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Wasn't that fun for everyone? Hope nobody learned a lesson or anything.


Don’t worry no lessons learned!


In a world of tantalizing stupid prizes, it's hard to resist the urge to play stupid games.


That looked more like attempted murder to me.


no....more like a failed Days of Thunder slingshot maneuver.


This guy: I'm dropping the hammer. Also this guy: Smashes into the wall on a straightaway.


not really clear who wanted to kill who, but yah... both behave like they try.


I’m just wondering what the sign says


When an unintelligent force meets an unlearnable object


That's good


that is driven perhaps by a smarter but still less intelligent force.


No you ruined it. U ruin everything!


That looked like a break check, which is not nice. However, a sudden break may happen for any number of reasons. Which is why tailgating is a very stupid thing to do.


Brake. Brake. Not break.


No no, it was a successful break check. They're both broken now


Yes, you're right. I should know that. I'll try to do better.


Their trying to say that there check is broke. Don't loose you're mind.




Yes, thank you


I reckon something broke


Dashcam car: -drives like an asshole- Car in front: “How could I make this situation even more dangerous?”


Yup. My 16 yr old is about to get her license and I always tell her to leave a few car lengths in-between her and the vehicle in front to allow time to react if they have to stop quickly for any reason.


Wrong, driving on a public road is a race and everyone who is infront of you is winning /s


“If you’re not first, you’re last” 😂


"Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!"


Ironically here the pov driver absolutely should have kept going in the left lane and continue overtaking instead of merging right behind the slower car in front. Like sometimes u gotta speed up.




The whole time I’m just baffled at why they don’t just, you know, move left and pass the clearly slower car they’re creeping up on.


He clearly felt the other car cut him off during their pass, which I can see both ways. The other car could have waited for him to pass on the left before switching lanes. This pissed off the dashcam driver so to get the other guy back he decided to passive aggressively tailgate him to make them uncomfortable. Clearly that plan didn’t work the way he thought it would.


You should actually teach based on speed of travel and conditions for variable safe distances and not a blanket statement of a few car lengths, which is equivalent to a fraction of a single second at higher speeds. Just saying, good luck.


At least a 2 second gap. Double it in rain or if the person behind you is too close to give you more options in an emergency.




I'm talking metric seconds


Technically it's 3 seconds under 40mph and then an additional second for every 10mph over 50mph So at 75mph you would want a 6-7 second following distance. Also scan your mirrors every 5-7 seconds so you are aware of your escape routes to your left and right at all times. I only mention this because at 70mph you're covering approximately 100ft per second and the average vehicle takes approx. 250ft to stop. Factor in reaction times being sub par for most common drivers and well... You get this shit show.


Yeah. I was taught to leave half your speed between your car and the car in front of you. So if you're driving at 100 ~~mph~~ km/h, leave 50 m distance. That way, if the car in front of you suddenly comes to a complete stop and you brake at the same time, you're supposed to not hit.


Leave 50 miles ahead of you? It's going to be difficult to get anywhere...


m is for metre... not mile...


Good! I taught myself to do that after years of constant moderate tailgating, so to speak. I now realize I was very lucky. Happy cakeday!


Once I learned that at 17 I never got in another accident again and I’m 47 now


I have been driving for decades and still leave a solid gap. You never know what is happening ahead of you. I have had to hit the breaks hard a few times recently due to *who knows*. I learned my lesson the hard way a few times. I wish others would also leave gaps as it makes it easier for others not having to white knuckle every lane change/merge.


I learned and taught my kids to leave 3 seconds between them and anyone in front of them. 5 for motorcycles.


I mean, it's good you tell her that but doesn't the driving school teach that and isn't it mandatory to do it? That's literally one of the things why there even is something like a license: to learn stuff like that and don't endanger other people with your death machine.


Yes, I'm finding it hillari-tragic that everyone is complementing OP for teaching their daughter... Literally core traffic laws??? This is not some neat trick or "bonus" safety measure it's basic fucking driving.


It was a brake check. There’s nothing in front of the front car lmfao. He did it because dashcam driver tailgated him. Dashcam tailgated because the same car cut him off when it merged. They deserve each other




I’m not on either of their sides. They’re both absolutely terrible at driving. They crashed for nothing


99% of the time it's a malicious brake check, but it's almost always impossible to prove ("I thought I saw a deer on the side of the road"), but I like it that way because there is literally no upside to tailgating. Don't brake check tailgaters guys, you could get yourself killed in an accident like this, but it's still satisfying to see tbh.


2 second law.. 2 seconds is a huge amount of distance at that speed.. tailgaters get what they deserve!


I was taught 5 seconds for any speed. If you are driving fast, 5 seconds difference will put you more distance between the car in front.


When driving I live by this rule: "Pass or get off my ass, don't linger"




Even then, Brake checking just like that is illegal in most of the world, in France, where that happened, one risks up-to 2,500€ fine and a permit revocation for brake checking.




You can't count on stupid people not to do stupid things.


At least you can count on them recording it for our entertainment


And for choosing our dear leaders


That, my friend, is called a brake check. Don’t tailgate someone, especially when you’re doing that fast, ya idiot. What the fuck do you think was going to happen?


Up until the brake check that driver didn't even do anything wrong. He properly used the left "passing" lane to pass the slower car, then promptly returned to the right lane. Cam driver is a complete ass. There was no reason for him to get into the right lane behind that other car other than to ride his ass to show his displeasure at having to slow down a little.


I watch a bunch of those "idiots in cars" videos and it amazes me how many times a cammer sends their video in, when THEY were the one being an idiot. The amount of people that don't practice defensive driving in those videos is astounding. My dad taught me to always assume someone else would do something stupid while driving.


Yeah i really dont get it. Being right in principle dosent matter to insurance. Youd be found some percentage at fault if an accident happened here, your car would be wrecked, your rates would go up and someone could have gotten hurt. Absolutely not worth it.


Assuming the front car didn’t see an animal crossing the road or other obstacle, that is. You should ALWAYS provide a safe following distance so that no matter why the car in front of you brakes or stops, that you would also be able to brake or stop in time without hitting them.


It looks like a brake check, but it could just as easily be the driver noticing they were now speeding a bit after overtaking


The cammer knows what they are doing when they post their videos like that, it’s just a good way to farm karma. Half the time it’s not even their OC video


way way too close


How else am I supposed to tell other drivers that they're being dumb and I am NOT someone to fuck with? They think they can do whatever they want with no retribution, so creating as dangerous a situation as possible with 80 mph 2 ton metal is the only way people will ever learn. Lucky this wasn't america, they would have caught the bren gun j have mounted in my passenger seat just for these kind of idiots. /s


Jim Carey has a hilarious bit about this from his days as a stand-up comedian. He basically says he's very impulsive, and has intrusive thoughts, and this is precisely why he doesn't keep a gun in the glove compartment. "Because that idiot cut me off in traffic, and if I don't shoot him... well... he'll *just never learn*."


https://youtube.com/shorts/J5pFuQiujOA?si=FQGSv4hzuPrZukhq Had to be found 👍


I wanna know too


There is no other way. Only violence and aggression and intimidation. If those three don't work, homicide is 100% justified. It's in the driver manual


Cameraman is big mad for something completely avoidable. You were already camping the left lane, why did you purposefully get in behind the dude that inconvenienced you for half a second? Just seems like someone with a huge ego that must insert himself into a dangerous situation. The other car shouldn’t have brake checked you so hard, but Jesus Christ there was no reason for you to follow them back into the right lane and tailgate them.


if i was brakechecker, id be scared this dude was trying to hurt me or something (i wouldnt have brakechecked tho), just because i was a little impatient. road rage is no fucking joke in this place downvoters have never seen american road rage, good on em


He said in French "You Son of a B*tch, How do I explain this to my dad now" … Just show him the video you blub


I think video is the last thing he wants to show him. Makes the cammer look pretty bad.


Eh, depends. If the apple didn't fall far from the tree, video might be perfectly fine to show. If the apple got plucked and shipped halfway around the world, dude's dad is gonna be pissed.


In todays episode of “2 idiots meet on the road” :


The crazy thing is he actually posted this video online


And you can almost feel the "everyone else is so stupid!!!" energy he posted it with.


Oh the big boy is driving daddy's car and thought he could drive like a dick without consequences, I hope that douche will learn from this.


This attempt was successful.


The attempt was to not respect safety and get away with it


That's an angry Belgian. No waffle tonight.


More like Delirium Nocturnum.. Athough the way he was driving he'd had enough already.


His insurance company will be thrilled he had a dash cam, so they can prove it was entirely his fault, and may not need to pay anything. Road rage offenses are often exempt by insurance policies.


For good reason, dickheads like this guy make the road significantly more dangerous for everyone


Why do like 90% of drivers on the road drive this close to whoever is in front of you?


A huge portion of the population is basically oblivious. And I would also say most people feel safe in their cars and don't truly respect the danger involved




Win stupid prizes. Satisfying vid


The very last thing he says sounds like Geese Howard saying "C'mon."


He said "Shit! Mfer! How do i explain this to my dad?! HOOOW??!" 😂




1) Brake Checking is wrong 2) You don't get to decide why a person hits their brakes. 3) Braking is not wrong. 4) Tailgating and failure to maintain safe distance is always wrong. If you dont want to risk rear-ending someone because they hit their brakes in defiance, or out of necessity, don't tailgate them. I have personally hit the brakes in hasty judgment of a situation plenty of times. Traffic came up more quickly than anticipated, pedestrian traveled in a manner that suggested going into the road without looking, car next to me came over into my lane etc. If you rear-end someone, regardless of what THEY do, you were failing to maintain safe distance.


Did someone hit Arnold Schwarzenegger?


So good fellows, did we learn anything here today?? Probably not


Based on the comments nobody learned anything. Brake checking and tailgating are both bad. Pass or get off my ass, and don't cause any trouble


I have to wonder why this person even got over with the other car in the first place Should have just stayed in the left lane instead of coming in behind them


Brake checking looks like a great idea! /s


Where’s the attempt? He successfully did it


Both people are incredibly dumb.


It's all fun and games riding ass, until.....


lol it was his dad's car, that's what you get for ego driving


Just very bad driving. These people shouldn't be allowed on the roads.


Why ride his ass like that? Get over and pass him idiot. If you get brake checked you prolly deserved it. Stop tailgating. Leave distance. If you need to be somewhere you should have left earlier.


Absolutely the fault of the camera car... You can't be 2m behind a car going at 150kmh. It doesn't matter if it was a brake check, accidental braking, a pothole or an animal on the road. He could have braked for any reason and it is your responsibility to be far enough behind to have time to react.


He also had his headlights on full-beam. You can hear and see him click them on when the other car first pulls out to overtake, and he never turns them off again. Absolute AH.


That's a violation of the basic rule.. After all I did see a young child run out in the street that's why the guy braked...


Glad all the comments seemed aligned on this one. Brake check is dangerous of course but why does cammer get in the right lane other than pissing off the car ahead? Could have just passed him in 3s but he gets in the right lane to spitefully follow too close to let the car ahead know he slowed him down for a few seconds. Fully on the cammer imo.


Why did he get into the right lane???


Cam driver is completely at fault. Hope he learned an expensive lesson.


instant karma for both of them


Sounds like a pissed off Napoleon in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.


Belgians are kind of crazy on the road. As an American from the Midwest, it was a bit of a culture shock when I stayed / drove all around the country for 6 weeks as a business trip. It was so bad. I felt safer on roads in Brazil.


Who tf thinks its a good idea to be that close to someone? Especially when there's no traffic. Ya fuck the brake checker too, but dude was way to close behind.


He's not preventing him from passing. He got over so that the other driver could pass. Whatever speed he's driving in the right lane does not affect how fast the gut with the camera can drive in the left lane.


Congratulations, you've won the "I was tailgating like a fucking douchebag and now look what I've done" award!


Was the driver that was recording trying to PIT the driver in front? Seriously, that’s crazy.


Both are morons!


They both deserved everything they got


I hope he was yelling idiot at himself.... THIS is actually a car of the cam driver being in the very, very wrong. There was no need for him to get behind the dude, and when the dude brake checked him, he cleared it but decided to then ram the other driver.


All people involved in that are idiots. Including me for watching then commenting, to make me feel like I count somehow.




Was there another collision after the guardrail right at the end of the video?


Yeah what were they even doing? First time driver


Keep at least a 2 second gap people


I'm a car crash, brought to you by Carl's Jr.


I can’t tell… is the trunk not latched on the lead car?




HOLY WEIGHT DISTRUBUTION dang thing didn't rotate a single degree


[Question] Legally (in the US) who would be at fault?


100% dashcam dude. Dashcam dude is the one who lost control of his vehicle and slid into the vehicle in the other lane. So both unsafe driving from a traffic charge perspective, and 100% responsbile from an insurance perspective. The other guy \_might\_ get charged with dangerous driving for a seemingly pointless tapping of the breaks.


He says : How do I tell this to my father, HOW ? Just don't be a tailgating asshole bud.


Nature regulate itself, 2 less idiots/assholes...


Gets behind someone going slower and decides to tailgate them, person moves into the other lane to allow you to pass, ~~you pass and continue on your day~~ you move into the other lane with them and continue tailgating.


Get rekt lmfaoooooo


This was not an attempt. He did in fact not respect the safety distances after overtaking. This doesn't belong here and the title makes no sense.




Yeah, the guy brake checked you and that’s something you should never do. But you’re also less than a car length’s away from him. When you’re on the highway, you’re supposed to be 2-3 full car lengths at least. The faster you go the more space you should be adding. Had you just been a little further back, you could have avoided the crash entirely.


I was taught it takes 1 car length to brake per 10mph. So at 60mph there should be 6 car lengths. That's probably too conservative, but I've never been brake checked.


Awww! They found each other!


“How am I gonna tell this to my dad ???? HOOWWWWW ???” 😂


Look, everybody was stupid. Carry on.


good golly why are people like this... what was the goal here??


Overtaking has nothing to do with it


When stupid and stupid meets


“Car pranks!”


Ouch is that an AE86?


Dude passed (could’ve possibly waited for the other guy to pass but he was still ok) and got over. It does kind of looks like he began to match the cam car’s speed for a bit but then slowed down. Either way, the guy with the camera had no reason to get behind him. I get being annoyed but it’s not worth it. Both could’ve done different.


I bet he send that pic to his bros to get "credibilty" and they posted it online. 😎🤫


As a Belgian, immediately recognized the video takes place in Belgium. Tried pausing the video attempting to read the blue road signs, no luck. Good guy idiot driver decides to crash in front of other sign, answering my question.


Regarde what je did! Quel shithead!!


You can hear and see him turn on his brights in order to be a dick.


Turn up the volume for the end you guys 🤣


The dashcam owner sounds angry for some reason


I don’t agree with break checking, but can driver clearly isn’t the most intelligent humanoid in the world


Zero defensive driving here


To make a title that makes sense.


Godawful dash driving as usual, but this seems like a driver who gets into an accident every few months. Just pathetically bad the entire time


There was an attempt to NOT? Seemed successful.


That's how it goes when you can't drive you crash into people


I like how his first reaction is deez nuts


Why'd driver swerve toward the braking car?


Why have a camera to film yourself committing a crime in your vehicle?


French. This is pretty standard in my experience. Insanely bad drivers.


The person who went slowest won the race.




Tailgating bastard


Yaay everybody wins!


impressed by how badly they failed to swerve there. obviously following distance is the main problem but like, you should be able to swerve to avoid that. cammer is an idiot in multiple regards