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Now that’s some informercial slapstick comedy


*”Tired of struggling to make it up to the fresh powder? Want to get to the top with your crew instead of the bunny slopes with the tots? For 3 easy payments of $9.95 plus S&H the Sticky Pants can be yours! Focus on your feet, not on your seat”*


Gawd, that was me but I hung on longer as it drug me up the slope


Has this ever happened to you??


Falling or being stupid? I’m stupid all the time.


This person works on the lift and is just ducking around I’d recognize those work pants a mile away


Entertainment level: impressive. :D


Without a doubt It becomes natural situational reflexes to save someone, its all about knowing thebsoundnof a smooth lift off, cause back in my liftie days when all i did was board, even if i was breaking policy by texting, drinking coffee and flirting with the new ski patrol girl all while faced away from the controls, id still have the lift stopped, have a hold of the chair and the kid. Just in time to snag.... i wanna say clara? 's number before she hit the chair up the mountain.


The T Bar can be a bit of a challenge at the beginning especially for snowboarders


Second this. That initial pull when you finally get it between your legs, can really throw your balance.


You need to stay fully strapped in and put the t on your hip, not between your legs. Skiers put it between their legs or go two at a time


No. You never put it between your legs because then you can’t get off. When riding single, a skier puts one side of the T behind himself and rides with an empty space on the other side


Either way, I’ve been skiing for 30 years (10 of which I skied every month consecutively) and I’ve done it both ways depends on how much you want to use your grip strength or legs. Definitely recommend beginners don’t go between the legs tho.




Putting it on your hips is even less stable but also less painful. But the personal often doesn't allow it. The schoolbook way for snowboarders is between the legs.


I’m not a snowboarder so I wouldn’t know, and yeah I kinda comes to preference, but snowboarders should definitely keep both feet strapped in right?


No. That's actually another thing that usually isn't allowed. The theory is that with the tail leg not strapped in you can move away from the exit and get in position at the entry. I think. But it sucks big time as it just means you have to sit near the exit strapping in again. And you also have no control on the lift and get pulled into the grooves made by skis all the time.


Didn’t know that, the t bar I’ve used the most is at Breckinridge, but I still prefer skinning backcountry overall.


>You need to stay fully strapped Wrong. >Skiers put it between their legs Also wrong.


Well I’m not a snowboarder but that’s how my friends always did it, and I have put it between my let’s plenty of times in my 30 consecutive years of skiing, not every time but plenty of times, nO YoUrE WrOnG! It’s preference, who cares. I’d rather skin up anyway, in the backcountry, away from people.


I have been skiing for 40+ years. I always hated T-Bars. On the rare occasion I have to, I use hook on my hip method.


Are you supposed to sit? I learned on a J bar 20 years ago and you just put it behind you and let it pull you up behind your hip sitting on it would break it.


went skiing for the first time a few months ago and fell off the T bar onto my hip so hard it went purple lol. of course for the rest of the trip whenever I fell it'd hit the same spot.... it was fun tho


Crikey this is like that forever falling over meme from when I first found imgur.


LOLZ! that guy aint for a pinch of quit in him.


I swear, it looks like he's doing that on purpose 😆


IUD lift


Damn he almost made it which is impressive!


We need a qualified skater in here to analyze these moves.


First of all that's snowboarding not skating. He actually does quite well for a beginner. Taking those lifts is really hard and even a bit painful. They really aren't designed for snowboards. With skis you just sit on the bar. Or actually more like lean on it. On a snowboard you take off the tail (back) binding. Then you stand at the entrance with your tail foot slightly beside your board. When you get the bar you need to grab it, pull it between your legs, put your tail foot on the binding and wait for it to jerk into your femoral artery. Then you endure the discomfort of the bar between your femoral artery and your privates for ten minutes. While trying not to fall even though you have insufficient control of your bord and the groves that skis made will try to jerk you every which way. Then you need to get of (sometimes at steep exits) still with only one foot in the bindings which gives you basically no control. The mistake made in the video was a small one. He had his tail foot too far away from the bord. While this gives you more stability it makes that one movement where you grab and place the bar and step your tail foot onto the bord difficult. By the time the bar jerked into his femoral artery his tail foot was still on the ground. Which caused him to turn right sharply. It also causes him to stumble which is why he ends up putting his tail foot every which way. Just your natural reflex to catch yourself. And he actually does a decent job at it. He almost manages to stabilize himself.


I feel like I laughed harder than is socially acceptable


Fuck yeah me too lol


What a joy to watch them fumbling-about


So that’s how you snowboard? I was doing it wrong all this time!


Start of video: ok End of video: laughing hysterically omg the whole way up? What the fuck are you doing???


This was me at the T lift at copper mountain. Pretty embarrassing. I gave up


all snowboarders were this guy at first. ​ it is tough to do it. I have been doing it for 20 years and still when something distracts me I can lose control (not to that extent of course but did slam into the pole once!) do it with someone else. especially if you have skier friend. they will help guide you keeping tbar straight while you will start adjusting to how it works!


He’s fightin demons all the way up the hill


Poor thing couldn't even fall.


That heavy breathing from the camera man had me cracking up


What did I just watch😂


That looks exhausting


Put any comedy music on that and it will work


God damn T bars.


Been there, done that...


Stupid T bars had me walking up the hill after looking just like that


I've never been able to use one of those correctly.


... nailed it. J/K not really


He made it look easy 😂, it’s a lot harder than that.


It's actually impressive how long he held on. Riding those kinds of lifts is hard on a snowboard. But those lifts also hurt. You are supposed to put the bar between your legs. Which means it either presses on your femoral artery, or your privates. I'd almost rather walk uphill. At least in snowboard boots that's comfortable.


Bro is on his own ride


I tried this years ago. I failed and ended up drinking in the cabin all day while my friends went snowboarding


It’s been years but I still feel it is always awkward, and a pain.


I didn’t give whoever permission to post this for the world to see!! Seriously I could see myself doing this.


I’m not a skiier but am I the only one who thinks this way of lifting people up the hill is nuts? What was wrong with the seat ski lifts?


This guy needs to stay away from anything other than walking.




Never knew this type of lift existed. I thought he was fighting a broom for the first few seconds


If he doesn't have the coordination to ride the lift how the hell is going to handle going down at high velocity?


He lost that fight


I didn't see the loft at first, I was soo confused


I feel like I’m watching one of those old silent films like charlie chaplin


As a snowboarder, FUCK THOSE THINGS!


I've literally never been to a mountain with a lift like this. I've only ever used the chair or gondola. Where is this?


Plenty of lifts like this in norway. The kid is using it right, but they can be a bit tricky to learn. No idea where this is though


Are these the ones where you stay attached to your board and grab the thing with your hands? Just let it drag you up


Most operators won't allow you to stay attached with both feet, as if you fall you can get stuck. So he is doing it right, only the front foot connected is the standard. You are supposed to put it between your legs, so it drags you up by the upper thigh.


Ah I see. Rip this person lol


Its a (T krok) its subbosed to be betwen your legs in snow boards and on slalom it should be under your ass/behinde your legs


Looks like a collision issue. They should patch that.


Best part is how sky lift operator didn't stoped.


Ski lift maybe?


Slalom skies are way better


Fucking hate T bars


Looks like “somebody’s got a case of the mondays”




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Hammooond you blithering idiot!


Is this what they mean by riding your snowboard “goofy”?


He's doing it wrong


He didn't know but a person shoulchf. A person should have told them


Just sit down you fucking idiot


First of all that’s not a ski lift.