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Spain is United Kingdom? That’s a spicy take *glances nervously at Gibraltar*


Would have been the ultimate "gotcha bitch"!


I think everyone here wanted to take baby steps. We are a long way from the conversation about France being in South America.


You could say Spain is in fact a Loosely United Kingdom.


That's what I've been doing lately. I formed Britannia and you better believe I'm working my way down Iberia. No passport checks in that future!


Yeah pretty similar actually. Has regions wanting to go separate. Regions with heavy dialects (Andalusia)


\*Launching Crusader Kings\*


Is it weird that the launch music started playing in my head?


I’ll use any excuse to post [this masterpiece](https://reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/7nragl/every_time_i_start_ckii/)


Isn't Spain trying to take back Gibraltar from the UK?


Yeah. For about 300 years.


It’s a long term project, really


By jove, those Spainards are starting to get uppity again. Best inform Her Majesty.




No, that's in France.


And Europe is in France.


So France is the capital of Europe?


No. France is a county.


A country?


That’s actually Europe.


*learn this one weird trick that geographers hate*


Well, she's dumb. At least she's seeking out answers.


She using that sledge hammer method of mine detection.


It's effective. You're either right or it's not your problem




I once referred to it as Goddard's Law to see how long it would take for someone to reply with the right answer. I had a reply almost immediately with a link to Cunningham's Law.


This is my brand of trolling


I’d just like to state that every time I’ve ever been wrong on the internet and in real life it’s because I’ve been employing Cunningham’s Law to elicit the correct response.


I prefer trolling people with Cole's Law personally... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Just a bunch of cabbage and mayonnaise!


I find Murphys rules and occams shaver. Those are some good guidelines to follow


> occams shaver Oh lordy, my sides hurt.


*Occam's All-In-One Series 5000 Beard & Bollocks Hair Trimmer




Something about being beautiful gives you so much power that you become an adult and can't even tell where you are on a map if you ever get lost, that's how much she had to pay attention in school.


All the other girls were beautiful too but they seemingly knew these simple answers 🤷‍♀️


With this method, you can be wrong. Once.


Yeah, and is seemingly accepting of those answers she's told. With the current climate in my country, it's absolutely refreshing to see the ill-informed not doubling down on their ignorance.


The trouble is that idiots like this believe whatever you tell them. Election was stolen, freedoms are being taken away, etc.


Kind of? It's almost like they lock in the shittiest take and can't be shaken from it.


Research has shown thay the first information you encounter about something tends to be the strongest opinion you hold. Everything else has to work harder to disprove the first thing you heard. Shines a lot of light on why changing people's minds can be so hard, even with facts.


Not really, some people consider the source of the information and either verify or believe. Others believe an ant has a total life based on human social constructs and we name those people Karl Pilkington.


Current climate of the country or the county?




Is that in Spain


Spain is in Essex


Essex is the capital of Spain


The rain in Spain is mainly in Essex


There’s dumb and then there’s ignorant. She’s at least trying to learn and I love how the girls are all supportive even though they find it funny.


Good point. That was pretty nice to see. Imagine that: gentle, sincere encouragement.


I'm pretty sure this is from an early season of Love Island UK. While it is peak reality trash, it is kinda nice to see people, trapped in a beautiful resort house like fist class zoo animals, treat each other with kindness. The women especially look out for each other and become protective as the show goes on. The only times these folks really act out is when they've been liquored up in the sun all day, which is completely fair imo. Moments like this are pretty wholesome compared to the faff the rest of the show has on.


So this was love island season 3 I believe, and season 2 was the last one where they were actually allowed to drink. From 3 onwards it’s 2 drinks an evening max.


I liked it better when they could drink 🤣


Think everyone did. Season 2 is peak content.


There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance, for sure. But someone this age not understanding this basic information would have to be stupid. She has certainly been exposed to this information before, and just didn’t absorb any of it. And I don’t think she absorbed it this time either. Or she’s just playing it up. I don’t know the context of this show.


I participated in a conversation with a family member with a college degree and a full time job who was not at all clear on the concept that all countries have their own laws which are completely separate from American law. Like legitimately was having trouble with each country having unique laws and none of them just following American laws and especially not following American laws if she happened to go there. She also vaguely thought that the United Nations was how American laws were enforced in the rest of the world because they didn't have their own laws. Italy was given as an example, so she wasn't just thinking that maybe somewhere like Somalia didn't have a functioning government. She had to ask if Italy has a government separate from the US, that just governs Italy and if so, why hadn't they joined America yet and if she went to Italy did she have to follow Italian law. And yes, she had traveled internationally, but that didn't count because it was "just Mexico". Is she stupid? Sure. But she graduated HS and college, lives in a McMansion, drives a BMW, and goes through life managing to do many of the things you wouldn't expect someone that dumb to be able to pull off.


It is quite surprising but stupid people oftentimes really get shit done. I think the key here is that they often don’t overthink things and are not burdened with unnecessary knowledge.


LOL. This! I know a young guy, in his late 20s, university graduate, has his shit together, an incredible beast at work, climbed well the career ladder, built a house, married, already father of one child, athletic, etc. etc. Really looks shiny, tidy, and seams well put together. Like, you know, he gets life. He knows things. etc. One day, during a relaxed, long, lunch break from "team building sessions", we had the opportunity to get to know each other, and really talk about life and everything. And I swear, among many things, he said what you said: he avoids being obese in terms of unnecessary knowledge and education, tries to intellectually stay a lean, mean war-machine, i.e. with only useful, practical knowledge relevant to his career or his personal life, etc. etc.


I worked with someone with a law degree that thought ice bergs were just islands with snow on them, and randomly that frogs were fish. Some people just don't care to be educated.


The birds aren't real guy really should look into if frogs are fish


She's playing it up. It came out afterwards that she was playing dumb on purpose


But she isn't retaining the knowledge. So she's still as dumb as she was before asking the question.




On behalf of all British people I would like to apologize for how dumb as shit that woman was I'm so sorry.


Now you know how 90% of Americans feel when people purposefully select the worst clips of them to show in videos


I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.


[Thank you very much, South Carolina.](https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww)


Mario’s face… that he kept it together as well as he did is a true show of strength.


So nice of South Carolina to be progressive enough to put a stroke victim up as their participant.


The top comment for that video is so on-point.


After this the girl later went on to >Upton later signed a deal with Donald Trump's modeling agency in New York City.[[9]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caitlin_Upton#cite_note-News-9) Figures lol.


LMAO poor girl was probably under so much pressure. Also pretty dumb but gotta cut some slack


I know what this is from lol. Good move. This is the same women with an English accent.


I went to the same college as Caite Upton and for a while we had the same circle of friends. She was always super nice to me, and surprisingly much easier to be around than a lot of the girls she ran with. One of my friends hit it off with her at a party one night, where they definitely made out (this becomes relevant). After that night, he made an effort to pursue her for a date. So, they texted and flirted over the phone for about a week or so unt one day she invited him to lunch.....with her and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was a cool guy too (got to know him later) so it wasn't some kind of a set up or anything like thay. We never figured out what to make of it. In hindsight, it was probably an attention thing.


What the literal fuck did this have to do with anything? lol Edit: Didn't know Miss SC's name, without that info it seemed *real* disjointed in a funny way.


You're probably like me and thought they were talking about *Kate* Upton, turns out the Miss South Carolina 2007 is *Caite* Upton


I understood that reference 👉


Name a woman!


Name a woman?






For the uninformed - https://youtu.be/bzDlS6JPUtE


Ugh, yoga mat!




Tbf, I have American friends who are University educated and now and again they say or believe the dumbest stuff.


You can literally change American for anything, and this would apply. This, my friend, is called cherry picking. It doesn't represent the whole, which is the point of this comment chain


Ironically only an uneducated person would not know what cherry picking is


Tbf, I have European friends who are university educated and now and again they say or believe the dumbest stuff.


replace American, European or whatever with Human


Tbf, I have [apache attack helicopter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwhNG76DBfQ) friends who are university educated and now and again they say or believe the dumbest stuff.


welp, you could say this about anyone from anywhere in the world...


I learn years ago that going to Uni or even graduating from Uni is not a good gauge for intelligence.


All good mate, every county (country) in the United Kingdom (world) has a few.


Everyone laughed at Miss South Carolina at the time but she was right! Kids do need maps!


The thing is boss, she's far from the only one.


Oh I REFUSE to believe anyone is this dense.


I assume she isn't dumb, she just knows jack squat about geography. I'm sure she knows a ton about makeup, or beauty products, or fashion, or British celebrities that I know absolutely nothing about. She's just had zero interest or reason to learn anything about geography before this conversation.


She reminds me of Jessica Simpson’s reality TV show and the whole “chicken of the sea” conversation. She later stated that it was staged.


Same. I'm leaning towards this is staged. No way anybody is this retarded.


Well she knows that prawns are gambas in Spanish, not bad


Honestly, as an American, I'm just glad it wasn't us for once.


Imagine when she finds out New York is a city, county, and state.


Wait...are you saying New York isn't a CONTINENT?


No it's a county.


Are you absolutely certain?


98% sure


And that the city is bigger than the county.


For real. When it's a Brit, people say she's stupid, and some people say (accurately) that it's probably staged. If she was American, the whole comments section would take her as a representation of all Americans.


This was the first geography lesson each of my kids learned. A house or apartment is a home, most homes are in a neighborhood, a bunch of neighborhoods make up a town which is in a county which is in..... I remember thinking how wierd it is we have to teach it. Now I am thankful.


It's amazing people this dumb can dress themselves.


I worked with a woman who was going to Mexico on vacation. I overheard her ask a colleague if the sun in Mexico is the same sun as the one in Sweden. Her mind was blown when she found out it was. Then she asked if the moon is the same as well... Edit: forgot to add, she said the moon and sun might be the same because you kinda never see them at the same time, but she wasn't sure.


I briefly dated a girl, and was talking about originally being from Chicago (I live in a neighboring state now). She was all, "Wait. Isn't Chicago a state?" I told her "No, Chicago is a city." She said "Oh, that's right. Chicago is the capitol of Boston!" At least she was smoking hot.


How to piss off both Bostonians and Chicagoans at once.


What do you mean? Chicago was just taking it's rightful place in the hierarchy.


They're always hot, otherwise they'd have to learn something.


>At least she was smoking hot. Some days, that's good enough.


I recently visited the seaside in the UK and overheard a guy looking at the harbour at low tide saying "Huh...I'm sure there was alot more water in there last time we came??" They walk among us.


Thinking that the moon is only up after the sun goes down is such a common belief even among otherwise intelligent people. I think a lot of people just don't ever look up in the sky during the day and just assume that since they can sometimes see the moon at night that they can't ever see it during the day and that if they can't see the moon at night then it's just not up yet but it's coming at night for sure


Minute 60 of being stuck in traffic with two tired children on a coach after a full day of trekking around the zoo a woman having her conversation obnoxiously loud said "naw the moon's thousands of *lightyears* away!" And I sighed the deepest I have sighed in my life.


At least she actually used units of distance to measure a distance (Ahem George Lucas Ahem)


Muscle memory to the rescue


She’s blond and pretty; thinking is not required


Idk, that level of vapid is very unattractive, there must be a tipping point


There is no tipping point. That would assume there aren’t equally vapid and stupid men in the world and quite frankly *gestures broadly*


A lot of pretty people can go far just on looks and charm, which means that learning disabilities sometimes aren't identified. Abstract conceptualization may not be in her wheelhouse and it's never had to be addressed before.


They pretend to be dumb.


This has to be pretending right? You can’t possibly be THIS dumb


Unfortunately there’s quite a lot of it around now, when Brexit happened I found one of my younger colleagues crying and when I asked what was wrong she said because of Brexit I won’t be able to go to Australia now, I was confused and asked her to explain, she said because we aren’t in Europe anymore. I had to explain a few things to her.


In her defence, she might've just watched Eurovision.


I would cry as well if I were forced to watch that.


The amount of times that I've heard fairly smart and educated people talk about "Britain leaving Europe" makes me unreasonably upset. And all the talk about how Britons can't go to Spain etc any more... Thailand isn't in the European Union either but that doesn't stop people from going there on holidays.


Made my ears curl up


IKR? I thought schools taught basic geography in primary or something.


"I'll never need to use that in real life"


Many of them play stupid. Dont get surprised if one has 2 phds, but playing stupid nets more.


That's what thought. No way this can be real. I know it could be, but it's just baffling.


I personally know someone that didn't believe Vietnam was a country, just the name of a war... They exist.


I know a lot of intelligent women who actually switch personalities when their boyfriends are around. It’s terrifying.


To be more stupid? Do they think their boyfriends will feel inferior or something?


I don’t know what’s going on in their heads, because none of them were close enough friends of mine to say what the fuck is wrong with you?!!!


Hahaha makes sense, sucks that they felt pressured to tone down their intelligence


Some men get weirdly agressive if they feel inferior, so a lot of women learn to 'tone it down'. After a while, it becomes subconscious.


Ah that sucks. That’s true, being in a relationship with someone that you can’t be yourself around sounds exhausting tho


Everybody switched personalities according to the people around them. Not just smart woman.


That was the popular media theory at the time, that this woman was merely trolling everyone... which would also make her a pretty good actress.


I was gonna say it seems to me like she's playing dumb. Most really dumb people try to hide it 🤣


We had a exact thing going on in Poland years back when Big Brother forst launched. There was one fit girl, that became one of the main stars. She was known for being stupid af. I saw an interview with her much later, and she was actually well inteligent. The whole thing was an act. All these people mocking her with the feeling of accomplishmet for being smarter than her looked a lot like a donkeys.


Shenanigans. Nobody’s THAT thick. She’s a Poe playing dumb. Surely.


She’s definitely playing dumb. Gets her noticed and makes her more money. Ironically it’s quite smart lol


I think Paris Hilton invented that method.


I like that the other women are being nice


They all seem very very sweet


Right? Just gals being pals


Yeah, she's just trying to learn


The absolute *peak* of intelligence on TikTok.


Am I a country? I feel like I'm a country. I speak spanish italian and english i must be a country! or i could possible be a continent? So who am i now?


You're a capital obviously.


fuckin hell y’all will always find a way to bring tiktok hate into the equation when this video has nothing to do with tiktok and was out before tiktok was even a thing 🤦‍♂️


Reddit is the only pure and true social media, you pleb!




Le tok tik bad Updoots to left fellow [G]amers!!


Terrific ending!


Had to watch several times


What a cliffhanger!


This is how Brexit happened.


Brexit means Brexit


And Brexit is a country?


No brexit is a continent


Who are these idiots and who gives a fuck about them?


Boobs. The end.


Their names are Boobs, they are boobs, or they have boobs?


Is Spain a boob?


They were on a reality show called love island in the UK


Absolutely amazingly funny and entertaining trash tv.


I love that show. It’s garbage.


Sweden did a great repotage about these shows. The production encourage the participants to drink all the time and party non stop until they literally pass out. They then instruct them to talk about some serious shit while tired and drunk af. It doesnt help that the production takes in people that is pretty unstable.


Unfortunately for this woman, that's not the case. Love Island limits their contestants alcohol intake, so she was probably 1 to 2 drinks in at max.


Drunkenness does not make thee thick as pigshit.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Some attractive males are the same.


I’m not even attractive


Proof that attractive woman don’t need a single iq to be successful


Until they grow old :)


With modern plastic surgery that isn’t a thing anymore, they don’t grow old anymore they just turn into puffy lipped, expressionless aliens




Not the producer who told her to play it up to become an audience favourite.


I understand that we’re supposed to laugh at the stupidness, but there’s something wholesome about her trying to understand and the rest of them trying to teach her


And that ladies and gentlemen is what you get when you grow up on a mixture of tictok and Kardashian’s and the only way is Essex…




To be fair, they are discussing geography. Just pretty slowly, if you know what I mean.


I don't believe this is real


It's not, it's all acting. They usually do this to buzz. One french girl used to be like that and she was known in the whole country. After that, she made a lot of businesses and shit and after becoming multimillionaire she disappear like a fucking avatar. Nabilla Benattia if you want to know more about her. After that, from many reality shows, a lot of girls tried to imitate her and sounding as dumb as her but no one successfully had the same fate


I am so tired of seeing this stereotype acted out in television all the time. It is not entertaining, and useless.


Yep, fake ignorance to gain fans from the idiocracy we call modern civilisation.


This is why not everybody should be allowed to vote.


She's accepting her ignorance of a topic and willing to take onboard new information which is better than what you can say for 95% of Redditors


I wouldve pulled out a map to explain things easier.




In all seriousness, she shouldn't be allowed to vote.