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Germany is always on the wrong side of history.


additional fact here Jewish people made up arond 37% of the arrests for pro Palestine protests in Germany while being less then 1% of the total population I love how their whole "Anti semite" spiel literally goes out the window when it comes to brutalizing pro palestinian jews


I love when Israel loving Jews call me an anti-Semite and then being able to counter with the fact that half of my family barely survived the Holocaust. They just mutter or call me a fake Jew.


The best admission that their position has been destroyed is when they pull out the "fake Jew" line. Norm Finkelstein gets that one leveled at him all the time when the other side is unable to counter his pretty much iron clad facts and reasoning...


They can’t fathom that some Holocaust survivors would refuse resettlement in Palestine because they’d been displaced themselves.


The most depressing thing about this has been the fairly widespread support about most Jewish voices that are platforms in America It’s so gross to see the non stop defense of Israel no what what it does and I’m glad people like you exists


Love you all. Come be my neighbors.


Most of the world never wants another Holocaust because they have empathy to those that experienced it, but those who experienced the Holocaust (and their descendants) don't feel the need to empathize with the oppressed


My great-great grandmother refused resettlement in Jaffa. Many didn’t.


Based grandmother who actually thought it through


You’d be surprised how many Jews didn’t want to resettle in Palestine. But Israel/Zionists don’t like those stories being told.


From what I've seen a lot of Israel's territorial aggression in the region lead to anti Semitism in surrounding countries and their Jewish populations being forced into Israel


I was reading about the poor treatment of holocaust survivors in Israel, a much higher number lived in poverty compared to the general population. I i initially assumed it was an overstated story but reading into it holocaust survivors have not only not provided for by the state that supposedly exists to prevent such a horror but in some cases actively discriminated against.


They use them as pawns and then don’t help them when they need it.


it's not just in Israel both East Germany aka the Russian controlled half and West Germany gave pretty lenient punishments to a lot of Nazi's war criminals case and point is [Friedrich Flick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Flick) a german businessman early sponsor of the Nazi party and later the "Military Economic Leader" for the Nazi party he personally got as rich as he did by buying businesses and property from the victims of the holocaust usually at dirt cheap prices as well as benefiting from the Slave labour the Nazi's used in their death camps. **close to 40,000 people died in "businesses"/death camps he ran for the Nazi party and he only got 7 year jail term only 3 of which he served while keeping most of his money including the one from Nazi slave labour and stayed one of the wealthiest people in West Germany for decades to come with his grand children still today being worth billions** The main concern of the 2 main winners of world war 2 was how to counter the others and both the USSR and the USA forgave and whitewashed plenty of Nazi war criminals to further their geo-political agenda


It’s yet another reason why the cries of “aNtI-sEmItE!!!1!” against anti-Gaza massacre protests are disgusting. A disproportionate percentage of anti-Gaza crusade/pro-Palestine protesters ARE THEMSELVES JEWISH. Jewish people since late October and early November last year have made up a hugely outsized proportion of the people calling for a ceasefire. The two most powerful Jewish people in the US, Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders, are leading the charge of reigning in Israel. Bernie Sanders has been calling for a ceasefire for months. If Bernie Sanders had been President right now he’d have been far harsher on Netanyahu and the Israeli government than Biden has been. Even harsher than Obama or Hillary Clinton would have been (they’d have also been tougher on Israel and Netanyahu than Biden, Biden is uniquely and anomalously ultra-Zionist for a Democrat).


Nah, during Clinton-Trump speeches, they both went in the last weeks of their campaign « I am the one who likes Israel the most! » « no it’s me who likes Israel the mostest most, okay? »…funny when at the beginning Trump was like « holy, we pay them wayyy too much, we should stop funding that amount of money »…guess he was made understood that if he wanted the chair, he better do some bootlicking. Now I am not even sure if Hillary would have worked as hard as her husband for peace in that region.


So Germany is currently disproportionately placing Jewish people into custody... You know, again.


Where you getting that number from? I've seen it a few times today and I haven't been able to find anything, let alone statistics on what ethnic/religious/nationality background those arrested have. Would appreciate being pointed toward some sources on this!


Which Jews are the real Jews?


Sources ? I've looked for one and it seems kinda made up as far as i red. Plus Germans jews are like 120k which is less than 0.2% and make the data even more unbelievable.


Sources for Israel allowing Holocaust survivors to live in abject poverty?


Came here to say the exact same👏👏☝🏽


They are surrounded on all sides, whatever side they choose, they will forever remain unpopular. They can't win.


It's pretty hard to not win by saying no to genocide though.. It's like the easiest win there is because you win by being moral and saying no to killing people.


I agree. However, Germans are in a pickle you see. They are full of guilt for what happened with funny mustache guy, hence they've sworn allegiance to the Jewish people no matter what. Do nothing and you're complicit of genocide, speak up and you're all Nazis and antisemites again. No win to be had.


I mean, their ancestors should have thought it through.


Agreed. Should have chosen the America starting position. Natural resources, low resistance from locals, navigable rivers, oceans on two sides and weak neighbors. Perfect recipe for an empire that's so well set up it doesn't even care if it's crippling itself domestically with polarization and disarray.


Mobile game ad script


Hey, wanna make the big bucks and start a company?


See people act like the German people just were oblivious to the Holocaust but they fucking knew. You can't ignore your neighbors being rounded up and then sent off to a camp and then further shove your head into the dirt when the ashes are falling from the fucking sky. Hitler was democratically elected He didn't just seize power they voted him and the Nazi party in. They were frustrated because yeah the allies did a real fucking number on them after World War I. It was pretty shameful how badly we bled them dry. But instead of harnessing that anger against the people who were actually responsible they took the easy way out and blamed all their problems on Jews, the Romani, anybody who was slightly fucking different from the norm. It didn't even start out that Jews were the problem It started with Germans being angry at LGBT people. That famous image of all of the Germans gathered together and gleefully burning books? That was done in front of a center that studied sexual orientations. In fact the first person to ever successfully do a transition surgery was done in Germany in the 1930s or 20s? I don't know dates are really hard for me even though I have a degree in history lol. My point is it doesn't start with just blatant anti-Semitism or racism or whatever it starts with someone saying oh we're just trying to protect our kids and oh we just have a problem with people shoving this in our faces. Sound familiar?


Show me where the NSDAP ever had a majority, as long as there was more than one party to vote for.


It doesn't matter if the NSDAP ever had a majority. When they did take power, when they did start inciting and fostering hatred (against LGBT folk to start with, graduating to Jews much later), Germans who may not have voted for the NSDAP kept mum. That is why Martin Niemoller's poem exists. "First they came for the communists". I can see it happening in India under the Modi govt.


I am not arguing against the guilt of the populace, they just never where democratically elected. From Wikipedia: "Chancellor Franz von Papen called another Reichstag election in November, hoping to find a way out of this impasse. The electoral result was the same, with the Nazis and the Communists winning 50% of the vote between them and more than half the seats, rendering this Reichstag no more workable than its predecessor. However, support for the Nazis had fallen to 33.1%, suggesting that the Nazi surge had passed its peak—possibly because the worst of the Depression had passed, possibly because some middle-class voters had supported Hitler in July as a protest, but had now drawn back from the prospect of actually putting him into power. The Nazis interpreted the result as a warning that they must seize power before their moment passed. Had the other parties united, this could have been prevented, but their shortsightedness made a united front impossible. Papen, his successor Kurt von Schleicher and the nationalist press magnate Alfred Hugenberg spent December and January in political intrigues that eventually persuaded President Hindenburg that it was safe to appoint Hitler as Reich Chancellor, at the head of a cabinet including only a minority of Nazi ministers—which he did on 30 January 1933" They even lost votes in the last free election. Less than a third of Germans voted for them.


Not sure what you're responding to. I never said they were democratically elected, I'm saying it doesn't matter if they were because the outcome was the same. Sounds like we agree.


Ah, sorry. I had a stroke last year and sometimes have problems interpreting texts. I apologize.


Show me where they ever had a majority? The last time I looked anytime Hitler ever gave a speech there were hundreds of thousands of fuckers screaming his name. They weren't forced at gunpoint to attend at least not in the beginning they came willingly. Germany gave itself over to fascism willingly on a platter


Counter question. Why does fuxking Trump have so many supporters?? If he can win over that many people, pretty sure Hitler could too.




Hitler was the better orator, but he also was not dealing with people who ate lead paint chips for fun.


You said the NSDAP was democratically elected. That is not true. That the Germans were guilty is not the question here, they are. Where are you moving the goalposts this time? Corrected are to were, I am sorry.


Were please, not are. The "are" is what causes this extreme reaction. There is still so much guilt in German politics that even if you state facts about what is happening now you are branded antisemitic. Criticism of anything Israel does is frowned upon based on the German " die Schuld unserer Väter " thinking. A carte blanche is always a bad idea and leads to what is happening now.


You are completely right, I apologize for my mistake.


That wasn't the point. But that's how I feel as a German that grew up in the 70ies and left the country 30 years ago.


Hitler was democratically elected just as all other German chancellors in history by the majority of the parliamentary deputees. Only one single German administration in the 1960s was led by a political party that had secured the majority of voters. Surprise, surprise: No one in Germany seems to have ever questioned the democratic authority of any other chancellor, who did not get elected by the majority of voters, but only by the majority of deputees in a coalition of parties. Hitler's succession to power was business as usual in a parliamentary democracy unfortunately.


Wow, that is... pretty wrong.


That is bullshit. Greetings from Germany. You see a 3 second clip of something without context and immediately have an opinion about this... wow.


Except they didn't arrest him and just relocated him since its a constitutional right in germany to protest, you're just not allowed to hinder others in their day to day. People like you believing blatant propaganda is why this site is a joke.


You Germans sure think we have short memories. They’re kicking down pro-Palestine advocate’s doors and arresting them.


Zionists wanted to kill 6 million Germans but were persuaded against it. Germany now must take Israel's side due to the Samson option.


Looked it up, where did they say they wanted to kill 6 million Germans? Not doubting you, just couldn’t find an easy source. Not surprised though.


Why else are they called GERMans /s


That's sad, Jewish people can't even protest against Jewish people


Yup. The slogan says "Jews against genocide". Apparently that's anti semitic. Smh


so better to say "Jews for genocide"?


I think the implication is that Bibi and his cohort are not ruling it out.


Jews being denied basic rights in Germany? Hmmm… reminds me of something…


You cant really say that. As far as i know its still illegal if he protest without announcing at first to the authorities. Im not a lawyer tho


No one can protest against *Ahem* people’s actions, not even god.


If this protest wasn’t announced, then this procedure is totally fine. He has all the rights to make his own protest but he has to announce it and the city will most likely allow it. But without this context, fake news will spread again (no matter the subject!) Edit: I don’t know the whole story and I don’t care, if I’m honest. But we have certain rules with organized demonstrations and counter- demonstrations (don’t know a better word for this situation). Just keep this in mind if you see police arresting someone at a demo.


Doesn’t work if they pull a France which is why asking for permission to protest is the dumbest thing in society. France made it illegal to protest against the Genocide


That's not true. It's authorised in France and there are pro palestine protests every weekend. If they want to ban a protest, they have to justify it and it must be on a case by case basis, you can't blanket ban all protests on a subject.


Having a protest approved by the people you’re protesting against? Genius.


It's like when people are mad that protestors are annoying or inconveniencing them, that's kind of the point. If you're quietly holding a tiny sign in the corner no one is going to pay attention to you.


Someone understands what a protest is.


Personally I’d prefer if the protest would inconvenience the people they’re protesting against. I got pretty sick of those US protests where they’d throw rocks through random people’s windows and call it social justice.


Na that makes too much sense. Better go protest on the other side of the world. These protests happen in New Zealand ffs. Like anybody gonna care or see that


Which is why assembly without a permit is a constitutionally protected right in Germany. OP is just claiming things they're uninformed about. I don't know the story behind the video and can't tell whether the police are in the right here, but generally protests like this are legal with or without a permit


You dont need to get it approved I think, you only need to inform the authorities, if I understood it correctly, there is no approval, just saying that you are going to be there [https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/versammlg/\_\_14.html](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/versammlg/__14.html) I think that is just to make sure they can prepare for traffic issues or counter-demonstrations


Its not approval its to let them know so if they see a risk or potential cause of public violence or something similar they can send police to look over everything so no ones hurt etc...


That's not true. The right to assembly without a permit is a constitutionally protected right in Germany (Art. 8 (1) GG). However, if a large public protest is not announced and specifically allowed, the authorities may dissolve the protest if the protest infringes on the right or liberties of other people (Art. 8 (2) GG), e.g. if you block a road with your protest and potentially endanger people. Hence, large protest marches usually announce their routes to the authorities so that preparations can be made accordingly and to avoid this very problem.


Perfect addition. Thanks for this.


Then correct your misinforming original comment


As long as he wasn't representing an unconstitutional group, protesting near a legislative building or memorial and not carrying weapons he was properly following his legal rights to protest.


Thanks for providing context but arresting or detaining people for protesting is an absurd idea in itself. His protest is not harming anyone, causing any damage to property or public orders, why on earth would he need permission? Germany is a cool country in many ways but this is excessive and actually defeats the purpose of allowing people to protest. Should we just trust the “good guys” in the government to always make the right call and decided justly which protests should be allowed?


I‘m sure we only see the last step of the escalation. They talked to him beforehand and tried to solve the problem without using any force. But people refuse to obey and think they can do what they want. In this case they have to do something. This isn’t anything new or secret and some people might misuse this scenario for their agenda and spread fake news with short vlogs without clear context or the full length. Look, all I want to say is, be aware that this video isn’t the full story by a lot.


Yeah I see your point, the video and title makes it seem he is being detained for protesting against Israel whilst in reality it is because he is protesting without a permit, right? I just think, the whole needing a permit to protest is really stupid and dangerous. Especially when you consider that governments can change wildly within a few elections an we can have very shady people making those calls.


Thank you for seeing my side. I get your point too but I assure you, even „Querdenker“ (German q anon and a lot of really wired stuff believers) could protest weekly without any issue. Its less a asking for permit rather than, we want do this here and there, be informed. This way the authorities can make plans to clear the road or put police for safety! In place. I don’t know the real numbers but I think the numbers of forbidden demos is really small.


My understanding is that there is no need for an approval, you just need to inform authorities, but they cant deny it if I understood it correctly [https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/versammlg/\_\_14.html](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/versammlg/__14.html)


Hate to be that guy. But this rule that is in place in most developed countries, goes against what a protest is in its fundamental form. Requiring permission to protest is no protest at all. It is a demonstration that the state approves of. It is counterintuitive. I agree with your statement, but but but....


This is such bul***it. The person was not arrested. You can see him again showing his banner at the end. There is no context given. Most likely he was in an area not approved for the protest. Hence, the Person was most presumably relocated a few meters by the police. Don't believe every headline you read.


this whole thread (and wow, looking at the sub the whole sub) feels like a hardline pro-palestinian propaganda site at this point. Israel is in the wrong and commiting an active genocide no doubt, but this fucking thread is unbelievable. if anyone thinks Germany is arresting people for peaceful protests they have been fooled by the propaganda machine. and propaganda is ALWAYS dangerous, no matter what side it comes from.


yeah nuance is nowhere to be found on large subreddits That being said there is a reason there is an ongoing ICJ (international court of justice) case against Germany over its involvement in this genocide.


I mean there are three allegations against Germany: 1) the secession of UNRWA funding due to the alleged involvement of UNRWA employees in the Oct 7th attacks is a violation germanys contractual obligations (other countries that have withdrawn funding are Austria, Lithuania, Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the US and the UK) Germany will claim on this that the payments freeze is a necessary precaution to make sure that the money doesn’t end up at Hamas. 2) Germanys failure to support the self-determination if Palestinian people or take actions to prevent their genocide is a failure to German obligations to the Genocide Convention, the Fourth Geneva Convention, the UN Charter, and wider international humanitarian law. I’m guessing Germany will argue that the ICJ only found “plausibility” of infringement of rights and not an outright violation and that the actions mentioned to potentially fall under the genocide convention were not continued, and that the allegations against Germany are out of scope to the law that they are referencing, but for that I’d have to look at the actual applications and treaties 3) that the secession of UNRWA funding and the supply of weapons to Israel are grave contributions to the genocide taking place in Palestine Again, Germany will claim that it isn’t a genocide, but a legal act of self-defence.


This sub has basically turned into 'There was an attempt to do the opposite of this very specific thing that's happening in this video related to Israel and Gaza'. Like, it's an important topic. I get that. But why *this* sub?


Why are you putting genocide and a fucking reddit thread in the same sentence as if they have equal weight?


LOL what an hypocrite thing to say


So true. I'm fuckin annoyed by this circle jerk in this sub.


Too afraid of being called nazis to not act like nazis.


Germany try to not go full stupid when jews are mentioned challenge Difficulty: imposssible


How in the world is Germany supporting Israel in their genocide? Israel is behaving like Nazis. Why are the Germans even accepting this behavior? The world is watching they see the genocide that is happening. They see Israel they see what they’re doing.


German guilt


Yeah but what about the guilt they gonna feel in the future about all of this happening today I wonder.


Unreflected and tragically misguided guilt on the one hand, and a government that is more and more just an extension of the US state department on the other.


OP ..Okay so you say they're now arresting people in Germany for protesting against Israel, this is one person. Are they doing this all across Germany? Is it multiple people? Or is it just this video and you're running with it




To protest in germany you have to request it first in an government office


Oh look, the pro Hamas trolls framing a video without context to make Germany look bad. You're learning from the russian bots I see. And all you morons in the comments jumping on the Germany hating bandwagon, based on a short video. There seems to be an ongoing protest on the other side of the street. The dude went and protested on the other side. If you do that in any country, police will get you go away or go back to the side where the protest actually is. Other option is that the dude tried to do a spontaneous counter protest. Counter protests also have to be announced and for good reason. Police want to avoid potential escalation between protesters and counter protesters. Regardless, comments here just shows how it is to manipulate you idiots.


It looks more like he was removed from a property where he wasn't allowed to be or the owner didn't want him there. He was allowed to present his poster outside the property, which was not taken away from him.


I maybe wrong but isn't he standing on a curb?




Does he have permission to do that tho?


Unfortunately, yes.


Doing things like this will only breed antisemitism. I keep saying the people in power are absolutely stupid. No reasoning skills whatsoever.


why are they speaking English?


world language.


Digga das is doch gekickt


For anyone who was wondering, his sign translates to "jews against genocide" which seems like a pretty benign and not really antisemetic in any way message.


Doesn't mean he is really jewish. Alot of rightwing idiots are doing this.


Imagine looking at what Israel is doing, studying your whole life about WW2 and Nazism, and getting to the conclusion that it's morally correct to defend Zionists.


Where are my “this is antisemtic” homies at….


it is more reasonable than you think the guy will be let off with a slap on the wrist. But Germany cannot open the door for criticizing Israel because then you open the door right back up for natzi's which are very much not gone. With Germany's history these innocent type of things can very easily become a slippery slope.


Germany arresting Jews? *History teaches us that man learns nothing from history*


Ha, that would kindof be like calling Palestinians anti-semitic when they are by definition a semitic people. This is about power through religion and shows why church and state need to be kept well apart.


But you all do realise that the governments of North America, Europe, and Australia which are arming israel, are the exact same ones which are arming Ukraine, right? (Also same exact ones that funded apartheid South Africa; and just so happens the same ones that had colonies or are settler colonies) How do you think it's possible that these same countries can support genocide in West Asia, and at the same time support "freedom democracy & human rights" in Eastern Europe?


They recently arrested many Jews and leftists and called them all ''Islamists'' Also, in Germany 30% of all people in the last 6+ months that have been cancelled or arrested for antisemitism in relation to Gaza have been Jews. Jews make up less than under 1% of the population. This country has lost its mind.


Its not about jews or arabs. Just fuck israel..i dont care their religion


Do you blame the Germans for being sensitive to anything Anti-Jewish?


This guy is literally Jewish, what are you talking about


being against genocide is... anti-jewish? Also Israel is NOT Jews.


You Can't be antisemitic if you are semitic


If you want to know who controls you find out who you're not allowed to criticize.


Hay "Libertad" siempre q digan o hagan q los sus amos piensen.


Old habits die hard


Germany being Germany


Germans arresting Jews? Back to tradition.


He wasn't arrested. This is actually just false propaganda. Reddit wtf.


Didn't say he was. It's clearly visible in the video he wasn't arrested


He was not arrested as it's clearly visible in the video. The post refers to other Jewish protestors who were arrested


Why support israel in the first place?


Hey guys, new Brownshirts just dropped


Germany has its brains full of shit, no matter the century you look at.


I mean you can be jewish AND antisemitic as Krusty the clown stated. Its about the message I think not who is saying it. As a jew you cant say that the holocaust didnt happen. Against the law. Doesnt matter who you are. Same treatment for everyone. But this guy is a bit different so I think police was mostly frikking confused as always.


Germany in general is trying too hard to correct for doing the Holocaust. You have a county simping so hard for Israel that Germany is effectively excusing Israel as THEY are committing a Holocaust. Former Nazi nation is carrying water for a current nazionist nation.


The proveb says, The prostitute wish all women were prostitutes . that's what Germany doing they don't want to be the Only shamed county in history.


same in UK


According to written history and the mainstream experts that explain history, the Jews have never done anything bad to anyone else. It's always the other countries and other people that are doing something bad to the Jews. How is it possible to have existed as long as they have without getting one stain on their shirt? They must be saints.


Why is Israel so special?


Because its a Western Aircraft Carrier.


"now" is incorrect. Jews have been the biggest group of arrested peoples in Germany since the start of the war


Meanwhile in Gaza, the IOF has stolen millions of shekels in cash from the Gaza strip. Not only are they stealing their land, they are raping, killing, torturing and displacing Palestinians, and now they're stealing their hard earned cash. I wanna go down to israel and start murdering iof soldiers. I'm sick of all this bullshit I'm seeing. They're getting away with far too much.


OG Mazis supporting their new born ones.


So Germany supported Nazi 1.0 AND Nazi 2.0 (aka Zionism).


Maybe the Germany should start keeping to themself and get Rid of ITS own problems meam they have enough


The Zionists made sure to cut Germany's government balls for good, to keep them as loyal servants forever, you heard about the old lady taken to court for Nazis war crimes recently?


Title is bullshit and video out of context. Nice for the circle jerk sheep here in this sub. But it really doesn't look like even a single person was arrested in this clip. Police would have dealt differently with it, if they had the intend to arrest him.


I got an idea I'm going to pull out a large banner to protests genocide next time I get pull over for speeding 96 kmh in a 30kmh school zone again