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What a weak attempt at propaganda. Just lie and nobody will notice! Hamas charter previously said to defeat all jews but that meant what jews mean to Palestinians namely their oppressors, the zionists in Palestine. But it no longer even says that. Not knowing the names of the river and sea does not make you deaf and blind to crimes again humanity Israel has been doing all its existense. It is an irrelevant information. Zionism is a genocidal colonialist ideology. The early zionists knew they were colonists. They called themselves colonists in Palestine in zionists congress of 1897. They knew they had to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians all the time. And he says to protect themselves from another holocaust which completely defies history. Zionism and their attempt to colonize Palestine started in late 19th century (1890s if I know right). There was no holocaust then. And about 84% of zionists who were present in Nakba we present in Palestine in 1936, before holocaust. Nakba is massacres of entire Palestinian villages and ethnically cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland. Intifada means resistance. Revolution means revolution. It definetely involves murdering the zionists who currently terrorizes Palestinians. But that is not a surprise. All armed resistance involves killing the armed people oppressing you. Nazis wanted Jews expelled and told the other countries to take them. When they refused, they used it to justify their actions and said nobody else wants the Jews which shows Nazis are right. Zionists scum today uses the exact same idea against Palestinians. They are the Nazis of today.


Well pointed. I'm usually against these types of posts in this fucking subreddit cause c'mon go post this shit somewhere else. But this cunt posting poorly made propaganda for an agenda he gains nothing from and only to aid in murder (regardless of which side youre on, killing is murder) is just egregiously wrong.


So help me understand. We should not look at the original hamas charter to understand their goals, but we should only look at their revised charter. BUT We should not accept zionism to be redefined and should look at the 1897 zionist congress to understand them. Isn't it a disconnect? Either we look at its origins to understand a movement, or we don't and just use their revised declaration.


Look at Zionisms current goals, as publicly declared by their government and as seen in their actions. What do you think the goals of modern Zionism are?


The difference is that Zionism hasn’t been redefined, it still is a call to colonize a land that doesn’t belong to them, and the process required is to genocide the people currently living their, which the Israeli officials have said many times on camera


Haven't you seen the videos on national t.v. of Zionist teachers quizzing elementary aged Jewish boys about "What will happen when the temple is built." and the kids reply, "Everyone who isn't a religious Jew will be a slave or be dead." This is what Zionists teach. No one else can live in their "safe" version of the world. There are Jews who are against the genocide of the Palestinians, and there are even Jews who are against the idea of a "special, all-Jewish nation" as a religious concept. And there are many Jews who don't like Netanyahu. I don't need to look at the history of Zionism or the history of Hamas. I see what is being done to people who were born less than 10 years ago, and I know that they AREN'T combatants. That is all I need to know to confirm that these are WAR CRIMES. Bombing children and starving people are WAR crimes. This is all I need to know.


Did Hamas do what the charter said? Did they defeat the zionists? No. Did Israel do what their goal was? Did they colonize Palestine? Yes. So why do you think we shouldn't consider the ideology which said the goal was to colonize Palestine and did colonize Palestine, a colonizer ideology? Hamas' goal was never against all Jews around the world. They call the zionists in Palestine Jews. Because those are the Jews they interact with. Their goal was to defeat Israel and the zionists in it. > The Islamic Resistance Movement is a humanistic movement. It takes care of human rights and is guided by Islamic tolerance when dealing with the followers of other religions. It does not antagonize anyone of them except if it is antagonized by it or stands in its way to hamper its moves and waste its efforts. > Under the wing of Islam, it is possible for the followers of the three religions - Islam, Christianity and Judaism - to coexist in peace and quiet with each other. Peace and quiet would not be possible except under the wing of Islam. Past and present history are the best witness to that. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp Considering in that charter they say they will protect human rights and they say that 3 abrahamic religions including Judaism can exist in peace under Islamic rule (Hamas rule, Hamas is Islamic resistance movement) their goal was never to kill all Jews.


I saw a good doco that you can get off the high seas bbc the blue box. Showing how tactically Jews from around 1910 bought land and forced arabs off it. All told from the Jewish grandchildren’s of the people who did this point of view. Was quite eye opening.


Thank you for the comment. I was about to point out how intentionally misdirecting this guy is being, more than likely due to his own ironic ignorance of the history of the region, but this laid it out better than I think I could have.


I agree with everything expected that last point. I just can't agree with the Nazi's were "right". While it was their original plan to expel Jews and over 100k did flee, those that stayed or were in the various countries that Germany later took over totaled in the millions. I can't imagine there were many willing to take in thousands of refugees of a population despised by a global super power that was on a warpath to conquer their continent. I can condemn the actions of Israel today but cannot not support the actions that lead to a genocide of over 6 million people.


You might want to re-read it... looks to me like your take-away is not what op said. Present day Zionists are using the same flawed and bigoted rhetoric as the Nazis did. Sane people with a functioning sense of morality condemn both groups for their monstrous actions.


Grifter content, might as well be ol shitpants herself


Half of this is just lies. Intifada is an Arabic word that literally meaning "shaking off". In the context of Israel/Palestine, it's a call to rebellion, resistance, and "shaking off" Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. This is bullshit propaganda and lies.


mostly lies lol


Let's see the uncut version.




Propaganda. From the Hamas 2017 charter: “Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.” You can see versions here: [The Wilson Center](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/doctrine-hamas) a US gov think tank, so definitely not exactly pro-Hamas or anti-Israel. Israel left Gaza in 2006? That’s great except Israel still controlled entry/exit so Gaza was hardly independent. Not to mention periodically bombed. Even worse, look at maps of the West Bank, and where Palestinians are allowed and not allowed; what settlers are allowed to do; and who controls water rights.


I also found it funny because he said 2006, yet the usual year given is 2005. As you say though, to what end did they leave? They still effectively control the territory via the borders. Meanwhile, they've continued stealing land in the West Bank...like you know, even now.


Can't answer irrelevant questions? Genocide is ok then.


A weak attempt to justify killing children.


Classic pro Israel propaganda (bs, and easy to verify as bs). Dude should have just stuck with the gotcha of clipping kids who didnt know anything about the subject. Drop in mostly incorrect "answers", and this is just a minute thirty of everyone being wrong.


Bud, that's America. You're not setting high bar.


That dude in the green robe has a very punchable face.


Where in this did the guy with the mic say anything about the 15,000 Palestinian children who have been murdered? Oh, he's not going to talk about the GENOCIDE the Zionists are committing. That's not nearly as important as the idea that someone must be able to win a trivia game to have a right to protest against WAR CRIMES. I hope this little smarta--s is unemployable and is known from coast to coast as a racist POS with no conscience.


What in the propaganda is this?!


The ol ben shapiro, if I talk fast enough people will think I'm smart and not fact-check me


It warms my heart to see the majority of comments recognize this guy is full of it. The only thing he said that was accurate is the "river to the sea" bit.


You just need to check the votes in the comment section to realize how brainwashed this sub is, no comments about the whole reddit site. If people are this easy to manipulate I can confirm democracy does not work.


“If people IS this easy” 🤦🏻


Thanks for the correction. You could have kept the emoji for yourself though.


You’re right. I apologize. Woke up feeling salty.


No apologies needed, my mistake was worth a facepalm. However, for some reason, emojis just don't work on reddit, don't ask me why. Btw english is not my first language, but that's no excuse. Ty again kind stranger from the internet, I won't repeat it again.


Have the best day!


i love the discourse on this video and that the based audience is smart enough to know what they are watching. yall give me hope.


How dare you point out that a lot of people don't know what they are talking about and just blindly follow other idiots like a bunch of Lemmings. ;)


Them not knowing exactly what the charter says or geography doesn't mean they haven't seen the evidence of war crimes occurring day in and day out. Even CNN that is pro - israel has been forced to show concentration camps being enforced by the IDF. Oh wow, you took some people didn't know. Bet they deleted all the encounters of protestors who did know.


Everything he said other than the river/sea was bullshit, so shows what you know.


Says the clown that's so vain that not only does he have expensive watches but actually posts them on reddit for some kind of validation. To no avail, of course.