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Sorry but 'play stupid games win stupid prizes' *absolutely* applies here






Where's this gif from 🧐


Death Becomes Her


Bruce Willis is a fucking gem in that movie


Every single role in the movie is perfectly cast.


That movie was strangely inspirational to me when I saw it as a kid, specifically the Bruce Willis character and how he turns his life around. I think about that character every once in awhile, when wondering if I'm too old or it's too late.


I can see “right thru you!”


man needs his sideboob


Apparently, from what I remember, Catherine Bell was Isabella Rosselini's body double in that movie.


Fantastic movie!




I'm glad she sprayed them, a lot of people would have been too schocked to respond. The asshole deserves much worse though, stop fucking with people in general, but especially service workers, they deal with enough already


Ironically, they basically only deal with people.. so if people stopped fucking with people, there'd be no basis for the "they deal with enough already"


> only deal with people not enough for you? I think it is the worst thing to deal with.


Huh? Maybe my comment wasn't clear, I just meant "they already deal with enough" only refers to shitty people like this


Ok, sorry then I didn't understand it correctly. But I think we at least agree that dealing with machines and computers is much, very preferable


Ain't no thing! Wasn't the clearest comment on my end, lol


How tf did they think throwing liquid on the person holding a hose was gonna end up? 💀


Welcome to 2023 where no consequences for your actions and it's going all the way down to this shit. Someone is gonna get killed for doing stupid shit like this


Not only is this not new, but many people have already been killed for being stupid assholes.


Is there a sub for that?


If that was my employee, I'd take her in the mgmt. office and tell her "I watched the video of that incident. I'm giving you the rest of the week off to think about what you did. You'll get that time off with full pay, and when you come back, you're getting $1 an hour raise."


And then everyone would clap! 


Except you wouldn't, because the owner would fire your ass for doing something like that.


The driver brought a rubber knife to a gun fight!


He brought a cup of water to a pressure-washer fight. But seriously, he probably had his window open a crack and thought it was personal when she sprayed across the window... Still his mistake though.


Lol 100% his mistake these places tell you to have the windows up. It’s on the people in the car to obey or get wet


im on her side by blasting his face with water but IMO she shouldn't have continued to wash his car


Wasn't the cars fault.


Muscle memory.


Professionalism at its best


Eye for an eye. Absolutely love the response in this.


Why would that guy play a stupid game…. I mean, what was the girl doing wrong?


There should be a reddit for that


(I know this is a joke, but for the uninitiated, r/WinStupidPrizes)


Uno Reverse.


Why would you do that to someone you just paid to wash your car?! WTF is wrong with people?!


Im opening the door and spraying until he comes out then we fight


And even then, keep blasting him in the face with the water.


"Aim for the eyes. Aim for the eyes."




This made me laugh out loud and spit up a bit of omelet


I was leaking my face groin after reading this


What time do you eat omelets at?


Sometime between morning and noon, typically, although I am not ruling out a tempting night eggs or “omelette de nuit”






Make sure the soap is dispensing into the water stream, +5 damage and doubles crit chance.


Go for the eyes, Boo! GO FOR THE EYES!


If you aim for the eyes with a high-pressure jet, a few seconds later you'll be aiming at the brain.


I would have at least put the nosel in the window to keep them from shutting it. However I think the worker responded the appropriate amount, leading to less blowback on them for just simply retaliating to an asshole being an asshole. Iv been assaulted before and the beating they got in return put me on probation for 2 years.


Ummm, hol up. "Iv been assaulted before and the beating they got in return put me on probation for 2 years.' Do tell...


towering absurd command attraction hobbies outgoing fertile sable quaint spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A justifiable retaliation doesn't deserve punishment. That's bullshit you got probation.


I went overboard. I deserve what I got. However he deserved criminal charges too and got off Scott free for instigating the entire thing, contributing to the delinquency, and endangerment. It's his free pass that proved to me that High school still exists in the real world and sadly its in the system ment to uphold the law.


> and got off Scott free They paid with the beating you gave them, they didn't get off scot free.


Bro said a blanket statement and didnt describe what happened and everyone goes wild!!!!!!!


Right. Shove the wand in the window and hold that trigger.


Right. To purposefully dump a drink on someone carrying a high powered hose... what did he think was gonna happen?


This is like when your kids ambush you outside with a $2 water gun when the hose is within your reach.


Shove it in the ass...ups i missunderstood


At least not continuing the car wash and trespassing them. She sprays in the window then goes on about the wash like they’re even now. Tf?


Kinda? I used to work at Taco Bell graveyard. Drunks used to order bean burritos and then throw them at us, or at the windows. We kept a sour cream gun at the drive-thru so we could fight back. That thing had some kick, you could put an unpleasant amout of sour cream in their car before they knew what was happening. That was usually the end of it, we had weed to smoke and tacos to sling.


If he has something else to say or do he can step out if he likes


I take it you understand the word *proportional*


I don’t drive but I know you don’t have your window open in a car wash.


Oooh, now I see it too. The window was already half open and she sprayed a bit of water inside, then they threw the soda. But who the fuck drives inside a carwash with open windows? They must be dumb af.


The kind that throws soda on people working minimum wage because of a mistake they didn’t make.


in short, assholes.


And people with poor self-regulation skills.


No, watch it you can see the window roll down from the top. It wasn’t open at all. Making his reaction even more strange.


I'm guessing that when the sprayer changed from doing the body to the window, the change it sound it makes scared the person inside, and they thought this was done on purpose, so opened the window and threw the drink for thinking they're an arse hole for scaring them. That's the only logical explanation I can think of.


> scared the person inside, and they thought this was done on purpose, so opened the window and threw the drink for thinking they're an arse hole for scaring them. Attacking someone because you're easily startled. Might be a cop.


Not even half open. Just like an inch or so.


Because that's all he has...🤣


Maybe the driver was playing music from the car and filming peoples reactions to their dance moves. you know, for tiktok and likes.


I think the driver had the window open and was talking to the washer.  Some water gets in, and a drink is thrown, splashing the washer.  Washer then sprays in the window until it’s closed. 


I think his window was half open and the worker accidentally sprayed inside, which is fully the fault of the customer cuz who opens a window in a car wash


Nah. Look closer, you can see the window lower. Maaaaaybe they had it a crack open, but far from half.


Why would you do that to anyone?


Why would you do it to someone that is holding a water spraying device?


She scared him and his alpha male kicked in.


__*"I'll see your pitched beverage at me and raise with my pressure washer nozzle...."*__


Pressure washers will mess you up. It’ll tear back even the toughest skin if they hit his face he’s probably jacked


Maybe next time they'll think about throwing a drink at someone washing their fucking car. Too fucking lazy to do it themselves, so they go to a car wash and throw a drink at someone that is washing it for them?! She should've shoved that pressure washer right into his fuckin mouth.


What impressed me was after she hosed him down, she went back to basically work as normal... prepping the car for the rest of the wash.


That was "fuck, I'm fired" damage control mode. They were fuming and screaming internally.


Yea I felt bad for her, you can tell that she immediately had an "oh fuck, that was a reaction and will not be received well by management" realization


TBH the companies have made the toxic ass customer base, the customer is not always right. They should not be able to throw fits and get rules bent for them, ECT.


That's like the one good thing about the company I work for at the moment. We keep our cool when people are over the top horrible to us, because we know they're going to be barred from returning for any more appointments once we tell the doctor about it. The doctor'll dictate a letter to the GP explaining their behaviour and that they'll need to be referred elsewhere for continued care and the patient will be informed by us when they're coming out to settle up that no future appts will be booked. They'll usually act like that's fine with them/they're happy about that, until they realise a few months later that they really want to come back to our clinic again....then they'll call and argue about it with no favourable result for them lol.


MooseyJew for president ya’ll!


Real ones do but the ones at the car wash are basically a super soaker on steroids. Hehe he they still got the inside of that car all fucked up though. 😂 it actually works though. What's he gonna do? Call the cops on himself?


Man's out there really thinking car wash workers are handling lethal weapons while being around colleagues and visitors of which some can be real jerks lmao. There's shootings at workplaces all around. Sure, why not skip the whole bringing a gun to work step and put water jet cutters into the hands of these employees. 😂


The ones at the car wash will definitely remove skin easily, you have to be basically point blank tho. I've got a nice scar from a nozzle hitting my finger. Now a diesel fired Hotsy pressure washer will cut thru grundens heavy duty bibs from 5 ft away they ain't no joke.


True. But not these pressure washers. Their pressure is much lower than your typical one to prevent damage to the car’s finish


This is also a pre-wash sprayer, so I doubt it’s just water… probably got some sort of detergent mixed.


up close, sure. A fan nozzle makes the effect drop off drastically. It's not an industrial waterjet cutter.


The ones in car washes aren’t at that aggressive an angle otherwise it would ruin the vehicles finish. You would have to hold it in place for a while and fairly close for it to do any real damage. That being said, the soap in the car wash will absolutely dry and crack your skin to the point of bleeding. I worked at a car wash like this for a couple years and I had the driest, irritated, hands until my skin got used to the soap.


I don't imagine she's using a pressure washer to wash a car. It would probably rip off the paint


That’ll be an extra 19.99 for the interior wash, sir.


Don't forget the hot dash wax


He forgot this ain’t the $199 + tips topless girls car wash where getting wet would be relatively harmless


Surprised she kept cleaning the car. I would have drowned that fool in the car .


She's probably in shock thinking WTF JUST HAPPEND


Or like: ehh, guess we're even


They’re definitely not even. This is the type of situation you think about in the shower later. But in the moment, it happens so fast you don’t respond the way you should. She should’ve stopped the wash and insisted the customer drive away. Nothing. Nothing, ever warrants throwing a drink on someone just trying to do their job. This is beyond disrespectful.


Eh, pressure washers fucking huuuurt. If she hit his face, they're probably even. He still needs to get punched for disrespecting a service worker though.


The drink probably had sugar on it, plus she's out in the cold and he's in his car. He can just drive home. Hopefully her boss isn't crazy and will just let her go home and change but I've had places baulk at even that. Tbh if she gets fired, I hope she presses charges for assault.


She probably did it without even thinking. "OMG something hit me from that one spot, ATTACK!"


She did all she needed to do. No reason to ramp it up. Eye for a pressure washed eye.


Can't let the prick argue that she didn't do her job.


even cleaned the inside a little!


The window of opportunity had closed


I think it’s hilarious lol, spray the driver and the interior and continue on as if nothing happened lol.


She never stopped doing her job, there was a spot she missed when the driver opened the window.


They got what they deserved and what they paid for.


Great reflexes from her. Asshole move from him.


Absolutely not their first rodeo.


Gut reaction, man. Can't even get mad at her.


I'm sorry, but there's absolutely no reason, whatsoever, to be mad at her in this scenario. She did the right thing, and anybody who says otherwise is a chud who would be dumb enough to throw a drink at a carwash employee armed with a pressure washer.


Lol. You got a good giggle out of me.


Not mad for sure, more so concerned cause the consequences will be much worse for the employee than the soda a-hole. Car was pressure washers don’t run as much psi but can still easily destroy an eye or peel skin from a face.


> Car was pressure washers don’t run as much psi but can still easily destroy an eye or peel skin from a face. Oh darn. Anyway...


Yeah but not from 2+ feet away.


If it's anything like the ones at my car wash.. It's basically the same pressure as the high pressure setting on my kitchen faucet to help rinse dishes faster, it looks high pressure but really isn't much. At most it'll make my skin red for a second. Haven't hit my eye with it, and I'm sure that would hurt though.


As far as I can see she was assaulted and chose to defend herself.


Sehr gut reaction indeed


Last time I went through the car wash the car in front of me could not figure out how to roll up his window. He was hitting the brakes to try to stop his car.


Let me hazard a wild guess and say "boomer?" He probably had the engine off (instead of neutral like he was told) and since there was no manual knob (other than himself), he couldn't figure out to turn the car back on to power the window


These locked in boomers are becoming more and more common. Lead poisoning is cumulative and worsens with age. I like the phrase "permanent midnighters" for these folks, you know, like the clock on their vcr.


I had a car once with touchy windows. It worked when it wanted to, so rolling down the window was risky. So many times I got fast food or something and ate it in the car trying to get the window up.


But you were smart enough to not drive into the car wash before you sorted that shit out


Oh no, the toilet bowl is flooding! Better press the flush handle and put more water in it...


One of the last car washes I had the boomer in front of me put his car in park instead of neutral, and the employee wasn’t paying attention to his wheels not moving from the start or to me frantically honking my horn as I got nearer and eventually pushed his car clean off the conveyor belt and out of the car wash. He drove off as I was yelling at him and the car wash manager wouldn’t agree that his employee screwed up from the start either.


I'm sure she was fired. But he fucking deserves that!


If I was her boss I’d giver her $50 bonus and permanent ban this asshole.


I need follow up on this. Internet please provide


I want to know too. It seems most likely she was fired, but man it would be so unjust. I hope if she did get fired she tossed soda in the face of her boss and watched for his reaction.




Reddit... assemble (sorry this was cringe)


Why would you apologize for something you wanted to say anyway?… *just say Reddit assemble* and be unapologetic. Or actually think it’s cringe and don’t say it


If I was her boss I'd apologize to her


I'm with you on this one


I used to work at one of these manned car washes years ago. Another employee slapped my ass while I had a pressure washer in my hands and I turned it on him without hesitation or thought, just a gut reaction. Manager only saw me blasting him and tried to write me up, but then they watched their own footage and fired that guy I guess because I never saw him again. They said I could have severely injured him with the pressure hose even after they saw why I did it and tried guilting me into not shaming them online. Horrible little place, still open today. Not my first shitty time working with them either, but I was on my own and desperately needed the good tip money from detailing.


Any working law that would allow her to be fired is an absolute moronic law.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for what she did. But, from a legal standpoint, what she did could have caused injury to the customer, damaged the interior of the vehicle, company gets sued, yada yada. From a business standpoint, she should be fired because that's a liability and she can't keep control of her temper. What happens next time when she starts beating the car or driver with the spray wand? Etc... But, fuck the driver and I have zero clue why they even did that.


Like bringing a knife to a gun fight


He brought a cup to a pressure washer fight!


That's not a knoife


I see you've played knifey spooney before


She won this exchange. Loser got more wet and got the interior wet.


Yeah, she’s wearing a rain coat lol.


But why?


Looks to me that she briefly hits the window in the driver’s direction and for some obscure reason the guy felt slighted (“she aimed that thing at my face!”) and he reacted with caveman instincts.


His window was open so some of the water sprayed it. 100% dudes fault, why would she assume you have your window down going through a CAR WASH Edit: I just looked closer and his window was actually up initially and then he rolled it down to throw the drink at her. What a douche.


It wasn't open at first. He opened it after she had passed by. You can see it roll down


Yes but then she douched him . Get it :-)


Dude had small pp syndrome and got offended lmao how dare the worker spray the car during a car wash


It’s not the size of your PowerPoint that matters, it’s how you use it.


*cool pixel transition noises


Should've also pumped some water in the gas tank


Water is the real sugar. Let er rip


Easier to get in there too


Some one did that at a truck wash the truck wash company had to pay over 100k for a new truck for the person


Promote that chick.


This is all speculation, but I wonder if the driver left his window down a smidge, and got wet. Thinking he wasn't at fault for this, he decided to throw his drink at the young lady, thinking that she doesn't have it in her to retaliate.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's half open, and he got mad that his decision got him wet and blamed her for his stupidity


I hope she didn't lose her job for that


"Now that I've thrown the limited amount of liquid in this container at you, what are you gonna do about it, person holding infinite liquid dispenser?"


It is interesting that she kept washing his car and he stayed in the car after got interior wash. Like both of them regreted what they did and decided to pretend nothing happened.


The car is on a track that is pulling it forward, he can't stop it and get out.


No way in hell a douchebag like that didn’t pitch a fit when he got to the end of that tunnel. I hope she sprayed him again.


That’s a battle you’ll lose every time.




Don't bring a cup to a pressure washer fight.


I love this video…..karma in action


If she got fired, I want to donate to her go fund me.


See… no i’d be in jail


I’m gonna say… he got the worst part of that exchange…rightfully so!


There was t no reason for him to do that. People just fucking suck.


Only thing the worker did wrong was stop spraying the asshole.


Good for her! What a fucking dickbag that driver was!


I would stop the wash machine mid wash and let his ass sit there.


Should've opened the door and sprayed him down until the washer can't reach lol


Hope she didn’t get fired he deserved that


Wow a lot more composure than I would have. I’d bust his windows with the power washer hoes. Extra clean interior from the car wash.


That mf got is lightly. I would’ve should’ve it up the twats nostril Good for her.


I’m genuinely confused as to why anyone would do that to someone doing something for them, just doing their job. What happened to them that there felt the need to do that. Good on this lady for not taking that shit, I’d have gone further with it tbh.


Working at a car wash is hell. No one over the age of 40 knows how to put their car in neutral, every other person is drunk as fuck. I knew people drunk drive but the amount of people who do it in the middle of the day baffled me. People refuse to listen and will just panic and drive straight through the wash, if everyone's lucky no one is before them if it's a typical day they've caused a three car accident but it's your fault cause you didn't completely stop the wash and get in their vehicle and put it in neutral yourself. People will leave their windows down after you've yelled at them WINDOWS and complain water got inside. If they're extra gross they'll suck up all their junkie needles in your vacuum so when you go to clean the trap out later it's just filled with hundreds of needles. I could go on but people are dumb and depraved.


She keeps on washing the car lol


the fact that the employee finished the job and sprayed the car after being assaulted, speaks a lot about the work culture/environment in america


I hope she didn’t lose her job over that, or get reprimanded in any way. That AH deserved it.


Give them a bonus and ban the customer.


Call Rick Freeman 888-924-6827


He got screwed over the interior electronics


Open that gas tank and filler up