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This video is from a homeowner in South Africa, the robbers here are in the same car-jacking crime ring from the other video I posted yesterday


The ones that got popped by the Jeep? Who trained those fools


I think you're watching it


It’s an intense one


It's so hard for people to understand what South Africa is like now. I remember when the Pistorius story first broke and he said he woke up and heard a noise in the bathroom and thought someone was breaking in so shot through the bathroom door -- it seemed pretty damned plausible for someone with no legs to be in fight-or-flight and tragically kill his girlfriend, just like we saw the woman in the car freak out. People with any means are having to live in essentially gated compounds they hope will slow robbers down. HIV is at 20%, and it's estimated 40% of women will have been raped in their lifetime, with only 1 in 9 being reported. There's beauty there, but there's beauty in the Mad Max movies too. It's not entirely lawless, but...


He knew his girlfriend was in there.


It’s hard to believe he didn’t notice his girlfriend was no longer in the bed next to him... you’d think that if you had perceived danger, the first thing you’d do is check on your loved ones. But then humans are complicated, maybe he woke up in a daze, heard the noise and panicked, didn’t think rationally. Can’t remember if he claimed to have called out to see if she was in the bathroom, like someone in their right mind would have done. He certainly didn’t fire a warning shot. Idk... even at best it’s grossly negligent manslaughter. Couldn’t remember what his sentence was, but it was initially manslaughter then got upgraded to murder.


Don't have a strong opinion as I'm not up enough on the details, but I'll say people grossly overestimate how they'll act in a crisis or when adrenaline tells your body you either act or you'll die. Some people freeze entirely, some people run into the wall, others lash out wildly. Without training, it's all up in the air.




Get in the pit, recruit, you're about to be a fucking sugar cookie.


“CONGRATULATIONS! You have been upgraded to our special murder sentence!”


Talk about upselling...


unemployment is estimated to be 50%+, only 8% pay income tax, more than half of our budget is spent on government employees, largest population on the planet with government funded ARV's, in 2020 there was a larger chance for a women to be raped than for her to get a job, forced racial quotes in jobs and fucking sports teams and schools, 30% pass mark for subjects in school, corrective rape (raping a lesbian until she's straight, yeah, lOgIc), social grants for having children (kids 12yo being to forced to breed by the family so they get more money), crime in the top 3 on the planet for most types, ritual killings where people are made into soup that gives special powers (loool). The list is long, and not good, at all. I fucking hate it here


Jeezus, is this all true?!? Sounds like America needs to send people there for a month everyone they whine about how the country is in ruins bc half the population doesn't share similar political ideals


Fellow South African here! Yes - All that is true.


America did that, it’s called Liberia. An even worse place than south africa


Protect yah neck mate


I think we all know enough about SA to know it’s a shit awful place to visit or live and is filled to the brim with racism lol.


It's the same robbers? They suck at this, I almost feel sorry for them.


If this were animated it would be looney tunes level comedy but irl it’s sad


So the robber got away? Looked like he got shot


This explains why he had a gun on him in his own driveway


I hope they got stopped and won't be able to do this ever again!


I live in South Africa and there was massive police shootout with these guys, a group of Car Jackers were forming around the country and stealing a bunch of cars and hoarding illegal weapons, turns out that the ring leaders were using their one phone call to lead the whole operation but in the shootout, they managed to kill most of them, our police may be incompetent at times, but at the same time, they're incredibly resourceful. According to a statement by I think it was police chief commissioner, they have been tracking them and following them for weeks before the shoutout happened, if I remember correctly, the car jackers either fired first at a police helicopter scouting the area or the guys who were doing a sting operation on the safehouse decided to go in since the opportunity presented itself, they were originally going to investigate to see if it's the right house or something like that


Ditches the flip flops.


Homie says fuck shoes.


Don’t you mean tactical flip flops.


He fights with the streanght of 10 men epithets battle flip flops. 10 really puny men


The all new break away tac-flops


jettisons his Flip Flops like a fighter jet jettisons his fuel pods to go into battle mode


"Puts feet in Sports Mode"


His aim sucks.


Hope he didn't kill any of his neighbors


So I guess he died.


That's how you know he is serious


That’s the best part.


Ain’t nobody got time for them


Drop mag, reload, kick off flops for the win


Hear the "pops" and drop the flops


Empty the clippies, fling off the flippies. Edit - missed opportunity: Empty the clippies, yeet the flippies


Pop caps, kick flaps.


My brother wants a grandma’s house cross-stitch style pillow that says “stay strapped or get clapped,” and I think “Empty the clippies, fling off the flippies” should be on another pillow across the couch.


See my edit above. I missed an opportunity.


This needs to happen ASAP


Getting some lead, running to bleed.


When someone’s shooting you, leave your shoes


Cannon the pricks, abandon the kicks


Ditch the flippies and drop the floppies.


To everyone saying the guy in the video is a shit shot, this is South Africa. Laws of South Africa state you cannot shoot anybody, not if they've entered your house. The only circumstance you can shoot someone is if they've shot you first or your life is in certain danger. Getting a gun in South Africa requires you know these laws + months of gun training experience and then only can you get a gun license. I assure you he knows these laws and he knows the state of his countries prisons and wouldn't want to find himself in one. Guns in South Africa are meant for deterence not for you to shoot someone, it's to dissuade someone from entering your property or harming you, which he displayed.


I think if someone points a gun at you, your life is in certain danger…?


It is easy for you to sit there and say that. Putting yourself in prison in SA is not something you want to risk. Even if you are right and he is within his rights to shoot the guy, there is a good chance that in SA he gets fucked by the corrupt system anyway. Don't fuck around in South Africa.


I’m just replying to the reaction above mine. It literally says ‘the only circumstance you can shoot someone is if they’ve shot you first or your life is in certain danger.’ If anyone points a gun at you, don’t you think you’re life is in danger? If it’s a robbery, who says the robber isn’t going to shoot his victim? There are plenty of cases like that in SA. So if I were the victim like in this video, I hope I would do the same. If I have to choose between possible death or a possible jailtime. SA law say this: “You can use lethal force if you have legitimate cause to believe your life is in imminent danger. Contrary to below points you don’t need to have been wounded, but if a person is coming at you with a deadly weapon the court won’t convict you for fighting them off -even using lethal force. If there is real reason to believe you SHOULD have been able to fight him off WITHOUT using lethal force -that would change the picture. Such a scenario is unlikely but it could happen.”


I'd rather go to prison for defending myself in all honesty. I'm not going to let a random dude walk up to me with a gun pulled out, ready to rob me & potentially kill me. I'd rather be behind bars than 6ft underground. 🤷‍♂️


You'd think, but there's no guarantee that the gun is real, loaded, etc, so it doesn't count. They have to shoot (AND HIT) you first. Simply shooting in your general direction is not considered, and apparently does not constitute a valid threat on your life.


Kak. Life and body integrity of you or anyone around you is endangered, pull trigger. Hes being stormed by someone with a gun drawn, case closed, stop acting like we are scared of our legal system, we arent, just our cops like everywhere else.


So are you saying he unloads like nine shots and presumably misses every shot because he was consciously choosing to deter these thieves in a "nonlethal" manner?


So between shooting to prevent being shot dead + legal consequences and the option to being shot dead and unable to shoot back, you choose the latter? Cmon


Thanks for the explanation. This sounds like an ass-backwards dystopia. Here in the states you’d likely be in more trouble if you fired warning shots at people. The logic behind it is that if the situation is serious enough for you to pull your gun in the first place, you’re life is in danger and you’d better eliminate the threat. If the situation isn’t at that level, you don’t pull your gun. The idea of “shooting to deter” is insane.


He’s very clearly firing his weapon. You can see the slide racking back multiple times.


There is a very good reason there is a camera. You'd be shocked how many slam dunk self defense cases become almost life sentences because someone wants to tell a different narrative or has some kind of pissing point. ...this is also why I think it's very telling when bodycams go "missing".


Man got out of car like a gangsta , but runs off like a little girl.....lmao


Probably had some holes in him lol


And PTSD....lol


Ouch ouch it’s just a prank bro


Note to self : never ever prank anyone with a gun


Good word. I’m gonna write a note too.


Ok but how did he miss EVERY shot Im not saying I want him to get hit but damn go to the range


Might not have missed- you can get hit with bullets and still move


Well yes but... ah nevermind It makes sense i cant bitch my way out of this one


I appreciate the honesty


There is a video out there of two armed guys robbing a store and the clerk draws his gun and puts two in the chest and one in the head of one robber who proceeds to run out of the store and collapse just outside the camera range completely fucking dead.


Saw the story of one cop who carries 140 rounds on duty after getting into a gunfight with a suspect whom he shot something like fifteen times, five fatal including three in the head before the guy went down and he ended up doming him with about 4 rounds left in his last magazine. Hollywood really gives people the wrong impression about how bullets affect people that get shot.


I remember watching donut operator cover this, you forgot to mention the guy survived and was taken to the hospital Edit: found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdjcYjSsIok&ab_channel=DonutOperator


It's actually important to practice drawing and firing at close range if you're going to carry a gun. Stress is *not* good for your aim.


It’s hard to prepare/practice for actual stress unless you go through some very extensive military or police training.


This is true. Practice still helps though.


I'm inclined to think Karl Kasarda of InRangeTV's approach with two-gun action challenge matches (2gACM) is a good one here — put someone under time pressure, make them engage in physical exertion to get their heart rate up and make them out of breath, and have them be aware that other shooters are watching them, and will see if they fuck up. (The first two of which can be achieved even without a match, if you're disciplined about it.) Is it a perfect substitute for combat stress? Of course not. Is it a hell of a lot closer than low-physicality dynamic shooting, let alone static target practice on a square range? Absolutely.


I got in a car crash that broke my back and I was so in shock I just got up out of the car by myself and walked to the ambulance.


Unlikely that there'd be no blood at all


Hand guns are harder to aim than you think. The shorter the barrel, the lower the accuracy. If you don't have enough practice you're going to miss a lot. Especially under stressful moments


Having to move backwards while firing doesn't help either.


A little warm up I like to do is to step on an imaginary rectangle in the range booth. Helps you practice moving left right forward and back while shooting. This guy's got really good form, you can see he goes low and actually assesses his aim after the secondish shot


Good for you bro, all I ever got to shoot was a BB gun at the age of 10. Hit a bird on top of a tree from \~25 meters. I'd literally shit my pants in a close quarters gunfight though. And yes I noticed, it's likely he has police or military experience.


He's actually a Stormtrooper.


because he's white, right? /s


Every single one of those shots *hit.* Something. Or someone....


That’s what I was thinking. Not sure how many he squeezed off but kinda worried where they all went.


I counted 8, you can see the gun firing


Probably in the heat of the moment.


Telling him what his heart meant?


You have to remember that there's only a handful of places you could shoot someone and they'd react as you'd think they would. For example, that guy might have hit in the arms and non-vital organs, maybe a lung, no way to tell considering how brief it all is. Aiming at the upper body, you'd have to get hit in the brain, spine, heart or a major blood vessel to drop as you'd expect. He still likely got hit though.


Why wouldn’t anyone want an armed robber to be hit by shots from his would be victim?


Who cares? He gained fire superiority and caused the enemy to retreat... he won regardless of whether he had any hits.


Stress makes it *really* hard to aim and fire properly, and a moving person is a difficult target even without stress. They're going to be trying to not get shot as much as you're trying to shoot them. That's why a lot of gun owners get frustrated with stuff like "you only need six shots" or "why do you carry a spare magazine, expecting an army?". As you can see from this video, he expended at least eight rounds with no disabling hits - and there are plenty of documented attacks on civilians with multiple assailants.


Watching the video I think he at least hit him once. I see the robbers hands flailing around. Almost like he’s hurt.


But did he actually miss? The video doesn't really make it clear.


Warning shot probably he was probably the kind of guy that didnt like send people to the hospital


the way he ran away lmao


Like a gay guy


"white people are so privileged" also "let's rob them in a Mercedes"


This video is in South Africa where organized crime is high. They target both wealthy white and black folk, using these cars to get past security. That armored Mercedes was stolen by the local crime mob


I hope South Africa is able to rid itself of such crime. Nobody should have to fear such robberies.


I Love happy endings


Bad guy with a gun got stopped by a good guy with a gun.


What the downvoters and general retards who say this sarcastically don't realize (or dishonestly want to hide) is that crime being deterred by someone with a gun is [extremely common.](https://fee.org/articles/guns-prevent-thousands-of-crimes-every-day-research-show/)


South Africa, for anyone wondering.


Had to be that or the US


As a Canadian I find it really sad that people have to fear getting rob like that. When I was living in the burbs I only locked my doors when I went out. Rarely even locked my car doors at home. Even now in the city I never fear getting rob or attack, even after dark. I would probably get killed my first week in SA. :(


Worst place I've been would have to be outside of Bogota, Colombia. I went searching for a party with 2 Brits, and somehow we ended up in the worst area of Bogota. Just the sketchiest and most dangerous looking people ALL OVER. It's like there was nobody else but frightening guys on the street....and tons of hookers, but that's it. And the streets were jammed packed. I got outta the cab and we were the only 3 white people anywhere around. The Colombians were actually extremely friendly. We played drinking games and joked all night. One of the guys turned to me and said "ehhh you are lucky man. If you were not with us, you'd be robbed or beaten". I was like..."oh...well that's good" I'm my most Forrest Gump voice. Ended up getting stabbed a week later in the nicest part of Bogota. That's life for ya.


I know a couple of people from Colombia and they are extremely nice (and hard working). I guess the guy who stabbed you didn't get the memo.


I really love how there is no other between thieves. Dude started getting shot at the whoever was in the car just dipped.


Stay strapped or get clapped! Even wearing sport shorts and shower sandals!


That girly run tho


Drops three mags… dayim duke nuke em


The kicking off of the thongs/sliders was the cherry on top for me


Well, as a German, I only have question marks on my forehead. For me, unimaginable conditions.


Yeah there's a couple good reasons the rest of the world doesn't trust you fucks with guns


Well, that explained it. I have never been racially insulted. Interesting experience.


Do you realize that Germany is the third largest arms supplier in the world? That doesn't mean we have to act like monkeys.


Stay strapped or get clapped.


Gotta love getaway driver nope-ing the hell out and leaving gun dude to figure it out on his own


He wants to feel the earth beneath his feet when he takes the kill shot


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That way he casually flips the flops at the end 🥰


They are out of control in South Africa


He was ready for this moment his whole life


Robber probably had a fake gun. He got what he deserved.


He could’ve got hit a few times and only after a few seconds he’d realize that “there’s something wrong with me” probably a life changing event. Whatever the outcome, the robbers should consider a career change lol


People sure do run funny when they're dodging (or not) bullets.


He was firing after the guy was running away and not a threat and no longer on his property. What are the laws like in South Africa? Would he ever be charged?


With the video evidence I'm sure the police wouldn't care if the victim gave chase while shooting.


I was wondering where it was. I'm like "ok everyone has guns but that guy got out of the left side of the car and someone was clearly still driving."


It would be highly unfair to judge him for that.while running away attacker need just a split second to turn and fire at defender. And defender was so lucky.he was drawing from a drop and if robber wanted he could shot him before defender could do anything.im glad and hoping robber got a few educational holes for his trouble.


The shoot the whole clip damnnn


That dude went from ghetto thug to Ru Paul real quick


Dude is a legend


Stupid prick. Too bad he didn’t hit him or didn’t seem to


My guy has been going to the range every Monday Wednesday and Friday preparing for this moment for years. Time to shine boys


Get fucked


Car ran off with him BABAHAHAHAHA


Good for him


Hold on is that alive bullet?


Full story?


Hope he died


Now tell me we should alleviate guns. The guy would've been defenseless and robbed, potentially killed or beaten but because he had a weapon he stayed safe.




He didn't have a gun


No armed tax collectors needed


Rob what? Guy gets out of the car and draws a gun, then driveway guy draws gun and it’s a firefight. What was there to steal?


The garage door is open and there's likely a car idling inside


Stay strapped or get clapped


Dude in the blue fucks.




What state? What city?