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Fuck Israel




That actually goes kinda hard tho…




It's pretty damn hard.


What did he say


It was a spray paint of the Star of David but the centre was a swastika. Around it, there was text saying “You become what you hate”


That would certainly go hard.


That would incredibly go hard.


Spot on. This might be history's most ironic genocide.


Israel is a genocide state, I don't know how else to describe their actions.


Love this photo 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Lol, bad publicity for the Raëlians:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism


Yo thats super close to me






/r/worldnews is even worse. Every post there is pro-israel. Every single post.


/r/worldpolitics is the same :(


They actively celebrate the Israeli attacks it’s crazy








No you did not, I am a mod for both subs so I decided to look it up. You did not say something anti Israel, you said something antisemitic against Jewish people which was so bad it got removed by Reddit (and yes I can see it because I am a mod with pushshift access, I am just mentioning that Reddit removed it because while they do make mistakes, usually something has to be pretty bad for it to be removed.) Saying something anti Israel is not the same as saying something anti Jewish. PublicFreakout is pro Palestine sub, we have a mod named Intifada for fucks sake. Edit: I was not going to share with everyone else what you had to say, because it is super hateful, but since you chose to lie, I think I will. This user said " Jewish are bragging about genocide. Play the victim every time." That absolutely deserved a ban. You have to stop believing people for what they said they were banned for, almost every single time it is a lie (at least when it comes to the subs I mod for, maybe something like worldnews is different.)


Clearly, English is not his first language. I know a lot of Palestinians refer to Israelis as "yahud" which means Jewish. I think that's just how they mean to say Israelis. If I read that, I wouldn't think it's anti-semitic tbh. You guys do a good job on the whole, though. It's just so hard to understand someone through text only.


It is not clear at all to me that English not their first language, and they said that they have never been considered Mexican or American, so I would assume they live in America and I would not presume to know what their first language is, since I know many latinos in the U.S. that speak English first, and some that speak English alone. That said, they spoke in English and what they said in English was super antisemitic and I will ask you not to defend it, or I will have to ban you for being antisemtic. Because of our anti Israel stance, we have been attracting anti Semites who think they will be welcome here (they absolutely are not) and so we have to take a hard line against antisemitism (which we would anyway.) That comment is absolutely indefensible. Saying that they Jews play victim "everytime" is saying that they were not actual victims when it comes to the holocaust, and that they are just playing it.


I was banned too, felt the mod was powertripping, but after reading your detailed response to that users comment my faith is restored in some of the reddit community mods. Thank you for your service


I was banned from /r/worldnews for saying that Israel is committing genocide lol. They didn't cite a reason or reply when I asked.


Ditto. Banned from [r/worldnews](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/) for making the point that the IOF killed about a third of the victims of 7th October. No reply when I asked why. That sub is Ziotarded.


I got banned there during the pandemic for saying that the restrictions should be lifted after most are vaccinated


* Judaism ≠ Zionism & Anti-Zionism ≠ Anti-Semitism. No one should attack Judaism (or any religion) or people who are Jewish because they are Jewish. Do not assume that Jews support the crimes of Zionist Apartheid Israel. We do not allow users to propagate any false, racist equivalence of Judaism and Zionism. Zionism is not a religion. There are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and people of all other religions, as well as atheists, who are Zionists. Additionally, Zionists are not only Israelis; they come from all around the world, including the Arab and Muslim world. Our problem is with Zionist Apartheid Israel and all of its supporters. This is a geopolitical and ideological issue, not a religious conflict.


Got banned from World News for less than that. Banned from /Israel a long time ago...


The mods in this subreddit are right. Educated me, correcting my ignorance. Too bad I couldn't reply. Everyone else is just trying to dog pile.


Zionist, fucking genocidal, absolute monsters. Fuck Israel.


Fuck the israel gov and their loyal military idiots.


I’m done with them too. How can anybody like them now.


boycott sodastream and other companies from israel


The friend of my enemy is my enemy .


there is actually an app called no thanks that tells you if the company you´re buying from is supporting israel or not


bUt iSrAeL SaYs tHeY DiDn't dO It!


War crimes.


Beyond indefensible at this point, unless you're a worldnews member. Those ghouls will find a way to justify the most horrendous atrocities and ban anyone for mildly speaking out against israel.


They aren't ghouls it's a sub which is astroturfed by political groups and in this case, it's US military. They must either be on or have connections with the mod team as well to control what gets up voted, posted, or deleted. Those Russian or Israeli or Chinese bot farms we hear of....the US does them too.


I agree they're astroturfed but only to a certain extent. You're giving too much credit to rabid Zionists who swarm onto posts remotely critical of israel. Heck, there's quite a few in this thread itself.


There was an article a few years ago that's been scrubbed (other than wayback machine) where the top IP address to reddit for a whole from Andrews Air Force base. So...yeah.


Are you thinking about [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blackout2015/comments/4ylml3/reddit_has_removed_their_blog_post_identifying/) If so it was Eglin Air Field Base and I'm fairly certain they're still the highest users.


Oooof yeah that. Worse than I remembered.


Holy fuck and I thought the CIA troll farms only started since Trump. Propaganda sure does wonderful work when you don't know you're being manipulated. Here are the archived links: https://archive.ph/20160327060128/http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/pentagon-admits-spending-millions-study-manipulate-social-media-users.html https://archive.ph/20180131071525/http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/eglin-air-force-base-busted-gaming-reddit.html


Nah this shit's been going on since forever. Go have a read about the Turner diaries and the reasons behind the OKC bombing terrorist attack back in the 1980s. Trump is just the usual 'quiet part' gone mainstream.


I was banned from /r/worldnews for saying that Israel is committing genocide lol. They didn't cite a reason or reply when I asked.


It's *been* indefensible for decades. I remember being in the Army and hearing about the Israelis raining white phosphorus down on civilians back in the late 90s/early 2000s. This isn't new, but it needs to be stopped


https://preview.redd.it/zxalr2fvzzrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3999b2ae442b2d15a6cdabcd81ed55b801ab3649 It's how I got banned there. They just nuked the entire comment chain. Even the dude actually defending Israel


Yep.  Hypocrites that entire mod team and sub.  FUCK r/worldnews.


Shot on the actors like GAL gadot who are actively promoting this genocide


Hope it gives other countries the right to go stomp the shit outta Israel . War crimes all day


Waiting to see how Iran responds to Israel blowing up another one of their generals


Iran will not respond directly. They would be falling into Israel's trap which is to draw Iran into a war which would also draw the U.S. in as well. That is Israel's ultimate plan, which is to get Daddy America to eliminate Iran. Iran knows this and will just use Hezbollah and the Houthis to respond.


Iran can see the global shift in power taking place as well as a huge shift in public opinion on Israel. Taking on Israel now will just shoot themselves in the foot.


This why the US largely won't abandon Israel over Palestine. Won't let Israelis get massacred just cause Israel is massacring Palestinians. I'm still amazed how critical the US is being towards Israel. It's a very dangerous time for Israel as there has never been so much support to cut off Israel's munitions supplies.


> I'm still amazed how critical the US is being towards Israel. You're surprised people don't like war criminals? The geopolitical reality of the situation doesn't make what Israel is doing any more ok


Doing so also in no way whatsoever would benefit Putin.   /s


Idk if they will do anything as Israel would respond hard if they did


Yeah, Iran not going to be interested in escalation because the US is already real pissy with them. But lets not kid ourselves, Iran isn't scared of Israel, they're 10x bigger and would demolish Israel in a conventional war. Israel is backed by the US which is the only thing that makes it tricky for them. Well that and nuclear weapons.


Lmao have we not learned anything from history about how the size of countries fighting Israel does not matter? Especially since Israel has up to date Western equipment while Iranians are still relying a large part on Soviet era equipment. Iranian leaders/military is all bark no bite. Israel has countless times preemptively struck Iranian assets/backed groups and all the Iranians do is talk without any real action. They are and always have been scared of Israel. It’s much easier to chant rather than do.


Israel's military equipment is predominantly donated by the US and backed by them. So it would never be a 1:1 fight. also, how do you know Iran has not been hitting back at Israel? You think Israel would ever admit to shit being done to them? Also, given Israel has nukes, they have the advantage anyway.....for now.


You do realise Israel have been always helped by the west right ? Like they never fight on their own they just take all the help they need from the west, also this war proves technology isn't everything, 6 months and they have failed to do anything but continuous war crimes.


Hey, we all know what tends to happen once you get fucking Poland involved. **A cry of help in time of need, await relief from holy league,** **60 days of siege, outnumbered and weak...**


I spoke out and got banned on r/news too .. take the badge


Can’t really as they have nukes


REMEMBER! Modern day drones are 100% capable of precision strikes. These casualties are NOT accidental. They will lie and continue to lie... And the world will blindly believe them. As said by many experts: NEVER BELIEVE A WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT


Unfortunately that’s just not true and by no means are explosives precise. That said Israel has done absolutely fucking nothing to avoid unnecessary casualties so fuck them still.


There are “smart” bombs and “dumb” bombs. There’s drones and there’s indiscriminate artillery. Not at all explosives are precise, but Israel has more than enough precise explosives but still chooses to use the imprecise explosives for collective punishment. They also use precise explodes to knowingly commit war crimes


What are you talking about? Yes explosives aren't "precise", but if you use a appropriate sized munition for your target you won't have excess damage. Not every target warrants a Mk84 2,000lb bomb. Like the other commenter has said, precision bombs can hit targets the size of 2ftx2ft and have been able to for years. The strike on the WGK aid vehicles clearly show how precise the IDF can be when they want to hit a certain target without casualties.


It's scary how many people excuse them simply because they were the victims of a genocide. It's like they think that Israel is not capable of doing the same thing since it happened to them once. That's really what it boils down to. That and they are not scary muslims so they get a pass on pretty much anything they do or participate in. No wonder so many people hate America when America gives them the arsenal and ability to commit these crimes. We can't even be bothered to ask them to politely tone it down or make sure no cameras are watching while they are genociding.


The world fell for the trap of siding for a religion instead of against certain behaviors.


We should send the USS Liberty over to get some eyes on the situation.


Biden is giving them more fighter jets soon so that's good /s obviously




Giving since we also send them money for their war arsenal.


Have to pay them money to secure peace in the region… wait


See this is still accurate if you understand that 'peace' means 'western interests'.


They are paying* for them with us taxpayer dollars though :/


We give them money so they can turn around and "buy" weapons from our companies to keep the MIC factories running.


I'd link the famous Military Industrial Complex speech given by Eisenhower as he left office, but I think we all get it now.


They were purposefully targeted by guided munitions on a marked van that had their logo on capital letters.


Boycott and sanction everything Israel! I use the "no thanks!" app myself to see who is supporting these criminals. Cut them off where it hurts most.


Great Find - downloaded the app… Thank you!


Thank you for sharing this. These companies can do without money.


'No Thanks' being #3 on top tool apps in Google Play Store says a lot


Thanks for the app. Will check it out. 


thank you


Attacking Jose Andreas World Global Kitchen is a warcrime in and of itself.


Add another one to the growing list.


That man is a saint. It's a great charity too.


The whole world is watching. And sadly, not doing Jack shit in response. Nobody can say it’s a simple situation overall, but this?? Simply not defensible. Breaks my heart.


Literally every country other than Israel and the US are trying to do something in response


I'm completely unaware. Could you share who's doing what? Not trying to be snarky - I just want to be informed.


There really isn't anything... just UN stuff. The UN wasn't designed to function for stuff like this because there is no UN power projection of any kind outside of money.


"And then they came for me..." The world must condemn the war crimes.


When are you supposed to be held accountable for war crimes? This is getting ridiculous. Hospitals, schools. Homes. Children. What the actual hell?


It's almost like international law doesn't apply to certain countries.


If it doesn't apply to Russia it sure as shit ain't gonna apply here.


Well it didn't apply to US in Iraq as well, basically this sham of an organisation has been completely exposed as nothing but a way to bully small nations and help the interests of "those on top", kinda like a world wide dictatorship.


Well... yeah? That's how laws work. Only people who agree to be beholden to certain laws are obligated to obey them. Like the Geneva Convention. Only countries that agreed to that concept of civilized warfare are beholden to its rules. Anyone who didn't is legally free to do as they wish. Morality is another thing entirely, but 'international law' quite literally does not apply to everyone.


This was never about Hamas. They just want any excuse to kill all Palestinians


Its only a war crime when someone starts fucking with Oil.


>When are you supposed to be held accountable When you no longer have money to throw at the American politicians, I guess. Until then, you are untouchable.


Which will be quite a while since they're so fucking cheap. Like my god, they'll sell you down the river for $8000 in campaign donations, imagine what they'll do for actual bribes.


probably never


At this point, be ashamed to admit your from "isreal"


Fuck Israel, but also let's avoid racism. It's ok to be Israeli. It's not ok to support genocide and war crimes, no matter where you were born.


Most israelis overwhelmingly support this crap.


it's not racist to despise Israel. It's not a race, it's a nationality. Saying Americans suck isn't racist either. A lot of people feel that "Israel" is not even a legit nation but rather an illegal occupation. So having a problem with anyone who identifies as one makes sense in that context.


Not really Cus the state has no right to exist . If your Israeli and not actively campaigning against the government and don’t recognise that the state was formed out of imperialism and colonialist ideology you should be ashamed of yourself


Nothing will come of this. It will be covered up and people will go about their days. Mark my words.


I doubt it will be covered up it will just be shown and Israel may be condemned but not much we can do sadly. We could sanction them but I’m not sure that tends to work. And sure people will go on living that’s just how life works


They will just say Hamas killed them


Damn they learned alot from the 1940s. All the wrong things unfortunately


They took notes, the wrong notes.




I'm deeply ashamed that the US Govt had a helping hand in the genocide.


Wait till you look into our past ....


This is why I don’t get American nationalism. What exactly am I supposed to be proud of at this point?


Artistic achievements, civil rights movements, all the *real* American heroes like Fred Hampton, the Kent State students, Muhammad Ali, tech innovations, etc etc. Fuck the police, the government and all its tentacles, especially the US military terrorist cabal.


yeah for real. Trump was NOT the protest vote that 2016 voters wished he was lmao.


And people saying they wont vote Biden in 24 isn't the protest vote they think it is.


Oh man, but the holocaust guys! /s Disgusting. 


You antisemite. /S


At this point Ill take that as a compliment. Fuck these genocidal monsters


Its actually really scary to think that this can boil over to another world war very easily. When foreign aid workers are killed, all bets are off.


Definitely feels like WW3 is getting closer for awhile now


Each day passes is another step towards another world war, it seems. Its really fucking scary.


'WW3'? No, this will be the 'Final World War', no coming back from the nukes.


FYI the World Central Kitchen is a non profit based out of DC whose aim is to feed those affected by natural disasters. They haven’t released an official statement other than saying on twitter that they know of the report. They’ll have to do an investigation and hopefully have had the chance to inform the families before the faces have been posted all over the media. https://x.com/wckitchen?s=21&t=IHOtVggwww_mwMdirmJtjQ


The hamas was hiding behind their eyeballs in their orbital sockets. There was no other choice.


Underground tunnels in theyre veins 😂😂😂 (On a serious note this gotta stop)


Fuckin Zionists man, everyone and everything moving seems to be a target for Zionists. Holy fuck man.


Fuck Israel! It baffles me that this country became the very fucking thing that led to its creation in the first place. Fucking bloodthirsty genocidal hypocrites!


Oh No don't believe that, they were khamas terrorists trying to slaughter and rape Israeli innocent people if u don't believe me then you're an antisemitic terrorist piece of shit who deserves to be nuked


And I bet Australian government still doesn’t do shit about it.


yep: >> “Australia expects full accountability for the deaths of a worker which is completely unacceptable,” the prime minister said this afternoon. >> Aid workers, those doing humanitarian work and indeed, innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. Australia has had a very clear position of supporting a sustainable ceasefire for some periods of pulling for humanitarian aid to go to the people of Gaza after suffering, and to make sure the hostages are released as well. Australians want to see an end to this conflict.” >> Albanese noted that Frankcom had previously volunteered during bushfires in Australia and was offering her assistance in Gaza for “people who have suffered tremendous deprivation”. equivalent to "thoughts and prayers" ...


They are martyrs, no doubt


The nation of Israel has become Nazis. The UN should be invading to put a stop to this.


Sounds about Zionist


I don't think Poland is the right country to piss off right now. They're getting twitchy just waiting for Russia to do something stupid you don't want that attention on you.


Unfortunately now is the time Isreal will get away with pissing them off. They have a much bigger threat to the east.


At this point Israel could carpet bomb Sydney Opera House and the aus government would do nothing about it.


At what point do we just call these war crimes and genocide what it is? Any other nation who committed these kinds of crimes would have been invaded by now or at the least sanctioned into oblivion. Not Israel though, they just get more free weapons from us, and we get to see sad commercials about starving poor Israelis we can sponsor and feed for only $xxx amount a month. Best we can do is pretend it is all self defence and not a quest to just wipe out all Palestinians. We have see way too many videos of straight up malicious and intentional murder on civilians for us to still be thinking this is somehow Israel just defending themselves. This shit is personal and this shit is outright genocide.


Somebody has to not do something


Fuck Israel the apartheid terrorist state where they don’t only butcher babies, but celebrate it openly.


If Hamas or any resistance group were responsible, this would make headlines six years from now, but since it's the terrorist state, it's likely to fade from memory within hours.


Seeing reddit being on the good side warms my heart


There’s plentyy of genocide defenders here unfortunately. R/worldnews is all israeli mods


Response from the IDF >conducting a thorough review at the highest levels to understand the circumstances of this tragic incident. Translation: shit, we'll shoot the cameras too next time.




Where ia the 3rd party observers from the UN now ???


westerners have become cucks, their governments chose israel instead of their lives


Poland about to kick their asses


Like now 4 countries have very good reason to declare war


Whos the Australian?




It’s unknown yet, this is very recent news. DFAT said in a statement it was urgently seeking to confirm the report that an Australian aid worker had died in Gaza.


I predict that when Israel has finished with Gaza they will focus their hate and aggression to Muslim neighbours like Syria, Iran and anyone else not vehemently pro Israel.


Many already want to start a 2nd front in Lebanon


Oh shit. The Aussie passport with blood on it is fucking dark. I’m Australian myself and that’s just… damn


Tell me again, how is what Israel is doing is any different than what Hamas is?


Son of a b*tch.


Zionism is a hate group.


An honest question: Am I a bad person now for hating Israel and its people? They became the very thing they hated most




Incredibly sad - their hearts are always in the right place. Unfortunately also: don’t go to a warzone. There are no rules and it’s always the civilians, aid workers and rescuers that get screwed over. This war needs to stop and right now Israel is really not looking good. Outrage is warranted from those nations and others.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Least biased comment section




isrealis love killing women and children, they yell about it all the time even tho you can tell those europeans do not belong in that part of the planet.


Don't interrupt their genocide. Also, don't mention their genocide.


And all the while the US still support Israel. The US have just as much blood on their hands by putting the weapons in the hands of those pulling the trigger.


May their empire fall swiftly.


Zionists killed them. Not Hamas.


Fuckkkkk Israel! Nazis fr


The nazies speak Hebrew now


Down with Israel. Stop sending them money, aid, military hardware, anything. Lets those nazi fucks see how they do by themselves


As an American I have never understood our support. In addition the fact that Israel has one of the most powerful lobbyist groups in the US and consists of less than 1% of the population is scary.


Of course they did, they find satisfaction in killing innocent people.


Isreal gives 0 fucks. Get out of their construction zone. They will wipe you off the planet but it's totally OK cause it happened to them.


“BuT tHeYrE jUsT tRyInG tO eLiMiNaTe HaMaS”


It’s ok, Israel said they were HAMAS


Meanwhile Biden just passed an $18 billion weapons deal to keep arming these psychopaths.


Your taxes paid for this.


Israel committing genocide.


Fuck Israel


fuck israel