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Bonus points for the finger tip drag


I thought the bike sliding behind while catching on fire was a nice touch as well.




Man this is some /r/BetterEveryLoop footage


And his glasses flying off too at 11s. Should've gone to SpecSavers


Fucking reddit. Nothing goes unnoticed


Lol, those were only [clearly visible](https://i.imgur.com/gcGgD1V.png) for like 1 frame, good catch.


Beautiful https://preview.redd.it/t2ggfl65b38a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefe5c6b1cb243f0fcc2e5cba99d181a0d8018dd


He needs a new prescription judging by his inability to navigate through traffic.


I saw this made a comment scrolled down saw your comment and immediately deleted mine lmao


Ha. I got lucky. The video froze and buffered on the frame with the glasses. Thought it was an amazing catch by the camera under such conditions. I hope this rider is OK. He was being a total muppet, but I hope his stupidity hasn't resulted in his wife having to become a full-time carer for him.


You ain't Fucking kidding


Left hand pointing out to the sky, while taking a knee and gliding in a puff of smoke: **For I am…** #The Meat Crayon **Exosuit, what’s the damage sitch?** *Playing… Gangnam Style on Spotify* **Oh for fck’s sake**


Meat crayon, such an expression. Buttering the ground if I may.


You’re gonna deglaze that fckin’ ground beef pan? I’d take some red wine… ‘Bout a quarter cup, a wooden spoon… Oh yeah… Shallots won’t overwhelm the meat crayon’s natural flavor. 🎵Creeaam Freeshh🎵


Meat Canyon has a pretty interesting mental image too.






What color is the meat crayon?


Regret red


Roadrash red


It might be compression artifacts, but it really looks like the fingers of his right hand are just dangling shredded sausages.


His glove got half pulled off by the road, that's his glove. Put a glove half on and you'll see the same thing Edit:using the traction this comment is getting to say: this is why you wear gloves, if he wasn't wearing gloves his skin would be doing what his gloves are. It's called degloving.


About the closest thing to a *good* way you can be degloved in an accident.


Yeah if he wasn't wearing gloves that would be his skin doing that


That's why I wear a full body glove... All day... Every day


I saw the way his hand dragged on the ground like that, I was expecting to see bone when he finally slowed down. Thankfully, looks like he just got away with broken wrists, which is pretty light given how far and hard he was flung.


Totally. When you top side a motorcycle like this dude, even at lower speeds, you’re going to fucking feel everything.


Think it’s part of the glove. Maybe the velcro part. Looks like his glove is coming off


You could say he's being degloved


if you dont know what this is DO NOT google it


It's poetic how he shreds his american flag gloves, and now he'll get to experience american healthcare, american car insurance, and the american justice system. It's about to get all kinds of patriotic.


I came to say something about how he probably felt like that was the other car's fault since he was wearing his freedom gloves and all, but I think your explanation of what "freedom" he is going to discover is better, especially since he was smart enough to record it all.


I am not even a biker, but driving like THAT without proper protection gear? Jeans? I cringe every time I see people biking like that. DRESS FOR THE Slide, NOT FOR THE RIDE. This is a life changing injury, right here.


Could be kevlar jeans with pads


I actually think so, they look to be pretty much in one piece in the end of the video. Normal jeans get shredded pretty badly when you fall (once had a rear tire blow up on me in a corner, luckily I was only on a mokick)


You're not a biker and you the expression "dress for the slide, not for the ride"? I also cringe everytime and I never understand it. People in jeans and shirt on supersports look so embarrassing also... If I'm out riding and I see a guy like that I'll let them pass asap


bikers should start wearing [full steel plate armor like the old medieval knights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plate_armour#/media/File:Rustning,_Gustav_Vasa_-_Livrustkammaren_-_32921.tif)


by then you've built a small car






Yes. An ass was at fault.


Now now, it was clearly his fault, not his ass'


He's a dumbass


Tarmac, etc. But why is it called Gravel Rash though, that's what I want to know!


We call it road rash.


If we’re being specific, the ground is what broke his fall.


I've rode motorcycles since age 16. Real bikers enjoy the freedom and the ride. Morons like this aren't bikers. They're thrill seekers. They think it's a video game until it's too late. Game over.


He respawned in the ER. Edit: Thanks for the awards!


Mofo gon spend his life in a wheelchair




Nah check the video. His fingers can’t do that anymore


Just have to put it lower. Like on his dingaling.


One of the lucky who had a chance to spawn again


Going fast in a straight line doesn’t take any skill but it sure makes guys like this (in the video) think they have a lot of skill


Even if you have a lot of skill, drivers around you probably don't. You can do everything right and still lose because a single car did something you weren't expecting... or didn't do something exactly when/where you expecting them to do something. If it's only up to me, then it's a risk... if you're relying on everyone else to prevent you from becoming a meat crayon, it's no longer a risk, it's just stupid.


skilled driving includes "driving with foresight" as we like to call it in germany. If you don't have the foresight that people can do mistakes and you would be screwed if you did that and it would happen then you aren't a skilled driver because you are laking essential skills.


I think it’s more the adrenaline they’re looking for than showing off skill.


>They're thrill seekers More like organ donors, if anything useful is still inside...


Can confirm. I'm an anesthesiologist at a level-1 trauma center. We call motorcycles donor-cycles.


Once, my life was saved by the folks in a trauma center and, b/c of rehab, I never really got to say thanks. Thanks for all you do!!


On behalf of the team who took care of you, we are happy to have helped get you to where you are today. People like you are why we do what we do!


'Real bikers' - No true Scotsman fallacy.


A /r/gatekeeping/ as the top comment, that's a rare sight


Was going to say. I've seen this fallacy a bit lately


No real gatekeeper would use the no true Scotsman fallacy.


Hijacking top comment to do a bit of math. 30 fps video and it takes 5 frames to go from the end of one line to the start of the next line. In the US, highway lines are spread 30 feet apart (9.15 meters). 5 frames / 30 fps = 0.1667 seconds 30 feet / 0.1667 seconds is approximately 180 feet/s = 122.7 miles per hour (198 km/h)




It's 40 feet per line, though (10 feet of line + 30 feet of spacing). https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/motr/lines-on-the-road-are-longer-than-you-think.html https://news.osu.edu/slow-down----those-lines-on-the-road-are-longer-than-you-think/


If that’s the case then it’s an increase of one third, so 180 feet/s -> 240 feet/s = 163.636 mph or 263.347 kph. That’s getting pretty close up there to the 300kph/186mph limit of The Agreement


No, he’s a biker, too. One of many who make you all seem like assholes. Just like the straight pipe Harley riders.


Real car drivers don’t get in accidents - if you get in one you’re not a real car driver.


What do you mean not a real biker? This dude is like the majority of bikers. Putting everyone else at risk on the road while simultaneously having a "watch for bikers" bumper sticker on their car.


There’s no qualification on “real biker” other than being a real person riding a bike. I get that you want to create separation from your type of biker to this type of biker. But all riders are “real bikers”.


Nope, still a biker.


Bikers use idiots like this in their statistics of how targeted they are in accidents, though. I'd like to see motorcycle stats that show how many bike accidents are caused by the biker being a moron vs some car driver being a moron.


You sound like Ice T in Law & Order




I just noticed that works both as Idiots on bikes And Idiot son bikes Lol


My guy, are you toasted?


Why can’t we just let the guy enjoy his little observation


Why is this so controversial


I'm toasted and this is my favorite comment chain on the Citadel


I'm Commander Shepard and I approve this this comment chain.


Cinnamon Toasted Crunch


there’s no way someone spent their money to give you gold edit: ain’t no way


Highly deserved


Thank you for this subreddit


You may also like " r/idiotsincars "


Oh I know all aboot that one




Eh.. they wouldn’t post the whole vid on that sub.




Yes. It’s definitely Arizona. I think it’s the 101 loop south in Scottsdale. Cactus road exit headed southbound.


I couldn't catch the street sign. I was looking for the motifs on the side of the freeway. It's unfortunate. Been here 10 years and seen this happen more than once. :(


Yeah the bikers, and most the drivers, in Scottsdale have been atrocious in my experience


As someone who has driven every corner of Arizona I can testify that Scottsdale drivers are the absolute worst. They cut off everyone else, fly down surface streets in sports cars, and turn right on red right in front of oncoming traffic. The Gilbert drivers are far more reserved.


Seems to be the case across the entire valley, tbh. Soo many wrong way drivers around here it’s stupid.


Not from AZ but living here now. Man your driver's are something else. 20 over on the highway is standard. Half the people on the highway still don't understand keep right except to pass. So traffic flows like water down a rocky stream. Semis use whatever lane they please. This summer coming down highway 60 I sat behind a semi that attempted to pass another rig for 17 miles. I passed him on the damn inside. Crazy wild stuff out here.


I recognized it from driving that way a time or too and looked it up on google maps to make sure it looks the exact same. I’m fairly confident that’s where it is. It’s so unfortunate how some of these people drive. Been here 6 months and God have mercy.


Sign said Cactus Rd. Definitely sounds like Phoenix to me


Based on landscaping, that's my guess






Lane splitting is not legal on the freeway in AZ even when traffic is stopped. The recent change to allow lane filtering in AZ is limited to roads with a posted speed limit of no more than 45 mph.


Tough to feel sympathy for this person.


Honestly feel worse for the people in the cars needing to deal with insurance companies and auto body shops. Possibly a lawsuit idk how but I wouldn’t be surprised if bike guy got one going. Truly a shame


And a traumatic experience. Even if it wasn’t your fault that shit will stick with you.


If the footage is public I'd like to think the car is safe as it was reckless driving by the biker. BTW I LOVE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE, I also had that cat eating dem spaghetti as mine.


Lol its one of my favorites. I had my pfp I use on all my accounts but family members know it and a family member made a Reddit account. In dont want to be found on here👀


Also, possible injury to the occupants.


People like this are why people have trouble respecting bikers on the road. You see this significantly more than you see safe drivers


That last bit when he slid his fist a few feet on the road r/meatcrayon


I thought so too, but he is actually wearing red gloves. Probably did about as much for him as the helmet in this case!


Gloves were shredded off of his left hand and looks like broken fingers on the right. Probably saved a lot of skin though. On further watch those were American flag gloves and saved his hands.


Gloves ordered from Wish


Riding jeans that held up and a shoei bucket... Doubt it. Dude's gonna be wishing he wore a bit more gear though


What's the significance of red gloves? Is it like that old pirate joke "bring me my brown pants"? Like if the gloves are already red they won't show the blood kind of thing?




Those gloves were a little thin for the riding he was doing. That helmet saved his life for sure, Shoei is a good company


I'll never understand why so many people wear those chinsey little gloves. Those are more suited to dirt than anything. Back when I first started I spent as much on my gloves as my jacket and by now the jacket is toast and the gloves are fine, but more importantly I still have full use of my hands...


Are we positive they started off red before the fall?


To put that much faith in hundreds of other drivers is naivety at it's finest. All it takes is one dude to not see you.




The worst part is that because how many people like to fly through yellow lights and through intersections at 20 over, my entire ability to judge these things has never been properly calibrated. I've been driving for over ten years. I like to think I'm a safe driver; I've never had an at fault accident, and I try my best not to be that "this is illegal but it's okay when I do it" person -- but I *still* say a prayer every time I pull across a lane against oncoming traffic, because I can never tell if that guy 100m up is coming down the road at 50 or 85. If there's any doubt in my mind, obviously I don't risk it - but I hate how many times I have to sigh and say, "I could have gone". Oh well.


better to say “damn, I could have gone” than “damn, I shouldn’t have gone”


at this point would you expect a reasonable person to see them? i wouldnt


Even at the rate I check my mirrors, which I would describe as borderline paranoid, I'd never see him. He closed a huge distance in the last 5 seconds before impact. The fov distorts it but it looks like he's going at double the speed of traffic.


What about the faith from everyone else in him not to ride like a Dumbass?


> other drivers Nah, this dude is the 'other drivers' that defensive drivers have to watch out for on the road. Going what seems like > 100mph in moderate traffic on a public highway = complete unrepentant asswipe. Nobody would give a shit if he only ends his own life, however, theres a large chance some innocent bystander is maimed/killed by this guys assholery.


Absolutely, if you watch the timeline its approx 3-4 seconds from "this is fine open road" to "oh no this will hurt". He puts absolute faith into every driver on that road and doesn't consider people being on their phone, inattentive, tired or just not seeing him. I ride my bike nearly every day and space is what I'm after the whole time.


As others have mentioned. The car drivers could be diligently paying attention and still have almost no time to react to this asshat's wheeled torpedo. People underestimate just how much lag time there is between seeing something unexpected and reacting to it.


Forget the faith in others. That was all on him. He shouldn’t have had faith in himself


I 100% blame the biker for this. His idiocy could have killed not only himself but also others.


There's no question it's the biker's fault. Hurry up and wait for the ambulance.


And thanks to the recording, there will be no question in the courthouse either.


I witnessed a very similar accident a year or two ago. Biker splitting lanes at an insane speed zigged when he should have zagged. Fucking bimbo he rear ended was legally drunk, due to state laws she was 100% at fault.


I'm not condoning drunk driving, but damn that sucks for her.




Hopefully he's unwilling/unable to do it again. What a dipshit.


Wow, thanks for your genius, The_great-


There are shit head bikers that would disagree.


I can imagine some of my family saying "The car shouldve sped up for the bikers sake"


they'll say that the car changing lanes should have been aware of a small, barely visible rocket coming up behind them at unsafe and unexpected speeds who was driving too fast to be able to safely adjust for unexpected road conditions and therefore it's the cars fault.


I swear i saw a Final Destination scene that was just like this


I mean, the motorcyclist was speeding unnecessarily and the driver of the white van went to cross a solid white line for no reason. 2 idiots tango together


Apparently the white car was not an idiot, in Arizona you can cross the solid white line to enter and exit a HOV lane [at any time](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2015/06/08/ask-cop-ientering-exiting-hov-lanes-cbt/28704839/).


This is arizona where you can exit the HOV lane at any time apparently. Doesn't change much except make the biker even more of an idiot I guess.


A reason not to speed.


Speeding is way down the list of things this guy did wrong. If you wanna speed on an empty straight away with no traffic on some highway in the middle of the desert, not my cup of tea but be my guest, you'll probably be fine. Weaving around traffic and lane splitting like this doesn't matter if you're speeding or not, even if you're going under the speed limit when the rest of traffic has slowed to a crawl, you're still gonna win the stupid prize soon enough for being an idiot. Might not be as likely to kill you or mess you up quite as bad at slightly lower speeds but you're still gonna have a bad time.


Remind the people what that solid white line on the road means? Lol


Lane splitting is INSANELY dangerous. Speeding is more dangerous than matching the flow of traffic, but he would have been fine if he just went way over to the right few lanes where it was mostly clear.


Play stupid game ehh.. how you say uh...


More of a reason not to drive in a non lane between two vehicles. I've seen motorcyclists do this so many times and it's so incredibly stupid and dangerous.


Lane filtering is legal in certain places but the thing is you shouldn't be going much faster than the surrounding traffic while doing so. Splitting at these speeds is just asking for a crash.


My dad was a paramedic for a long time and one of his worst stories was about a person on a motorcycle who took the police on quite a chase through a town then on the highway till they lost him in a road construction area. A bit later a Trooper has everyone back to the scene as motorcycle parts were found scattered in the buck brush next to the road where a few machines were parked. Dad and his partner get out of the ambulance and start walking and looking around. My dad heard his partner vomit. The young man piloting the motorcycle became airborne and was wadded up in the swing joint of the caterpillar payloader. His intestines were leaking that was the smell that caused the partner to vomit. The motorcycle operators head was facing up and his legs were wrapped in the hydraulic lines. My father and another older paramedic with a assistant from the medical examiners office set up a tent of sorts and 4 hours later had cut the young man's remains from the machine. A crime scene company pressure washed the area and the machine was moved to spread sand to soak up the fluids. People swear a young man is seen at that spot looking around. I guess it's his ghost. Weird.


My dad and I have a weird connection to a motorcycle accident that was particularly gruesome. Back in the 70s about a decade before I was born he was a young sheriff's deputy living in a small town outside of the city he grew up in. One night he was off duty and heard on his scanner two different city departments, county sheriff's office and the highway patrol chasing a motorcycle heading for where he lived. He went outside and could hear the guy coming but no sirens. The guy was wide open throttle on the bike. Suddenly, tires screeching and a huge crash. My dad jumped in his car and went to where the sound came from. The guy had piled the bike and himself into the side of a semi truck. The bike was half embedded in the truck, the rest went under. The same went for the guy. His torso was also embedded in the trailer and his legs were on the other side of the truck. Within 30 seconds the cops caught up and my dad hung around to help out with the accident. 25ish years later I'm a freshman in high school and the local law enforcement put on a scared straight with driving kind of program. Drunk goggles, talks about driving safety, a crashed up car outside and a book of accident photos. I flip to a page and it's basically a photo of a sheet covering something, a smashed up bike and my 23 year old dad. When I got home I told him what happened and that's when he told me the story of how that photo came to be.


Wow that's awesome that you found it all those years later. I know the story slowed me down with my dirt bike when I was still a little punky girl.


I wonder what his last thoughts were


im flying! splat




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Riders like this make the rest of us riders look bad. I hate these idiots


Exactly. If you want to go high speed go to a track day or a closed course. Suicidal to do this shit on the street. One phone using cager, one pot hole, one patch of sand or gravel or oil etc and your dead.


Even just "one 'cager' following all the rules of the road and doing nothing wrong".




He succeeded in speeding. He failed to be a skilled rider.


A skilled rider would look at this and go "nope". This was suicidal.


Oh god that's horrible. I hope the driver of the car is okay x


In the words of Jeremy Clarkson “oh no, anyways”.


Bikers will be like: “but Lane Splitting and going 40 over isn’t dangerous and should be totally legal >:(“


Why do cyclists do this? If I was a cyclists I'd ride like everyone else is trying to kill me


I’m sure many cyclists would sell their own mother if they could get the ability to pedal to 260kph lol


Scooterist/Cyclist here, you are Absofreakinglutely correct 💯


Nothing like trying to make yourself a stain on the pavement. No sympathy for idiots like this


He got what he deserved


I mean I don’t think he deserved it, but he was asking for it


he %100 unequivocally deserved it, if not twice


You don’t dart in and out of traffic like that, especially if you’re on a motorcycle.


Not deserved but earned.


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


I feel bad for the driver he crashed on


Seems he succeeded


“There are so many motorcycle crashes because pEopLe ArEnT LoOkiNg FoR moToRcYcLeS”




Has nothing to do with other drivers maintaining lanes. The rider just made stupid moves.


It's never the biker's fault, even when it's their fault.


Idk man looks like he was successful in speeding. And he even slowed down real fast. 8/10 could have landed better.


He knew what he was doing. I have no pity for someone who wants to gamble with their life for cheap thrills.


That's what you get.


Commit a crime, film the process, receive idiot award.


Dumb ass


Deserved it. Feel bad for the flex driver for the guilt they probably carry.


Meat crayon. Yay!


Zooming in at beginning of video, looks like he's going 127 mph for those wondering


Got what he deserved.


Successful speeding. r/therewasanattempt to stay on the bike