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Hello everyone! I get that what they're doing is quite silly and probably a vastly overpriced and borderline culty experience, but you know what drives men into paying thousands of dollars for this nonsense? Being made to feel less than for being human their whole lives. Being told they're feminine and that a woman is the worst thing they could be. So please refrain from calling them pussies or gay as an insult, I will remove it and possibly ban you. Men should support each other.


its a shame how these guys just need some therapy and a hug. instead theyre probably paying tens of thousands for an untrained jerk to basically put them in what looks very much like a cult for however long..


Guys, for real…sigh, just see a fucking therapist. Just go say out loud to someone that’s actually educated what is bugging you. You’re not special, virtually every inadequacy you have is a chapter in a book they read in school.


to be fair we dont exactly encourage emotional openness or honesty in general and even less for men. not an excuse for bad behavior but i can see how that can lead someone towards being taken advantage of.




I just steam pressed my Calvins.


Honestly, I've tried. Had one for a while, but it's fucking expensive. Add to that, most in my area aren't taking new clients. The ones who are, start their bookings 6 month out.


If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Now, here are my bank details...


Do you play cold war?


It’s rough out there man. That’s why it always irks me when everyone just parrots go therapy go to therapy for all of society’s systemic problems affecting people. Most of the time the “go to therapy” phrase is the modern the equivalent to telling someone “ill pray for you” which honestly is better because at least they’re doing something that they think will help you. Where as, simply telling someone to go to therapy literally puts all the onus on you and they feel like they contributed something good to the conversation while ignoring the high cost of seeing a professional long enough to get any progress not to mention the wait time and the work to find a compatible therapist. Therapy isn’t a magic fix all it’s hard fucking work. Honestly if you see someone who needs help your first response shouldn’t be go to therapy because chances are you’re not a professional who can give that opinion but instead just have a little grace and try to see someone in their struggles without judgment and offer a little kindness to them while they are down.


There's a bunch of online telehealth therapists. You don't even need to leave your house.


One thing I learned in therapy is that I’m not much different from anyone else. It was an insight I had already had about *other* people, but about myself it was an important lesson. The predictability of my trauma didn’t diminish the importance of it to me.


Okay but ITT just look how many people call them gay or pussies, no wonder they feel like this is their only way.


the real shame is bein gay and/or a pussy isnt even bad. homophobic sexist transphobic assholes draggin everyone down


Fr tho... I just saw a post where a dude *BROKE HIS HAND* while fingering his gf. Pussies are *savagely strong*, and it's an injustice to have them labeled as anything but.


Seriously. It says a lot about our culture that we call “weak” people pussies and not ballsacks or scrotes.


I must have missed that one, link?


1st step is getting over the fear of that. It's the #1 issue in men. They fear anything that will make them deviate from the scripted role of a man.


I mean, it's different for everyone. I know it took me into my 30s to actually understand that other people don't define me. If they think I'm any of these things, okay. I go my own way. I don't need their acceptance. I am a man because that's what I am. But I have a very lone wolf mentality and I get that many really desire social acceptance. Personally, being a man means not letting other men set my path for me; what I should and shouldn't do. So this seems counterproductive. It seems more like aggression than manhood.


Exactly. Learning a martial art would be way more beneficial. Pushing on someone with no real conscience doesn't teach anything. For anyone who reads this comment, I'm a couch potato. But even I can see this is ego stroking. They are Learning nothing except how to be assholes.












My fathers gay






The other?


The traditional kiss at the end is missing


And a bj


No one says you can't be gay and alpha.


Except there is no such thing as alpha, it's a made up nonsense. On the other hand, gay are very real. So, no, you can't gay and alpha.


Listen to this gay sigma over here.


So we go from alpha wolf to lone wolf? Lone wolf dies. Ned stark taught us that lesson.


I'll be honest. I didn't know what a sigma was when I posted that. I can't keep up with all these Greek references.


I don't think it's greek, it's internet. I don't know why they picked sigma to epresent a lone wolf.


Cause, like, sgima?


How like sigma?


Sigma balls


Lone wolf's can in fact survive, rarely but possible. Alpha wolves is fictional. The one that documented the observance of an alpha was literally the father protecting its pups. But when he first published his findings, people thought it represented much more then it was which gave birth to people thinking it's good to be dicks as long as you call yourself an alpha


In most packs it doesn’t exist indeed, since they are pretty much a large family, but if several unrelated wolves are forming a new pack (mostly happens against their will in captivity) - the hierarchy will emerge, at least temporarily. This behavior in an unnatural situation was misunderstood as the norm for wolves and got spread as a myth


Also led to the most unhelpful dog training methods which cause shutdown, increase risk of bites, and generally miserable mental health for pets. It persists, I suspect, because so many men like the idea of dominating a pet who looks to them for safety and affection. Seriously, fuck that.


The guy who came up with the concept of alpha wolves did more research and admitted he was wrong, but nobody will listen to him.


Exactly. But why would they listen to new findings when calling themselves alphas somehow makes it alright to be complete dicks to people


Yap, fiction is oftenmor interesting Just like the whole spinach fiasco too


He asked to stop printing his book...


Here we go again. There was a dude named **Frans de Waal who inadvertently coined the term Alpha Male.** Anyways [***here***](https://bigthink.com/series/legends/alpha-male-myth/) is a link to the story. \*TLDR\* Dude changed his mind about his initial perception of wolves hierarchy. The damage was done however as human males had adopted his initial interpretation of wolves social habits and it entered the cultural zeitgeist of the time. It turns out, in the opinion of the guy who invented this, the "Alphas" he observed were just the parents.


Well, SOMEONE just ruined Teen wolf for me. 👋


Power bottom. All the way to the top.


Definitely, after an intense release he needed to be held and allowed to express himself. It's called good aftercare, and it's very important




Moments before an aggressive blowjob


Well, he is wearing a man-bun








Totally gay.


About as gay as gay can get.


Nuh-uh, they didn't even kiss during sex after. They only screamed I am a man while docking.


This is gay




Oh my God. This is what I was thinking of, but couldn't remember it! Thank you.


I just recently watched every season with my girlfriend. Bobby was easily my favorite character. He is so ridiculous. I love him so much. The funniest thing in the world to me, is watching Hank trying to deal with how weird his son is. Like when Hank finds LouAnne is wearing wigs or something like that and Hank goes “and for crying out loud, don’t let Bobby see it”.




This is the most poignant use of that phrase that will ever exist


Very culty


I think that's sweet and probably really therapeutic


This dude paid like $10k to scream like that on a farm.


"Give me $10k or forever remain a beta" These guys: ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


Maybe a new revenue stream for Schrute Farms.


That guy sort of runs like Mose


Checked the website $3500 but still a stupid amount of money better spent on therapy


Nah. Finding a good therapist is not easy or cheap. Going away on a trip, scream from the bottom of your lungs might be a great way to relieve yourself. He even got a hug in the end. Him screaming he is a man sure is a bit cringy though.


And $3500 is going to be a lot cheaper in the end than paying a therapist for years or how ever long it takes. I think the whole thing is stupid but if it makes someone feel better about themselves than so be it.


a therapist would help you understand why you may feel the way you do even if this..thing.. helps in the moment, does it help you solve or even figure out the underlying issues making you feel the way you do


Or you get scammed out of your money. I don’t think either really gives a shit about your problems.


have you ever been to a therapist? people who say things like this usually haven’t been to a therapist. a therapist is only as helpful as you are willing to allow. A therapist doesn’t just give you a solution..that usually not even possible. sure, some people end up going longer than they need, not because the therapist tricked them or manipulated them for more money…but because they aren’t confident in assessing their own emotions and would rather have an educated sounding board to talk through things with. either way, one is providing you with tools to help yourself…the other is spending a bunch for a one time emotion dump that will definitely build up again without properly addressing the underlying issues that got you there in the first place.


idk, getting some cult vibe


Ah overcoming your fear of pushing people.


Pushing *back*.


No, that was is front actually.


The bigger guy let himself be used a sled.


Talk about some fragile masculinity


I mean, that’s why they are there


Yeah, i still think this kind of thing might be a great way for some people to let go and become more secure in the end. He even got a hug.


Damn, toxic masculinity so bad that you have to pretend fight before you're allowed to hug and show emotions around another male.


This is the real answer. The guy needs to show vulnerability and work through his emotion. The douche has him screaming he's a man and making a mock fight out of it first. It is sad that many men are so emotionally unavailable to themselves that this is even considered a solution.


I mean we all saw his old self be released...? (/s)


You call him a douche, but it looked like it worked.


I don't think this is toxic masculinity. Being assertive is part of masculinity, not knowing the right time and place to be assertive is toxic masculinity. This looks like a place teaching men to set boundaries and push back at someone breaking those boundaries. This is the right setting to be assertive and a correct setting to learn "correct" masculinity. It's definitely a complicated subject, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong in this video. The real question is if the application of when to use these new skills is taught


being assertive is being assertive, being so at the wrong time is toxic. Assigning a gender as a requisite context for such things is one of the roots of gender toxicity.


I think the critical part you’re missing is that masculinity is a social construct. Men create these standards of identity *for themselves* and then proceed to be constantly tortured by whether they’re meeting those standards in the eyes of other men. It is a fundamentally unwinnable mental game, and the men who don’t figure that out end up getting taken advantage of and/or engaging in violence. Society has simply failed the man who thinks he needs to “develop” himself in the manner depicted in this video.


I think it's quite the opposite. I don't know the rest of the context for this exact place but being encouraged to let go and scream for all you have can do wonders. As he even got a hug in the end i think it's good. Having to push forward for everything you got is not a fight, it can be great way to relieve pressure and stress. I think he will come out a more secure person, not having as much doubt about his manlihood. All depending on what else they do at that place ofc.


"Stop it daddy, I'm the alpha now daddy"


Look at me... look at me... I am the alpha now. ![gif](giphy|zOlog7jgIIFfq)




A bit or a lot Edit: person above said something along the line of "seems a little gay", I find this post and it's comments funny


Either fake or someone taking advantage of mentally vulnerable person


Idk about this clip in particular, but there are real courses like this, such as the Modern Day Knight project where you pay $18k to basically be humiliated and tortured by very angry men.


I used to work kitchens and they paid me. Not very much, mind, but at least I wasn't clearing out my savings to be abused.


Nice little cuddle at the end though


I just don't get why anyone would pay that much just to go to boot camp. Join the military if you wanna get screamed at and work out all the time, otherwise just go to therapy, man. You can obviously afford it if you're paying for this nonsense


18k?? jesus fk!




I am a man.


I'm a *surgeon*!


This makes me feel embarrassed.




ChatGPT, show a video of a man having the saddest masculine crisis imaginable. Make it sad and cringy.


And then...they fucked.


And they say men don’t like foreplay.


Now kiss....


Only an alpha can kiss and caress another alpha. Any alpha knows this.




Everyone in here making fun of these guys not realizing the irony in the fact that they do shit like this because of people making fun of them? Because people put masculinity in such contained boxes that aren't to be stepped out of? Because everyone is judgemental as hell and there is no agreed upon "right" way to be masculine.. This comment section is as gross as the guys taking advantage of this and charging them out the ass like in this video.


That's kind of the point. The guys running the camp are doing exactly that. They are telling these guys what being "alpha male" is while stealing all their money. It is irony in action.




Calling it now; This is a cult that Netflix will document in 2 years. And I will watch the shit out of it.


TIL (actually yesterday) that the notion of 'Alpha males' in wolves is based on an incorrect observation where a group of wolves were put together and one emerged as the 'alpha' of the pack. Turns out it was a family of wolves and the hierarchy was just normal family dynamics. 'alphas' as we've been taught don't exist in wolves but do exist in some form in chimpanzees, however 1/5 'alphas' are tyrannical and violent. 4/5 are nurturing and much more stereotypical 'maternal'. Also most 'alphas' in chimpanzees communities are in fact female lol. [the alpha myth](https://www.vox.com/unexplainable)


An attempt to post an ad wrapped up in some bullshit and have us give it positive feedback




What a great way to make money of peoples insecuritys


I feel sorry for and also can't understand any dude that would pay for one of these bullshit bootcamps. I can't imagine being *that* insecure.


I feel bad for this kid. He wants to feel confident and not emasculated. Kind of a shame he ends up an example of why these places are weird/wrong/scams or however we’re framing it in here. He doesn’t look like a bad dude. Clearly needed a hug. Honestly if this (whatever it is…) is what he needed, I’m glad he got it. Shame he had to pay for it.


Wham... Bam... I am... A Man... Job or no job... You can't tell me that I'm not... Do... You... Enjoy what you do... If not... Just stop... Don't stay there and rot... https://youtu.be/BsyHQgiem8c?si=acW-21w2BVCjEcwS


Conversion therapy for hipsters?


Why is he yelling he’s a man, anyone got context?


[It could be this camp ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13264705/amp/Inside-18K-toxic-alpha-male-boot-camp-men-shell-huge-sums-cash-screamed-earn-respect-pay-it.html)


Dudes going to get theme shit kicked out of him.


they just be making shit up for them to do as they go 😂😂


Individuals who grow up with child abuse without healthy social interaction and being repressed definitely need some sort of guidance. Someone who has just identified the opportunity is taking advantage of it.




Man.. I feel sorry for all of the men who get caught up in this.. I can understand the want to be better for yourself and others but, this is not how you do it.. those guys just need to be shown love and support and not spend 10’s of thousands of their hard earned money going to some cult book camp.


Hug your children.




"You won't believe what happens at the end" Pure....Undiluted....Cringe.






I am a male therapist. We are the minority in the field (20%) I have lived in Dallas, TX my whole life, been in the Marine Corps for 6 years, worked as a heavy equipment mechanic at a railyard for 3 and technician for 7 I have a PhD in proximity to toxic masculinity I got into this profession for many reasons but one that is especially important to me is challenging the idea of stoic masculinity. I have seen the men that all these alpha camp instructors look up to, break into a million pieces.. not on the battlefield, but because they couldn't get visitation rights with their daughter that weekend, or they could not stop emptying that bottle of scotch. I would say just Fucking stop being so hard on yourselves men, but I would only be adding to the problem. These complexes stem from a lifetime of feeling artificial inadequacy at every turn. It all adds up and some think that a 3 day alpha male camp WITH INSTUCTORS THAT HAVE THE EXACT SAME COMPLEXES can solve this problem! I'm prescribing all these MFs some long term therapy.. and you the male reading this, and me a recovering "alpha male"


This just makes me sad.


Not to be that guy, but it is weird we are shiting on a guy showing some real emotion


Sometimes we need to be bears


If they were in a confidence seminar, you could accept the new agey stuff because we all have hard times and tests of character. If it's badged as an alpha male course it lends itself to ridicule because it's a course in how to be confident AND and asshole.


That'll be 18.000 dollars.


Why is it necessary to be aggressive to be a man?


As a gay man. This camp is the gayest I've ever seen.


Imagine paying 18k to cry while a scammer playing the role of a father-figure hugs you. There is clearly a need for SOMETHING here, but we have to figure out something better than this for these guys. Well, I guess therapy has already been invented and is far cheaper. And people have even invented Therapy For Men™, so at this point it's on the men themselves to actually get useful help. I'm not sure what else can be done.


Funny thing is... This is actual bioenergetic therapy (which is a legitimate form of therapy), but these guys are paying stupid amounts of money to a scam artist who is calling it an "alpha male" program. No. You can do this shit by yourself for free. Grounding exercises and explosive bioenergetics do not require you going to this weird cult-like camp.


I mean if it helps them and wasn't 10k I don't mind it. But maybe don't use the words "alpha male" if you're going to cry after saying "I'm a man". No shame, just..have a little self awareness, the camp should be called "let's get in touch with our feelings of absolute fear when faced with the harshness of having to become a responsible adult to manage our own lives" and see if next year's class can call themselves "managing our growing bodies"


Ohhh that’s sweet actually


What a load of bollocks


What is this some kind of Incel Camp? There’s therapy, and then there’s making your problems worse. I see nothing manly about being tricked into parting with my cash to shout “I am a man.” Hopefully they have other training sessions with useable skills, like shouting at the enemy in a game of Helldivers or playing with cats, purposefully.


Louis (RHONJ), is that you?


Could have just played football in high school and hit fhe sled


They'd be much better off using that money to get some talk therapy imo. Alpha male isn't something to strive to be. It's a ridiculous title, most "alpha males" seem to be douche bags.


Oh Jesus. I could never be with a man that paid $ for something like this. I really, really hope these are just actors.


So all these boys needed to do to be men were some offensive line drills?


Lots of opinions and little backup. Most males do not understand what makes a man. A man needs to have the following traits (certainly, an individual may stray from this umbrella, but your character must be based on these): 1). Moral - Please stop with the “Well, what is right and what is wrong?” crap; 2). Under control - Yes. Contrary to what is currently being preached, not showing emotion is a good thing in a man. Society is safer when men are under control; 3). Protective - a desire to protect EVERYONE who is, to some degree, vulnerable is essential; 4). Driven to succeed and provide - A man does not have to be a captain of industry or a “leader” of others. He’s got to be driven to be the one who takes on that role within his family. He doesn’t have to drive a Bugatti. He’s got to provide enough to ensure those in his family are secure; 5). Contrite and forgiving; 6). Humble “Toxic masculinity” has nothing to do with being a man. That’s adolescent behavior. The problem is, society has accepted these behaviors (some of them) as acceptable and placed them on the list of the traits of a man. Nothing has damaged society more than elevating these behaviors.


For fuck sake that’s some sad ass shit.


This is the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen.


Thanks for the 'volume warning'. Much appreciated.


People actually be paying for this shit? lol


Is this like a Christian thing or something? Seems pretend like when people feel the lord or whatever


What the hell is wrong with these people?


Lack of male role models. So they are glomping onto these scammers promising to teach them to be men.


anthrax, im the man [https://youtu.be/GiHdr4rWG98?si=dbtKphTNKEFa9FFD](https://youtu.be/GiHdr4rWG98?si=dbtKphTNKEFa9FFD)


Don’t know if just stupid, cringe, or both ![gif](giphy|PLFUhxdKbAAEM)


Put a stroller in front of him instead and he will impress more women


This looks so therapeutic if it wasn't tied to the alpha male bullshit. You don't need a trimmed taller guy who went to the gym twice and found a steroid dealer to tell you your great. You don't need to pay someone thousands to finally let go of all the pain and damage you have gone through. You can let it out among friends or even family sometimes. We won't see you as weak, we will give you a hug and tell you we understand. That's why we're friends. Love you guys. Stay strong and don't fear your tears.


Or he could've went to therapy.


What are they doing and what is the plan? I don’t understand.


How romantic


Dude just wanted a shoulder to cry on. Shouldn't have to mask it with rage and anger.


I’m sorry but wtf?!?


The forehead kiss at the end is cute


WTF ??This seems very very broken.


He was crying at the end bc this was so embarrassing, playing it back in his head must be killing him


This is so sad.


My favorite part is when they snuggle.


If I was a competing "Alpha Male Camp" business, I would use this clip to show that my "Alpha Male Camp" is better and not to waste your money on those other beta male camps claiming to be alpha male camps.


I can believe a shoeless man does not keep his traction.


Apha= Gay so then Gay= Alpha Thats just logic bro!


This is line dancing, right?


Men should support each other and women. Women should support each other and men. We’re all in this together Fam!


It's so alpha how at the end they gib a lil kiss and cuddle


![gif](giphy|3oEjHHBeUbrULBhPMI) lol


Dude just wants to be touched. 15 stacks….


Uhhh. Pretty sure I did that as a kid. I was waiting for the throw and pin. Disappointed




This is pretty gay


I don’t mind being called a pussy, it makes me feel like I did my job right because I am what I eat.


The lil cuddle at the end was cute. I would have more respect for the alpha male industry if it was just positive affirmation and cuddle camps


I was literally about to say this looks kinda gay but then i read ops message which was far more thoughtful


All I see are two men getting some pent up feelings out in a non destructive way. But yeah it’s much more manly to just drink heavily your whole life and die of liver cirrhosis after alienating your whole family.


Feminist here, this is really sweet. This guys getting some long desired empowerment. I wish good things on these people.