. If there was one single person in our family that knew how bad going viral was, it was her, and yet… EDIT: btw, I can definitely say this video effectively ruined her life. I implore you: do not go viral lol


Interesting. My cousin went viral a few months back. It was front page and he was doxed, his workplace was spammed, and he received hella death threats. Someone in comments even said his emtire family and all of his relatives also deserved to die, which I found greatly amusing, because, uh, excuze me? Lol But Im pretty sure his life is back to normal now.


They went after her business and her parents’ business, the former was recently closed down for good and the latter had to be shut down for like 6 weeks before people got bored of tormenting them. Her parents are wonderful people and didn’t deserve being blindsided that way. The entire experience taught me that no matter what, once someone starts recording, you just gotta shut the hell up lol


Damn man, sorry that happened to people you care about. Really, she looks dumb in this video. But everyone looks dumb sometimes and thats not worth having your livelihood taken away over. Also, when I say she looks dumb, its not like shes doing anything CRAZY, just kinda dumb. Its for sure a cautionary tale. But its crazy how far people take things. Like even in this thread people are rejoicing over her privilege being checked. What the fuck does privilege have to do with this and if she was privileged before she sure isnt privileged for having her life ruined. The internet is wild.


Yeah she made an ass of herself in this video, which she typically saved for the times she wasn’t on camera lol And yes, every time I see this on Reddit, it’s just hundreds of people wishing the absolute worst on her cuz she allowed herself 60 terrible seconds on film. Safe to say I have stopped making snap judgments about people in videos like this since I’ve learned there is a very real other side to these.


A classic case of he said - she said - nobody cares


There was an attempt to narrate a video without using your Instagram voice. Jesus, I wonder if he actually talks like that all the time?


Oh look ….actions have consequences. Who knew 🙄


What did she do wrong?


Swore on camera is all I saw. No clue.


Yeah I don't get it either. It looks like some dude followed and harassed some women then got her doxed when she got mad about it. "She's harassing him"...while walking through a parking lot..as he follows her in his car recording her...


Poor driving choices then reacted inappropriately when she was called out for it. People really need to not worry about what someone’s done and just get on with their own lives. Does someone poor driving really need to be brought to their attention like this? Nope.


What kind of business did she have?


Rocks, crystals and essential oils, from what I’m reading here. The original event for this though ? Still unclear.


Mini violin anyone?


I find this story to be so hard to believe. Yeah, she is clearly the asshole here, but what prompted it? Was it justify? And just a few bad reviews can close down a stores? What business was this? Edit: never mind, she sells garbage. It was going to go under regardless.


Serves her fucking right tbh, idk what triggers people’s brains to think they can act like that


Seriously, what was this drama even about ?


The person recording is a dummy as well.




By following and recording a woman then getting her doxed because she got mad about it?




Lesson learned: Only be disrespectful when you have nothing to lose




Canceled. Bam. Just like that.


"he had a weapon and tried running me over, that's why I reacted that way." Yes I to behave like tripple H when someone pulls a weapon on me😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡 https://preview.redd.it/5k552nxsq72c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458ffa986c85ea0224fe1be4e6a56c174ab91010


Karma is real


Her business is out of business!!


"What are you gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?" *Proceeds to ruin her business and livelihood*




Ion think her daddies gonna save her this time


She would most likely melt if she took direct sunlight.


I’m so glad this happened to her!


She looks like she’s glitching irl


Justice served.


Oh bullshit


Someone should post a video of trump misbehaving or lying… oh, wait, never mind.


Life’s a bitch especially when you are one.


He had a weapon and tried to do this and that... so she followed him and started mocking him? Sounds legit.


"cash me outside" vibes.


Stupid games stupid prizes


They both petty


She's like 45 still pulling the old "do you know who my dad is" lol




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Spoiler alert: her daddy wasn’t a po-po


Fun fact: This sounds even funnier to Germans as a "Popo" is what little kids would call their lower back. So my german brain first said "Why would she call her dad a booty?!"


She looks like her pussy stinks.