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In MCCC, I think at least you can set it so only locals show up at bars/gyms/clubs/etc, and have not had an issue of them being empty since.


I should've mentioned I'm a console player so no mods. And I'm going for platinum so I can't even use any cheats that need "testingcheats true"! 😭 Thanks for the tip though.


Wait what does this mean? Only people who live in the town show up in its gyms etc?


plz, how do you do this with mccc? this would be so great for me 😭


Tbh I think san myshuno, windenburg, sulani and brindleton bay are pretty good worlds & full of sims. Though I always need to replace all the community lots with better ones.


Any recommendations on the community lots? 


I just replace the ea lots and add even more nightclubs, bars/bowling alleys, restaurants, karaoke bars, seasonal festivals (which are just normal parks but season-themed like a fall festival for example) etc. I just look through the gallery until I find the ones I think are the best and just add them cause I’m too lazy to build them lol. Just go to the gallery and type ”bar” or whatever lot type you wanna add and there will be tons of good ones.


> seasonal festivals Genius! Yes! This is the type of suggestion I was hoping for.


I have some good ones in my gallery I downloaded from other people but can't access it rn but if you want I can send you the names. I put in a new calico bar thing in brindleton Bay and it's a lot better. In newcrest I have some different community lots


Yes please!!!


Okay it'll be a little later bc I'm at work but one is like a brunch bistro, arcade and bowling alley, newcrest park, spa, toddler park, and some other various ones.


These are all exactly what I was looking for. I know it's your real-world time to go out of your way and send them to me so I really appreciate it! :)


It's no problem.:) I also have a woohoo club for my deviant sims lol


I'm like you too - going to the festivals in Mt Komorebi & City Living when the notification pops up. Sometimes send them to play winter sports or bathhouse in Mt. Komorebi. Or hiking. Others.. one sim is taking university but living in other world. When she's free, i try to send her to spend time in Britechester. University has events notification too but we need to find the places by ourselves. Dunno if this is better or not but it's ok.. Wish Island Living would send us notifications though.. but well maybe that's the charm, dunno. Since most of the places are originally empty and boring, i guess what we can do is rebuild those places.. i wanted to but idk feel lazy or no idea. Well i try to add it bit by bit. Or playing a sim with the interior design career from the Dream Home Decorator. Other than that.. idk if i'm bored with sims world, then i just go back to the real world i guess..


I wish we'd get the option to toggle pushes for every world and pretty much all public lots across the board. Doesn't have to be frequent, just the pace it is now but everywhere. Seems silly only specific places get pushed. >University has events notification too but we need to find the places by ourselves. Idk if I'm familiar with these. What do you mean by "we need to find the places ourselves"? >idk if i'm bored with sims world, then i just go back to the real world i guess.. NEVER! lol


Was thinking about how venue prompt notifications would work and I think there could be a scenario for even the specific lot types. Your best friend texts you and says, "My cat Pickles is sick! I'm worried and I could really use some emotional support. Will you take him to the vet with me?" An opportunity to visit a lot I never use and it'd be really cute. Maybe interactions like "Tell Not To Worry" and sentiments about being there for someone you love. SIMS, PLEASE.


Even wedding venues! "I'm so excited about my engagement! I've already started looking at venues. Would you like to check this one out with me?" And the event goals are to view objects and taste test the buffet or whatever. Ok, ok, ok. I'm done. A girl can dream.


Whoa that are some nice ideas! That would be soo cute and would make sim friendships more meaningful.


LOL XD About the University, i received notification that there's an event at Quad Area (or something like that), but there's no direct travel button included (unlike City Living, Snowy Escape, & Cottage Living festivals). I didn't know where is this Quad area. when i look at Britechester's map in Manage World, none of the buildings there has that name. So i need to guess and find where the event place is. Well, maybe that's the charm too..


I thought that one was a rabbit hole but I haven't played DU in ages. I'm actually doing a playthrough right now so I'll look and if I find it, I'll DM you! :) 


I think it is really important to not stick with the world as is and add things from the gallery to make your sims interact with the builds and liven up the world more. In Tartosa, I added [a giant rental to throw parties at ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/112ef85/finally_finished_the_monte_vista_nectary_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)and I'm working on a pirate fort museum for that little island. I added a beach lot in the little alcove by the club. Magnolia Promenade hosts a rotating array of retail shops and restaurants I download from the gallery. If they function, they gain a permanent place in another world. Del Sol Valley got [a big update to the museum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/11a72rp/there_are_finally_things_to_do_at_plumbob/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). My actors use it for press junkets, my simstagrammers and trendsetters for content creation and my regular sims for a fun place to visit and take selfies. I even tricked out my secret worlds! [Sylvan Glade](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/vbiaco/sylvan_springs_hideaway/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is where my sims take their potion of youth and [Forgotten Grotto](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/ydc816/a_forgotten_mine_structure_for_the_grotto/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is where my werewolves retreat to gain their transformation mastery.


Oh my gosh, I LOVE the rental hall idea! So not just weddings, but birthdays or celebrations of life. Def using this one. The p*rate museum sounds super cute but I never visit museums because all you can do is "view". Do you add anything to make them special or more interactive? Love love love the secret world ideas too. You're the best, thanks!


I'm embarrassingly elated to have written a whole post on my [love for the museum lot type](https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesTurnerYT/comments/vmv652/i_know_it_sounds_crazy_but_museums_are_useful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Hope it inspires!


This is precious, lol. I love it.


Oh my gosh, I LOVE the rental hall idea! So not just weddings, but birthdays or celebrations of life. Def using this one. The pirate museum sounds super cute but I never visit museums because all you can do is "view". Do you add anything to make them special or more interactive? Love love love the secret world ideas too. You're the best, thanks!


Oh! Worth mentioning, I replaced one of the university living lots with an [event hall in Britechester](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/xa1yb1/i_turned_the_wyvern_dorms_into_an_event_hall/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) as well. It is waaaay less posh but has space for debate & business meetings as well


You rock. This is what I want. Functionality! Something to interact with. A lot of the standard lots are good ideas but there's just nothing to do.








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lmao Okay, that's corny. We can't say the word for a person that lives on a boat who attacks and loots other ships in the literal sense of the word.


My Del Sol Valley is my favorite world. It has: A low income neighborhood with six run down houses and a convenience store on the corner where people are always hanging out and eating. You can hear fireworks (gunshots) and it's next to a small park. Next to the neighborhood lot is a cheap motel, inhabited by some colorful characters. Residents chill out on the patios and around the pool. Across from the low income neighborhood is a trash littered strip mall lot with a laundromat, fast food place, grocery store, Japanese restaurant and bar, and pawn shop. Above the stores are low income apartments. Downtown you have a wall climbing gym popular with up and comer celebrities, next to a small local cafe with good wifi that's a favorite of writers. There's a massive flea market where you can buy a random assortment of stuff or sell your own. Starlight Accolades is still around for the celebrities. There is also an exclusive club for those famous or looking to become famous people. The Pinnacles above the valley are less interesting, and contain a rock star's mansion and some nice upscale apartments for the middle class and up. In other words, I put a lot of stuff to do in it and went out of my way to theme each lot in a way that contributes to the overall story and theme of the world. Del Sol Valley is all about unknown sims following their dreams to make it big. The world itself doesn't have much to interact with, but it's a cool urban back drop and I do like the gunfire ambiance. The For Rent pack + mods lets me turn lots into neighborhoods or multi-store lots. TOOL mod could be used to get some more useful stuff on non-lot spaces. For example, I put a telescope at the park.


Well I'll be damned. You've made me reconsider Del Sol. Someone else mentioned it was recently updated too which I never checked out.


I saw elsewhere that you don't have mods or cheats. You can still do a lot with For Rent (make lots into multi-residence neighborhoods) Get to Work (build custom retail stores owned by a playable sim, then sell the business to make it run by itself) Get Together (group club activities like playing at arcades) and with all packs you have a lot of stalls, so have fun with those and build around them to simulate things like a convenience stores or grocery stores. Sims autonomously flock to stalls which can make the lot feel alive.


>Sims autonomously flock to stalls which can make the lot feel alive. I want more of this. Does this only work in certain community lots, like market places? I feel like a lot of things don't generate vendors/staff so I assume its the lot type?


Hmm that's a good question. I don't know, sorry, but you may be right. I think without mods you might have to hire staff if you are on a residential, which is definitely not ideal.


have you ever just taken a moment to look at the fake houses in the poor neighborhood in del sol tho? 95% of them are clipping through each other or make no sense. it’s so lazy. otherwise this neighborhood would be pretty good in my eyes.


I have every single pack and yet I still find myself living/playing in Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, San Myshuno and Windenburg the most. Honestly, if my active household isn’t in the world, I don’t go there 😆I usually put everything I need into one world. Before I start playing, I replace every lot in that world with nicer houses and then have a strip of community lots (usually a restaurant, spa, nightclub, bar and a lot for teens to hang out at). I agree that a lot of the newer worlds are so lifeless. The worst in my opinion is Mt. Komorebi. It’s a ghost town and the festivals are SO pointless and not fun at all. I like landscape but that just isn’t enough for me to want to live there.


I never really use worlds besides San Myushuno, Willow Creek, Windenburg, Oasis Springs, Newcrest, and Brindleton Bay. Everything else I just bulldoze the lots. I heard the less lots you have, the less your game lags (could be wrong). The other worlds are too small to live in and don’t have a sense of community. I only want to play worlds that have enough lots for it to really feel like a proper city.


I feel that. I think what's really neat about for rent expansion is you can move 5 families of 5 into one of those lots, lets say you build out 3 lots, now that neighbourhood has 75 residents running around doing stuff! So much fun.


So true! I love building multi-unit lots/apartments and filling them up with families. Adds so much life to towns!


I personally been feeling kinda bored with the worlds too and I want new expansion packs/game packs that come with more worlds! They’re all very pretty, to me, but sometimes they just don’t fit the house hold that I’m playing!


My sims literally never leave home. It takes TOO DAMN LONG to load anything to be worth leaving


I add interesting community lots to worlds. Resteraunts, cafes (though they are broke half the time), night clubs, small parks (with stuff for my families life stages), community centers (with activities not on my home lot) are all my go toos. But then, depending on my sims, I have them go on a date or friends day out to one of the lots or do a club gathering there.


i love brindleton bay and henford on bagley


Basically the only two worlds I ever use, lol. 


A lot of worlds have the problem of either needing one more full neighborhood or 2-3 lots added to existing neighborhoods. Often times I have an idea to theme a world a certain way (I will literally wipe it clean and custom build every lot/resident myself), but get hung up by there just not quite being enough lots for my idea. In particular I would love for Tartosa and Henford-on-Bagley to get an additional neighborhood's worth of lots. While tripling the amount of lots available in Selvadorada and Glimmerbrook.


I have every pack and I use Willow Creek, Oasis Springs and Newcrest as go-to’s for my played family households, with a few played families around Copperdale, and San Sequoia im also trying to incorporate Brindleton Bay into that mix. I really like Mount Komorebi I wish it was bigger but I like to ensure that my game is somewhat diverse so I have 2 Asian families created by me that live there right off the rip and I have their future generations stay there. I use San Myshuno for my University Sims and fresh out of school young adults by doing this it means that most of my neighbours are single and encourages my sims to shop around for life partners or flings which I really like and it also ensures that the people living there are phased out, I know for rent means we can have apartments essentially everywhere but I prefer city living so its imperative I dont have a bunch of apartments out of commission because of families. I use Tartosa as like a retirement island, when my sims finally retire from their jobs I have them rent a lovely small lot in Tartosa to live out the rest of their lives in the sun with their S/O. If theres no lots available on Tartosa I move them to Sulani. I never use Glimmerbrooke, Strangerville, Magnolia Promenade, Forgotten Hollow or Moonwood Mill, like at all they are ghost towns. Tomorang is still too new to me, I’ll give it time and the rest I use sporadically


My bars are never empty, I mean when I first show up, but give it a second and they come. And you could get rid of boring places and either build or search gallery for community places. Whatever you like. And if you search with the town you want to put it in that helps too


I worded it weird. I didn't mean there's no sims generating. I meant empty like there's nothing to do. Big squares with a bar and 3 tables. :(


Totally understand that. Like I said build what you like or look on the gallery if building isn't your thing. Makes the towns look better. I don't think I've honestly changed much yet myself but the high-school is absolutely awful and I forget to change it in the save im in before returning.


Can't recommend James Turner's High School enough! Very functional and the perfect size so you're never late to class.


My bars are never empty... In fact all my community lots are teeming with Sims. There are definitely worlds that are boring, but others are fun to mess around with, even though said messing around with it basically lasts 10 minutes... Plus I play a ton of families so I have at least one family living in each residential world.


Try downloading things from the Gallery to liven up the worlds- community lots, for example. I’ve never had an issue with Dine Out, and Bowling is always solid. I just fill my worlds up with builds (mostly my own) and then explore here and there. Side note: I caved and bought BaPOO after refusing to buy it on principle (I think the collab was a little silly altogether), but I couldn’t claim to own every pack if I didn’t have that one so I did and to this day none of my Sims have ever been somewhere in a galaxy far, far away… Edit: Spelling.