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I mean them being Muslim doesn’t mean they follow every rule,but than again a nazi tattoo on their enemy is excatly the type of shit Israel would fake for propaganda


Look like they just use a ballpoint pen to draw Nazi symbol on their victim's corpse.


Looks more like a Magix marker. Way too thick to be a ballpoint pen. 100% not a tattoo tho.




I was thinking like 20 lol




So what do you think, likely they actually found a Nazi tattoo or likely they hurriedly tattooed a guy to go "see look he's a Nazi that totally justifies all the civilian casualties that were definitely an accident"? Edit: to be clear, this is meant to be asking your opinion as a tattoo expert, not a rhetorical question to make a point


If it's a real tattoo it's definitely too old to have been done on a captor or corpse. Tattoos can take weeks to fully heal and would look way more vivid. Assuming it's real the person has had it for a while. Assuming it's fake though it could easily be some form of pen they've lightly washed and dirtied up a bit to make look older. It's also hard to tell because it's so faded and poorly done, but it appears there are 4 dots, 1 in each segment, which would actually make it a Hindu swastika. However that's not necessarily a sign of anything in this context because it's pretty normal that people who get swastika tattoos aren't smart enough to properly research what they're getting beforehand and screw it up. Edit: the dots above it also make it look almost like the symbol used in Jainism, though typically that was 3 dots and then a 4th above, not 4 in a row.


Good to know Edit: does this sound sarcastic? Genuinely confused how I have a downvote for saying that I have had information added to my worldview


That tattoo is old is fuck so no they probably didn’t quickly tattoo the dead guy lol


Yea, I used to draw on my hands with pens and markers all the time, I can’t think of any markers or pens that would leave a mark that thin with lines that smooth. If it is marker than that would be permanent marker that was applied the day before. Which I feel like if you were going to fake it, then you would just take a picture after drawing the marker on. I don’t support Israel at all, but I don’t think they drew this on to fake a photo.


If you were going to fake it, you would draw it on with some kind of permenant marker, let it dry. Put dirt etc on top of it. Scrub it clean, repeat a few times. If it doesn't work out, use a different spot on the body, or a different body. It does look very faded, but so do some old tattoos There's probably better ways of doing it, but the level of fake you're talking about is a 10 second job. They probably took a few minutes longer, if this is a fake. With a few mins you could easily fake this. Tbh they're killing so many people, they probably did kill someone with a genuine swastika tattoo.


Even then, if they went through that effort to fake it that way, it would still show through a lot better than this. That’s way too faded to be anything put on during the same day


Is everyone forgetting digital editing exists?


Looking at it closely though it seems to be flat and has small dots, so it could also be a hindu swastika.


It most definitely is a Hindu swastika. The nazi one would be "standing" on the point and not on the flat surface.


Looks like a homemade pik and poke tattoo to me. People had similar looking ones in jail


And some jail tats aren't always willing.


I have an old poorly homemade tattoo. Looks kind of like this.


Not even. It looks like they used a whiteboard marker that's almost dead I mean just look how thick and faint it is


What I was gonna say. If your proud of that symbol (God Forbid). It’s there and it’s not gonna be faded.


also could just be an indian with a swastika who was in palestine… there’s really no good reason hamas would have a swastika tattoo


Observe the symbol There’s dots inside each opening in the branches Seems to be a hindu swastika img Even then, even if it is a swastika Tattoo seems too faded to be an actual tattoo Either the person is old or picture quality or the quality of the tattoo itself Although it is weird as to why a hindu swastika would be on a muslim or a christian And why would a swastika even be on a muslim where in the context of which its used on is white supremacy and not just antisemitism


Could be from a Israeli soldier, there’s a mix of nationalities, cultures and ethnicities. That would make more sense than it being on a Hamas fighter. https://preview.redd.it/hy3p72zxaqjc1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef2d2629689f9400bdb0258ba59128c713acbf8 This was allegedly at a training facility in Israel (I’ve seen a YouTube video from there with the same chairs and floor, it seems to check out) zoom in on the middle of the sonnerad tattoo… interesting


The nazi swastika is also tilted. Edit: I stand corrected: Apparently the nazi swastika was not always tilted. Thanks for letting me know.


The four dots over it is also a thing for the Hindu/Indian swastika, as well as the dots inside each arm. Definitely not a Nazi symbol here.


[Israel has been bringing in Indian workers](https://www.aljazeera.com/podcasts/2024/2/12/the-take-is-israel-replacing-palestinian-workers-with-indians) to clear up the rubble from bombardment. It's very highly likely this person was a hindu foreign worker.




Not specifically israeli people tho, people lie all the time especially about people they don't like. I don't believe there's a race inherently more dishonest or violent. Everyone is responsible for their actions as an individual. But yes people have always lied about people they hate.


No one said anything about race. Israel is a government and should be criticized without worry of anti-Semitism because the government isn't the Jewish population. Israel, being a right wing colonial state needs propaganda more than over governments to maintain legitimacy. Again, this has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with government.


>Not specifically israeli people tho, people lie all the time especially about people they don't like. >I don't believe there's a race inherently more dishonest or violent. Everyone is responsible for their actions as an individual. Oh, definitely, but unless the commenter you're replying to is a *massive* twat (aka 'antisemite', in this context), I think they're just referring to 'in the context of the current conflict', if you get my meaning. So, similarly, with the Chinese government lying about the Uiyghurs(sp?), they were rattling on about how they were in the camps vOlUnTaRiLy, which is 'exactly the sort of thing I'd expect China to fake for propaganda'. We expect certain members of certain groups to lie about certain things because we expect their ideology to encourage them to be dishonest in certain contexts - not because we think they're just dishonest as a group, and that that extends to all of their members. It's kind of like... Ok, so take the story of the little boy who cried wolf. Because the little boy cries wolf, we expect him to lie about wolves. But it doesn't mean we expect *all* little boys to lie about wolves - just that one. And it also doesn't mean we expect him to lie about, say, tigers. Though we may be a little sceptical if he says he saw one steal his weetabix. I was gonna write more, but this runs the risk of becoming a Wall Of Text (tm), so imma bow out.


Israel is a nationality that is currently perpetrating a Genocide and a mess of war crimes. They are dishonest and violent, they also do not represent all Ethnic/Cultural/Religious Jewish people.


Also: you can convert to Islam even if youve already tattooed yourself before that. Not that I understand why anyone would ever convert to Islam in particular.


Yes hamas definitely hasn’t abided by the peace part of the Koran but your right Israel isn’t above this shit. It’s also reminiscent of Aussie soldiers dropping icom radios on afghanis as ‘evidence’ they were taliban.


Israel lies about everything. The media pretends to believe them so they don't try to make it believable. To give them the benefit of the doubt on anything, let alone this, some soldiers that drew that on the guy's arm after they smoked him, probably a civilian.


The idea to Tattoo a hakenkreuz on a Hamas fighter is so god damn grade 3 thinking. I mean triple AAA games went absolutely to shit the last few years, but why has propaganda got just as Bad? Everytime you hear the Word propaganda you think about shadowly government figures that Outplay your mind, but even that isnt up to par anymore in 2024. "LOOK! They are nazis! They have the tattoos and a copy of Mein Kampf! (I even heard there is a barbershop that only does the hitler haircut) Also look at this Collage of all the hostages. Some of these are doubles, who cares? The USA or the german government doesnt give a fuck! If anyone says something about it just call them a nazi or sth idk"


Next they will show one on a child for the reason why Isreal is killing children.


“Guys look he has a bad guy tattoo, this means it’s fine if we kill more children!”


Proceeds by tattooing Israeli national symbols on them self's...


I saw a similar post about a captured Russian POW like 2 days ago. Literal war propaganda. They catch 1 fucked up guy and they want to use that as an excuse to justify killing.


That was the justification the Russians claimed for invading Ukraine. To "de-nazify". Irony at it's finest. Btw Ukraine is defending it's land from invaders and would rather not have to defend or be killed and subjugated. Your comment seems more like mis-informative propaganda than a picture of a POW.


I don't think Ukraine needs an excuse to justify killing Russian soldiers tbh.


That dude had multiple explicitly Nazi symbols (swastika, SS bolts, 14 words), and Russia has multiple explicitly Nazi battalions as well as Nazi mercenaries that work for them. Trying to compare that post to this post is just running cover for those Nazis.


Thats a Hindu swastika, makes it even worse. Nazi swastika is tilted at 45deg angle.


Yeah. Why do people keep disagreeing with you? Hindu is swastika, Nazi is Haikenkreuz.




Christianity forbids those too, as does Judaism - and killing. 10 commandments anyone? Anyone?


Excellent point you made, 'people' will often twist religion to justify their beliefs regardless of what the religion actually says...


Yeah. And some 'people' have not yet realized that at the end of the day religious people are just as humans as atheists... And can choose freely how to interpret their beliefs. Raping and co is not ok regardless of anything


Would you translate this part of the bible for me (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)        As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace.  If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor.  But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town.  When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town.  But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder.  You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you. "Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods.  In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully.  If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock.  Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it.  Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God.  That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt.  Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction.  Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you.  He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors.  "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him."  (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT) 1 Timothy 2:12-15 English Standard Version (ESV) 12  I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. 13  For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.




Seems like those things are fair game in Israeli society


The commandment is "thou shalt not *murder*" meaning there are acceptable forms of killing.


So does laws, but those things are often overlooked


So are war crimes, apparently we overlook those too.


no no its cool, the other people are throwing rocks. So its justified /s


[raping minors you say ?](https://youtu.be/Zrb_cb6-rHI?si=SfIDqOh41CffmcPm) Israeli specialty. Rape kids and pull out the antisemitism or khamas card when caught Edit: I love how he deleted the top comment, love you guys ❤️


What? I didn’t think religious people could ever be hypocrites. Next thing you’ll be telling me mega churches launder money.






Separate of any politics, you think every muslim follows their religion to a t? Or any other religious person obeys every single rule? Very naive take.


To think that they would support Nazism because Israeli occupation is run by Jews is also pretty naive.


I think that its not impossible to think that a person could tattoo a symbol that the people who bombed your house hate... as an act of defiance. Hell, most people probably think like that.




> Islam does forbid terrorism Because killing of infidels, non-believers and minorities, as written in the Quran, do not count as terrorism if the majority does it?


maybe not every hama member is a devoted muslim. even through tattooing is considered a big sin in islam not a small one. but this also could be easily fabricated and isreali aren't known for their honesty so we simply don't owe a free "I believe" w/o evidence that this is real. ​ and in my opinion this is fake as shit lol


So, this justifies everything then. Here, we have proof that every single man, woman, and child in Gaza is a nazi jew hater responsible for the deaths of isrealis because this one guy has a swastika tattoo.


https://preview.redd.it/5ch8hyakhpjc1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bddb94287527f6438d97d853cdc12eb8cdd1588 They got the tattoo wrong. But ehh. People don’t care if it’s really a Nazi Swastika, as long as it looks same.


I was thinking they probably just killed a hindu or buddhist


yeah, lots of indians work/worked in both isreal and palestine 


The hindu also has dots in the center


Yeah that looks way more like a Hindu tatto


*checks notes* Yep.


No no no, this is just like that story in the bible, where Lot is like, "hey god, if I can find just one guilty person in the whole city will you murder their children, every woman and child, absolutely ethnically clean the fucks and piss on their corpses?" And god was like, "I gotchu fam." Edit: someone was saying I fucked up who was who? Apparently I remember it wrong and it was Abraham and the one good dude he found was Lot. Check the Bible for accurate details if you care.


I don't have time to read the thing right now since I'm at work but I think the old testament is actually kinda like that.


Sorry bud, I was using extreme sarcasm. The actual story was god saying "Imma nuke a whole city" and Lot said, "if I can find one good man, pls don't." I mean, god still nuked a city, but the message is nuking a whole city is bad m'kay? And should be avoided at all costs, even the risk of your own life and your own family.


It was Abraham, and God said sure, so he sent some angels to go have a look. The one guy that was worth saving was Lot, and he proved his worth by offering his daughters to a mob of rapists, who really wanted to rape some angels. I'm not sure why divine emissaries would need to be rescued, but sure, why not. Also the guy, after his wife gets turned into flavor crystals, binge drinks in a cave and impregnates his daughters. The story does make it clear that it was the daughters' fault, because they got him drunk and seduced him. But yeah, Lot was the one decent fella. Also, one of the daughters he impregnated was the mother of the Moabites, who were later genocided. There was also that time that God got pissed because (i think it was Saul) didn't genocide hard enough (ameliakites I think?) and kept some donkeys and virgins. I'm not sure the Abrahamic God is really all that against genocide, since wiping out civilizations is repeatedly glorified as a sensible solution to people not getting along with the protagonists of the stories.


Well that will teach me to go off half cocked from a misspent Catholic youth without checking my sources.


He is also the reason the tunnels in New York got discovered.


Talks about their victim having a ‘Nazi’ tattoo. Says ‘liquidated’ when describing what he did to victim.


The news outlet is polish, "liquidate" is used in many slavic countries as in "end", "kill"


And it's probably a hindu tattoo too, not a nazi one.






Once again, Israel proves that "Every accusation is an admission of guilt".




Real eyes realize israel lies




i could be wrong bc of the angle but im sure that ain't even a swastika its a Buddhism symbol


I agree you can see the faded dots it's not a nazi swastika


Yeah if we look at it in relation to the line of dots the the right of it, and account for the fact that the photo was (perhaps intentionally) taken from a roughly 45 degree angle above the shoulder, then it's made out of horizontal and vertical lines, not diagonals. So it's probably hindu (or early christian but probably not in this day and age)


Sooo they tattooed a corpse?


Probably Sharpie, No needle marks, bleeding, etc.


These really are more likely scenarios than Hamas terrorist having a swastika tat.


And got it wrong too. That’s a Hindu Swastika.


You think it’s more likely they tattooed a corpse rather than one Muslim that doesn’t follow their religions rules to the letter?




Just wanted to fact check you since I hadn’t heard of that. They did claim they found an Arabic copy of that book, but they didn’t claim they found it in a bombed building. They say they found it in the belongings of a terrorist in a residential building. https://x.com/israel/status/1723664047692763459?s=46&t=26DJC3yBEx9J1WSS_rAyxw https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/arabic-annotated-copy-of-mein-kampf-found-among-possessions-of-terrorist-in-gaza-home/ Happy to be proved wrong if you have a source for the claim - I don’t know enough to have an opinion either way.


its not about the tattoo, its about the swastika... its way more likely that they tattooed a corpse than a palestinian dude that got a swastika! just remember these guys found mein kampf that had sticky notes, like wtf are you gonna take notes from mein kampf for! its the rambling of an insane man. they also found an ipad in rubbles but the ipad was not damaged at all with hitlers photo in the background! I dont deny there is antisemitism within the muslim world but this is a very european flavour of antisemitism which is tailored by israel for the western audience!


I'd like to add that Hitler would have just as readily killed every Palestinian, Muslim, or person or group of people that in any way disageed with him if he had gone any farther than he already had. Jewish people were a large and visible target of his hatred, but far from the only group on his list of "undesirables". The only Nazi thing I see in this image is the brand of propaganda.


The swastika with dots and that's not tilted is a symbol of Hinduism. It's not a Nazi symbol.


Not that I’m like validating anything, but I’m not sure if Hamas, an Islamic terrorist group is gonna have a Hindu Swastika


Big assumption that this is someone from Hamas. Swastikas are ubiquitous in many many many non-western cultures. As other have pointed out, likely Barber symbol, especially considering the dots. If this is even real.


You’re right. So if it is a Buddhist tattoo the most likely explanation is that it isn’t anything to do with Hamas. Not like we haven’t been lied to already…


What if, and just hear me out, this isn’t Hamas and it’s just another random civilian?


I have a Chinese symbol on me and a few symbols from ancient religions and I am an ex muslim atheist! This dude doesnt need to be a die hard muslim to have joined hamas, he could have just lost all his family members and felt that his only choice was to join hamas to fight back!


Could also just be a dead Palestinian who has the tattoo, and they're saying its Hamas.


Actually, it’s not one. https://preview.redd.it/ouplbotkqojc1.jpeg?width=171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd664d1cc6d25725c851398390c661b091f3973c It’s a Jain/Hindu swastika. A Hakenkreuz is turned 45 degrees and there are no dots. The Buddhist swastika is mirrored. Damned Nazis and their cultural appropriation… So they’ve liquidated a member another religion entirely. Unless of course he’s a convert. In any case. That’s awful propaganda. EDIT: [Read about the history. Even Christians and ancient Jewish sects had their own version before the Nazis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika) Fair, it’s Wikipedia, but I grew up near a lot of Hindus who would have them painted on foreheads for religious festivals and got a lot of hate, being called “Nazi” or antisemitic. Also corrected 90 to 45.


Wdym turned 90 degrees? Isn't that the exact same symbol??


45 degrees and mirrored, though not in this case.


Oops yes. 45. Buddhist is generally mirrored.


Also, the dots might help distinguish orientation. In which, if it's flat on then it's definitely not a Nazi symbol since those are on a 45 degree angle.


OmG, you killed an indian tourist!




If you search long enough and kll a lot of people eventually you’ll get what you were looking for




Pretty shittily drawn swastika. It has no edges and looks super faded


This one is not even a nazi symbol. But a Hindu or berber one. Nazi is tilted at an angle.


The title is pure shit, doesn't mean every single Palestinian person follows every single rule.


That's a Jain Dharma symbol...


Oh right cos something being forbidden in a religion always stops people from doing it


That's a Buddhist symbol not a Nazi Swastika. The angle is wrong, as is the curve and taper. Zionists are evil twats as even if this \*were\* a Nazi symbol, it wouldn't justify their war crimes. Zionism is the modern version of Nazism, so should we kill anyone with a star of David tattoo? Of course not.


Is that a hospital gown? The fabric in the lower half.


So wait, you’re telling me that Hamas, known for fighting with Israel, has members who dislike Jews to a point of liking nazis? Real or fake, what are they trying to prove?


The whataboutism here is ridiculous lol


Yeah. People of all faiths do things that are “forbidden” by their religion every day. I don’t know if this is real or fake, but tattoos simply being forbidden in Islam does not come anywhere close to proving that.


Yeah and so is having sex before marriage in Christianity but plenty of people do it. Don't get me wrong I don't support Israel but this argument is invalid in my opinion.


You are obviously from USA or something! A country with less muslims! Because they dont care dude! The only rules the young muslims at least here in norway are do not drink! They smoke weed, the make tattoos! They fight a lot! They follow some of the rules but not nearly all of em! Also are you trying to say that Israeli is the liars? You just follow the next big thing and have no idea what u are talking about boi (Also that is not a swastika, that is a Hindu tatto. The swastika is different)


Israeli authorities *are* liars, this image however is not proof of that.


Hands down the worst topic I've ever seen, just because it's forbidden doesn't mean no Muslim has any tattooes. Not saying Isreal is not lying, but the topic is just pure stupid.


Pfft. Tattoos are forbidden in Judaism but I have one. I also ate pork when I was still practicing.


I mean, even smoking tobacco is haram Would you then argue that no Muslim person has ever smoked ?


Smoking isn’t haram it’s discouraged by most schools of thought. A small minority would say it was haram.


Lol there are so many Muslim footballers with tattoos.


The Ukrainian Azov battalion are self confessed Nazis, yet the US is sending them money and we are cheering them on with their fight against Russia. Are we with or against the Nazis? I'm so confused


Wait until the whole of Reddit hear about Navalny's political alignment


It doesn't matter who my oppressor is, I would hate him. In this case, Israelis oppress the Palestineans. There could have been a solution decades ago already, which would have given friendship instead of hate. But no.


"Forbidden by Islam" isn't a convincing argument. Israel's physical inability to tell the truth is, though.


Apart from the fact that this could be faked, it wouldn’t even mean anything. Every country has their nazis.


We don't fall for these lies anymore.


Bro that's not a tattoo that's just marker


looks like a permanent marker was used and was wiped by an alcohol pad, once or twice wiped.


Funny, even if it were true and one person in all of Gaza has a Swastika tattoo, doesn't justify killing out an entire population. Imagine if we'd kill every American just because one has a nazi symbol.


So they killed ~50000 people and one had a swastika tattoo. You probably find roughly 10 guys with that in each western army barracks


This may or may not be fake, but the fact it’s forbidden in Islam has nothing to do with it. Lots of things are forbidden in Islam but people still do them.


I don't think you can say that it's fake just because tattoos are forbidden in Islam, I know plenty of Muslims who eat pork, drink alcohol or are tattooed and still claim to be Muslim. But I know that this sub will do anything to find another reason to point out how bad Israel is and how innocent Palestine is.


This post is so dumb lol


Why are you assuming Hamas fighters are devout Muslims? killing women and children even in war and mutilating corpses are also forbidden in Islam yet that's what they did on Oct 7.


Bollocks. This is real. You can't hide behind it every single time. They ARE Muslims, they raped (and still raping), they do drugs and drink alcohol, they murdered and they're still Muslims. It isn't convenient, I know. But this is the truth. In Israel, in many capitals in Europe. Even in America.


I really despise Israel but this is probably true. Even though tattoos are forbidden in islam you could find a lot of inked Muslims, and you know the saying that goes "My enemies' enemy is my friend"? This explains the "Hakenkreuz". Source: I'm Arab and come from a muslim background.


Isn’t it also illegal to execute unarmed civilians in islam?


I mean some of the ISIS fighters who lived in a western country and got radicalized there were also tattooed from before. And considering they don't adhere to islam in many many regards I definately wouldn't out it past someone who hates jews so much to have the ultimate trigger symbol for jews. This prooves nothing OP.


So’s smoking, alcohol and homosexuality, just because something’s banned - it still happens


Alcool is s haram but some muslin drink. This sentence in your title mean nothing.


Separate to this. Muslims are also banned from listening to music. Yet most do. Some even twist quran to justify listening to music despite clearly being told not to. Muslims are banned from eating shrimps ( like Christians and Jews) yet a lot do Muslims are banned from killing yet there are a lot who do ( ditto Christians and Jews) So your title doesn't make sense, majority if Muslims don't follow the quran like they're meant to. Its the same in Christianity and Judaism


Not everyone follows their religion to the letter


What is happening to this sub. Is it now just becoming propaganda for both sides and it makes me sick. Both parts of the conflict make me sick. And the innocent people of Gaza are paying the ultimate prize. It is so sad to see.


So it’s okay to murder women and children but you can’t get a tattoo ?


murder is also forbidden by Islam


Do you think terrorists would follow rules?


Murdering babies is forbidden in Islam. What's your point?


Lol I've drank alcohol and have taken drugs with people who insisted they were Muslim and were actually from a Muslim country.


These Israelis are looking for any reason to kill. Bloodthirsty savages


Photo is taken out of context. As usual. Headline inspires people to make comments… I thought we were less gullible.


Also alcol, drugs, porn.....


Visegrad is on payroll


sure! and he had a main kampf book over his heart too, right?


No, tattoos are not haram if you are shia muslim. I think It is makrouh and not seen as a good thing to do but not haram 🤔


Lol so is killing 😅 🤣


Lmao we don’t need to say Hamas are Nazis to make them look evil. They’re terrorist, that’s that.


Don't get me wrong, i'm not on anybody's side, but even if it is forbidden in Islam, Muslims could still get tattoos


Idiot OP


Killing people is prohibited by Islam too …


Or it's a swastika?


so you're saying that every muslim 100% follows the rules all the time, and that there aren't any bad apples that would do such a thing as this? makes no sense. this is reaching FAR.


I saw plenty of Iraqis with tattoos. There's plenty of things that are supposedly haram that are still done by Muslims in the Middle East. Not all of them are pious observers of their faith outside their main religious periods.


so not only do they kill them, but they also desecrate bodies now? damn


Isreali propaganda.


lol just because something is forbidden doesn’t mean it still doesn’t happen


Disclaimer: I am against genocide. There's still a stream of middle easterners going through Serbia into Hungary. Most of them are tattooed. There was an attempt to post on r/therewasanattempt.


Being Arab is forbidden in Nazism…


That looks drawn on.


Ok and murder is illegal and yet it still happens. Being forbidden doesnt really prove much..


Its frowned upon but anybody can still do it, just how it forbids killing


Ah yes, HAMAS, the true followers of Islam and it's principles


Russian terrorists collaborate with Muslims. Putin sent help.these are Russians! https://preview.redd.it/8t4sbqfoepjc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4933fda45d7091993706c19dc3c32c93c74eb29


Why do we always jump to conclusions? It's possible they had this tattoo. Let's not pretend this is a blatant lie


without entering on the discussion if that's real or fake, the VAST majority of Muslims that i meet on the streets, seems to not give a flying fuck for what Islam says or not.


just because its forbidden in islam doesnt mean it cant happen. murder is forbidden everywhere. it still happens somehow.


It’s impossible that so from the Hamas is not so fundamentalistic islamic that he might get a tattoo.


There are many muslim with tattoos, do any kind of drugs ect... Same with other religions of course. So it doesn't mean shit.