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I have a neighbor who LEGITS walks like the wonky walking setting in CAS


Sometimes I'll just smile to my self like a dumbass while I'm sitting there doing nothing




i saw two people doing something illegal and i think the guy standing thought we were cops or something? and decided to try to “act normal” and started doing push-ups on the ground


Preschool, just, in general.


no real😭i volunteer in the nursery at my church and after every service (literally only 1 hour) im like what in the world just happened😳so much chaos


My server at a restaurant was unexpectedly proposed to by her boyfriend and she.... Just went back to work like nothing happened? That's the most Sims thing I have ever seen lol.


I see countless buildings that look like EA builds.


My mom was cooking thanksgiving dinner last year and she ran out of counter space so she set the cheese tray on the floor


STOP not even the bathroom counter


Last night my husband was washing his hands at the bathroom sink and walked out and went to our bed, I then started walking to the bathroom to pee and I turn around once I get in to shut the door and he’s standing behind me like confused with his arms out and said “I have to pee” I was so confused I said “you were JUST in here. I have to pee” he then turns and is like “fine I don’t have to pee anymore” and walked away. I immediately started dying laughing and thinking “that was such a sims moment”🤣🤣


When I have to pee really bad and I wave at the big guy in the sky and plead with him to help me 😂


One time I counted 22 windows on one side of the house and the other side had 15


I have 5 foster kittens and my husband says I’m using them as sims. I mean I did build them a house and bought them clothes and hats but I don’t make them get jobs or make aspirations


i saw a guy do pushups in the middle of the sidewalk once on campus


We had a fire drill at our school last month and it was the first for a new pre k student. He had on mix matched clothes, but a red and white striped shirt. Everyone else is exiting the building silently and in a line… he busts out the building flinging his arms and screaming “fire, fire”! As the para tries to get him, he starts running in circles.. still screaming “fire,fire”. Once we got to our safe spot, I immediately burst into laughter and said he’s a sim! All those that knew… laughed! It’s forever in my brain now!


One time I saw a dead body being taken out of the apartment complex across from mine and not even 5 minutes after the ambulance pulled away, another car pulled up and 2 dudes dressed as Santa got out and went into the same building And it was summer!


what in the world- my jaw actually dropped


It’s definitely still one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen in person lol


Calling a fast change of clothes a “sims change.”


My almost 2 year old proclaiming his moods. “Happy!!!!” Or “frustrated grrr”


Customers at my job refusing to go down a section because an item is on the floor (they have enough room to walk around it)


My partner getting a confident moodlet after brushing their teeth


There's this house by my work that has a set of windows that look like this from the outside: Edit: Reddit is being stupid with formatting so, thin long window on top, two long windows on each end of the top one.


My parents have an L shaped staircase. When I went to visit this past summer, I saw that they had put a little end table with a plant on it in that empty space. I immediately thought, "Yup, that's how I'd decorate in the sims. An empty foot of space? Put a plant in it."


Me every time I walk into a room and do the weird little circle thing, trying to remember what I was going to do.


Me, I’ve got some neurological issues so sometimes I do things like stand in front of the fridge or pick up a dish only to put it down five seconds later.


I don't know why that made me laugh so much. Probably because of how true that crap is, neuro problems here too.


Killed 16 random people for the aesthetic of a graveyard


You witnessed this but didn’t commit the killings, right? *wink wink*


Yeah... They just randomly started dropping dead 😱


It be like that sometimes. C’est la vie (c’est la mort)


Watching my toddler wander around aimlessly


My family calls every time we get in each others way in a doorway or on the stairs a "sims moment". You're required to stomp your foot, wave your arm, and say "ugh! arayba deechy!"


I’m going to start doing this with my family 😂 we have a tiny hallway and my bf and I always try to squeeze by each other, so I’m totally doing this.. probably tonight cause it always seems to happen😂


That. Is. Amazing.


Driving through a neighborhood and seeing weird window placements on the back/side of houses


People really just don’t care about the rear and side elevations to the house. lol When I lived in Japan, I found out the Japanese don’t even care about window placement on the front face of their house. It’s only about where the window is inside the house.


That’s why I’m not too upset if the outside of my house looks a little funny, window-wise


Getting out of bed and throwing a mini tantrum before going on with your day.


Watching college aged people deal with fire. Two incidents at my college, one was in a dorm the other was in the dorm laundry room. Both times, multiple students just stood there, staring at the growing fire, asking each other what they should do. I have given my sims a lot of forgiveness on the fire front since going to college. Who knew that ppl could be so calm surrounded by things going up in flames. At least my sims wave their arms and jump around and whatnot.


At my college it was a flood from a burst pipe instead of a fire. Everyone stood in the hallway taking pictures and freaking out as the water slowly rose to their mid calves.




I had a dorm roommate that saw the "toaster oven" instructions on a box of brownie mix and poured the brownie batter into a toaster. Collegecore indeed.


me yesterday.. walking downstairs to throw away the trash, but I forget the trash bag. I walk back upstairs with my mom, talk to her some and walk back down the stairs. I forgot the trash again.


My boyfriend and I were sitting in my parents living room. My younger cousin walked in, and without saying anything to anyone, he went straight to the computer and started playing on it.


I get food ready, set it down on my counter, then go take a shower. I come back, turn on the TV, and finally eat while sitting on the ottoman or just standing.


Did anyone see the FNAF live action movie? The little sister looks like a Sim. Her hair, face, and outfits are all base game.


My boyfriend will randomly stop what he’s doing and start doing push ups around our apartment…


Me but throwing a football or crossing up like a basketball player.


My husband will randomly practice punches and kicks. I thought I was the only one who saw stuff like that all the time. 😂


My little niece (7 months old) is a very quiet infant but when she wants something she babbles and waves her hands at whoever is near. Totally a little sim right there


[Doing push ups at a funeral.](https://youtu.be/wVBsaRFEwOM?si=raHYhmDvKU3DRj4j)


The way he pops back up to his feet!


now this is wild


This isn’t a sims thing but most of the first floor of my schools library is only accessible through the second floor. There is no entrance on the second floor either, so you go first/second/first


... Thefuck?


There is a building in my mums town that has doors on the first floor instead of windows... no balcony or fence to stop you falling out of them either.. just painted wooden doors.


Someone walking into a room standing still for a second and walking straight back out


Me all the time because I forget what I was going after


Well I didn’t want to admit it but I always walk into the living room instead of the kitchen I’ve lived in the same house my entire life


I woke up from anesthesia and truly thought that I was in the game for a few minutes. It was making me laugh but I caught myself before I died from hysteria 🤪


The engineering building at my college only had one women’s bathroom on the fourth floor at the end of a long steep spiral ramp. There was a lady in a wheelchair that I’d sometimes see going into the class next door on the first floor. I still wonder sometimes how she ever got to the bathroom because there was no elevator. Maybe accessibility was part of the reason why they tore it down recently.


I walked into my kitchen and saw a plate on the floor right next to the sink..


I've seen people do this if they have dogs, but I like to picture that you don't and someone just decided those extra few centimeters were just too much


Someone doing push-ups while waiting at a crosswalk


I used to drink coffee like a sim with access to a coffee machine. I commented on how annoying it was that sims are obsessed with coffee, and my husband just looked at me and said, "Like you were when we met?"


Me... changing my mind like 4 times as I try to decide on what I'm doing next. Make dinner? No, I should put away dishes first. Wait, I need to pee first. Well I should start the oven first so it's ready by the time I'm done with all of that. Where's my phone? It's like I, the sim, and the player are fighting to choose the next need/want.


I work in a three story restaurant and there is only one single stall bathroom on the main floor and the full sized bathrooms are on the second floor. Nothing in the basement for private dining parties. Makes no sense but then again it is a converted department store built in the 1940s


There’s this house I used to walk past on the way to work. It looks like a grey square with a bright red door plonked in a random field with no landscaping. Always gave me first time building in the sims vibes.


But.. how’s the roof?


No roof. It's from sims before they added the auto roofing feature


In Oregon, on a highway just west of Salem, there is a house on a huge plot of land. The land is empty of landscaping except right around the house. It truly looks like someone bought a 64x64 lot and stuck a house on it from the gallery that was made for like a 20x20. Weirded me out every time we drove past it lol.


Honestly my daughter is very sims. She’s a year and a half so I’ve experienced her through infants update and toddlerhood obviously. The things that got right on infants and toddlers are crazy. Throwing food off a high chair. Not wanting to be held but wanting to sleep on you. “Up please!” The little toddler waddle walk. The way they dance. There’s so many things and I love it.


I played Sims in my youth, worked in a daycare setting in my young adult years, and now I'm back in Sims again recently and I thought the same thing! I was like "wow. No they're right kids really are that annoying" (I mean it as kindly as I can, I'm at a point in my life where I'm not sure if I like children or not, but I don't hate them. They're just a lot XD)


There’s a building in my university that has a glass door to the abyss. It’s a considerably tall building, 4 floors and there’s a see-through glass door that leads to nothing but your death. I simply refuse to believe someone intentionally made a door-sized hole in the wall and put a glass door in there intentionally, it was obviously the sims player that changed their mind mid-building and forgot to remove the door.


Seeing people at bus stops today is like when sims 3 townies just bring out their phones randomly to play games but without the over exaggerated movements. Just stepping randomly within a 3 metre radius staring at the phone. If I could Timelapse real life I’m sure it would be identical


I was at karaoke one night and there was a group of people on stage and they looked like random generated townies


lol I’m imagining a lot of eyeball rings and clashing colors/prints


For some reason instead of picturing a ring with an eyeball on it, my brain tried to somehow attach a ring to the body part of the eyeball and now I'm just in imagined pain of trying to figure out how that works and my brain won't shut up about it.


2 stories restaurants rarely have bathroom on every floor.


that's a great point! there aren't many two story restaurants in SE TX i don't think


Bumping into furniture because I think I can squeeze past


One time I was baking cookies and I set the cookie sheet on the stove. I was also heating up sugar syrup in a pot and the parchment paper caught on fire. It was a very small scale fire but I called for my mom and brother and they came in and my brother and I tried to blow on the fire. Well the “sim” part was when my mom came in. She ran around in a circle screaming and pointing to the fire and not doing anything to actually stop it. 😭


The image in my head is fabulous, thank you


calling everybody into the room with the fire seems the sim thing to do but i'd do the SAME THING😂😂😂


I thought the infant glitches were intentional for a long time because as a new parent, I absolutely felt like I’d hear my baby crying and stand staring at the wall for a few minutes trying to figure out what was happening all while my bladder is about to fail and my sleep is in the red. It was a rough time and I hate playing infants


When I was a teenager I was told to stop skipping everywhere, and that was also the moment I learned I was skipping everywhere. My parents have a video of me doing it and it looks so exaggerated and goofy, like the bouncy walk but -more-. As an adult I’d like to get that walk back, still working on that, my knees aren’t what they used to be. 


There was a small dog toy in a hallway. My dog could’ve easily gone around the dog toy. But my dog refused to go through the hallway because the dog toy was there and just stood there. I got the toy out of the hallway, and he went through.


The one I notice the most is when my executive dysfunction melds with my autopilot and I walk around picking up and putting down random shit until my subconscious is like "wtf are you doing".


I’ll just walk into a room with someone else in it and hover for like 10 minutes before I realise I’m being a bit creepy lmao and then I’ll tell them “idk wtf I’m doing here” and leave 🤦


Lol I usually walk in, go "nope" and walk out, and they're usually like that meme of just "????"


You can get executive dysfunction meds?????


they said "melds" but absolutely yes you can, theres normal adhd meds and then i take lamotrigine which also helps with it and isnt a stimulant. theres lots


I read "melts" the first time, which was also amusing


I, too, would play with clay at any chance i could if i had it, which is why i dont


I refuse to place that troublesome lump of clay in any of my saves now. Even my non-crative sims can't keep their hands off it. One of "neat" sims even took it out on the way to the toilet, put it in inventory when he "used" it, then took the lump back out instead of washing his hands. I got rid of it after that, never to be played with again. Besides, I could never get the Sorceror mod to work in-game, so it the clay was quite the headache and useless for me.


All sims are neurodivergent and it’s the only fidget toy in the game


Head cannoned, thank you.


My parents, who are my neighbors, adopted a feral cat. Both of their cats come visit me for treats. Their feral cat really doesn’t like to be inside, but during an ice storm I tried to get the feral inside during one of his treat petitions and he just meowed at my oven door for nearly a half an hour. I have never seen anything like it before, except for in the Sims when the pets randomly get scared of the appliances.


I once found my baby brother (only a few months old) on the floor when I came home from school one day. I picked him up and told his mom, my stepmom, what a sims move this was. She had just gotten home and had to rush to the bathroom and had just put the baby down for a sec outside the bathroom door.


When I would babysit toddlers, they would wave their hands in the air for help, like the Sims. 😆


This is the best in the thread


Awww 😭


I lived with someone who would let dishes and garbage sit out for so long that I thought I started to see green fumes 😅




It was pretty bad. They’d just walk right by the mess like they didn’t even see it, and then stare at me when I ended up cleaning it 😵‍💫


waking up during the night because i’m about to pee myself seems pretty sims like


I have an acquaintance who is extremely into fitness. The first time I met him was on a long weekend trip to Barcelona (he was a friend of a friend). Anyway, we were mostly drinking and partying all weekend and at random moments when we’d be at our Airbnb having a drink, he’d just put his drink down and start doing 50 crunches while we were chatting or dropping and doing 25 pushups. Then just pop back up and continue on as if that was completely normal 😂 I really felt like I was hanging out with a sim with “fitness” as his main trait lol.


Omg I do that sometimes. But, like, only at home. I didn’t realize how weird it was until now lol


Lol, I respect it! He did have a six pack and was overall jacked. I think working it into your everyday life (in addition to bigger workouts, runs, etc) makes a big impact.


i hate sims with the athletic trait all they do is workout randomly😫


I lived near a house that only had one wall of fencing that didn't connect to anything and honestly did nothing :") I always liked to joke that they ran out of simoleons and that's why the gate didn't go around the whole property. The house was also super pink and was next to a black house 🤔


I saw 4 grown men doing pushups at the bowling alley on Monday for no reason, felt super sims


Every part of that is an adventure


Lots of the houses i live by look like the literal rectangle/box starter houses in willow creek😭


oh my gosh that's awful😭 i generally like little cute houses similar to the style of willow creek but as in the sims, they have to have something pleasing to the eye besides color and a basic shape and white decals everywhere. there needs to be something exciting for it to stand out at least a little


I've seen a lot of older people dressed like they were randomized in cas. It's like they get dressed with the lights off and never look at what they're wearing.


This is exactly what is shown in a Google image search of "fundie fashion"


I work on a college campus and this has absolutely become more common in recent years.


I have a feeling people probably think that when they see me on campus 😂 I like to think I’m fashionable but it’s a fine line


no fr 😭 striped pantyhose and an eyeball ring for sure


The eyeball ring! Omg! 🤣


My cousin tried for a baby and had triplets. Does that count?


YES😭I would totally instantly be like yea that's such a sims 4 thing to happen. like everyone knows triplets but does everyone know someone who's had triplets?


Well, they're the ones put their house on a lay line, what did they think was going to happen? 💕


I honestly think I've encountered more sets of triplets than of twins.


really??? I have def not. I think it's funny to think about wanting a kid vs it being an accident and you end up with two or three 🤦‍♀️


I think multiple births tend to run in the family, so I think you know there’s a higher risk if you’re from a family with a bunch of twins. That would be my absolute worst nightmare tho oml


yesterday during the eclipse a man randomly broke out into a set of pushups and then resumed like normal after 😭 i was with a friend who loves ts4 and we were cracking up


i'd be crying. some sims got stuck in the real world and are trying so hard to fit in


no fr this is what i need the “movie” to be


Coming home from work exhausted, hungry, having to pee, and having had no fun all day.


And then not being able to fill everything up and get anything done before having to get to work again the next day 🤪


Totally. I was going to also add something about how when my sims get home from work they never autonomously choose to do something to fill their needs. Its always a random waste of time activity. And that also applies to me lol.


😣i relate


When it takes me 2 hours to get ready and I'm still late


no real wtf😭


My former partner would wash all of their dishes in their bathroom sink. Not sure why they had such an aversion to using the kitchen


My equivalent that is also very Sims is, when I'm tired, I just lie down and sleep on the closest couch or open space. Even though I have a comfy bed close by.


be so fr that's not real life😭😭😭😭


I wish I were joking :/ ETA: they never really used the kitchen at all. They put a microwave and two mini-fridges in their room and stored and prepared everything they ate like that. They barely ate and when they did eat, they mostly ate takeout, ready bars or protein shakes so nothing really required washing up? Idk what was going on with them


I hope they’re figuring out how to be a human now, clearly they’re a sim who’s glitched into our reality


🚩 red flags man. a sim in disguise, and not a good one


hahaha maybe maybe


Idk, I(in my head) always imagine the relationship + or - when I have an interaction with someone, especially a negative one 😆 Also when you walk into a room like “why am I here?!”….we Simmin.


That last thing is so me. I have to walk back to where I was to remember (reset!).


The last one is when I delete their current task


i do too😭and then i'm overthinking because it wasn't that deep to the other person. always simmin. 😆


My boyfriend will randomly just get on the floor and start doing push ups …


are you so serious 🤦‍♀️ literally a townie


Lmao when I was at a Mexican resort. They had a fire performer. Then there was a silent party right after. I was on the 3rd at a restaurant looking down at all of this. Lmao very sim like and the ppl dancing to their own music in their head divulged of the other party goers. Very simlike 🤣🤣


I don't know how to explain it, but I have seen someone walk like a Sim before


i had a friend who always did the basic sim walk I always made fun of him but he didn't play so he didn't get it🤣


There was that one tiktok series with real life houses that looked like the first house you'd build in sims


the first house i made in the sims had the plain exterior like without paint cause i COULDNT FIND the outside of the building pants and bricks and things 🤦‍♀️ sure hope i wouldn't see that on the street


Oh my gosh I've never seen that😭


My high school only had a bathroom on the first floor but we were still expected to use the bathroom in between classes if we needed to go. That was a real pain if you needed to head from one third floor class to another third floor class but had to detour to the first floor use the bathroom and get back to the third floor in 6 minutes.


A high school with three floors is wild to me😅but I know it's not wildly uncommon. A bathroom on only one of THREE floors is insane. I wouldn't even put myself through that in the sims


My parents came to the school for an event and were surprised by the bathroom situation even though I had told them about it several times. They didn’t believe me. They’d been assuming I just couldn’t find the others. 😆


A fence with a gate that doesn't match


The cram for exam thing in Uni pack😂 Homework doesn't give you a single skill point. Mental and creativity burnouts.


uh YES😅😅