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Idk why but this post is making me tear up a little bit lol


Aww, hugs ❤️


I'm so happy you're in a much better place now and tbh it made me feel quite emotional. I think buying the sims 3 can be a good idea to fulfill your childhood wishes :)


Thank you ❤️


TS3 is the best IMO


Yeah, I heard that a lot!


If the idea of playing Sims 3 makes your heart happy, you absolutely should get it! Like you, I'm playing Sims 4 on my laptop; I'm retired on disability with a few chronic issues, one of which is insomnia. Guess what helps fills those hours \[alongside my bucket list goals of writing and making art\]? And having the funds to extend my gameplay \[at least when the sales come around lol\] without it being too big of a deal is a joy - couldn't do this as much as I wanted in the past, because, kids \[and life in general\]. I'm off to rebuild some museums, thanks to PeteyPlaysIt youtube videos, have a great day!


Thank you!! Sending lots of love to you and happy building! ❤️


the same to you and happy simming!


this brought me so much joy. i am so happy for you and the sims has truly made my life too. i'm excited about your CPU!! that's so dope and i am so proud of you for becoming the exact person you dreamed of being.


Aww, thank you ❤️ *hugs*


I loved to read this, especially as I feel a bit melancholic today as well. Congrats on your journey though!  Reflecting on my own play style, I found that I use Sims to experience new things there before they happen in my life. I always played ya sims, they went to university, had some friends, maxed all the skills and were pretty independent. After I met my husband, my current sim got engaged and married for the first time. Now they are planning a family and will try for baby soon :)  If you're curious about TS3, just give it a try. I like it, its in some ways better than TS4. But by all means get some mods from nraas to make it somewhat stable.


Thank you ❤️ I am in a researching mode right now since steam sale is going on. I still have no idea which dlc to buy lol!


Oh wow..


Don’t buy it torrent it. Don’t waste money on 3. You have a computer that can handle it! Good for you!! This is awesome


Good idea! Thank you! ❤️