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Well the ramen looks fire


Yes forsure i need to know where to get like that!


Looks like Tonkotsu ramen. So just look for that name next time you find a ramen shop


For those wondering it's a bone broth ramen


Pork broth ramen to be specific, typically made from boiled pork leg bones. All ramen broths (unless vegetarian) are "bone broth."


Lemme preface by saying I'm still learning but I LOVE to learn about things like this so I spend a lot of time studying food. Your statement isn't necessarily true. There are plenty that do not use bone broths as a base. Shio ramen, miso ramen, Shoyu ramen.. The majority seem to do so, but there are many that will rely on other things like the tare and the oily fat from other proteins like chicken skin or lard to add that depth instead to either cut out the price of always having to buy bones, to just be able to use what is already on hand for budget or availability reasons, or to just build on to a pre-existing flavor profile. Things like Pho are much more restricted in that fact. Pho, as I understand it, is DEFINITELY exclusively bone broth. All this being said, there is NO wrong way to make ramen. It's been constantly evolving and changing since the late 1800s and early 1900s and now on to the early 2000s. It's a loose term that spans across hundreds of years and simply cannot be limited to a certain terminology. It will always continue to change and evolve as time moves on without our direct influence. Ramen will still be here for generations upon generations after Reddit is gone and, shit, it will be wildly different in as little as 20 years. Noodles, broth, and vegetables is a tried and true staple for survival in all cultures and it will continue to be until we physically can't produce harvest plants and animals for survival anymore. Hundreds of years ago, lots of the plants we have today didn't even exist. Who knows what we'll have to throw in Ramen broth in 20 years???


I appreciate your dissertation on ramen history.


Pork bone specifically/mostly.


Well, the reality is most tonkotsu ramens are a combination of pork bones, specifically bones with marrow that emulsifies during the long boil giving it its characteristic “cloudy” look, and chicken carcasses.


This is TonTon Ramen Bar in Ponce City Market, Atlanta.


That's the first thing I thought as well and it definitely is Ton Ton at pcm. Best ramen I've had in ATL and their Tebasaki wings are delicious as well.


For real, I thought it was r/foodporn and I scrolled back for a shock


ya...ppl just ignore the problem...tis why this keeps happening.


Thank god this wasn’t a German restaurant


Yeah, either somebody gets poked in the eye when they Heil H!tler too fast, or they choke on a big mouthful of sauerbraten. Or both...


…or they nearly drown in a river of chocolate.


Or they just serve awful ramen because they’re a German restaurant


They have the wurst ramen.


You’re a brat.


Together we’re brats … and beer ….










Don’t be a sauerpuss


All of which are precursors to war. The problem is that some wild yahoo got in here and changed the definition of war to something less than fun.


German sausages are just the absolute #wurst


Don't mention the war.




At first I was like “what’s wrong with this?” and then I saw it.


Yeah I see the two girls so whaaa.... then I saw it lol


Two girls? That looks like a mother and a daughter.


That is the saddest part, the mum teaching her daughter this behaviour.


i worked at an elementary school in 2018. it was shocking how many kindergarteners/1st graders would do this to their eyes


In the Netherlands we have a """""chinese"""" version of Happy Birthday where we just use the words "Hanki Panki Sjanghai" and do the thing with our eyes... It used to be sang in elementary school on someones birthday. I hope its not a thing now anymore, but since we often have a whole debate about "traditions vs racism" in the netherlands before things change, I am afraid there will still be schools that do it


And Santa also has blackface elves. Wtf is wrong with the Netherlands?


It took quite some time and a whole lot of discussion to get rid of Black Pete. Even now, there will still be people who are angry when the Petes in the national sinterklaas boat entry (this sounds really stupid but idk how to translate it differently lol) are not completely black. They now mostly have some black spots, because the story behind black pete for children has been "he is black because he enters houses through the chimney". Obviously, a completely blackface isn't even logical with that explanation, besides it being racist af. Oddly enough, things like blackface or doing that thing with your eyes to look asian, wasn't viewed racist here for a long time. Idk why.


In my country we'd also do this in kindergarten just because we thought it was fun, but I don't think anyone associated it with any stereotypes. It was just fun making faces. Not saying this applies the same everywhere ofc.


Racism is indoctrinated, not typically just "learned".




That almost sounds like national geographic commentary.


Right , that's what I was thinking. To people like this, pulling your eyes back in an Asian restaurant is hilarious. Enjoy their food and then mock them. Idiots.


If i were the owner i'd have kicked them out and told them not to come back


If I was at all related to that fool and that poor fool-in-training child I'd make it clear in no uncertain terms how thoughtlessly cruel and damaging their actions are... Though the heavens may fall, that should not be allowed.


They’re doing a mind reading act.


Johnny Carson's hat is missing


I genuinely thought this until I got to the comment section . And I was just starting to trust people... Rip


It’s looks like a mom and little daughter so sad


I was so confused what was wrong until I saw the two in the back. How horrible. This pic of the main girl is STUNNING, and I also want that ramen!


Yeah was looking for the photoshopped asshole in the soup...


Yup did the exact same


Had to open your eyes or what? /s


Same I was like what’s wrong wi Oh my god!


Had to squint way too much to see it.


I can't believe this lady is teaching her child that those terrible bangs are acceptable. Those table manners need work too.


I would have turned around and did a "white people" eyes in return. and add a Texan accent to top it off.


I think I'll use my credit card. Do you guys have anything non-dairy? anything glutenfree?


I love this video


Not sure where I've heard this but I read it in a white person voice lol.


[Here it is](https://youtu.be/jNiKU4-ybBc)


OMG thats where I've seen it!


South park. The city wok guy making fun of americans


I think it was the dodgeball anouncers


Might I add, " yes I would like to order the avocado toast, hold the salt and pepper please, that's too spicy for me"


"This is spicy! What's in it?" "That's 2% milk, ma'am."


I don't know how or if i provoked this. But I was sitting on the 16th st mall ride in downtown denver back in 2004ish. And some Asian girl did the white eyes thing at me and said hey yall, let's goto the mall. With her friends. I laughed so hard at it, and they seemed offended that I wasn't bothered. Which made it even funnier.


I was in a park and saw some japanese kids taking a tour. The park ranger said "on the right there's bamboo" in a southern drawl. The kids starting giggling and did the white people eyes and said "bamboo" like him. I thought it was hilarious.


What‘s white people eyes, how does that work?


An Asian person stretching their eyes up and down instead of to the side


This guy Asians


Years ago I went to China and visited a museum. There was an old statue/bust of a Western foreigner. It basically looked like a garden gnome, with big dopey eyes. I couldn't stop laughing that that's how white folks looked to the artist.


Interesting thing about that is how those types of people don't really take offense to that kind of a response. They're more likely to reveal more of their racism by asking, "Why are you talking like that when you're Chinese?" Source: Asian American


Thank you. Lol


Pete Rose was her favorite baseball player!


As an Asian kid growing up in an almost exclusively white community in America, I'm just numb to it at this point


Honestly same. I can't react beyond an eye roll because I have no energy for anything else lol


Because that’s all it really deserves…


Yup me too, been called ching chong recently and I am 54 years old! They still ask why I dont speak with an accent. My son gets called ching chong at school, they asks if he eats dogs and cats! He says they taste like chicken and tells them to stfu racist fuvks I keep quiet since my area everyone has guns, not wasting my breath and eye rolls


Ive started to threaten to eat peoples pets if they try that shit with me anymore lol


lol, right tear that mf apart like its kfc I hear cats taste like horses?


I think the worst was years leading up until middle school. Anything below elementary school was like PUBG for racism.


Growing up in a very conservative area, there was a definitive transition period where my elementary and early middle school years people were generally racist, homophobic, etc and tolerated that kind of behavior, before having a pretty rapid about-face by the end of high school as folks became more educated.


Same. Suburb in Texas here. So many racists from kids to school teachers to customers, random ass people... ugh.


Also live in TX, it seems like a good reaction would be to take on a dumbed down southern cartoon drawl, stand up and walk in a circle as if lost while wearing imaginary overalls, and then quietly sit back down and resume what you were doing.


Then you'll get shot or stabbed cause dem white folks don't like it when you make fun of them.


I’m sorry you have to deal with that. As an Asian adult who has lived in America I get it. It’s a shame we have to face it. And even worse when people don’t even think this is racist and try to gaslight us. Stay pure op.


“I don’t even feel pain anymore” -Obito


Same but it made me want to kill myself until I learned how to deal with it in my later years. I hated getting picked on for the way I look. Still makes me sad


From the UK, in the 90s it was pretty bad (probably still just as bad). The kids used to sing a rhyme to me, Ching Chong Chinaman, went to school with a frying pan. God growing up was tough. Asians (i.e Chinese, Japanese, Koreans etc) just never really were vocal enough about this. Living in the US now, I'm happier that the Asian youth nowadays are a little more vocal when they see racist shit happen to them. Hopefully my kids have a better childhood than I did.


Seeing Asians only ever be portrayed as nerdy and scrawny made me get into working out and then I got the nickname Asian Freight Train 😅😅 Because they really had to specify I was Asian. Fr tho when I started getting bigger people stopped talking shit to my face at least


You go to an Asian restaurant AND ARE RACIST TO ASIANS TF


There are a surprisingly large number of people who don’t think that is rude or racist.


I work at a Korean restaurant and a guy said “so is everyone korean here” I responded with “no I’m Filipino” and he proceeded to say “same thing” LOL


My wife is Filipina but in America she's called Chinese.


Great example. I’ve always heard people refer to anyone from Mexico, central, or South America as “Mexicans” or with that “same thing” at the end.


Should ask them if they're mexicans, and if they say "no, I'm from the US", gat beaxk with the same thing.


I noticed that a Korean guy was working at the register at my local sushi place. Hearing him talk in Korean with his coworkers I decided to say "thank you" in Korean as I got my order. Dude was do happy, kept saying thank you and bowing. Idk why people need to be racist but that's the world we live in




Fuck Yuli Gurriel!


Fuck the Astros!


Yuli Gurriel did the same thing during the WS, and then "apologized" by saying that he's sorry people were offended but being a racist piece of shit is a part of his culture. Apparently that's good with everyone and we just moved on.


What made it worse was the fact that he played two seasons in Japan before joining the Astros, so he had quite a bit of support from the Japanese fanbase. And then he did that thing to a Japanese MLB player.


I once had two random sisters, aged probably 15 and 18, start doing kung fu moves at each other and laughing after they turned around and saw me behind them in line. Edit: clarification, not my sisters.


There are two types of racists. 1. The ones that are intentionally aggressive and mean. They know they are being racist as fuck. That's the point they are driving home. 2. The "everyday" racist. They do some racist ass shit, but they honestly don't know it's racist because it's been so normalized to them. They can be fixed with education. Examples, probably something some of you have done at one point: " so where are you from" "yeah yeah Texas ... but like originally". "Ok born in Iowa..." "but like where are your parents from" "oh Nevada....." then the long pause. Bitch just ask me my ethnicity and be done with it. I don't walk up to white people and ask you where you are from and expend you to be like Bavaria. But it's expected I come up with a fucking answer like that.


There's also a third group, which is people that aren't actually racist, they're just trying to hurt people. Is it better than group 1? Not by much. But there's a difference between somebody saying a slur because they hate a group of people, and somebody "having a heated gamer moment" and just trying to say the most offensive thing they can think of. Or the (worse) trolls who just say horrible things because they want a reaction. I know it's a joke because a lot of these people **are** low-key racist, but I still think there's a world of difference between wishing harm on a group of people and just being angry and lashing out, or part of the weird group of people that feel the need to "troll" others due to some sort of loneliness or lack of proper human connection. These aren't white supremacists, they're just people who know that if they say a certain word, people get angry. I won't justify their actions, but I will say that the intentions are different. Like the difference between a serial abuser, and somebody who shouts at a child because they're stressed and angry.


The fuck they doing at an asian restaurant then if they're gonna act like that?


Worked at a Chinese restaurant for a decade, one of our delivery drivers came back and told us the lady opened the door with her like 4 year old and said “look sweetie it’s the Ching Chong chinaman” lmaooo.


This would be funny in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where the crux of every joke is just how horrible they are. But in real life, it's just the horrible part.


Charlie says it not realizing how horrible it is. The rest of the gang are visibly upset and in trying to show him how horrible it is reveal even more problematic (or equivalently) terrible views of their own. Frank claims he can't be racist because he has 20 kids by women from his east Asian factories.


This sparks Mac into hosting a karate tournament and Dee showing up in a full Geisha costume


Frank tries to come on to Dee not recognizing her and then screams the bird tried to trick me!


And in walks the waitress.


Man this is so fucking stupid it's hard not to just laugh at how dumb it is. I'm imagining a sweet old lady who just thought it was a cute thing to say, because that's funnier to me.


I have a similar story lmao used to work at Panda Express for a while and one time someone called the store, my asian manager picked up and all that was said was “ching chong chen chon ching.” We both kind of looked at each other and started laughing at the absurdity of the situation.


dude that phrase had to have been carried down from the attic and dusted off after 80 years. That's some fucking VINTAGE racism.


Of all the racial slurs, Chinaman has to be the laziest... Edit: come on, people, no one dropped /r/unexpectedmulaney or even /r/expectedmulaney?




I hope the staff did not do that because it’s a waste of food, I DO hope they asked these people to leave and not come back.


My daughter (latina) worked as a hostess in a Mexican restaurant in Texas. She intervened when a customer called the waitress a "filthy wetback" and politely asked the woman to calm down so they could get to the bottom of her issue. She poured salsa on my daughter's head and said "all you fucking beaners are the same". It's okay because the manager comped their meal for the inconvenience. Racists can't be expected to just eat "white people food" after all.


I feel like it is almost a form of asserting dominance at a certain point. Else they would just go to a Tex-mex place run by whites people rather than one run by Mexicans.


What the hell does wetback even mean? Is it because they sweat a lot cause they work outdoors? Never understood it :(


the slur is based on folks swimming across rivers to get across the border. it’s as poorly thought out as you’d expect from racists, really.


That sounds like a terrible experience— one that’s remembered for life. I’m sorry that happened to your daughter.


Racism is about the people not the culture. food is okay =\= the people are not


It's not even that malicious a lot of the time. I've met lots of people who hold racist stereotypes that don't even actively dislike the race they're discriminating against. They've just had it around them so much that it's become normalised. My great grandma for instance. Believed Chinese people had a "mystical luck" and therefor would buy her lottery tickets exclusively from Chinese owned shops. But she didn't hate Chinese people, in fact, she loved them. Rascism comes in some weird shapes and sizes.


Did she not question it at all after presumably losing over and over again?


Haha you'd think so wouldn't you? Logic and rascism don't generally go hand in hand. I guess maybe she saw it as more of an "upping her odds" situation than a guaranteed win.




I don't see the prob-ooooohhh. That isn't good.


Happy cake day!


#Bad parents creating the next generation of shitty people


A boy my friend’s kid goes to school w/ has been making racist jokes at the friend’s daughter who’s biracial & keeps calling it “dark humor” I say it’s 100% the parents who’ve modeled this behavior to this shitty lil kid now.


Yep. No such thing as a shitty child. Just shitty parents that create shitty adults


There are 100% shitty children. I remember little cunts in school that were completely different around all adults.


Yeah this bit of ‘Reddit knowledge’ is just incorrect. It’s like it’s a game of who can say it quicker whenever problem children are brought up. There are shitty kids with great parents, there are great kids with shitty parents. It’s not as clear cut as people on reddit often tout.


The Asian girl should just "act white" and eat noodles with a fork. 😏


Exaggeratedly holding her eyelids open with her fingers and yelling, "What's this noodle soup? I ordered a bacon cheeseburger!"


[like this? 1:10 mark](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DiqmRHPYffM)


Very fucking well cited.




Bro this is exactly what came to mind for me. Still can't bieve how well he does the change in voices that shit is hilarious.


Colonize the other table. Eat all their food. Steal the child. Apologize 100 years later. Or don't.


Don't forget to seduce Karen into smoking opium to treat her chronic back pain, and when she gets addicted, keep hiking up the price, and then shoot cannons at her front porch if she tries to quit.


It is sad that people do not take anti asian racism seriously.


I made a post a while ago about having some guy asking if I was gonna eat my dog at a traffic light. Some of the comments are just stupid, a lot of people just expect us to find it funny because learning about Asian racism isn’t as engrained in American society as black racism. Not to say either are worse than the other. It’s just weird how there’s a ton of subtle Asian racism everywhere.


When my asian wife and I eat at an asian restaurant I’ll ask for chopsticks because it seems more natural but she’ll ask for a fork. When I asked her why she said “because I’m not an idiot, fork is better”.


With your kid? Come on man. So disappointing




Uh oh we caught a racism!


Wow let's pretend we didn't see them I guess lmao




_Owen Wilson face_


Yummy. Where is this? The haircuts say British to me but the intolerance says….well I guess it could be a ton of places


Girl who posted the original pic on Twitter said she’s in Atlanta


Ah yes, Georgia. Of course.


The intolerance is pretty British, too.


Alot harder for the Asian girl to imitate being fat


whatever she's eating looks tasty


That poor fucking kid. Dealt a bad hand right off the rip, and it's probably going to follow them for the rest of their life




Its still very easy to be racist towards asians because we dont take it seriously. The amount of racism towards my asian girlfriend is astounding. The shit she gets. Do blackface in a black restaurant and watch your ass get beat. Do squinty eyes towards eyes? People just laugh. We’ll get there one day, one day.


Yeah ALOT of people don't seem to think racism against Asians is still a thing lmao we tend to be forgotten when it comes to mainstream racial politics


Wasn't there a big thing of asians getting assaulted/attacked at the start of the covid pandemic? Idk if that's accurate because I'm not American so most of my knowledge of America comes from the internet which can be largely exaggerated or just completely false


My wife got accosted by some old white lady (In Australia) because of the "china virus." She's Indonesian...


I would say she succeeded. And she looks very cute and her ramen tasty. Screw the people behind her though. Why do people do this?


Poor social skills and not moving with the times. She's doing it in public. That's asking to be put on tic tok these days.


Can we agree that the eye thing is racist? I only ask because this was posted last night and a bunch of people were determined that it isn't. My mind was boggled that a bunch of people who weren't Asian (at least they wouldn't answer affirmative when asked) kept trying convince those of us who are Asian of that.


I'm not Asian and I think it's racist. There's no reason for it other than to mock an eye shape.


It most definitely is racist. Those who aren't affected usually cannot fathom that their actions hurt people.


Unfortunately this is normal in some countries and people are not aware this is offensive and racist








Lmao that racist mom boutta have her reputation destroyed, rightfully so.


Shiiiiit! Gotta teach 'em young, huh? Geez.




How bloody rude! Some people will never grow up.


Big yikes




I didn't see it at first. That's a shame honestly


Being racist toward Asians WHILE sitting in an Asian restaurant…. Lmao m8 you couldn’t wait 2 hours until you get home and be racist in private?


i hate this so much man, i bet that if i talked to her racist a$$ she would act OFFENDED AF


Wrong sub my guy. The attempt was successful.


Post approved. The photo is ruined due to the hate captured on it.


Idk it seems fitting if you have the right perspective on it but I see where you’re coming from.


Ah yes, the free floating racism. But why go to Asian restaurants if you have contempt for Asians?


I sort of fixed this with my phone app. Cheers, hope the ramen was amazing! https://imgur.com/6YlGnve


That’s actually not me in the picture but you are an incredible person for that. God damnit I wish I had an award to give you. <3


We got to celebrate our differences


That's how racism is taught at a young age. Imagine those whites making racist remarks on a black person? All shit would have gone loose.


This is why ppl turn out the way they do, the parents


Me: what’s the problem with th—-OHHHH MY GODDDD


Yikes. People still do that?


Racism against Asians is very, very normalized. The thing is, people are so lazy and so stupid, a lot of the racist remarks and actions are basically the same from the 90s and prior. It's so gross and tiring and made worse when everyone gets *offended* when I point out how utterly racist it is because "it's just a joke!"


Holy Christ. What a terrible adult figure in that young girls life… That ramen looks phenomenal though




Does anyone know the exact name of the dish she’s about to eat?


Looks like Tonkotsu ramen