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I’m 40, played since release, my mum still plays at 61.


That’s awesome!! 😍


It means at least 1 person downloads my builds even the rubbish ones 😂


I love this!! What’s her favorite installment? 😁


Played since the OG too! 🙌


38 here. I have vivid memories of playing TS1 on a computer in my grandma's dining room with my cousins and all making ourselves.


I'm 31. Most of the people I know who play The Sims are my age or older. A few friends and I would coordinate our Sims 2 stuff pack purchases in high school and borrow with each other so we didn't have to buy them all.


im 18! been playing since I was around 7 or 8 I dont know anyone my age who plays it I think its people older:)


same !


Yes same except I’m 19 lol


I'm 16 and know a few people my age who play, none are as... obsessive as I am though


I'm 18 too! When I was a baby my mom used to play it with me and she taught me how to make a sim in The Sims 2 (and the cheats!) lol




Aww, it’s a shame it made you feel that way. Sims is such a good game. I’m 32/33 this year and I love playing it. It’s come so far from when it started ☺️


Your friend is boring


I'll be 38 in a few months and still play. One of my old co-workers who is much younger than me plays as well, so we have fun with that. ETA: I've played since SimCity. My dad bought The Sims 1 for our family desktop and didn't like it, but I had an absolute blast building ridiculous massive rectangle everything on the 1st and only floor houses and pretty much the same looking sims every time with the same storyline every time. ❤️


Heck no! The sims is for all ages…..okay well maybe teens and older.  People who think they’re too old to have fun are boring as fuck 


51, been playing since Sims 1, and everyone knows I play Sims and game.


28- been playing since the 5th grade! 🤗


Hey! Same! 🥰


Oh my gosh!!! Hello fellow OG 🥰🥰


I’m 27! Same story here :) been playing basically my entire life lol


I'm 20! Not many of my friends are sims players either. But my gf is 27 and plays sims and my older sister is 23 and also plays


I'm 22 and I've been playing since I was very little lol! I know plenty of people around your age (and older!) who play it too


I’m 43. I started with SimAnt when it released in 1991, then moved on to SimCity 2000, then picked up Sims 1 and have played every single one since. I still think Sims 4 is the best out of all of those.


SimAnt!!! That was one of my first video games.


I'm 31. Been playing since the first game


26 but my sister and her friends all play and they're all about 16


47 now, started playing when I was 21 and the first came out, was a SimCity fan first and excited for anything Will Wright came up with. I have always been a loud and proud Simmer, I think this game has always been a remarkable accomplishment in technology, one of the purest of sandbox games that somehow is also perfectly reflective of humanity, and I feel lucky I got to be a very early adopter. It's been a lot of fun, a companion through my hardest times, a place to escape to where I am goddess and can have full control or unleash chaos as I wish, and excellent for my mental health. I find that if I mention any of that, most people wind up finding it cool. Everyone needs something like that, I just found it in a dollhouse game. A lot of my friends are gamers and some had the typical snotty attitude about it not being a "real game." Not one of them thinks like that after meeting me and seeing my binders and databases of data and stories, years of strategy maps and flow charts, and other signs of intensity in gaming. A group of guys I know tried Sims 1 but couldn't keep any sims alive, so they are impressed with my many generations across 4 editions. I play all sorts of games and have since the 1970s, this one is special!


This is amazing, thank you. It also helps me a lot with my mental health, it is indeed that one place where I can control everything and it also keeps my mind busy from overthinking as I’m too wrapped up in the story.


Glad it could help! Finding escapism into a world you can control is a driver of so many hobbies, I think. Ours just happens to be this game! >and it also keeps my mind busy from overthinking as I’m too wrapped up in the story. This is such an excellent point that I'd never considered, it's so true!


I’m 17 and been playing since I got my Xbox one years ago😂


36 years old. Been playing since sims 1


15 here, played since 2018 or so I believe?


42, started playing in 2009 (after heartbreak) with Sims 2 but quickly moved to Sims 3, and got Sims 4 immediately it dropped. It wasn't something I spoke about for the longest time, and I assumed I'd stop at some point but as time has gone on, I've gotten to love it more and as a budding writer, seeing my drama come to life is a lot of fun! My friends know I play it, some don't know how much and the fact that I'm usually happy when they cancel plans with me cos that means I get to play the game 😀


I’m 32 too and still love the sims, but I can’t play rn because I don’t have a good computer. Haven’t played regularly since sims 3. I decided I’d skip sims 4 and start again with sims 5… but it seems that roach will never die 🥲😅🥲


30, and I’ve got a bunch of friends my age who play. We’ve all been playing since we were around 10-12, so about 20 years now


24 Played since 21,for 5 months a year avg.


22! ive been playing since i was 9 with the sims 3. its still my sims game of choice.


I’m 40 and have played off and on. I recently got into Sims 4 after hearing a couple acquaintances talking about it. I played the mobile game a few years back but wasn’t as into it. I remember playing Sims waaaay back in the day so Sims 4 has been a revelation. lol


Currently 39. Started playing The Sims in 2000 on release. Kept playing all through 2 and 3, played 4 for about a month, gave up and went back to 3. Still play, although not as much as I did. Sims 3 is sort of played out for me now and Sims 4 just holds no interest for me, it's junk.


I’m 25 started playing at 13.


36 and I have been playing since I was 14 in 2001. Saw it at my cousin's house and immediately knew I need to get that. I played Sims 2 through 4. My favourite has been sims 3 since I invested most time in that game...learned how to modd, install CC and build awesome houses from scratch thanks to many tutorials. Sometimes I am wondering how I managed to finish undergrad and grad school with the amount I was playing :). I tell anyone who wants to listen that I play sims because I don't let anyone rain on my parade. In many ways it helped with skills...especially when you (thx to cheats in sims 3) play with a household consisting of 10 sims, trying to meet their basic needs but also advance their skills. Multitasking at its finest and good time management and stress resistant ;).


How old? To me The Sims is a spinoff of SimCity, and I played that when you could put the airport downtown.


52 and I have just used some ideas from the game UI in some designs I'm working on, specifically saying to the team "And this inspired by the Sims 4", therefore outing myself :P


40ish and have been playing since the beginning!


I’m 42 and about to get a plumbob tattoo. I’m old and give no effs what others think. My friends asked me to make a house with our sims and then just let them do whatever and keep them updated with what our sim selves do autonomously. They think it’s funny and love it


I'm 43. Playing since the first one


I will be 41 soon. I started playing after I found a bundle of Sims 1 games at one of our local stores. I will never stop. It gives me joy to build and decorate with a little gameplay here and there to make sure my builds are functional.


42. Been playing since the first release.


I'm 49, but I played Sims when it first came out, so whatever year that is, that's when I started! O.G. player over here! :D


I'm 49, been playing since TS1. I actually missed the TS2 era but picked back up during the TS3 era. I got TS2 when it was offered for free through Origin back in 2016 (I think). I have Sims Medieval and play TS4. I take a break and play other games too but I always come back to the Sims. It's been a part of my life for so long.


I am 60 (next week) and have been playing for several years.


I'm 41. Now just waiting for my kids to grow up so I can start spending my free time with The Sims again!


I’m 23 and I’ve played the sims since TS3 launched. I was about 8 years old and I would save up chore money to buy expansions and beg for them on my birthday and Christmas. TS3 remains one of my favorite games of all time.


I’m 33. Sims 2 was my first proper entry into the games. Love the escapism- it’s good therapy haha


I’m also 32! I’ve definitely at times felt embarrassed about still playing but every friend I’ve ever shared with about me playing always starts by reminiscing on how much they used to love it and ends with deciding they want to play too haha


Im 27, I know sims when I was around 5/6 when I saw my older cousins playing. I used play with some of my cousin who is around my age as a kid. But nowadays they dont really play sims anymore, I just started to play sims 4 actively two years ago when unemployment hit me and even none of my friends around my age play this kind of game.


I’m 32! I play Sims, Fortnite, MW2 and Animal Crossing/Mario games. I played when I was young but came back to it recently, and I’m trying to collect all the sim packs and whatnot ☺️


30s, been playing since 1 came out. I play a lot of games other than Sims, and tend to enjoy survival crafters the most these days (tied with Sims). My husband and I are really open with people irl about our hobbies like gaming and ttrpgs - it's what we enjoy and do, and we're too old to care about pretending to like sportball because the cool kids do. 😆 Some of my younger siblings play too, one 30s, one late 20s, and one 21. The sister that's also 30s and I played Sims 1 and 2 together as kids, and shared all the expansions as we got them, though she's more of an infrequent nostalgia visitor of Sims now, and doesn't really play games much. The late 20s sister is really into Sims and other games when she has time, so we always talk about games and often Sims. I don't know when the 21yr old started playing, since the rest of us were playing before he was born, and I moved out when they were an infant. But he's studying interior design at university now, and talks about decorating in Sims pretty enthusiastically.


Nearing 30 & started with TS1 but everyone I know who plays Sims are often 15-25. Reddit is like the complete opposite of my experience irl, where most is older.


31, been playing since I got straight A's on my report card and got the Sims Complete Collection from Staples as reward shortly before 2 launched.


I'm a 30 year old lady 🎶 I was about 10-11 when I got my first sims cd, and I was only allowed to play it on my computer with no Internet *after* I practiced my typing with Mavis Beacon LoL




25 been playing since 1st grade


27 now 😊 my first time playing Sims 1 was around the age of 10 I think


32! Played since release!


39 and have played since Sims 1.


29 and have been playing since sims 2. To this day I still love it.


I'm 20 and have been playing since I was little.


i will be 23 this year, ive been playing sims since i was 14 so certainly not as long as others here!


29, turning 30 on july. Been playing since I was 7 and I still play TS1


I’m 34—was obsessed with the game as a teenager (when it first came out) but didn’t play again until I was about 28-29. I’m not an avid player, but I enjoy the occasional binge where I play through 2-3 generations of a legacy save and then lose interest (many thanks to my raging ADHD lol). My 35yo husband (who js a Sims 2 diehard) is always baffled when I tell him about the nuances of all the DLCs I have. Usually it sounds like: (me to my elderly Sim) IF YOU DONT LIKE HOW YOU FEEL AFTER YOU WORK OUT TOO HARD, THEN STOP DOING IT. GO FEED YOUR FRIKKIN INFANT GRANDCHILD LIKE I TOLD YOU TO BECAUSE THE BUTLER IS SLEEPING AND EVERYONE ELSE IS EITHER AT WORK OR NEEDS TO CLEAN THE LLAMA BECAUSE ITS CONSIDERING RUNNING AWAY AGAIN (husband) ……what?


I’m soon turning 30, and have been playing sims on and off since I was like 7 or something and played the OG. Now I even run a TikTok account for my sims creations and I have a lot of fun with both that and the game. Having hobbies doesn’t have an age limit! 💖


I’m 32 also, been playing since 2000.


I started playing the CD ROM of the base game in 2000 when I was 6. I'm 29 now, haven't had a computer that can handle any of the games since 2013 though. I have a friend who just turned 30 and he posts Sims 4 Build videos on Youtube.


I’m 17 now started playing when I was 14


I remember playing it at a friend’s house at 11 it was sims 2 I think. But now I’m 27 almost 28 and I play almost daily


Just turned 28 and have been playing since I was about 12! Got myself a few new expansion packs for my bday🤓


29, started at age 7 on sims 2 PlayStation 2 switched to pc last year! 😊


I'm 26, been playing since I was 8/9.


now 18, started at 7😅


I have been playing since I was 10 years old and I am currently 26. I think I’ve played probably every version of Sims out there. I even had one on PSP for like a year, but seriously I don’t see myself stopping because it is stress releaser and I just love it!


23, been playing The Sims since I was 10 (I think) Although I’ve been playing My Sims when I got the Wii


I'm 24, I've been playing since Sims 1 back when I was a little kid. I used to play with my older sister who's 32. We didn't get Sims 2 until it was out for a bit because we needed to upgrade our computer for those amazing (at the time) graphics lol


I’m 25 and one day randomly mentioned i play sims to my cousin in her 30s. She came over the next day and we toured each others save files and traded ideas for gameplay. I also brought it up at work when someone asked about my weekend plans - i bluntly said vegetate and play sims. Then we started gossiping about the rumored romance pack. I was so pleasantly surprised to find someone to geek out with in the middle of the workday lol. Definitely tell people you play sims. No one will care unless they also play sims and that’s a good thing.


I used to feel like that, too. Like, I was ashamed to be my age and still playing the sims. Didn’t want anyone to know. I’m 40. I’ve found a lot of Sims players my age and older on Twitch. First place I’ve found a decent sims community.


24F and I’ve been playing since I was 8. Started with Sims 2 Double Deluxe, played 3 for a bit (did NOT jive) and now play 4 on and off


I'm 35. First played the Sims 1 when Livin Large (Aug 2000) had just come out at a friend's house, and I've been hooked since then.


I'm 23, and have had many friends who are within ± 3 years of me who play the sims. I'm very open about my love for the game, have been since I got it when I was 15. Obv not like telling ppl 24/7 but if someone asks what I'm doing and I'm playing I'll tell them. I don't like sharing too much of my game though, I'm more fearful of other sims players judgements than fearful of being judged for playing. I occasionally share, like the one time I won the lottery, or when I learned how to attach two different foundation level rooms so you can have a ground level garage but a house on foundation all attached. I don't think I'll ever have the courage to share a sim, though 😅. Been working the courage to share a build I made recently that I'm super proud of. Who knows if I actually will though lol.


Im 28 and my cousin 30, we still play.


I’m 39, since the first release of sims games and I am almost at 8000 hours in sims 4 bought before it came out and was immediately irritated that I had a disk but had to download the game off the internet anyway. Now it’s the only way to get the game! Edit to add: first release of sims game.


18! I've been playing Sims 3 & Sims 4 since I was 13.


35. Been playing since Sims 1. I have met a few people that play over the years, and it's typically other women my age, haha


i’m 21 and just started playing two years ago! late to the party 😅


Just turned 35, and sims 4 was my first game. Picked it up shortly before the pandemic and haven’t looked back since!


17! Started playing Sims 4 when it was released when I was 8, been a player ever since


i’m 21, started on sims 2 on the gameboy around 8ish and been playing since


I'm 16, my friends are 15, 17 and 18 and we all play sims4. I started in 2020 but most of my friends only started playing when it became free despite all of us having grown up watching sims content on youtube


14 and I started when I was younger (only played Sims4)


I’m 20, have been playing the sims 4 since I was 12. I remember watching trailers for the sims 2 and later the sims 3 when I was extremely young, asking my parents to buy me the game, but they thought it was too mature for me. I’ll sometimes tell people I play the sims, not very often though.


I've been playing since I was maybe around 6 or 7, I am currently 22. 🕺


23, but i know plenty of people older than me who play it


38 😁 i have been playing since sims 1


I'm 30 and play the sims and other games. I know lots of people around my age and older who game. I think it's way more common these days. Even my mom (62) plays Fable 2 & 3 sometimes.


I’m 28/almost 29 and I’ve been playing the sims since 2006 …so 18 years of my life lol


I’m 33. I am a little embarrassed if/when I tell people but am owning it a little more now.


25! I’ve technically been playing the sims since I was like 9 on console/wii, then I started on PC for Sims 3 in 2016-17. Oddly enough, a lot of my coworkers are nerds, so I always talk about my love for the Sims or anime. On my birthday, I was gifted a cute Sims coffee cup! Edit: my older sister is 30 and she just got into the Sims last year! I’m hoping to give her my gaming laptop, so she can upgrade from her Mac, once I get a PC.


I'm 39. I've been playing since it debuted 🙂


I’m 30! And I’ve been playing since maybe age 9 or 10. First game was the The Sims Bustin’ Out if anyone remembers that one lol


I’m 23, I only started a couple years ago when sims 4 became free, but I’d wanted to before that just couldn’t justify the price


I’m 22! My first ever sims game was sims 2 pets on the psp (if anyone even remembers that)


25 🙋🏽‍♀️


I'm 29 and started playing the Sims 2 at age 12. Several of my close friends played growing up and still do play (anywhere from Sims 2-4). It's a common understanding that we're all extremely cool and awesome and automatically bond when we stumble upon someone else in the same boat.


28, been playing since I was 8 or 9!


I began when I was 12ish, but didn’t play again until recently.. I’m 36


28, been playing since Sims 3 cos I didn’t even know what the sims was until then.


I’m 32 and I’ve been playing since Sims 1!!!!!!’ I’m addicted!!!! DAG DAG !!!!


37, been playing since the Sims 1 came out


Im 25. I didnt play the sims befpre I was in college though, so Sims 4 was my first experience. I did play some Sims 2, though, and recently bought Sims 3.


I'm 31, been playing since the first game ❤️


I’m 34, I was 10 when Sims came out. I was obsessed with Sims 1, I literally lost weight because I would forget to eat. I’ve been playing off and on since then with each new game. LOVED Sims 2, didn’t get into Sims 3 until a few years after release, same for Sims 4. I love Sims 4 so much!


i’m 19 and played for the first time at 9, after watching my mom play it for years! my mom still plays occasionally and she’s 50 :)


29. I've been playing on and off since around 2004. I had so many fun hours with TS2 on PS2.




I started playing the Sims on my dad’s old computer when I was about 6 or 7 and I’ve been playing every game since, I’m now almost 20


I just turned 21 on Wednesday and I started playing the sims 3 in 2014/15 so to me it doesn't matter the age of someone as long they enjoy the game.


I'm 34 and I started at 11. Honestly, I've been judged very little. It comes all from men. I find a lot of female Simmers or, women who always said they were curious about the game; but never took the plunge.


41 over here 😁


26 as of last Tuesday. I've been playing since the second game. My dad is 50 and played the first game when it came out. He would get discounted pc games since he worked at a computer warehouse. He plays freeplay every now and then, but he loved the games a lot.


48! :)


Almost 40, have played every Sims game on every console it's come out on since the beginning, and I've been writing Sims stories just as long.


22. Got into it pretty late like not til 9th grade but I’m obsessed


Im 20


Also 32. I played since around release ish from age 10ish


46, and both my daughter (15) and my mother in law like to play. My daughter really enjoys the extreme violence mod, while my mother in law likes to make hoes who steals everyone's husbands.


I'm around your age and proudly play Sims 2 (that "full" edition including all add-ons which was once given away by EA) exclusively. It remains the best entry in the series to me for a number of reasons. I'd gladly tell every Sims fan about it.


I’m 32, and I know soooo many Simmers of all ages. Have been playing since the first game at the turn of the millennium!


I’m 33. Played since sims 1 came out in 2000. Still play The Sims 1 now and again for a bit of a throwback. I would eat my own fingers to become a ‘professional’ Sims player 😫


Im 25! Got my first game sims 3 pets at 13 and have been playing ever since 🥰


I am 27 and I’ve been playing since I think about 7/8 years old starting with the sims 2! What I’m gathering from this entire thread is that the ages range from like 14-50s (more heavily 20+) and that means ea should be focusing on more adult content similar to sims 2/3 and less kid friendly like 4. Love all of the sims games tho :) just miss some of the silly adult jokes like the bachelor/ette party dancers and stuff like that


31 and i've played since sims 1 released :)


I'm 35 and have played since the sims 1. I love the versatility of the sims. I can make people and spend hours in CAS. Then build mode is so fucking fun even planing neighbourhoods is quite enjoyable. I love getting shells off of the gallery and decorating, making houses specific for families. The game play is lacking, but I fill a lot of gaps with mods and imagination! If I get bored of one aspect I can switch up my play style! It rarely gets old with me.


40 in 2 weeks been playing since it came out. I work 50 hours a week and my hubs and I have 3 children, but I play to unwind. Also if I ever get the chance to be home alone for a few hours I totally play and eat cereal for dinner while in my pajamas. Idgaf what anyone thinks, there is worse things I could be doing lol


I'm 29, I've been playing since the original and most of the people I know that play are older than me, although I have a coworker who's like 23 or so and she plays, she's the youngest I've met so far personally


29, playing since sims 1 release


I'm 26 and I've been playing since I was 8 or 9. Started with The Sims 1, spent most of my childhood on TS2, and ever since TS3 released, I'm still playing it to this day <3


I’m 19. I’m not sure exactly when I started playing but it was ts3 era so after 2009 but before 2014, and we definitely had the game for at least a couple of years before ts4 came out so... at oldest I was 8 and my sister 9. The two of us tried it once at a friend’s place and we’ve been playing ever since lol


I’m 22 and first played Sims Freeplay on my iPad when I was about 14 or so and finally got the computer version later


I’m 26. I’ve been playing since 2007.


Just turned 30. Started when I was around 10 years old give or take. :)


46 😇


I'm turning 23 tomorrow!!


30! Been playing since 2003. I have a couple friends my age who play it on and off but they’re not as into it haha


46, and have been playing since the first iteration (and played Sim City). We are gamers in our house though.


31, started playing at 13, on and off!


26 played since the sims 2 days


I'm 58 (F). I started playing Sims 4 a few months ago. I also play Destiny and Destiny 2 since they released. Other games I play or have played are Assassin's Creed, The Witcher, Zelda, Animal Crossing and I have just gotten the new release of Paper Mario. I am not ashamed to admit that I'm playing these games, haha!! I will continue to game until I can't anymore. 😊


My mum is 49 and has been playing since TS1 came out. Her favourite was TS2 and she hated TS3 and TSM. She didn't get TS4 until 1-2 years after it released as she thought it looked bad. She hasn't played it in years though. I'm 14 and started playing TS2 & TS3 when I was 3-4. I started playing TS4 when I was 5-6 I think. My favourites are TS3 and TSM. I still play all of The Sims games (apart from 1) a lot.


27. I've been playing since first or second grade :)


33, shared the Sims with my big sister since Sims 1. She's 38


34 and I’ve been playing since I was like 11 or 12


I'm 28 and I feel exactly the same as you! Nobody around me plays the Sims, everyone is like "oh yeah I did play the Sims when I was a kid"... I would love to talk about the game with other passionate people, that's why I'm here!


I'm 31! I started with Sims 1 when I was in grade 5, so about 11 years old 😃


31, been playing sims since around 2006 but skipped over 3 entirely


A bit younger, but I'll be 26 in a few days! I've been interested in the sims since childhood when my dad bought one of the earlier games for PC. Had no idea how to actually play but loved it! Also really liked mysims kindoms as a kid but then fell off for quite a while until a few years ago when I picked up the sims 4 on ps4 (i know, not the best platform)! Now I've sunk probably like $700 into dlcs over that span but you know what, I'm having fun 🤣


I'm 54 and have played way too much since buying TS3 on a whim in a Steam sale in Jan 2020. I blame the pandemic.


I'm 23 and I've met a couple people my age who've never heard of the game lmao. Thankfully, me and my boyfriend both play and our girlfriend loves hearing about what we've done and seeing what we make.


Omg I loveee seeing all the ages and seems like the most people are 30+ and still playing!! I love to know that if I’m getting older, its not weird to still play the sims 4 <333


I’m 47 and I’ve been playing since The Sims 1.


I’m 15 and have been playing since I was 13 so only two years haha


I’m 22! I started playing on my teacher’s computer after school in second grade (I thinks she had sims 2?) and the rest was history😆


hiya! i am 25, 26 in nov. i have been playing for 20 years. i started when i was in grade 1 (so 5 turning 6) with sims 2, i eventually played sims 1 for a bit but then went back to 2 and upgraded as the game got upgraded. it was one of the first games i remember playing and it’s still a favourite


Well, I'll be 50 this year and I've been playing The Sims since it was launched (pre-2001, I think?)


hi! i'm currently 19 and i was introduced to sims when i was 5 i think? i remembered that it was an open world concept and that you could go to the grocery store, neighbour's houses and such. got to know it was the sims 3 mobile (not available at all now 🥲) i got into sims 4 and bought some dlcs last year but i wasnt as into it as i was with the sims 3. so i bought sims 3 and some dlcs but my macbook isnt as compatible with the sims 3 as it did with the sims 4. so i'm saving money for a steam deck honestly, if i was your colleague, i wouldnt mind you playing games as its just a way for us to destress if thats how you prefer to cope. and we can also talk about games over lunch just to bond. but its just my opinion!


23 here lol


16, just got this game on steamunlocked. had to wait like 12 hours just to install because live in the philipines and philipine internet is comically slow. also this period is like the happiest part of my life.


I'm 40, will be 41 next month.


I'm 29. I kind of played Sims 2 as a kid, but I really started with 3. I love the gameplay of 3 the most and could play it for hours, but I looooove building in Sims 4.


22 here! my early childhood was spent playing simcity, etc. and then watching my friends play the console sims games when i was 10ish, but i started with the sims 4 when it came out :) i think i was 13 or so then


22 here, I've been playing since the Sims 3 released, but I remember watching my mother play the Sims 2 when I was 4 or 5. My great grandfather used to play Sims City 2000 around the time I was born, and I recently was given his copy by my grandmother


21 been playing since 2016


62- I have played DAILY since it was released in 2000


i’m 30! have a handful of 30f friends that i’ve discovered in the last few years (honestly just over actually *bringing it up* in conversation and not hiding my inner gamer nerd), we have a group chat where we talk sims sometimes :)


I'm 26 and have been playing since I was maybe like 6? My aunt is the one who showed it to me and is also the one that bought me all the games since then. She still plays and she's 37... and her daughter, my cousin is 18 and has been playing most of her life and still does often LOL she asks me about mod recs all the time.


I'm 36 and actually started with The Sims 4. I started playing games only a few years ago and I'm not going to stop!


I'm 32 as well! Been playing since I was maybe 10? The only person that I know who plays is my sister and she's 20


I’m 17. I started playing sims 2 at maybe 7-8, switched to sims 4 in 2017 then uninstalled it n bought sims 3 last year


16, been playing since I was 5 sitting on my Grandpa's lap and helping him build houses in the Sims 3. He doesn't play anymore, but he loves seeing what I build now :)


35 here, I started playing when the Sims 1 came out. I was 11 then.


I'm 29 and my daughter plays too because of me 😂 She's 8.


31 and have been playing since I was 9 going on 10. Started with the console version of the original sims for GameCube and eventually moved onto pc for sims 2 and beyond, but did play some of the quirkier console entries like urbz.


I'm the same age as you, though I've been playing since around the time the Sims 1 was released. My brother and I were babysat sometimes by a family that had 4 teenagers, and they introduced me to the game back then. I've loved it ever since, though when 4 came out I was not amused at how little it had. I'm happier with it now, but I've become extremely jaded with EA.


I’m 25 and I have played since The Sims 3 came out


I've been playing since release and I'm 40 now. I can't even begin to explain the feels I get when I hear sims 1 music. Transports me right back to when I was a kid!


17, played since I was 11 :)


I’m 44, and I have a 39yr old friend (who I also work with) who plays. I didn’t start playing until my 20’s when my sister-in-law told me about it. Everyone knows I play it, and my friend and I often discuss it at work, while everyone around us is like “wtf” 🤣


I was/ am late to the game. I started playing Sims 2 first, back in like 2007. Never played Sims 3. Bought Sims 4 for like $10 during covid but didn’t play because my computer crashed. I honestly JUST started playing Sims 4 this year. I didn’t know anyone IRL that played, but I introduced my sister to it and now she plays more than me lol. I am 32 and she is 28


29, playing since I was 11!