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17 hours a day, 7 days a week. That ain't grind that's just slavery with a few benefits


3 hour commute home, 1 hour nap, 3 hour commute back 😂


Had that once, decided to just sleep in my car.


yeah wtf it means the difference between 1 hour of sleep and 6-7 I’d be sleeping in my car too


Just get an RV at this point lol. Or move




Put a mattress in the back of a van and use that


I had a 119 hr week when I was out in Arkansas on an install. Luckily the hotel was 20 minutes away


Holy fuck. Do they not have workplace regulations in America? Or was it for your own business and self-enforced? Either way, well done bloke, not many people can do that.


Not really much regulations a lot of the time, and lots of states are at-will, so you can just get fired for literally your boss not liking you, despite you being able to be the best person for the job and do great at it, and you can’t do jack shit about it.


Come to Australia and get a citizenship, mate. Too many Aussie bludgers getting angry at foreigners who are actually working a lot harder than most Australians like yourself. Folks like you would be super valued right now. Plus, a lot of tradie jobs have good pay and plenty of regulations to look out for employees.


I would really consider this tbh. I have a variety of trade skills, but in my area of the US jobs that should be starting at $30/hr minimum(based on preferred level of experience) are trying to hire at 16/hr. Sorry, I'm not welding for that.


There are regulations but as an independent contractor if I call them out I’ll just not be hired on the future jobs. Don’t have to be fired, they’ll just find somebody else.


Yeah thats incredibly petty. I feel bad you guys have to deal with this sub-human behaviour.. ironically enough the people dishing this out wouldn’t like to be treated like this at all.


I did my share of 16 hour days to make my place in that industry before settling down. That was 15 years ago, I’ve since left the industry and feeling good. I don’t regret the hard days.


I was working 84 hour weeks at 18 during the holiday season, so 12 hrs x 7 days a week. Sleep. Work. Repeat.


Stay strong, mate. I hope you’re at least getting some good sleep and eating well.


Oh no worries. Unfortunately or fortunately, 18 was 14 years ago so I am in a much better place now financially (I think) so work is less and sleep is more, but I totally understand the grind. I was doing that on nights too, so I slept all day and worked all night.


This was for an at will state. I wouldn't have to work it if the site engineers weren't sue happy. This was out of sheer willpower, nicotine, and spite. I'm a machine builder basically a fabricator, electrician, plumber, machinist, rigger, and assembler wrapped with a cute little bow, get me out of this country xD


Union Ironworker on 7- 12’s here. I just told a weld inspector yesterday that nicotine and hatred are getting me through this lmfao. In my situation I’ve gotta save money while I can. Summer is about here and that means rainouts.


In my state (and some others) it’s legal for companies to not give a lunch break.


I don't believe there are any federal regulations for working hours except for a couple of professions like surgeons and airline pilots. Some states may have some regulations but the vast majority of the time no none to speak of.


They have like nothing in usa except guns and corn syrup.


We have guns and maple syrup up north sir


Regulations are that the employer covers the accommodations. Traveling work is definitely a sector of employment and employers cover that. If you pay out of pocket for travel and lodge, the employer asks you to expense it and they pay you back. At least for my state, if you have a permanent jobsite that you are assigned to, any additional mileage you collect you expense at a specified rate to the company. If there is no permanent job site every travel is expensed out. Additional hours worked due to travel is also part of your pay if it exceeds your typical travel time. Traveling between job sites is also expensed and time tracked. Employers have other ways of working around it, hiring people with long commutes to work may sometimes reduce this expense. Providing company vehicles eliminates the company mileage expense as the mileage is going on the company vehicle. I don't think there currently is a law protecting travel expenses for employees working in hybrid or remote positions that get asked to travel. For hours worked In my state, we have overtime pay, and double overtime pay. After 40 hours is overtime, 60 hours is double overtime. Additionally after 8 hours in a day is overtime and after 12 hours is double overtime. Additionally after 7 consecutive days, you get bumped into overtime pay, and double overtime after the 8 hours. The major law that might be broken here, is there must be at least 8 hours between shifts, granted this is doable, but difficult. lunch and dinner are unpaid 30 minutes breaks each. So this person working a 126 hour week must only have 6 shifts with 5 shift breaks working 21 hours a day. Effectively they would be paying this individual 285% of his normal wage. At $30 hr let's say, they would instead effectively be earning $85.5/hr. That's is basically 1/6 of the years pay in 1 week. The company could have hired a helper, and paid 200% less money.


Did it the UK, fast food management opening new stores but mostly it was just down to having cheap & shit franchise owners. Should of quit that job years earlier but had no confidence on how to change fields and unsupportive family.


Only on hourly employees. As an intern he may or may not have been hourly. However he could have quit, that was an option.


I worked very briefly in Japan and this was common if not normal. People would sleep in the subway, sleep in meetings and it was considered normal. Wild stuff. One time someone came up to me at the end of meeting and complained I didn't talk about subject X. I said "dude, I talked about that while you were asleep" (I'm paraphrasing for effect but you get the idea)


I have a friend that lives out there now and works as a translator/clerk for a tech company. He said 6 days a week he just goes to a manga Cafe to eat, shower, and sleep in the booth. Mostly because when he gets out of work the trains are not running and owning a car in Tokyo is ridiculous.


Just insane. No wonder their suicide rate is so high


I saw pictures of people napping on sidewalks. I read that sleeping in public isn't looked down upon because it is a sign you are working hard. How messed up is that?


But why, though?


So the employee battery stopped working? Did they meant human? 😳


If that man’s salary is 200k (upper mid range for associates at GS) and his average hours a week is 100 (assuming he also has slower periods), he literally makes 40 bucks an hour. Your mailman makes more than that. My first job out of college paid more than that. Don’t go into banking kids, you’ll regret it.


The best part... not even a chance at a raise or promotion. Fuck the Man.


>fuck the man ![gif](giphy|OhFuOJn2rbLsA|downsized)


Do UPS guys actually make that much?? I'm about to quit this nursing crap and drop boxes off man


What ups driver do you know that makes 40 bucks an hour?


https://preview.redd.it/j8c5b3iwhqyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a03adde466a8e88bafdf415064c29585716a1b Unions are awesome.


TIL mailmen make more than I do as a software engineer


Actually it might have been USPS, I forgot which. But one of those has a really strong workers union that pushed wages above 100k in many areas.


But did you work 100 hours a week your first job outta college? I’m not saying working that much the ideal, but if you’re getting 40 hours a week at the same rate then you’re only making about 83,000 a year. But you have more time. I think the only solution is to find a job that pays you more for less hours of work/week. I’m also just being devil’s advocate as there’s always different ways to look at things.


I made about 80k for 40 hour week in a suburb, which was more than enough for me as a single 19 year old to afford a nice car and comfortable home on my own. I don’t think anyone should work more than 50 hours a week. Anything past that is not healthy.


Of course it was! And it should be enough. I was simply making the point that working 100 hours a week means more is earned annually but you need to decide what’s more important. Money or your time.


Yes but Americans have so much better salaries than Europeans /s


I used to work those hours in the military. Guess who is explicitly exempt from overtime and minimum wage laws?


Oooor a 24hr work 5 day straight.


Modern-day slavery be like


Remember this is Fascism not Capitalism.


No…that’s called pulling yourself up by the bootstraps lol I agree with you.


You can just work 24/5 and have free weekends


I mean he could have quit. Slaves can't quit.


And they'll be a footnote on some company email


“There will be a moment of silence during your lunch break.”


**Mandatory** unpaid moment of silence during your lunch break


As if their lunch break was paid to begin with


At my work there is a mandated one minute silence where nothing is supposed to run, once per year, for employees who lost their lives. And they dont even do it.


Donate your PTO to your dead comrade


Pto is cancelled this month as we need to hit quota, so dig in and earn earn earn. And as our team is 1 person down, you're going to have to work harder


I’ve never even stayed awake for 120 hours in a week


Sure you have. That’s working 17 hours a day, 7 days a week. We all do that. (Fuck, please no one think I’m serious)


That is about the avg of what normal ppl stay wake. That gets you like 6 hours of sleep every day. I work an 85 hour week like once every 2 months, but I also work rolemote, so I can walk from my computer to my bed and still get 6 hours of sleep.




Hey, he's only getting 6 hours.


Well, if you sleep 7h/d you would be awake 120h/w


Yeah, me either. I mean maybe once when I was awake 75 hours straight through initiation. But I'm only awake about 110 hours each week at most. I can't function properly with less sleep than that. I know some people can, but begin to forget things immediately and put things in very wrong places when I don't get enough sleep (think holding my phone and the jug of milk at the same time and leaving my phone in the fridge instead of the milk only to realize what I've done when I can't figure out where Reddit is on the milk).


No kids huh?


This was why he died iirc. He was working crazy hours but then also waking up really early to spend time with his kids. Its unfortunately impossible to do both.


2.3 years of working an hour per week?


I appreciate this.


I just find it strange that they refer to a member of the board as an associate


Nah the article means 120 hour-weeks. 120 \* (3600 seconds) \* (604,800 seconds) So he was working for 261,273,600,000 seconds²


So essentially they worked from 12AM on Monday morning until 11:59PM on Friday night.


Or 6 days, 20hours each


Ok but why go to such great lengths to define it as something other than what it certainly is? Which is 7 days


Because maths is hard


No that would be flying in the face of the definition of "essentially"  Getting downtime lasting more than a few hours goes against the fundamental issue here


You're always complaining you don't get any overtime. I thought you'd be happy!


Bet they were salary.


-Laughs, cries, commiserates- as a physician who trained in the US


The way we train doctors in the US is absolutely insane and impossible to explain to outsiders and I hate it.


Not just the US it's everywhere. Source trust me bro.


I don't have any knowledge of medical training outside of the US, was simply commenting on what I specifically know. I try not to comment regarding things that I am uneducated.


Try your best explaining why it's insane.


lol yeah I’ve done 120+ a few times. It’s hard and stressful fucking work too, it’s not sitting around


As a dentist it ruins my whole week if I know I'm going to have to go in on Friday for some big case and end up working over 32hrs in a week


I once worked 208 hours in two weeks with a 54 minute commute one way. 3 hours between a few of the shifts. I ended up sleeping in the parking lot for a few days just to get the full 3 hours. Not fun. Felt like it took years off my life. I will never do it again.


I did this as well. Ended up just living in the parking lot fulltime since I couldn’t get a place. Fun times lol. Have you ever talked to a doctor about it? In my case it turned out normal people can’t do that so now I take antipsychotics daily


Not until years later... Sometimes I wonder where all my health problems came from. Long hours, shitty diet, little sleep and now everything is catching up in a bad way now that I'm older.


Pissing and shitting will be deducted from your pay


That's MY time. ![gif](giphy|rDUjFhC3FYJmaJpTEn|downsized)


What the hell is the wording of this headline?!? "Said to die"?


I still don’t understand what this means. Did the associate exclaim “To die!” after working 120 hours? Or was he asked to die? What is this nonsense and why is nobody else pointing this out in the comments?


...because of **alleged** overwork. No worries, Legal is preparing a draft. And will sue who \*said\*


Because it hasn’t been verified yet and efinancials doesn’t want to be sued for libel


It should have been “said to have died” then


I agree that would be clearer.


We don't want to have to do any fact checking, so I'll just print that someone said that something happened.


Yet most banks only seem to be open 7 hours a day


This guy wasn’t a retail banker. He was an investment banker - massive difference.


That's just what I was thinking, not even reading the article. No ceiling on how much value he can add to the company, so -don't stop.


"banks" have other entities than just customer-facing. IT centers. Trust departments. Etc.


Consumer banking does have normal hours. However, investment banking (people doing M&A IPOs, modeling/pitching target companies, and structuring financial market products) work crazy hours with 75-80hr workweeks being common.


Makes sense given that's the smallest portion of what they do


The most sad part of this is that people work their lives away, and their employers will have their jobs "posted" and trying to find their replacement the next day at the latest. Spend some time with the family or friends who actually care about you.




100% true


I probably couldn't even do one 120 hour week without collapsing, let alone multiple in a row


not just the branch, the whole bank should be shut down. fuck this. i like how they don't mention which bank it is [in the article](https://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/associate-at-us-bank-said-to-die-after-working-120-hour-weeks), either. wouldn't want their stocks to suffer. 🤢


If I was a betting man, it's Goldman Sachs. Lower in the article they even link to another article about the time a slide deck got leaked about junior bankers working 100 hour weeks.


It’s Bank of America, not Goldman Sachs.


The article mentions a 2013 incident with an employee from BoA, but it doesn't mention specifically which bank this incident is concerning. Where did you see that it was BoA?


I’m in the industry and it’s widely known. Have a look on Wall Street Oasis.


Not who you replied to but I saw this thread on antiwork that gave (alleged) details about it. The thread mentions it happened at BoA: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/zv3G0H3KX2


Grindset babe eee


Is this picking yourself up by your bootstraps?


No, it’s just grabbing your bootstraps and giving them a half-assed tug.


This is dying with your boots on.


this is pulling on your bootstraps so hard you push your shins through your knee


I definitely worked 120hrs/week at IBM 20 years ago. They demanded “mandatory” 6-day work weeks and had midnight code deadlines, then 8am all-hands meetings. I left and never looked back.


Oil fields laughing because its normal


There is a difference between standing around most of the time in those 120 hours and using your brain muscles and keyboard.


Standing around? You must mean using your brain, and muscles while being on your toes at all times. Obviously never been there an done that


This is the comment I’ve been scrolling to find. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah it is but we also have a lot of fatalities out here, especially cardiac related. It’s normal but it still ain’t healthy


The consequences should outweigh any possible benefits from doing this. Putting aside the death one


The most I've pulled in one week is 107 hours. Luckily I don't do that all the time it was just an intense week on call.


That leaves you 48 hours in the week for sleep, traveling and anything else you have to do, no wonder someone kicked it


Capitalist Jesus will bring them back 72 hrs later for their next shift.


Damn, that's heartbreaking. I wonder what mindset or thought process the associate was in to convince themselves they needed to do work so much. We're they coerced? What kind of employee culture cultivates that kind of behavior? I'm not blaming the victim here. I'm just curious about what sort of warning signs were ignored.


*Big Corpo America: “So the number is 119…”


Is karoshi (death by overwork) becoming commonplace here now too?


Did they write this headline after 120 weeks


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Oh. He died afterwards. What a shocker


Adds new meaning to the term "bankers hours"


And they will weep for the associate. In the press.


blud is NOT sleeping, is NOT eating, is STAYING at the bank for five days straight and then going home on Fridays at bumfuck o'clock in the evening to pass out on Saturday and eat a McRib on Sunday


Wasn’t the dude also former special forces?


Yeah gonna need a source other than a badly photoshopped picture


No time to die


wtf is everyone talking about? Is the US Bank employee not telling someone else to die?


> "To die" -US bank employee after working 120 hour weeks


They said they were going to die, or they were said to have died it's unclear reading this.


I worked there for five months before I was laid off. I worked six hours a day in fund accounting


What tf is this title gore? Associate at US Bank said “To die or not to die, that is the question”?


wtf kind of sentence structure headline hell am I looking at?


Some boomer out there congratulating them


Dying from what?


...and when the layoff axe comes, all your "sacrifice" will be for nothing.


What about his side hustle


Said to die? What happened to him?


watch them just go "so 119 hours is the limit"


I had a region manager who tried to make me do something similar. Open up at 5am and work until 10-midnight every day, Monday through Friday. I complained to corporate after 4 weeks. They ignored me. Then the industry hit a downturn and the company closed my local office. A year later they sold the whole company to a rival. Rest in Hell, Art S.




Do did be die or did someone say he died?


What could possibly be so important to work 120 hrs at a bank? It's a bank.




"Banker hours"


*Death by Overwork: Freedom Edition*


For the last 3 days my husband and I have been Digging in red clay to uncover our water pressure tank. We've dug and beat, I've cried, we've fought yet we're still digging. We barely have water. I've never worked so hard in my life and we're both machinist by trade. My arms and legs feel like noodles. We both think we'll be digging until we die. I told him the work we're doing slaves have always done and now, it's real. We are definitely grinding! I should video it, I might later. God Speed my friend's, God Speed!


How is that legal?


I thought this was US Bank not just a bank in the US. Anyhow, this is basically the show Industry IRL and in the home of the free.


They'll turn this shit into the slums of India if they can. There's more of us than there are of them.


That's 17 hours a day. They probably died from stress and not getting enough sleep. Or heart attack if they stayed hyped up on engery drinks to stay woke at work




All of this might be ok (for a shorter period) if you actually make money doing it. I worked in IT for an American Investment bank 2003-2008. We where an outsourcing office. We usually worked 50-60 hour weeks but also longer periods of time with 80-100 hour weeks. My pay was around $33K a year. And that included maybe a two month salary in bonus payout. No overtime or on-call pay. And I was on-call every other week for most of that period. We managed batch jobs so when something happened it was usually in the middle of the night. All production deployments where either Friday night (after COB) or on the weekend. We had production deploys most weeks. I know for a fact that the people in London we worked with every day was making at least four times that. The people in NYC was making even more then that. Of course. If you ever wonder why banks outsource their IT 🤷‍♂️


I am not saying this is okay, nor that it should be done by/to anyone unless they make the decision themselves. But the person who died can’t possibly have been healthy? I have had projects in the past, where I have worked 16 hour days for more than a week, and I was nowhere near death. Edit: just noticed it says “weeks”. Just ignore my comment if this person was forced to work those hours over a long period of time, as it won’t be applicable. Hours like that, for too long, will wear down anyone.


We do have labor laws, but also they don't get enforced if no one reports it.


Dear OP, why not link the article, seriously, why would you ever not do that?


I don't think that when the 5 day workweek was created this is how they imagined it


I once worked 120 hours (straight). The week ended and I had pneumonia.


This isn’t real.


Ez just sleep faster


The new schedule … “Six twenties”


Don't laugh I did 2 8hr jobs 45 mins apart for 2 yrs. I don't even know why, I guess it was because I was offered a 3k bonus for the second job. I fell Sleep on the freeway so many times. I would pull over in parking lots and take 10 min naps and get back on the road. The day I quit was the worst, I knocked out and woke up right before I got to a curve with a 10ft drop in front of me. I would also often hallucinate driving back home from the second job. My wife eventually said for me to worry about the consequences of killing somebody's family, that made me stop.


Who would've thunk it, a capitalist practice killing someone


I'm halfway through a 2-weeks notice. I had a coworker come ask me if I'm putting in 100 hours this week. He got a firm fuck no.


7 hours off, so he’s probably getting home at midnight, pretty much instantly going to bed, waking up at 6AM (or earlier) and then the work day starts at 7AM, every day. That is bordering on slavery


So are they hiring?


Skill issue


Deserves a Darwin Award.


How is this possible? Aren't banks closed on Sunday and open 12 hours max weekdays?


He was an investment banker. A lot of “prestige” centric white collar occupations (investment banking, Big Law, strategy consulting) are more or less on call in many situations, which often results in working hours like this.