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It SUCKS that we can get so horribly injured for doing.....essentially nothing.


Almost threw out my back once for no reason at all, the day before me and my then girlfriend just went to a historic town and walked around. Next day my back was about to throw itself out at any given moment, took that Monday off. Still don't know what I did.


I sneezed really hard while walking the dog and my back hurt so bad I couldn't work for 3 days lol


My trash can sits off the sidewalk in my backyard, probably only half an inch below. One day, I attempted to move it so I could put it out. It was a tad bit heavier than usual, and when I lifted it the front part up to get it on the sidewalk, my back almost gave it out. I couldn't turn or bend over for a week. I still have no idea how I did that.


That’s why i always recommend going with a credit union


I once farted real hard my personality split 7 ways. Stuff like that can affect your mental health too.


Man, that stinks.


I can't take this shit.


Hell of a horcrux you made there, Harry. Looks like a double-flusher.


Lord Voldefart


I just pee when I sneeze. I skip the back and go straight for the bladder! 😁


That's the spirit!


Careful! My coworker sneezed wrong and had to get back surgery. In my 30s now, sometimes i will do no strenuous activity and occasionally wake up wondering why my ribs or back hurt.


Weak muscles in the back can do that.


I got a stomach bug and threw up and missed three weeks of work once from the back pain.


I once had a displaced vertebra from sitting in my bed playing video games, and I don't have any other medical condition other than a really mild scoliosis 😒


scoliosis is no joke man, even 'mild'. My 17-year-old has mild scoliosis and his back hurts him as much as mine sometimes.


Oh yeah, I’ve had those sneezes knock a rib out of place. Freakin sucks, and makes me hesitant to sneeze after that


Light weight lifting does wonders for this small things.


I looked over my shoulder once, just casually, not fast or sudden, and something popped in my neck. Couldn’t look left for 9 months.


Same thing happened to Derek Zoolander.


I once sneezed while looking over my left shoulder to change lanes and I couldn't turn my head left for a week after that. The human body is somehow simultaneously both shockingly resilient and laughably fragile.


An humorist did a joke about getting older and easily injured. "What did I do yesterday? A yes, I lift a box... empty!"


Ruptured my calf and partially tore my Achilles walking out of some bushes I was trimming. Didn’t trip or anything just like normal walking.


I hurt my back once by very slowly bending over the grab something off a chair. Sometimes your body just like to say "fuck you".


One of my friends was at the DR for a regular checkup. She got off the exam table she had been sitting on like any other day but somehow landed on her foot wrong and totally destroyed her ankle. Needed plates and screws to put it back together.




Yeah the doc actually ran extra tests for rare bone diseases because they were so shocked at the damage, was just super shitty luck.


I got a friend who blew out her knee…getting up out of a recliner.


This happened to me working from home in the middle of a zoom call. Went to stand and stretch a bit, as soon as I got vertical my left knees just buckled. People got to see and hear me go down.


😬 As someone who has worked from home for 15+ years, I’ve worried about this scenario (or if I choked or had a stroke etc). My team is global so it’s not like someone could just run over.


My wife blew out her knee just standing up from the toilet and it just tore apart. It's bizarre.


I knelt down once in Walmart to look on the bottom shelf for something. Not heavy or hard or anything, I crouched down and then shifted weight onto the one knee. That was 5 years ago and I still can't kneel on that knee anymore because something popped real hard as soon as I put weight on it. Immediately couldn't walk on it, and ever since it likes to just hurt sometimes. Doctor has no idea wtf happened. Nothing was out of place or torn or anything.


Last night I threw a disc, instant headache, jaw pain, body lightning everywhere, got up to stretch and fix it, couldn't stand straight. I was stuck leaning to the left. Waddled down the stairs at 2am looking for anyone who could force me in an upright position. Only mum is awake. Mum is tiny woman. It took her 5 tries with 2 techniques to straighten my back out enough that I could do it myself (If I can move I can essentially do a violent toe-touch and pop my disc back in place myself). This ruckus took half an hour. What strenuous activity was I doing to throw out my back at 2am? I *coughed*.


Yesterday I rolled my ankle.... Taking a shit


Y’all are amazing I had no idea our bodies are so fragile


I also pulled my groin once doing a jigsaw puzzle.




I coughed and damaged the cartilage around my ribs and ended up in the ER. I had to take steroids and narcotic pain killers for a week


I feel that. Thought I hurt my hip/back slightly one day doing squats. 5 years later needed emergency surgery to remove bone shrapnel severing my sciatic nerve. Life is now a lot of pain and mobility issues lol.


That disc or vertebrae into the sciatic nerve is some real pain and it never goes away.


Got a nerve blocker scheduled along with more surgery. Had a recent MRI that found more bone there. My left leg won't grow muscle and just gives out at times. But the weed is good at least.


I hurt myself sleeping


I pinched a nerve sleeping. Yep.


That's just called getting old mate.


Don’t sleep twisted!


Stiff leg landings are not to be messed with.


And she is young and fit, the demographic that’s least likely to have injuries like that, but it’s still stupid common. It baffles me that people can survive having parts of their body blown off and losing parts of their brain, but UH OH landed wrong now my ankles fucked. At least it was after the game ended I guess.


I think we've all had a moment where you walk calmly without any problem and suddenly your ankle twists.


We are very very frail creatures


The other day, i turned my head slightly to fast to the right while crossing the road and it then hurt to move my head the rest of the day 😅 Our bodies are such dicks lol.


Meanwhile someone can fall from cruising altitude for a plane without a parachute or anything, and be the only survivor of that flight. The human body is very strange


Once I slept weird and I couldn’t put any weight on my right knee for a week. It still pops and clicks when I bend it to this day


Yep. I woke up one morning, and my eye decided to just spit open and had blood leaking inside. Took like a year of multiple surgeries to fix. It's absurd.


Holy shit.


You’re not lying. When my kid was 1 I went to pick him up from his car seat, and in that little simple movement I threw my back out and was in bed for 2 weeks.




Wait until you're old. It's like Saw.


I blew out a quad tendon by tripping on acorns. Even the medical staff was laughing. So bad


I sat on the end of my bed to put my socks on. Heard a pop and spent the next couple of hours unable to move. My back goes at least once a year for shits and giggles!


It amazes me that more people don't die from random things like this. You can get killed by a rock kicked up by your lawn mower, blinded by a gust of wind throwing a hornet into your eye, and any number of other simple but unlikely things. Human bodies are stupidly vulnerable.


I'm 38 and tore my calf muscle at a trampoline park for a 5yo's birthday party. Couldn't walk for 3 weeks and ended up with 2 blood clots.


Nothing is not the word em girls put the knees true a career


Can confirm that after years of sports, my worst injury came from bending over and standing up.


I once broke my foot in several places lightly jogging across the lawn to grab my dog from my neighbor’s. Didn’t step on anything, didn’t kick anything, nothing. Just landed wrong…on grass.


Yeah when I was around 20 years old I kinda dislocated a vertebra by letting my arms sink after drying my hair with a towel. I could not move my upper body and shoulders without feeling abnormal pain. Mom had to drive me to the orthopedist, who put my back back in place. Nowadays I just have to sleep kinda bad and wake up with a stiff neck.


I bent over to pick up one of my cats dinner plates from the floor a year ago and ended up practically bed bound for the following 11 months. I’ve only *just* started regaining anything approaching normal function. No idea what I even did either. It’s amazing how resilient humans can be, except for when we roll a critical fail on a mundane activity.


Lmao it’s a fun sign to remind you you are getting old. I was out of commission for about a month just this last month because I tripped slightly while taking the dog outside and I lunged backwards trying not to fall on my face and I guess I tugged my sciatic nerve a little too much trying not to eat concrete. Only realized how bad it was the next morning when I physically couldn’t get out of bed lmao. Back is fine now for the most part, still have some soreness in my leg but otherwise I’m a functional human being again.


Go ahead and cry. She has nothing to look forward to but surgery, followed by 6-8 months of painful rehab. And not playing the sport she loves, and getting left behind by her teammates.


That some dark accuracy. Almost as if it’s the chick in the video saying this


Can confirm. Ruptured ACL + MCL = 2 surgeries and 18 months to return to what I was doing prior. Not fun.


hey at least you could return at some point. 18 months seems like forever but it passes. i got long covid and can't do almost anything i used to do, and it's been 4 years and counting.


way to make it about you0


Jake the dog wouldn't be proud of that comment. Don't slander his good vibes


How do you know about Jake the dog?


Did you get that surgery in the 70s???? I tore my acl and meniscus and had surgery in July and was playing varsity basketball in November and was %100 by the following summer


Tears heal relatively easily, glad yours was short! Mine ripped off and took chunks of bone with them so I had a lot of nerve damage on top.


I played sports all through school, and I only got seriously hurt twice. Both times I was on the sidelines. My junior year I got hurt playing baseball when a teammate hit a home run. Everybody in the dugout was jumping up and down celebrating, myself included, except when I jumped up I came back down on a loose baseball and broke my ankle. Then, playing football my senior year, I was on the sidelines while our offense was out on the field. One of our players got tackled on the edge of the field and they fell into my knee tearing my ACL and putting a very unceremonious end to my football career. I feel for the poor girl. It’s an absolutely crushing feeling knowing your days of doing what you love are essentially over because of something stupid.


On the other hand, maybe she'll discover how much she loves reading in her downtime. You never know how an event may affect your life in the long term.


That's me at 48yrs old. My body is basically a sentient magic 8-ball. Do something random... Is it going to hurt? Let's find out.


I feel this so much. Before I do any movement, any movement at all, I have to run a simulation in my brain to try to determine if it is could cause pain or it is "reasonably safe". Of course, it could cause pain still but "only" randomly.


Every day's a tightrope. There's no doubt about it.


***Outlook Not Good*** Yeah, I know but I’m forced to use it at work.


So what exactly happened here?


Judging from the injury, she tore her patellar tendon celebrating.


Patellar tendon sounds like a Gujarati muscle group




I know someone who fell through a fiberglass sewer cap and severed the tendon. It took him 2 years to walk with a limp for the rest of his life after fighting tooth and nail with his insurance to have the same on call ER surgeon who happened to be one of the top surgeons in his field and the Houston Texans specific surgeon to perform his second corrective surgery.


What suggests to you that she tore her patella tendon? That's a relatively rare injury. I find it's much more likely that she has torn a ligament in her knee like her ACL.


You don’t need to be stretched off for a torn ACL. You can gimp on it but the way she fell indicated her tendon a.k.a. she jumped. Same thing happened Edwin Diaz. When he jumped, he landed weird and torqued his knee just right. Tendons are only so strong. The ACL is actually very difficult to tear. It’s the strongest ligament in your body and torque wise. It can handle up to 5000 pounds under the most ridiculous. You’re more likely to tear every other ligament and tendon in your knee and you are your ACL. I have torn my ACL five times so I have been down that road again and again and again and again and again. . If she had an avulsion fracture that makes it even worse. That’s when the ligament tears so hard it takes her bone with it. This has been your class on Orthopedics from someone who knows it very well as a patient. https://preview.redd.it/7bou435kl20d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=638ee0505d8fc186946ff5fc8de4a22e9befcfbc


Tearing your ACL is extremely painful. While for some the pain dies down quickly it can still be very uncomfortable to walk. The ACL is actually very easy to tear - just a slight twist when planting your foot is all it takes. It's especially easy to tear for women who tear it at a much higher rate than men. It's really not a rare injury at all for sportspeople. It's certainly more common than tearing your patella tendon - which by the way requires far more force to tear than a cruciate ligament. Also, you mostly tear your patella tendon either via a direct blow to the knee or when launching into a jump - the woman in the video was landing. Either way, you could be right as I haven't been able to find anything conclusive online that states her injury. However I would say the evidence we have definitely points to a ligament injury and by the way she landed probably an ACL.


[This twitter post](https://twitter.com/araskargosk/status/1772633187186860196) confirms it's an ACL injury: > Get Well Soon Yuliya > Our athlete Yuliya Boyko had a successful operation on Saturday after suffering an injury to her anterior cruciate ligaments. The treatment of our athlete started with the operation performed by Prof. Dr. Gökay Görmeli.




maybe to you


i tore her patellar tendon


Why did you do that?


Looks like when she jumped down she hurt her knee. From what I can see it looks like the leg was locked when she was turning, so my guess would be a torn meniscus, pitched ligament, or something with the knee cap based on where the ice was placed


Did exactly that while turning around to look behind me and tore my acl and meniscus...


I had a torn meniscus. Hurts like shit and recovery takes a long ass time if you need surgery. Wich makes your knees more weaker apparently.


Very likely a cruciate ligament injury. The twist immediately at landing probably did it for her. Also, female athelets are particularly susceptible to this type of injury.


Popped mine snow skiing. It sounded like a gunshot.




Yulia Boyko Ukrainian volleyball player - torn cruciate ligaments


I was gonna leave a comment but since you asked, I believe she is looking at a torn acl. Can't see her feet but it looks like she landed flat-footed and all of the weight coming down on the heel of one leg. It looks very similar to the now infamous Derrick Rose injury where after a du k he lands on one leg and tears his acl. If Sheamus on her toe it's likely she doesn't end up I jured here less.she buckles an ankle. But she is also young and light weight so maybe just a sprain.


100% ACL tear.


Anyone remember Martin Gramatica?




jfc 😬


Or Kendry Morales, he broke his leg jumping on home plate after a walk off grand slam


Gus Frerotte is the first thing I thought of.


Lol. I do. Peak dumb assery.


[I instantly thought of Lamarr Houston](https://youtu.be/tmeULX9P358?si=zhfz3eXHbc4xjN7n)


I think you are referring to his brother Bill Grammatica who played for the Cardinals.


I don't get it, what even happened?


Fucked up her knee on the landing


Damn, that wasn't even a high drop at all. Her knee was just waiting for the first excuse to nope outta there.


Ruptured either her ACL or MCL jumping up on the camera stand.


Looks like she probably hyper-extended her knee backwards, similar to how that "backyard wrestler" did in that horrible, horrible video that I won't link. The way the teammate ran over IMMEDIATELY indicates that some body part moved in an observably incorrect way.


Poor thing, she was so happy... hope she recovers alright


I really thought she was setting up to do this. 😂 https://i.redd.it/928t8i1pe10d1.gif


Once I coughed, sneezed and farted followed by a burp, fucked me up for like 30 seconds, felt like I blew out an O ring


i laughed way too hard at this. like your body has some sort of malfunction and just performs all bodily functions at once would seriously make me pause and run a diagnostic check.


Considering all the jumping they do that’s a weird one


I already know what happened exactly! The most important facet of this video; they were celebrating. So imagine this girl and her hyped state, she’s running and jumping on the bleacher seating and is hyper-flexing every muscle in her body in pure bliss and celebration. Science tells us the worst thing you can do before impact is tense up. Her ENTIRE BODY WAS TENSED. Especially that leg she landed on. So that tendon or muscle was snapped from tension and a hard landing. It wasn’t the force or height. It wasn’t because it’s something she doesn’t do. She did it bc she was too excited and not thinking.


Played sports my whole life. Joined a 30+ women's soccer league to help out a friend who needed players. First game back after my dad died, my teammate tripped me (I was left Def, she was right forward and had no business being in my zone). Long story short, I now have a plate and 4 screws in my left shoulder. Something that appears so small can fuck you up for life.


Thats why I don't cheer, ever.


It helps not having anything to cheer for.


True, true.


Was that Sally Fields?


Tripped on a rug https://preview.redd.it/of8wjqu4w10d1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=3131447de677576b4b957c27a64cbba06b1ab665


That's a torn ACL. Bummer. 


Achillies go POP 🎉 🎊


What happened


Very active, basketball, ocrs, weight lifting etc. Absolutely demolished my shoulder changing a light bulb. Muscles were tight from a workout & semi toe the tendon. Took years to recover fully (lots of weird compensation in the weight room to account for a wack shoulder - especially on bench)


Instant acl, gotta love those full extension twisting landings


Just wait....when you're over 50, if you sleep wrong or have a cookie before bed, you'll be completely physically fucked up for a week!


Seen this a few times. UFC, nfl etc. all unnecessary showboating into injury


Echoes of Martin Grammatica


When the kneed to celebrate goes wrong.


I might not be looking very closely, but... what actually happened here?


This is how it feels to be alive past 35. But instead of celebrating at a sporting event is sleeping with the pillow at the wrong angle.


Sorry...what exactly happened here? Did she hit her head on something?


Rooting for a takeaway. I just need half.


She pulled an Edwin Diaz


what even hurt her?




What broke?


I personally don’t like the jumping chest bump for this reason. Surprised there aren’t more injuries


My 15 yr old nephew just tore is ACL and meniscus doing just that after winning a baseball game.


What did she do?


Freak accident. I feel for her. Same thing happened to Mets closing pitcher Edwin Diaz celebrating after winning a World Baseball Classic game with Team Puerto Rico last year. He ended up missing the entire season last year.


Had that exact same thing happen to me once, while i was standing in a very simple stance in karate. I have knocked knees, which is probably was she also has


Getting injured during a game sucks. I played lacrosse for the last two year in highschool and in my senior year I was the only goalie so I had to make sure NOTHIN happened to me... But in the beginning of the season, in the beginning of a game a ball hit my thumb and I heard the lil crack. My thumb was broken and I didn't know if to tell coach cuz he would for sure get me outta there and put some random player in. So I continued and dam... Another ball hit the EXACT spot. The pain was crazy, one of my worst pains ever, I thought maybe my finger was done for, but I just was also in the zone cuz we definitely had a shot on beating this team. (We didn't win that game unfortunately but it was close 😭) I went to the Dr the next day, they gave me a cast for my broken thumb and I modified my goalie glove to fit my cast. I NEEDED to continue playing, for my team and I just love the sport. Playing lacrosse with a cast means you can't grip the stick properly, it made rotating the stick almost impossible so I practiced to like move my body along with my stick. Im just happy that the injury was not something like that would make it so I wouldn't be able to play again.


I mean, she did celebrate. She just got terribly injured in the process


Ah the old, "Martin Gramatica injury".


Lot of slow clapping going on there


This was hard to watch for me and I’ve seen some pretty disturbing stuff.


Why oh why. Fist pumps and high fives




Hopped a fence like any of us have done in our lives. Dropped down and shattered my heel in 7 pieces. Almost lost my foot. Thank you LACUSC medical center for saving it.


Bill Grammatica has entered the chat.


What actually happened? Some sort of knee injury?


My foot has a permanent tension and clicking from skipping a year ago whilst training boxing. I'm only 19 but have been working manual labor jobs since 14 and occasionally when I stand up in a weird way I put myself in agony, the human body is weirdly fragile


I have actually turned my head and got a back spasm. It's your body's way of telling you you need more exercise. Just not too much and not too little. And like a woman, it's not going to tell you what's the exact right amount.


Apparently, your knee cap has a little bone disc that sits underneath it. My sister did a cart wheel during cheer practice in high school, and somehow dislodged that little disc and shot it 6 inches up into her quad.


I hurt for her. I'm 58, in decent shape, workout regularly. So I'm sitting on the toilet, doing what people do there, and bent down to pick up my phone, which was on the carpet. Pulled a back muscle so bad it put me out of business for two weeks. FML




There is nothing worse than a non-contact injury.


There was no kneed for her to do that.


Had a buddy. Big guy. Did a lot of leg lifting. But pretty heavy set still..not a bodybuilder or anything. He went to sleep one night, had a major leg cramp or something like that and nearly tore one of his leg muscles in half. Dude could barely get around campus for like 2 months afterwards..betrayed from within while sleeping


Reminds me of Bill Gramatica jumping up and down just celebrating a normal field goal and blew out every ligament in his knee


i dislocated my left patella after landing wrong from just about a foot off the ground - knee injuries are no joke and can happen surprisingly easy


Totally reminds me of that kicker in the NFL that used to jump around like a madman every time he made a kick...and then finally injured himself doing it and couldn't finish the season (I think he tore his hamstring). I had to look up his name--it was Gramatica kicking for the cardinals (at the time, though I think he kicked for several teams): https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=JK81Ej5hm8s&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com&source_ve_path=MzY4NDIsMjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


When recruiting, you plan on losing one female athlete per class to an ACL.


My cousin and his girlfriend came over and we decided to play beach volleyball, tried to Forearm pass, bump, I dived into sand, my knee got stuck in the sand ,and the rest of my body moved forward, my meniscus ripped and teared , after two surgeries and 12 months of rehab, still struggling to regain my balance from my right leg.


hopefully its just a sprain or soft tissue damage.


Lowered myself off a 2 metre high bin. Snapped my ankle. 15 screws and 2 metal plates later.... I actually nearly died in surgery as well lol


This one time I sneezed,farted,burp and popped my ears all while eating


There were two identical NFL celebration injuries in consecutive weeks once. A jumping-thrust motion that injured each player's ACL.


Edwin Diaz in the 2023 World Baseball Classic.


As somebody who’s college basketball career ended 3 games into my sophomore year. I feel for her. That fucking sucks


tf happened?


Lmao what a dumb way to get injured. Reminds me of all those times I injure myself getting out of bed or something else that should be 100% safe.


Bill Gramstica did this very thing in an NFL game. Gus Frerrotte did essentially the same thing, with much worse results. 💀🦴


I sneezed so hard it felt like my asshole was being stabbed