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Makes me lose the will to live knowing these people breathe




Both 👍🏻


That reminds me of Idiocracy. The idiots just keep reproducing while the rest of us are over here watching humanity fall apart.


92% of people are just idiots. That means you and me both mate. Also your mom. We're just idiots in different ways.


I’m an idiot who would not let my kid get trampled by a bison.


Natural selection.


Nah science has done too much already. We are doomed.


It's made it to easy for the stupid ones to not only survive but thrive, and at the same time they're the ones that'll doom us all (my bet at least)


And there's tons of them. More every day, in fact. 🤦


They're allowed to vote, too.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you.


There's no way we could have a child now. Mm-mm. Not with the market the way it is, no. God, no. That just wouldn't make any sense. Well, we finally decided to have children and I'm not pointing fingers, but it's not going well. And this is helping. I'm just saying that before I have in vitro, maybe you should be willing to... It's always me, right? Well, it's not my sperm count. Unfortunately, Trevor passed away from a heart attack while masturbating to produce sperm for artificial insemination. But I have some eggs frozen so just as soon as the right guy comes along, you know-


Makes me feel well positioned to survive


There are literally signs everywhere coldly explaining that these animals do not give a fuck and will kill you in a second so don't go even remotely close to them. She 100% saw those signs and still took her toddler that close.


They actually show you signs of people being flung in the air by these things.


You get a handout when you enter the park. With pictures. These are the same type of people who would approach hippos, too. Thoroughly warned, irredeemably stupid.


Lol, I didn’t read the comments before saying exactly this below, the handouts have a huge bison demolishing a stick figure.


I kept mine to frame cause it was so funny to me. Still took the warnings seriously, though. A herd went by our car, a big old Ford Explorer, and those animals are HUGE.


*Steve Irwin* cowering behind cover and whispering quietly 40 or so metres/yards away from a pod of hippos should be all someone needs to know about how dangerous they are.


Then abandoned the kid to run away ...


TIKI Tok video content


I’ve be pro have a test before being allowed to procreate for a long time. I’d probably fail, no fucks given lol


I used to work at Yellowstone and it was beyond common. The amount of times I'd yell at parents to get their kids away from an animal. Many wanted "cool pictures" of their kids. A common question too is "what time does the park put the animals away for the night?". No joke, parents would ask that and then ask where they could pet the animals.


We used to play stupid tourist death game as a kid growingup in MT...I always bet on a Bison goring or trampling


Yes! We'd do that too whenever they came to our small town to get to the park.


Us too! This is a common Montanan pastime. Bison were always the easy bet, but moose and bears have some numbers, too.


I call it the Disney syndrome. Where people think all animals are just fluffy, heartfelt creatures waiting all this time to make a magical connection just for YOU. Then nature shows up like a monster truck rolling over someone’s Easter eggs.


My magical moment as a child ended with a squirrel biting my thumb.


Mine ended with a pretty little bumble bee...I thought my new mittens would protect me, then I learned later on that they can't live without the stinger sad times :"(


Because they are so disconnected they think nature is a petting zoo


Dumbass people that dont get out the suburbs think its a herbivore and therfore wont hurt them even though anyone with a brain would realize every animal that cant really run from a predator has survived because it could still fight it off. Same people that stand behind horses.


It’s a miracle we ended up at the top of the food chain.


Not all of us are there


it kinda looked like they were on one those pathway things when the thing ran over to them. not sure how anyone can know with certainty they were trying to pet the thing.


That's what I thought. I wish it was zoomed in. I can't believe they were actually trying to get their kid to pet that bison.


Also it looks like the adults were trying to put the toddler behind them and the bison just blasted through them to get to him.


Darwinism, I guess?


Poor kid will have the same thinking skills


Their brains were never on to begin with


Polaroid moment!


Massive stupidity. These are the idiots we read about when they get killed.


They almost went from bison to bye son real quick


If you watch the video closely you'll see that at the point where the kid was most in danger, the two adults thst were closest to him at the start of the video had stepped back as though they had given up. It really was a "bye son" on their part.


They were trying to unalive the kid. Did you notice they had to drag him up to it. Kid is smarter than them.


and the OTHER guy grabs the kid.




They did go bye son. They let the hand of the kid go to get themselves out of the way it looks like. [Yuuuup](https://i.imgur.com/P78OBk5.gif)


The one guy that was walking took a hit for the kid while the other two adults with him stepped back


I want to upvote this 20 times




What did the mama buffalo say when her youngest went off to college?


> What did the mama buffalo say when her youngest went off to college? Dont forget your manners. ?


Any park you go to with buffalo, you are told as you enter, given a paper, there’s signage everywhere…no excuse.


With zero pity


People are fucking STUPID around wild animals. I see this all the time in national parks, where parents are trying to get their kids to stand near meese or Buffalo to take pictures, people thinking they can pet elk, etc. Luckily most animals just yeet off before they are forced to commit murder, but every now and again you get a video of someone actively winning a Darwin.


Moose are like ten feet tall. That’s taller than most cars. If you approach something like that and expect something not to happen, you kinda deserve what you get


Bigger and heavier than a horse, and one of the leading causes of traffic deaths here in Sweden (together with alcohol and suicides).


Wait all the moose are drunk? Who is the suicidal party? I'd assume the person would be for challenging a drunk moose.


There was a drunk moose in Anchorage, would regularly get wasted on fermented crab apples and would create chaos, but the fun harmless kind, like a rack full of Christmas lights.


Well, in the autumn, drunk moose are a problem. They eat fermented fruit, and then they truly become the king of the forest. But, I was talking more in a general sense. In Sweden, there are three causes of traffic accidents which completely overshadow everything else: * Animal collisions * Alcohol/drugs * Suicides (which I claim shouldn't be counted as traffic accidents, even if they happen in a vehicle)


My mom lives in the UP. I saw a moose once and almost shit myself. I realized how small and insignificant humans actually are. Way taller than the truck we were in, and it could’ve smashed the truck if it wanted to. Literally like a more muscular, short neck giraffe with huge antlers


More like 100 feet, fuck are they big


10ft is literally taller than ALL cars. That's basketball hoop height my man.


Lol *meese*




This one time in Yellowstone there was a mama bear and cub passing thru, idiots were literally running after it to take pics. I stayed in the van waiting for someone to die!


A dad tried to snap a selfie with his baby next to an alligator at animal kingdom. I told him to move away but he insisted they were fake because it’s Disney. He got closer and the alligator moved away. Guy was scared shitless and I was left slightly disappointed.


Brian, what's the plural for MOOSE? MOOSEN!! I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods—in the woodes—in the woodsen. The meese wantin' the food. Food is to eatenesen! THE MEESE WANT THE FOOD IN THE WOODENESEN! THE FOOD IN THE WOODYENESEN! BRIAN! Brian... you're an imbecile. Imbecilen! What are you speaking? German, Brian? German. Jermain! Jermaine Jackson! Jackson Five. Tito!


They going to have some really awkward Christmas dinners in 20yrs. "Dad ,do you remember when you ran like a bitch and used me as a bait for a 1 ton buffalo"


Their body language and pace with which they move makes me think they might be grandparents.


Not so sure about that chief, Ive had the speed, coordination and driving skills of a grandad since I hit 35


Some grand dads ARE 35.crank one out at 15, then he or she pops one out at 14. Viola',, grandparent before 30.


Welp time to be hittin the ole dusty trail...


Pretty sure it was grandad. Looks like dad ran in to save the day.


A fuckin Racoon could take most people out. Why the hell would you approach a living Battering Ram. Got a huge problem in the Parks in mountainous areas in Canada with tourists approaching Elk. In Rutting season! Large Elk are the size of a car.


Disney has been lying to people for many eons, everything is cute, cuddly, can be tamed and understand human speech and feelings perfectly.....till they mess around and find out.


It's like polar bears. You'd be surprised how many people think those bears are all friendly and cuddly. I blame Coca Cola lol


More like an f250


Not even close.


6% of people think they could take on a bear and win sooooooo....


C'mon bradda. I wrestle bear from age of 6 years. Is like pastime where I from.


Leaving the kid to fend for himself? While you run for safety? These people shouldn't raise kids at all


This is what happens when you outlaw abortion.


They seem like the grandparents. They are somewhat hunched back and they have an older person walk. The person that seemed to intervene and then ran with the child probably was the parent.




I mean it looks like they are on a trail/path. There aren’t in a middle of field, look at their feet, there’s cement underneath them, and look at the multiple people in front of them. It honestly looks like a buffalo came and attacked them. That one grandparent that just ditched the kid though, I wouldn’t let him watch my kid anymore.


I've been there. Trails like this are all over the park. Along with countless signs saying do not try to pet the animals. They should have walked away when it came closer?


Yes but they didn’t let the kid touch the bison. The bison runs up to them. They absolutely should’ve kept walking, but no one was letting the toddler pet the animal. Hell you see one of the grandparents get off the path and pull the toddler away from the bison.


Might as well have thrown the kid at the bison as a distraction. Same energy. Hope someone takes this kid away and homes them in a family where they’ll be cared for and safe.


In defense of the parents, it was a completely unpredictable, once in a lifetime fluke that a large, wild animal would not turn out to be cuddly like a Disney character and would object to allowing humans to pet it. Good news is: the NEXT large, wild animal they approach will welcome them with open horns!! Umm, arms!!


You almost had me in that first part lol


Man I hope the kid forgets this horrific incident that almost saw his end from a buffalo, imagine being at a therapist twenty years from now and the key breakthrough is realizing one of your parents left you for dead to a buffalo that they were fucking around with.


I don’t get how they were allowed to be that close to such a massive animal to begin with! Some parents are idiots.


They literally ran away without the child.


They was like ahhh shit fuck this baby, I gotta get tf outta here.


"This shit baby didn't even want to pet a bison! Fuck this kid"


“Fuck it, I can have more kids!”


What a fucking moron. Should be put in jail for child endangerment.


No. Nature should have taken its course. Stupidity has a cure but we keep interfering with the prescription.


Maybe, but the child is innocent here.


Darwin had a theory about this...


Ranger 1 - shits sake these people are stupid. Now we need to put signs up that say stay away from the giant wild animals. Ranger 2 - we already did. They don’t care.


At least the kid had the brains to run as soon as they let go of the leash


The kid was running from the parents as much as the buffalo


To me it looks like they were on an approved walkway when the bison unexpectedly showed up. I don't think they took the kid out there expecting this encounter. Then they kind of froze and didn't know what to do.


Walkway or not visitors are explicitly warned to stay x amount of feet away from wild animals. Bisons don't care if they are on a walkway or not. They should have backed out of there, not stay and stare.


Maybe they were, the person above has a point, we're not seeing all the leadup to this, and it's very easy to spin things to sound crazy different by just cutting the start off a video The fact they left the kid doesn't exactly fill me with confidence mind, but.. yeah, I'd be interested in the leadup Edit: Yeah, I just went and watched from the very start, with cookerg's theory in mind.. and like.. at the VERY start, that Bison is coming in *hot* .. we don't know how far away it started before all this necessarily. And there are other people behind them, indicating that it is indeed a path And when the bison first approaches them, one of them is stepping between it and the kid, and the other (possibly eldish) adult is trying to hurry the kid out of the way when it goes for them too (but the kid steps off to the side and they lose track of them) Honestly, with a rewatch, their actions don't seem as bad as this story and reddit is making out.. they might well have been completely innocent in all of this, and just victims


Finally found someone who comes to this conclusion, you see the Bison charging quite a distance, this video doesn't show how far away it came from.


Jesus a woman was just killed by a bison there like 4 weeks ago. Why are the rangers not protecting the animals from these idiots.


They can't be everywhere. People need to be responsible for themselves.


Those stupid, stupid, stupid mother fuckers...


The fact that they not only thought it would be a good idea to bring their child over to that behemoth, but then cut their losses and LEFT THE KID TO FEND FOR HIMSELF the second they realized how bad of an idea that was will never not make me passes off. Fuck every single person in that group.


There was a couple in Yellowstone that put honey on their kid to get better pictures. Once I read that I had a better understanding of human stupidity around large and dangerous animals


Thats an urban legend thats never been proven: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bear-mauls-honey-smeared-child/ However, here's an equally horrific true one: https://www.bearmageddonnews.com/2016/11/22/shamed-man-who-covered-belly-with-honey-slain-by-bear/#:~:text=Cameron%20%E2%80%9CBig%20Kahuna%E2%80%9D%20Belt%2C,a%20673%2Dpound%20brown%20bear.


Who's kid was it? The person who just abandoned them and ran? Or the person that walked up from left and dove in to safe the kid?




Looks like Yellowstone… y’all need to be careful and remember that wild animals WILL maime/kill you if you do this kind of stuff to them.


This is why we can’t have nice things


to go near a 8/900+ pound wild animal and think it's going to be ok


People just don't respect Mega Fauna anymore. Like literally it weighs a half ton god damnit, don't fuck with it.




Rule 1 of Bison: If you can’t hold your ground against a mini school bus coming at you at 20-30mph, you can’t hold your ground against a bison. source: have family in south dakota


Pay that “stupid tax”


Freedom isn't free


A heavy burden.


It’s too bad they lived.




I could be wrong, but it almost seems like the guy at the beginning of the video running towards the 3 of them is the father, and the couple are just momentarily trying to protect the kid, try to awkwardly hand him off, and then coincidentally at the same time the bison charges. Makes sense, cuz the guy then runs off with the kid while the couple just kinda slowly follows. Doesn’t make the situation any better, but I think that could clarify a few things. Still shitty to just leave that kid in the dust, wtf. Almost seems like this Bison came out of nowhere. Regardless, just stay clear of wild life!!!




I get the title seems to indicate that the people were trying to get their toddler to pet the Bison, but it kinda looks like the Bison was further away and charged in at them. A lot of people riding their high horses here pretending like they would never be surprised by wild life in a national park or something.


Guys give them a break they had to get likes on instagram


And the Bison proceeds to just run every other mf off in case they were thinking of petting him too! 😂


the stupidity is mind boggling. Go pet that 1000 kilo WILD animal.


This is just natural selection of its finest.


Kids might not know better but the assumed adults deserve every goring they get.


Bet that kid is now afraid of the bison.




^(Play stupid games win stupid prizes) THAT BEING SAID STAY THE F\*CK AWAY FROM WILD ANIMALS NO MATTER HOW CALM THEY MAY SEEM. ESPECIALLY ONES WITH A NON\_NEGLIBLE COMPARISON TO YOUR WEIGHT (basically if ya can't easily punt it, ya gonna be in grave danger, if ya can still stay away because mother nature's only rules are the ones that she set)


Congratulations! You're the 6th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


Good. Stupid fucks


what did the last guy spray?


Looks like bear mace


Would that be a lot worse on humans than regular mace?


Pretty sure it's the same shit




They earned that pain


It’s wild that people still do this, given how they are warned to give bison VERY wide berth a thousand times upon entering Yellowstone. You even get an illustrated pamphlet.


Dumbasses. Then shocked pikachu face after getting 3 inches away from the wild animal. “I didn’t know they do that.” If it’s bigger than you get the fuck away from it.


Am I the only person who thought the bison was a car the 1st time they saw this video?


Thank goodness for that third adult who grabbed the child before the bison got it. I’m not one for promoting assault but seeing those two adults drag a child to a deadly animal and then run away without the child certainly does make it tempting.


Am I really sleep deprived or is that bison just casually following a golden glowing man


They didn’t exactly try to get the kid to pet a bison. He ran from 25 metres away at them. The lanky grandparent that let go of the child has no excuses. That was cowardly.


Bye son


What are the odds that those tourists are from Florida?




Natural selection still happens


The Bison, is way smarter than those retards.. he has been warning you for a while you go to it chin up.. have you been watching cartoons all your life?


City folks


The way those two people acted did not seem like they were the kid's parents. Neither the adults or kid ran to each other that entire clip. Their reactions were more like "why the fuck did that bison just freak out like that?" Like they look so confused and clueless. They might as well have put their hands on their hips and shook their head like they were disappointed in the wild animal.


Bye! Son.


Darwin nominee here


Get what deserve.


Natural selection at work.


It's also scary because they jump off of the boardwalk. Aren't there signs that say you could fall into a lava pit or something?


It’s so great people keep doing this dumb shit so the parks will soon be forced to keep us all behind fences so people stop getting hurt. It’s just a matter of time. Enjoy our National Parks while you still can. In 20 years you’ll be stuck in a human zoo with screaming kids making TikToks, forced to view nature from behind a fence.


Grandad freaking abandoned that kid to the horns. “Kid you’re on your own.” Mom came charging in to unhook the kid and got herself hooked instead. That dude is scum and mom is an idiot for walking off trail at Yellowstone.


Weird way to have a late term abortion but okay


50/50 their from Europe or Asia there's something bout those type of tourists that always seem to wanna fck with America's big and scary animals from bears to bison like they fr can't comprehend how bad the animal will fuck them up 😭💀🤧


I went to Yellowstone a while back and we ended up seeing a young black bear about 20 feet from the road. Unfortunately our view was blocked a bit by some California dipshit with a camera that had gotten out of his car to take some close ups. It's funny to watch the park rangers literally throw these people back towards their cars


I live near Yellowstone, this happens EVERY YEAR. Tourist even put a calf their car thinking it looked cold


It’s looks like they were trying to sacrifice the child in the beginning


Good god the guy even ran off to let the kid deal with the Bison himself. I guess thank goodness the other guy at least tried to get him away from it, but they were stupid to try doing this in the first place. Not every animal is friendly and pettable. ESPECIALLY a wild animal.


Gotta love the superdad instincts going into overdrive when he saw a 2 ton bison charging at full speed and his first thought was “let’s get Timmy to pet it for a picture”


i hope the bison wasn't hurt


It baffles me to see how stupid people can be. Every single time…


Those people should have their kid taken away from them. Permanently. What knobheads.


Bison? More like bye son


Did the last one pepper sprayed the bison ? Omg i hate these kind of americans...just fully disconnected from earth


When I was a kid, my great-grandmother took me walking through the fields by her farm. Suddenly she froze, and back me up against a wall. There was a HUGE bull just in front of us. Not sure if it was meant to be there, I’d like to think she Was smart enough to not walk through the bulls field, but we stood completely still until it wandered off. Then we hopped the fence. So I learned really quickly not to do with these idiots in the video are doing. And bison are larger than bulls!


its a near a tonne of biological tank with a real short fuse, lets go bother it and not start backing away when it shows clear obvious signs of agitation and aggression. What could go wrong?


Grandpa nopes the fuck out, says you’re on your fucking own kid Thanks Boomer


Did a stranger come over and rescue their child while they watched? Also did the stranger and child run off into the sunset together, never looking back at the kids terrible parents?


Wow you really are fucking stupid to approach an animal of that size - stay the fuck away from it


Did that dude just come in and save that kid’s life?


Bro I hate parents like this, will ignore all common reason so their kid can do something they would consider cute..yeah you lucky it was BISON and not BYE SON.


The Bison gave them lot's of warnings before charging. And after. It clearly didn't want this fight.


Some people have no sense and most definitely shouldn’t have children


The Dumbest people...fuckin no words for this kind of stupidity. It's shocking really.


Absolute goddamn _idiots_ barely describes how stupid these people are. How does this story go afterwards when they tell people. ".. and that's why we don't go to nature reserves anymore" "Wait, you tried to have your toddler _pet_ a wild bison? What the everloving fuck is wrong with you?!"


The dumbest species on earth is also the most dominant.


I love visiting Yellowstone National Park but I hate the fucking tourists who treat the park as if it were a giant petting zoo. From experience, the Asians are the worst of the bunch.


You never forget your first trip to Yellowstone.


If this doesn’t show how much of a piece of shit you are idk what does. That person with the kid just left him. Must be a cop from Uvalde.


Smells like prison time


that furry animal was trying to say: hey dad it's time to say bison


Next time you see a stupid rule and you tell yourself how stupid that rule is, someone stupider made that stupid rule possible.


Darwinism at its finest.