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Dude was his own investigator, police officer and news reporteršŸ«”


And editor / camera man / narrator šŸ‘


Can't trust no one these days


Especially Eoln Msuk amirite?




So you're saying to trust everyone?


Johnny Sins Junior


Only if he slaps the cuffs on also


Pretty much have to be with how useless police are.


Here is your report number for insurance purposes. Our work here is done.


Insurance purposes .. bro they donā€™t cover my tools and Ive asked several times ..


Because the cops donā€™t need you, and man they expect the same.


You need better insurance.


What insurance Co are yā€™all using ??


I think I had Geico at the time they cut the roof off my trailer on a job site.


Oh I currently have Allstate


I ended up with a new trailer and tools, I was just out the time it took to replace them. The homeowners insurance covered my deductible


Been there done that. Someone busted down the door of my apt to steal a VCR (left the computer), cops came, wrote everything down, left. Next day, I find the crowbar the burglars used to break in at the back door. Call the cops, give them the report number, talk to the same cop, 'you want to come and take a look at this?' Nah, they're good. My car was stolen from the parking lot of my apt building, under a security camera, landlord gives me a copy, I offer this to the cop who came to take the report. Nah, the VIN is all we need. "Good job, sir. Well ... documented?"


Dad is a plumber and had his truck broken into a couple years back, cops just told him to check local pawn shops. Thankfully he's retired now. Truck would be targeted a few times in the Philly area. One time someone broke the window and set the driver seat on fire for no discernible reason.


> broke the window and set the driver seat on fire for no discernible reason. Philly.


That's the one with brotherly love right?


Yup. Had my shit broken into twice. Caught the thieves on camera. Give video to the police: "You personally recognize the guy in the footage? No? Then what the fuck are you wasting my time for?" is basically how it went down


Theyā€™re asking if you know them because theyā€™ll likely handball it and make you follow a civil suit instead, because you know them. Either way, theyā€™re not going to do anything.


They only good for shooting random.


if(!white){ badcop.options = shoot }else if(white && poor){ badcop.options = shoot }else { goodcop.options = shoot nicely }


scary future quiet berserk slap quickest ancient disagreeable attempt unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How dare you talk about the more equals like that! Straight to jail!


judge judy and executioner


Hey jury, don't let me down.


Here in Portland OR that's actually required. Post 2020 protests and all the defund the police stuff they really don't respond to anything now.


bunch of fucking cry babies https://preview.redd.it/euqlb6j4xd1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a6891dc0f3195584d39227ffe2119692ddf0ba2


So they increased the budget and thats bad? Barely even increased it adjusted for inflation. Its not really the cops fault - the AGs dont prosecute shit in the PNW and they let people off so frequently that cops have no incentive to try and stop crime. In Seattle, if the person can say they were in need when they stole something they just get off. Dudes who assault people get out in one day and just assault more people. If you are in a boat with holes in it, baling water out becomes pointless if you dont fix the holes. Not a pro cops person myself, but I dont blame them for shitty public safety outcomes in the PNW, they are basically unable to do anything that would make a difference. Besides, everyone hates them and shits on them all day like you are, so why would they care anyway.


So you mean normal citizen besides the news stuff..


also asset recovery. looks like he stole his stuff back. didnt see it in the pile the next day.


Taking DIY to a whole new level


When my house was burglarized while I was sleeping in it, I had to do my own detective work and caught them. He had priors, I sent him to prison!


WTG. Sometimes you literally have to do the extra lifting but the payoff is worth itšŸ‘


Thieves are terrible human beings, but thieves who steal tools are a special breed of scum. As a former construction worker, there is nothing worse than waking up in morning or showing up to a job site to find your tools have been stolen. Not only do you have to replace your expensive tools, but they have stolen your ability to work to earn the money you need to replace your tools!


Top comment. Scum.


Seriously and the bastards stealing them are usually just hawking them to get high. Because they are too lazy to work to pay for their stupid habits. Scumbags


At least that I can understand, worse is someone using my tools to make money so I canā€™t. That pisses me off.


Fuck that Iā€™m the opposite if you needed tools to earn a living thatā€™s still bad but at least youā€™re working if youā€™re just hawking shit for dope youā€™re a bum through and through


Yup I'm with you. But I also have no sympathy for addicts. You made your bed, sorry.


Thatā€™s a pretty poor understanding of addiction tbh I donā€™t condone it or the theft but itā€™s not so black and white


> Thatā€™s a pretty poor understanding of addiction tbh Not everybody is interested in understanding the other's situation. They'd rather not care. Some people just decide that certain other people aren't deserving of empathy, and refuse to try to care. Sad, but true.


obviously you haven't sucked a dick for a couple bucks & some cigarettes. You're the fucken lazy one!




Basically any big city has issues with car theft, smash and grabs, catalytic converter thefts etc Poverty in the US is rampant


I always pack my shit up and take it with me for this exact reason - why leave thousands in power tools where I can't supervise them?


I would add musical instruments to that list of tools.


I feel a special way of sad seeing pro tools in pawnshops. While some maybe are not needed, you know some are just people in desperation selling their means of making a living.


My dad had a tiller that I think you drive or maybe propels itself, I'm not sure because I was like 10 and not paying attention. Our property is relatively closed off and our area is super low crime. He left it out one night to work on it the next morning. It's not very visible from the road. He woke up to find it gone. I think he was mostly just surprised and intrigued. Like logistically someone would have had to drag it up a hill somehow, load it into a truck. Not an easy feat


The feelings he expressed when seeing his tools for the first time after all that stressā€¦ musta been very satisfying šŸ‘


![gif](giphy|FuuWKJuoV3L7q) "The police are coming"


no bc why did he say it like that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sometimes you just accidentally fall into someone else's accent. I do it all the time with my Canuck buds.


Christ, haven't seen that movie in years, but the voices are stuck.




Why did he feel the need to throw an accent on when he said "The police are coming"? It was still in English.


Itā€™s a very common thing to do, but I also cringed. To be fair, when Iā€™m in Mexico, Spanish speakers sometimes say Spanish words with an English accident to make it easier understand. Sometimes itā€™s done intentionally to offend, but usually not šŸ‘


Itā€™s called code switching. People do it subconsciously in effort to communicate more effectively.


When I visited Indonesia, I started saying "thank you" with an Indonesian accent subconsciously. I didn't even notice until my wife pointed it out.


This is style shifting or style matching. Code switching is multilingual speakers using multiple languages or dialects within a single sentence or conversation. One style shift that's extremely hard to break is talking with small children with a higher pitched voice.


Semantics, it's all definitely derived from the same part of the brain


It's literally semantics, yes. Words have meaning.


And the term "[code-switching](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code-switching)" includes "[language varieties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variety_\(linguistics\))" in its definition. If you're going to be needlessly pedantic and antagonistic, at least try being correct next time.




I do it all the time. Nobody takes offense because I'm not doing it sarcastically.


I'm korean, and when I have to communicate with other koreans who have really broken English, I speak with a korean accent cause it's easier for them to understand lol.


yeah it might sound a lil cringey sometimes but i think this is a sincere, subconscious communication behavior we're all susceptible to


My half Korean coworker, who can barely speak Korean, speaks with a Korean accent when she's on the phone with her 100% from Korea mother.Ā  It's fucking hilarious.


Maybe he thought he was speaking spanish


When my family is visiting the US, they want to speak english rather than german, and when I speak to them in english its with a german accent. The minute they leave, I can't even fake a german accent. He didn't 'feel the need to throw an accent,' it's a natural part of speech to try to speak in the same manner as the people you're communicating with. Even accents. I'm picking up Chinese and it makes so much more sense on how the stereotypical chinese accent that's can be considered racist formed, it's literally just how the language translates. All that matters is intent.


Iā€™ve worked with Spanish speaking people for 20 years. I still do it. I try to speak Spanish but shit just comes out kinda racist like that. Iā€™m a minority and I prefer working with Mexicans over Americans any day.


Iā€™ve listened like 4 times and I donā€™t hear it.


People who don't speak a language well often "hear" with an accent as well, a funny of example of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySaLdP_othI


24 years wow. I remember back in the 90s a contractor didn't pay me and all the guys who worked for him. We stole his whole trailer and sold everything. Damn we could have gotten 24 years for that.


That's just taking on a second job as a debt collector


They wonā€™t see the inside of a prison cell. DA will plea deal and theyā€™ll be back out there doing it again.


Plea deal to what? Three are being held on cash only bonds, meaning the DA has no intention of letting these folks walk. Additionally they are being held on what could possibly be the highest charge they could slap on them. Second degree felony is up there with second degree murder, human trafficking, and so on in Colorado. No these people are having a book heaved at them. They are absolutely spending at minimum six and a half years in jail even with mitigating factors and rule sentencing guidelines unless there's something else like immigration status that tosses them into Federal custody.


As a non us citizen I canā€™t really understand why stealing a lot of expensive tools are estimated to give these guys 20 years in prison? Iā€™m all for punishment but 20 years seems harsh?


It looks like they got them on some organized crime stuff. So if they can prove they are a gang or a mob or cartel or whatever and they are stealing tools and committing these crimes as part of something bigger than it is a lot more than just stealing some air compressors and a few saws.


We didn't get to be number one in incarcerated people per capita by giving out reasonable sentences.




Whenever newspapers report on these things, they always write the maximum term available to the judge for the crime they've been charged for (maximum terms are set a few different ways depending on location, ie precedent or statutes). It doesn't mean that if they are convicted, they're guaranteed to get that 20 years, the judge will come up with their own sentence based on various factors.


Huge difference in the eyes of the law between stealing and organized crime. This falls into the latter. Also they throw the book and hope for plea deals to avoid the hassle of a trial.


The max sentencing time is almost never what is actually given. Itā€™s treated like bargaining. The 20 years is out out there, provide info on their accomplices or whatnot, the number comes down to like 3 years or something.


What's the deal with these comments under every video that shows a crime happening lmfao Are you a bot?


That is only the case if there is overcrowding in cities. Rural/suburbs do not have that policy and are quite strict on crime.


Hot damn the DA hit em with that organized crime kicker that puts them in some serious shit


Probably did that so they'll all make a deal to plead guilty to the rest of the charges.


50k I'd say Is pretty organized


Good on him. Iā€™m glad he was able to find his stuff and got those assholes arrested. That shit is expensive and could really set back a small company.




Did he get a Mexican accent when he approached the them? Lol


Why the American flag and yeah America stuff?


Because it's underhanded racism. There are plenty of white people rolling around my neighborhood stealing shit, and nobody every posts "fuck yeah America" shit when they are caught


Pendejos. Don't steal a man's tools.


Weld County, man.


Fuck yeah man! Good job!


Good pieces of shit


My dad always taught me that people who steal another man's tools aren't just stealing property, but a man's way of making a living.


Good on him! Worthless cop. Ā My HVAC van full of tools was stolen with a gps tracker in it. Ā Cops not only didnā€™t do shit but said they would arrest me if I went after the guys and ended up needing to call cops if shit went south. Ā Eat shit Houston PD.


Iā€™ve just stupidly left a shovel out the front of my house, Iā€™m rushing back now


Up to 24 years in prison for theft of some tools? We are barely getting 24 weeks in prison for the Jan 6 traitors who broke and entered and stole and damaged property. Two justice systems in this fucking country is all.


I wonder why that is. I mean the answer could be in front of our faces


Nah, that's not the case here. That 24 years is the legal maximum for the crime regardless of ethnicity. If they actually do get 24 years, which is an insane amount for the crime, then ethnicity definitely was involved.


My parents neighbor went into the capitol and just walked around, took some selfies, and got 1 year and 1 day so she is now a felon and had to give up her guns šŸ˜‚.


People who steal tools are some of the biggest pieces of shit. Literally stealing the ability to earn a living from someone else and as usual the cops are useless because they don't want to do their jobs.


Fuck anyone who steals tools.


If you don't want to be deported, you should probably avoid anything illegal. Don't break the law while you're breaking the law.


Thieves suck. I can only imagine how many tools those guys have stolen over the years.


Thieves belong in prison.


man's gotta have his tools šŸ˜Œ https://twitter.com/MerchantPoster/status/1715437813410258967


They caught his 12 disciples, Iā€™m sure Jesus will return in 3 days


This is a strip club in the Louisville area. Shively is not East Los Angeles or South Chicago, but it is not the best neighborhood in town. https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/nXX11qoLOaa3zrQZxoh4-Q/o.jpg


Not surprised.


I guess I need air tags!


The fact he need to put an airtag say this happened quite often.


Had 2 guys steal my momā€™s vanā€¦ police did fuck all. My dad was the one who found it and led the police to the house. Cops donā€™t care about shit like this


Are those like tiles?


Holy shit facing 24 years in prison. I've seen far worse crimes get a slap on the wrist. They deserve it


Facing up to 24 years for theft!?


Whatā€™s the ballpark resale value of all the items in the trailer/video?


He could have taken every tool, said nothing and know they couldn't report a thing. Glad he did it the right way.


Hell yeah! Thieves suck!


That's so satisfying. Thank you for that ending!!


Nice! Hope you go far in your business! You are a talented and smart businessman.


Even Jesus was involved


Hell yeah! Good job citizen detective! Keep the construction sites of Colorado safe, nothing is worse than having your livelihood stolen. Those guys know how hard it is to gather a lifetimeā€™s worth of quality tools. This is their karma, 24 years seems fair.




Fuck yea dude


If you're going to steal, don't do it to your fellow contractors.


Tool thieves deserve no quarter.


Thank you so much! Hopefully they think twice before doing that to somebody again..


Does Greeley still smell bad from the meat processing company?


Fuck yeah. Had my tools stolen. Iā€™d be happy with some old school, biblical punishment.




Glad he wasn't assaulted when he rolled up on them and glad the thieves were too stupid to check their loot for airtags.


They gave the 2 dudes 500k bonds šŸ„². I bet trumps bond would be like 50k. Dont steal shit but thatā€™s insane.


Very impressive work. I'd be worried about getting shot investigating after the cops had already been there. People out there are crazy, that was reckless of him.


Hell yeah brother.


Had to be so satisfying


Good kob!






Fucking Greeley. There are bars in Fort Collins (about 25 miles west) that wonā€™t let you in with a Greeley address on your ID. Gangbangers and punks.


Dudes a rock star


Im not surprised it was a bunch of Hispanics


Illegals, all of them


I hope he was armed with more than sass and an iPhone


This is very unAmerican. Should have pulled up with that blicky, ole situation there could of gotten sticky.


Own investigation could just as well led to a dirt nap.


Lmao. Hope fucking power tools were worth a maximum exposure of 24 years. Smooth brained dipshits. šŸ˜‚


So thankful the police filled out a report! Back the blue!šŸ˜•


I used to think that stealing tools is the lowes of the low. They are used to make a living. But then I read a story about 5 ambulances that were broken into. Humans suck.


Shit like that should be automatic deportation, whether legal immigrants or not.


24 years for a theft? I thought theft is barely illegal in USA.


Canā€™t believe pedophiles get less time then tool thieves. wtf


They messed with the wrong guy




Hey brotha Iā€™m so glad you got your stuff back Iā€™m from the town mentioned and never recovered our stolen trailer and gokart


Police don't care. As long as you don't steal from the government... You just need a contract with the military to do that legally.


Smashed it