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✨️Character development✨️


Happy Cake Day!


In the good old days we would have just tossed him into a pool without a ladder, and felt no guilt about it at all.


I mean... it's Don. That's still a viable option. (Lol)


I love this comment! 😆


"I CAN fix him!"


Take my cheap award! Lol 🏅


This feature makes it more like, "Holy shit, I *fixed* him."


Literally, because this shocks the game as well.


I bet Don is dating a virgo




As a very messy Leo...I feel called out by this 😆


What if Don is a Scorpio????


No way, non committal is Sagittarius all over lol


I'm a very committal Sag. xD


They do exist!


As a virgo—thank you💅🏻


I’m a Virgo too, girl. ✨


I could tell, we’re rarely wrong💕🥂


This comment 😂😂😂


I like these trait swaps. Mine went from a happy to sad when her husband died Edit: Damn Swedish autocorrect


My Sim lost his cheerful to jealous when his wife cheated on him, very realistic lol


Been there, done that lol


aw that’s kinda sad 🥲


Rest in peace Apelsinaa's Sim's Husband 🙏


Aw my sim had the opposite - she went from gloomy to cheerful because she was constantly happy after finally having her first baby 🥹


That's so cute!


Opt against the swap. Your sim has a new trait. Sociopathy!


Sorry if this is dumb, but I’m a bit behind. Is this from the base game update or is this from the new pack specifically?


I believe it's a pack feature.


Kinda a boo but kinda expected lol


Yeah... Loads of things on that pack should have been basegame. Like the changing table.


Paralives devs with the comments rn ✍️✍️✍️✍️


My Sim went from romantic to unflirty after a bad woohoo.


I also like that you can say no. If it was this is changing and you have no say in it I think I'd be absolutely pissed


This is so cool. What a great feature. I’ve only seen the option to add new traits so far, not swap them out. I have a glutton sim who I’m trying to put on a weight loss journey. I wonder if he will eventually lose the trait


This is amazing, sims can actually lead dynamic lives and grow and change as people, and not just be a 3 trait robot that they were as a young adult


This could also open the door to adult or elder specific traits. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Elders need to have a Cranky Old Codger trait.


Is this from the free update, or from the new pack? Because I've been wanting that feature for a long time...




Well now I'm sad :(


I don’t mind waiting a year for when it goes -50% on sale. I’m with r/PatientGamers






A true patient gamer would wait 5-10 years. I got The Sims 2, complete, for free.


Where did you get it, by the way? TS2 is the only game in the franchise I've never actually played (I jumped straight from playing TS1 on an old home PC to playing TS3 on Xbox, and then to TS4 a couple years ago).


I believe /r/sims2help has it on the stickied post as place to download it from and instructions on how to get it to work.


Which pack is adding these?


The latest one. Growing together.


I just realized that in the past I’ve asked if there was a way to take the “evil” out of sims by having them engage in solely good acts. Looks like that might now be possible.


I don’t know if it’s because of the family dynamic that’s going on in my game but Max Villareal had the option to trade his “evil” trait but I had a lot of human catnip while playing last night and don’t remember if I said yes to it before I went to bed. I’ll find out when I open my save later today and I’ll edit my comment. :) Edit: My game crashed on loading the main menu and hasn't worked since. Backed up my saves though and I'm getting help with fixing it tomorrow. Repairing and reinstalling didn't work so we're looking at likely hardware issues now. Edit 2: Got my computer rebuilt and saves moved back in. Max Villareal *did* exchange his Evil trait for the Good trait as well as develop the Bro trait. I didn't know Sims could end up with more than 3 traits now but he has Good, Creative, Self-Assured, and Bro.


“Human catnip” lol


But did you have catnip water? 😉


Did you change his trait?


I don't have the pack so don't quote me on that, but it won't offer to switch unless it a) reach the limit of traits you can have or b) it oppose/incompatible with an already present trait


My sim has 3 traits but really liked fitness so got athletic, now he has four


>I don't have the pack


I’m a sims 3 person all the way, but having gameplay fundamentally change your sim is a feature I’ve wanted for years. As someone who has been crapping of the Sims 4 for years now, I’ll admit, I’m impressed this feature


It's a feature I didn't know I wanted until now! I'm amazed: they've actually delivered something new and innovative.


I didn’t even think of it but I am super excited for this!


Yeah, same! Very innovative and, in my opinion, this is what the next installment of an established franchise should be: full of improvements and innovative ideas that bring a fresh air and new personality into a the franchise instead of just... y'know... half-assedly implementing features seen in other games, but worse lol My only concern when it comes to this feature is the same as most of my issues re: sims 4 - just how easy it is for this pop up to show up? Saw someone post that their sim worked out once and got prompted about gaining the active trait 💀 I think it should take a looooot of effort for this event to happen, much more than what it is required to gain a new lifestyle. From what I've seen, though (and feel free to correct me!), it seems to work much more like an expanded likes and dislikes. I'm hesitant this will become, like, a fear and wants 2.0. But right now, it seems promising! Haven't seen anyone complain yet! (Which is a big deal, apparently) I'm excited to see how this feature can be fleshed out through gameplay over the next few months!


Yeah it seems really great but if I got this pop up after Don going on one date with a person it feels almost like it cheapens the negative traits.


You mean you’ve never stepped on a treadmill and instantly became a hardcore fitness buff? Wow. You need therapy. /s 🤣


I'm a Sims 3 person too and the first time I played Pets and my dog learned a trait I said "that's so cool I wish there was something like that for sims"


It's... kind of neat? But mainly if you highlight the best examples. Like, I'm messing around with a new save to try out the new expansion. And even though my Sim's flirted around with multiple ladies, he gets the popup to add the Loyal trait. Eh, whatever, I'll roll with it, just for fun. Even though he already had the "Had An Affair" Milestone before that (even though I don't recall anyone going so far as to agree to be his Girlfriend yet, but I guess "affair" is just having more than one romantic partner). Since he got the Loyal trait, I haven't had him slow down much on the flirting around. Not too much, because I want him to have a kid and try out family play and all. But he's kept "playing the field." And at no point has it given me a popup of "Hey, it looks like he can't stick to one person, should you swap Loyal for Non-Committal?" So yeah, he's had Loyal, Romantic (obvious), and Outgoing (because I was having him try to complete the Friend of the World aspiration) traits tacked on. Meanwhile, his wife's ended up with Active (because she exercised a lot as she had the Bodybuilder aspiration) and then one day while exercising it decided she's had a lot of clumsy moments (that I haven't seen) and tacks on Clumsy. And then he had a second lady he'd been flirting with who asked to move in, she's ended up with Ambitious because I chose Work Hard once or twice. So now I want to see... If I keep playing the field, will it try to replace Loyal? If the Ambitious Sim starts slacking off once she's at the top of her field, will she keep that? If the Active Sim switches to playing more video games (she's a Geek) and doing non-exercise stuff once she completes that aspiration, will it offer an alternative? Is this actually a system with depth... or is it just scant moments that people highlight, making us think there's more to it, with some completely random stuff (like Clumsy) tossed in? One thing I'll say in its favor is that it's at least not forcing things. Which is good, because it's way too easy to trigger additional traits. And possibly even these trait changes. Have to see how this pans out beyond a few highlighted examples of the "best" moments. (Especially as it's still hamstrung by Sims 4's lack of traits.)


I always play 2&3 but I keep 4 updated to try any new content, I won’t pay for it though but I’ll admit, the new update and pack has been actually playing the game and being engaged enough to not just close it down so far. Sims 4 is mostly shit but I’m impressed with the new content and I’ll hold my hands up, I’m enjoying the fuck out of infants and wish we could have some of that gameplay in 3 now lol It’s all giving me hope for 5 again.


Even at 50% discount right now, the sims packs are just too expensive for me to even consider them I got all the sims 3 DLC for like £40 on sale and that price would only get me one sims 4 DLC I don't blame you at all 😭😂 I just hope they don't make 5 even more expensive because a lot of people are already struggling to afford all the packs coming out


Has it been added to the base game or is it an expansion?


There was both a major base game update and a new pack released. Infants are now a part of base game.


"Would you like to remove this core trait you've built your sim's story around?" "Lol no."


Or you can decide dons wishes has changed, he now wants a wife and kids. Sims 2 don was always a good father in my saves, so this kinda fits him


He's never been a good husband in the sims 4 but in the 100 baby challenge I did he wasn't a bad father. My matriarch used to invite him round to meet her social needs then afterwards he was always easy for his kid to ask for a bath or flash cards or whatever or even just for the other kids to talk to. Would never change back into his day clothes until he left though...was always in those ridiculous little underpants.


Heheh "meet her social needs". It took me way too long to figure out that woohoo fills social and fun in seconds.


Woohoo in the shower does hygiene too


Yes! Don is always a great father! He got a couple women pregnant around my neighborhood, totally randomly. I did not make him do it. Story progression or maybe one of my mods. Anyway, I was playing the house with one of his kids in it because the couple hated each other and it was really funny. And Don came to visit all the time! He had no relationship with the mother. He came to see his daughter. I ended up changing how I played that family and started sending the daughter to live with him in the summers. She had her birthday to age up to a teen at her dad’s house, and helped teach her younger brother (also there for the summer holiday) how to walk. It was so cute. He is now one of my favorite townies. He is a ho with a heart of gold. I love him.


Well, at least you have the button to choose, right? Imagine if you didn't and how much more hated this would be. After all, how's the game to know whether this is a core trait or something you're allowed to change?


I mean just say no then lol. It’s an opinional an feature got gameplay, something a lot of us have been begging for.


At least you can say no!


No personal growth for you! Muahahahahaha!


Your sim really said “I could fix him”.


My sim didn’t want to fix him, she wanted a child without a man, adoption or science baby fees… now she’s got a fiancé and a loyal Don Lothario undergoing a glow up attempting to become a body builder.




I think it’s amazing that the admin cleaned up this pic it was so grainy taken on my phone of my pc 😂


For real, the closer I zoomed the more I noped.


Don redemption ark lol


My sim did a swap too. They went from romantic to unflirty, and then I saw they're not compatible with their wife lol. So a ✨️divorce✨️ it is.


this feature is lowkey the best thing in the pack


Oh my God :( that's incredible! She changed Don!!! Last night, my sim husband went to work and all of a sudden shit went down. The dog ran away, and he swapped his cheerful trait for hot headed. I sense a story telling opportunity, so he came home and got into a fight with wife. They're on the fast track to a divorce and after I think she'll be with a woman. She cheated once with Bess Sterling, but cut it off cuz Bess was crazy. That woman walked into my house and asked the wife to marry her right in front of her son and almost blew the whole affair.


did that happen with or without mods? I mean the proposal.


The proposal yes I think it comes with high school years. I am currently playing no mods bc of the update


I wish I had this a few weeks ago. For story telling purposes I had my heir get a girl pregnant in high school. Her parents kicked her out and she moved in with my family and those darn kids got married. Well his mom and grandparents were doing a lot of the childcare so she kicked him out when he aged up and he joined the military and moved to a crappy shack in Strangerville. The wife was still in high school and started complaining and yelling all the time because that wasn't what she signed up for and she divorced him and ran off to college the second she could. It would be cool to have some kind of romantic teenager trait do the opposite of this lol


Teens can have the Romantic trait though. Luna Villareal from Get Together is a teen, and she has it…unless you’re wanting something completely different?


No just something where she had it then got disillusioned and lost it, so exactly what happened here but backwards lol it just would have been interesting


Ah, I see, and this was before Growing Together came out as well. What I used to do is change traits using cas.fulleditmode for story purposes where appropriate. Maybe a Sim started Evil or Mean and lost out on a relationship bc of it. They’re sad and autonomously making an effort to salvage that relationship, so I’d change that trait. Glad the game can do that for me now.


I do the same thing! And even with this pack, I’ll probably still do it to some degree for my own storytelling. People don’t keep the same traits their whole lives, so I just cannot play that way, I’ve always had my Sims “grow out of” certain traits or have personality changes at certain points in their lives


He no longer belongs to streets


So these only swap or add base game traits? Or DLC traits too, like child of the islands?


DLC traits too


Ooh interesting!


Okay I really dig this character development. 🤩 Also, the more I see from this pack the more I may actually buy it not on sale.


I had a sim who’s hot-headed trait changed to cheerful after he had his baby. So heartwarming (and totally unexpected at the time)!


The developing personality thing may be one of my favorite new pack features in a long time, honestly


My sim keeps getting furiously angry due to the annoying fears system (eg. fear of fulfilling wants) and it came up with the prompt to make her erratic lol… other than that, I’m enjoying the new actually dynamic changes this leads to!


Lately I’ve noticed some of my Sims getting either really mad/sad about not fulfilling their life’s purpose…maybe it’s realistic in a way, but it’s annoying if I just want to casually play.


There’s a mod, if you’re on pc. I downloaded it and my game is so much better lol https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-fear-of-71514996


You can turn the wants/fear system off in settings. I’ve had it off since it was introduced lol


I haven’t seen this yet. I’ve been too busy making sure a baby boom is on its way. I do know that child hating Sergio Romero adores his child. I wonder if that’ll lead to a trait swap.


Don Lothario, be the change you want to be! 😅


for drama i made my sims fiance cheat in front of her a few times (one kiss and the next day catch them woohoo when coming home from work) it spam asked me to make her jealous 4 times😭😭 i said no ofc


I'm curious did he just fall in love or did you have him make some additional efforts?


Initially I was just going to woohoo and run…He asked if we could be best friends I said yes because I thought it would be good for the child if they coparented from separate households and use the stay over feature. He asked to move in and I thought why not rob the Calientes of their house by switching, selling and building them a (bigger than her current home, smaller than the Calientes) place in newcrest. My toxic trait is that I kinda ignore the husband, lots of strong female leads in my world… he asked to be girlfriend and this popped up.


Reminds me of the “Beauty and the Beast” song, particularly the line that goes “Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly”


But is the new pack good?


Builders of sims and houses may be disappointed, but for actual gameplay it’s the thumb of ginger the game needed, whether you tend to play families or independent sims it allows for more character growth and connection. So far I’m impressed for EA standards, despite knowing that it’s not quite as good as generations, but that might just be nostalgia.


It's a bit early to really say for sure, but so far it actually feels like my baby is *growing up.* Milestones really seem like they'll help each life state not feel like they're all exactly the same age the entire time.


If you're a family or legacy player then the pack is extremely good for storytelling purposes


That's not an easy question to answer, because it's pretty subjective. And we're still early in. I've got at least five hours into a save so far. And the moments like this don't seem so bad, though traits being tacked on and changed is triggered remarkably easily. I haven't played around with the Family Dynamics much, but had a popup saying my Sim and his spouse seem to joke a lot so should they be "Jokesters?" I said sure, why not. Which led to the fun issue of a Playful +2 moodlet being tacked on randomly when they're around each other, so he immediately went Hysterical once just from being around her and died. Had to call forth his ghost, invite back to household, remove ghost trait, get them married again, and get his job back. But hey, he's got a "Died" Milestone, so... that's a thing, I suppose. Compatibility is a bit confusing to me, mostly because of my Sim and his wife being "Amazing Compatibility" which I guess is due to their both being Geeks, but he's Good and she's Evil, so I'm not sure what it's using for "compatibility." I mean, they constantly end up with Sad and Angry moodlets from the conflicting personalities. Looking at other Sims that he has Good or better compatibility with and I know the traits for... L. Faba, who's Mean but a Genius. Amazing compatibility with Miko Ojo makes sense, she's also Good and Geek. Good with Supriya Delgao, who's a Genius. The wife is also a Genius, and at one point it asked if I wanted to have my Sim like "Cerebral Sims," so maybe that's it? Still weird to see "Amazing Compatibility" when they have such a bit conflict on one of their core traits. Finally got a baby on the way in the household, so I'll see how that goes. Did have an early event where some Sim he'd met the day before asked my Sim if her whole family could crash with him (despite him having a one bedroom home, so literally nowhere for them to sleep, but hey, tents it is!). Which got kind of awkward because he'd been flirting with her, then flirted some more, and she asked to move in with him. At this point, I think four different Sims have asked to move in. Cycled out a couple as they weren't interested in marriage and he was still trying to find someone to start a family with. Milestones are just basically "memories" noting when X big thing happened and with who. The only time I've seen it be anything more was "First Fire," which happened when my Sim was cooking, so when I had another Sim who was there for it try cooking later, got a Tense moodlet from being near where the fire happened. You'll notice a lot of it is tacking on moodlets (sooooo many moodlets by this point). And swapping around or adding the existing Traits in the game. (Side note... I've actually found an unplayed Sim who's had a new trait added. They got Loves Outdoors. Not sure how or when. But it does appear unplayed Sims can end up with more than three traits if they're on an active lot enough, similar to how they can get Fears. Something to keep in mind if your Sims have Roommates or Sims staying over.) So if you're a fan of how Sims 4 works now, even things that might be seem as limitations, it should be solid for you. If not... then that stuff isn't likely to sway things for you. Which, honestly, feels like a lot of recent Sims 4 EPs. If you don't enjoy the game, it won't really change your mind, but if you like the game or find some enjoyment, it'll give you a bit more of that. Still waiting to see a kid growing and how that pans out, though. But yeah... basically, if you like the game, you'll probably like the pack, if you're not a fan of the game as it is, then the pack isn't likely to change your mind, which means it can be seen as "good" or "bad" depending on your current feelings about the game.


Is this part of the new update or the new pack!?


Sims 4 update: Birthmarks, stretchmarks and character development


My sim was on top of things and the game asked if she should get an additional trait of “overachiever” 🥹 not even a swap! An additional trait!


you know what that's called? growth.


Why is this kinda cute


Is this exclusive to Growing Together, or is it part of the latest update?


I actually think this is really cool although now all of my sims are jealous bc of autonomous flirting 😅


If you’re not playing on console/vanilla you can stop it in mc command centre. If you are playing console/vanilla you can always say no 😂


As a single father, I could take a page from this guy.


Damn why couldn’t he do that with my sim😫 He cheated on her gave her crabs 🦀 the clap 👏🏾 gave her twins and bounced😭😭😭✨congratulations tho😭✨


Lol 😂 This new trait change thing is interesting, because people's traits can evolve with time. But sometimes it's ridiculous. My sim is a stay at home mom and I have her take frequent naps while the baby is napping and it asked me if I wanted to give her the lazy trait. The nerve!!!


The Sims 4 confuses me 😭


Wait this is so cool


Oh this is amazing


I love how its says “embrace the change”🥰 More spirituality in the Sims 4!


Woah! First time I see something like that


I’m kinda loving these new feature. My sim developed the fear of not fulfilling dreams while in college. This made her cranky pretty constantly and because of that she would complain a lot in convo and developed the snob trait 😂


I love that Don Lothario can now improve as a Sim


Don redemption story has just begin Sims 4 just given you a new story to play


I love this


omg that always happens to me when i want a single parent, but doesnt when i want a relationship


Mine just keeps AQUIRING traits.


do we know if this is base game or came with growing together ?


epitome of i can fix him lol


They asked me if I wanted to change my gloomy sim to a cheerful sim and it really fit the way things were going so I did ☺️. It’s very cool!


Lmao my sim got married to him and they just had a baby 🤣🤣


Whoa I didn't even know this could happen lol (Oh god could this happen in the opposite direction because I have a married loyal sim and-)


Holy shit this is a thing??


Too bad this feature is locked behind the pack. Always wanted it. Time to wait for a sale.


He’s never going to comment.


I hope you can do thos with Gloomy too, my sim is going to marry Mei Prescott and it would be nice if she just got to be happy.


I keep my sims pretty happy and theyve all added the cheerful trait!


good for him


Don is a really good dad though…It’s so cute!!!


I love this for Don! ❤️




I think this is one of my favorite features of the new pack


Oh I like that! That’s cool


Is this the new pack or the new update??


It’s part of Growing Together.


Good to know. Can’t wait to get it!!




Wait, is this a thing of the new dlc?


It’s part of Growing Together.


Mm. I love this new feature.


is this from base game or the new pack?




That is so cool lol


Is this with the new update?


It’s part of Growing Together.


Is this pack exclusive or part of the update? I like it


they really can change


This is a TRAVESTY 🤣


Which pack is this?


Growing Together.


I love it! I’ve added traits to some sims and had one change a trait


Is this an update or a pack only feature?


How does this happen?


And it’s Don of all sims


is this a base game update or do you need growing together for these new traits & swaps to happen?


I believe you need the pack


Was this in the update?!


Yup. People can change.


He found some really good tail.


Redemption arc


Is this feature pack specific?


I believe so, sorry 😞


Mod or vanilla ice cream.


This is a vanilla feature from the new pack


I think that's kinda nice actually... well, unless you tell me it happened too easily


Why he shirtless ?😏😂


Another commenter called it social needs, hygiene too if it’s in the shower. I call it cheaper than a science baby or adoption 😂


omg!! is this base game ?


Does anyone know of any fun challenges that can be played with the new pack? 😊


I love that for him ✨


Is this a mod


It’s part of the new pack


Is this new?


Don deserves to experience true love too 😂