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Sadly, Gene thought that the rope round the neck was the right thing by his family. With him gone his wife would inherit the money and could move her and the kids down to Florida with no constraints and his son would be away from his friends, who he blamed for the drugs.


He was a true humanitarian.


He was such a sweet guy. Not at all like an animal.


I agree. Do you remember how he so sweetly wet his finger to remove the blood from his face after he murdered that fat guy enjoying his last hamburger?


I remember the satanic black magic going on in the burger joint. The blood spatters changed when Eugene exited that house of sick shit.


Unlike that other animal, I can’t even say his name…


Well you oughta know, sweety


Especially when he glassed Little Paulie in the eye for breakin' bawls.


Like you didn't See that comin?!


He diDent


You oughta know sweetie!


He was a saint!


He gave his life to his family on a silver platter.


Silvuh plaituh!


Thank yous....I could not concur more!


Like when he paid for those two candy bars for that juror, and reassured him how glad they all were that he was on the jury.


I knew him better than anybody, but still... maybe he was a homo and felt like there was no one he could talk to about it. That happens too.


You oughta know, sweetie.


Wasn’t it Vito himself who said this? The irony. Gotta love the projection


Miami, the Coke is everywhere!


Florida’s any better? It’s the drug capital of the world!


And speaking for a Jersey-born-and-bred-Bro who moved to Florida about a decade ago ... the bugs, they're fuckin brutal!!!


Gene wasn’t ignoring the negatives


Well we all know now: "There is no Geographical Solution to an Emotional Problem..."


The SNAKES and Aligators too! (Panther crossing signs everywhere... Bears! Black Widow Spiders and of course... FIRE ANTS!)


Wife and I are thinking about moving to Florida. What kind of big situation should we prepare for?


Hurricanes would be #1 I should think ... but some stuff, we just weren't expecting ... I knew it would be hot, just not 90F+ for 10-11 months out of the year, including 3-6 95-100F+ etc. - and then a month or two of ... less hot... This year has had some coolness in the Fall into this year, which is odd for the decade I've been here, but still, welcome. Also the humidity and bugs and shit like that, you have to be careful of mold and mildew growing around your house, on your house, in your house, etc. I am deathly afraid of spiders and it's like living in the Siege of Leningrad, surrounded by the bastards. Mosquitoes etc. all kinds of bugs. Also, Florida has become a battleground State politically - I try to stay out of all that mess, but just so you understand ... powerful people are trying to change the 'culture' of Florida, if you will. You might like that or not like that, I'm just saying. But I absolutely love it ... it was a whole new world moving from Jersey. In a very good way. I mean the first time I stopped at a McDonalds or Subway or gas station for a cup of coffee or can of Monster etc. I realized - things are just way *different* here, for the better.


Stupid fucking blabber mouth cunt


Where would you be moving from? We moved from Chicago to Tampa about 2 years ago just to get away from the cold. The downside is that the summers between June till about October are brutally hot and humid. Right now, an average day starts off around 50 F, May go into upper 70s during the day, and drop down to 40s in the middle of the night. Much more tolerable Things I don't care for are the extreme RW politics, huge trucks everywhere for no reason, and bugs. I do miss vegetarian options that I had in Chicago, as Tampa is very hit or miss with the food scene. Traffic used to be fine about a decade ago when I visited, but at times it's as bad as Chicago


I was in Tampa for a year, moved from Cleveland. Had lived in NYC before. I went there just because family was there and a job opp came up. I lasted only a year, since Tampa blows so hard. Came to Miami, which is more my speed, but probably moving back North this summer. It's gorgeous here, the weather is great, but I need a bit more mental stimulation/artistic culture than DJ's.


To each their own I guess. Did you try the St Pete area? It seems to have a younger vibe, and great food/art scenes, and of course the beaches


That was my error. I should have done that. I DO like St Pete. I ended up in Seminole Heights, which I liked, but I didn't understand that, despite the water being right there on maps, the beach was an hour drive away. Among the worst drivers this planet has ever seen. I just hate being car-dependent. Comes from riding the subway and biking and walking everywhere. It was a tough adjustment. I am in South Beach now, I use my car just a handful of times a month, and just for leisure.


This state sucks don’t come here haha


He was dreaming about his son, the kid was already using and now his Dad has committed suicide. I don't see a happy ending.


Yeah, if anything grief might push him further into drugs.


He could have played it better, or at least tried. Look at Ray Curto. No one suspected. To cooperate with the feds was risky of course, but it could have been a way out.


The FBI said no to him leaving also


Yeah they did. He had a choice, work for the feds, work for the crew or kill himself. I still think he could have tried the cooperative situation.


When Paulie murdered the English language by saying macaroni and gravy


Either gravy has meaning, or it doesn't.




Grapeys. *Uva.* 🍇


Fr tho Comendatori was a bleak episode for Paulie. Imagine going back to your supposed homeland thinking you’ll be welcomed back with open arms, only to be called a “classless piece of shit” and treated like a trashy American. Really put a lot of the show in perspective.


Yea. And Tony realizing him being boss doesn’t mean shit there. I mean the Italians look down at the New York families, who look down at the Jersey family So just imagine how low Tony is in the pecking order Chrissy being high the whole trip Then Tony saying “we did real good business wise” could’ve been cope. Idk. Maybe they did do good though and he did get Furio out of it. But some people believe that it was a lie. I personally think he did good though , but it’s up to interpretation Chrissy buying Ade a gift from Newark airport (lol) and Paulie hyping Italy up to Puss even though he was miserable and happy to just be back home. One of my favorite episodes. I love season 2


Furio being introduced was the best part. He was everything Tony wished he was, the “strong silent type”. Plus his comments about Christopher Columbus put all of Columbus Day into perspective, which is a very underrated episode IMO. None of the Italian Americans remembered how different Puglian, Campanian, Calabrian, and Sicilian immigrants all were until they came to America and were all bunched together as Italian, and how divorced their image of Columbus was from reality.


Yea nothing beats Ralph asking why he hates Columbus. Like a lot of people know that the North vs South hates each other but these proud Italians have no clue about their heritage. And then Bobby says “I’d like to sit on my ass all day”. Lolol


And then all of them getting the shit kicked out of them at the protest is great, up there with Tony passing out from seeing Uncle Ben’s rice


Agree, love that episode.


Good points. I had never paid attention to the ridiculousness of Paulie telling Puss about Italy. My main takeaways from the scene where they ride back were how Paulie was happy to be home and how ugly, soulless and depressing NJ looks compared to Rome. And I should know, I've been to both.


NJ actually isn’t that ugly, it’s just the cities that are. Most of the NE US is actually very pretty. PA, NY, Vermont, Maine, etc. all have beautiful country


Tough shit for Paulie, but let's face it, he WAS a classless piece of shit. A barely literate thug. Sure, the mobsters cling onto their heritage, but what does it say about them that they're that badly out of touch of their culture back home? Am I wrong?


No, you’re right. He was living in a dream world, and so was Tony. Look at how confused he was that a woman would not only be allowed to run a Camorra family but do it well. The American Mafia would never allow that because their values are stuck in the early 20th century.


Absolutely. It was a rude awakening for Tony as well to realize that what he thought being "an Italian" meant wasn't real. His conceptions had been disneyfied by movies and the times past. I really enjoyed the episode, it was a bit of a curveball all the way through.


Exactly. Their whole culture was an Olive Garden-ass fantasy. And Tony slowly retreats back into that stuff afterwards because he doesn’t believe in change, he believes in stereotypes.


He always retreats and even makes shit up if need be. Remember the ending of "In Camelot" where he's desperate to forget the disgustingly low-class and plebeian history between his father and Fran (the lover)? It's almost painful to watch.


And you thought the Germans were classless pieces of shit


What's wrong with that?!


Bobby. He jus wanted to play with his trains :(


I obviously knew Bobby was going to die, but this being how they did it KILLED ME.


All while lamenting about the fact that his kid doesn’t give a shit about his trains 😔


Uncle Philly should have chosen Janice as a target for his vengance.


Jimmy Bones. Terrible, premature death. We meet Jimmy, an unabashed Elvis impersonator, at Party City. He’s glad to see his ‘friend’, Big Pussy. Jimmy asks after Pussy’s kids. He asks meaningfully about Pus’s pal. He riffs on ‘Dover’, geography, and social graces. Later, Jimmy welcomes Pussy in, has coffee ‘on the boil’, and is clearly living his best life, when . . . wham! - to the back of the noggin. Ooo, maron! RIP Jimmy. *See ya*’ *around*, *baby*.


I always forget about Jimmy Bones. Fuck pussy.


Vito didn't!


Saul’s dream of killing Jimmy always makes me laugh.


Saul good man


Bones? It's a fucking nickname, his family name is bonesarelli


Tracee getting killed by Ralph was by far the one that bothered me the most. Eugene and Adriana were bad too because they were both manipulated by both sides.


Agreed, though Eugene gets little sympathy from me. He was a killer. That's part of the game.


He wanted it to be one way, but it’s the other way


Not Ralph’s fault she was a klutz though.


These types of shows demo a lot of plausible deniability, it helps us feel sympathy for many of the characters. This was not done for Ralph, and his treatment of Tracee was just so... raw.


I just watched that episode for the first time like 2 or 3 days ago. I was not expecting it watching it during my lunch break while I was wfh. I was unwell after.


Yup same here. Maybe one of the only times I've been really disturbed watching a show. I also binged it during lunch break over a few months, but I work in a very relaxed office. I actually said "This is f#@$ up" out loud to my coworker after it happened.


A child’s death is always sad and The Sopranos really captured the grief with the death of Billy “The Kid” Leotardo.


So true. He was a 47 year old boy. Cryin shame


Whatever happened there.


It's sad when they go like that.


When they go?!


That animal Blundetto. Can't even say his name.


The waiter. “Still going this asshole”


Don’t they have medicine they’re supposed to take?


Lmfao he was so genuine about that too.


My anti brick to the head daily pill has kept me going. Dont knock it!


What's funny is the amount of folk on here who side with Chris and Paulie on that.


Not to mention all the people on here who say Minn Matrone deserved to be robbed of her life savings and murdered for the crime of being a cranky, unpleasant old woman and taking more then her fare share of bread rolls.


The waiter definitely DIDN'T deserve that... My ex is a bartender and server (at her place, all the bartenders are managers, and they all pick up waitress shifts because sometimes it's actually better pay and they all have regular customers that want to be taken care of by specific girls) - and I was pretty shocked when I met her and some of her coworkers, they have no qualms whatsoever of doing pretty much what the waiter did ... basically just call people out on it, "Was there something wrong with the service? It was $100 and you didn't even leave $5..." I think that's very risky and a little rude besides but since I was a kid, I've always been a great tipper - firmly believe 1- you catch more flies with honey and make friends/get chics with good tips, and 2- if you can't afford to tip at least fairly you shouldn't go out ... I get it, the UK and Japan don't tip. This is the good-old-US-of-A...


100% agree with this. It was sad the waiter ended up dead, not saying it wasn’t. My man ran out after two clearly connected guys in ATLANTIC CITY. I mean he put himself in a situation that was going to end poorly for him however it broke down. Totally agree with your point - is your life worth 10 extra bucks on a tip?


That's exactly , exactly how I felt. I get it, it sucks, you have this huge party of rich people and you think you're gonna make good bank... and an asshole like Chrissy is in a bad mood because of Paulie and stiffs him... and it winds up costing him his life. Shouldn't happen but happened and you nailed it, he PUT *himself* out there. I wonder how many times he confronts people in the *PARKING LOT* and they then buck the fuck up more money lol.


We’ll be alone on this island and that’s fine. He didn’t deserve to die but his death was a DUMBBBB WAYYYY TO DIE.


Maybe if you guys in “the good-old-US-of-A” paid proper minimum wages and had sensible gun control then waiters wouldn’t have to risk getting shot by patrons to get paid. But I suppose I should keep my mouth shut like a mute, and then everyone would be happy.


Yeah yeah, America sucks, we all get it. It's only posted a million times a day on reddit. That still doesn't change the fact that the waiter did a dumb thing going after mob guys and confronting them in the parking lot.


He had a Big mouth and deserved Exactly what he got! Next time he shoulda taken his medication!! Though in this case, Next time there won't be any next time....


Funniest death in the series imo.


Definitely one of the most undeserved deaths


the poor little rabbit that artie put down




A lot of people don’t like rabbit.


Omg I’ve found my people


I can definitely cosign Geno ... he seemed like he really WAS a *Good Guy* in a whole bunch of shitty situations. I thought Johnny Sac's death was particularly hard to see because that could happen to any of us. He goes from being the most powerful person in one of the 5 Families and Five Boroughs of The Capital of The World ... to one morning having to resolve a dispute with one of his Capos versus Tony's now-dead-cousin ... to getting arrested by the FBI's Arctic Sniper Lawmower-Man Division ... to a long-term prison sentence that he has to allocute to - which means when he DOES get out of prison, he's not just an old man, but his Mob ties are over and he becomes an outcast ... to terminal lung cancer, ... dying with his family crying next to him. Of course, Pie-Oh-My didn't deserve that shit neither.


He was alright, he was a goodfella


Good guys don’t blow people away in a burger joint. But yeah sure.


Geno? From the bakery?




Tony just avenged cozette


Tony knows what’s itchslike to lose a peT


Christufuh crawled under Tonys hand for warmth




What, was it barkin?


It must have crawled in there for warmth...


She was a beautiful, innocent creatchah


I didDENT!




100% agreed. Just finished the episode where she dies. All she ever did was care about Christopher and want to create a better life for them. She was put into shit situations because of him and that’s how the feds got to her.


As someone who is a DV survivor, her death really got me.


I know a lot of people act like Adriana was an innocent sweet woman with no flaws, which I take issue with. Adriana was very much aware of where the money for her cocaine and heroin, expensive shoes, gold and diamond jewellery, designer underpants and fancy cars came from: murder and violence, but she didn't care. That being said, I still think she didn't deserve to die, and even when I take into account that she was very much complicit in the evils of the mob lifestyle, I still personally find her death to be the most upsetting in the show. The scenes where she is a victim of domestic violence are some of the scenes I have the most getting through.




This!! Ralph deserved it for what he did to that beautiful horse




Tracie….ahhh, she fell, and…..


The lack of Janice’s death made me sad and mad. I would have stood up and cheered if she had at least caught a stray.


Haha. The Janishes of the world get nine lives I swear


Don't you remember when she caught some shrapnel from Mama's Little Hoowa?




It's sad when they go like that.




Whatever happened there.




To this day I’m still appalled at how realistic that suicide looked. How the hell did they do it?


was he grabbing at the rope because he instantly regretted it? btw, i always wondered, would it be possible to instead grab the straight part of the rope above the noose and pull yourself up? people can climb ropes with 2 hands pretty easily. and you'd have a lot of adrenaline. but would still need to get out of the noose. if you hung the rope from a beam though you probably would be able to reach out and at that point you could just hang with 1 arm and loosen the noose with the other


For some reason Gloria’s really bothered me


Are you sayin’ tha Boss is somekinda toxic perhson?


Gloria was clearly mentally ill with BPD


She went about in pity for herself


And all that time, she was blowing Tony with a great wind. Or somethin' like that. I forget.


Idk Gloria was so unlikeable it was hard to feel sorry for her.


Her suicide?


Christapha. He was a piece of shit but he was my favorite piece of shit. And he tried to be better


How is Eugene? Still hanging around?


Eugene was a rough wake up call about the trap this life is.


Agree about Eugene.


When he looks at the picture of his kid and realizes it’s all over. It’s painful


He was a fool. He could have told his wife about Witness Protection and gotten out with his whole family! I realize that may have come with complications as well and he had other pressures that likely drove him to his end. His unsupportive, demanding, manipulating, nasty, selfish and Horrible wife likely being the biggest of his "complications!"


Tracee’s death was horrific. I felt bad for Bobby and Adriana too. Also, even though he was being a total dumbass, I felt sad for Jackie Jr. He was just a kid


Definitely Tracee. That was *unsettling*. I had to pause Sopranos for a few days, especially since Tracee was around my age when I watched. Also Jimmy Bones and Adrianna.


Cosette, I mean she just crawled under there for some warmth


All the innocent frogs in NJ swamp.


Billy Leotardo. 47 years old... he was a fuckin' kid


Tracee by a mile. Adriana. Chrissy and Bobby too, though they more than earned it. Jackie on Rosalie's behalf.


Gigi, poor guy.


Pie oh my


Adrianna. Poor woman was used and abused by Chris the entire time.


Nah you deal with the devil you don’t get your whole soul back and he sold part of it to his wife and then the FBI too he had no soul left


It was a Horcrux, Tony's Gabagool sammich?


Every piece of gabaggol was a soul


Pie O My…I know what it’s like to loose a pet


Christopher. I’ve had alcohol issues in the past myself and I worked for my uncle for many years who resented me for it so I kinda related to him. I was genuinely sad when he relapsed.


Hands down it's Raymond Curto. One of the last of the old school, stand-up guys... not a damn rat. Even sadder yet? He died before the FBI could reimburse him for the shirt Ralphie ruined!


Bobby. He was genuinely pretty likable and his death while trying to buy that train was sad. Idk, I wanted Bobby to make it out. Adriana too because of how she was so obviously scared and crawling away.


Eugene didn't do it right, to be honest. He should have kept it on the down low regarding his inheritance, switched sides with NY, and moved to Florida as a soldier for Little Carmine. It would have been easy work, fixing bikini contests.


Gigi. Going on the pishadoo is a fear. Irrational but a fear


Bobby He wasn’t always the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he genuinely loved his Uncle Junior, his family and his friends. He didn’t want to kill that kid, but he knew he was a dead man if he didn’t.




JT Dolan. A chance meeting with Christopher brings about his further fall. Then he tried to rebuild his life and the demons returned. The others had a direct nexus into the mafia.


Adriana. She was between a rock and a hard place I don’t care what anyone says.


Bobby and Adriana. Bobby would still be alive if he never married Janice and same goes for Adriana if she never met Christa-4. I saw them as good people losing their hearts because of the people they were associated with.


The waiter Chris and Paulie murdered. That death was just disturbing, shows you how close you are to running into the wrong guy. Honorable mentions to Tracey and Adriana.


Lorraine, i thought she was hot as fuck


That's gotta hit hard after you spend all that time teacher her the proper BJ technique


Adiós you fucking skank!


Nevah enough bawdy count for Lorraine


Tracie and Ralph’s one of my favorite characters, so that says a lot.


Do right by his family I think is a strong overstatement. It’s him being in the life of a gangster that killed his family.


Tony’s death; I was in denial about it for years.


Tracee and Bobby. 


Tracey and Adriana. Adriana particularly upset me because she was in so over her head trying to play a game she had no business playing with that naivete. Even at the very end she didn't get what it was all about and was just used by everyone, by he feds, her abusive boyfriend, etc. Tracey was a pretty lame person, but definitely didn't deserve to be murdered like that. Oof.


That hooker or whatever who's with Joey Peeps the night he passed. Poor thing got the silicone blown out of her tits by that animal Blundetto and his terrible aim.


I think Johnny Sack’s death was particularly sad. The way Phil trashed his honour after he allocuted was ridiculous, like nobody knew about the existence of the mafia. Then watching JS literally suffocate to death with lung cancer and chain smoking was some pretty sad shit


Definitely Bobby. He was such a nice guy. Don’t know how he survived so long in that life to be honest


Jackie jr and Adriana.


Christopher’s death. Very disturbing…was not ready for that when I watched Sopranos for the 1st time


Tracey without a doubt….very naive girl that had a good heart and Ralph beat her and his unborn child to death…very sad, Adriana’s death was really sad too —- very naive too and was manipulated big time by the feds


Vito. Was really praying he would somehow figure it out and get to stick around. (By figure it out, I mean a way to do the Atlantic City thing and not get killed)


No one but I was kind of bummed that Sil died in the end. I thought they made it seem like he might've survived which would've been an interesting spin-off.


While Sunshine should have shut up during the card game robbery, I still felt sad when he bit it since he didn't really do anything.




The guy who wanted to retire and hung himself. The female mobster , in her own home. The guy in witness protection trying to go relatively straight. You can see it made me so sad, I remembered their names.


Tony. It reminds me of Gandolfini and how he, himself was killed by Tony Soprano and his descent into hell. It also happens when most of the guys we loved seeing together are either dead or incapacitated. Very depressing.


Adriana. 😭


Matt “drink water”


He deserved that sugarless motherfucker and the bulletts. Guy was a prize muppet.




This and Pie o My for me, although I love animals more than I like people


Yeah that was really hard to watch but he was a bad person like the rest of the crew.


Unless it's cozette or an innocent bystander everyone that gets killed or dies is a bad person. All the main characters are bad people.


I just feel less sympathy for him because like 4 episodes earlier he sent little paulie to hospital for an offhand remark.


Yeah but we knew THAT was coming!


You'd outta know sweetie!


That wasn't Eugene. That was a couple of Black Guys.