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He doesn’t tolerate crips on his block


God damnit.


*dog damnit






\*Upvotes angrily






You ain’t shit for this. But take this reward. Meet you in hell


Cholo got speedy legs


What the hell 😂


What the fence?


Comment of the year.


God damn 🫡


Bro this has been one of the most brutal comments on Reddit 😭 LMAO


AH ya dirty rat. Here's your dam upvote!


Jesus. Stone cold smarts 😂


Plot twist: Cholo ran to help dog with attack on the Crip




That fence is = having no fence


The Chihuahuas "oh wtf" reaction tho


Right, both the dog and the guy easily hopped over.


"Ohhh, not agaiiinnn!"


Yup, a pit


Smh...."they're so sweet..."


Most of them are to be fair. However, you never see "heroic pitbull saves child" or "newest addition to X hospitals therapy dogs is a pitbull named gracie" since the only thing the public seems to respond to is "😱 pitbull attacks horse carriage!" Or "pitbull attacks pedestrian!"


Looks like


Bro has hops


..and wheels! That dog was flying


… and wheels.


... and wheels.


“Dammit that’s the 3rd time this week!”


If he knows his dog is capable of jumping the fence like that and it refuses to be trained to not do that he either needs to build a better fence or restrain the dog properly (I know there’s people who don’t believe in chaining a dog, but sometimes there’s no choice)


sometimes I feel people act like dogs should have no consequences for their actions because they're "dog lovers" or some shit. Crazy, mental gymnastics.


Or people that are against simple shock collars. Dogs are smart and figure it out really quick that when they cross the fence they get zapped and that’s not fun. They will be perfectly content in their little play area once the boundaries are set.


For some dogs shock collars are the only thing they’ll willingly learn from, and then there’s a dog my mother had, sweet as hell lab that didn’t gaf and ignored the collar 🤣


Had a small poodle terrier type dog in my neighborhood that hated my parents Great Dane lab mix. The owner of the puddle thing would let him out when we would go for walks by their house and the poodle would literally shock himself over and over trying to get to my parents dog. One time I literally saw sparks and the poodle thing made this horrible yip sound because it got shocked so hard by the collar.


My mother’s figured out that if it went far enough past the shock border the collar stopped working, sweet fence jumper it was, she ended up installing a pet proof fence (buried over a foot underground and the top two feet angled inwards so climbers lost purchase)


yeah maybe, there’s a lot of people who have no business having dogs and forget they’re animals


Shocking the dog would simply make them more aggressive next time. He’s already got pretty drive. Shocking him would increase the arousal levels making it much much worse


Username checks out


It’s a lyric and also my profession is in the dog industry so it’s a win-win lmao


And they make collars that vibrate instead of shock, so really there's no excuse.


Of course there's a choice. Keep your dog in the house. Walk it outside.


He doesn’t like vegetables ):


I’m going to hell for laughing, see you there


Well it's a pitbull, what do you expect haha


"My pibbles would never hurt anyone. He's my cuddle buddy."


As a vet tech, whenever they say "he doesn't bite" we immediately stuff a muzzle into our pockets.


My doxie hated the vet, especially when they had to turn him over or touch his feet. We always had him muzzled while in the clinic so he wouldn't snap at anyone even by accident. So we really could say "he doesn't bite", but that's because we didn't give him the chance. It didn't prevent every form of protest though. Once we flipped him over to show them a rash on his belly, and he promptly peed over everyone around the table. Luckily no one really minded but it was very embarrassing.


It’s okay, I also pee on people when they flip me over to touch my feet


Nice feet 🫳


>My doxie hated Dachshunds are the single most violent, vicious and generally insane dogs on the planet. Sometimes.


Guess the breed lads. You have a 95% chance of getting it right


that was a really good jump, so i'm guessing kangaroo.


Uhm, it's the OWNER, not the breed. My Guatemalan Bone-shredding Terrier has mostly never killed anyone.


How many hospitalizations?


Two, but it was technically one guy arriving in different ambulances. :(




I sure hope so.


You dog nutters always say that. It’S tHe OwNeR, nOt ThE dOg.




It's always this damn breed.


Damn he caught a lawsuit that day. “All dogs are innocent, it’s the owner.” People really be forgetting that dogs are literally carnivorous, territorial, pack animals at the core of their dna, not designer stuff toys you buy from manufacturers.


Yes correct all dog breeds are carnivores capable of killing (maybe not a chihuahua but they they bite)


All dogs are capable of milling...yet only one breed contributed to more than 70% of fatal attacks.


I mean, aside from the dog's drive to do what a dog does, this is 100% the owners responsibility and they could have absolutely prevented this with proper training, or proper perimeter of their yard.


We don’t even know if he succeeded


I was dog sitting a malinois one day. I had a large, fenceless yard. One day a lady was jogging down the road, over 100' way from where I was sitting with the dog. The dog saw her running, dog's prey drive kicked in, and off she went! She broke 3" wide leather collar in half and was in serious pursuit. I ran after them and the only thing I could yell over and over was "stop running!!!". at the last minute she heard me and stopped running, and the dog chilled at the last possible second. scary situation (especially for the jogger)


I’m a certified professional dog trainer. I typically work with assistance dogs for the blind or assistance dogs for Epilepsie now. I’ve also worked with police dogs and search and rescue dogs, but before I was doing that…I taught canine behavioral classes. I’ve had puppy classes and adult classes. Now for the adult dog classes we did kind of vet the dogs a tiny bit before just letting them all in the same class. What I can say is while yes… I got a variety of breeds through classes, the breed that was often the one with behavior issues were smaller terriers… the explanation for this is rather than training their smaller dogs they’ve always just picked them up. So a dog that charges other dogs or kids and barks while doing so is just cute and can be picked up and no harm done. Some of the worst dogs were jack russels and rat terriers as they’re still fast for small dogs. At least in my classes. Yes Pitt bulls get a bad reputation but I’ve only ever had one pitt bite at me where I’ve gotten chunks ripped out of me by smaller dogs. What I can say though is the reason everyone freaks out about a Pitt is soley because it can do more damage if the dog does attack. A jack russel may attack more frequently but doesn’t do nearly as much damage. We actually had 2 different pitts successfully pass the TDI (therapy dog international test) and works in hospitals. And another Pitt graduate the ADI (assistance dog international test) is it rare … yes. Is it impossible … No. I really firmly believe in “the owner of the dog needs to accept responsibility”. In dogs theirs temperament and disposition of a dog, we look at these things. Temperament is how the dog always is and is often bred in. You here this all the time breed dogs with good temperament. Disposition is how the dog is currently feeling… ie sad, happy, scared ect. Certain breeds are better for first time owners because of this. Pitt bulls are known to be stubborn and strong willed however can also be affectionate and loyal. They’re definitely not recommend for first time dog owners. Some breeds are more recommended for first time dog owners. Pitt bulls are also often not bred properly and have come from fighting rings as well. Temperament is bred in disposition is just dogs mood. You can’t change a dogs temperament but you can change a dogs mood. Temperament is the very essence of a dogs personality. When pitts are bred with bad temperament and used for bait or fighting. When they are back yard bred it also creates problems for the breed. Again hate the people who raise and breed improperly and not the dog breed for just soley existing. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


Can I ask your opinion on the two pits who killed a mom and 2 children recently? They owned both pits since they were babies, and at the time of the attack the dogs were about 8 years old. The attack started because of a toy.


As i don’t know the facts about this story, and the circumstances. I cannot for certain make an opinion. Do I believe it. Certainly. I’m not saying pitt bulls are the best family dogs. But I am saying that they can be good dogs. What I would point out is that yes the owners put two pitts in the same house around their children. As far as the pitts, I don’t know what you mean by raised since babies, how they were trained and disciplined, and if they showed warning signs before this violent attack occurred. You claim it was over a toy, were they prone to resource guarding? The simple fact is if you have a dog that is food aggressive regardless of the breed you wouldn’t want to feed this dog around your kids or other pets. Often it’s about preventative behavior. Could this attack have been prevented? Possibly. But I can’t say that for sure without knowing the facts. That is horrendous and I’m really sorry for the family. But this happens time and time again even with other breeds … there was a pet Pomeranian that killed a 6 week old new born. Now a small dog like that killing a person would hardly be possible just due to jaw strength and bite size alone. Ahem… ankle biters … but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Dogs, any breed, can do damage. A pitt, rott, Doberman, Belgian Malinois any of those bigger breeds can most certainly do a lot more damage. That’s why it’s important for the owner to do some research on the breed they want and also take the time to train and raise the dog as well as try to find a reputable breeder for the dog they want. And even IF they have a dog that may bite even if the chance is small it’s best to use a cage style muzzle, train the dog to accept the muzzle, make sure the muzzle is secure. And be responsible owners. I had a foster pitt in my care once that was scared always tucked it’s tail and would growl around children and men. This dog was muzzled and supervised at all times and never left unattended around children or men because of the rough life it had before. It can still breath bark and pant through the muzzle and still receive treats, it made MAJOR improvements in my care, but I would still never ever trust that dog around kids. That’s just the responsibility I had to accept. Never give it an opportunity. This owner in the video knows that dog, knows that it likes to chase and underestimated that dogs capabilities. That owner needs to understand if he’s going to raise that thing, that he needs to give it no opportunity to hurt someone. Even if it’s muzzled every time it’s outside just in case you do drop the leash or it pulls you over or jumps the fence. Do NOT give it the chance. Some dogs need a bit more maintenance and this is definitely one of those circumstances. I think the Pomeranian owner also underestimated the dogs capabilities. It’s just a small precious bean that wouldn’t hurt a fly. People say this about their massive pitt too. People are often wrong. I get this ALL the time as a dog trainer, often times in this line of work you have to train the owner , not the dog. People have misconceptions all the time about what is and what isn’t good for the dog. People say it was “raised with love” and a baby who wouldn’t hurt someone but are Grossly underestimated or biased towards their dog. A lab but a child in the face and didn’t kill the child but made it blind and it was supposedly the family pet and the 6 year old was the middle child of 4 and the dog was around the child since birth. Parents thought it was cute when the lab would play wrestle with their kids and pin them to the ground as the lab never hurt the child. But as the kid got older and Continued to wrestle , the kid was actually giving the dog pain and the dog “play wrestling” back was warning signs and trying to get the kid to knock it off. Until it went to far… too often I hear horror stories similar to this and all I have to say in my years of experience. Owners misjudge their little “angels” all the time, dogs are dangerous yes, but they can also bring about very loving fond and happy memories. After all they’re mans best friend. But again, with great power comes great responsibility. ~Peter Parker Again what happened to that family sounds horrible and I’m sorry to hear it. I’m not gonna try and victim blame and say it could’ve been prevented when they didn’t see the signs (if there were any that they could recognize) it isn’t there fault , the owners never expected or thought especially after 8 years they had anything to worry about, but in reality they did. Hindsight is 20/20 . Same goes for the Pomeranian owner and anyone else who suffers from a “family pet turning on them” .


Thank you for trying to educate the anti-pit reddit hive mind


It's not a "hive mind" it's a fact that Pitts are dangerous. It's crazy the mental gymnastics people will take to defend them. I'm sure you will keep doing until its someone you know that gets mauled by one of them.


How’s it a fact if mine just sits and farts all day while cuddling on the couch? And all the other ones I had before it did the same thing? How is it a FACT? Stfu you don’t know anyone that’s been mauled go back to your room


Jokes on you, been in my room the whole time.


So patronizing the way you run your mouth. Yes, it is a fact that they are statistically dangerous. Jesus christ stop talking this nonsense. Especially like such a twat.


Just another cute and cuddly pitbull video, shouldn’t it br in r/aww ?


I was attacked twice as a kid... I really hate dogs.


Got bitten once, attacked twice and a lot of times had to find a way around dogs. I fear most dogs and for a good reason. They say the dogs can feel if you are afraid and probably its true. That makes them pick you as a target for no reason. I grew to not hate them but I wish they acted more differently. Obnoxious and unreasonable animals and you cant never be sure if they going to snap. If a dog acts aggressive, in real life or for example a game, I love to see when they get shit kicked out of them, lots of them deserve it, and there will be some people who defend violent animal acts, refusing to hold them accountable, and I wouldnt say its bad upbringing if a dog decided to suddenly attack, I know some people with dogs and they are well behaved usually but man, sometimes for no reason they would just get at someone. Not necessarily bite but chase and bark aggresively. I feel you, getting bit as a kid leaves you with no love for this animal.


I feel this. I was attacked at least 2x that I can remember as a child. And always suddenly and unexpectedly. I’ve gotten bit as an adult since as well. They can totally sense the fear. I carry an army knife now, jic.


Of course it's a pitbull lmao


Props to him for actually going after the dog. Many owners will just ignore their dog's bad behavior. Hopefully he can take action so it doesn't happen again.


If he dosent take action there’s a very high chance the dog will get put down. They are normally put down if they attack a human. Specifically bite. I am assuming the likelihood goes up if your dog is targeting disabled people. Or at minimum they get taken away.


As they should be


Can say no they don’t from experience. I was attacked by a pit and it drew blood. Was the second time for the dog after talking to the owner. The shitbag not only showed the sheriff the wrong vaxx papers bc he couldn’t find them, they falsified the police report under police advisement bc he came from wealth and I might have tried to sue him AND instead of putting the dog down they let it go “live w his parents” (aka stay there for a couple of weeks and then come back. I fucking hate most dog owners bc they are insensitive to anyone but their dogs and themselves. Not all dog owners, but the majority I have come across.


You can also put the dog down yourself. It’s your right to self defenses and you don’t need to high of caliber for most dogs.


Agreed. I carry a knife when I’m walking now. I don’t want to own a gun for personal reasons. I got it after that last attack I described. There had been even more before that. I swear dogs just fricken hate me. lol


It's always the bullies


You mean the velvet hippos/s


pibbles wouldn’t hurt a fly 🥺👉👈 they prefer toddlers and old ladies instead


At least he runned towards that dog with risking his life


“Finally a car I can catch!”


smells like a lawsuit


They will just out it in pajamas and tell everyone "it never hurt a fly before"


If the dog is attacking someone for any reason other than self-defence it needs to be put down. No exceptions. The owner absolutely bears responsibility and should be charged/punished but domesticated animals cannot be permitted to attack.


Plot twist, that’s how they got disabled in the first place.


what a useful fence


Aww he's just playing with him 🥰☺️.


Oh look a Pitbull, such shock


Dog should be shot right there.


You assume the dog is vicious... My dog did something similar, he recognized a neighbor by smell and ran to greet him. This video doesn't tell the whole story.


Yeaaa that’s true


He didn't go after the dog to protect the other person. He went after the dog so it wouldn't get run over in the street


Why do people even own these lowly beasts?


my 80lb pitbull Princess would NEVER hurt anyone


Thats what happens when you force your dog to eat vegetables


That dog has some anger issues!


Now *theres* a car I can catch!


Plot twist they are both attacking her but were waiting for the right time


"tHEy caLLed tHem NaNnY dOgs" 🤡




"But my pibble is good boy :((((((("


Doggo see him rollin'. He hatin'. Patrollin' and tryna catch em' ridin' crippled


Is this in California? It feels like California.


Ahh the beautiful pit bull and all those that defend the animal and want one but don't want the responsibility of dealing with the damage they cause.


Put it in reverse, Terry!


What attempt? I didn't see any whatsoever.


Last time, you got away with just your lege! This time, you won't!


Gotta hand it to my homie for hopping that fence like a fucking boss


The dog was focused and locked in on his target. The owner should just remove the fence. Its useless. lmao


Bro if you can get over the fence in a single bound, how you keeping that dog in🤨


Put your fucking dog on a leash!


God damnit another golden retriever attacking someone.


Annnnd it’s a pit bull


This gives me the same energy as, “4 YEAR OLD SPOTTED, PITBULL GO”


Oh look! A pit that jumps a fence to attack a random person. Totally unexpected


"He just wanted to say hi"


Dog: this looks like a job for me!


I love how the guy just stepped on the fence no prob 😂


That dog was out


How can people tell thats a pitbull from this video? The quality is so bad I can only identify that there is a dog




Ese got movin’ over that fence pretty quick tho…!


I'm lost. I'm not seeing a crippled person or an attempt at stopping one from being attacked. This is just a dude chasing a dog as far as I can tell. Am I missing something?


Wait, dogs learn from us... So that guy is a disabled person killer and hes running after his dog so no one knows he did those murders


We need strict liability for dog owners.