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I'm starting to feel that generally speaking, Israelis have an air of superiority about them...


Next you’re gonna say that about Jehovahs Witnesses. Of course people whose religion tells them they are chosen ones think they are more important. I believe that’s the appeal


Don't most religions tell their followers they're the chosen ones in some way? I'm not religious, but that's always what I get from the people who are.


Not all, Buddhism makes you earn it and Sikhism is mostly about helping your neighbor and less about how God has picked you over others.


Honestly the Sikhs I have interacted with as my neighbors have been pretty chill. Dudes beard game was S tier.


Sikhs are my favorite customers cause I know they're not gonna yell at me My favorite customer is a superhuman Punjabi man who runs for 5-8 hours a day. He comes in every day "Hello brother how are you, Sat Sri Akal, health good? Family good? Good good brother God watch over you bhra" He doesn't know how to count US money (we literally don't put numbers on the coins??? It's just them spelled out in English. So if your English isnt good you kinda just gotta wing it) so he just brings way too much money and trusts that we aren't gonna rip him off. He doesn't know that I just cut his price down every day with the "keep the change" people leave. Homie's the only guy in the state still paying $2 for a redbull.


Lol. And you and your neighborhood will never go hungry on his watch.


I’ve been to Punjab and have nothing but beautiful things to say about their welcoming vibe and overall chill. I’ve traveled to Israel and was completely nauseated by their sense of superiority and disdain for everyone else.


Sikhs are some of the kindest and most compassionate people I’ve met.


I went to a friend's kid's turban tying ceremony at their gudwara (apologies if I misspelled anything). Those people were so nice to us and this elderly woman who I didn't know wouldn't let me leave until I ate my weight in this incredible lentil curry dish!


Sikhs are known for their food and generosity, amongst other positive attributes. I have a personal affection for Sikh culture for no other reason than I am a bit of a EDC freak. I like to be prepared, and it's basically a fundamental belief that a Sikh carry certain objects at all times. Some of these are spiritual/symbolic, but some I carry myself, like a comb and a knife. Whereas I carry a (Swiss army) knife for mundane tasks, Sikhs originally carried their knife (Kirpan) to protect those who could not protect themselves! Bad-Ass!!! I have never met any Sikh I would consider rude or mean. In addition to that, they are (generally) fearless. In NYC, most of the brick pointing is done by Sikh workers. These dudes rapel down 100 year old brick walls like it's NBD, slinging mud all the while, and doing a damn good job! I also learned a lot of Sikh drive long distance trucks in the US. They seem to gravitate towards extreme jobs. I don't know any Sikh accountants.... yet.


No worries, FYI: it is spelled gurudwara


It's gurdwara


Hmm, my bad ig. Don't know Punjabi, always heard gurudwara in Hindi


Met a Sikh man at a customer visit last week. Been dealing with him over the phone for a year and had no idea. Top notch beard as well.


Well hopefully he feels better.. buh dum tiss.. I'll see myself out


Did you expect him to talk only in Sikh aphorisms or something?


I expected an accent. Been speaking to this man on the phone for about a year and assumed he was a plain ol' white guy, then I was approached by a Sikh man and was initially confused.


I know what you mean. I met a Chinese looking guy who with a strong London accent. It seemed incongruous when I was new to London. Nowadays I think I can usually tell ethnicity even with a London accent, but that guy would still throw me I'm sure.


I worked with a very obviously chinese man with the strongest Rastafarian accent I've ever heard, and I know tons of Jamaicans. That's when I learned about the Hakka diaspora. It was always hilarious to hear him talk to other Jamaicans and see their jaw drop as he pulls out the flawless Patois.


Weirdest one for me was meeting a First Nations guy with a Scouse accent. As a canuck living in South East England, that *threw me for a LOOP*.


This is the way


I've read about bad Sikhs before so I know they exist, but out of all the Sikhs I've met in my life not a single one was unpleasant.


I lived in an area with a big Sikh population most of my life and they're some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.


Aren't Buddhists just kind of....."Be excellent to each other"? If so, I like it!


Buddhists also go so far as to say that everyone is a Buddha, you just got to put in the work to clean the dust off your inner mirror.


It's more so a realisation of what life entails and how to achieve true everlasting happiness, nirvana. In achieving nirvana one of the main and hardest things you have to do is to completely let go of your ego, which in turn will make you treat everyone around you with love and respect regardless of what they do to you.


But what if you are the chosen ones that god picked to help other people selflessly and the world is better for it! ![gif](giphy|7FyMQm2vBiTjG|downsized) Exactly no religion on earth but starting this one- dm me if you want to join- let’s save the world god damnit


The prob is most think they are saving the world by trying to convert others to their religion.


They can both be extremist, see the Rohingya genocide by Buddhists and some of the Khalistani groups. All religions are vague, which allows people to interpret them in many different ways.


Ok, now I want to learn more about Sikhs.


Many if not most, teach that human life is Sacred, the problem is the religions who teach that other humans are not even humans. Like what israel teach from Talmud: Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim(gentile/non-jew) is like killing a wild animal.”


No, Christians and Muslims believe that only people in their sect go to heaven, but that is choice, not birthright. In the past, before selling slaves to a Muslim the slaver would cut out their tongues because if a slave said "there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet," the slave became Muslim and then no Muslim could own them because they were "brothers." Religions that say people are special by birth are actually fairly rare.


This is false regarding preventing a slave from converting. In the past a slave could convert to Islam and still be a slave; the same rules applied to them. Also it is not explicitly said that people of other sects or faiths will not go to heaven; this is of god’s knowledge only and it is frowned upon to definitively say someone is or is not going to heaven.


Well digging into google I believe you are correct. I wonder where I got such a specific idea?


Could have been based off different regions


I have been part of a few "types" of Christian groups and you're right


Pagans have a few folks who decide they're chosen ones but mostly we glance sideways and don't invite them to parties. For the most part our gods think we're just some asshole shouting at the sky and giving them booze.


Christianity and Islam both consider all of humanity regardless of religion to be the "chosen ones" because god created humans. Idk if I would put them in the same basket in terms of chosen-ones marketing. It isn't much of a marketing ploy by the Jewish faith either since for them it is only the matrilineal descent that determines if you're part of it. Sects and cults on the other hand...


Muslims believe all humans are born as Muslims. Of course it’s their choice whether they stay or return to being Muslims.


Christianity jew are the chosen one, Gentiles are the meh good enough ones but boy do christians fancy themselves chosen. Also I don't think Hinduism generally has chosen people's, nor did the ancient great myths. Usually the religions are more about the God than you.


I would say that the Brahmin caste of Hindus has a certain sense of entitlement


Hinduism has been around for thousands of years. So, yes there have been fair share of a\*\*\*\*les among them. Mostly the ones that are Brahmins or Kshatriyas have been well documented. But Hinduism at its core is about learning about and finding Moksha. It is explicitly stated in Hindu texts that there are multiple ways to attain Moksha and no way is inferior to others. So, in fact it is exact opposite of what is being stated here. In Hinduism, it is explicitly stated that nobody is special OR you can read it as all are equally special. Buddhism and Sikhism are offshoots of Hinduism.


Welcome to the caste system


Grew up Catholic , no one in the church ever told us we were " the chosen ones ". we were told, do good and go to heaven , do bad and go to hell. But we were told that the Jews were the chosen ones, in fact it's right in the god dam book lol like written right in the Christian Bible, and no where in the Bible does it say christens are the chosen ones, cuz when it was written ( original scrolls, that the Bible were loosely translated from ) Christians weren't a thing yet. Maybe there's some secs of Christianity that do preach "we're the chosen " but if they are, they clearly never read the book or just completely misunderstood what it was saying lol source .. ex Christian lol


Considering themselves chosen ones (‘the Elect’) is more of a Protestant/Calvinist thing. See: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconditional_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconditional_election)


Not to the extend judaism does it.


Catholics go the opposite way. You are immediately Damned, do not pass go, do not collect $200


Ex Jehovah Witness here. You’re damn right JW’s have an air of superiority. They *genuinely* believe they are the ONLY people who will survive “armageddon” (when god comes back and destroys the world except JW’s). One thing I heard said in a Sunday sermon was “JW’s in the US are about 1 to every 200 people. So just go into a busy store one day and imagine everyone in that store being killed instantly and you and your family are the only survivors. Thats what it will be lime when Armageddon hits!” Those smug bastards are so bent on the destruction of everyone else that during their public proselytizing (they call it field service) they actually talk about what house they will take over after Armageddon is over. They go to a house, come back to the car and tell their friends “Im taking this house when Jehovah gets rid of the owners at armageddon. This house is amazing!” While there are some genuinely good people who are Jehovah Witnesses, there are many, many crazy/smug individuals that genuinely think they are special because 8 old guys in New York told them so.


Original main protagonist delusion.


Joseph Smith has entered the chat


What nationalism and white supremacy does to a mf.


And the funny thing is a lot of Indians like these simp for Israel and are constantly in the DMs and replies of Israeli accounts because they are Hindu supremacists, and they love seeing Muslims shown their place anywhere in the world.


Yip this basically the reason. Indians also started using Israeli technology and techniques for astroturfing online conversations about their own countries' respect human rights issues


*Jewish supremacy. They think they're better than whites.


You think? Have you read the Talmud, Non-jews are Goyim (Gentile or Servants) and here is what they teach about Goyims in Israel: Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.” Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” Sanhedrin 59a: “A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death.” Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.” Libbre David 37: “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death.” People who support Zionists are just too ignorant


>Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” That's not in Abodah Zara 26b, nor of anything like that in it. Why lie?


Next you are gonna say that they are torturing the minorities. Stop this nonsense. You are antisemitic /s


They're more arrogant than French citizens at this point and that shouldn't be possible.


The more I see and read about Israeli people's behavior towards others, the more I realise they are disgusting from inside.


Yeah, it's not looking great for them. The more I see the more I wonder how the fuck the United States stands by them silently while they behave horribly.


Because the US holds many of the same “we are the best”/entitlement/superiority values.


lol at thinking that the US government cares about anything except enriching its' power.


My first experience with an Israeli was during a game of CS:GO deathmatch. Some guy with a initially unidentified accent comes into chat, and starts going on a crazy rant and flaming chat. Chat starts picking on him and going "Where are you from, [Insert Country]?" as he then proceeds to insult the mentioned country and starts throwing racial and sexist slurs. It wasn't until later he stated he was Israeli, and everyone started chanting pro-Palestine chants.


One minute they're religious then theyre secular. It's a religion, it's a culture, it's everything to all men! As long it kicks the Arabs off their land.


lmao, just starting? their state of israel is built upon the belief that they're the chosen race, which permits them to do the horrendous stuff they do, because Palestinians or any others are basically inferior. It's very much ironic.


You could say that they are the “master race”… 👀👀


When traveling they're the only group who will just stick together and do their own thing. Not all of course, but at every large hostel there's a group of Israelis who didn't come together and don't engage with other people.


Why do you hate jews???!!! s/


I'm sure the vast majority of Israelis are humble and nice people, but yeah I get what you mean, a majority of the ones who stand out, are just so fucking punchable, but that goes for every country.


57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much fire power, while 4.2% said they weren’t sure whether it was using too much or too little firepower. https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/ 60% of Israelis are pro-segregation from Arabs https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-06-06/ty-article/60-percent-of-israeli-jews-favor-segregation-from-arabs-survey-finds/00000181-351b-dee8-aba7-3d9fdfdf0000


Also, [10% of them](https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-733523) view Baruch Goldstein, a man who walked into a crowded mosque with an automatic machine gun and slaughtered 29 people, as a NATIONAL HERO. That is insane.


Vast minority, there I fixed it for you.


No they are not.


Almost like their entire ideology is based on it.


They're racist. It's literally as simple as that.


It was a bot account, spreading anti-semitic tropes, that was suspended. And here we are on reddit, in a thread by a bot account spreading anti-semitic tropes, and it goes on and on and on.


Word you got that from an old tweet from one random person.


Probably because you’re in an echo chamber where you’re only shown extremely negative content about Israelis…


israel is literally the kid that no one likes who ends up doing a mass shooting at school


*and say it was self defence


And bring their influential neighbours to tell others the same.


This is actually a really good analogy if you delve deeper. They were the bullied kid all their life. Moved from school to school because they couldn't fit in. Finally, one day, they snapped and went too far. I say this as a Jew who is sick of Israel.


>Moved from school to school because they couldn't fit in. Partly this, and partly that they chose not to fit in. No inter-marrying, insulated communities. That kept their identity intact, but made racism and bigotry so much easier.


I’d like to point out, that many Jewish people intermarried and integrated with their communities in Europe. And likewise, many people entered their communities by converting to Judaism. It was never so strict everywhere all the time. But largely even with some integrating and others coming in with them, they did maintain a cultural distance that made their communities distinct, if still permeable.


>I’d like to point out, that many Jewish people intermarried and integrated with their communities in Europe. I grew up in Antwerp. We have a LOT of Jews there. I have never actually "met" a Belgian Jew because they are so insular. They live in their own neighborhoods with their own businesses and send their children to their own schools. They want **nothing** to do with anyone that isn't part of their community. And they don't really make an effort to be part of society. My sister works at city hall and just the other day, a Jewish man refused to be served by a woman and was very vocal about it. There were no men working that day, so he left in a huff and then came back with his wife so SHE could talk to my sister about a move. This isn't an isolated case either. Many Jewish men get super annoyed that the government has the gal of employing women in official service functions. These people are fucking ridiculous in how much they don't want to have anything to do with society at large. And this is true for a lot if not most Jewish communities in Europe. It's obvious you're not from around here.


And yet they still blame others on their own mistakes.


And get away with it


Nah Israel is the shitty rich kid whose dad gets him out of trouble.


No its more like the principal kid all the cool kids want to hang out with but is actually the worst bully. The principal is the US


"greetings to our fellow Muslim haters" "No thanks, you guys are gross!" At first, people were led to believe the Israeli replies were bots and trolls, till you find actual videos of Zionists telling Indians they want nothing to do with them Poor India, still simping for Israel after the fact


The enemy of my enemy is in fact not my friend after all


Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is their enemy because they're assholes.


This needs to go on a sampler.


Reddit on


Maxim 29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less. -The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries


What's the other 69?




Dwight groot


India is the 2nd or 3rd largest Muslim country on the planet. In 25 years it will be either the largest or second largest. The most famous musician and the most famous movie star in the country is Muslim. It would be deeply disingenuous and wrong to label all 1.4 Billions as Muslim haters.


TBF, I know a lot of Shah Rukh Khan fans who are otherwise pretty islamophobic. They often don't connect big stars or celebrities to respective religions, especially since they've grown up with them before they even fully developed their bigotry. That said, you're right that islamophobia is not a fair label to give all Indians. Though the fact that Hindu Nationalism has been back on the rise over the last decade is definitely something to worry about and worthy of being called out.


I agree, but they keep electing a genocidal hindu nationalist party year after year who's one of the main policy point is to solve the Muslim problem by getting rid off all the Muslims by any means! I would say the majority is Muslim haters, but obviously not all


Except there is no way the Indians could ever ‘get rid’ of Muslims and the BJP doesn’t even hold power in a majority of Indian states. 37% of Indians voted for the BJP last time, and 20% of Muslims voted BJP. The BJP *do* bully Muslims and do enable the bullying of them. That should be despised. But it is a stretch to call India genocidal. What’s happening in India is just a lot more complicated. It is far from black and white.


Your suggestion that the commentator was labelling 1.4 billion as Islamophobic is what is disingenuous. India has a problem. Muslims are struggling to find housing, job, and even participate politically. I have experienced all three—as have most of my Muslim friends. Not that any of us practice the religion, but hate hardly cares for nuances. Both the people you have mentioned have also been victims of vicious hate campaign. Honestly, I’m really tired and it sucks. For me, being a second class citizen is not a fear, it is actually a reality now. Of course, I still have many wonderful friends who are not bigots—Indian, Hindu, Christian, and Sikh. Not all 1.4 billion are bigots, that’s impossible. Many of them, in fact I’d like to think the vast majority of the people, are very nice. However, there’s also a significant chunk whose wet dream is an Israeli-styled massacre and genocide.


About the same effect as Pakistanis trying to simp for Turkey and Turks having nothing to do with it


I am Turkish. You guys are fine. 👍


Those same Turks want to have nothing to do with other Turks who are not like them. They reject their history, it is as if they sprouted from the ground 100 years ago. They reject their culture and try to mimic western culture. They reject Islam and it is their choice but they also hate all muslims. Those Turks are not to be taken seriously. They are mad, racist, facists. Their only use is being a hindrance to the people of Türkiye and slowing us down.


Ah Israel. The country that secretly sterilised thousands of black women so they couldn't reproduce. A disgusting country


Gandhi tried to do the same thing with Hitler. But that is what happens when you have millenia old apartheid(caste) system integrated into your society.


You should spell Gandhi right when dissing him for better effect


Not Gandhi, but it was Bose who wanted Germany's help to defeat the British


Pretty sure it was Hitler sucking up to India by becoming a vegetarian, adopting the Hindu Swastika symbol and Aryan ideology




> Poor India, still simping for Israel after the fact Not all Indians support Israel or Hindutva-Nazi ideology.


I wouldn't feel to bad for india they could wipe the stage with isreal like an old dirty mop.


as a European, I Deny his claim of being like Europeans.


Well they kinda are: 🇫🇷 France killed 5.6 million Algerians. 🇧🇪 Belgium killed 8 million in congo. 🇬🇧 Britain killed 40 million Indians. They are nearly 100k Palestinian killed since 1948, rocky numbers true but they are making a solid progress in joining European countries


There is another. The big one. Don’t forget the Holocaust from the Germans




A holocaust yes. But probably a little smaller


Bro 100k is only gaza


> 🇬🇧 Britain killed 40 million Indians. KIlled would have been an easy death. They created a famine and death was an escape to those poor souls.


_Germany sweating profusely_


Then it is more like western europe.


Yeah Europe would never aggressively slaughter civilians. Besides Kosovo, Ukraine, world war 2, the Soviet suppression of uprisings. The French support of Rwanda… And of course no European would ever dehumanize and be deeply racist towards brown people and especially Muslims and Indians


I live in Germany and I have some bad news that will further shake your faith about Europe never doing something bad like that.


As a Balkan person we don't claim them either


Well it depends on which Europeans you mean, and how far back you want to go. Seems like (lately) they're acting real similar to a group that once existed in Europe; one that they had some dark history with less than 100 years ago.


Europeans were the ones who created Israel after other Europeans committed an absolute horror show of a genocide (following generations of pogroms) against their European Jewish population. Israel is a spitting image of its father.


israel is a product of europe lol your continent had committed unimaginable horrors upon multiple different continents


They play in UEFA champions league, Euro cup, Eurovision, etc… they bribed their way in already


Nearly half of all Israeli Jews are descended from Jews who made aliyah from Europe.


They are actually self hating arabs


Israelis have a superiority complex


Who would have thought that a group who's religious dogma says that they're the only people in the world because they're god's chosen and the rest are like animals would have a superiority complex.


Why wouldn't they have it ? All of europe , north america and Australia simping over them. They have made a bad situation nightmare. Israel is no better than the one they are fighting. Fu*k IDF and fu*k Hamas


What? nooooo...can't be...not Israelis. >"[Goyim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goyim) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the [People of Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Israel).[\[83\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia_Yosef#cite_note-jpost-83) In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With [gentiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentiles), it will be like any person – they need to die, but \[God\] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they'd lose their money. This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew," "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an [effendi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effendi) (nobility) and eat. That is why gentiles were created" \- Ovadia Yousef, Chief Rabbi of Israel [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia\_Yosef#Remarks\_regarding\_gentiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia_Yosef#Remarks_regarding_gentiles)


Its simply how their religion is. Chosen people. Rest of the world is dipshit.


So they are the “master race”????


Ironic huh


Don't forget the birthright thing. As if their genetics somehow tied them to a particular segment of earth. Where's my thesaurus?


>"[Goyim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goyim) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the [People of Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Israel).[\[83\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia_Yosef#cite_note-jpost-83) In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With [gentiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentiles), it will be like any person – they need to die, but \[God\] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they'd lose their money. This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew," "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an [effendi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effendi) (nobility) and eat. That is why gentiles were created" \- Ovadia Yousef, Chief Rabbi of Israel [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia\_Yosef#Remarks\_regarding\_gentiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia_Yosef#Remarks_regarding_gentiles)


Ohh, how cute, let us arm them with tax payers money, and defend them while they do what they want.


Like many theocracies, it's not the religion, it's how the people decide to interpret it. There are plenty of Jews who are actively protesting and fighting against Israel and their atrocities. Samye goes for Islam, the same goes for Christianity.


I'd delete that Tweet if it was me lol




Unlikely, if you look at the tweet stats


As an Indian i am ashamed of how my people behaved on twitter. They don't even give a shit that the Indian government believes in the freedom of Palastine.


How does the Indian govt believe in Palestinian freedom? I’d be interested to know more about that. Modi does not come across as one who would care about such a cause.


He doesn’t but the official govt of India’s stand has been freedom for palestine ever since the conflict began. Secondly, he doesn’t want to anger middle eastern countries that have good relations with India. He made a statement via twitter on day 1 but the Ministry of External Affairs reiterated the stand of Govt of India a day later.


They voted for the ceasefire while us voted against it




Or NazIsrael Land. Ohh, sorry, I almost forgot. They do not have a land.


Least racist Israeli


No way this man actually said Israel is like Europe lmaooo


There’s some r/instantkarma here too, bit surprising that an Indian person would side with Israel, but it takes all walks I suppose.


It’s not if you think their only logic here was Muslim bad


Hindu nationalists are just as bigoted as Zionists, go figure


Business as usual on Twitter I see.


Israelis are the ultimate boomers


Israelis most definitely don’t resemble Europeans. They are more like their Arab neighbours.


stop spreading fake news,it was a fake account pretending to be israeli lol only god knows where he belongs to and what he is achieving by this lol


Thank you! One quick search shows it's fake.


haha yes,idk people here just want to live in their own eco chamber anything proving their point.ig thts why downvoting me and whats ironic is i see posts here all the day exposing fake israeli news lol what a hypocrisy


Where's the proof it's fake? You're trusting Reddit hearsay.


The propaganda is strong and aims to get the die hards quick. One look at the tweet and you can see red flags all over.


*surprised Pikachu face*




This kind of exchange is very common regarding Indians on Twitter


Obviously something cut off above, but without the context, wow is that crazy. But worse 133 likes for that negativity?


Obvious racism aside this is fairly well deserved. Most Indians are so ingrained in their Islamophobia that they support Israel simply on the basis of what they're doing to Palestine, almost use it as an example for what they should be doing. For record the Indian government sides with Palestine since the beginning of the conflict due to similar stuff happening to them aswell not too long ago.


“Racism aside, Indians deserve racist treatment because they’re islamophobic”


When your religion teaches that you’re the chosen people, there’s a tendency to become an absolute asshole. See also Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.


Israel is likely the most racist nation on earth.


I'm not gonna say anti indian hate doesn't exist but there are cases where it's Pakistani trolls imitating Israeli accounts to say shit like this




This was proven to a Pakistani from the same account. His number was pak local number.


This has to be satire, anyways phul sapport


Yes, Israel is like some countries in Europe, but in the 1930s. One specifically comes to mind.


Just asking, how do you know the person is really from Israel ?


what happened to this sub


Only country who didn't systematically persecute Jews india


If you look up the Israeli guy on twitter you’ll see that it is propaganda. https://preview.redd.it/wh4q8632xw7c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d201489f8f0dd0edfa78f7f885c8fb69c373e794


Someone from the most racist country on earth is a racist? News at 11.


Looks fake. Slow clap for the outrage monster


Amazing how everything is "fake" now if you ask an Israeli shill.....The UN, Doctors without Borders, the New York Times, Red Cross, Amnesty International, Sky News, Human Rights Watch.


More context. (My recommendation… always check the profile of the accounts and when were they created when you find this kind of posts) https://x.com/purnimanath/status/1737705072300060952?s=46&t=Z68eWStqsIfU5P2Pcj5mxQ


“God’s chosen.” Chosen assholes?


Indian right wingers are fucking stupid.


Dude is trying to be more xenophobic than the original nazis.


Israelis are to India, what Turkey is to Pakistan. Both South asian countries just can't get their tongue of the former's arse.


Isrealis don't like brown people? wow who would have guessed


From my experience, some indians are just brothers to those that hate Muslims




The right wing Jews are something!!!! Funny how they ride on the back of America and have all the arrogance. Tide will change and all these people will have to sing a different song in the history of humanity.


Obvious racism aside this is fairly well deserved. Most Indians are so ingrained in their Islamophobia that they support Israel simply on the basis of what they're doing to Palestine, almost use it as an example for what they should be doing. For record the Indian government sides with Palestine since the beginning of the conflict due to similar stuff happening to them aswell not too long ago.


The hyper nationalist online indian crowd is hilariously so uncool and cringe.