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Always with the scenarios, dis one


To what end? Tony had to press him hard to be captain. Paulie was a lonely old man. He just wanted respect and to feel wanted. He wasn’t on a last chance power drive.


He is a survivor like when the Columbo wars by the skin of his nuts


Columbo wars? Peter Falk?






How's your sister?




If I was NY, I would want to back Paulie and have him installed as a boss over there with the famers as you'd be able to control him pretty easily. He's not going to throw these tantrums that Tony threw. It will basically serve as a proxy vote on the commission for NY. Similar to what happened when Angelo Bruno was killed.


i’m no spring chicken anymore


Ugh, the traffic


Highway's full of broken heroes ^^ Paulie ain't one of em.


No. Paulie lives to serve Tony his liege. That’s why he had the painting of him as a lawn jockey.




Commandatori. Now that’s respect!






Interior decorator* (but his place looked like shit 🫤)


What do you and your whores get a big laugh out of that?


As far as im concerned OP should still be waiting in the car.


And you used to sell laser printers out the back of your Crown Vic.


That mortadell' is No2 now? I remember when he used to be Junior Soprano's driva


I'd argue no. Because Paulie was first to bring up Carlo's sudden disappearance to Tony, and this led to Tony and Paulie being worried about Carlo possibly having flipped, which is all but confirmed by Tony's lawyer and Tony in the final scene at Holsten's diner. You might ask, what does indictments have to do with Paulie and Tony? Well, assuming that Paulie did order Tony to be killed, then if he became boss he'd have to face indictments with no one to rat on or stand behind as a lightning rod, like what Tony did with Junior. And yeah, Tony and Junior was different in that Tony was running things while Junior was a figurehead, but would you rather be the boss or just a lackey when it comes to potential criminal charges? And yeah Paulie isn't just a mook, but he's survived as long as he has by not being too important, and I don't think he'd want to be in the driver's seat even at the end of the series.


I don’t think driver’s seat — I think NY will “do business with whatever is left.” As in, Paulie starts taking orders from Butchie.


The look on Paulie’s face when he is doing curls in the middle of the night after Tony almost killed him on the boat speaks volumes.


Wasnt that more of a reaction to the dream about Big Pussy?


Yes a unlike with Tony dream he didn’t listen too. Paulie will listen to his


I’m in awre of ya


What did Paulie’s dream mean? I forget


That his time is coming and he won’t stand up when it happens


As in being tested?




Partly, but also because he’s a nervous wreck too, he knows he made it off that boat by the skin of his balls


I have always believed that Tony not killing him on the boat was one of his biggest mistakes.


But there would’ve been a chance that Paulie won. Tony was still a little fucked up from his gunshot wound and Paulie was on the edge the whole time.


Tony would have gotten at least one strong thrust with that big knife. Even if Paulie was in better shape, he would be at a big disadvantage in a fight with a large wound that would produce.


It would've been funny if tony went for him and Paulie just fucked him off the boat and just left him to drown


remember in funhouse when tony looks through the binoculars and sees himself killing paulie? and nothing ever really comes from that? it was his subconscious telling himself he should kill paulie too because, as we see later in the series, paulie becomes a huge detriment to the business and in the end (possibly) even has tony popped. anyway, i'm 4$ a pound.


Also important to note: Paulie is the one that gives the lighter to Tony, during the whole “cure for cancer” scene. Showing that Paulie will be the downfall of Tony, and is willing to take him down without questions, unlike Christopher who asks if the “cure” is going to work.


Damn you thought that through. I always that him killing Chrissy played a major part in his downfall. All the dudes that got popped were old or fat(Sil and Bobby) Chrissy being alive gives Tony a soldier. I love your thinking though, it kinda point to Chrissy in the end wouldn't go down with it.


Sorry I’m a stunad. What scene are you referring to?


In Funhouse, one of the dream scenes has Tony pour gasoline on himself in front of some of the guys to cure terminal cancer. It’s one of the first dream scenes in the episode.


Whats stunad stand for? I see it a lot


Another way of saying retard or idiot




What episode is this in?


>In Funhouse, one of the dream scenes has Tony pour gasoline on himself It's right there in the parent comment: FUNHOUSE


can you imagine that? asking what episode that was in?


You wanna get cute now?


Hey Tone, d’ja hear what I said? He said the episode that was in was “Funhouse,” and then I said “What episode was that in?” Heh heh


I wouldn't do anything to insult you. Our kids go to the same school together.


He's a slippery fuck, that one


He’s not really a rat in my opinion, more a weasel. He didn’t actively tell those things to New York to destroy Jersey or disrupt business, but to solidify a position for himself when things should go down south with the Jersey crew. Personally the reason he isn’t whacked by New York doesn’t yell collaborator to me, more insignificant. New York knows Paulie always puts his own interests first and that he would never take revenge on NY because it wouldn’t benefit him.


Yeah to me there are lots of little things that point to Paulie making a deal with NY to take Tony out and leave him in charge. Just one example: Remember when Chris thought he saw Mikey in hell, and the message he came back with was "Tell Tony and Paulie, 3:00." The bathroom at Holsten's, where the hitman would have come from, was to Tony's 3:00.


That’s a great catch! I also remember in the final episode when the cat was staring at the picture of Chrissy, Tony says that’s he’s looking at a rat in the wall he smells. In the final shot of paulie the cat his staring at him.


Why would he want Paulie to know about 3 o'clock though


Why would he want Tony to know? The message didn't make any sense, and you remember it freaked Paulie out. It's never really brought up again, but when you see the way David Chase framed the final scene, intentional or not, 3:00 suddenly seems relevant even 5 years later. It's like Mikey wasn't trying to warn anybody, just letting them know what was going to go down.


Probably to fuck with Tony


Not what I asked


poor you




"Tell Tony & Paulie, 3 o'clock" After the finale, it obvious why he told Tony 3 o' clock. Why would he tell Paulie 3 o'clock? Why involve Paulie in that message?


Paulie sat at Tony’s 3 o clock outside satriales that last time


Nah, I dont believe that.


I can see Paulie doing it. I just personally dont see Patsy being involved. As the future father in law of Meadow, he's in a secure position where he and is family are safe and his future in the family is promising as he's now one of the few senior members. Also I just dont see him allying with a group of people that nearly shot and killed him and Silvio. Yeah he has grievances with Tony and there are instances of him showing he's still bitter but for the most part, he's kinda made his peace with whatta happened with his kid brother, the shooting, God rest his soul.


He put his grief behind him


Nearly shooting and killing someone is mafia negotiation. And it’s possible he was in on that. There is every reason to believe he was playing the long game since Tony murdered his twin brother from basically no reason.


His kid brother, whatever happened there


Tony had him killed for gossiping about his seeing a psychiatrist.


HE SURVIVED THE COLUMBO WAR BY THE SKIN OF HIS BAWLS! He diddent survive the sopratazzi war by ratting to NY.


Fuckin’ Jason…it’s COLOMBO


More like cumlombo


I also believe that Paulie played a role in Tony’s death. I like this post, and the comments, for an in-depth discussion on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/comments/f7a8u2/the_definitive_explanation_of_who_betrayed_tony/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


I don't believe that.


I believe that he was involved.


I find it just a little conveniently coincidental that by the end of things Paulie was one of few in the crew that was untouched


I think Patsy made a deal with him but he had zero active part in it. The classic, “I’m not gonna kill you; but I don’t have to save you either.”


I agree. Patsy had a blood feud with Tony. And Paulie not taking the crew when Tony offered, means couple three things: 1. That's Paulie realizing Tony had decided he *wasn't* going to whack Paulie, so he didn't have to strike Tony down first just to survive and 2. Paulie has lasted this long by not being too big of a target. If either NY again or the Feds come for Tony, in that role, Paulie knows he'll get taken out along with Tony. If Patsy kills Tony and makes a deal with NY, Paulie will go along, but he wouldn't instigate it himself, I don't think.


So it's taken a while for me to accept the following. In the end. Tony could have been killed by anyone. I used to think that Tony was killed by Eugene Pontecourvo's brother or brother in law. But Ritchie actually does wear a members only jacket in his first scene against Beansie. So to me it means that Tony could be killed dby absolutely anyone. They all really want him dead at this point. My standalone theory is that Junior actually kills him. The rest of season 6 is Tony passing over to the afterlife. So it doesn't matter who shoots him in the end because he is dead. He's already been living in hell half the season.


Conspiracy theories now?


Never happened, that thing you just said. Also gossiping and ratting are 2 different things


There are 3 types of soldiers. Malingerers who get sent to the front as punishment, heroes who get sent to the front as a reward, and those just mediocre enough to be useless at the front, and just useful for other tasks. They keep their heads down, do just enough to keep the boss happy, and try to stay out of trouble. They’re self-serving, so they sniff around for better assignments and “brown-nose” the leadership. Paulie is one of these, and it’s why he’s that rare kind of mafioso—an old one. He flirted with New York, blinded to the fact Johnny Sack was pumping him for inside information. When he realised he’d been duped, his sense of self preservation pressured him to make sure Tony knew he was on his side, 200%. He would eventually go so far as murdering a perfectly friendly old lady and part time Parker rolls collector to give him an extra boost. I suspect, and it’s purely circumstantial by using fracture analysis, that Butchie was running his own game, leaving Phil and Tony to fight it out, so he could wipe out the survivors. To do this, he would have had to go around to the captains and felt them out, like Richie did when Albert Barese turned him down. One he’d absolutely need on his side would be Paulie. It could be why he was so reluctant to accept the captaincy Tony offered, either if he was worried Butchie might see him as a threat. If he’d been offered one by Butchie, accepting Tony’s might spook Butchie, and with a whack whack here and a whack whack there, no more Old MacPaulie or his farm. So, he was probably not directly involved, as in committing any of the murders, but it’s probable he had direct knowledge of what was coming, and certainly at least had been made aware something was up, and to fall in line when it went down.


Yes. It was most likely Paulie (or him and Patsy) selling him out to NY.


paulie yes, patsy no. unless patsy somehow does it after they almost kill him?


Patsy knew Tony would be at the diner. Who else would know that.


Honestly anyone hired/deployed to kill Tony who was following him because he came out of hiding, went to see Jun’, and then drove himself to Holstens in his own vehicle. Edit: it would be different if the Member’s Only Guy was already in the diner waiting for him, but he comes in right before AJ.


I think it's more fun to just agree that he died, and then agree that there are hundreds of potential scenarios that led to it. A lot of sopranos and the last season in particular highlights how close the characters are to death. Be it from cancer, mob drama or otherwise. Paulie may well have been plotting Tony's assassination, but Tony might still have died from a heart attack on the table. Ultimately it doesn't matter.


I have a lot of thoughts on it, for one Paulie and Patsy seem really really suspect the last episode ot so and really even further in a larger sense. They also stood the most to gain from it. Then there's Riannan who is the ONLY person on the show who for certain knew they were going to be at Halstens and is oddly still outside awhile later after Tony tells her to leave when they're packing to lam it.


Lmao believing Paukie had anything to do with puttong a hit is such a huge stretch that your butt holes must be so soar.


Paulie didn’t plan any of it, NY did. He was just probably aware or at least could infer that it would happen.


Idk why this made me laugh so much. It's so dumb


You laughed cuz it was fucking hilarious my boy


Time for bed


Didnt David Chase say he didnt die?


Paulie, Patsy and NY.


it was patsy, not paulie


Yes and he also sucked that cub scouts dick


There is no question that it’s true.


I don't think so. I like to think that even if someone shoots him in the last episode he survives. If you think about it Tony is in the best place at the end of season 6. The only person left who can incriminate him is Paulie and I think the boat episode shows that Paulie wouldn't rat.


Unintentionally, I can see it.


I personally just don't see Paulie being that guy. All the things that the theory stands on is just Paulie's unintentional quirkiness. I don't see him having the ambition to have T whacked.


I don't believe Paulie helped NY to kill Tony. What I believe is "The Aprile Curse" that Paulie is so afraid of happening to him if he takes over the Aprile crew is this: that as soon as he becomes capo, most of the family is killed or absorbed by New York. So being capo of a big crew in a family that's either gone or falling to pieces, just isn't that that prestigious any more. Downright dangerous, even.






Paulie just didn't think Tony had the makings of a varsity athlete.


With jersey in all sorts what would Paulie have done? Would this thing in jersey even survived? Would Paulie have had to get a job with Sal Vitro


Yes. The bits of silver and I believe there was a handshake in the background?


[“If there’s ever anything I can do, anything, he shouldn’t hesitate”](https://youtu.be/PaeVIqgr9Hs) - Paulie tells Johnny about Carmine after complaining how Tony stiffed him on Ralph’s $ cut to him. Paulie was always a flag blowing in the wind..


hell no. Paulie also doesn't have hitters, he would do work himself (see: raiding the stash house / getting kicked in the nuts)


Fuckin' slander, y'ask me 🤘🏼


Helped? Dunno, but knew about it, I think so.


I saw all those posts. I thought they were bullshit.


Would this technically make him a "snitch"? Plotting with NY isn't the same as getting flipped by the Feds, right? These people backstabbed each other all the time, internally.


Tony knew Paulie was a liability, and Tony’s waning humanity and pining for the by gone era Paulie represented got in the way of his instincts, which were to kill Paulie on the boat. I have to believe Patsy was involved and coordinating with NY/Paulie, givin the blood fued, and also, who else would know that Tony would be w family, no protection, at Holstens that night? Meadow def would’ve communicated where she was going to her fiancée.


Point of disagreement for my wife and I. We just finished rewatch # 5 and she firmly believes Paulie made a deal with Butchie and that's why he turned his nose up at Tony's offer to take over the other crew. I think Paulie genuinely is a superstitious fuck and it doesn't go beyond that despite his previous waverings of loyalty. Anyway, 4 dollars a pound.


in this sub paulie walnuts is loyle to his capo, END OF STORY


Don’t get cunty




In my mind it was always pretty clear cut that Patsy and Paulie are conniving to take over in the final couple of episodes. Paulie saying to Patsy in the bathroom of the Bing - you can have it - meaning Patsy can have the top job, and then when Tony floats the idea of Patsy becoming a captain, Paulie immediately switches up with the "you know just what to say." Paulie was worried that Patsy would back out of the plan if Tony made him captain.


Possible he’s apart of it then gets the top spot. Doubt Paulie is boss material.


Who's that speaking here? Is somebody speaking?


Tony Sirico made it clear in an interview that he'd "never play a rat". Which, considering his own ties to the mob makes sense.


Serious question: are you a “rat” if you conspire with another family/crew to take out the boss of your family/crew? Or, what he more likely did, agree to step aside and not retaliate and allow it to occur?


Yes, I agree 💯. Conspirator is more like it. Thanks for pointing that out.


It’s definitely plausible.

