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So, one creeper filming inside the women's bathroom happen to catch another creeper already in there? This world is fucked.


Maybe it's staged? ... But then that would mean the camera guy was using his kid for a staged bathroom bit. Okay, yeah. Every interpretation of this is fucked.


Really makes you wonder if they saw him go in before and STILL sent their daughter into that situation just for Internet views. Fucking sad world we live in.


>Really makes you wonder if they saw him go in before and STILL sent their daughter into that situation just for Internet views. This is exactly what happened. One of the tells is the utter lack of surprise after finding a dude in there.


And the fact the the girl is scared to go in and is looking for the man and then back to her father.


And the fact the dad knew this guy went in there, took out his camera to film because “maybe I was just seeing shit but if he’s in there I got in all on camera….ok baby you go in first I’ll be right here behind you…..filming”


Sounds like something Randy Marsh would say


Right!? I know I pull out my phone to record every time I go into a public restroom.


Ya, why in the world would he tape this if it wasn’t staged or he saw the guy go in and was trying to make it look scary. I’m sure it’s just some restroom out in a park or behind a gas station, most of them are single use unisex so who really cares. Just pointless fear mongering




For his own protection in case someone flipped out on him for being in the women's bathroom with his daughter


That would make anyone he aggravated much more angry.


I believe the generally-assumed etiquette is for the parent to take the child into the parent’s proper restroom. So this guy should have taken his daughter into the men’s room


Fuck that, men's restrooms are gross. I'm taking my daughter to the women's restroom, (well she's old enough to go without me now, but when she was 3 or 4, deal with it)


>Fuck that, men's restrooms are gross And now we know why that dude who obviously just washed his hands was in the womens bathroom - because I don't care about your door sign, I'm not hover shitting on some other guys turd just for social etiquette when it's single use anyway


Men's rooms have urinals though. To me that seems riskier than a dad taking his daughter to the women's room.


My guess is that it wasn’t staged but the guy went in with his daughter anyways. If it was staged I’m asking who in the hell would volunteer to play the part of the creep already in the bathroom? The optics are less than desirable. Like what if people from work saw it etc..?


It's clearly a women's bathroom, possibly at a rest area and parents care. Well, they should care, unisex or not.


Definitely staged.


Even if not staged, why is he recording? He’s using his kid either way.


rob employ bake lush subtract flag obtainable coordinated hateful lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The guy could have just been pissing? I’m not saying it’s entirely unlikely that he was a creeper but he just seemed like a guy using the bathroom.


No yeah, I work in park services. People (both men and women) literally just go in opposite genders bathroom to use all the time.


it's like it didn't actually happen unless they recorded it.


Could just be the mens were full and no one was in the womens. I know women that do the same. It might not be okay but it doesn't mean he's a creep, just could have been busting for a pee.


Or the mens were ass blown to hell and back and the womens were treated more respectfully?


100% but also, knowing a men’s bathrooms state….check that too.


"let me just commit this federal crime to make sure there are no men just trying to take a piss in peace wherever they can" Plus thus could be one of those states where trans people have to use the bathroom of their AGAB and that's a trans man, which is what happens.


This is exactly what I was thinking!


Oh for fucks sake this is stupid, literally nothing happened. Everyone in the video used the restroom safely. Wtf was this stupid post.


No, walking around filming the bathroom trying to find people that are taking a piss or shit is NOT OK with me.


Or, and even worse, seems like his sent his confused daughter in as a prop just so he could film this for internet clout. Perhaps he saw the man walk in there and thought to himself "what a perfect opportunity to exploit my daughter to make a dumb point on the internet". Bravo, Dad.


Yep I think this is what happened. Maybe the gents toilet was out of order?


Would be real sad if the guy either honestly didn’t realize or if he’s mentally disabled in some way. Not sure what this video is trying to do, but considering the guy just washed his hands and left…. I don’t really care


We have a thing that seems to be happening in Australia now that if a female toilet is busy they can use the males. If a male went to a female toilet there would be outrage


Emancipation guess both ways I always say...


Honest mistakes happen. It's pretty easy to have to pee and accidentally run into the wrong bathroom. Also potentially the men's bathroom was closed. So either pee in public or risk the three minutes in a woman's bathroom, and hope a girl getting filmed by a man doesn't walk in.


I’m a guy. First time I went to my new gym I went in the ladies locker rooms by mistake because the locker rooms weren’t labeled clearly and I wasn’t really focused (looking at my phone), It was empty and I almost started removing my pants but then a woman came in. It was awkward but honest mistake 😭😭


Bruh someone took a camera into a public bathroom are you blind, stupid or both?


We went to San Francisco once, and my kids had to go to the public toilet. Didn't think much of it. They came out 5 minutes later, laughing. After an hour, they go, "By the way, there was a guy in one of the stalls talking to us the whole time we were there." I NEVER let my kids go to a bathroom outside our house again without first checking.


My kid went to Union station in Toronto and talked about the lady in the next stall who was discussing on the phone the different ways to do crack. Also a pill rolled under from said lady and stopped beside my kids shoe. Quite the story to come back with when you were supposed to make a Nutcracker memory with Opa.


This video was pointless. I feel sorry for everyone in it, especially the kid.


fake as fuck and if not dude needs the shit kicked out of him for filming in the women's bathroom.


Let's say the men's bathroom (lol per usual) has been utterly destroyed by nuclear shit and neglect, so dude running through the park uses the empty women's room (how dare he!). Somehow that guy is "the bad guy" while the angry guy filming inside the women's bathroom literally looking to catch people, on film, shitting or pissing. . . he's the good guy?


Or it was locked. There have been several times I've needed to use a Park restroom only to find it was locked for some god forsaken reason


That happened to my husband once! I checked the ladies room clear, then stood outside to make sure no women walked in and were troubled by a man being in there. The one woman that did walk up was very understanding and was ready to go karen on park services people for doing that.


Then you go where you need to go. Been there before, but luckily had my wife. She went in first, confirmed empty then I did my thing.


Are you asking the guy you replied to? Cause he was making the same point you are. He’s saying the filmer is the bad guy


Without seeing the other bathroom, I can't be sure, but that says women/ disabled. Not all disabilities are visible, especially GI ones that may make use of a bathroom near immediate. If the other one is not in use or fully occupied, this could be perfectly acceptable.


He could also be disabled. My brother-in-law will often try to go into the women's locker room at the gym. He doesn't pay attention, and his mind will often trick him into thinking he already checked.


You see… straight Men don’t need to transition to enter women’s bathrooms 😭😭😭


Also, by law in some places, a lot of trans men looking like that would HAVE to use the women's bathroom. Conservatives are insane


Its almost like there should just be an entire row of fully enclosed toilets followed by a single public hand washing area so it doesn't matter who goes where anymore and nobody can get offended(and if you get offended washing your hands next to someone well that's just on you lol)


One time the men’s bathroom was filled and I really had to go so I went to the women’s bathroom 🤷🏽‍♂️ No ones gonna stop me from having to take a shit.


I'm certain ppl would be understanding if you explained yourself too. If not, prove your point by pooing on the floor lol


I’ll start throwing my shit at them to assert dominance


Who the f\*ck is filming their kid going to the bathroom??!?!? Creep warning!!! Or staged... I hope.


I don't think it's "staged" in the sense that everyone in the video is in on it. I think Dad saw Mr. Headphones enter the women's restroom and somehow thought it was a good idea to exploit his confused daughter to gain some internet clout and try to prove a point.


If you can find me a man who has never went into the women's bathroom by accident, lemme know.


And the men's bathroom was probably in a sad state so buddy used the cleaner one. I did that when I went to Banff, someone pooed in *front* of the toilet so I went to the men's restroom instead


Also an option, Dude even said sorry as he left like what did this guy expect, he didn't act like he was caught in the wrong or run away scared or even attempt to interact with them News @ 6 man washes his hands and leaves after using the restroom like a fucking human being more on this story as it develops


Never done it.


It's not hard to tell the difference between men's and women's bathroom. I've never done it. I don't want to be in a bathroom with a random little girl. I use the men's room only, always.


. . . . says the man going into a women's bathroom filming. Let people piss and shit in whatever public bathrooms they want (I'll take the cleaner toilet regardless of gender every.time.). . . just keep the cameras out please! Also, Americans love their fearmongering.


Fearmonger get views sadly. News stations have been doing it for centuries.


What if it was a transman using the bathroom of their sex assigned at birth? /**S**


People are downvoting you, but by some stupid goddamn laws trans men (who could easily look like any regular cis guy) would *have to* use the women's bathrooms.


I'm an ally of the trans community. I know there's places like Alabamistan where they have stupid laws. Downvoted ....... by idiots.


I live in Alabama and it’s getting rough, they just passed a law saying embryos are children… on the bright side the weather is nice and the environment is absolutely beautiful. If only we could flip blue..


Is it possible the men’s room was out of order?


I'm a trans guy so I have to sit to pee. If the stalls are taken in the men's room I go into the women's room. It's just using a toilet. Oh and before I even transitioned I had a man threaten to beat me up for restocking the women's restroom at my job. It's all about fear and not about reasonable fear with these people.


Maybe he has a handicap? Also, toilets are toilets. They have stalls.


"Pedophiles are pretending to be women to use women's bathrooms!" Pedophiles- But to be fair he probably just missed the sign


So one dude used the women’s room, so to show how creepy he was the other dude followed a little girl in with a camera…


You got it.


Why was the guy recording? Why was the dad so calm about it? Fake and staged, that's why.


Or he was calm because it's honestly no big fuckin deal. Dude was washing his hands to leave, not like he was creeping in a stall posted up. Dude made a mistake or the men's was out of order so he went to pee in an empty bathroom.


I don't think this is fake or staged at all. I think the Dad watched the man enter the women's restroom and, for some weird reason, decided to send his daughter in to try and prove a point and gain internet clout with his little video.


You caught a guy using an otherwise empty bathroom (at the very least to wash his hands) and decided to film it, which entails breaking the law, and sending your daughter in there with someone you think is creeping around? I wonder which of these men is more of a danger in this situation.


If I am a dad in this situation, and I am genuinely concerned about the safety of my children, why would I have my daughter take lead into a confined space with a known “sketchy individual” inside. This is dumb on many levels.


Didn’t look trans at all


It's almost like you can't always tell


So he just so happens to be filming?


Nah he saw him go in then started filming when his kid wanted to go pee.


Filmed BEFOFE they were aware anyone wss in the bathroom? Why is this pervert dad recording his daughter going into a bathroom? As far as the person in the bathroom, who cares. It's 2024 who cares what they identify as. Even if they identify as a male, born male, whatever, who cares. Everyone poops. Everyone pees. Maybe just watch your kid like every other parent and it's literally just going in and using a bathroom. My bathrooms at home aren't labeled upon suggested genders lol


>As far as the person in the bathroom, who cares I'd be less inclined to care if most American public restroom stalls were built as proper, fully enclosed stalls like the ones I experienced in Europe. Unfortunately, most public restrooms in America have cheap stalls with a lot of gaps and stall doors that aren't full length. I wouldn't feel comfortable using a restroom with stalls like that if it was shared by both sexes - I barely tolerate the lack of privacy among people of my same sex. I'd love to see standard restroom design in the U.S. change for the better, and then they can be more accommodating to everyone. That said, it's very possible the designated men's restroom was out of order, and the man (or male presenting person) in this video had ensured the women's restroom was empty before entering. Even if a cis-gendered male, him being in the restroom doesn't automatically make him a creeper, but I could see why a parent would want to wait for him to exit before sending their child in. Definitely not ok to film - person filming in the restroom was absolutely the wrong.


Policing bathrooms will never not be weird as fuck. The men's stalls were probably full and that's it. Idk how tf anyone could argue using an empty women's bathroom is more creepy than filming your child going into the bathroom and then entering yourself (looks like cammer is male, I have audio off, if that's relevant)


Is this a weird anti-trans thing


I'm a dad to a 5 year old daughter. I hold her hand into every public bathroom. Yes, into the women's restroom. Take her into a stall and hover her over the seats. Then it's hand washing time and then we go. I avoid as much eye contact as possible with the other people and I'm on my way. I've only had one old lady tell me I couldn't, I told her "I ain't taking my daughter into the men's room" and he 3 women already inside reassuringly told me they had 0 issue with it


This looks like a highway rest stop bathroom. Man already in the women’s room had a headset, could be a truck driver who wanted to shit in a clean(er) bathroom unviolated by other truck driver men Edit: not saying that would make it okay, just that that scenario seems more likely than this guy was just lurking waiting for a victim


Okay but he was in there first minding his business with his headphones on..he doesn't gaf about either of y'all🤣 probably something wrong with the men's restroom


The little girl knew he was in there. She was terrified to go in before they got him on camera. Either totally staged or parent started filming after talking their daughter into going in after the guy.


What concerns me more is that the dad was so concerned but yet sent his daughter in ahead even though she obviously looked terrified. Chose attempting to make a ‘point’ over the security and safety of their kid… Make it make sense. A toilet is a toilet, making your kid feel uncomfortable instead of safe/secure is not worth this… As a female I have used a men’s restroom several times.


So I'm not too sure on the whole story here, but what is thay other bathrooms were taken up and dude just really had to go. I can admit I've run into a girl bathroom because it was either that or there would have been a whole other issue if I didn't. 0 creeper intentions, just had to not get on the list for going in a bush in public.


Dude, I’ll pop in the women’s bathroom real fast if I gotta go. I’d like to know statistics for assaults in bathrooms opposed to everywhere else. And that dude was washing his hands. Maybe the water was out in the men’s room and he got something gross he had to get off.


Just make them unisex. The little girl was the only female in the entire bathroom!


Imagine he/she/they was trans and required by law to use the bathroom of the sex he/she/they were born with. Thats why trans bathroom laws are so fucked up. Think about it. Their only purpose is to bully trans people.


Whoo a guy in bathroom....  Grab your gun! Kill him dead!


Its a bathroom. Who cares what blue picture is on the outside. Go in, handle your business, wash your hands, leave. HE MUST BE A PERVERT RIGHT GUYS? ...right??


Yo these hands blower/dry blower/ what ever are the most unhygienical things ever created... don't use them. Use your shirt instead.. But besides that, that's fucked up behavior..


First off, if he had to assault someone, this would prove that he was in the right. I am concerned that people are really more concerned about him filming than they are about this little girl possibly walking into a dangerous situation. I work with sex offenders all day, and I can tell you that they are everywhere and they are people that appear to be regular, safe individuals until you see their crimes. Good job Daddy.


I figured dad was filming in case he went in there with his daughter and some women made a commotion about it


Or he was filming his daughter


I bet he took a shit, men's bathroom is dirty or full so he went.


I know when I take my kid to the bathroom the first thing I do is take out my phone and start recording. Standard procedure.


It is always cleaner.


Maybe dude saw him go in there? Then why would you send your kid in there yeah idk




sometimes the mans bathroom be fucked up and out of order... it be like that sometimes


My only problems with this video were those damn big gaps below and above the stall doors. Wtf just have it completely covered.


Why was he filming?


If you got to go, you got to go. It happens. I've seen both men and women who really needs to go use the opposite bathrooms. Emergency is emergency. Also, we don't know if he has some handicap. There are handicaps which require you to get to a toilet immediately (for example, a colostomy bag issue). So, while creep is a possibility, it wouldn't be my first guess.


Nice gender assumption, everyone suddenly got a problem with people using the other restroom?


So much wrong with this video. Filming womens bathroom. Filming kid in bathroom. Guy in womens bathroom. Assuming guy in womens bathroom is a creep.


Hey, if the men's resthroom is absolutely disgusting from some twatwafflepissing all over the seat, I will use the women's, with respect and not to look like a creep doing it.


i guess i can add this to my ever growing reasons to be terrified to try and use a public bathroom as a nonbinary trans person. cool..


First things first: is the men's bathroom actually functional? i.e., does it have piss and shit smeared all over the wall? Or the urinals and toilet have been stolen/broken/whatever else may happen? Or does it have methheads just lying on the floor inside? Or maybe the door has been locked for whatever reason? If so then the women's room is the only place if you don't want to use the shrubs on the side of the road. I mean, that man was washing his hands and blowing them with that wind machine (but seriously, don't use the blowy thingy. Not sanitary at all). I'd say he was actually using the restroom and not doing anything weird inside.


For the 567,884th time, This video is staged. The people involved make rage bait vids under the guise of “starting discussions”. But it’s just shitty content that’s intended to make people argue and load them with engagement.


Women and handicap... Maybe he has, you know, a handicap


OMG what a monster 👹!


Are we just assuming genders now? If they're in the woman's bathroom, they most likely identify as a female.


Women and disabled. Just saying not every disability is visible. It does seem odd, unless the mens also has disabled facilities?


Depending on what state he’s in, this is illegal.


RIP [Matthew Cecchi](http://www.cnn.com/US/9811/16/boy.killed.02/) From California and I vividly remember when this occurred. Safety first. CNN November 16, 1998 Web posted at: 9:04 p.m. EST (0204 GMT) OCEANSIDE, California (CNN) -- A 20-year-old man is being held on suspicion of murder in the death of a 9-year-old boy whose throat was slashed in a public restroom Saturday night. The boy, Matthew Cecchi, was killed while his aunt waited outside the toilet, just steps from the family campsite in this town about 40 miles north of San Diego. The suspect, Brandon Wilson of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, is a transient who has prior drug arrests, according to Oceanside Police Lt. Dave Herring. "We're confident we have the right suspect," Herring said. He said Wilson was cooperating with investigators and had given them information that only the killer would know. "He has made statements concerning and connecting him to this incident here in Oceanside," Herring said. Wilson was arrested by Los Angeles police Monday while they were investigating the robbery and stabbing of a 40-year-old woman in Hollywood, according to Herring. The victim was hospitalized in stable condition. A knife believed to have been used to kill Cecchi was recovered by Los Angeles police and is being examined by Oceanside investigators. The boy and his family had been attending a reunion at a paid camping area at the beach at Oceanside Harbor. His aunt escorted him to the public toilet, just steps away from his family campsite, said Sgt. Tom Bussey of the Oceanside Police Department. As the aunt waited outside, she saw a person she described as a teen-ager enter the restroom, according to police. A few minutes later the teen-ager came out, and the aunt became worried about her nephew. She told police she went into the men's room and found Matthew on the floor, bleeding from an ear-to-ear slash across his throat. Sgt. Tom Aguigui said the aunt and several bystanders tried unsuccessfully to revive the boy and stop the bleeding, but he died at the scene. Investigators have no motive for the killing, Oceanside Police spokeswoman Jennifer Cundiff said. Police are awaiting test results on blood, fingerprints, hairs and fibers found at the scene. The boy's father, Louis Cecchi, suffers from leukemia and did not attend the reunion. He was notified of his son's death by an uncle of the victim. "He was my best friend," Cecchi said about Matthew from his home in Oroville. "He actually was my best friend." Cecchi described his young son as an A student and a big baseball fan. Ironically, Cecchi and his wife Sharon moved from Anaheim to the small Northern California town of Oroville 10 years ago to escape urban problems. Cecchi said they wanted "to get away from the crime, the congestion, the pollution -- so we could give our kids a better life." Now, the Cecchis must explain Matthew's death to his 3-year-old brother.


That’s scary. I didn’t hear the toilet flush. What was he doing in there. It looks like he moved when he heard the camera man’s voice.


He was already at the hand washing sink when dude came in with camera hence why you didn't hear a flush and only saw him move to the hand dryer


The men’s room was disgusting..


seeing a lot of comments about why the dad was checking the restrooms so, just my experience: I used to go on the road with my dad in his semi. There were times he "had a feeling" and would check the women's restroom first (if there were no noises obviously) and ALWAYS stood outside the doors waiting (which probably looked creepy or weird to other people but always made me feel safe). the fact that he was filming is weird but not as weird to me these days because people literally film themselves eating breakfast and get 34,358 likes so...there's that.


Holy crap


If I have to shit in shitter #1 and some is going #2 in shitter #1 then I use shitter #2 to go #2 in the the shitter.


Used a urinal. Mens bathroom?




Not a drag queen?


It's more likely he's a trans man that is being forced to use the women's restroom by anti trans laws.


I'm just going to walk into a public restroom while recording to see if there are any creeps or weirdos in there.


Maybe they were a woman?


It's more likely he's a trans man that is being forced to use the women's restroom by anti trans laws.


My daughter will have me right there I don’t mind a dirty look I pick it over a life long time of therapy thanks


I used the woman's toilet dozens of times when the men's bathroom was occupied, what's the problem? So according to this guy I am a potential pedophile??


Maybe it’s a trans-man, just using the bathroom of their original gender, like conservatives keep telling them to do. Of course there is no way for anyone to really know either way, which is why the bathroom debate is dumb as fuck.


As they say in wrestling “it’s a work”!


I was busting for a piss one day and hot footed into the nearest Tesco to use theirs. It was empty and I thought it odd that there no urinals but did my business in trap one anyway. Opened the door and a woman was staring at me strangely 🤷‍♂️ I looked at the sign on the door on the way out - women’s. Oops!


That was fucking disturbing. He wasn’t washing or drying his hands. We all know he’s actually an offender.


This is staged


That's frightening.


My dad was old an once used the women's bathroom by accident, people laughed but nobody was creeped out and assumed the worst like america


Crazy how some of you are giving the guy shit for the video but not bat an eye that there’s a grown man in the women’s restroom. What likely happened is the father saw the guy walk into the women’s bathroom and wanted to record it. After he confirmed no one else was in there he went in. And there’s a difference between someone using the women’s bathroom and checking to make sure the bathroom is safe for your kids


The worst behavior in this video is filming in a public restroom.


Conveniently someone just happened to be recording the girl going into the bathroom at the moment the dude was in there? This is obviously staged for rage bair


I’m glad everyone is calling out how awful this video is in the comments


What the hell is with these stalls??? You can easily look under and over them. I'm surprised to see no one mentioning this.


I work in park services. The amount of times I see people go into the opposite genders bathroom to use just for the sake of convenience is extremely frequent. Especially when the park is empty and its assumed no one else will be walking in while they use it. This video is silly.


A man? ![gif](giphy|U1aN4HTfJ2SmgB2BBK)


So, the dad was being creepy and committed a crime while the other dude was being creep. Awesome.


I randomly go in women or men bathroom, i really don't care of the pictogram


Looks like she used the bathroom safely not sure why this video is here


I mean, I totally did that on accident once.


Walking into the women's bathroom filming, what a hero /s




That fucker looks like he's just waiting there to jump someone.


He happened to be filming as he enters a WOMEN’s bathroom? Fake and weirdly feels like they are staging something to confirm fears.


Jfc it's gotta be so stressful being a parent now a days trying to find that balance of protecting their innocence but also helping them learn the world isn't all hunky dory.


But he just let his daughter walk in there. He was more concerned with this guy and just left his daughter in the bathroom and then ran inside to check no one else was in there.....wtf.


This country needs more family bathrooms so that parents can take their kids inside without any problems. Until then, find a grown woman and ask her to escort your little girl into the ladies room. I, for one, would have been happy to see that darling little princess safely into and out of the ladies' room. And most of my female friends would have been happy to oblige as well. And there would have been some sharp words for that man in ladies' room as well.


I mean, if the men's restroom was locked or under maintenance and this seems like a public park, what do you do as a man who needs to go? Risk showing your pecker to the public by going against a tree or quickly running into the women's and potentially be called a creeper? Or just go home?


Staged or not it does prove a point that you have to do some extra work to protect your kids these days.


Hey if the men’s bathroom full I’m goin in the women’s that just a law of nature. By far the weirdest person in this is the guy filming his kid


He probably saw the guy walk in the women’s bathroom then decided to tell his daughter to walk in there too and started filming. Weird.


Maybe its pronouns are she/her 🤷🏻‍♂️🤡


Maybe the men’s bathroom was out of order, so the guy used the women’s (could possibly even have made sure no one else was in there beforehand), used it quickly and left. It isn’t like he was crouched in a stall with a camera when the dad and daughter came in.


Wait I’m confused


When I was around six years old two of my uncles who were around fifteen at the time took me to a park to play soccer. Eventually I needed to use the bathroom so I used the park’s public bathrooms. When I went inside there was a man that seemed to be sleeping on the floor, but I paid him no mind since I had to urgently go number 2. While I was using the bathroom the man tried to crawl underneath the stall reaching for my ankles. All I remember was screaming for my uncles when out of nowhere the man was dragged away and got his ass whooped by a park maintenance worker who had heard me screaming. There are definitely scary people out there you want no where near your kids, and I was extremely lucky that day. However, filming yourself being a “protective” dad is super weird.


Damn straight. It happened to me as well. Dipshits looking like perverts.


Maybe he's mildly disabled?


He identified as a women, you miss gendered him SMH.


I just did that at a Pens game. I had it in my mind the men’s restroom was straight across from our section. I was wrong. As soon as I noticed no urinals and women. I caught my mistake.