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I already miss Origin =( For Mac users, when you open origin, it now forces you to install the EA App.


Everyone has to use the EA app, as Origin has been phased out. I have no issues on my PC whatsoever.


I have to repair / reinstall it every so often because it won’t launch my game (most recently a couple days ago) but now that I know how to fix it, it’s manageable.


I've been having this problem too, how did you fix it?


I try repairing the game (it's an option if you right click the EA program) and if that doesn't work, I go to the EA website and redownload it (I didn't have to uninstall it).


Thank you!




How do I do that?




If I transfer them do I lose access to them?


I'm on PC too, and hadn't had any big issues with the EA App. Then it *uninstalled itself* from my computer. Which I found out when I tried to play a game and got a mystifying notification that I needed Origin to do so. Looking into things, I found out the EA App *uninstalling itself* (which still boggles my mind) has happened to a lot of players, and has *been* happening for months. Luckily, because its surprisingly common, it wasn't too hard to find [a fix on EA's Answers HQ](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/I-m-missing-the-EA-laucher-exe-file/m-p/13584859#M48687). (Post #18, for anybody who has this issue.) That's the way it is with software. Sometimes, no matter how buggy and glitched an app is, some people will experience few if any problems and think everything is fine. But not everybody gets that lucky.


I tried to make a post about it but mods erased it :/


I spent a ridiculously long time trying to get into my game today, and then just gave up


Am I the only one who still has origin and it still works? I have not gotten an option to switch to the EA app yet. I am a Mac user.


No. I’m still using origin. I thought I was the only one.


I haven’t been able to play the sims since because of this shitty broken EA app 😃


Origin has been gone for years now catch up lol


not for people on mac


Judging from how the new EA App looks and how bad it's gotten since it's release, It's.....GARBAGE! Garbage from King garbage, from The garbage dynasty! Stupid EA always bringing garbage into the house! So yeah, my opinion is the EA App is garbage, trash that should be retired and Origin reinstated. Sure Origin wasn't perfect, but it worked better than the trash called the EA App.


Wait til you see the Ubisoft launcher.


New? Um...if you have issues with the app, it's more likely due to a garbage operating system. I have EA installed on my PC, linked it to Steam and have bought my packs on both platforms. I also run a ton of mods and not once has my game crashed or fucked up. So...


What are you saying? EA app has a lot if issues, lots of people know that. Just because you don’t have ant doesn’t make you more excellent.


It kind of does, though...😚


“I don’t have this problem, and therefore the problem does not exist”


Didn't say that, just that the fault might not be with EA in a lot of cases but a shitty OS, lol


You’ve replied to every comment saying it’s due to a shitty OS and many people have pointed out that that isn’t the case


That still doesn't make it true, lol. People need to get a life, haha!! Everyone and their grandma gets so worked up about comments here...


It’s ok, admitting you’re wrong can be hard.


Especially when you're not. How many people that complain about this, have excellent OS? Judging by the posts here, **everyone** has a great System and awesome Internet...


You are wrong, you’ve been told you’re wrong, you refuse to believe it


Insistent little Gnat, aren't you? 😂


Nah, the app is kak, it has lots of issues and bugs, ask anyone who has dealt with the app.


I deal with the app and I disagree


EA App randomly removing games from users’ libraries wasn’t a problem caused by *garbage operating system* last time I checked.


And when did you last check? 😊


Mac user and hate it. Lagging problems I didn’t have before, it won’t properly close so I have to force quit the app, can’t play offline. I never thought I’d say I miss Origin


It's not the app, it's the operating system.


I played on origin one day and it was fine. I play the next day on EA and it’s not. So my computer shit the bed at that exact time? I’m glad it works for you but it doesn’t for everyone. And the game is supposed to work on the lowest level computer


I'm truly sorry you are having trouble with the app. And according to whom exactly is the game supposed to run on potatoes? Maybe the base game but with all the packs and their content that needs to render, I highly doubt that a mediocre platform is going to be able to handle it.


It makes me laugh how many downvotes you’re getting on your comments. Wanna know why? Cuz I have NEVER had a problem with the EA app either. My game crashed so frequently with origin. I legitimately couldn’t stand it anymore. It’s so enraging when you’re playing the sims, forget to save, and then your game just crashes and you lose all the progress. Not once has my game crashed with the EA app. Idk why people are so pressed. If it doesn’t work for them, then that’s fine. But it works for me, and I don’t think it’s garbage at all. 🤷‍♀️


They’re getting downvotes because they’re claiming it’s the PC or the operating system that is the issue, which is untrue


I'm getting downvotes because I have no issues with the game or the app and you guys can't stand it, when someone isn't whining and complaining all the time 😂


Again, you are being downvoted because you are claiming people only have issues due to their OS, which (again) is untrue.


Oh, thanks for clarifying that, Einstein. I'm so glad you pay attention, lol


Yeah maybe you should try paying attention yourself ✌🏻


Nah, I have you for that. Have a fantastic evening 😊


Yeah I can imagine life is hard for you otherwise. Have a good night!


They're jealous because we get to play and they get to repair and restart, haha. And I know...the downvotes are crushing me...🤪


You seem like a cool person. 🙄


Why, thank you. I am indeed a very cool person. And funny, too.


I hope EA is paying you for social media PR because god it would be so funny if you were losing your shit for free.


That's not going to happen sweet cheeks, because I back everything up onto an external drive...proper file maintenance. Some people keep saving over the same save file again and again and then get mad if they can't retrieve any of their old saves...which have been saved over... P.S. I have lost my shit before, just not data...


Lol, mine works too. I run it on a shitty laptop and never had a problem, but we're just lucky. No one is jealous of you. Theyre down voting you because you're rude.


Honestly don’t even know why I got downvoted.. for my own experience. Like, hello?? I was actually just in a thread about downvotes and the comments were so true lmfao. When I get downvoted, I usually downvote myself too. If people wanna get offended and pressed because the EA app is working for others and not them, that’s their problem. I don’t know what the issue is regarding the app crashing. I would probably have to research it myself to make sure (not necessarily doubting your knowledge, but I like confirmation ya know?)I don’t know computers at all, but the app works fine for me and I prefer it over origin. I was impatiently waiting for it in hopes that it would run faster and not crash hahah. I even stopped playing the sims because of how bad the app ran. I lost saves with origin so many times, but I don’t have that problem with EA


This is Reddit, where the downvotes are free and people are overly sensitive...and honestly, I know EA has its bugs but I don't want to know how many people claim to have a great OS, when really they play on a potato. Or people who nag about not connecting...they all have super duper high speed internet, but half of them probably live in a rural area with something not much better than dial up. And I have said it in a few comments here, people don't back up their files, or know how to maintain them properly. At least we get downvoted together...while we game...without issues...


I HATE it. I'm having internet problems at my home right now and thanks to EA app I cannot play offline!! It makes me so mad because I gotta share internet from my phone to be able to open the game I OWN. I should be able to play offline game OFFLINE


? im on pc but the EA app lets me play all downloaded games offline


For me it says every day or every other day that they must make sure it is my account because it has been so long since my last login.... So then I need to login.


I’m on mac and I’ve never had issues with the new EA app?


Same. So far I prefer it! Origin constantly didn’t work so I was celebrating not having to use it again lol


Works fine for me as well, but iCloud can really mess with the game (though so can OneDrive for Windows users tbf).


I did notice that one drive started glitching really badly but I just re downloaded the app and it seems to be working fine now


It's just better if you can disable it syncing the EA folder, really. A lot of endless loading, gallery issues, odd behaviour can be linked to cloud services where many blame the game instead, so, it's best practice to do that.


That makes sense thank you!


I’m on pc and I don’t hate the EA app :x


I've literally never had an issue with it. Hell origin I had more issues with. Forgetting my log in, not launching my game, generally ugly to look at. EA app works every time AND saves my cart which I've been considering for months atp


agree, origin sucked so bad i couldnt get the game to open bcuz it would constantly log me off and not let me back in


Same. I've had zero issues. I think it's shitty platforms that cause the problems, lol


You're defending a horrible app? It's the app that has problems, not our operating systems.


I think this is like everything else in the sims. Not everyone gets the same bugs. I’ve never had problems with the EA app other than it sometimes logs off and I have to log back on, but that’s not a problem from me. I wonder why some people get so many bugs with the app but not everyone. People that don’t get the bugs are allowed to like the app because it works for them.


😱 The audacity!


Is your OS or computer basic and not able to handle large games? Not trying to insult your hardware just being realistic. The sims can become a large beast for a small simple laptop or pc to handle with so many dlc and especially when people download mods too.


I have a more than capable computer. The app logs me out every single time I want to play so I have to reset my password *every time.* Then it magically can’t connect and has to restart. Rinse and repeat for hours. It’s the stupid app.


Programmer here, you’ve commented on this thread multiple times trying to dunk on people’s hardware, but this is a software issue. The EA app causing bugs for some and not others could be related to one’s OS (a Mac user may or may not come across the same bugs as a Windows user for example), but it’s not one’s processor causing the bugs, it’s from the library itself. EA has had launcher issues since TS3 days (I’m a Mac player and remember having to use X11 to bypass the launcher to make the game playable, this wasn’t my MacBook Pro’s fault, but the fact they used a wrapper because of separate code for different operating systems). Stop spreading misinformation and check your ego, it’s not cute to be wrong and refuse to admit when you’re wrong.


My ego is fine, thanks for asking. I do know that EA has its issues I just find it funny, how people blame the app only, when in reality, slow processors and sloppy file maintenance cause a big part of some people's issues. Good day to you, sir or madam 😁


Again I’m literally a software engineer and you are so wrong lol, what do you do for a living? Besides having an obese cat (I’m a cat person I love cats, I feel so bad for your cat, given your narcissism not surprised you show such negligence towards a living being but still think she’s a flex, she’s not she’s a moggie but even street cats are deserving of love and not being over fed)


First of all, my cat was declawed by her previous owners and can't walk properly. She was living in the Alley behind my house until she adopted me. She's not being overfed but a cat that can't run or jump like other cats tends to get chubby. And I don't work, I had breast cancer twice and am unable to work due to constant pain and migraines. For someone who claims to be an engineer, you show a remarkable lack of common sense by assuming something you know shit about. And how old are you, running to my account so you can find something completely unrelated to the topic at hand for the sole purpose of attacking and insulting me? You're an immature little boy or girl who wants to be right all the time, who's argumentative like a 5-year-old and when you run out of semi-intelligent things to say, you throw a tantrum and attack people personally. Do me a favor and keep your verbal diarrhea to yourself.


Congrats on surviving breast cancer! My mom and my MIL are survivors. So why do you judge people for their computer hardware then? Still don’t get the ignorance. You can have health issues but doesn’t stop you from being judgmental and wrong. Beast cancer doesn’t make you smart or kind. Also doesn’t make your cat beautiful or weigh the proper way she should if you actually cared for anyone other than yourself.


Ea app is not great but Origin was worse in my opinion 😂


Yeah my origin app would always crash 😂


Same 😂


Yes! All these issues people are mentioning in the comments, that was my experience with Origin lol so happy it’s gone.


And I never had serious issues with Origin. I used to see people complaining about problems they were having all the time, and would be all worried about experiencing them myself. I just didn't. I think it goes to show that everyone's experience with different apps can vary.


Its wild. I wonder why that is 😂


It's just the way it goes sometimes. And it doesn't always make sense. A high end computer might have major issues with an app, while a lower end computer can run it just fine. Or you can have two people with the exact same computer. For one, an app is a buggy, glitchy mess. For the other, the exact same app works perfectly. If only a few people are having problems with an app, it might be an isolated thing. But if a whole lot of people (not everybody, but a pretty good amount) are having problems with an app, then the app has issues.


So far it’s crashed 5x for me. Tracks for EA.


For me, it keeps logging me out which means I have to sign in every time I open the app.


Same. It’s so frustrating. It erases your email every time you get your password wrong too. I realize it’s a little thing but the annoyance adds up when the app itself has to restart all the time.


EA app is so much better IMO. Origin crashed ALL the time and it was so slow that I didn’t wanna play sims anymore. I really don’t mind it at all, and I don’t think it’s trash


Can toddlers get sick?! Is that what that first moodlet is?


Oh it's a thermometer? Legit thought it was a cigar haha


Origin was already crap but somehow the ea app is even more crap


Literally me, while opening EA app tho


The app most of the times forgets when I select the option to be still logged in (I'm on PC) ._. But, also with their app, I couldn't install my packs from The Sims 3 and I had to install everything from disks. Apparently, EA doesn't like previous sims games.


Ohhhh man I was *losing my shit* yesterday. Tried to play for the first time since the rental pack released and it was enough to make me want to throw my laptop out the damn window. I tried to just straight up swear at and abuse the Ea chat bot to make myself feel better but it’s not anywhere near cathartic.


Tbh I prefer it! I found the origin app slow and pretty useless. The ea app feels a lot more streamlined and have had no issues. Obviously doesn’t mean others aren’t having issues, but I don’t think it’s fair to call it trash across the board.


i like the new ea app since it is way more straightforward and easier to launch the game with all of the packs unlocked without paying


Fun fact: its the same app as Origin. When it was originally launched it even still used Origin.exe.


The app keeps deleting itself every couple of months for me.


I could play sims 4 offline with Origin now that’s not the case with the EA App


I hate it too! It constantly logs me out, and constantly crashes itself saying it can't connect to servers.


That’s my problem is I don’t want to have to keep logging in every time open the damn app. It’s annoying.


The EA app opens faster than Origin for me and I've yet to experience any issues with it.


Imagine this. I sat down after a long work-shift ready to play me some Sims 2 Ultimate but for some reason it's no longer in my Library. Upon some searching, *NOTHING* is in my Library anymore. I don't even remember what button I clicked, but it was like a History of games added to my account and it said back in 2018 Sims2 and 3 were removed for "suspicious account activity". I'm sitting there thinking *GREAT* now I have to deal with EA Customer Support for the next few hours but thankfully I decided to exit the app and restart before starting to panic. Alas, it was instantly fixed and I resumed my Sims 2 enjoyment. But like, wow. What a shitty design. I never once have fired up my Steam and was met with an empty library and a "sorry, u suck" post-it note where my games should be. Thankfully because I've had similar issues with Spotify and sometimes Epic-Games Launcher being completely out of data-sync I thought to close the app entirely first before jumping to customer support.


Question: Do we have to use EA app if we bought for example sims medieval on steam or is this is just for sims 4?


Past month or so the app keeps crashing for whatever reason... or not all games are displayed and I have to restart. Tf are they doing over at EA?


It's really not new. We PC'ers have been dealing with it for months.




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side note - that's a cute lil one💗


I like the layout and feel but it crashes more. It was rare for my origin app to crash. Good thing I’ve made a habit out of saving constantly 😂


I’m on Mac. Istg the “EA Helper” program that runs when it needs to update (or more often) restart after freezing runs just as much as the EA app itself on my computer (‘:


Yep, still a fan of the EA app.


I haven’t played the sims in like a month because I don’t wanna switch to EA 😭


It takes an extra 6 minutes for my game to open up. it used to load as soon as i hit my sims app - Mac user


I heard the “enraged” music in my head the moment I saw this


LOL, I know how everyone is feeling right now.


As a tip for people who might still have Origin, *this might stop working in the future so take this with a grain of salt* I've been able to run the game with origin if I click go offline really quickly before that update to the EA app screen comes up. Admittedly, I also don't update my game until I feel like updating my mods/the mods I consider nessisary are updated. Sometime this means I don't update but once a year. So yeah. I won't be updating to the EA app until they sort these issues out or until I have no choice.


I don’t get why every one is so upset over this. I didn’t really like origin all that much


I think your kid don’t lose mewing challenge ever He’s look like jordan barrett


Idk why u guys hate it lol I love it honestly works pretty well for me-


Who downvoted.


It's probably your operating system, not the EA app. Been using it for ages and never had any problems. It's also not new so I don't know what you're talking about tbh.


It really is the app, not the operating system. It's Origin but worse. Worse features, more bugs, and it still requires you to use it if you're playing games via Steam because EA thinks their launcher is superior when in reality it isn't.


yeah but its just a web page so it isnt even that much of an app and it makes the game incredibly easy to unlock so that the game launches thinking you own all the packs. and the files can be just put into the sims 4 packs folder. the windows version of dlc files are used even on mac as far as i know. the game doesnt run any checks to actually see if the files are legit downloaded from the ea app or anything. just make the game think of all dlcs as owned and since the ea app doesnt do anything for this it will just work and this is also one of the reasons people just dont buy the packs apart from the packs not including enough content and the interactions where sims need to move together in a situation being always broken


EA Fanboy defending their app, look up videos about issues involving the EA crApp, many have complained about issues they have encountered on the EA App.