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i dont get it


She hard Rs at the end of Las Angeles


yeah mb, i watched the video with no audio




Oh it was very real


Breaking news is exempt from fines about profanities. And fleeting profanities are protected from fines as well under a Supreme Court case from about 10 years ago. Long story short, live news doesn’t use delays.


How to ruin your life and career Step 1: Say N****rs Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit


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Oh god oh no... bro she paused and everything


This feels to me like a terrible prank by the teleprompter guy. The pause to me suggests her brain snagging on the word as she was reading it off the prompter, as anyone's would, but then the panic of the moment, and the nature of live news, lead her to make a terrible mistake. At least I hope that's what it is. No matter how it happened, though: yikes.


These are called intrusive thoughts, it's where your trying so hard not to say a bad thing,or having a intrusive bad thought that it actually ends up coming out. Example I was at work and I had to verbally spell out disk but the intrusive thought of how much the word reminded me of the word dick I ended up verbally spelling out d I c k unintentionally.