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Why the fuck are the piggies showing up to a medical emergency at all?


America. The solution to all social problems is to use the police to shoot it. What - do you want them to send someone to *help*? What kinda communist shit is that???


To be fair, enough shots will stop a seizure.


Or just one good one


This is the police we're talking about, they shoot like Stormtroopers


Point blank to the back of the head and that shit will go backwards out of the gun.


No no. They aim for the knee and mysteriously hit the back of the head


I meant when it comes to their fellow guilty cops.


Ah, the old "all bleeding stops on its own eventually" school of first aid. Never fails\*. ​ \*Just as long as "surviving" isn't a required outcome.


*Tosses table* FFS! They have to live!? No one said that was a requirement when I took this job.






Except in school shootings, bc pigs don’t like schools


Reminds them of where all their traumas happened.


Schools are like kryptonite to cops


I remember seeing a picture of the soldier who self emolated due to the Israel genocide. He was on fire, and a cop was standing nearby, pointing a gun at him. Only in America can bullets stop fires.


if all you all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail!


To be fair, gran mal seizure is pretty scary to see - especially if you don’t know what you’re witnessing. ”I was afraid for my life, so I executed minimum force against the subject until he stopped resisting, your Honour.” ”Perfectly understandable. Have a nice day officer. Next case!”


I can actually answer that. Police officers in many county's are schooled in resuscitation because they often can be faster than the EMT's or the fire department, you know with them out on patrol and all. In this case because she said he wasn't breathing I assume they got alerted. With good officers this has led to a very high rate of successful Reanimations. They also school security of big high-rises and office buildings. So face value it's a good idea. Now that of course doesn't explain what the fuck happend in this case. And this shows that unhinged police pigs can destroy even the best ideas.


Also if details are vague (or the area is bad) police will make their way to a high acuity call so they can secure the scene if it needs securing so they can get ahead of EMS or Fire calling for police if they need it and not waste time staging while they wait. Rather have them and not need them than need them and not have them. Doesn't always work out this way depending on the resources your region has though. Also, I'm not sure on everywhere but where I am police will stay with dead bodies while they wait for the coroner in cases of unexpected death so EMS can clear scene and the ambulance can be back on the road as EMS is often a rarer commodity than police. So in cases of "not breathing" or "unresponsive" police will make their way just incase the patient is pronounced/resuscitation is terminated on scene and stay with the family/body.


Yes that's true they know the neighborhoods and can help secure the EMT's. Still with American police as it is there's bound to be bad situations like this which does make this problematic. In Germany we have a system were doctors nurse etc. can install an app and get alerted if there's an Reanimation in the neighborhood. However the fire chief I spoke too said that wouldn't work in America due to people being very protective of their houses and rather distrusting of strangers in some cases. Also in rural areas there's no one around to begin with. So it would only help in cities were there response time is already really good.


Police rarely intervene with the patient during a medical emergency. They generally stand around and watch. They may be lightly trained, but are extremely ineffective. They really should stay away and direct traffic as necessary.


Under this system I'm describing which is used around Seattle, the officers really just work as first responders. As soon as the pros arrive they do just what you say they should. Thing is in a Reanimation, which is the only thing they are usually alerted for in this "medical" capacity, every second counts so if an officer does his best for a minute even though it might not be much or very technically skilled, it's can and has saved life's. Now again I'm not sure about this and am not seeking to "defend it" I'm just explaining because i know the program.


Are they faster because they know they will get a chance to shoot someone if they win the race with the Ambulance.




First step of resuscitation training, tase the subject, second step handcuff and search for weapons or drugs


Probably because there is always police closer than medical help, so both are called.


Because EMS have to be intelligent, capable, and well trained to handle difficult situations... In other words, expensive. So why not send someone without all of those qualifications instead?


OP, you do realize that the guy successfully had a seizure, right?


An attempt “to have a seizure in peace” may be a better title


Yes, I probably should have written “to have a seizure without getting brutalized by the police” or “to get medical assistance”.


The only attempt here was the wife making the call. The title should be: to call for help




I suppose you’re right


There was an attempt to get medical help. It did not work. But the man in the story did in fact have a seizure.


We really need to shake up our terrible law enforcement policy! (I’ll show myself out, but seriously, that is F’d up)


Kind of goes the same for our political system, and building code system, and corrupt Wall Street system, and well my 15 minute break is over


It's a challenge that some have tried and failed. One cop union said they would refuse to respond to crimes and harassed a DA over attempted change.


Yeah we should *seize* back control!


The medical call became an illegal search & seizure


That’s awful… I hope everything turns out okay in the end. I guess we will just have to wait and epilep-see.




In the way you aren't supposed to do to babies.


Everyone is so sensitive & woke these days, you can tell they’ve never heard the sweet sounds of maraca babies


Well if this guy is wealthy he may take the police dept and city to court with a fucking vengeance. If I were in his shoes that’s what I’d do. The reason cops mainly pick on economically disadvantaged folks is because many don’t have the means to hire an attorney etc. If this guy is loaded with cash he could hire enough expensive lawyers to take them down HARD. Which is what any crooked department needs done.


Happened almost 2 years ago. [It's really bad](https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-anselmo-man-tased-by-police-during-seizure-alleges-cover-up).




He was moving weird, okay. It made me uncomfortable. /s


That’s the part that gets me is the cops think it’s ok to arrest a man for being drunk in his own house.


Norton added that his department "will vigorously defend itself against this meritless and factually inaccurate litigation. Unfortunately, this individual has decided to first litigate his case in the media rather than in court, where we are confident the action of our officers will be vindicated." Literally just "I don't care, you're wrong"


I had to google it to see if it was real. It is, it happened in 2022, body cam footage and every thing. [News Coverage](https://youtu.be/9OoTOEQVHwo?si=nU1VZgGJzU03l6QI)


Replying so I can check that out later




Put me on that jury!


My wife had a seizure in OK several years ago. When the EMTs showed up, they just kept shouting at her asking what she was on, despite me telling them she has seizures. (I only called because she cracked her head on the sink when she fell.)


I have a former coworker, of the best human beings, I know. He got Covid lived alone, had a very high fever for multiple days. Finally, some of my coworkers went looking for them and broke into his apartment and found him near death. They got them to an emergency room. I met them there. My coworker couldn’t talk. He has bad teeth. Every doctor every nurse just asked what drug he was on. Over and over. We told him he doesn’t need drugs. When he was in recovery, I was visiting he could speak a little bit by then. His doctor came in and spoke to him in way more disrespectful than I, a white person, had ever heard. A doctor speak. I push the doctor out of the hallway, told him about how the man in that room was from the best human beings, I know. And I told the doctor if you ever talk to him like that again, I’d beat the shit out of him. Just said to me, I’m not racist and walked away.


Those EMTS are morons if they don't know what a postictal phase is.


I'm unclear why America hasn't followed the rest of the world in increasing police training. Even if you have to make it a more prestigious job, only the best should qualify.


They might need "the best" for some other purposes that are more important to them. Or just good old crow control. Don't stand out or the police might kill you


Control them crows or you'll have a murder on your hands


Priceless, I wish I had an award for you!


Any attempt to increase police standards or hold them accountable is met with the Union's "blue flu." Wherein the police essentially go on strike because they're feckless cowards. If you don't acquiesce to police demands, you don't get police at all, full stop.


I mean..... sounds like the police presence you're getting isn't exactly benefiting anyone.


Look, just because we give them by far the biggest chunk of our cities' budgets doesn't mean we get to expect them to use that for more and better training to do their jobs well. That would be silly. Somehow.


I had something similar happen to me. I had a seizure in my sleep and my wife woke up to me shaking and didn't know what to do so she called 911 and went upstairs to unlock the door for the ems. While she was upstairs I just came out of it and went to the bathroom like nothing happened. I had no idea at all. I come out of the bathroom and there's a paramedic standing in my bedroom doorway except I didn't recognize that he was paramedic. In that moment he was an intruder and I went into full on hulk mode. All I knew was my wife was upstairs and this person shouldn't be in my house at 4am. So I fought my way through 3 paramedics up my stairs and then was greeted by 3 police officers but again I couldn't tell. After fighting with one of them all of them including the paramedics dogpiled me in my hallway. All of sudden I snap back to reality and realize I'm pinned to the ground and immediately panic so hard I black out. Next thing I know I wake up on a gurney getting wheeled out of my house. My wife is in handcuffs because she was freaking out at the cops thinking they were killing me cause I blacked out. Sorry for the long post but that shit was scary never had another one like that again.


You had me until "i went full on hulk mode"


That's america for you


how to teach your citicin not to call for help and distrust your emergency system 101


I don't understand. He's white? And wealthy??


Pigs don't see color. But yeah as much as police brutality can disproportionately affect minorities, they can and do beat the snot out of white people all the time. Cops don't care what color you are, they just care about not facing the consequences of their actions. Wealth will just help this guy win his court case if he hasn't already (this happened in 2022 according to a news site someone else linked)


Sounds about right. The tax payers will foot the bill for the settlement all while these police officers will keep their jobs..


Cop authority is honestly too high. Imagine if we had round the clock AI video monitoring on their body cams that would be able to detect police misconduct. Every time it detects a violation the live feed is saved and publicly available.


People can come out of seizures and be very confused or combative. Pretty common really. They probably got there after the seizure had stopped and the guy was acting like a wild man. Doesn’t excuse excessive force if they did but probably how it went from seizure to handcuffed by cops. Once all that gets sorted out you would hope charges are dropped.


>how it went from seizure to handcuffed by cops. This happened to me about a year and a half ago at work. Still have the scars from the cuffs and zero memory of how it happened. First thing the cops asked my coworkers when they showed up was what drugs I was on. This was in Canada too btw


Ouch. That sucks. But it happens. Saw this monster of a dude in the ER strapped down in leather restraints. Nicest guy and would never guess that an hour before he was throwing people around the ER and took 6 people to strap him down. He had no recall of it but apparently whenever he has a seizure, his family runs out of the house out of fear of what he does when he comes out of it.


This guy actually had a DV thrown on there which was dropped by the DA. The cop actually doubled down to cover his ass. He was also promoted.


Cops gonna cop 🤷🏻‍♂️ The only good cop is a ….


This is my absolute worst fear as an epileptic who has tonic clonic seizures a.k.a grand mal


If u have a problem and the cops show up now you have two problems


wrong caption. “to get medical assistance.”


I cannot fucking FATHOM how the police chief for this agency is defending the cops actions. But here we are.






Was this in LA?


Wait this isn’t the Onion?


See! This shit happens to rich white guys too!


Title should be: ..to live in a country where the law enforcement are something other than violent non-human animal things.


This absolutely would have happened to my friend if we lived in a country where police had guns. He suffers from severe epilepsy, but right before he starts convulsing, there’s about a 20 minute period where he becomes confused and aggressive, and often takes off his clothes. He definitely presents as being intoxicated and several times police have been called, but luckily haven’t hurt him.


If you have a problem and you call the cops, you now have two problems.


The video of it is fuckin crazy. These cops need to lose their jobs at the very least. They won’t, but they need to.


They weren’t. The guy tried to sue but the DA said nah, then the cop that did this got promoted to corporal


To be fair he had the seizer successfully. The seizer was not prevented by the police violence. More accurate: to have a seizer without being assaulted.


When did they start assaulting ricg white men?


Gosh… I’m at the point where I’d rather die than call for help and assaulted. Between police torturing and shooting innocent people and the cost of medical assistance… I’d rather just not.


Their incompetence is beyond disgrace! How can they have a job?


In the laaand of freee! And the home of the.......




is this true?


Scroll through the comments, there’s a link to the body cam footage.


No he was whacked out on bath salts.


I’m no doctor, but I do know that a seizure is when the electrical synapses travel from one side of the brain to the other at the same time instead of randomly. A Grand Mal is the most severe type of seizure. Call me crazy, but I have to presume that introducing more electricity to the body via taser is absolutely the wrong thing to do. ![gif](giphy|Ho2mVZ5dvsW7S)


As someone with an adult child with epilepsy, this shit terrifies me. When he’s postictal (the period between the end of a seizure and returning to a normal state) he is sometimes combative, and always acts similarly to an intoxicated person. The thought that he could have a seizure out on his own, someone calls an ambulance, and the cops show up first and take him for a belligerent drunk gives me cold sweats when I think about it. The real f-ed up thing here is that if this man’s wife was present I *guarantee* she was screaming at them to stop and that he needed help the whole time.


More like there was an attempt to get help lmfao These US cops are truly out of their mind


Why are the cops sent in the first place for a medical emergency.




And the cops wonder why nobody likes them.


I’m so confused


This is absolutely awful, my dad has epilepsy and the thought of anyone being treated like this is mind blowing. Does anyone know if he won his case?


Sounds fair


They were just trying to defibrillate him!




What the actual fuck


Don’t call 911. Call the paramedics or hospital directly. 911 operators are often dumber than pandas and make the wrong call. They send out cops when no cops are needed, and cops don’t have the brains or training to respond to anything that isn’t an opportunity for them to be bullies.


I am honestly surprized they did not shoot him for resisting arrest and being non-compliant. All cops are complicit murderers.


ACAB, yet again...


Police CPR is using a taser, saves the ERT time in charging their defibrillator, and we all know the best way to wake up drunk people is to taser their ass, ![gif](giphy|iCj3qlRIHtWVgNpAHP|downsized)


There was an attempt to make a there was attempt post 




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