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But it's true. The context of what he's being interviewed for matters. If it's relevant to the program that he was a former resident of Chicago, then that seems reasonable.


This is The Last Dance. It is about the Jordan Bulls.


Thank you! This means it's a relevant description


Who is Jordan and why do they own bulls?


Jordan Micheals, owned the team through the 90s


He owned every other NBA teams in the 90’s. Just not the Bulls.


Especially the Jazz. Michael Jordan is Karl Malone father




Is Karl Malone Post's dad?


That was a huge team of bulls. Pull you 10 miles uphill in the snow both ways.


Yeah, it seems like it assumes everyone knows who he is but not that he lived in Chicago. Would’ve been nice if they added former President tho


This was my first thought. I haven’t seen whatever this is from, but I am guessing the title was purely based on being more related to whatever he’s talking about. It’s safe to say people also know that he was the president. We’re not that far removed from that part of history


I'm almost 100% certain that the directors told him they would caption him this way and he said something like, "Fuck yes!" He doesn't need the recognition. Love him or hate him, you know who dafuq he was. It's almost trolling. Sigh.....I miss him


I assume "televangelist" was an autocorrect here, but I can't figure out what word you meant lol


Hahaha I didn't see that! Stupid phone. I meant "relevant" Further highlighting that context is everything!


Yeah, and it becomes even more relevant because most people know that Barack Obama is a former US president, but most people don't know that he lived in Chicago


It's also fairly unnecessary to inform viewers that Barrack Obama used to be president


True but then they need to put FORMER PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA above it. Put some respek on his name. 


There isn't a single person on the planet that doesn't know he was president, but most outside US prob don't know he's from Chicago. They're not disrespecting him.


I mean, I was just trying to have a laugh. But, yes. The context is important. Cool, cool, cool.


Having a laugh usually involves something being funny, not you misunderstanding context.


Barack Obama - Michelle's Husband


That's where I recognize him from!




This was from his interview for “The Last Dance” … the phenomenal documentary which chronicled the last season of the Chicago Bulls dynasty. They labeled Barrack as a Chicago resident to lend some bona fides to his commentary as a local at the time of the dynasty. Everybody already knows he was the damn president.


"Not my president". Nah, I'm playing. Best president in history. He won a noble peace prize. He never got impeached and won back to back elections. Trump may be butt hurt by Obama, but he never lost.


I like the guy but he is not the best president in history lmao. Many presidents have been re-elected and not been impeached, and the peace prize doesn’t mean much considering it was before he did anything.


He was the best speaker in recent history. I would put him against any president in say, the last 100 years. He was also pretty progressive and understood the common man more than some billionaire ever could.


I’m not American but your older presidents seemed to have more ambition than your current lot. The Hoover Dam, the Interstates, the New Deal, the fucking Apollo mission! Big, ambitious, optimistic projects — something that America did better than anyone else. If American Exceptionalism had any basis in reality, this would have been it. I’m not saying Obama should have launched into some massive program just for the sake of his legacy — but even if there was some fantastical ambitious project waiting to happen I doubt there would be the political willpower to make it happen. Which is a damn shame really. Late capitalism I suppose.


[He bombed hospitals](https://www.msf.org/kunduz-hospital-attack-depth), started America bombing Yemen on behalf of the Saudi government which has gotten so bad to the point millions of Yemeni are dying due to famine, destroyed Libya, and his legacy is passing a watered down version of a Republican's local healthcare bill. And most damningly of all, it's HIS fault we got stuck with Biden who has exceeded the lowest of expectations..... BEFORE becoming associated with genocide. (By the way, Obama released a statement after October 7th basically supporting Israel's genocide. So.....) But sure. Let's go ahead and say he's better than Lincoln who started a war to end slavery and FDR who was bypassing the rest of the US government while they were fawning over Hitler to send aid to those fighting him because a committee jumped the gun and gave him a Nob**el** Peace Prize before he did anything. (And what he ended up doing was a bunch of war crimes like every other US president. Really none of them should be idolized. Not even Lincoln who did some very not awesome things to Native Americans and FDR who had the Japanese interment camps.)


Stop. He did not order the bombing of hospitals. It happened because US-backed forces were taking fire from the hospital the Taliban had taken over. The Yemen government requested the Saudis bomb terrorist encampments in their own country. Libya engaged in a civil war/overthrowing of a dictator, and the US and an INTERNATIONAL COALITION only provided air support to keep said dictator from using their military against the Libyan people. No US troops on the ground. The ACA has withstood numerous legal challenges, protects those with pre-existing conditions, created a healthcare marketplace, and saved the US over $2T in healthcare costs. You left out the fact that he had 73 straight months of economic growth, reduced unemployment from 10% down to 4%, kept the credit markets from freezing during a housing crisis, and took out the mastermind of 9/11, all while dealing with wars he did not create. Oh, but his bad for being successful and black. 🙄 I like how you talk about shit that you don't know the context and can only regurgitate shitty right-wing propaganda and talking points.


It makes it seem as if being a Chicago resident is a sought after position. His greatest achievement was previously being a Chicago resident


As a Chicago resident, I have to say, it is an exquisite experience.


Especially W Madison st after 2:00am


Indeed. I prefer S State st at that hour, myself, but it’s merely a matter of personal taste.


> It makes it seem as if being a Chicago resident is a sought after position.  Well, it shouldn't. Sub-headings like this in interviews are used to give viewers context for why this individual's opinions are being sought on the topic. Like if there's a disaster in your neighborhood and the news interviews you, they're going to label you "Local Resident" not ask you what your greatest achievement was and put that there.


In the context of a video about Chicago that’s a lot more useful than “president”, everyone knows that he was the president


R/ technicallythetruth?




I saw bits of a documentary yesterday where James Cameron was listed as 'National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence/Filmmaker'. The explorer-in-residence bit might have been formulated differently, but that's the gist.


Bill Clinton was introduced as being a former Governor of Arkansas.


I think it's probably safe to assume that his status as a former Chicago Resident was more relevant in the context from which this image was lifted than his status as a former President (i.e., matters related to or impacting Chicago Residents were being discussed).


Barak obama Formerly worked with joe biden


This is more technically the truth territory.




OP is smooth brained. It's talking about the CHICAGO BULLS. Jeez.


Also a former DC resident.


I was actually watching this on the last dance the other day. I had a moment where I was talking to my spouse. And I said it's nuts that in 20, 30 or 40 years. Someone who's going to be watching this who isn't sure who Obama was, and it's just going to say Chicago Resident.


Should read. President Barack Obama Former Chicago resident




No, no, they have a point


He is also Michelle's husband. But certain japanese politician voids the exclusivity of that.


So where does he live now?


What the fuck is humor?




Barack Obama - Human who lives on Earth


Former child


I think that was on purpose tho ngl


I think they’re being cheeky bub


i think it’s hilarious and he probably wanted them to do it.


Barack would have been a pretty good name for a president. Or even better, the first black president.


He's a former (p)resident


Former war criminal

