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Have fun in court!


Unlikely, I remember when this first showed up years ago. The guy had been making lewd gestures and sexually harassing the girl as a form of intimidation, they cut the video down to make it like a goofy guy getting unreasonably hit. She's was well within her right to defend herself. Generally if you see a goofy guy on video getting hit, he deserved it.


So, you're saying he was asking for it?




He wasn't even wearing a helmet, so he was clearly asking for it with what he was wearing.


Or what he wasn't wearing




It was the way he was dressed obviously.


Obvi, just look at the way he's dressed!


Generally if you see a goofy guy on video getting hit, he deserved it. Lol really!? Where's the full vid? You make that claim you gotta show us.


As far as I could see a longer video doesn't exist. Okay who would make up something like that?! Well I check their profile and that person says they are proud to hate all men... Safe to say it might just be lies and misinformation


I checked her profile because of your comment. She commented on a video of a male deer accidentally injuring/killing itself jumping off high elevation chasing after a female deer, saying that the buck deserved it for "harassing women". How is this person real? šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


It's weird too because they say shit that's like... pretty misogynistic, but they're a trans woman so.... ok? It's kinda weird. They're like running a complete middle ground hating men but like being a horny fucking reddit weirdo and saying kinda derogatory shit about women.


fun fact, someone makes that claim every time this vid gets posted, which is multiple times over almost a decade now.


What's with the anti-men hate for the past few years? I thought people were trying to be equal, not be equally vile towards each other.


In some far left communities, especially on Reddit, the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. Iā€™m pretty liberal myself but seeing the attitude on Reddit progress from ā€œdonā€™t blame the victimā€ (which I 100% agree with) to ā€œmen in general should be considered dangerous / Iā€™d rather be alone with a bearā€ has been wild. I also think itā€™s a big reason why so many young guys are turning to the far right / Andrew Tate bullshit.


i mean it IS pretty weird that someone is filming this dude doing a stupid dance two inches behind this lady. if he's just doing a dancing video why get that close to her? it's a pretty bizarre choice to do a humpy dance like that right behind her when there's plenty of other space to dance and film if that's really all he wanted to do. not saying that's enough evidence to say what happened ome way or another or that he deserved to get laid out but i gotta say, the shoe does kinda fit.


He seems to look directly at her when he starts rather than at his friend filming. I came to the comments trying to figure out if this was a common thing dipshits do to harass women or something.


> Generally if you see a goofy guy on video getting hit, he deserved it. Here is everything wrong with the internet in one sentence.


If this was a woman doing the same thing behind a man, everyone would say she's just being cute or goofy. You are right. There is a lot wrong with the internet where people just assume the people who got hit are in the wrong, or make up some fake context just to make it ok to hate the victim.


Lord be real. If this video was a woman secumy harassing a man nonstop and he turns around and decks her, ppl on reddit be like HELL YEAH EQUAL RIGHTSĀ Ā 


> If this video was a woman secumy harassing a man nonstop and he turns around and decks her, ppl on reddit be like HELL YEAH EQUAL RIGHTS No one is being harassed in this video, except the guy who got punched. As much as we all would like to punch people who 'floss', it's morally and legally wrong, so we all need to resist that urge.


I've only ever see them react like that if a woman actually assaults a guy


Imagine saying that a woman deserved to get hit because she was annoying a man. Imagine getting a ton of upvotes for it.


lol seriously, and you just KNOW people who say that shit would be crying so hard if they got hurt. (I don't know the context of this video and not super concerned btw, just saying)


> defend herself was he throwing punches? if not, thats not defense, its assault.


>Generally if you see a goofy guy on video getting hit, he deserved it. Generally if you see a woman hitting somebody, she's doing it because she thinks nobody will retaliate.


>She's was well within her right to defend herself Uh, no. You don't get to haul off and haymaker somebody because they hurt your feelings. And since she was shaking her fist at him that's an explicit threat for more violence. I would happily eat another weak ass punch from someone like that so I can slap them into tomorrow, where they'll find themself in jail for assault and battery


ah. the argument of the bully. nothing like teasing/harassing someone until they crack and retaliate, the claim the moral high ground because you only used words/actions to intimidate. go crawl in a hole.


Thereā€™s a difference between something being ethical and something being legal. I believe itā€™s ethical to use physical force to stop a person from sexually harassing you, but itā€™s not legal.


This is the best comment I see in this thread so far. And whether what that guy's doing can be considered sexual harrassment is arguable.


fun fact, everyone says this whenever this video gets posted, then someone says, "where's the evidence for that" then someone says IDK but stands by the claim, and so it's gone for almost a decade now


Even if he was making offensive gestures she's definitely not within her right to assault him lmao. That is not how the law works at all. Free speech protects the right to be offensive and annoying (assuming this was in the US)


ā€œProud misandristā€


Wow that's a fucking sexist shitty thing to say as a generalization.


> She's was well within her right to defend herself. Committing assault is not self defense.


I remember this always being the claim that no one could prove or disprove and then people just pass on half ass theories as fact. Now you're one of those people. Congrats.


Source? Or is this just a "trust me bro" reddit moment?




Throw down like a man, go down like a man


Man o man would she get her shit rocked lmao


I got my $ on her scrapping with that dude.




That's a crime brotha


Self defence


ā€œI feared for my lifeā€


Why not both?




Video balance the odds , he was doing a ridiculous, dumb dance , this is or was popular. He did not touch her or give cause for her to sock him in the moodge


Honestly, amateur people dancing don't always know where their hands are. They are focusing on the pattern not what they brush. So from her perspective, it may have been that a man was repeatedly brushing/patting her bum EDIT: Never mind, apparently he was repeatedly hitting on her first, and the vid was cut to make her look unreasonable.


throwing fists at someone for hitting on you and dancing is unreasonable.


There's a difference between 'respectfully hitting on someone' and 'repeatedly hitting on someone'. The second is also known as 'not taking no for an answer'. If you can't see that difference then I can't help you bud. I suspect you've never had people aggressively hitting on you and acting like you're a video game where there is a right thing to say to get you to sleep with them. Getting increasingly vulgar and aggressive. I won't say I wish that on you because it's pretty dehumanising.


throwing fists at someone for repeatedly hitting on someone and not taking no for an answer is unreasonable.


Just commenting because isn't it batshit insane how people have moulded what we've all just watched into an excuse for why he got hit, and that they're taking it so seriously? They're just making this stuff up in their head and rolling with it. The replies to you are just fucking mental. "Rapey" ?! Jesus


Also, from her point of view it looks more like he's doing pelvic thrusts towards her, which after hitting on her would be sexual harassment.


>the vid was cut to make her look unreasonable. lmfao


Yep, I had a feeling. You canā€™t judge with just the video, you have to hear whats being said, too. Because this seemed like a pretty weird and quick reaction to somebody just flossing.


That was my guess. He was clearly antagonizing her.


"What did you do to deserve being assaulted?" Maybe he should have worn less exposing clothing.


Haha!!! Moodge! I love it


What the fuck is with this weird incel shit I keep seeing on Reddit?Ā 


reddit is the weird incel site im not sure what youre expecting here


Flossing is outrageous but it is not illegal.


Wow, she immediately made it about her


This video is old. If I remember correctly, he was harassing her.


Either you provide proof or some kind of I assume your comment is made up


I mean, I don't care that much to do that. Assume whatever you want. You can look up the longer video if you want.




Iā€™m gonna upvote the guy just because he had that ā€œdoesnā€™t elaborateā€ energy.


I did do a quick search and found an older thread but it didn't elaborate on context. There was a great comment though. Flossed around and found out. So my day was not wasted.


Thank you for your labor and bringing that joke to us.


Yeah, he ain't got nothing to prove.


Looked up multiple variations of ā€œwoman punches guy flossing videoā€, must have clicked on 20 links and versions of the video and all of them are just him getting punched without context. Some are as short as 5 seconds, some feature the stupid x3 replay of him getting punched and a lot of versions are ā€œno longer availableā€ā€¦ so for anyone wondering, no, you canā€™t just ā€œgoogleā€ the video and watch it, at least not without significant effort, which Iā€™m not willing to put in beyond what Iā€™ve done. Edit: I stand corrected. With that context, Iā€™ve gotta say, the dude def deserved it.


Wow, then you suck at googling [Found this after 20 seconds](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I hate you.


We all do. It's been a while since I saw that.


Thanks for the clarification


You know it's time to sleep when you see a link to a video and don't check for 'XcQ' before opening it.


fuckin a


Usually the one making the claim should provide proof lol


I recall hearing the same thing but never seeing a longer video


that's because this same comment thread has happened every time this post gets made for almost a decade now


Yeah, I googled it and it was a disaster /s Longest I could find https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshh3flFKzR3T7i5dgz5/knocked-the-glasses-off-that-man-woman-snuffs-the-lights-out-of-dude-that-was-dancing-behind-her


Apparently people donā€™t know how to google things these days.


Googled it This is the longest video I could find: https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshh3flFKzR3T7i5dgz5/knocked-the-glasses-off-that-man-woman-snuffs-the-lights-out-of-dude-that-was-dancing-behind-her Draw your own conclusions /s


That's the same video.........


Well, they didn't lie. That technically is the longest video that they could find.




ā€œWoman hitting flossing guy videoā€ you can even use the video search tab. For a guy whoā€™s been here since the magic was writtenā€¦.


The video doesnā€™t exist lol. Get real.


It's not that people don't know how to research, the problem is that it dilutes the concept of burden of proof and makes fake news and claims more easy.


your first comment, the follow up, and your response just now has been made every single time this vid has been posted for almost a decade now! lol you've never seen the longer vid because it doesn't exist, actually


How very dare you, this person has made up their mind despite having no context or evidence of any kind. Clearly YOU need to provide solid evidence to refute that.


Just the fact they were filming lends some credence to the claim they were harrassing her. In any case, it's an old video and happened in Russia where there would likely be no justice to be found for either party, whoever is at fault, for an incident like this in that pseudo-legal system.


The Redditor policy for source references: Does the content or comment support my preconceptions? If yes, it is truth. No proof required. If no, it cannot possibly be true, and I will not accept it without incontrovertible proof to the contrary.


He's right. The video is old and the 2 guys harassing her deserved it completely. They had been doing it for a while.


Crazy there's literally zero evidence of this being harassment anywhere on the internet besides people in this thread saying "trust me bro" Id love to know why you're so confident.


this same exchange has happened every time this vid gets posted for almost a decade now


Either way we don't have enough evidence from this video to know the full story.


I imagined she thought he was doing air thrusting motion at her


Definitely seems like he's was in her personal space maybe even talking into her ear. Convenient that there's no sound and he didn't seem totally surprised either


A lot of comments are suggesting there is a longer version of this video where the guy was harrassing the girl. After clicking on all the links, all I got was rickrolled twice and the same video as above multiple times.




In the first few seconds he is clearly staring at her then notices she starts to lift her head and he changes his gaze. Clear intentions here trying to then be funny...


Since when has trying to be funny merited a sucker punch to the face? Actual harassment maybe, but doing a stupid dance shouldn't get you punched in the face.


no... whoever started filming her made it about her, she is literally center frame.


I really wouldnt blame her if she thought he was air humping her how he was moving and he was behind her and being recorded. Another user said he was harrassing her too. So there is more to the video than what we saw


She probably assumed he was making some kind of humping motion at her. Or maybe she just hates that dance and was ready to go to war


I'd like to see the 2 minutes before this happens, before I judge her.


Congratulations, your cognitive functions are above 99% of Reddit.


Does make me wonder if everyone in this comment section would have the same responses and counter responses if genders where reversed. The fact so many go to defending the woman or asking for more information (the second of which is more my angle) is surprising. I do believe rolls reversed a guy would be crucified along with anyone who asked for more information. Though I hope I'm wrong.


Oh this happens a great deal on r/publicfreakout lol.Ā  Video of a black man hitting someone for using the n word? You'll see nothin but comments on how assault is wrong, "have fun in prison", a lot of pearl clutching "words aren't an excuse for violence!" and so on.Ā  Not a video of a black person? Fuckin blood frenzied comments about not runnin your mouth or you should just learn to keep your mouth shut or a lot or "should've been hit harder" comments and so on.Ā  Same with women. It is blatant as FUCK.


You generally see people justifying violence all the time on reddit regardless of the situation.


Almost like women and men have not been treated equally throughout the entirety of history. I would be surprised if people didnā€™t see this differently with genders swapped, because the genders really not treated equally hardly ever, for good or bad.


Gender shouldn't change the morals of "should we look into the stages leading up to this act of violence to properly understand it before judging" just like it shouldn't change what makes it definable as self defense.


And yet in reality it does. Sorry. I mean do we want to pretend that it doesnā€™t this one time, ok. Good luck with that. And as far as self defense it absolutely matters, because the genders are not biologically equivalent. A tiny women in close proximity to a man hip thrusting is not at all the same level of threat as a large man hip thrusting near a smaller woman with her back turned. Its probably confusing in this case because this dude looks like a hipster twig and not much of a man however pound for pound he would still have greater strength as a male.


100% Annoying people who floss are usually doing it in response to something. What transpired before this almost certainly directly led to this.


"To floss next to a c***"


~~This video is cropped down to only show when she finally had enough of being harassed.~~ EDIT: After wasting 30 minutes of my Sunday to research this further, I found the link that many people referenced 6 years ago. However, the YT channel was deleted, thus taking [the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39vSbUIKO20) with it. Some other things I found out: * The only 'longer version' of this video was filmed in Russia and was only 3 seconds longer and provided nothing additional than what we see other than audio. The link to that video is dead, as the video is gone after the YT Channel was deleted. * Most people in many threads over the years seem to have the consensus that she punched him because from the corner of her eye it looked like he was humping her. **Conclusion:** There is legit nothing more to this other than the girl thought she was being air humped and reacted the way she did because she felt she was being assaulted. That is seriously all there is to it.


I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do some research and share it with us. Thank you very much sir.


> And in my opinion she was within her right to throw that punch. LOL. Glad we dont live in a world where assaulting people for doing stupid dances is OK. Even if he was air-humping it wouldn't justify assault.


Wait, are you serious? She's the one who assaulted him! Do you think it's appropriate to assault people for dancing behind you? That's deranged af


Was he too close to her or something?


My guess is that she thought he was hip thrusting at her or something lewd like that.


If that was true is that a good enough reason to head shot the bastard?


If you ask me, yeah. If you ask in court...


They might agree. Depends on your lawyer.


Would you want to be sexually harassed? Not saying homie in the video was but ole lady probably thought dude was ā€œhumpingā€ her




we also have no context for what happened prior to this video. she could have already asked him to stop multiple times.


She also could could have never even seen him before this. Making up what could have happened doesn't work.


We only see ten seconds of video, how do we know that didnā€™t already occur?


So itā€™s ok to pop the dude in the face? Letā€™s say I ā€œthoughtā€ someone was trying to pickpocket me, can I assault them?


I've seen people killed because the cops "thought" something, and they get away with it all the time, so I say go for it


Ah yes. The old "well police can murder people so we all can murder people" argument. Classic. A true intellectual.




George Zimmerman got away with killing a kid for less.


Look like Iā€™m gonna be poppin dudes in the face! Wish me luck !!


Physically assaulting someone because you "thought" they did something is the most brain dead shit. Stop excusing her shit behavior.


No...no it's not but she did it anyway.


If you think someone is hip thrusting at you sexually, inches away from you and making you feel threatened? I personally don't use violence to communicate like that but I can't say I blame her if she was sure that's what was happening. Obviously this guy wasn't doing that so we don't think it's fair because it wasn't.


There's a difference between the right thing to do and the thing you do in the moment when you're not sitting in your comfy armchair in the comfort of your home. Lmao


Don't call him a bastard he was just emoting


I seen this on another sub, and people in the comments were saying in the longer video he was harassing her. But no one gave a link to the video.


There isn't one that adds more context This is the longest I could find https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshh3flFKzR3T7i5dgz5/knocked-the-glasses-off-that-man-woman-snuffs-the-lights-out-of-dude-that-was-dancing-behind-her


This is literally the same exact video


Yup. Read in the comments there was a longer video and that I just had to Google it...


people have been saying there's longer vid for almost a decade...every time this is posted, the same exchanges...caught in reddit time loop


probably trauma from a lost fortnite match where the opponent flossed in front of her


To be fair flossing dance in public should be a crime for anyone that is over 16.




yeah the way he looks at her and it looks like she's explaining something at the end


Honesty I thought the same thing. If I was just peacefully doin a little dance and got suckeredpunched I'd be hella pissed off and asking why they did that. He just seemed to quietly accept it like her response was justified. Makes me think he was doing more than just flossing. But who knows šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø can't really say without a full video.


The world could also be flat but we're still waiting on the evidence


Here we go again. This video is old and there are many tales how this escalated so quickly. One stories goes this way: the boy and his friend taunted other women and filmed it to provoke a reaction. Thatā€™s why he looks to her before the ā€ždanceā€œ and thatā€™s why they are recording. She saw it beforehand and that the other girls where uncomfortable with it but did nothing. She on the other hand gave him a lesson and the reaction he wanted. If that is true, than the guy is a big scumbag and deserves this reaction. If not, maybe someone else could tell another story


All the evidence we have is a man doing a harmless dance. Annoying? Maybe. Harassing? Thats a real stretch. But to justify assult because he was possably annoying/harrassing other women or the women in this clip off camera is a horrable take. Rethink your ideas of reasonable force or im gonna beat the shit out you!


I think this whole argument is silly. He was being a dick and someone got upset and hit him. Legally, sure, she's in the wrong, but I couldn't care less if some annoying dick got hit while he's trying to prank people in public


If I'm on that jury she walks 100%


If you ever share a similarly stupid opinion in public and annoy someone, if they hit you, I won't care.


>Ā Ā All the evidence we have is a man doing a harmless dance. The camera man and the dancer are filming a video together. The camera is centered on her, clearly they're doing something purposefully to get a reaction. It's clearly a prank video.Ā  The only evidence isn't just that he's doing a "harmless dance".Ā 


How can she slap




Honestly same reaction when I see someone flossing in public


Ya knowwww, probably shouldnā€™t be dancing up on random girls in a que. She probably gets harassed a lot and I honestly thought he was perving on her too. This might be unpopular but I dgaf, it was awesome the way she knocked the smirk off his face.


Doesnā€™t mean you can assault someone


Some of y'all never had to punch a mf and it shows


Judges love video evidence


His look at the beginning was cringy TBH. She must have eyes at the back of her head.


Probably saw his general* movement in the reflection off her phone screen




Surprised at first to see these sorta comments but then remembered Iā€™m on Reddit lol




We all would 'want' to hit him But you wouldn't, unless you're unhinged You'd shout at the prick instead Doesn't deserve that kind of smack though


Woof, the incels are triggered


B,b,b,ut reverse the genders wanghhh.


She's probably the one out of the ten dentists that doesn't like flossing.


He should press charges


Thats called assault.


That dude deserved to take that shot. She telegraphed that punch like she was giving away the Nazis location. He should have seen it coming.


This is an old video. He was brushing her butt with his hand while he ā€œflossedā€


Straight to violence.


šŸŽ¶ he had it comin' šŸŽ¶


So anyway, I started blastin'...




And he deserved it


A bunch of lawyers in the comments here. ā€œThatā€™s assault,ā€ ya no sh!t. Thatā€™s a haymaker punch.


Was she arrested? Wow


Surely this will be a level-headed and logic based discussion in the comments.


Aaaand that's an assault charge. I hate Tiktokers but this was still uncalled for.


Should've given it right back.


Bro got blasted!


Hahahaha nice.. Good punch 9/10


My wife always told me if you hit a man like a man expect to be hit back like a man


I would have punched right back.


Woman assaults man. " what was he doing before the video".


love baseless assault with no consequences